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How To Use Reversion In A Sentence

  • Another friend notes a shift in the type of gifts given at wedding showers, a reversion to 1950s-style offerings: soup ladles and frilly aprons are being unwrapped along with see-through nighties and push-up bras.
  • The change in occupational structure shows the image of a reversion to trend after the short-term break caused by the economic crisis.
  • The most powerful impulse of the time can be summed up as neoclassicism, a reversion to the purist attempts of the Renaissance to reproduce classical models.
  • The bureau still enacts the legally specified reversion level, which is still greater than the median voter's most preferred choice.
  • The British are still reticent about their deepest fears - class war, a reversion to economic feudalism, the spectre of an all-dominant and all-vapid consumer society.
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  • reversionary annuity
  • The country has no reason to believe that 2005 will see any reversion to the unchecked lawlessness that, at J'Ouvert in Port-of-Spain, for example, has scared away some would-be participants.
  • I'm trying to prevent the reversion of my garden to nature.
  • When the house is eventually vacated and sold, the proceeds are divided between the reversion company and the homeowner, or the beneficiaries of the estate if the homeowner has died.
  • Paré gives a case of reversion, and of crooked hands and feet; and Barlow 11.54 speaks of a child of two and three-quarter years with kyphosis, but mobility of the lumbar region, which walked on its elbows and knees. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Members of the audience actually gasped when Hayek referred to Socialism as 'atavistic' - the reversion to an older, more primitive form. Socialism as Primitivism, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The test is based on phenotypical reversion to the wild-type red eye colour.
  • Another way to put this: changes in temperature anomolies are larger than expected under iid, have no significant drift, and have strong reversion. Revkin on the Hansen Fiasco « Climate Audit
  • Numerous heirs at law, reversioners, and creditors implored the Upper House to introduce such provisoes as might secure the innocent against all danger of being involved in the punishment of the guilty. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 3
  • Enforcement following assignment of the reversion Liability of T towards L2 and vice-versa rests upon a statutory basis.
  • Their value and purpose would be undermined if the security was always defeasible on a transfer of his reversion by the reversioner.
  • The foldout of immunization certificate was the white-black picture of poster. After reversion, 95.6% targets could understand and 97.8% targets had acceptability and approval to the foldout.
  • Either Americans 'reaction to the shootings at Fort Hood are a reversion to the early days after 9/11, when every brown-skinned man in a skullcap was a terrorist suspect. False Dichotomies
  • For a moment, there would be a shimmer of gold, purple, emerald green and rust, then the reversion to slate grey. CHAMELEON
  • If the subinfeudatory lord alienated, it would operate as a forfeiture to the person in immediate reversion. Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Does reversion, allowing a return to the vegetative mode after flowering, have any relevance to life-history strategy?
  • When your home is eventually sold on your death or on moving into care, the reversion company gets the agreed percentage of the sale proceeds - typically 50% - 75%.
  • If, however, the grantor were to give away his full estate to a series of people, he will have kept no reversion in the property and the future interests he has created will be called remainders.
  • It was never intended that the bankrupt would acquire any beneficial interest in the Freehold Reversion and I do not believe that he did so.
  • From this screen, 13 wpch mutants were recovered with reduced somatic mosaicism and low germline reversion rates.
  • * Nam et Porphyrius quandam quasi purgationem animae per theurgian, cunctanter tamen et pudibunda quodam modo disputatione, promittit, reversionem vero ad deum hanc artem praestare cuiquam negat, ut videas eum inter vitium sacrilegae curiositatis et philosophiae professionem sententiis alternantibus fluctuare: [1675] 1 The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • But in the vast, vast majority of cases, (literally gigabytes of data), allowing for defects in our quantitation of changes (a mutation and reversion to the original state will be scored as 0 events instead of 2), the data are perfectly consistent with RM+NS and non-Darwinian mechanisms like drift. But it's not Science!
  • So, too, some of the alterations met with appear susceptible of no other explanations than that they are reversions to some pre-existing form, or, at any rate, that they are manifestations of a phase of the plant affected different from that which is habitual, and due, as it were, to a sort of allotropism. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The institution of joint army/police patrols in the cities aroused mixed feelings; they may have been necessary where crime was large-scale and violent, but they were thought to symbolize a reversion to coercive practices.
  • Warblington Urban District Council shows, this category may include a person in actual possession who has no right to be there, and in any event a reversioner can sue in so far his reversionary interest is affected.
