How To Use Reversed In A Sentence
An Ohio appellate court last week reversed a lower court ruling that the city's pernicious treatment of marijuana users was unconstitutional under state law.
If we want to avert a very deep recession it is absolutely vital that these psychological factors are reversed.
The image is upside-down and reversed left-to-right.
Both Hyundai and Nissan have reversed their U.S. automotive fortunes but to differing degrees.
He reversed his car straight at the policeman.

Unfortunately, whatever mojo he worked in the mountains has reversed the Earth's cool polarity and Superman is temporarily cooler than Batman.
Eighteen months later an appellate court reversed the convictions and criticized the conduct of the trial judge and the prosecution.
Appellants also stood to have their action terminated if the district court's order went unreversed.
But the signs, which cost the parish £215, will not be re-erected because members reversed their policy after being bombarded with complaints.
But in other respects, the two countries' positions are reversed.
In a Star Trek-inspired turn of events, he ends up forwarding centuries through time, crashing onto an alien planet where roles between simians and humans are reversed.
This circular-shaped piece comprises a wooden base and a chunky glass top with a rotating centrepiece that can be reversed to an aluminium heat-resistant serving centre or left as is in a fashionable wood veneer.
The electrical hookups look frightening, but the luz is very good; we run through an external surge protector and if the corriente is too low or too high or polarity reversed, it is no go.
Huasteca Potosina
The process is reversed when playing a down-bow [Symbol: down-bow] harmonic.
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Residents have rallied behind Mrs Tracy to try and get the decision reversed.
The Supreme Court finally reversed the high court judgement and sent the cases back for trial in January 2003.
A top "Kremlinologist," Goodman describes how Gates reversed a CIA tradition of delivering tough-minded intelligence reports with "the bark on."'
OpEdNews - Quicklink: The Danger of Keeping Robert Gates
Graphical Symbol in full simplified diode, indirectly heated duodiode, indirectly heated or triode, indirectly heated or duotriode with separated cathodes, indirectly heated, heating filament with central tapping, internal screening of the system tetrode pentode, suppressor grid connected with cathode triode - pentode triode - heptode (according to the circuit, the systems may be drawn left-and-right reversed) 1.10.
1. Selected Graphical Symbols of Electrotechnology
Although this particular result may be due to the limited sampling of avian taxa, the presence of a deinonychosaurian key feature (a hyperextendible second toe) and the absence of two avian key features a triradiate palatine (3) and a fully reversed first toe in Archaeopteryx challenges the monophyly of Aves as currently recognized.
New Archaeopteryx fossil provides further insight into bird, dinosaur evolution - The Panda's Thumb
An autopsy on Terri Schiavo, the severely brain damaged woman whose death sparked an intense debate over a person's right-to-die, showed that her brain was severely "atrophied" and weighed less than half of what it should have, and that no treatment could have reversed the damage...
"Terri" was blind and wasn't abused.
Junk bond fund flows reversed, with outflows of $319 million this week.
He reversed the judgment and set the prisoner free after all.
The digger lifted its feet and reversed in a wide arc and dropped the hydraulic shovel.
Until this ridiculous overemphasis on sprinting and short course competition is reversed, the United States is going to remain stuck on a long downhill slide in competing with the rest of the world.
The moccasin is made of a sheep hide reversed to give the comfort of wool and the false impression of security by the leather outer.
The decision was reversed on appeal.
A run through the historical record, staring with Tacitus on Nero's blaming the Christians for the Great Fire, then Pliny on his administrative problems in Bithynia, then a long section on Cyprian (who I think gets more coverage than any other non-emperor); then a period of relaxation, which however is abruptly reversed by Diocletian (though that period of persecution seems to be more effective in the East).
Gibbon Chapter XVI
Step forward 10 years and the roles have been somewhat reversed.
He pressed the button and reversed the direction of movement of the machine.
Changing gears, the machine reversed and then turned left, breaking out onto one of the main streets momentarily.
The man stole two cars, smashed into two vehicles, attempted to ram Garda patrol cars, reversed back into a Garda motorcyclist and attempted to hijack another car before being captured.
