
reverse fault

  1. a geological fault in which the upper side appears to have been pushed upward by compression

How To Use reverse fault In A Sentence

  • It is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion.
  • In the north of the area towards the Main Zagros Reverse Fault, thrusts are dominant.
  • These extensional faults were reactivated as reverse faults during Neogene compression associated with subduction beneath the North Island.
  • It is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion.
  • The basin experienced east-west folding and reverse faulting soon after deposition ended.
  • Reverse faults develop when compressional forces exist (Figure 10). Folding and faulting in the Earth's crust
  • It is concluded that this strike-slip fault is in tensoshear property and should be lagging products associated with reverse fault of NE trend.
  • The fault is interpreted as a north-directed reverse fault with a possible minor left-lateral strike-slip component.
  • At the other extreme, reverse faulting could cause the pattern of exhumation and basin inversion.
  • Previous work has demonstrated the presence of important, post-glacial reverse faults in Norway.
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