How To Use Retro In A Sentence

  • (12 May 2006) - Three years in the business might seem like a too-brief span for a retrospective, but since 2003, Washington D. C.-based quartet the Fort Knox Five founded their own record label (called Fort Knox Recordings), remixed the likes of Tito Puente, Louis Armstrong, And Tower of Power, and collaborated with hip hop's elder statesman Africa Bambaataa-not to mention all the bodies they've got moving on the ... Cool Hunting
  • Once Roma were level, that incident acquired ominous overtones retrospectively.
  • A lot of people loved the big Kawasaki's marriage of retro style with 1990s handling and reliability.
  • And even those who'd retired in the fullness of time were no longer secure from retrospective investigation and changed pensionable status. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • He decided not to contest the retrospective charge. Times, Sunday Times
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  • In this process, the photovoltaics are a retro, added to the building after construction is completed. Business Wire Travel News
  • Speckle tracking in migrating cells with retrograde flow had turned out to be more challenging.
  • There are many techniques depending on whether the home is under construction or being retrofitted to eliminate noise pollution.
  • This will apply retroactively to former users of the service.
  • In retrospect, it's easy to see why we were wrong.
  • This is done on the exterior, although landmark buildings have been retrofitted inside at great cost and with extreme difficulty.
  • On Jan. 23 a decree suspended import tariffs retroactively from Jan. 15 until the expected announcement of new tariffs on April 1.
  • For example, in the cemetery of St. Cyriacus two women bought from the fossor Quintus a bisomus, or double grave, retro sanctos (near a martyr's tomb), and there are several other references to this practice. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Methods In this retrospective study, The operation indication, result and complication fo 11 consecutive cases of artificial iris diaphragm implantation for silicone oil support eye were studied.
  • It is phonologically impossible since Tamil has no [z] sound and since the retroflex approximant sometimes romanized < z > cannot appear in initial position.
  • The duo made a name for themselves as the go-to brand for stylish interior design and retro soft furnishings. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, for the sake of discovering and spreading truth, rather than dogma, I did an independent study of the past two postseasons using the game logs available at Retrosheet.
  • In all such eases, odd as it may sound, our judgment may actually be said to retroact and to enrich the past. Meaning of Truth
  • Some others are admittedly still very retro in their approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Petrum: Alij veniunt cum chorda ad collum, alij cum manibus retro ligatis, alij cum cultello in brachio vel tibia defixo, et si post peregrinationem fiat brachium marcidum, illum reputant sanctum, et benè cum Deo suo. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • Perceptual displacement of cues modulated performance of the prospective component but not the retrospective component.
  • In plants, retroelement DNA accounts for a large portion of the repeat fraction.
  • It also raises the spectre of the American taxman taking retrospective action against scores of US companies that have moved offshore in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Detail embroidery, retro beadwork, sequins and lace add a touch of Hollywood glamour.
  • For example, the period 1945-51 has come to acquire a retrospective glow which it may not altogether deserve.
  • Why not go retro and get knitting, so you can turn your downtime into a cardigan? Times, Sunday Times
  • A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.
  • Best Mate did not look himself before the race, and in retrospect he should not have taken part, especially as we now know that he was incubating an infection and started to cough on the way home.
  • In patients with retrocalcaneal bursitis, the retrocalcaneal bursa should be completely excised.
  • Morgan argues that forcing organization theory into lexicons, literal language and precise formulations is a retrograde step.
  • Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, and from time to time squinting sideways, as usual, in the ever-renewed expectation that he might catch a glimpse of his stiff, retroussé moustache. The Younger Set
  • At a time when cities such as George Town and Malacca are winning international recognition for their preservation of heritage sections of their cities, the Sarawak government's retrogressive efforts to wipe out remaining vestiges of Kuching's architectural heritage are incomprehensible. Undefined
  • All retroviruses are similar, and our genome is full of dormant retroviruses - over 2 percent of the genome is retroviral.
  • Second place went a dune buggy retrofitted by engineers at ElbIt'systems, an Israeli military contractor.
  • Writer, publisher, mother of two incipient adults, slave of cats: Barbara Friend Ish is the publisher of Mercury Retrograde Press, which publishes fantasy, science fiction, and interstitial works. MIND MELD: The Best Genre Crossovers
  • Turtles Forever, wherein the aughties heroes encounter their retro-'80s selves. Wired Top Stories
  • In the recent retrospective of Nan Kempner’s wardrobe at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, the late socialite’s closet was re-created in breathtaking detail — all 354 jackets and 362 sweaters — but her surprisingly undistinguished collection of handbags was relegated to a high shelf and mostly hidden. Carried Away
  • But truckers say those with new or retrofitted vehicles are a minority. Houston Chronicle
  • It is only in retrospect that we can see that the story is a kind of miniature and somewhat oversharp version of the allegory that the Glass family stories would enact. Justice to J.D. Salinger
  • Furthermore, antiretroviral therapy may be less effective or less well tolerated in some patients who present with more advanced disease.
  • The removal of car tax also proved irresistible to drivers but is seen in retrospect as a retrograde step, and, according to Brennan, ‘over the top’.