He charged that the government had reversed itself in a transparent attempt to get rid of him.
The appellate court, though it reversed the defendant's trial court victory, agreed that such an argument could be pursued.
Recently, the underspending on sink schools and difficult pupils has been partly reversed, but this isn't nearly enough.
Times, Sunday Times
A substantial injustice would be done by leaving the decision unreversed.
Laurel Canyon (2003), each focused on an innocent young woman swept up in the glamorously baffling sex-and-drugs scene swirling around a charismatic older female artist, the situation here is reversed; unexpectedly drawn in to and fascinated by the ultra-domestic household created by a pair of charismatic femmes, the swinger is the straight man (literally).
SF Weekly | Complete Issue
They are history interpreted retrospectively, reversed and inverted - my point being that history neither begins in nor relinquishes myth.
And if I was honest with myself I'd have felt the same if our positions had been reversed.
How i wish the positions were reversed. ohgodwhy someone please tell tim burton to stop!
Tim Burton To Bring Us New Addams Family Film in 3D Stop Motion Animation (UPDATED) | /Film
He had painted himself from his image reflected in a mirror, which reversed right and left.
She carefully reversed the lorry up the narrow driveway.
If the positions of cylinder and piston be reversed, the piston pointing vertically upward and the sand "bled" into an orifice in or through it, the void caused by the outflow of this sand would be filled by sand displaced by the piston pressing upward rather than by sand from above.
Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions, Paper No. 1174, Volume LXX, December 1910
But left and right are reversed in an etching, which is made by scratching lines on a metal plate and using the plate to make a print.
Alternatively, the front bearing assembly could be reversed, with the shaft mounted in the flow straightener hub, and the olive ring and endstone in the inducer hub.
At the next pylon the controls reversed but by yanking back the throttle he regained control.
His Scotch estates were confiscated, and his title attained ” the attainder of the earldom was not reversed until 1824.
Lady Mary Wortley Montague
Now 60 years on, the process has been repeated, but reversed, as the commonplace colour of modern films returns to nostalgic black and white.
Therefore, when the double-sided or one-sided copy is made from the double-sided original document, the finished copy can be obtained without a reversed even page
When oestrogen levels are high the epithelial cells become keratinized or cornified, an effect reversed by progesterone.
It has also been clearly established that in the course of time evaluation of particular variants can change or even be reversed.
The babirusa's elaborate upper tusks are the upper canine teeth, whose sockets are reversed, so they grow vertically up through the skin of the snout.
Most Captcha programs apply mathematical transformations to their images which can potentially be reversed, thus allowing spammers to crack the Captcha.
Numerous explanations exist for the evolution of reversed size dimorphism in raptorial species.
The mitre and sanbenito worn by Candide were painted with flames reversed and with devils that had neither tails nor claws; but Dr. Pangloss's devils had both tails and claws, and his flames were upright.
Perhaps they usually reversed the order; but, at any rate, dying in middle age after having married "thirdly" or
Virginia: the Old Dominion
The cannabis produced an initial beneficial effect for the patients in that the anergia, anhedonia, and low imaginative capacity caused by the antipsychotic were reversed.
Now look there Sir, let me back it up for you, Lufkin waved a hand at the screen and the image reversed.
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You will see that over successive years the relative distribution of these two species has been reversed.
Bob reversed into a parking space.
England (following Brooke and Miller, 1852) these designations have been reversed, calamine being used for the carbonate and smithsonite for the silicate.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Should military force subsequently be used excessively or vindictively in that country, this judgment could again be reversed.
Herringbone wool is woven in a twill that is reversed at regular spacing, creating a sawtooth line.
Those measures, which reversed existing anti-scab laws, are being supplemented by new legislation which will make it more difficult to organize and easier to decertify unions.
When viewed from above, the image appears the correct way up (but still reversed left-to-right).
Indeed, had he reversed the shafts and thrown flight first, the dart would still have buried itself to a depth of three inches: the dartboard never stood a chance.
Here the political gender battle is reversed.
Between 2005 and 2007, migration from the county exceeded migration to the county from other parts of the country, but that trend reversed itself in 2008, with "inmigration" accounting for nearly 10 percent of the growth for 2008.
