How To Use Return key In A Sentence
However, this morning the number key containing the dollar sign stopped working, followed by the delete key and the return key.
The irony is, if you had used the element in the first place, pressing the Return key would have actually worked.
To exit from this page, press the return key.
Press return/the return key twice to leave a blank line.
Type another question in the unasked column and press the return key.
However, this morning the number key containing the dollar sign stopped working, followed by the delete key and the return key.
Press return/the return key twice to leave a blank line.
Don't type ‘y’ or ‘yes’; just accept the defaults by hitting the return key.
To exit from this page, press the return key.
The Return key which denotes the start of the new paragraph can also trigger off other paragraph attributes.
Press return/the return key twice to leave a blank line.