  • The imperative to move quickly past fossil fuels to clean energies - wind, solar and biomass - and conservation measures such as retrofitting homes, was noted by those reporting that 2009 and 2010 have been the hottest years on record, and Boulder and Jefferson County (where Coors operates a coal-fired plant) have earned an "F" grade for ozone levels in recent years. Michele Swenson: The Urgency of Toxic Coal Ash Regulation and the Move to Clean Energy
  • Methods: A model of experimental PCH induced acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis(AHNP) was induced by retrograde injection of 5% sodium taurocholate into the pancreatic duct.
  • Colors also step away from the original blue and silver, with Retro packaged in a more cheerful teal.
  • Pluto is conjunct the Midheaven from the ninth house, along with Mercury, which is still retrograde, and in the tenth house.
  • Obama is a stuffed-shirt, retrousse-nosed, po 'boy, the worst kind of elitist! On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • There's also a notable kitsch factor about the place -- the trashy menu, the lowbrow drink selection (Mad Dog and brands of beer you swore you'd never drink again), the neon band-logo signage and the retro tuneage -- that has prompted some detractors to grumble that the brashness is a little Westword | Complete Issue
  • At that point, the probe drops down on a tether that is as skinny as a shoelace, to keep it a safe distance away when the lander's retrorockets fire.
  • (Exercises for anteversion and retroversion supplied by a successful teacher of such work.) Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • In retrospect, it is blindingly clear that a sudden great stress on a body stretched taut across the back has the potential to give problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experiencing the rich legacy of Ingmar Bergman is every bit as exciting as the chance to view the Turner watercolours or hear Tony Bennett perform the great American songbook, and the retrospective is simply unmissable.
  • The retrofitting is a much more difficult problem. Matthew Yglesias » Trade Deficit Now Mostly Oil
  • DETAINING the next president of the United States for three hours in what an eyewitness called a "malodorous" small room at an airport in the provincial Russian city of Perm looks, in retrospect, to have been a pretty bad idea. Robert Amsterdam
  • But what makes this movie so much fun is the authentic retro feel.
  • She wasn't handsome, but she certainly was pretty, even though her nose was retrousse, which is French for pug. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 13 Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Lovers
  • These findings strongly support the origin of the tumor from heterotopic retroperitoneal rests of the adrenal gland.
  • We all have triggers that make us do things that in retrospect we would prefer not to have done. Times, Sunday Times
  • Judicial rules, promulgated prior to such statute and which were more favorable to the interests of remaindermen, can be relied upon by the latter only insofar as said rules were intended to operate retroactively; for the decedent, in whose estate the remaindermen had an interest, died even before such court rules were established. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • In retrospect, it appears we required a developed and reflexive feminist, gay and transgendered global vision to see through the prejudice governing sexuality, gender, ethnicity and the legislative restraints that paternally impose on enculturation and self-identification. G. Roger Denson: Gender as Performance & Script: Reading the Art of Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, Sarah Charlesworth & Lorna Simpson After Eve Sedgwick & Judith Butler
  • After collimation, the central part of the measurement beam travels to the target retroreflector through an annular mirror that returns the outer annulus of the beam, which acts as the reference.
  • The so-called rules of music theory constitute a retrospective set of principles that describe what various composers have done in the past.
  • In 2000, the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts in Alabama mounted a traveling retrospective of his paintings.
  • But in an hour-long press conference which largely retrod the argument of yesterday's announcement, both men refused point-blank to comment on rumours of a new pact to pass the Labour leadership in return for entry to the euro.
  • The Court drew a distinction between the retroactive effect of penal provisions and retroactive effect outside the criminal sphere.
  • Introspection, and retrospection were good for the cloister; but the uplook, the outlook and the onlook are alone worthy the modern Christian. Work Done for Humanity
  • His interest in counterpoint is shown in a set of 120 canons, which use such techniques as augmentation, diminution, and retrograde motion.
  • And if you never thought that rustic, preppy and retro chic couldn't be combined, then you may not be ready for what the season has to offer.
  • Among the viruses that are put under the microscope are the adenoviruses, bunyaviruses, retroviruses and the coronaviruses (the genus behind SARS outbreak).
  • To label [Béla] Tarr, co-subject of this week's micro-retro at the Harvard Film Archive, as a downer is merely a philistine's impatient way of saying he's an existentialist, a modern-film Dostoyevsky-Beckett with a distinctly Hungarian taste for suicidal depression, morose self-amusement, and bile," writes Michael Atkinson. GreenCine Daily: Fests and events, 1/11.
  • The designers have pulled off the difficult trick of taking the inspiration from a classic shape while making the car look fresh rather than retro.
  • The remaining three, however, have retrograde orbits.
  • Mr. Roney acknowledges that some retrofit related to supplying additional ties is necessary.
  • Methods: We retrospectively reviewed a consecutive series of 202 shoulders that had undergone magnetic resonance arthrography between 2004 and 2005.
  • All airline restrooms have been retrofitted with glass doors to allow flight attendants to ‘check up on passengers who may need assistance.’
