How To Use Revelatory In A Sentence
There was a time when this exposure of ironies was revelatory.
Willy adopted his name after a revelatory vision of Santa Claus, thereafter living according to the seasonal spirit of selfless giving.
The attribution of magical and personal properties to the contents of his work is consistent with his belief in the artist as shaman and art as revelatory.
In Asia, a wide array of sites offers unique and revelatory experiences for both curious visitors and devoted pilgrims.
As for John Leech's office - are you expecting some kind of revelatory comment from me on that?
Dear Returning Officer: Check Leech John Bull Set

This approach is not directly valuable to students, but is revelatory in terms of understanding the legal system: sustained exposure to legal theory helps them map theory back onto other things they will be doing, and gives them a more flexible toolset.
Archive 2009-02-01
He said that it was a revelatory moment that called out for a haiku.
Times, Sunday Times
But this week, there has been a staggering, revelatory, table-turning revolution.
Times, Sunday Times
(I also agree that the police, corporately and at the higher echelons, have lost sight of what matters; but this isn’t revelatory, is it?)
It's not exactly revelatory information, but I figured someone out there might find it useful.
To say it has been a revelatory experience would be an understatement.
Miller's not nearly so insightful as he thinks he is . . . he's got a lot of the same breezy, self-revelatory sort of voice and style as Anne Lamott, but he doesn't have either Lamott's depth of experience or humility, so he doesn't pull it off nearly so well.
Archive 2009-01-01
And secondly, is she going to reveal any other self-revelatory scribblings from those script margins?
Times, Sunday Times
Some of the world's greatest art is exhausting, and painful, and just as cruelly revelatory.
Premodern interpreters, from both Qumran and the Syriac exegetical tradition, understood the scriptural text to be open to a revelatory discourse.
If you can stand the obliqueness, the allusiveness and the tension-inducing pace, you are in for an experience that is disturbing, revelatory and poetic.
This assumption of a given unacquired intuitive and revelatory source of true judgments transcending discursive reason is both a logical and an empirical imperative.
I was disappointed with myself because anger is often such a revelatory emotion, especially in a situation like team sports.
The text of the book, written in lyrical, daringly self-revelatory prose, is interspersed with music and video of the author -- sometimes speaking, sometimes not.
Cathleen Falsani: 'Liberate Eden': A Digital Meditation
For the reader who doesn't share Harrison's fascination with physical extremity, though, the journey can seem less sensuous or revelatory than furtively pornographic.
Mr. Naipaul's "picong" remarks range from silly putdowns -- such as when he said of one of Queen Elizabeth's grandchildren that she had the face of a criminal -- to snippy but revelatory show-off remarks, like his comment that the fatwa against Salman Rushdie for "The Satanic Verses" was an extreme form of literary criticism.
The Man Behind the Man of Letters
To oversimplify, then, Galileo's telescopic observations of remote surfaces and of appearances he knew to be illusions were revelatory in a way that the Linceans' microscopic scrutiny of matters at hand could not be.
His last record, 2003's The Transfiguration of Vincent, was a perfect meditation on death and love, delivered with an offhand grace that made fingerpicking and a little snare seem revelatory, even as it conjured the ghost of John Fahey.
But the big news of the production is Bill Irwin's revelatory performance as George.
Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling
Here Maguire is at her most perceptive, most articulate and most revelatory.
With each peal the bulb's light was becoming more revelatory.
Rather their concealing darkness become a revelatory light, which blazed so brightly it outshone the sky.
The most revelatory is I Am an American Soldier: One Year in Iraq with the 101st Airborne.
GreenCine Daily: Tribeca, 5/2.
Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling
But didn't say that, because the image had suddenly struck her with revelatory force.
What the characters are thinking and feeling and what they are doing is often as imponderable and revelatory to them as to us.
His carefully balanced compositions often create an island of stillness, a moment of revelatory quiet amid the modern churnings.
At Zander a week later, the experience was revelatory in a different way.
She has still put it together in revelatory ways, underscoring the generation-wide impact of her subjects’ songs and stories ....
An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
He felt a remote reminder of those hours on Spruce Street, wandering two revelatory blocks to Bethlynn's house.
Like a bow against a cello, this revelatory scene plays against us, plays deep in our inmost selves, and brings something low and grieving to our lips.
It's the sensual engagement, the interactive experience that can be self-revelatory.
Wendy Gordon: Alice Water: Chef and Healthy School Lunch Crusader
It was quite well done all-round--no weak links in the cast or direction--but what makes it worth $65 is Kline's performance as Falstaff, which is revelatory in the sense that it allows Shakespeare's words to shine through clearly without additional "playacting" on his part.
Fun at Lincoln Center.
Likewise, we wouldn't want to say that sex without a revelatory experience was wrong.
William McNeil, Plagues & Peoples: This had a kind of revelatory quality to me, the idea that everything you thought was important about history was actually kind of trivial and the real determinants of human destiny are something else entirely.
