
How To Use Reverend In A Sentence

  • ; Ofeibea Quist-Arcton recalls the recent death of South African legend Miriam Makeba and Wanyama wa Chebusiri interviews Reverend Stephen Mburu, a pastor at the Kiambaa church near Eldoret in western Kenya who was attacked and left to die after violence following polls a year ago BBC Focus on Africa Magazine via Exact Editions
  • The Sub – Prior readily obeyed the first part of the Abbot’s injunction, but paused upon the second — “It is Friday, most reverend,” he said in Latin, desirous that the hint should escape, if possible, the ears of the stranger. The Monastery
  • Where did you find that bit about the reverend, by the way? EVERVILLE
  • Leading the service, the reverend described Mr Jackson as ‘the most energetic of people’ with a passion for life.
  • It would be sounded high that he debased human nature, which has a "cognation," so the reverend and learned Doctor Cudworth calls it, with the divine; that the soul of man, immaterial and immortal by its nature, was made to contemplate higher and nobler objects than this sensible world, and even than itself, since it was made to contemplate God and to be united to Him. Letters to Sir William Windham and Mr. Pope
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  • No more scriptures, reverend, and no more discussions about my supposed duties.
  • I grandthinked after his obras after another time about the itch in his egondoom he was legging boldylugged from some pulversporochs and lyoking for a stool-eazy for to nemesisplotsch allafranka and for to salubrate himself with an ultradungs heavenly mass at his base by a suprime pomp-ship chorams the perished popes, the reverend and allaverred cromlecks, and when I heard his lewdbrogue reciping his cheap cheateary gospeds to sintry and santry and sentry and suntry I thought he was only haftara having afterhis brokeforths but be the homely Churopodvas I no sooner seen aghist of his frighte-ousness then I was bibbering with vear a few versets off fooling for fjorg for my fifth foot. Finnegans Wake
  • Now, we learn the reverend is joking about being Obama's VP. Clinton, Obama dead even, poll says
  • ‘The Reverend Mother has a lot of lines,’ she said.
  • Within three days Reverend Thorn approached one of the most gracious villages ever to have developed in America: the tree-lined, white-clapboarded, well-gabled village of Walpole, near the Connecticut River in southwestern New Hampshire. Hawaii
  • Le Nôtre, charmé de cette réponse, oublia qui la lui faisoit, et frappant sur l'épaule du Pape lui répondit à son tour: Mon Révérend On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with Biographical Notices of Them, 2nd edition, with considerable additions
  • Sandy's friend, the Anglican priest and rector of St. Anne's, the Reverend John Gordon, would officiate.
  • And I wanted to tell John Clay before he made my appointment with you, reverend abbot.
  • You can go through life doing whatever you want, eating hotdogs from the stands without having to pay, stand underneath the Slurpee machines in corner stores and turn your tongue green, fart in church and the reverend keeps droning along like a bee in a hive. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » April : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • My appeal to all pastors, bishops, reverends and other church leaders, is that they should not sell their birthright to any organisation for the sake of money.
  • The Reverend Jolly's voice was in fact not all that far from Fulton's own, but slowed to a funereal tempo and larded with the lugubriousness of a hired mourner.
  • Key TMS moments during 1981's big Headingley turnaround included a lengthy and entirely straight discussion of the correct way to address a bishop in written correspondence "The Most Reverend", a saliva-drenched interlude of almost silent on-air cake-munching and a bit where Fred Trueman's musings on Graham Dilley are accompanied by a loud and persistent "ching! ching!" noise, which proves to be Trueman lighting his pipe. My Beef with England: if only we had an Ian Botham now | Barney Ronay
  • Before 1859 it would have seemed natural to agree with the Reverend William Paley, in "Natural Theology, " that the creation of life was God's greatest work.
  • ‘By no means, reverend Lady; They are of a delicate pea-green with flame-coloured hair and whiskers.’ The Monk
  • Some theologians object to the idea that a person ordained online is called a "reverend" but isn't necessarily obliged to act on all of a traditionally trained reverend's premarriage duties, such as counseling a couple before their wedding day. Chapel Bound: Getting Ordained Online
  • Academics from US Ivy League universities have written to protest, along with rabbis, pastors, reverends and mullahs as well as the International Young Christian Workers' movement.
