
How To Use Revere In A Sentence

  • manitou, too? alchera also? must i revere muramura and mimi? Top headlines
  • And how can those who profess to revere this charismatic figure, propound views so intolerantly divergent from those of their great leader?
  • The Sub – Prior readily obeyed the first part of the Abbot’s injunction, but paused upon the second — “It is Friday, most reverend,” he said in Latin, desirous that the hint should escape, if possible, the ears of the stranger. The Monastery
  • The silver flask touched her lips as reverently as the Christian chalice of gold.
  • The person who taps the keys here over the signature "revere" (or sometimes "Revere"; it's at most one at a time) is not Paul Revere. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
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  • In fact, one of the reasons Mao remains revered is that he is credited with “unifying China”. Matthew Yglesias » The Tomorrow People
  • (Bush and Dr Cheney legacy), not just lock it up in cupboards. another inspiration for my writing is this innovative musician and activist fighting racism, Islamo-phobia and injustice head on through his "Rhythm and beats". although his documentaries and DIY cook book music genre are termed irreverence bordering treason against queen and country and glorifying terrorism among the Pakistani and Muslim youth of Britain, But it is merely exposing the truth about the sentiments of equality, discrimination, integration and assimilation. Pak Tea House
  • Applying the attribute of reverence to a mortal being borders on the blasphemous.
  • Dawkins did not share the town's reverence for the sea, nor did he have much time for those who risked their lives upon it. THE MAIN CAGES
  • Her emotion expressed itself in her earnest performance of her reverent daily devotions. Emily Fox-Seton
  • Remember, if you will (I certainly do), that one of the selling points of the post-VII "reforms" was that they enriched Catholic life and worship by making them relevant and immediate rather than old-fashioned (for which read "dignified") and outdatedly stiff (for which read "reverent"). You report: Promotional Posters for the Traditional Latin Mass
  • But if lawyers and solicitors wish themselves to be identified as men of noble standing and exemplariness then they deserve the kind of reverence they will yield from the public should they decide to embrace Karpal Singh's call to sieve out bad hats. Malaysiakini :: News
  • Not only are they pushing the boundaries of irreverence, which is hilarious, but it is grounded in this humanity, this pain, this pathos, that goes beyond what we think of as comedy. News
  • Hayes breathed out in reverence as he watched the day spreading across the planet.
  • But others of the Muscovite band were fond of congregating at this spot and hour for their lustral summer rites -- white-skinned lads and lasses, matrons and reverent elders, all in a state of Adamitic nudity, splashing about the water of this sunny cover, devouring raw fish and crabs after the manner of the fabled Ichthyophagi, laughing, kissing, saying nice things about God, and combing out each other's long tow-coloured hair. South Wind
  • La jeune fille is expected to remember that she is a daughter and owes reverence to her parents. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • But there was the usual reverent silence, broken by the occasional embarrassed cough or ripple of restrained applause.
  • Where did you find that bit about the reverend, by the way? EVERVILLE
  • Leading the service, the reverend described Mr Jackson as ‘the most energetic of people’ with a passion for life.
  • It would be sounded high that he debased human nature, which has a "cognation," so the reverend and learned Doctor Cudworth calls it, with the divine; that the soul of man, immaterial and immortal by its nature, was made to contemplate higher and nobler objects than this sensible world, and even than itself, since it was made to contemplate God and to be united to Him. Letters to Sir William Windham and Mr. Pope
  • No more scriptures, reverend, and no more discussions about my supposed duties.
  • Jeanie courtesied reverently and withdrew, attended by the The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The first smash hit of the 2007-2008 Broadway season turned out to be one of the biggest surprises in Broadway history †“Xanadu.” People are calling a hilariously reinvented send-up of the 1980’s Olivia Newton-John film, this irreverent musical adventure, about following your dreams when others say you shouldn’t, spins along to the addictive original hit film score by pop-rock legends Jeff Lynne and John Farrar. Whoopi Roller Skates ‘Xanadu’
  • Eugenia too, soothed with the delusions of her romantic but innocent fancy, flattered herself she might now see continually the object she conceived formed for meriting her ever reverential regard; and Miss Margland was importantly occupied upon affairs best suited to her taste and ancient habits, in deliberating how first to bring forth her fair charge with the most brilliant effect. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • The poem conveys his deep reverence for nature.
  • At every stage of his political life, he has had exceptionally close advisers whose judgment he respected and who revered him.
