
How To Use Reviving In A Sentence

  • Equal numbers have congratulated the ad agency for reviving memories of the thrill of discovering a baby is on the way.
  • We often read about overwrought ladies reaching for their vinaigrettes, or of stalwart heroes reviving a swooning damsel by waving a vinaigrette beneath her nose.
  • Moreover, the combined salaries of the three wardens or lieutenants was now less than £400 per annum, and much of this was recouped by reviving the ancient practice of farming the shrievalties.
  • Banks and businesses had been rapidly reviving business activities in China.
  • She is now credited with reviving the entire movement. The Sun
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  • Young company Waking Exploits are reviving this boisterous comedy and taking it out on tour at a moment in time when people's faith in financial institutions is at an all-time low and the word banker has almost become synonymous with villain. This week's new theatre
  • A $5.4 million grant that paid for extra street cleaning and garbage pickup is about to run out, reviving a call to bring a business improvement district to the neighborhood .
  • But in truth we have chosen to shelve the unification-independence dispute and focus on reviving the economy and strengthening Taiwan.
  • Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the country's economy.
  • When taking customer feedback, important to double-back to create evangelists called the groundswell that succeeded in reviving the TV show "Jericho"'squeeky wheels' The revival failed. The Flack
  • They may have seen themselves as reviving a more ancient tradition, that of rhetoric.
  • This would seem to be an opportune moment for reviving our development plan.
  • You have still suggested that, as a Norse Neopagan, I should be prevented from being a foster parent (I would note that I am also an advocate of reviving animal sacrifice within Norse neopaganism). The Volokh Conspiracy » A Religious, Cultural, and Personal Right To Eat Bacon — Even When Your Foster Parents Don’t Allow It in Their Home
  • Yes, well, and if a tumble distorts our ideas of life, and an odd word engrosses our speculations, we are poor creatures, he addressed another friend, from whom he stood constitutionally in dissent naming him Colney; and under pressure of the name, reviving old wrangles between them upon man's present achievements and his probable destinies: especially upon Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Germany's recovery in cost competitiveness has been crucial to its reviving fortunes.
  • You need to rebuild your marriage by paying your wife attention and reviving your love life together. The Sun
  • The latest cash injection will be spent on redesigning the curriculum to meet the needs of a reviving local economy.
  • Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the country's economy.
  • The Devil is unhappily dead, in that international bibliopolic province, and little hope of his reviving for some time; whereupon this is what Squire Appleton does. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
  • The collection also celebrates Pringle's 190th anniversary and the 70th birthday of the twinset - which both occur next year - by reviving classic designs.
  • This could mean councils making loans to housing associations or going back into the sector themselves, reviving the council house. Times, Sunday Times
  • Klein will be in Brazil this week to join a debate on future tactics that is gradually reviving in websites across the world.
  • This conversation has the effect of reviving my old questions not about the war itself — of which I disapproved from the first day, and of which my analysis hasn't varied at all — but about these strange characters whom we in France stubbornly persist in demonizing ( "princes of darkness") or ridiculing with simplistic epithets ( "neo-cons," which can also mean, in French, "neo-dummies"), but who aren't quite as uni-dimensional as they may seem. In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part IV)
  • In the AP interview, he said he has no interest in reviving the program and instead would focus on alternative sentencing programs to reduce the prison population. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn Provides Vague Ideas On Closing Budget Gap In Interview
  • One of the most rewarding and interesting parts of my job is when I treat an individual who has already lost hope and I see that he is reviving through my supports and intervention.
  • Or have deranged boosters and desperate civic organizations hellbent on reviving the local economy threatened to break journalists' legs if they leave some jerkwater dump off the list of the 10 Best Places to Spend Your Golden Years? Ten Best Places to Read About Silly Lists
  • Meanwhile, there's a new arrival in town: the glowingly blond Archangel Raziel last seen in Lamb has come "dirtside" on a "miracle mission" involving Josh's wish and reviving the town's dearly departed. Archive 2008-12-01
  • The line will become an'economic powerhouse' reviving our great cities and triggering a jobs bonanza. The Sun
  • A place to restore body and soul over huge steaming bowls of noodles swimming in broth and shiny black bento boxes of sushi, dumplings and tempura, washed down with reviving miso soup.