Wacotrib - Latest News Headlines
He reversed slowly out of the garage.
What would your self-esteem look like if roles were reversed and you were the child being parented by someone just like you?
Outtrim, the Internet prodigy who cut the code for Hotdog in his loungeroom, was photographed in jeans, open-necked shirt and reversed baseball cap, the quintessential Web geek.
But that would immediately be reversed by the entire court embank.
CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2005
This increase reversed an earlier price plunge.
As I tore round the corner, a customized Volkswagen Beetle convertible reversed out of a side alley.
` ` May my arms be reversed, and my name dishonoured, '' said Brian de Bois-Guilbert, ` ` if thou shalt have reason to complain of me!
Here's a short drum passage and a time-reversed version of the same file, making the same point even more strikingly.
The screen is a reversed LCD, giving white text on a black background.
Had it been reversed, I would have been dragged into his office and given a dressing-down; I cannot do that.
This could mean that wrong decisions are made at crucial moments - and these cannot be reversed.
However, the High Court reversed the lower court decision yesterday, reducing sentences for most of those convicted in the construction fault case.
By reversing the direction electricity flows through a magnet the poles can be reversed.
Objective : To study hydrolysis of vitamin E acetate cholesterol esterase in the reversed micelle systems.
Writing in Kommersant newspaper the economist Dmitry Butrin said that Putin's relative success in fighting poverty over the last decade had been reversed.
The Saab moved forward, but then reversed into the officer for a second time before driving away.
the reversed collar looked as good as new
The changes included in the recent Criminal Justice Bill were unheralded, reversed government policy and were not announced to Parliament.
For sure, however, every schoolboy (of my generation anyway) knows when at teatime on 16 September the final score – Devon 4 New Zealand 55 – was received by the London sports news agency, the unbelieving subeditor confidently presumed a transmission error and reversed the result to Devon 55 New Zealand 4.
How the original All Blacks went down in the annals of history
Then the county reversed field and decided to award two separate contracts.
After detraining the passengers, the train backed out on the main, reversed direction, and then went east 18 miles to Seth to turn on the wye.
This must be reversed, otherwise this country will collapse when such injustices remain.
Here again the ‘tendency’ of landlordism was not merely overcome but reversed by other processes.
Although microscopic jaw structures and reversed handedness are not the primary focus of this study, some observations are nevertheless noteworthy.
Slide 8: 68) Stenosing tenovaginitis commonly affects: 73) Bennett's fracture is a. Abductor pollicis. a. reversed Colles 'fracture b.
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Cobbling some elements from Kyle’s own days as the Ion, it’s basically a negative, color-reversed GL outfit that looks like a surfing suit in the best way.
Inscribed on the outside of the glass and viewed from the inside, the letters are reversed and reveal a snowy landscape.
And with negations of conditionals and conditionals in antecedents, we saw, the problem is reversed: we assert conditionals which we would not believe if we construed them truth-functionally.
Their situations are now reversed as employee has become employer.
This trend was not reversed, even in the case of an uneven distribution of polygenes (when only four or nine polygenes were spread on different chromosomes in the case of selection).
You can align text vertically or horizontally, can center, left - or right-justify multi-line labels, and even print "mirrored" labels where the letters are reversed/backwards.
MAKE Magazine
But the authority reversed its decision earlier this year, paving the way for others to go through the same process.
A phosphate sink, and the inevitable takeover of blue-green algae, might be reversed by adding, say, a lightning - generating appendage to the glass globe.
Jackets in felt and printed denim have unfinished and reversed seams with bright red linings for men.
Although the profits are still smaller than the accumulated losses, at least the downward curve has been reversed.
If this were my house, the positions would be reversed and I'd be the one screaming and running out the door.
When his illegitimacy is finally exposed, hopefully all the damage can be reversed!
Obama delays Hawaii vacation over Senate vote
Now the vast collection of cars reversed itself and the traffic jam back to the Bali Hai was even more tedious [731] than the earlier one, but when the cavalcade finally reached there and disappointed men filed into the Dagger Bar, a phone call awaited Dr. Mott: "Can you please come over to the press room at the Hilton?