  • Some peddling attorney, however, had ‘unadvisedly’ made its reversion expectant on the death of Morris.
  • ‘It's very important to press ahead to avoid a reversion to the bad old days,’ said one person.
  • Next year sees the 10th anniversary of the Treaty of Granita, when Gordon ceded the leadership to Tony, on the promise of the reversion of it within a decade.
  • That creates the risk of a sudden reversion that could wipe out earlier profits.
  • It was a reversion to type not unknown from the leader of a party that, from the start, set itself firmly against democracy and inclusivity.
  • Thirdly, do they say there was an estate in reversion created in the Crown under these statutes?
  • The fact that he is working again is already a blessing, and the fact that he is remaking a masterpiece doesn't in this case mean any reversion to formula.
  • But one senior WHO insider said that there has been a gradual reversion to the old hierarchical system.
  • Why, nothing capital of my master’s wardrobe has dropped lately; but I could give you a mortgage on some of his winter clothes, with equity of redemption before November—or you shall have the reversion of the French velvet, or a post-obit on the blue and silver; —these, I should think, Moses, with a few pair of point ruffles, as a collateral security—hey, my little fellow? Act Third. Scene II
  • With the death of the suburbs and the farms had come a reversion to an almost prehistoric tranquillity in the Sacramento Valley.
  • If the reversion level is, the median voter may vote for an output of almost.
  • Any such level of output will put the median voter on a higher indifference curve than would the reversion level.
  • On the other hand, aphids can infect raspberries with incurable virus diseases, and blackcurrant reversion is spread by big-bud mites.
  • There was the prospect of too good a fortune in reversion when Charles married Dina.
  • Lee leaves behind a young, but firmly rooted democracy, that makes a reversion to the past decade's reforms only a very remote possibility.
  • If you decide you want an income, you usually have to buy an annuity from the reversion company so you have to bear in mind that if you pop your clogs soon after, then you won't get the full value of the plan.
  • Although this might seem a reversion to earlier consensus or opinion based guidelines, it is very useful where necessary evidence is found to be lacking despite an extensive literature search.
  • Enforcement following assignment of the reversion Liability of T towards L2 and vice-versa rests upon a statutory basis.
  • His references to ‘God’ did not mark a reversion to religion, but expressed a certain awe at the workings of nature.
  • First, Length of time since the title accrued, which vras from the death of Lord Cowper*s first wife in reversion, if not Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench [1695-1735]
  • For these reasons we prefer the analysis put forward in the respondent's notice to the theory of automatic reversion which the judge favoured.
  • Most Irish commentators speak in terms of soft landings, corrections, or a reversion to more balanced growth rates from 2008 onwards.
  • Further south, e.g. in the region round Beit Jibrin, they are more frequently sunk vertically, the entrance being in the roof of the burial chamber, or approached by a square shaft (a reversion to the Second Semitic form, except that these latter have _round_ shafts). How to Observe in Archaeology
  • This may be particularly important to the freehold reversioner or a remainderman, following on after a tenant for life, who should accordingly make immediate enquiries about such matters as soon as his interest vests in possession.
  • If this is not done, then the person who has the reversion may bring an action before the bailiffs, either by gage and pledge or by writ.
  • _Ledum_, _Monotropa_ and _Pyrola_, or the Labrador tea, the Indian pipe and wintergreen are instances of reversionary gamopetalism with free petals. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • There was the prospect of too good a fortune in reversion when Charles married Dina.
  • But those weasel phrases get tiresome after a while, and people do tend to gloss over them; and, hey, I'm always interested in finding more gnarly ideas to take apart and play with; so I thought that even if I am going to blather away with my own jazz riffs on what I understand Todorov or Clute to be saying -- to grab these basic themes wherever I find them, see if I can play them back by ear, and if they sound right run with that, rephrasing them and putting them through the conversions, inversions and reversions of my own twisty, turny logic -- well, more grist for the mill is always fun. Freeform Critique
  • The sexual organs are, then, specialized branches; but their special character does not prevent their showing occasional reversional features, recalling their primi - tive nature. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • This may explain the sometimes rapid reversion to ancestral cell sizes.
  • For the heated film, the substantial reversion of the transformed film to the original behavior occurred without any discontinuous change in area or in the slope of the heating isobar.
  • The reversionary bonuses which were declared from time to time under the policy, which once declared are allotted to all unmatured policies and become guaranteed.