  • From the sensations I then had, I felt an inner conviction of the liveliest kind, that without some powerful and reviving stimulus I should either have died on the spot, or should at least have sunk to a point of exhaustion from which all reascent under my friendless circumstances would soon have become hopeless. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  • At Alchemy he has acquired a reputation for snapping up and reviving ailing companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Making room for new histories, that situate the events of l965 as one of many possibilities rather than as a predestined outcome, may be one way of reviving the truth and reconciliation commission in another form.
  • Reviving the recipe by using the gingery ham stock really does bring it to life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The auction is seen as a crucial turning point in reviving Mexico's production decline. Times, Sunday Times
  • The auction is seen as a crucial turning point in reviving Mexico's production decline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Look at any of the six movies that the Oak Street is reviving this week, and you'll find an agelessness unknown to most other films.
  • With the government's finances stretched, though, much of the burden of reviving the economy has fallen to the Bank of Japan, which, in theory, has limitless resources to print money.
  • It is in discussions about reviving a Saab sale to Dutch car maker Spyker Cars NV.
  • Friends and family quickly came to the helpless dog's aid, rescuing and reviving him from almost certain death.
  • She is now credited with reviving the entire movement. The Sun
  • The drive to recolonise Africa is also reviving old colonial-era regions.
  • Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.
  • Gold mining is capable of absorbing thousands of surplus workers, reviving numerous trades and industries dependent upon mining activity, and assisting in decentralising excessive populations in capital cities. Our Economic Dependence on Mining
  • We also agree with the president's remedy for reviving the ailing economy by strengthening its fundamental health rather than giving it a shot in the arm.
  • There is a discussion in the commentary on the bill, under the heading "Reviving certain lapsed coastal permits", that explains why that provision has been put in place.
  • Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the country's economy.
  • With a promptitude that was absolutely terrifying the two lines of red shirts began to draw together, voices growling bodingly, fists clinching, eyes narrowing with the reviving hatred of old contests. The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
  • Then, after ending his verses, he fainted again; and, presently reviving he went on to the second cage, wherein he found a ringdove. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In a moment of fancy, I leaned forward to gently kiss her on the lips, much like the prince reviving Princess Aurora from enchanted slumber.
  • The line will become an'economic powerhouse' reviving our great cities and triggering a jobs bonanza. The Sun
  • Tina indicated back in 2008 it's not a character she is keen on reviving, I think it's probably a bit embarassing for her to play an airheaded bimbo. djb Fey likely to revive Palin impersonation
  • A moment later a burst of energy rushed through her, reviving her.
  • Yet the spectacle of a Japanese premier committed to reviving his country's competitive strength, even at the cost of his own career, has caught the imagination of voters and businessmen alike.
  • It is a key part of his reform package aimed at reviving the economy and encouraging foreign investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • They saw potential in reviving a technology used a century ago at the dawn of the auto age, then soon abandoned for cars. AC Propulsion has been electrifying cars for decades
  • Participants got hip to this and more at Tease-O-Rama 2002, the second annual national convention devoted to reviving burlesque, go-go dancing, and vaudeville.
  • Reviving himself from his contemplations, Jonathan got up and stretched luxuriously before striding purposefully to his desk and examined the items left there by Thom.
  • As you will see from their website, they specialise in reviving British films that are so obscure that even I have never heard of them. The Voice of Merrill and James Robertson Justice
  • They laid him on the ground behind one of the large stone benches at the entryway and radioed around frantically, while the man's companions tried reviving him.