  • I grandthinked after his obras after another time about the itch in his egondoom he was legging boldylugged from some pulversporochs and lyoking for a stool-eazy for to nemesisplotsch allafranka and for to salubrate himself with an ultradungs heavenly mass at his base by a suprime pomp-ship chorams the perished popes, the reverend and allaverred cromlecks, and when I heard his lewdbrogue reciping his cheap cheateary gospeds to sintry and santry and sentry and suntry I thought he was only haftara having afterhis brokeforths but be the homely Churopodvas I no sooner seen aghist of his frighte-ousness then I was bibbering with vear a few versets off fooling for fjorg for my fifth foot. Finnegans Wake
  • I secretly revere it, as the idolater in me awakens once again. Learning to Die in Miami
  • The title track, which opens the album, slowly introduces the multiple elements of this work, reverently contrasting them to establish a perfect balance of impressions.
  • Either reverence, or deference, may have prevented him from bringing his prayers into entire harmony with his criticisms; or it may be that a discrepance, which we should constantly diminish, is likely to remain between our feelings and our logical necessities. Essays and Reviews: The Education of the World, Bunsen's Biblical Researches, On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity; Seances Historiques de Gen��ve; On the Mosaic Cosmogony; Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1750; On the Interpr
  • Throughout her life, Oprah rejected her mesomorph shaped body and revered the gods and goddesses of thinness, committing herself to battle with her hunger and her body. The Dieting Dilemma: Oprah Finally Gets It
  • The French press, which has traditionally been reverential and unchallenging of its political and cultural elites, decided that his previous use of her to promote his political career meant that the situation was fair game.
  • I do not know whence come this respect and this reverence.
  • It's showbizzy, ingenious, affectionate but irreverent. Times, Sunday Times
  • A huge concourse of students, all but gaping with reverence, filled two rooms.
  • The name sustained an irreverent homage to the monarchy, armored with irony after his flight from fascist Europe. Allan M. Jalon: Arts Lust: Central Europe's Underwear Showing
  • The author's revered mother was a descendant from the latter venerable name, united with that of the brave and erudite race of Adamson, of farther north. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Communion in the hand kept to a minimum, 2 Deacons alongside the Celebrant, no concelebration, birettas, supremely reverent atmosphere, and beautiful vestments and even more beautiful music exclusively polyphonic/chant. "Liturgical paradigms for the whole world..."
  • You might not think that an American revolutionary war hero and a legendary music producer would have much in common, but both Paul Revere and Quincy Jones understood the value of social networks.
  • Goud has always exhibited a devilish irreverence for hierarchies, whether in art or in life.
  • The confederates then passed out from the council chamber into the grand hall; each individual, as he took his departure, advancing towards the Duchess and making what was called the "caracole," in token of reverence. The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Volume 10: 1566, part I
  • There great footballers are revered, and, crucially, are measured by the prizes they have won.
  • It is a day of reverent pilgrimage with the celebrant of the Mass bringing the Blessed Sacrament to the island in a special currach. More Boats
  • Miss Burney protested indignantly, her long thin nose turning pink with mortification at this irreverent piece of mimicry
  • Now, we learn the reverend is joking about being Obama's VP. Clinton, Obama dead even, poll says
  • He is still held in great reverence throughout the country.
  • Like Roth and Zweig, he revered the old Europe of the Austro-Hungarian Empire even in its most shadowy duplicities; it was the empire where memory reigned supreme. A Hungarian Novelist's Literature of Fidelity
  • It's great theatre: it's irreverent, rude to the establishment and is prepared to take chances.
  • It was a classic piece of opportunism by Ryanair, the cut-price Irish airline, which has cultivated a reputation for irreverence and has a history of picking fights with the big guys. What Do We Do About Ireland?
  • Poe was the juiciest rhymer of the nineteenth century—before Swinburne, that is—but Mallarmé in his wisdom translated Poe into exquisitely rhymeless French prose, and then Mallarmé published his reverent prose translations in a book, with line drawings by Manet. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • I learnt to revere the skill and knowledge of the coastal bargemen, like Jack Spitty the master of the Edith May in the 60s.
  • The irreverent cook can, of course, substitute the tandoor with an electric oven, and the oven with a covered saucepan, and so on.
  • The reverence accorded canonical figures, the faith that art was immortal, the fascination with an individual artist's character - he ridiculed them all.
