How To Use Reunification In A Sentence

  • Hostility between them has lasted since 1953, despite successive efforts by the South towards reunification.
  • In such cases the citizens often dream of reunification, even when their governments and ideology differ fundamentally.
  • France had no distinctive position or influence when it came to the vital question of German reunification. The Global Marketplace
  • He said that July 1 was a joyful day for the entire Chinese race as it marked the reunification of Hong Kong with the motherland.
  • The projects provide shelter, either in centers or with foster families, psycho-social assistance, family tracing, reunification, education, and special vocational training.
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  • Their president proposed the concept of political integration rather than reunification.
  • Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.
  • If you ask me if the reunification is done, I would say, 'Yes.' East-West Divide Preserved in a German Village
  • After a reconciliation in the royal family and the reunification of the Whig party in 1720, the ministry recovered its poise, and the Whig Ascendancy was not only restored but extended.
  • So the idea that reunification caused per capita GDP in Germany to crater, while it has a surface plausibility, does not appear to comport with the data. Matthew Yglesias » Revisiting the Manzi-Chait
  • The reunification of the two nations into one country in 1990 was a seminal event in Ruhl's life, but he explains that the marriage of two unequals has been rocky.
  • China has no claim to Taiwan, so it is not being asked to "relinquish" anything, nor is what is happening "reunification. Archive 2006-03-01
  • For word-watchers out there, Bush always used the term unification, never the pro-Beijing reunification. Minding Your P-s and Q-s at Brookings
  • The first is long-term reunification, imposed by Beijing as the only option for Taiwan, and the sine qua non for normal relations with any country. Archive 2008-04-01
  • More time will give the South an opportunity to prepare for the reunification.
  • Li expressed the Chinese government's appreciation for the Samoan government's steadfast support for the great cause of China's reunification.
  • By any account the true dems should begin reunification and realize that the things we are all fighting for are more important than who the Democratic Nominee is. Angry Clinton supporters tell party leaders: 'Let's go McCain!'
  • South Korean officials will also have to decide that the tremendous cost of reunification is worth the increased security. One Korea?
  • The spillover economic benefits of reunification also have a political payoff, integrating the countries of the region in a set of cooperative commercial relationships.
  • The spillover economic benefits of reunification also have a political payoff, integrating the countries of the region in a set of cooperative commercial relationships.
  • Nicosia continues to oppose EU efforts to establish direct trade and economic links to north Cyprus as a way of encouraging the Turkish Cypriot community to continue to support reunification.
  • On stability on the Korean Peninsula, Gong Ro Myung, a former South Korean foreign minister, told the meeting Japan can play a role in the pursuance of stability and eventual reunification of the Korean Peninsula.
  • Italy celebrated its sesquicentennial as a nation in March and yet it can still seem as factional and disunited as it did during the years of reunification, the years of Tomasi's work. A Lyric, Elegiac Lament for a Lost World
  • A keenly observant writer, he turns his story into an amusingly bleak X-ray of present-day Korea, whose people are as interested in Bart Simpson as Kim Jong Il. Along the way, we meet a huge array of sharply drawn social types - comedians and tax cheats, porn addicts and schoolteachers, spoiled college kids and former student radicals like Ma-ri, who find their generational dreams of national reunification curdling into desperate adulteries. A Kafkaesque Spy Thriller Straddles Two Koreas
  • This became even more obvious after reunification, when they were in fact propagating a European superstate, in which a Franco-German core would dictate policies.
  • Radical disagreement came over German reunification. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Mr Chen's approach is to finesse the problem of reunification through a mixture of goodwill and verbal subtlety.
  • The reunification of the city under a capitalist democracy and the resiting of the capitol there provides sociolinguists with an interesting opportunity to observe interactions between language and changing social structures.
  • After the Second World War, Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, had rejected the national division and worked hard for the reunification.
  • As one of the founders and reorganisers of East German research, he was hit hard in the 1990s by German reunification, which led to the abolition of some East German scientific activities following an evaluation by West German scientists.
  • Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.
  • They visit Twickenham on November 14 as part of a busy schedule that follows rugby reunification between the races.
  • His tireless efforts for a quick German reunification paid off well.
  • Unlike so many victims of the armed struggle for the reunification of Ireland.