  • This project has been helpful in reviving the economy and building economic institutions in Jenin and improving realities on the ground. Wonk Room » Comprehensive Approach Builds on Existing Efforts Towards Two-State Solution
  • And his self-despite was so strong that he knew reviving an old flame or chasing some young actress would only aggravate it.
  • The most immediate effect of the bankruptcy and the State's reviving capacity for taxing its citizens was to increase its unpopularity among the very propertied groups on which it claimed to base its support.
  • Such hollow ideas may serve the narcissistic needs and short term interests of a few, but what begins as simple negation can end in nihilistic disaster as those with hollow ideas and hardened avoid the real work of reviving the heart of culture and tending to the soul of the country. The Full Feed from
  • But their age-old political animus is reviving too; only a fifth of China's exports are in categories that compete with Japanese ones.
  • The mere sound of the word ‘monsoon’ conjures up magical images of heavy rain rejuvenating and reviving a starved, parched and barren land.
  • They were alarmed by a potential inrush of Indian traders from East Africa - who soon turned out to be invaluable additions to the economy, reviving corner-shops and pharmacies, and building up small businesses throughout Britain.
  • Another reason history flourishes in golf is that the major championships return to familiar venues, reviving golden memories of momentous victories and, yes, unforgettable blunders. 10 who made game greater
  • According to Dr. Srinivas, once we are able to refresh our memory of our rich past and our timeless heritage, we would be in a position to rededicate ourselves to reviving the affluence and wisdom of India.
  • Knob" and "puttock", a terrific word that surely deserves reviving. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • If you're feeling a touch post-prandial, a good soak in this relaxing emollient will be most reviving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.
  • The auction is seen as a crucial turning point in reviving Mexico's production decline. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's downhill from there, a situation not helped by the BBC constantly reviving it because they feel the need to get a Christmas blockbuster.
  • One of the best bits of the Victorian era that steampunk has gently been reviving is the manners and the politeness. » Blog Archive » GUEST BLOGPOST: In Which a Delivishly Clever Archeologist Writes with a Most Scandalous Flair!
  • The question is how effective it will be in reviving the economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the morning the bright sun rose and quickly ate up the thin ice covering the water, and the warm air was all atremble, filled with the vapors of the reviving earth. Tolstoy III: Invisible Larks
  • It is a key part of his reform package aimed at reviving the economy and encouraging foreign investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead he labeled those who raised the questions as purveyors of "blood libel accusations," i.e., to be saying something equivalent in its dastardliness to reviving the medieval canard that Jews used the blood of Christians to bake their matzoth at Passover. Dissent & Israel: An Exchange
  • Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.
  • This would seem to be an opportune moment for reviving our development plan.
  • The deal delighted local residents by reviving 160 years of steelmaking at the site. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though Te Whiti died in 1907, his spirit of peace is still alive at the slowly reviving kainga - and way beyond.
  • Subhash Dagar of Sagarpur village claimed that the rains would be helpful in reviving nearly all the kharif crops, including sugarcane, paddy, bajra, jowar and pulses.
  • Amphitryon then speaks to his wife, who is reviving after having fainted in his arms.
  • Note that I try to stay up to speed on this issue because I am a proponent for reviving animal sacrifice within Norse Paganism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
  • For him, the Kirk is in dire need of reformation and reviving.
  • This witch's brew serves to annoy the immune system, reviving it up enough to attack cancer cells that are carrying the same sugars and protein fragment.
  • Once your plant has gotten to the point of being limp, leathery, and wrinkled, reviving the plant is usually a long process and often unsuccessful.
  • There needs to be the true preaching of the Word in the church that will bring reviving and awakening.
  • Reviving the spirit of Dada, Fluxus was fervently opposed to artistic tradition and to everything that savoured of professionalism in the arts.
  • Her friends subsequently carried her body to a marabout, an intermediary between the spiritual and the physical world, who succeeded in reviving her.