  • These people who, while believing in a god and goddess, follow the ancient pagan religions that revere the wonders and beauty of nature and its changing seasons.
  • he gazed reverently at the handiwork
  • This work due to its setting to music by Mikis Theodorakis as an oratorio, is a revered anthem whose verse is sung by all Greeks for all injustice, resistance and for its sheer beauty and musicality of form. Odysseas elytis | calendar of an invisible april « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • He is revered as a national hero.
  • ‘The Reverend Mother has a lot of lines,’ she said.
  • That Morris' own photography, like his writing, insinuated itself with considerable artistry into the vernacular culture he revered was a matter he preferred not to discuss.
  • The most interesting thing, if you ask me, is how "the irreverent, oppositional ethic that controlled pirate identity" winds up as the theme of family rides at these parks.
  • His enthusiasm and commanding personality enabled him to influence greatly the work of many of his juniors, so that they came to reverence him as the founder of their careers.
  • I rose and was about to clap my hat upon my head and burst away, in wrathful indignation from the house; but recollecting — just in time to save my dignity — the folly of such a proceeding, and how it would only give my fair tormentors a merry laugh at my expense, for the sake of one I acknowledged in my own heart to be unworthy of the slightest sacrifice — though the ghost of my former reverence and love so hung about me still, that I could not bear to hear her name aspersed by others — I merely walked to the window, and having spent a few seconds in vengibly biting my lips and sternly repressing the passionate heavings of my chest, I observed to Miss The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
  • A reverent silence fell over the crowd.
  • Totem: An animal, a plant, or a natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor , or guardian.
  • The great pyramids were burial tombs for the pharaohs who were revered as gods on earth.
  • She bowed her head and made a cross over her chest in reverence of the departed woman.
  • He is still held in great reverence throughout the country.
  • At a greater distance from the throne are the inferior nobles, also standing in the same posture of profound reverence.
  • The Scout Law declares a Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
  • Within three days Reverend Thorn approached one of the most gracious villages ever to have developed in America: the tree-lined, white-clapboarded, well-gabled village of Walpole, near the Connecticut River in southwestern New Hampshire. Hawaii
  • Le Nôtre, charmé de cette réponse, oublia qui la lui faisoit, et frappant sur l'épaule du Pape lui répondit à son tour: Mon Révérend On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with Biographical Notices of Them, 2nd edition, with considerable additions
  • Gaugin: The painter who invented his own brand of artistic licence life and work for which he can be reverentially remembered: his extensive travels, his experimentalism and his "primitivist" painting style honed in Tahiti - a bold reaction against the Impressionism embraced by most of his - Articles related to Keira Knightley takes on performance art
  • Masonry reverences all the great reformers.
  • Sandy's friend, the Anglican priest and rector of St. Anne's, the Reverend John Gordon, would officiate.
  • But the irreverent Honeymouth, trying to maintain his poise, prodded me, saying, Come on, Superego. Dreamseller: The Calling
  • One writer noted that it was through such events that the ‘reverence for the flag amounting almost to worship’ acquired a ‘human face or word.’
  • Again, like today's, its doings were chronicled by an irreverent, iconoclastic press eager for celebrity gossip and social scandal.
  • There is a note of criticism for this 'unreverent' treatment of an anointed king. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Even ‘reverence for the emperor, the most important ideological buttress of the old order, was evidently giving way’.
  • Hatch meanwhile reverently doffed his salet and knelt down. The Black Arrow
  • And I wanted to tell John Clay before he made my appointment with you, reverend abbot.
  • You can go through life doing whatever you want, eating hotdogs from the stands without having to pay, stand underneath the Slurpee machines in corner stores and turn your tongue green, fart in church and the reverend keeps droning along like a bee in a hive. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » April : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • If we reserve consecrated bread and wine and kneel before it, why should we not preserve the world with the same reverence?
  • But though in theory every living man and woman is merely an ancestor or ancestress born again and therefore should be his or her equal, in practice they appear to admit that their forefathers of the remote _alcheringa_ or dream time were endowed with many marvellous powers which their modern reincarnations cannot lay claim to, and that accordingly these ancestral spirits were more to be reverenced, were in fact more worshipful, than their living representatives. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • Kahlan speculated that their irreverence was their way of reminding Richard that he had freed them and that they served only by choice. Soul of the Fire
  • Jacques de Vitry and English traveler, Sir John Mandeville, stated that Georgians are called Georgian because they especially revere and worship Saint George.