  • In what follows, we are primarily concerned with disposition on sale, but it must be remembered that there are other occasions besides sale on which leases and reversions may pass to new owners.
  • Mr Shapiro accepted that the proposed underletting to Telco would cause no risk to Riverland's income stream, or to the value of Riverland's reversion, during the remainder of the term of the Lease.
  • The country has no reason to believe that 2005 will see any reversion to the unchecked lawlessness that, at J'Ouvert in Port-of-Spain, for example, has scared away some would-be participants.
  • It's not a ‘media revolution’, it's a reversion to feudal medievalism.
  • Of the two main products, lifetime mortgages will come under FSA regulation and ombudsman protection, but home reversion plans will not - at least for the time being.
  • Lord paramount over the empire of mind as well as matter, he alone is seized, in fee simple right, of the whole domain: provinces of which men hold, as fiefs, by vassal tenure, subject to reversion and enfeoffment to another. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • Both Nash reversion and Abreu's simple penal codes are subgame perfect equilibrium strategies and so satisfy this criterion of credibility.
  • But the solution was temporary, and the lease has almost expired, so our hero shammes I always thought it was shamus, but this is the Yiddish version is trying to crack his case under the shadow of Reversion, when the land will revert back to the U.S. and the Jews may be homeless once more. Wednesday Review: Michael Chabon, THE YIDDISH POLICEMEN'S UNION
  • For a moment, there would be a shimmer of gold, purple, emerald green and rust, then the reversion to slate grey. CHAMELEON
  • Where the original landlord assigns his reversion, he loses his right to sue the original tenant.
  • Many Stags have undergone reversion transplants in the quest for originality.
  • Far from desiring the reversion of my sentence, I think myself much obliged to the emperors, to you, and to your court: for by your means I become coheir with The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • Poetic language is not merely the reversion of the direction Agamben identifies in the western experience of language, substituting a language of indication or denotation for a language of meaning.
  • I'll dictate a new clause and put in a three - or - four - year reversion.
  • And if their characters are not fixed, why the sudden reversion to type (when Terry smashes up his situation by introducing Sammy's son to his ne'er-do-well father)?
  • The underlease contained various covenants by Mr Walker and Mr Mittee not to deal in any way with the reversion to the lease.
  • Consensus was readily reached on one proposition: that a reversion to depression conditions was intolerable and unacceptable.
  • He stressed that the reversion to deflation was a normal phenomenon under the initial stage of the growing and recovering economy, which exerts a suppressive effect on the CPI.
  • On the other hand, to judge by the reversional traits which show themselves in individuals that vary from the prevailing predatory style of temperament, the ante-predatory variant seems to have a greater stability and greater symmetry in the distribution or relative force of its temperamental elements. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • The lessee and the reversioners brought separate actions against the company for an injunction and damages in respect of the nuisance and injury.
  • On the surface this seems like a reversion to the traditional area of politics.
  • Enforcement following assignment of the reversion Liability of T towards L2 and vice-versa rests upon a statutory basis.
  • Any such level of output will put the median voter on a higher indifference curve than would the reversion level.
  • I'm trying to prevent the reversion of my garden to nature.
  • A reversionary term decreed (though reluctante curia) to be sold for rais - ing a daughter's portion. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench [1695-1735]
  • This year represents a reversion to form, with the highly debatable ‘influence’ as the new twist.
  • Any such level of output will put the median voter on a higher indifference curve than would the reversion level.
  • In Lotteryking Lightman J held that the set-off operated because the assignee had succeeded to the reversion and to its annexed covenants.
  • Reversion to sinus rhythm , by means of electrical countershock , is indicated.
  • In the case of T-DNA and some transposon insertions there is no realistic possibility of reversion to wild type.
  • There is to be a tax of one-half penny in the pound on the capital value of undeveloped land, and there is to be a ten percent reversion duty upon any benefit accruing to a lessor from the determination of a lease. The Parliamentary Crisis in the United Kingdom
  • The monophylly may therefore be considered as a reversion to a more primitive state and the monophyllous varieties may be called atavistic. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • Until recently there seems to have been some lack of awareness of the provision for reversion, but this is probably no longer the case.
  • (Ibid., p. 27, et passim); (5) the reversion to animal state is seen in his abandonment, one by one, of the accoutrements of civilization: the rifle, pack, gold. Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
  • The property of the churchy is the reversionary property of every family in the kingdom. A View of Nature: In Letters to a Traveller Among the Alps
  • I'm trying to prevent the reversion of my garden to nature.