  • Estimates for the total cost of reunification range from hundreds of billion to a few trillion dollars.
  • Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.
  • The reunification of the country ushered in a "Golden Age" for the banking industry from 1927 to 1937.
  • But they better show their mettle, given that reunification is around the corner.
  • A new government that has promised to work toward reunification of the divided island formally came to power yesterday.
  • The commission attempted to elaborate on the legal side of reunification.
  • His tireless efforts for a quick German reunification paid off well.
  • The example of Germany shows that reunification can come at a time and in a way that defies prediction.
  • Since reunification thousands of plattenbau, which means panel construction, have been demolished in Dresden, Magdeburg and Leipzig, while many more are unsellable and unrentable.
  • Politicians find reunification a useful issue to be exploited for their own political causes.
  • With the reunification of Germany, Berlin became once again the capital of the country.
  • However, Beijing, it adds, appears prepared to defer the use of force as long as it believes that long-term reunification remains possible and the costs of conflict outweigh the benefits. Taipei Times
  • Its population has dropped by 400,000 to 1.6 million since reunification as youngsters seek jobs and university places elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Danish historian Feiwel Kupferberg (2002) argues that the real difficulty in German reunification was the discrepancy in the ways the West Germans ( "Wessies") and East Germans Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • In Germany, such open mass support has been more limited, generally not exceeding 10 percent, but outbursts of antiforeign violence, especially after reunification, have become more frequent and the expression of xenophobic sentiments more widespread. Out of Control
  • The churches were important actors during the negotiations toward reunification.
  • In the years immediately following reunification, this empty terrain slashed through the newly open city.
  • Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.
  • This cascade of changes is not unitarily positive or negative, rather it is possible to enumerate a variety of risks and benefits associated with reunification.
  • A West Germany firmly shackled to this impossibilist dogma would never be able to do a deal with the Soviet Union, such as leaving Nato in return for reunification. London Review of Books
  • President Faure and the Togolese government attach great importance to relations with China, adhere to the one-China policy and support China's grand cause of reunification.
  • The 1976 Immigration Act made family reunification and refugee settlement two of Canada's fundamental objectives.
  • Their historic encounter in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang in June 2000 has initiated a thaw in relations that could lead, in time, to a confederation of the two Koreas and eventual reunification.
  • The population is celebrating the real and symbolic reunification of the divided city.
  • Mr Eroglu, a nationalist hardliner who opposes reunification with the Greek part of the island, took 50.4% of the vote, while the incumbent, Mehmet Ali Talat, trailed with 42.8%.
  • The hard-line confrontation between the United States and Russia, the United States rentier horn mounted on the reunification of the war.
  • Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.
  • monetary unification precipitated the reunification of the German state in October 1990
  • After reunification, the parliament decided to readopt Berlin as Germany's capital.
  • Under such circumstances, a peaceful reunification of Europe would never have taken place.
  • The profile details it as belonging to a single male who wants to network and meet friends and has interests in Korean reunification and, perhaps bizarrely, lactose free milk. Computerworld News
  • INA amendments in 1965 established a family reunification system, which enabled braceros to sponsor (or withhold or withdraw sponsorship of) immediate family members.
  • Yet as a progressive, I believe that Lantos is betraying his own ideals by promoting an entirely one-sided view of the so-called “reunification of Jerusalem” which, in actuality, was merely its redivision, and is more so doing Israel little service by failing to act as an impartial broker, as is a necessary precondition to negotiating “a peaceful, two-state solution to end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.” With all due respect, Mr. Lantos, you’re wrong about Jerusalem | Jewschool
  • We exploit the "experiment" of German separation and reunification to establish exogeneity of the economic system. Communism and Preferences - The Austrian Economists
  • The recognition of the right of family reunification and of family members to work was another step. Migrants in Modern France: Population Mobility in the Later Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
  • But reunification, an unprecedented experiment in social and political reclamation, was bound to fall short of the exalted German ideal of national solidarity.
  • The only realistic question that poses itself is whether Britain can help to determine the how and the when of reunification.
  • Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.
  • The title reunification bout that follows will likely be held in Las Vegas, said White. Latest Articles
  • In the decade since German reunification 28 people had died as a result of neo-fascist violence, three this year alone.

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