  • The music makes abundantly clear how much he learnt from his ‘ancient, & much reverenced Master’, William Byrd.
  • My appeal to all pastors, bishops, reverends and other church leaders, is that they should not sell their birthright to any organisation for the sake of money.
  • The Reverend Jolly's voice was in fact not all that far from Fulton's own, but slowed to a funereal tempo and larded with the lugubriousness of a hired mourner.
  • I wish to acquaint your love in Christ that the very zealous brethren who have been commissioned by your reverence to act for you in this good work have won praise for all the clergy by the amiability of their manners; for by their individual modesty and conciliatoriness they have shewn the sound condition of all. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • As he pulled the dead body from the spring the water became agitated, and from the bubbles arose a vapor that gradually assumed the form of a venerable Indian, with long white locks, in whom the murderer recognized Waukauga, father of the Shoshone and Comanche nation, and a man whose heroism and goodness made his name revered in both these tribes. Myths and Legends of Our Own Land — Volume 07 : Along the Rocky Range
  • Your Reverence, the syndic is a stranger; perhaps he has not heard of the blind. The Miracles of Antichrist: A Novel
  • His greatest strengths - the uncompromising determination, sharp-tongued irreverence, and unblushing idealism - turned out to be critical flaws.
  • Key TMS moments during 1981's big Headingley turnaround included a lengthy and entirely straight discussion of the correct way to address a bishop in written correspondence "The Most Reverend", a saliva-drenched interlude of almost silent on-air cake-munching and a bit where Fred Trueman's musings on Graham Dilley are accompanied by a loud and persistent "ching! ching!" noise, which proves to be Trueman lighting his pipe. My Beef with England: if only we had an Ian Botham now | Barney Ronay
  • It was replaced with a more local, romantic Palestinian nationalism - familiar to Europeans - that reveres the peasant and the shepherd and dreams of reaping the land.
  • But Scotland and Sunday can reveal that Pimm's, the drink most revered by England's leisured classes, is in fact made entirely in Scotland.
  • Webster's defines fetish as ‘an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion… an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification.’
  • a certain irreverent gaiety and ease of manner
  • However, this apparent irreverence toward the subject, an irreverence that is sometimes self-directed (which is the very definition of humor), is only Struth's lightness of being.
  • For all its wacky irreverence, it is also a rather touching story of moral decay in an uncivilized world.
  • Her fame had once been based on her beauty, but during these last twenty years she had become known, revered, and feared for the power of her mind: her ability to outwit, outplan, and outmaneuver the enemies of Troy. Shield of Thunder
  • Chinese porcelains produced for export are among the most revered of all ceramics.
  • In his past work, David Lynch has often presented seniors as if they were circus freaks, but here his approach is reverent and respectful.
  • Above all, the system is destructive of faith, having a tendency to substitute passive acquiescence for real conviction; and therefore I should not say that the excess of it was popery, but that it had once and actually those characters of evil which we sometimes express by the term popery, but which may be better signified by the term idolatry; a reverence for that which ought not to be reverenced, leading to a want of faith in that which is really deserving of all adoration and love. The Christian Life Its Course, Its Hindrances, And Its Helps
  • John is old and waiting to die but the prospect of death hasn't dulled his appetite for invective or his irreverence for the great and the good.
  • The new arrival with an irreverent approach to the stuffy conventions and personnel of Parliament made an immediate impression.
  • A mixture of anger, anti-establishment irreverence and workers' solidarity is documented by the 145 banners collected by the City of Edinburgh.
  • Before 1859 it would have seemed natural to agree with the Reverend William Paley, in "Natural Theology, " that the creation of life was God's greatest work.
  • Religion will bind again these that were sometime frivolous, customary, enemies, skeptics, self-seekers, into a joyful reverence for the circumambient Whole, and that which was ecstasy shall become daily bread. Uncollected Prose
  • He explained that he was in fact on indefinite exile from the Parish for committing the unforgivable and irredeemable sins of garrulity, irreverent laughter, vile thoughts and oversleeping.
  • He celebrated the larrikin streak in the Australian soul, the irreverence, the hedonism and physicality and of course the bloody-minded stoicism, obduracy and deviousness.
