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How To Use Reveille In A Sentence

  • As the caretaker manager released his squad at Hampden last Wednesday, the mobile of Rainer Bonhof, standing at the back of the room, trilled to the sound of a bugle's reveille.
  • As the bugler played the reveille he finished his salute and walked past the Pool of Remembrance where a crowd had gathered.
  • An Army padre was to lead the short service after a bugler played reveille.
  • Casey kept her room perfectly clean, barely touching her old playthings and rose early each morning, expecting a reveille from Agent Michael.
  • The drums did not beat reveille until 6:30 and it seems everyone is sluggish in rising this morning, seeing as both sides are so frozen there is little chance of anything happening.
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  • The bugler's name was Jospeh and he used to play the reveille first thing in the morning and sound the retreat each night at sunset.
  • In common with ceremonies across the land, the Last Post and Reveille rang out as the Few were remembered and honoured.
  • Apres j'ai vu ou plutot entendu de dessous ma couette Mademoiselle Drucker annoncer le sommaire de son journal et Segolene Royale se trouvait en premier sujet donc comme je me suis reveillé sur le meme journal et qu'ca parlait de segolene royale, je me suis donc bien endormi quelques seconde mais avec une impression de longue durée. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • If a leaf of the paper, which I slowly, warily, stealingly turned, made but one faintest rustle, how did that _reveille_ boom in echoes through the vacant and haunted chambers of my poor aching heart, my God! and there was a cough in my throat which for a cruelly long time I would not cough, till it burst in horrid clamour from my lips, sending crinkles of cold through my inmost blood. The Purple Cloud
  • (The following sketch is by the author of "Swallowing an Oyster Alive!" and was originally published in the St. Louis "Reveille.") This celebrated gentleman is a recognized "hoss" certainly; and, we are told, rejoices as much at his cognomination, as he did at his nomination for the chair gubernatorial, last election. The Camp Jester, or, Amusement for the Mess.
  • On the battlefield a bugle plays reveille and the lines of soldiers stir, ready to surge forward.
  • Their feet are an awful dream of bunions - but the buffalo's brazil nut bugle-horns can never sound reveille.
  • It's not that we get the reveille as a wake-up alarm, or we have to do ten push-ups if we commit errors.
  • On Remembrance Day the last post is followed by a period of silence, and then by the reveille - the day's first bugle-call - to symbolize death and resurrection.
  • Le gros homme du comptoir ne se réveillé pas pour si peu; mais du fond de l’arrière-boutique la cabaretière accourt. Le Petit Chose (part 1) Histoire d'un Enfant
  • Yet even in war the days of battle are few and the days of trial many, and many a time at reveillé and retreat, on the march and in camp has the sound of the massed pipers stirred our memories and stoutened our hearts to face whatever danger or hardship lay before. With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia 1916—1917
  • Gina woke up to the notes of a trumpet sounding reveille breaking the dewy morning silence.
  • With an affectionate gaze at his sober colleague, the prudent maidservant removes the wine-bottle, while a trumpeter at the door satirically sounds the reveille.
  • Following a service, the parade marched back along Church Hill to the cenotaph for the Last Post / Reveille and a wreath-laying ceremony.
  • At 6 o'clock, roused by the réveille, we scurry to the bath-room, take the prescribed cold plunge, and then dress.
  • When Neal called the reveille Casey jumped up, like Jennifer, and made her bed in record time.
  • And another plaintive dawn bugle reveille, executed off-key but with authoritarian certainty, all but muffled by the pounding marching drums from the cliff-side army barracks overlooking the beach. Hidden time revisited - Puerto Escondido
  • D ma neurologue me reveille alors l'air de rien, du moin j'essaie je releve ma tete et essaie d'avoir les yeux les plus grand ouvert possible. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Then comes the military réveille, and the deafening 'rataplan' of regimental drums, and the town is soon alive with people arriving and departing by the early trains; whilst others collect in the market-place in holiday attire with baskets of flowers, and commence the erection of an altar to the Virgin in the middle of the square. Normandy Picturesque
  • She woke early to her Palm PC singing a reveille bugle call.
  • At five o'clock in the morning, the reveille sounds and prisoner Ivan Denisovich Shukov lies in his bunk, wondering if he should get up.
  • In any case there is the war, a hilltop, a huntsman, and a mournful reveille to life - described in sentences so off-kilter and beautiful you don't know whether to cry out for help or just start crying.
  • There we would dally through the long night hours until the tinny clock sounded Reveille.
  • `Come on, old gas-bag, reveille, this man's got to fly aeroplanes tomorrow. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • No reveille announced our start the next morning.
  • Marls quand ell 's'y reveille, en cendre ell' le trouva; Poussa un si grand cri que tout l'monde accoura. Folk Songs of French Canada
  • Je l'ai eteint en dormant et ne me suis reveillé qu'à 19h00 a cause d'une affreuse odeur de cassoulet a la graisse d'oie que mon pere etait en train de préparer. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The knight slept as a soldier would, to whom a featherbed is a rarity, and who wakes not till he hears the blast of the reveille. Burlesques
  • Why not just skip the anterior cingulate reveille and muzzle the brain's fear response for good?
  • After reveille, you'll be treated to a Marine-style pre-sunrise breakfast, followed by a brisk 20-K run around the Green Zone perimeter.
  • He had woken at half past five in an almost empty hut, a reveille different from any other. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Throughout his career in the Army, he'd never failed to awake a few minutes before reveille. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • The reveille filled the air, the two Garda members ushered on the traffic and under the midday sweltering sun, the tricolour was raised, now flying proudly at full mast.
  • Such was the costume in which La Reveillére-Lepeaux exhibited himself to his astonished countrymen, and having the misfortune to be -- as we are told -- "petit, bossu, et puant," the exhibition obtained no great success. The Contemporary Review, January 1883 Vol 43, No. 1
  • ‘Lest we forget’ was said by all as Reveille sounded and the Australian National Flag and the Union Jack were returned to the masthead.
  • The jays conduct a rousing reveille of check check check to awaken me at dawn, eliminating the need for mechanical alarm clocks.
  • I woke the next morning to the sound of reveille feeling very sore.
  • -- Il seroit inutile de recommander ici la lecture des mémoires qui composent ce volume: le titre seul de _Mémoires du comte de Grammont_ réveillera sans doute la curiosité du public pour un homme qui lui est déjà si connu d'ailleurs, tant par la réputation qu'il a sçu se faire, que par les différens portraits qu'en ont donnez Mrs. de Notes and Queries, Number 219, January 7, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Then the men up at the Bull Ring started to blow the reveille , and we knew that it was all over.
  • On the battlefield a bugle plays reveille and the lines of soldiers stir, ready to surge forward.
  • As the crowd stood silent between the sounding of the last post and reveille, and standards were held proudly to attention, even the noise of traffic and the chatter of passing pedestrians failed to detract from the dignity of the occasion.

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