When the Supreme Court reversed Newdow on narrow technical grounds, Kennedy was spared from facing the consequences of his own jurisprudence.
Most of the cases had been put on hold pending last month's ruling by the Supreme Court which reversed an earlier High Court judgement by quashing the convictions of seven people found guilty of drink-driving offences.
Another strange detail in the image is revealed through a close examination of the book spines on a shelf in the room, among which a single title is reversed.
Attempts have been made to provide upright and unreversed imagery in fundus ophthalmoscopes.
Because understanding what ``jointures' meant reversed the polarity of the whole poem.
It must be said, however, that the Fogg portrait is not absolutely coherent as a mirror image because the cameo bracelet the marquise wears is not shown reversed.
In the case of HAT-P-7b the effect was reversed – that is, the redshifted light appeared bluer, then the blueshifted light appeared redder, making it apparent that the orbit of the planet was not in the same direction of that of HAT-P-7.
Second Exoplanet with Retrograde Orbit Discovered | Universe Today
The situation will be reversed next year while the northbound carriageway is resurfaced.
From now on, if anyone rolls a double-one or a double-six, all moves are reversed for the next turn, okay?
The term “reversed perfusion” is used to describe this scenario because blood enters the acardiac/acephalic twin through reversed flow through its umbilical artery and exits through the umbilical vein, which is opposite to the normal blood supply of the fetus.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child.
Turned out the gasket in the joint was in backwards, and once reversed and finger-tightened it no longer leaked (well, maybe seeped a little).
Liveblogging Mars (updated)
In the third century the economy was becoming less monetized; this trend reversed itself after the establishment of the solidus.
By those lights – see the reversed decisions to kill 6 Music and the Asian Network – the prospect of total loss is better at rallying public outrage than enfeeblement by a thousand cuts.
It's the end of the road for BBC cuts – until next time
Writing is reversed in a mirror.
In reversed-polarity mode, they also observed a new peak similar to that of maleate, which they later attributed to the impurity fumarate.
Women are also more at risk of poverty than men, although this is reversed when unemployed or retired members of both genders are compared.
But only from the perspective of the anti-universe from the old STAR TREK eppie where everything was reversed!!!!!
TPM Track Composite: Obama's Lead Grows Again
I stopped a few cars ahead and as I reversed I heard this grinding noise, which I thought was the gears but in fact I was scraping the side of the parked cars.
P.O. Dolphin’s Barn: the transliterated name and address of the addresser of the 3 letters in reversed alphabetic boustrophedonic punctated quadrilinear cryptogram (vowels suppressed) N. IGS.
Reid himself argued that, if the roles had been reversed, nationalists may well have behaved in much the same way to unionists as unionists had behaved to them.
The distribution of land to the peasantry after World War I was reversed under the Soviet occupation as land was collectivized and put under the control of the state.
Graphical Symbol in full simplified diode, indirectly heated duodiode, indirectly heated or triode, indirectly heated or duotriode with separated cathodes, indirectly heated, heating filament with central tapping, internal screening of the system tetrode pentode, suppressor grid connected with cathode triode - pentode triode - heptode (according to the circuit, the systems may be drawn left-and-right reversed) 1.10.
1. Selected Graphical Symbols of Electrotechnology
Two Madonna-and-childs, reversed out in a stark negative: the bounteous white woman, bereft of her own baby, suckling the child of a dying African.
And what if after the Court reversed itself, Congress reenacted its original law — should the Supreme Court take that as a sign that the expectation of privacy is reasonable again, or only that Congress wants the Supreme Court to go away so Congress can have its modest level of statutory protection?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Thoughts on the Oral Argument in City of Ontario v. Quon
After the crash, Gibson took over driving and reversed the car out of the garden.
In the end, however, the Park Board bowed to pressure from a noisy minority and reversed their vote.
To conclude I say that the trend is actually reversed and the projections in the studies are wrong.
Guns = "Unhealthy" Lifestyle?
Writing is reversed in a mirror.