  • Can there be a more mortal, poisonous consumption and asphyxy of the mind than this decline and extinction of all reverence? The Aldine, Vol. 5, No. 1., January, 1872 A Typographic Art Journal
  • At this time of year, I hope it isn't irreverent to quote the Bible and say - I have kept all these things and pondered them in my heart!
  • People are revered if they are dressed in expensive clothes and have pricy items in their homes.
  • A puckish irreverence, calculated to upend the cliché of the tortured master builder, is integral to his impressive resume. Building a Better Future
  • ‘By no means, reverend Lady; They are of a delicate pea-green with flame-coloured hair and whiskers.’ The Monk
  • She can then begin to rewrite them, with a twist, with humour, with irreverence, with blasphemy even.
  • He added humor, irreverence, and a strong speaking style that captivated the audience.
  • Parquet flooring, white leather sofas, Picassos on the wall and gold everywhere; the room was reverential, a monument to tastelessness. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • Following the example of Anselm, who crafted his arguments for divine existence in the context of prayer, our theologizing was always conducted in a mood of worshipful reverence.
  • And in their zeal and submissiveness they are so innocently meek and "biddable" that they can listen with reverence to young Hyrum Smith publicly lecturing the grandmothers of the order for occasionally partaking of a cup of thin tea. Under the Prophet in Utah; the National Menace of a Political Priestcraft
  • Then, what can only be described as a sea of flowers, was laid all around, each floral tribute reverently placed by a member of the Civil Defence.
  • I'm still waiting for the culture to rid itself of its tiresome reverence of the 60s and kitschy kicky indulgence of the 70s, and explore the 80s as something other than an era of legwarmers, poufy hair, shoulderpads and Dallas.
  • Effigies of their parents, Richard and Magdalen, are sheltered in a magnificent canopied tomb in the south transept, eight prayerful and reverent children gathered behind them.
  • When we relate this reverence to our experience of the sublime, we have a sense, however fleeting, of the transcendental.
  • Filmmaker Errol Morris has grown famous and revered as the pioneer of what could be called interrogatory cinema -- … In These Times
  • Some theologians object to the idea that a person ordained online is called a "reverend" but isn't necessarily obliged to act on all of a traditionally trained reverend's premarriage duties, such as counseling a couple before their wedding day. Chapel Bound: Getting Ordained Online
  • They liked irreverence, taking the mickey, politically incorrect humour, mockery, satire.
  • His vision of America and of life was tough, irreverent, astringent almost to the point of misanthropy.
  • Academics from US Ivy League universities have written to protest, along with rabbis, pastors, reverends and mullahs as well as the International Young Christian Workers' movement.
  • Taylor combined great knowledge with an irreverent attitude to history.
  • Tadhg extended his thick, rough hands in front of him, his expression reverent. My Devilish Scotsman
  • &c. these formed a kind of aristocratic order, who were distinguished from the minor gods, or from the multitude of ethnic divinities, who were entirely local; that is to say, were reverenced only in particular countries, or by individuals; as in Rome, where every citizen had his familiar spirit, called lares; and household god, called penates. The System of Nature, Volume 2
  • The reverend gave a speech about what a good wife and mother she had been. PROSPECT HILL
  • He opened the ancient book with reverential care.
  • Â Boyfriend is again goggle-eyed to see what’s reallyÂgoing on with his lady, and they end up on a planet where Astra is a revered mythological figure, the girl who saved the universe. Review: Rapid Fire Reviews - Stale Candy Edition! | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • He's too original to be a mere imitator, too irreverent for a disciple.
  • YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) - The Sultan of Yogyakarta, a revered Indonesian royal who has long harbored political ambitions, told an audience of thousands made up of princes and commoners that he would run for president next year. Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News
  • Speaking of finding a silver lining, it always seems like chaplains, reverends, ministers, bishops, they always try to find the positive in any type of disaster.
  • Bishop Jones is a warm-hearted, compassionate and gentle person who is revered by many in Sligo and throughout the Diocese of Elphin.
  • Revere enhanced the coat of arms with an asymmetrical cartouche, a curling trompe l' oeil motto scroll, and plants - all rococo devices.
  • The problem with Bill Kristol and his ilk is their reverence of this very limited option as the “go to” foreign policy option. Think Progress » George Will vs. William Kristol.
  • We do not know how earliest settlers viewed the forests, but the Celts deeply reverenced trees; indeed, the word ‘Druid’ is related to that for ‘oak.’