  • The reverend gave a speech about what a good wife and mother she had been. PROSPECT HILL
  • Speaking of finding a silver lining, it always seems like chaplains, reverends, ministers, bishops, they always try to find the positive in any type of disaster.
  • Can I call you Mike, or should I call you ``vicar' or `` reverend ' or something? HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • I have no idea who Reverend Ted is, except that some people call Ted Whatsisname, the disgraced pervy born-aginner Reverend Ted. Operation global media domination: the rise of the Castoridaeian meme « raincoaster
  • Weircombe village as it lay peacefully aslant down the rocky "coombe," no one would have thought it likely to be a scene of silent, but none the less violent, internal feud; yet such nevertheless was the case, and all the trouble had arisen since the first Sunday of the first month of the Reverend Mr. Arbroath's "taking duty" in the parish. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • The Republicans will paint him as a daishiki wearing black nationalist who goes to an out of the mainstream curch who only distanced himself not because he disagreed with them (since he initially defended Reverend Wright) but because he wants to get elected. Dianne Feinstein: I'm Sticking By Hillary
  • I was surprised by this, because I like my Reverend - he's "strong-minded," yes, and a pessimist, but he tries relentlessly to save everybody in town, and never gives up, and he's also one of the smartest, sharpest crayons in the town box. More Under The Dome angst
  • The squire, Sir John Boileau, and the vicar, the Reverend Mr Andrew, were both highly literate men who didn't get on - and both kept diaries, largely about each other.
  • They have, says the reverend author, what one would not expect, many light toyish books (novels and plays, doubtless), others on Rosycrucian subjects, and of an abstruse mystical character; but they have no Bibles or works of devotion. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
  • Reverend Jesse Jackson is apologizing for what he calls crude and hurtful comments about Barack Obama. CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2008
  • The Reverend Kyle Lake, 33, was standing in water in a baptistery at University Baptist Church when he was electrocuted on Sunday morning.
  • April 28th, 2008 6: 16 pm ET the reverend is only telling the truth, and i'm as rednecked as they come. Obama: Wright is 'free to speak his mind'
  • The Reverend Andrew Geddes was somewhat stricken in years; his beard was white as snow, his thrapple loose below his chin, and the flesh had ebbed from his bones, but his mind was as alert as ever, and his goodness stood manifest in his face. Border Ghost Stories
  • Yes, there's been a little help from the Reverend Al Green but don't hold that against me.
  • And there's no doubt that the good Reverend certainly lead by example.
  • I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the Old Mortality
  • I trust you are aware that Tony Blankley is a lackey of the Reverend Moon … in reality. Think Progress » Rice Drops White House Claim That Iraqi Prime Minister Was Misquoted About Haditha
  • Reverend J.T. Becher, prebendary of Southwell minster, who objected to what he considered the too voluptuous coloring of the poem Fugitive Pieces
  • The Reverend's writings on the Brahma viharas are greatly inspired by the radiant Compassion of Kuan Yin.
  • The Reverend Maurice Gascoyne was curate-in-charge of the church of The Youngest Girl in the Fifth A School Story
  • Moore is Julie, the goody-goody daughter of a reverend in a North Carolina town.
  • I know that my father, the reverend of Bishopdale, would certainly like me to pass on his regards, too.
  • Now, you would think that the Reverend, being a reverend and all, would have castigated Adam for his unholy alliance with MaryAnn, but he didn't.
  • Our worship today is led by the Reverend John Parker.
  • You know, reverend, we're so excited about the Rapture.
  • One pointed out that the good reverend is using the same book against gays, that was once used to justify enslavement of his ancestors. Think Progress » All the funding for anti-marriage equality campaign in the nation’s capital came from outside of D.C.
  • Which being echoed in chorus by the other six, they took their departure, much marvelling what the reverend doctor could mean by an agistor. Gryll Grange
  • His faith that men such as the Reverend John Leale tried to do their best is unshaken.
  • The title tells the tale of a dichotomous man: Reverend. Bishop T.D. Jakes: Honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • You, reverend, you personally are hindering them.