Matthew Yglesias » Influential Books
It was quite well done all-round--no weak links in the cast or direction--but what makes it worth $65 is Kline's performance as Falstaff, which is revelatory in the sense that it allows Shakespeare's words to shine through clearly without additional "playacting" on his part.
Fun at Lincoln Center.
It is a positively revelatory experience that mere listening or score-reading cannot provide.
And just as surely as his revelatory gaze saw through to the core of her, so she in her turn saw something miraculous in him.
While Caesar examines the effect of unbridled political ambition on political order, Merchant explores the effect of revelatory religion on the polity.
I would love to try and soak up the revelatory autobiographies of these slabs 'archeological wear and tear, as if the tombstones could whisper bits of testimony to me, or relay the dying memories or last wishes of a weary life who fell beside them; to the subtopian eye it would be a compelling foray into the realities of those who have and continue to interact with these walls on a daily basis, those who have crawled through them, been thrown up against them, who have lost or saved their businesses because of them, hid behind them for their lives, been made to stare at them for years, whose mother's hearts have been splattered all over them.
A similar problem unfolds in stanza five as the speaker seeks to elicit from the urn a transcendental message both aesthetic and ontological that will bring the poem to thematic and formal closure and that will confirm the urn's (and the poem's) status as a revelatory Romantic symbol.
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Various aspects of the writer's complicated position within the widely accepted framework of the fairytale may serve as revelatory thematisations of his artistic and political stance.
If general themes do emerge in this year's Biennial, they are subtle rather than revelatory.
Scorsese takes the time to let viewers really see the music unfold in revelatory concert performances.
Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling
But that didn't stop a chorus of critical hosannas, particularly for Fincher's work, and that of lead actress Rooney Mara, who was revelatory as emotionally scarred hacker Lisbeth Salander.
Oscars 2012: the best picture nominations we'd like to see
Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling
The women who were once your women find these easeful and revelatory.
Beneath the Light of an Exploding City
This is a fascinating story, revelatory of the ways of Washington and one of Washington's major players.
The Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ is ‘the central revelatory act of God’. Jesus is without original sin and Mary is rightly called Theotokos.
Michel Bouquet delivers a revelatory, award-worthy performance as the amiable and mysterious French president.
Since M.F.K. Fisher was only selectively self-revelatory, we'll never be sure.
The Romantical She
Most mediums are women, many of whom become mediums after a crisis or revelatory experience.
With each peal the bulb's light was becoming more revelatory.
Mangold offers a series of cutaways in a revelatory montage near the end in attempts to justify what we've seen up to that point.
Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling
Kevin Drum relays without comment a letter from a conservative defending torture, an exercise in intellectual and moral contortionism that is revelatory, I think.
Some of their music was very lovely, but it was never the revelatory experience that their press might have prepared you for.
Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling
It's not so inconceivable, is it -- at least in the context of a Broadway-musical romance -- that a refrain might strike lovers as magically fresh or revelatory every time it was repeated?
Tom Gliatto: A Complaint About Sondheim
But in the meantime, a different sort of exploration is going on - less glamorous, but arguably far more revelatory.
Unlike Angelica's self-contradictory and ultimately self-revelatory epistles, which are "keys" only to a whited sepulchre, the Biblical epistles reveal that the Bible provides its own authoritative guide to interpretation.
But in the hands of a master, the altered perceptions can be not only revelatory but joyous.
The experience was unnerving, challenging and ultimately revelatory; now she wants all her movies to be like this.
Trips to refuges like Montezuma or Jamaica Bay are revelatory, but ultimately, we're trespassers, traipsing callously through the beasts' lairs.
Even if doctors rule him fit, Mr Demjanjuk's trial may prove risky without being revelatory. It will not shed new light on the Holocaust.
Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling
Many of the composers presented were new to the audience, and produced works of revelatory musicality and quality.
Interviewer Ryan Tubridy sought the advice of Jon Snow ahead of the interview but was warned it would be difficult to extract anything 'revelatory' out of Tony Blair.
Tony Blair interview greeted by Iraq war protesters and Jedward fans
Here's a quiet little poem by one of my favorite poets, Eamon Grennan, which demonstrates, in its patient, painterly way, how an accumulation of sense-based details can develop a kind of revelatory momentum.
Archive 2007-11-01
The latter half of Cult of Flesh is basically a series of sexual encounters that are "revelatory" in the worst sense--in the sense that they prompt the characters to spout long passages at each other that blend faux-Satanism with poor paraphrases of Norman O.
Archive 2005-04-03
The open, revelatory vision of the crystal ends up being one more version of the covert vision of allegory.
It is something less than our finest hour, but highly revelatory of our national obsessions.
The previously unseen footage is equally revelatory.
Soon these experiences lost their numinous, revelatory character and became recreational and explicable.
For it is only out of the revelatory claims of Scripture that eschatology arises as a theological topic and as an assumption about reality that requires faith to engage with science to get some sense of the ending.
Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most trans formative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared. J. K. Rowling
It isn't the revelatory experience which was White Lilies Island.