  • I lost count of the number of times this band was earnestly recommended to me, in reverential tones.
  • ‘Water, big!’ said the ape-man, a reverence extending across his human-simian features.
  • The animals are revered by the Maori as a taonga, or treasure.
  • She had the undoubting, uninquiring reverence which a Christianly educated child of those times might entertain for the visible head of the Christian Church, all whose doings were to be regarded with an awful veneration which never even raised a question. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • Grace reigning is a reverence of God, and gives honour to him who is infinitely great and high, and to whom all honour is due, than which what is more becoming or should be more pleasing to the rational creature? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • In the never-ending debate over the impact of non-native species, there are invaders many of us have come to accept and even revere (the ringneck pheasant, Huns, chukars) and there are invaders that are almost universally reviled (the snakehead, kudzu, zebra mussels, Texas Longhorn fans). Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • Up the long hill to East Grinstead, keeping a steady, reverent twenty-five miles an hour, the traffic building up behind. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • ‘Just a tich of fever with it, your reverence, the doctor said,’ The Last Chronicle of Barset
  • Can I call you Mike, or should I call you ``vicar' or `` reverend ' or something? HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • Furthermore, her husband, the revered Kanak political leader Rock Pidjot, had attended a catechists' school on the main island at the same time as two leading Drueulu catechists.
  • In Germany and Italy, it is even revered as a constitutional principle.
  • The Bible once received, science can furnish abundant illustrations of the attributes of the Being therein revealed; but even with all the illumination which has been the immediate or secondary result of Christianity, man is hopeless without its authority, and I would not give the slightest shadow of support to that irreverent presumption which, guided by what it calls the unaided light of nature, would construct a system of religion out of passions, intuitions, and I know not what absurdity. Religion and Chemistry
  • Take a bite of his perfectly crusted, tender spareribs, and respect may turn to reverence.
  • I have no idea who Reverend Ted is, except that some people call Ted Whatsisname, the disgraced pervy born-aginner Reverend Ted. Operation global media domination: the rise of the Castoridaeian meme « raincoaster
  • On account of his rank and his services, people pay the bestarred and betitled old brute a sort of reverence; and he looks down upon you and me, and exhibits his contempt for us, with a stupid and artless candour which is quite amusing to watch. The Book of Snobs
  • Throughout the two world wars and the decades following both of them, the lower classes were widely revered for their courage in battle and their stoicism in peace.
  • Most conversations that established coherence amid the onsetting din of mass-slurring hung reverently on these figures. Alibi Weblog
  • Treasured by kings, wise men and people of discriminating taste for millennia, the aroma of frankincense and myrrh evokes feelings of warmth, comfort, majesty, reverence and peace.
  • The point of using the classics in this kind of playful reverence is that I always felt the classics had become stuffy through being academized-is that what the word is? Jasper Fforde biography
  • I revere him greatly.
  • Here, its upbeat graveyard stomp, engulfed in Townsend's studied licks and organist Kyle Forester's perspicuous interludes recalls what the soundtrack to much-revered London niterie The Batcave must have sounded like back in 1982. Drowned In Sound // Feed
  • Children are taught to show respect and reverence towards their grandparents.
  • Weircombe village as it lay peacefully aslant down the rocky "coombe," no one would have thought it likely to be a scene of silent, but none the less violent, internal feud; yet such nevertheless was the case, and all the trouble had arisen since the first Sunday of the first month of the Reverend Mr. Arbroath's "taking duty" in the parish. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • George Condo: A Collection of Etchings | Condo is typically known for bold paintings so brash as to be referred to as gonzo "artificial realism," the term the artist uses to describe his works, which by turns are meditative, wry, irreverent and fantastical, reflecting Condo's now-iconic surrealistic mash-up of old and modern masters. Bill Bush: I Shot Andy Warhol: This Artweek.LA (June 13-19)
  • The band of funsters never appear on stage without their shell suits, signature chains of cheap gold safety pins and famously irreverent sense of humour.