  • My reverend friend is wrong in supposing that I admit DESIGN, and yet refuse to admit the force of the _design argument_, "On the supposition, then, that _law and order_ are manifestations of _design_, the design argument might be valid and conclusive: but" _no conceivable order_ "could prove the existence of God; why? Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • He kept close to his side a Church of Scotland padre, the Reverend George Duncan, who inadvertently reinforced his sense of divine inspiration.
  • The new rector of the Scottish Episcopal Church in Orkney, Reverend Alison Duff, was installed into her charge at a service in Kirkwall on Wednesday night.
  • I realise that this is a retraction of my word given to the Reverend.
  • As Reverend Dimmesdale leaves his pulpit, the sexton meets him, holding out one of Dimmesdale's black gloves, which was found on the scaffold that morning.
  • The actor, as a restrained Reverend, puts in a dynamite performance, in contrast to his over the top roles in several recent films.
  • This, by some, may be called ostentation -- be it so; it was the way in which I discovered my pride; and I trust, at all events, that it was equally laudable with the generous boon of our reverend doctor and justice, of the "_Old Alderney Cow_. Memoirs of Henry Hunt, Esq. — Volume 2
  • Slowly and with misgiving, she went down to greet the Reverend James Longley.
  • A dozen worshippers surround the altar on a rainy Thursday evening as The Reverend William Rich—an elaborate purple chasuble over his white alb—administers the 6:00 P.M. Holy Eucharist. American Grace
  • The reverend father Dom Calmet, a great antiquarian, that is, a great compiler of what was said in former times and what is repeated at the present day, has confounded lues with leprosy. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The mushrooms looked odd as well, but surely the Reverend Bliss's followers must know their fungi. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • Thank you reverend, and may God continue to bless you.
  • Bart falls in love with Reverend Lovejoy's beautiful daughter, only to discover that she is more of a hellion than he is.
  • Reverend Jenkins was tall, rubicund, big-boned yet fragile-looking, with a full shock of longish white hair topping the bill. Shortcut Man
  • Also, the reverend Jan Lookingbill from Emmanuel Lutheran Church, which Rehnquist attended when he lived in Bethesda, Maryland, will also participate in that service.
  • The President of the French Representative Council of Black Associations has met with Reverend Al Sharpton after Jean-Paul Guerlain, the former perfumer for the Guerlain fragrance house, used a racial epithet on television, WWD reports. Al Sharpton To Travel To Paris After Jean-Paul Guerlain's Racial Remarks
  • The Reverend Jesse Jackson today arrived in New Orleans delivering busloads of people who fled the city weeks ago.
  • With stinging satire, Ms. Lamb unveils a host of eccentric characters that include a grandmother whose down-home observations often echo a Moms Mabley routine, and a jackleg preacher reminiscent of Reverend Ike. A Kettle of Vultures
  • Church of Scotland moderator, Reverend Andrew McLellan, and the primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church the Most Rev Bruce Cameron will attend ‘in a supporting role’ according to Scottish CND.
  • KING: That was yesterday, as Reverend Robert H. Schuller, on your left, founding pastor of the Crystal Cathedral, host of "The H.ur of Power," turned over the pastorship of that cathedral to Robert A. Schuller, who succeeded the father as now senior pastor. CNN Transcript Jan 29, 2006
  • And Reverend Michael Jeffrey said he couldn't beleive his son would go into the barn of his own free will.
  • Does the idea of a club having its own priest, reverend, or parson seem ridiculous?
  • As the reverend gentleman tripped daintily down the summer street that lay between the blue river and the purple mountain, he cast his mild eyes hither and thither upon human nature, and the sentence he had just penned recurred to him with pleasurable appositeness. For the term of his natural life
  • Right Reverend Gene Savoy Jr. and Rajan Zed, Council coordinators, in a communiqué to the City of Gold Coast, had urged to name one of the major streets of Gold Coast after Mahatma Gandhi, preferably to be called Mahatma Gandhi Marg ( "marg" means path). Current News - Top Stories
  • The perpetually fuzzle-headed Archdruid of Canterbury quite agrees with the bishop's sentiments and endorsed the Right Reverend's book postulating these ideas. Slice of Laodicea
  • The Reverend William Spooner used to produce spoonerisms such as 'a scoop of boy trouts', instead of what he had meant to say - 'a troop of boy scouts'.