  • But because Gorbachev had not yet consolidated his hold on power, or perhaps because the sheer scale of what was happening in Ukraine scared him, the Chernobyl disaster occasioned a reversion to old habits.
  • On their death, the reversion company receives the same percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the property.
  • This misbegotten reversion to the failed doctrines of the Volkstead era of Prohibition has less than the chance of success which that effort had.
  • In the subtlest cases of reflowering there is little internode elongation on reversion and plants display varying degrees of phyllody before continuing flower development.
  • I can only assume that they've found a way to carry on globalising without these issues mattering - probably because technology has reduced the cost of reversioning.
  • And so I wonder if there is a reversion to some of that Cold War mindset.
  • Another reason for Russell's reversion to realism was his recognition that the notion of causality is problematic for phenomenalism.
  • With the death of the suburbs and the farms had come a reversion to an almost prehistoric tranquillity in the Sacramento Valley.
  • The hospital's environmental project co-ordinator, said the change was merely a reversion to the system that operated at the old Princess Margaret Hospital.
  • He was given a shot at sexist type reversion when commenting on the recently published parallel parking formula - written by an unwitting female.
  • The tenant shall have the option to purchase the reversionary interest of the property on the terms set out in the Schedule hereto.
  • Then we have the so-called dibasic phosphate of lime, the form into which soluble phosphate in superphosphate is converted when "reversion" takes place. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • When they began their new regimens, 19 of those 24 saw the virus in their blood return to undetectable levels, compared with just one of nine people who did not experience a reversion to the wild-type virus.
  • The reasoning in this case is based on the line of authority commencing with Simpson v Savage supra to the effect that a reversioner can only recover for permanent damage to the reversion.
  • This may explain the sometimes rapid reversion to ancestral cell sizes.
  • reversionary interest
  • Their value and purpose would be undermined if the security was always defeasible on a transfer of his reversion by the reversioner.
  • For larger companies, including the Rangers and Arsenal football clubs and the brewer Adnams, a reversion to the previous system is likely to have a minimal effect on investors.
  • There are several reversions to male incubation from a shared incubation ancestor.
  • Both Nash reversion and Abreu's simple penal codes are subgame perfect equilibrium strategies and so satisfy this criterion of credibility.
  • As Denning LJ stated in Smiley v. Townshend the question to be asked is by what amount, at the end of the lease, was the value of the existing reversion reduced by reason of the lack of repair.
  • Pregnancy, however, is a relatively brief and dramatic bodily change, succeeded by reversion to something like the former state.
  • The return to a policy of non-intervention in Afghanistan was a reversion to a mid-Victorian orthodoxy, rather than simply a reflection of Gladstone's personal views.
  • The anthropoid apes in general manifest a reversion from the social toward the solitary state, this condition reaching its ultimate in the orang, which is one of the most solitary of animals. Man And His Ancestor A Study In Evolution
  • This kind of intimate killing is a reversion to pre-industrial warfare - the kind of brutality seen in the Thirty Years War, for example.
  • Obesity and recovery from lymphopenia after five days were factors associated with death, as determined by multivariate logistic-regression analysis (obesity, odds ratio = 23.06; lymphocytopenia reversion, odds ration = 28.69). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • And if their characters are not fixed, why the sudden reversion to type (when Terry smashes up his situation by introducing Sammy's son to his ne'er-do-well father)?
  • Next in order of British interests stands the right of pre-emption to all healthy, fertile, "unoccupied" lands of the globe not already in possession of a people capable of seriously disputing invasion, with the right of reversion to such other regions as may, from time to time prove commercially desirable or financially exploitable, whether suitable for British colonization or not. The Crime Against Europe A Possible Outcome of the War of 1914
  • Pregnancy, however, is a relatively brief and dramatic bodily change, succeeded by reversion to something like the former state.
  • Well, that may all be right if the judge had calculated the damage to the reversion by say reference to comparable sales.
  • This is a reversion to the system under which the Royals were paid for nearly 300 years.
  • This type of screen is biased toward reversion events that result in a high percentage of flagellate cells.
  • Thus when the lease is disclaimed it is determined and the reversion accelerated but the rights and liabilities of others, such as guarantors and original tenants, are to remain as though the lease had continued and not been determined.
  • The former of these two characteristic variants is nearer to the generic type in each case, being the reversional representative of its type as it stood at the earliest stage of associated life of which there is available evidence, either archaeological or psychological. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions

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