  • There I was, a professional baseball player, a title revered by so many, finding out how pathetic I really am because I feel like I should be treated special while folks just like me starve to death. Chatting with Dirk Hayhurst
  • In reverence of whom, and for their sakes, he approved by divers arguments and reasons, that a man and his wife ought to abstaine from bedding together. The Decameron
  • The Republicans will paint him as a daishiki wearing black nationalist who goes to an out of the mainstream curch who only distanced himself not because he disagreed with them (since he initially defended Reverend Wright) but because he wants to get elected. Dianne Feinstein: I'm Sticking By Hillary
  • As an afterthought, Taen recalled that the King of Pirates revered books; on Cliffhaven, his archivist was the only hale man not required to bear arms. Shadowfane
  • There's usually some restraint, there's usually some sort of reverence for the death penalty, in a sense, because it is such an extreme sanction.
  • This is because they worship and revere the jaguar as the Amazon's ultimate predator.
  • Now then, what aggravates me is that these troglodytes and muscovites and bandoleers and buccaneers are ALSO trying to crowd in and share the benefit of the law, and compel everybody to revere their Shakespeare and hold him sacred. What Is Man? and Other Essays
  • Delightful self-accountant reverence of author-craft! which wields full knowledge of a shaddock-tainted world, yet presents no licence to the prurient lad, reveals no trail to the suspicious moralist. Biographical Study of A W Kinglake
  • By contrast, in the Orthodox Liturgy, there is an air of reverence, as well as an atmosphere of informality.
  • The festive season of Christmas was observed in the usual reverent and enjoyable manner by the community in Bunclody.
  • ED with reverence, for she introduced them to European exotica such as avgolemono, osso buco and pissaladière. The Guardian World News
  • The woman's presence drew reverence from deep within Portia's soul, though Portia was unaware of the connecting path between their hearts.
  • I was surprised by this, because I like my Reverend - he's "strong-minded," yes, and a pessimist, but he tries relentlessly to save everybody in town, and never gives up, and he's also one of the smartest, sharpest crayons in the town box. More Under The Dome angst
  • the Chinese reverence for the dead
  • For chess buffs who tune in for some shoptalk from the game's most revered icon, there is this: Bobby Fischer’s Pathetic Endgame
  • The squire, Sir John Boileau, and the vicar, the Reverend Mr Andrew, were both highly literate men who didn't get on - and both kept diaries, largely about each other.
  • They have, says the reverend author, what one would not expect, many light toyish books (novels and plays, doubtless), others on Rosycrucian subjects, and of an abstruse mystical character; but they have no Bibles or works of devotion. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
  • Reverend Jesse Jackson is apologizing for what he calls crude and hurtful comments about Barack Obama. CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2008
  • Heine can never lose the sharpness of his bite, for his irreverence is the eternal irreverence of the soul that neither man nor Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations
  • It seemed to many that the revered Constitution was really the bulwark of powerful economic interests and, therefore, the enemy of more egalitarian and populist policies.
  • He has his head in a handbasin and is clutching the taps in the school washroom while the prefects take it in turns to beat him for his lack of Christian reverence. Absolute Friends
  • Nor can it provide the public airing of evidence that is sorely needed here - particularly since this is a case in which a revered institution has used its privileged place to silence victims.
  • She shared that knowledge with her human children, but in return asked reverence and care in preserving her bounty.
  • But then, also, it was with a certain reverent curiousness that she approached the cabin, while the Hush on her cheek showed a yet riper mellowness. THE GREAT INTERROGATION
  • The Reverend Kyle Lake, 33, was standing in water in a baptistery at University Baptist Church when he was electrocuted on Sunday morning.
  • The calumet was a tobacco pipe, highly revered by the Illinois, which could be used to end disputes, strengthen alliances, and ensure peaceful relationships with strangers.
  • Generations later, the stories are still as rude, irreverent and colourful as they were way back then.
  • The attack was particularly notable because Najaf, a revered city in Shiite Islam, has been among the safest places in Iraq in recent years. U.N. diplomat unhurt in Iraq bombing; 1 policeman killed
  • From the window we looked out on the distant sacred mountain, Fujiyama, which is revered by all Japan. Travels in the Far East
  • He was no apologist, but the glittering, near-feverish eloquence of his writing suggests fascination, almost reverence.
  • April 28th, 2008 6: 16 pm ET the reverend is only telling the truth, and i'm as rednecked as they come. Obama: Wright is 'free to speak his mind'
  • The experiment is, of course, an analogy for Wolfe's Dupont University, where the school's national champion basketball team is revered, and its players, all genetic freaks with, in effect, the thinking portion of their brains removed (they are discouraged from taking real courses), enjoy a "hypermanic" sex life with the eager coeds who line their paths. Cry Wolfe

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