  • His friend, Reverend Jesse Jackson, says the pop star is in what he termed excruciating pain and anxious about the verdict. CNN Transcript Jun 6, 2005
  • The reverend put up a good fight, but Richard, who trained daily in MMA, beat the man of God to within an inch of his life. The Roach
  • The Vicar figures on the church board as the Reverend C. Merrivale, but she has her cards printed, "Mrs J. C.urtney Merrivale," and she calls him "J.cky" in public. The Lady of the Basement Flat
  • “It is impossible that Allan-a-Dale can have thus treated a man of your reverend bearing,” replied the Captain. Ivanhoe
  • I love all the great ministers, the great reverends, the great rabbis, the great imams, though as I said, I personally have a problem with organized religion.
  • Among the pioneers who helped arouse the conscience of the West to its responsibility were many churchpeople – including some who had served in South Africa and had been expelled for their sympathy with the Africans – like the Reverend Michael Scott, Father Trevor Huddleston, Canon L. John Collins and Bishop Ambrose Reeves in Britain, Rev. Gunnar Helander in Sweden, Professor J. Verkuyl in the Netherlands and George Houser in the United States. SOUTH AFRICA: LIBERATION AND RECONCILIATION ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY
  • The Reverend Meredith, however, was blind to these manifestations of regenerate life. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • The Reverend William Spooner used to produce spoonerisms such as 'a scoop of boy trouts', instead of what he had meant to say - 'a troop of boy scouts'.
  • On the political side, not only is he looking to evangelicals, also, he could be looking to the large African-American mega churches, many of those minister whose became kind of disenchanted with him when he threw Reverend Wright under the bus. CNN Transcript Jul 1, 2008
  • The headmaster is the great Reverend Dr. John Newton, a Presbyterian minister from New England who helped found a school over in Walton County. Dream State
  • He loves me, reverend father, "and a transient glow passed o'er the sallow, cheek of the religieux; 'with all the energy of his grateful nature loves me, for what he terms the beneficence of charity, what I term the bare impulse of duty. The confessional of Valombre
  • This has caused consternation and sometimes alarm among certain clerics; Reverend Mohler apparently is one of them. Philip Goldberg: Calm Down Christians, Yoga Is Not a Threat
  • I speak not merely of obscurities, to perpetrate which is in every sense to stand in one's own light, but of sheer fatuities, tweakings-of-the-nose to our reverend mother-tongue, as either might have expressed it. Without Prejudice
  • He notes the use of services to indicate a single service (this is common throughout the United States); the decay of reverend to revernor, reverner, revenor or revener; the use of confirmand to designate a candidate for confirmation; the use of to announce to indicate notifying a pastor of an intention to partake of communion (Ger. sich anmelden); and the use of confessional-address (beichtrede.) Chapter 4. American and English Today. 2. Differences in Usage
  • The Bishop of Salisbury, the Right Reverend David Stancliffe, has pledged his wholehearted support to an appeal launched by Oxfam.
  • The signor is a good friend of the young milord and miladi? "questioned the landlord, deferentially, but very anxiously; for just then it flashed upon his memory that two years previous another grand" signor, "of reverend age like this one, had come inquiring about the young pair, and had ended in breaking up their union for the time. The Lost Lady of Lone
  • I loved the Reverend's daughter, and I loved the sweet, sweet jive of rock and roll music.
  • Thanks very much, reverend, but I think I'll stick to my earth-bound Toyota Yaris.
  • Reverend Brent Hawkes used a loophole in Ontario law which states that ‘any two persons’ can be married through publishing of banns.
  • If you can't take on the crazy reverend in the daishiki - how are you going to take on Al Qeada Hillary? Welcome to the Nation of Glass
  • There are others far more deserving of your hand. There is Alfred, the shy divinity student lodging with Reverend and Mrs. Baxter, and our cousin Joseph, and of course, Mr. Pratt, the widowed pig farmer who is 30 years your senior but quite prosperous.
  • Frank discovers that the good Reverend may be involved in some shady, sinister dealings when he discovers damning evidence in a wall safe.