The Tennessee Supreme Court eventually reversed that conviction on a technicality, and the law was finally repealed in 1967.
It reversed Judge Newcomer, and noted that federal judges should not take Supreme Court dicta lightly.
Prints are made from a reversed negative on the sensitized surface of the stone, or on as many stones as the color-plates require, and then manipulated by the lithographer, who adds or modifies strength with his "tusche" or crayon, and scrapes or washes out lights where necessary.
The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
We then have a supplemental draft - two rounds - where the order is reversed from that of Round One.
This can be studied by transposing the innervation of a muscle to its antagonist, or by transposing one of its tendons to the opposite side of a joint, such that the mechanical action of the muscle is reversed.
They reached the deck just as the cruiser's engines reversed, bringing them alongside the victims.
He reversed his car straight at the policeman.
Nevertheless, it is possible that the association we found could be nullified or reversed by data from the 20% of people we could not trace.
In these studies we have immobilized a wide range of hydrophobic zwitterions onto a reversed-phase chromatographic support to produce the desired zwitterionic stationary phase.
When using paternoster rigs I have yet to find a system of safely removing the lead from the rig, because the angle of pull is reversed.
That finding was overturned by the High Court, then reversed again by the Court of Appeal, which said the water should go to the first fully completed application to the regional council.
Radio New Zealand News Headlines
But the genius of Clive reversed the situation with dramatic swiftness; the French authorities at home, alarmed at these dangerous adventures, repudiated and recalled Dupleix (1754), and the British power was left to apply the methods which he had invented.
The Expansion of Europe
Gray said that at one stage the longshore current off the bay appeared to have reversed.
Economists have discovered the renaissance in Manchester and other northern cities has reversed the traditional southward trend of the migrating workforce.
In each mutagenesis reaction, the functionality of the resistance genes is reversed using a pair of "on/ off" oligonucleotides.
The Scientist
The narrow gateway left me little margin for error as I reversed the car.
The treatment also reversed the left ventricular deterioration and normalized the neurohormonal status.
Health News from Medical News Today
He reversed into the stockade in a cloud of dust, and spun around to face his enemy, flanks heaving.
The fluid returns to the heat pumps, which utilize a refrigerant cycle to take the fluid's low quality heat and concentrate it; the process is reversed for cooling.
Another approach is using drugs to antagonise the peripheral effects of opioids so that bowel dysfunction is reversed, speeding discharge from hospital.
Once he learned of the disaster that had struck his carriers, Admiral Yamamoto, still hundreds of miles to the west with the main battlegroup, reversed course.
The main staircase is actually reversed to create a spacious entryway just inside the doorway.
Khoruts published a study in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 2009 that showed a single infusion of feces reversed the absence of bacteroides - a group of bacteria vital to the body's ability to withstand infections with C.difficile.
What would happen if a ref called offside but was reversed on review?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Getting it Right
To these may be added the ogee arch (_ogee_ = double-reversed curve), as an occasional feature.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
There are no prospects that it would be reversed in this Court.
Why did so many people, including children, queue patiently for hours, to witness Beefeaters and Gentlemen-at-Arms, with reversed halberds, guarding a catafalque in Westminster Hall?
Thus, the usual pattern of Greek films being dubbed into English for American distribution was reversed.
One day in an attempt to test myself I reversed the direction I rode around the house, which involved freewheeling through a minor dip in the section.
He was fully awake and all relaxant effects were reversed before a pulmonary fellow extubated him the next day.
A case has been reported of the condition being reversed with the administration of large amounts of licorice.
The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism
If the roles had been reversed, how would they have fared before Lord Hutton's questioning?
In the case of HAT-P-7b the effect was reversed – that is, the redshifted light appeared bluer, then the blueshifted light appeared redder, making it apparent that the orbit of the planet was not in the same direction of that of HAT-P-7.
Second Exoplanet with Retrograde Orbit Discovered | Universe Today
When I phoned, EDF explained that it had reversed the readings on the night and day meters and I had been undercharged since July 2008.
EDF made shock demand for £491
If the roles were reversed, if Obama were behind by every metric, Clinton would have been coroneted by now, and the cry for her opponent to get out and quit being a spoiler would be deafening.
