How To Use Review article In A Sentence

  • In his review article Professor Derby looks at experiments where porous structures have been made through bioprinting.
  • Developing countries could produce cheaper vaccines that protect against cervical cancer by using routes that do not violate patents on existing costly products, a review article suggests.
  • There are new publications, as always, but basically this is a brief review article presented with a misleadingly newsy sort of flavor.
  • Roberts' attitude is that he and the other eight justices are a singular and unique segment of human society capable of regulating their behavior completely on their own, based on standards that each justice gets to make up for themselves -- a smidgeon of Code here; a pinch of law review articles there; topped off with a chat in the hallway with their colleagues. Nan Aron: John Roberts on Ethics: Move Along, Nothing to See Here
  • She has little paper trail; she was never a judge and has no judicial opinions to scrutinize and has written relatively few law review articles. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
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  • We searched all reference lists and review articles for additional works, and we contacted our regional specialists in anaesthesia, intensive care medicine, radiology, orthopaedics, and neurosurgery.
  • And despite the law review articles cited in the brief in heller, claims that the bill of rts was incorpd were mere drops in the bucket compared to the alternative view. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Justice Stevens Sees Himself as a “Judicial Conservative”
  • The same methods were used to calculate the 2001 estimates in the current review article.
  • Several books and review articles focused on micrometry and stereology been published by leading researchers in the field and were utilized as references to prepare the measurement discussions included in the MicroscopyU website.
  • Empiric studies have shown that the quality of a review article is often superior when it is written by a nonexpert.
  • He is also the author of several law review articles, op-ed pieces, and scholarly essays.
  • (The inner margins of the New York World displayed in the review article would be lost in the gutter if filmed without being disbound.) 'Scare Tactics'
  • In a state of the art review article, Chan and colleagues discuss calcium deposition with or without bone formation in the lung.
  • We searched all reference lists and review articles for additional works, and we contacted our regional specialists in anaesthesia, intensive care medicine, radiology, orthopaedics, and neurosurgery.
  • ; Landeg White, "Review Article: The Revolutions Ten Years On," Journal of Southern African Studies 11, no. 2 (1985): 320-32; and Arlindo Chilundo, "Recent Trends in Mozambican Historiography," unpublished paper, Maputo, 1987. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • These guests call into our UNL studio, where our student-hosts command the microphone with dog-eared, highlighted copies of the guest's most important law-review articles at hand, giving each other high-fives whenever a guest says, "Student podcaster, that is an excellent question. Marvin Ammori: Law Podcast Series: American Constitution Society, UNL
  • I probably buried myself in work on a law review article.
  • As Dr. Laursen notes in a review article, “The mechanisms underlying the performance effects associated with precooling are not yet completely understood.” Study: Drinking a Slushie Before You Exercise Helps Beat the Heat | Impact Lab
  • The latest volume in this series contains six original essays, a lengthy review article, and a number of book notices.
  • The evidence and theory behind the work was described in a great 2003 review article which notes that the importance lies not so much in the subject or action words, but in the 'bitty' parts of speech, such as the use of pronouns (I, you, we and so on). Mind Hacks
  • As the number of references that could be cited was limited, we have often referenced review articles rather than original publications.
  • There are new publications, as always, but basically this is a brief review article presented with a misleadingly newsy sort of flavor.
  • In a review article, he concluded that physical factors were most important to determine the upper and lower limits of intertidal communities, but biological factors predominated in life between the tidemarks.

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