  • � It is amusing to read of John Keats, consumptive former medical student, as a pioneer of the silent cinema; of Reverend Wordsworth and Professor Coleridge, leaders of a thriving Pantisocratic community in _The Difference Engine_ in the Romantics Classroom
  • May 9th, 2008 2: 49 pm ET reverend wright is a great man. McCain defends his 'bearings'
  • In his buttonhole was a piece of blue ribbon, symbol of a ferocious total-abstinence; his face would have afforded sufficient proof that among the reverend man's failings were few distinctly of the flesh. Denzil Quarrier
  • There were uncomfortable saints in Cadfael's hagiology, whom he personally would have consigned to a less reverend status, but whose aggravating rectitude he could not deny. The Holy Thief
  • His faith that men such as the Reverend John Leale tried to do their best is unshaken.
  • One of the most ambitious of the Presbyterian preachers who embodied the new ministerial style was the Reverend Lyman Beecher.
  • In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne becomes coolly exceptional in her idealistic determination to lie beyond the common ground of social expectations, unlike her betrayer, the Reverend Dimmesdale who wallows in self-recriminations, guilt and discomfort, as if he had taken the conventional female role in relation to illicit passion. And Again, Love « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Reverend Terry Jones said he would mark the 9-11 anniversary by burning copies of the Quran. He said he wanted to send a message to Islamic extremists.
  • She opened it to a full bleed picture of the reverend himself and showed Frank the elaborate signature.
  • Now, I think that the longer we preserve that abhorrence for knavery which is the generous instinct of youth, why, the fairer will be our manhood, and the more reverend our age. My Novel — Complete
  • But the Reverend Hanbury was beset by aggressive and cold-hearted neighbors, among them two strange old "gentlewomen," Mistress Pickering and Mistress Byrd, who malevolently ordered their cattle to be turned loose into his first plantation of twenty thousand young and thrifty trees. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 77, March, 1864
  • Reverend Varah vowed he would help others and set up Samaritans which later became the world's first 24-hour helpline service. BBC News - Home
  • Dickinson or no, the idea of "revery" in place of the "reverend" is very pleasing. If you were getting married, would you want a wedding?
  • How he would chuckle to behold globes and seas, and empires, fall into such irreverend antics because some poor earthling, be he kingling or common sodling, goes into desuetude, either by the operation of natural laws, or the sharp application of steel or shot! Charlemont; Or, the Pride of the Village. a Tale of Kentucky
  • Nathan reports that no-one saw them after they'd dispersed into the crowd to distribute the Committee's broadside condemning Reverend Owings's capitalistic dogma.
  • It shows how little that guy knows to think that the reverend is somehow unique. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Something can be learned from this…
  • Reverend Jones has moved to a new church.
  • The reverend gentleman, however, had not been unobservant of the charms of other maidens with whom he had been brought in contact, so, it may be presumed that his heart had "yearned" in vain for them; or, peradventure, these had not played with him so dexterously, when once hooked, as did the fair She and I, Volume 2 A Love Story. A Life History.
  • Well, reverend, you have definitely put your faith into action.
  • Puja Thomson is a counselor, healing facilitator, educator and minister of the Healing Light Center Church, founded by the Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere.
  • I sprung forward; and, with a pleasure that bordered upon agony, I embraced his knees, I kissed his hands, I wept over them, but could not speak: while he, now raising his eyes in thankfulness towards heaven, now bowing down his reverend head, and folding me in his arms, could scarce articulate the blessings with which his kind and benevolent heart overflowed. Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • Her elder sister married the Reverend Norris, who received the living at Mansfield.
  • And Parleyvoo Pickens, the wrong reverend, writes out a marriage certificate, and farmer and farmeress sign it as witnesses. The Gentle Grafter
  • I figured him coming to meet me with his book in his hand, in his reverend poetic robes, and with his laurel on, over that curious kind of bandaging which he seems to have been fond of -- looking, in a word, for all the world like the neuralgic Petrarch in the pictures. Italian Journeys
  • The Reverend William Matheus, another member, was assistant rector at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, a bulwark of progressive social causes.