Archive 2008-03-01
This strategy had been reversed when homeland policy was elaborated at that time.
• The government's philosophical "nonwar" footing must be reversed; the psychology of a wartime posture sends a message to friend and foe alike that we are vigorously defending ourselves.
The Two Malcontents
A ponytail of strawberry blond hair hung casually below the reversed peak of her baseball cap.
No. You have sent them to us with their arms reversed, their shields broken, their impresses defaced, -- and so displumed, degraded, and metamorphosed, such unfeathered two-legged things, that we no longer know them.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
MONTGOMERY, AL (WSFA) - The years-long annexation battle between the city of Montgomery and the town of Pike Road continues after the Alabama Supreme Court reversed a key ruling Friday.
It ended up as a polished interface for designing letterform sequences, some of whose members are reversed out of the others.
Wolfram Blog : Exploring Logo Designs with Mathematica
On review, I bonged his report, suspecting that two of the IDs had been reversed.
Spider Bones
The cardinals enter the Sixtine chapel vested in their purple _cappe_: the maces are reversed, as on friday.
The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
Or when the substances are consumed _as solids_, then the spectral effects are reversed, and the lines that would be dark lines in the luminous colored spectrum become themselves luminous lines on the screen; but these lines hold the same relation in mathematical measurement, etc., as do the _dark_ lines in the colored spectrum.
Notable Events of the Nineteenth Century Great Deeds of Men and Nations and the Progress of the World
In December 2000, the Tokyo High Court reversed Mainali's acquittal and sentenced him to life in prison.
The decline in vocations, which began under Pius XII, has not been reversed and there is now one seminarist for every twelve priests.
The truck reversed, revved up and moved forward again.
He could have spared a world of superannuated history, science, or politics, to have reversed better in waltzing.
The Obama Administration justreversed its decisionto release these photos, citing the potential for endangering our troops.
Doubleplus Ungood Doublethink
The appellate court reversed, saying the search was lawful because it was incident to the arrest of the passenger.
He pressed the button and reversed the direction of movement of the machine.
Eighteen months later an appellate court reversed the convictions and criticized the conduct of the trial judge and the prosecution.
This approach has been successfully used in a sex-role reversed population of the broad-nosed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle.
Suppressing this protein delayed the onset of cancer, slowed down cancer growth, and reversed leukaemic stem cells to a pre-cancerous stage. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
To push this concept further, Whistler etched many of his views directly onto the copperplate as he saw them so that the printed etchings are reversed.
The carrier USS Constellation reversed her southerly course at the transmission of a single code word.
Interestingly, a couple of teachers who partially reversed this effect were a chemistry teacher who was an evangelical Christian – and a prim fusspot – and a math teacher who quietly subverted the establishment efforts to Christianise the school population.
Foisting fake Christianity on the young « Anglican Samizdat
Khoruts published a study in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 2009 that showed a single infusion of feces reversed the absence of bacteroides - a group of bacteria vital to the body's ability to withstand infections with C.difficile.
The action reversed a trend in which the two countries appeared to be edging ever so slightly toward increased cooperation.
I can see why the writer/direct put this into the movie though because it serves to give us a moment where the ROLES ARE REVERSED suddenly kirk is the moral one and Spock still pissed about his mother’s murder is revengeful and says that he wouldn’t have extended a helping hand to the villain.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 582
“Reversed arterial perfusion” is used to describe this condition because blood enters the abnormal twin through the umbilical artery (which usually carries blood away from the fetus back to the placenta) and exits through the umbilical vein, which normally carries blood from the placenta to the fetus.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
The postcingulum has a similar, but reversed pattern: it leaves the hypocone posteriorly, swings labially, is inflected sharply anterolabially, and ends at the posterior spur lingual to the intermediate row of cusps.
The appeal court reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free.
In the past the senator has supported these programs, but last year he reversed himself.
After an outcry from the military brass and heavy attacks in the media, he reversed himself two days later.
The new urban and suburban lifestyles have helped boost public transportation and reversed a 40-year trend of declining transit ridership.