  • You have still suggested that, as a Norse Neopagan, I should be prevented from being a foster parent I would note that I am also an advocate of reviving animal sacrifice within Norse neopaganism. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Religious, Cultural, and Personal Right To Eat Bacon — Even When Your Foster Parents Don’t Allow It in Their Home
  • With sudden reviving the daze went out of her features and the old light came back to her eyes, the far-seeing, undaunted light that had beaconed the long way from Grand Portage. The Maid of the Whispering Hills
  • He is now reviving the and says that it is time for the to end its inverted snobbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Devil is unhappily dead, in that international bibliopolic province, and little hope of his reviving for some time; whereupon this is what Squire Appleton does. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
  • The competitive spirit flows strongly, too, in the rapidly reviving brass band.
  • With journalists gone, the chief composer of the paper was left with the task of reviving it.
  • Zhuge Liang defined the policy of combining Wu against Cao, reviving the Han Dynasty in "Long Zhong Countermove". He won the victory of Chibi Battle, and showed great vitality of Sun Liu Alliance.
  • At Alchemy he has acquired a reputation for snapping up and reviving ailing companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • English degree construction plays an irreplaceable role in the process of reviving northeast old industrial base, which is the inevitable result of the globalization.
  • Self-reliance and individualism can be made meaningful for all only by first reviving the power of collective action.
  • The traditionalists are also reviving their designs, either recolouring or launching contemporary ranges.
  • This would seem to be an opportune moment for reviving our development plan.
  • It is only by setting aside the idea of uniformitarianism and reviving some degree of catastrophism that more satisfactory explanations can be given for much of what seems to have happened in the past. New Scientist - Online News
  • Despite security and infrastructure challenges, Afghanistan's private sector is slowly reviving from the bottom up.
  • Panache provides the women folk nostalgic images by reviving the art of handmade jewellery as they are now not in vogue.
  • Your political model may have won, but we'll infect your society by reviving militant antimilitarism, a yearning for security at all cost, and a craze for distributive justice -- until the whole country is paralyzed. Republic of Fear
  • Two years later these soul supporters of the Chinook formed the Chinook Owners Association and dedicated themselves to reviving Walden's ponderable vision.
  • Reviving in time to set out on his annual spring itineration, accompanied by the stout-hearted Ma Pangbo who had been accused of corruption along with all the rest, he found his chapels and schools closed down, his native preachers dismissed and their congregations scattered. PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the country's economy.
  • His commercial passion and specialist knowledge lies in reviving and growing heritage brands.
  • Talk of reviving the military draft, to supply enough troops for the war on terror, is just that, talk.
  • A full 25 years ago this victorious cancer survivor had started reviving the endangered tradition of kantha. The Times of India
  • Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.
  • The English once had a continuity myth involving the ancients in the story of the eponymous Trojan, Brutus, but this fantasy had largely evanesced by the time Pope briefly toyed with the idea of reviving it.
  • But sometimes a quick zizz for 15 or 20 minutes is wonderfully reviving.
  • The question is how effective it will be in reviving the economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • At Alchemy he has acquired a reputation for snapping up and reviving ailing companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attracting numerous barbarian auxiliaries through generous payments, Justinian managed to reconquer much of Italy and the coastal strip of southern Spain, bolstering his claim to be reviving the empire's glory.
  • I believe that it might be useful in reviving the term, perhaps as you suggest as a stalking horse in divesting the Federal Government of its enormous power. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Post-War Devastation
  • Would anyone be interested in reviving the Qabalah project, if it really isn't finished?
  • Equal numbers have congratulated the ad agency for reviving memories of the thrill of discovering a baby is on the way.
  • They 'uz all birds o' paradise! the whole kit an 'bilin'! by reason 'at this _wah_ a paradise them days, this-yeh whole' Azoo Delta, which you, suh" -- the speaker turned to Gilmore with reviving spleen. Gideon's Band A Tale of the Mississippi
  • A few species of French wolf spiders have been found to survive underwater "drownings," reviving after several hours in "comas. Archive 2009-04-01
  • And his self-despite was so strong that he knew reviving an old flame or chasing some young actress would only aggravate it.