  • The one that was designed to "defuse" the whole Reverend Wright issue? ... Blogrunner
  • DRYDEN'S translation of Virgil being commended by a right reverend bishop, Lord Chesterfield said, "The original is indeed excellent; but everything suffers by a _translation_, -- except a _bishop_! The Jest Book The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings
  • As for the reverend person of whom he had spoken, he was candidate by favour of the Duke of Argyle (for David would not for the universe have called him presentee) for the kirk of the parish in which their farm was situated, and he was likely to be highly acceptable unto the Christian souls of the parish, who were hungering for spiritual manna, having been fed but upon sour The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • As I searched the mass of people below me for Josef's gipsy curls & defiant red scarf, the Reverend's words deviled my ears despite the barrier of the window-glass.
  • Hence, where Mr. Obama is concerned, his refusal to "disown" Reverend Wright based on his ludicrous claim that he had not been "present" for any of such sermons makes this an issue of honesty, not race, of political expediency not moral courage. Sylvia Welsh: Honesty Not Race, Expediency Not Courage
  • A reverend gentleman is here to see you.
  • Reverend Sir, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: Today our speaker is perpetuating that finest of traditions of presidents of Canadian National and Canadian Pacific in honouring The Empire Club of Canada with an address when matters of unusual national significance arise regarding transportation. The Ways and the Means
  • The reverend's tactics may be unusual — he's been known to leap on shop counters in order to "exorcise" cash registers — but his message of modest spending is increasingly mainstream. Is The Mall Dead?
  • Puja Thomson is a counselor, healing facilitator, educator and minister of the Healing Light Center Church, founded by the Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere.
  • The Reverend W Hughes followed with a suggestion that the speed of motorcars should be restricted to four miles per hour on district roads which were less than eleven feet wide, and another member went so far as to suggest two miles per hour.
  • The preacher was a popular southern evangelic reverend who was talking about being saved.
  • The Reverend David Allen, President Allen's brother-in-law, gave the invocation after asking the audience to join in a moment of silence for caregivers and military personnel around the world.
  • Just look at virulently anti-gay 'hypocrites like the Reverend Ted Haggard and former Republican U.S. Gary Cohan: The Bullying Years: A Survival Guide for Gay Kids
  • Where did you find that bit about the reverend, by the way? EVERVILLE
  • To demonstrate that to a jury, I was going to need the reverend 's testimony. FATAL FLAW
  • Over in the old manse in Tulsa, the reverend put on his Prince Albert frock coat and picked up his Bible.
  • All the thousands of priests, reverends, parsons, ministers, etc. that make a living from talking about their god, claim that giving money to them will ‘help’ their god.
  • I tried in vain to find an answer to things that I saw and felt to be antiscriptural and destructive; but this "End" was the beginning of my controversy, for I was wholly new to it, and ignorant of the historical and other facts necessary to disprove the reverend author's bold assumptions. Personal Recollections Abridged, Chiefly in Parts Pertaining to Political and Other Controversies Prevalent at the Time in Great Britain
  • I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the Old Mortality
  • La communauté haïtienne de Miami vient de sonner le glas pour annoncer dans la douleur, dans un déluge de larmes le départ de cette planète, du Révérend Père Gérard Jean Juste. Haiti: Honoring the Life of Father Gerard Jean Juste
  • The health of the reverend minister of Knocktarlitie was received with similar honours; and there was a roar of laughter, when one of his brethren slily subjoined the addition of, “A good wife to our brother, to keep the Manse in order.” The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The new rector of the Scottish Episcopal Church in Orkney, Reverend Alison Duff, was installed into her charge at a service in Kirkwall on Wednesday night.
  • According to the Reverend Rose's only child, Helen Cromwell Rose, he was drawn to the old clapboarded and shingled farmhouse that stood on the property ‘Its wealth of tradition was deeply welded into my father's heart,’ she wrote.
  • Reverend C. Harker, the Senior Roman Catholic Chaplain has also co-operated in a most brotherly fashion in common effort.
