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How To Use Retrogression In A Sentence

  • This naturalness, though it may appear like denial of the knowledge-systems of modernist culture, is not retrogression to pre-modernism.
  • We also must wonder that if unilinear progress in the mode of production can instead have phases of retrogression is there a possibility of World War III?
  • Worse, because of its alignment with the methodological approach of mainstream economics, he claims that the new economic geography represents retrogression from the earlier authors.
  • It's not the language of foreclosure or exclusion or retrogression.
  • No politician is talking about ideas or programs to liberate the people from the current economic retrogression and social decay.
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  • Conclusion The external application with rhubarb mirabilite can prevent the margin fat liquefaction, promote the margin healing, and reduce the margin induration retrogression time.
  • One applauds progress, the other retrogression.
  • It seems that rather than advancing our understanding of the causes behind boom-bust cycles, they have contributed to a further retrogression of the economic discipline.
  • Therefore, if the law stipulates that it is necessary to reward people who find lost property and return it to its owner, it marks a moral retrogression of our society.
  • If carried far enough, the process of redistribution results in economic stagnation and economic retrogression.
  • The cultural retrogression is not a new problem facing the city, but it has become really serious in the past 10 years, according to Gu Jun, a sociologist at Shanghai University.
  • China will surely achieve progress, the present retrogression is only a temporary phenomenon.
  • In other words, her skills have retarded into that of one unfit to practice such arts, though she herself is unaware of this retrogression.
  • They oppose communism, purge those who hold different views, hinder progress and favor retrogression.
  • Hostile commentators seized on this to paint a picture of continuing retrogression to which the regime's final collapse in the late 1940s in an orgy of corruption induced by hyperinflation, lends colour.
  • If the Government plans to revert to the earlier situation, it will certainly be an act of retrogression.
  • ‘Arms control and disarmament are at a critical moment, when failure to advance would mean retrogression,’ he said at the three-day conference.
  • Our epoch is characterized by startling advances on the one hand and conditions of extreme socioeconomic retrogression and distress on the other.
  • The evening of Saturday, April 21, the president and Adlai Stevenson delivered separate speeches at the meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors at the Statler Hotel in Washington.41 Stevenson described the past three years as a period of retrogression in foreign affairs and grabbed headlines the next day by proposing a moratorium on nuclear tests and channeling foreign aid through the United Nations. Eisenhower 1956
  • The sun-centred system implies, for instance, that Jupiter's retrograde motion is more pronounced than that of Saturn, and that the frequency with which retrogression occurs is greater for Saturn than for Jupiter.
  • The rhythms, sequences, waves and patterns with respect to the retrogression and direct motion of the planets is symphonic in its holistic entirety.
  • Though London was, apparently, unaware of either the technical or psychological area in which he was working, his fascination for the device gives another dimension to the studies of his naturalistic literature. 1 Finally, to note the ways in which London's artistry is at work at this point in his career, there is considerable ingenuity in the somewhat original fashion in which London parallels the “retrogression” of Buck to the “progression” of Fang. Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
  • Holy Church, is our philosophy of life and we hold that any attempt to educate a youth in what we call secularism is a retrogression to a lower level than that of pre-Christian culture. Catholic Problems in Western Canada
  • The world is not to be understood as a complex of ready - made things, but as a complex of processes, in which the things apparently stable, no less than their mental images in our heads (Gedankenabbilder), the concepts, go through an uninterrupted change of coming into being and passing away, in which despite all seeming accidentality and tem porary retrogression, a progressive development asserts itself in the end Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Perhaps the problem of retrogression lies not in the planets themselves but in our understanding of the system of planets gathered about our Sun, and the relationship that the planets have with the Sun as seen from our geocentric viewpoint.
  • No politician is talking about ideas or programs to liberate the people from the current economic retrogression and social decay.
  • The institute was to document the condition of the sculptures, investigate the sources of their retrogression, and prevent further deterioration.
  • While we were absent even these few months from the great centers of civilization, tremendous advances had been made in air-ships and the thousand and one other modern phases of human development, but evolution in the world of Nature as we observed it was only destructive -- a world-wide katabolism -- a retrogression often discernible from month to month. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation

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