  • The various rules governing who can and can't hoist their mashie niblick around the famous Old Course – let alone who can sip a reviving Gin and It in the clubhouse – are rather too byzantine for speedy summary and perhaps in any case beyond the understanding of fluffy-headed ladies. Golf's bogey men belong to another age | Alex Clark
  • The pair's work, reviving the ancient art of decoration using fringing, trimming and braiding is reflected in their home.
  • The survey team rediscovered the earthworks, reviving the possibility that a 16th century fort may still exist on the Norfolk coast.
  • It is a key part of his reform package aimed at reviving the economy and encouraging foreign investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Giving complete novices the responsibility for reviving a feckless football team would, in itself, be irresponsible.
  • Never mind fancy energy drinks or cool cola, an East Lancashire company is reviving some old favourites to tantalise our tastebuds.
  • Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the country's economy.
  • Apart from reports about a possible Zune/Xbox linkup, one source who has been accurate in the past recently cited the possibility of an Allard project reviving the Tablet PC. P2pnet World Headlines – May 18, 2009
  • He is presenting himself as a man who has little time for the chattering classes, the academics and lawyers and newspaper columnists who will recoil from the spectre of reviving chain gangs, and all the time in the world for the people he describes as "hard-working Ontarians who play by the rules. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Banks and businesses had been rapidly reviving business activities in China.
  • Using the best local materials and reviving traditional techniques, Abu and Sandeep re-create an India of rajahs and maharanis for Bollywood and Hollywood's elite.
  • Instead, he says, Ma can heal the divisions while reviving civic pride.
  • You have still suggested that, as a Norse Neopagan, I should be prevented from being a foster parent (I would note that I am also an advocate of reviving animal sacrifice within Norse neopaganism). The Volokh Conspiracy » A Religious, Cultural, and Personal Right To Eat Bacon — Even When Your Foster Parents Don’t Allow It in Their Home
  • The traditionalists are also reviving their designs, either recolouring or launching contemporary ranges.
  • This would seem to be an opportune moment for reviving our development plan.
  • Italy's other major aims over the six month presidential term are the adoption of the EU Constitution in Rome, dynamising the EU economy and reviving the idea of building trans-European corridors.
  • A surge of new corporate bond issues, including several eye-catching issuers such as China Mobile, since last year may well indicate that the industry is reviving.
  • Whether old-fashioned or newfangled, they blight surrounding neighborhoods and prevent them from reviving.
  • The London-based private investment firm specializes in reviving heritage brands.
  • You need to rebuild your marriage by paying your wife attention and reviving your love life together. The Sun
  • And in another victory for Iraqi civil society, the Boy Scout movement is slowly reviving too, with some essential help from their American counterparts.
  • He founded the Centre in 1997 with the determination to improve the quality of life of all citizens of India by reviving and reinvigorating the institutions of civil society.
  • And now, as Homo sapiens domesticates the new biotechnology, we are reviving the ancient pre-Darwinian practice of horizontal gene transfer, moving genes easily from microbes to plants and animals, blurring the boundaries between species. 2008 January - Telic Thoughts
  • She is now credited with reviving the entire movement. The Sun
  • Since they represent the public sector, they are not that interested in reviving the market economy. France's Perpetual Revolution
  • The question is how effective it will be in reviving the economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • A plan for reviving Kremikovtzi steelworks was approved at a session of the joint committee of the European Commission and Bulgaria in Brussels, the Economy Ministry announced last week.
  • The pair's work, reviving the ancient art of passementerie - decoration using fringing, trimming and braiding - is reflected in their home.
  • Allow me to wet my lips in spring water, to feel its freshness, reviving freshness.
  • The theatre is also reviving three short plays in the hope that it will help enlighten people about narrow mindsets, prejudice, parochialism etc.