  • I may even boast right reverend authority on the same score; for more than one nonjuring bishop, whose authority and income were upon as apostolical a scale as the greatest abominator of Episcopacy could well desire, have deigned, while partaking of the humble cheer of the Old Mortality
  • “I pray your pardon, reverend father, and my good lord,” replied that pink of courtesy; “I did but wait to cast my riding slough, and to transmew myself into some civil form meeter for this worshipful company.” The Monastery
  • Sister Hyacinthe had just gone into the house, and like an illumination the thought darted through Barbara's mind that the road could be seen from the little summer house which the reverend owner of the castle called his "frigidarium," because it was cool even during the warmest summer day. Barbara Blomberg — Volume 07
  • Cymbeline" began -- "Cymbeline" carefully edited, censored and kalsomined by the selective committee, Mrs. Reverend David Dishup and Miss Tryphosa Fair Harbor
  • KING: Reverend Schenck, do you think they're ever going to be really consolable? CNN Transcript Oct 3, 2006
  • Can I call you Mike, or should I call you ``vicar' or `` reverend ' or something? HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • It's nice to have someone who actually believes in what he's running on and who can explain himself well and, if he has the added qualities of being charming and a brilliant extemporaneous speaker as the Reverend Sharpton does, amen.
  • This was followed by a packed interdenominational service in the church, led by the Reverend Simon Wilkinson, before wreaths were laid at the town's war memorial.
  • His faith that men such as the Reverend John Leale tried to do their best is unshaken.
  • The Reverend's current record Spend a Night in the Box is a stripped-down hot rod of rockabilly raunch.
  • In donning the Reverends mantle, I have retained the use of the term mad for Bethlems residents. Bedlam
  • The Republicans will paint him as a daishiki wearing black nationalist who goes to an out of the mainstream curch who only distanced himself not because he disagreed with them (since he initially defended Reverend Wright) but because he wants to get elected. Dianne Feinstein: I'm Sticking By Hillary
  • Reverend Mr Alfred Feeder, M.A., on the way home, that if she could only have seen Cicero in his retirement at Tusculum, she would not have had a wish, now, ungratified. Dombey and Son
  • The Reverend Mr Smith will officiate at the wedding , ie perform the marriage ceremony.
  • Behind the door hung the reverend's vestment, flat and black and surprisingly frail, pinned as it was, limp and small, to the wood. FATAL FLAW
  • Instead, when the train drew up at the next station, she hopped blithely on to the platform and was greatly surprised to find a young friend of hers, the Reverend Noel Wells, seated upon the nearest bench, his long black-trousered legs uncanonically sprawling, his soft black hat tilted over his eyes, his mouth wide open and an expression of imbecile contentment on his vacuous, sleeping face. Death at the Opera
  • The Queen has approved that the Reverend Philip Hugh Jones, Vicar of Southwater, in the Diocese of Chichester, be appointed to the Archdeaconry of Lewes and Hastings.
  • A general parish meeting could be a fountain of fine ideas and not at all as vexing as some of the reverends might shudder to contemplate.
  • The speakers at the New York rally are to include hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons and Reverend Billy, an outspoken anticorporate activist. Judge Moves Occupy Protest
  • The Reverend Meredith, however, was blind to these manifestations of regenerate life. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • But if, reverend Judges, you deem this equipoised, indifferent lanthorn to be indeed blameworthy for having shown in the same moment, side by side, the skull and the fair face, the burdock and the tiger-lily, the butterfly and toad, then, most reverend Studies and Essays: Concerning Letters
  • And though some reverend brethren are for admitting their children to baptism (and offended with me for contradicting it), yet so cannot I, nor shall I dare to do it upon any pretences of their ancestors 'faith, or of a dogmatical faith of these rebellious parents. The Reformed Pastor
  • I'm sorry, reverend abbot, I mean no disrespect.
  • The Reverend Jesse Jackson apologizing to Senator Barack Obama for making what he calls crude comments that were picked up by a live television microphone. CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2008
  • That reverend divine in the span new dennet and the Jolliffe shallow, who squares his elbows so knowingly, as he rubs on his bit of blood, is Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
  • We thought that it was maladministered and that the very estimable and reverend gentleman who held the office of warden was somewhat too highly paid for duties which were somewhat too easily performed. Barchester Towers
  • One of the boys had said: " Here comes Reverend Grimes, " and nodded, in brief, respectful silence.
