How To Use Revitalising In A Sentence
The new young homesteaders had a real interest in revitalizing agriculture.
I believe that by allowing readers to participate in the news cycle, bloggers are revitalizing democracy.
And he's revitalising buzzy areas such as biologics and personalised medicine.
Times, Sunday Times
But local groups have now slammed the unimaginative proposal and condemned it as a lost opportunity for revitalising the town.
However, that thorn has yet to trouble the organisers, who are revitalising and expanding the event.
Trying to restore sky power, Nigeria Airways officials have begun the process of revitalizing the failing airline.
This yoga is focused on personal transformation and revitalising your body.
Times, Sunday Times
Once again, Wolfowitz is claiming that the strategic balance is beginning to tip against the US, and that therefore the US ought to engage in a major effort at revitalising its own capabilities.
New Orleans was also the victim of a prolonged failure of the federal government to adopt and fund a serious strategy for revitalizing urban centers.
It says it is nonsense to talk of revitalizing the construction industry, because that would fuel real estate speculation.
Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul.
This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry, lifeless hair.
Despite these shortcomings, Bartley still deserves credit for revitalizing the editorial form.
The active revitalising ingredient helps the skin strengthen its energy reserves.
Revitalising global agriculture will not be easy.
Maybelline, with 1994 revenue of $ 352. 6 million, makes Great Lash mascara and Revitalizing makeup.
Simply smear on a generous amount over your skin after cleansing to make a revitalising face mask.
The company's resources were reallocated to support the diversification strategy, and over time, sales of the new product lines grew, increasing earnings and revitalizing top line growth.
It may, as Michael suggests, turn out to be a good thing in the long run, revitalizing our political system and getting people engaged.
He said the government is divided, with one part working against another on a host of issues including the budget, revitalizing the stock market and liberalizing taxes.
The creative economy has been a key driver in the revitalising of cities and regions previously reliant on manufacturing industry.
Times, Sunday Times
Glavin and Leier had their conversation about revitalizing the union movement on May Day, a day to commemorate international working class solidarity.
When the skin is so dry that it tends to flake, the best carrier seems to be a fifty-fifty blend of sweet almond and corn oil with 10 per cent of organic wheatgerm oil to provide more of the revitalizing and restorative vitamin E.
The box stores sit in the middle of already existing major shopping areas, beside subway stops, and have the opposite effect, if anything, revitalizing cruddy areas and triggering some urban renewal.
It is paramount in revitalizing struggling urban centers and dilapidating historic districts.
Howie Klein: Bobby Jindal Don't Like No Science And Don't Like No Art -- So That Makes Him A Bona Fide Redneck?
Instead of spicing up or revitalizing my sexual relations, these experiments just left me loving my partners less.
Her and achievement in revitalizing the Irish language through poem writing and highly praised.
The active revitalising ingredient helps the skin strengthen its energy reserves.
As the hot, revitalising water began sluicing through her hair, gentle jazz piano wafted from the main dorm.
A ham sandwich and a cup of revitalising tea were sufficient to send me instantly into an afternoon zizz.
He may talk about revitalizing the secret service and the military, but his government does not have the money to effectively oppress its citizens.
This 100 percent plant-derived concentrate is formulated with antioxidant açaí and cocoa, nutrition-rich rosehip oil and revitalizing Amazonian botanicals.
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By revitalizing the oft-dormant offense, McNair once again legitimized the Ravens as Super Bowl contenders.
NFL season rewind: Team MVPs
This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry, lifeless hair.
Over the years, he has driven the expansion of this global marketer of personal care brands by acquiring and revitalising well known heritage brands including Lypsyl, Harmony and Yardley.
Revitalizing view is the major premise of innovating management.
Revitalizing the craft Painter says a renaissance in carving, finishing and gilding has occured in the past 10 or 15 years.
The creative economy has been a key driver in the revitalising of cities and regions previously reliant on manufacturing industry.
Times, Sunday Times
The two major pillars for revitalizing the dormant economy are corporate capital spending and private consumption.
This interpretation is essential for revitalizing ethnic literature.
Modern telecommunications infrastructure can play a critical role in revitalizing the economy of an underserved community.
Perhaps it is the increasing competition from other recruiting grounds that is revitalizing the tournament.
Despite that threat, they threw themselves into the task of revitalising the place.
Plus, revitalizing the inner city and downtown area is essential.
Many bars opened, revitalising the city's nightlife.
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Already, these new entrepreneurs are revitalizing the economy.
This startling reversal of fortune is instructive of the way in which modern management techniques are revitalizing Chinese business.
These strategies, many believe, are also key to revitalizing our inner cities and helping to mitigate the effects of suburban sprawl.
The sponsor may not have been too happy but Ann later credited the commercial with revitalizing her career in the seventies.
So much talk now about revitalizing the islands: would it come to anything?
It's a revitalising point outside of the calf and below the knee.
Revitalizing suburbs and building biobanks are great ideas, but none will be executed if our future leaders don't believe these projects will benefit anyone.
This lightweight, creamy shower mousse softens and smooths the skin while you enjoy the refreshing and revitalising notes of the Eau Dynamisante fragrance.
There are of course short term techniques such as water harvesting by revitalizing rural ponds, water recycling to water conservation.
The local legislation of revitalizing the Northeast old industrial base has its special status and function.
A truly refreshing floral aroma with fresh top notes of revitalising green tea and sweet bergamot, sweetened by notes of juicy mandarin and soft orange.
But this should not obscure the fact that many of the elements which have made Hydro such a great organization and a primary engine of the Ontario economy in the past give it a unique capacity to make a major contribution to the indispensable task we now face of revitalizing and remoulding our economy.
Re-Energizing Ontario
What are we going to do about housing, health, education, the environment, creating jobs, revitalizing our economies?
His ideas about revitalizing the company's activities are like a breath of fresh air.
The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is revitalising its network of information points and is urging local shops, pubs and cafes to join in the promotion push.