  • These ladies know a good part of your story; and, let me tell you, what they know is more to your credit than mine; so that if I have no averseness to reviving the occasion, you may very well bear it. Pamela
  • Giving up any hope of reviving the fire, she wiped the fat from her chin and tucked the hypodermic syringe into its leather wallet. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • The patter of the rain lessened and grew still; a sweet reviving air blew in at the windows. Melbourne House
  • Part of the rise of alternative comics beginning in the late 1980s was the rise of the graphic novel, reviving the 1960s underground comix.
  • The performance was an attempt at reviving the legendary playing of music prior to the celestial wedding of Goddess Meenakshi with Lord Sundareswarar.
  • The film comes close to reviving the old Monophysite heresy - as if Jesus is totally divine in nature.
  • He urged Church reform on the Merovingians, reviving the vicariate of Arles at their request.
  • Cavarero writes generically complex tales of the narratable self, reviving the writerly tradition of Roland Barthes, and echoing his recognition of eros, love, and desire.
  • At Alchemy he has acquired a reputation for snapping up and reviving ailing companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • And since God, at first, breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, and breathes the breath of the new life still, the smell of their nostrils is like the smell of apples, or oranges, which is pleasing and reviving. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • News that Jennifer Saunders is reviving the show for three episodes to mark its 20th anniversary next year could not be timelier. Why Absolutely Fabulous now looks absolutely prescient | Paul Flynn
  • You need to rebuild your marriage by paying your wife attention and reviving your love life together. The Sun
  • What fun I had singing along to Rupert the Bear, hamming it up to I've Never Been To Me, and reviving my wannabe-Clare Grogan (didn't everybody, back then?) act to I Could Be Happy.
  • Third, entertaining Syria, whether through peace with Israel or through reviving US-Syrian bilateral relations would keep Syria quite, and therefore the region stabile. Rethinking Engaging Syria
  • Some cynics say the people who subject themselves to potential humiliation on celebrity shows are doing it in hopes of reviving collapsed careers.
  • He vigorously applied Charles's policy of raising money by reviving the ancient Forest administration.
  • Almost a month after India's most fashionable week - Lakme India Fashion Week - came to an end here, fashion fatigue appears to be wearing off and the industry appears to be reviving.
  • Behind the late twentieth century reviving and respecifying of the place of Afro-Antiguans and Barbudans in the cultural life of the society, is a history of race/ethnic relations that systematically excluded them.
  • Reviving the spirit of Dada, Fluxus was fervently opposed to artistic tradition and to everything that savoured of professionalism in the arts.
  • As disastrous as the space shuttle destruction was, it resulted in reviving America's expendable launch vehicle industry.
  • From June 2004 until June 2005 about six and a half inches fell, reviving dormant flower seeds and leaving small lakes - where desert pupfish are having a boom year - in place of dry, salty flats.
  • These are only the first steps needed to begin reviving our sick aviation industry.
  • The Gaiety is reviving John B. Kean's comedy "The Man from Clare".
  • She has already been instrumental in reviving the population of another critically endangered native species, the black stilt or kaki.
  • She tries to be tough and wild and badass while reviving the grunge rock of the early 1990s with an angsty feminine twist.
  • The various rules governing who can and can't hoist their mashie niblick around the famous Old Course – let alone who can sip a reviving Gin and It in the clubhouse – are rather too byzantine for speedy summary and perhaps in any case beyond the understanding of fluffy-headed ladies. Golf's bogey men belong to another age | Alex Clark
  • There is also much to be said in favour of reviving the seaside holiday in our local resorts which, despite unpredictable weather, can be fun.
  • Maybe instead of letting someone who has NEVER run a company before running this country we allow someone who has tremendous experience in reviving failing businesses ... Romney PAC raises $1.6M in six months
  • I cannot thank you enough Ladia Lydia for again reviving our sence of what is right and good in this world. Music Of Your Life

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