  • GO AWAY, Tubby - you're as bad as a certain reverend who can't seem to stop wanting his 15 minutes of fame. Rove: McCain's too private
  • NEWTON: The reverend is joining forces with some in the United States who also feel Britain ` s new law is pushing the envelope too far, in short, condoning sin. CNN Transcript Dec 20, 2005
  • Reverend Sharon Jones became our first woman Area Dean in a service at St Thomas Pendleton.
  • As i reverend, when a benniseed cystoplegia a capital schizocarp to a pq, the strip is brownshirt to the end of the tiredly gene. Rational Review
  • The reverend Nicolas Morgan, vicar of St George's Church in Lower Brailes, paid tribute to the hard work of villagers.
  • THE letter which the Reverend Mr. Marsham had received, contained a few lines informing him the Right Honorable incumbent was coming to pass six weeks at his living; and as his retinue, composing his family and tonish friends, were weary of the watering-place they had just been honouring with their company, were to come with him, he had favored his curate with the commission of ordering the house-keeper at the spacious parsonage-house to have the beds well-aired, and every thing in order to receive her master, his lady, and her sister; with three gentlemen of rank and fortune, together with an humble female friend. Romance Readers and Romance Writers: a Satirical Novel
  • Then it occurred to me how much finer a spectacle my ebony friend would make; how well his six feet of manly sinew would grace those pulpit stairs; how eloquently the reverend gentleman might expatiate on the burning sin of shrouding the light of such an intellect in the mists of niggerdom, only to see it snuffed out in darkness; how he might enlarge on what the black could do in elevating his race, either as "cullud" assistant to "Brother Pease" at the Five-Points, or as co-laborer with Fred Douglass at abolition conventions, or, if that didn't _pay_, how, put into the minstrel business, he might run the white "troupes" off the track, and yield a liberal revenue to the "Cause of Freedom. Among the Pines or, South in Secession Time
  • This time he was answering questions from attorneys representing people who claim they were sexually abused by reverend Paul Shanley.
  • I can't believe there is someone getting around calling himself Reverend espousing such vile bilge.
  • The Reverend McKenzie did not drink, but kept a supply of very good Scotch whisky and during the evening provided us with a few rosiners of this good whisky.
  • ‘I was actually ordained a reverend on the Universal Ministries website from Illinois, the same one that Robbie Williams used to be ordained,’ she told the Diary.
  • Does the Right Reverend Prelate who did the benedictory business for Barnes and Clara his wife repent in secret? The Newcomes
  • The Reverend Meredith, however, was blind to these manifestations of regenerate life. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Reverend appearer: no, I threw her overha with these very arms. Pericles, Prince of Tyre: A Tragedy
  • That the Reverend Lydgate feloniously, and for gain, pretended to marry us in full knowledge of the illegal act he was performing. The Dressmaker
  • AldeFinaa ctn recorded by grave and reverend Men, as done The Antiquities of the Abbey Or Cathedral Church of Durham. Also a ...
  • ‘Thank you Reverend Mother!’ replied Miri, flushing at the commendation.
  • It's OK to hate Bush or even Republicans but lumping McCain in with Bush compares to others calling Obama a Muslim because of his name & upbringing, or USA-hater because of his what his wife said or because Reverend Wright – it's kneejerk party bias glossing over the real facts. ernestine sneed Obama says differences with Clinton 'infinitesimal'
  • And now I am grabbing a few moments while Reverend Farquhar runs through my new scenes. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • The school will be blessed by Right Reverend Mons. Francis V. Lynn P.P. V.G. representing Most Reverend Dr. John Fleming, Bishop of Killala.
  • Since that seems obvious, though, reverend, what's the point in prolonging the race?
  • Reverend Wright's silence after the 'denunciation' is deafening! Indianapolis Star backs Clinton
  • A friend of mine was dining at a large dinner of clergymen, and a story, as true as the sausage story above given, was told regarding me, by one of those reverend divines, in whose frock sits some anile chatter-boxes, as any man who knows this world knows. Roundabout Papers
  • A quick search reveals the Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould - born 1834; died 1924 - was a hagiographer, antiquarian, novelist and prolific travel writer, whose accomplishments include a 16-volume lives of the saints and the book of werewolves. Getting From Here To There, The Retro Way
  • The next year, he added the title reverend to his name as he became the pastor of Greater Middle Baptist Church, a position he held for many years, and would later also pastor -

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