  • Her 1981 publication Practicing History: Selected Essays was a retrospective of her essays that she identified as weathering the tests of time. Barbara W. Tuchman.
  • If accounting were ‘only accounting,’ then an organization could not make predictive and prescriptive changes to its functions based on this institutional retrospection, which it surely needs to do.
  • In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
  • You don't need to be a usability expert to see that this is a retrograde step.
  • Rio's Museum of Modern Art (MAM) has opened a major retrospective, "Carmen Miranda Forever" (through Jan. 22), with clips from her Hollywood hits and mounds of eyepopping bijouterie, sequined stage gowns and her patented tutti-frutti turbans. Icon: We Still Have Bananas
  • 9 Comments - “natalie portman is retro” - Comments Feed Natalie portman is retro | My[confined]Space
  • _Retrograde esophagoscopy_ through a gastrostomy wound offers some advantages over peroral treatment; but unless the gastrostomy is high, the procedure is undoubtedly more difficult. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Deus cum ex mero suo beneplacito nonnullos ad vitam aeternam ab omni retro aeternitate elegisset, foedus gratiae cum eis iniit; se nempe liberaturum eos e statu peccati ac miseriae, atque in statum salutis per redemptorem translaturum. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • It may also have been further retroflexed due to alveolar dental stops. What are Etruscans doing with those eggs?
  • Guy Bourdin, the book, is the catalog of the first serious retrospective exhibition of the photographer's work curated by Charlotte Cotton for the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
  • In differing degrees they represent a retrogressive approach to the Aids epidemic that could cost tens of thousands of lives.
  • Today I learned that “retromingent” means urinating backwards. Ride through My Mind
  • Should we continue to stagnate or retrogress while the rest of the world moves forward? ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The life of teachers is on ‘fast-track’ and hence, to prevent it from turning mechanical, there is a need for introspection and retrospection.
  • Last night Darren, Drew and I went to the Retro Bar pop quiz. £97 was up for grabs so the quiz was a toughie.
  • The legislation is retroactive to 1st June.
  • There was invasion of the epineurium of retroperitoneal nerves, but no direct invasion of retroperitoneal or inguinal lymph nodes by the tumor.
  • The next seven consonants are 'retroflex': the tongue curls back to the palate (front part of the roof of the mouth), making a hard sound ṭh aspirated version of the above as in 'dry', but harder Latest education news, including the university guide 2010, RAE results, higher and schools news, schools tables and further education |
  • It was only in response to the application that the issue of retroactive child support was raised.
  • In retrospect these works appear to be more experiments in new printmaking technology. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There are three kinds of displacements: anteversion, retroversion, and prolapsus. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • The problem is that you’re trying to perform retrodiction, which is like a prediction about the past. Hardy’s Paradox, or The Economist is Dismal at Science | Live Granades
  • The retrovirus was a "consequence of their manufacture using human cell lines. EPA Study: Autism Boom Began in 1988, Environmental Factors Are Assumed
  • The band often finds a radio-ravaged fan after a show who expresses surprise and delight in the retro sound.
  • The retrospective and, in some cases, arbitrary nature of the tax has been deeply resented. Times, Sunday Times
  • They retrofitted the plane with improved seating.
  • This retrospective offers the first chance in 40 years to discover not only the full range but also the true depth of this painter. Times, Sunday Times
  • In retrospect, they could see how smoking had clouded their wairua "like a fog".
  • The retrospective cohort study included female patients of a large New Zealand hospital that offered centralized colposcopy and obstetric services.
  • The insurer had just what Brightpoint needed: a retroactive insurance policy for which Brightpoint would pay monthly premiums for three years, say the documents.
  • Who can articulate a discomfort with the subliminally retro Betty Crocker ideals about femininity (the gyno/Easy-Bake Oven connection!) or ponder the limited entrepreneurial choices for women, even in 2010, when your mouth is full of chocolate ganache? TV Preview: What's new in 'D.C. Cupcakes'? Too little.
  • In retrospect it looks almost like a portent. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Retro Shirts are made of 100% rayon gabardine with button-down fronts for years of comfort and durability.
  • This shows that Jupiter is ‘retrograde’, which means that it is moving backwards through the zodiac.
  • … there is no need to ask for an “operational” test for God, it is a retrodictive philosophical argument. Please Tell Me What “God” Means
  • They have a pleasant mix of antiques, retro furniture and contemporary art. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chick said Saturday, adding that in retrospect, the focus on HMOs alone was too narrow.
  • His symphonic scores revisited the motivic and symphonic aesthetic of the 19th century, a move regarded as retrogressive by modernist critics.
  • Now, unfortunately, it seems that I am retroactively a lawbreaker.
  • In retrospect, this period offered the best chance for a settlement.
  • By discovering its shape, and how it behaved biochemically in the human immune system, they showed that this retrovirus (a retrovirus invades and fuses with DNA of host cells and replicates as part of that cell) was the first known human lentivirus, that is a virus with a long incubation period. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • In retrospect, I wish I had been more fastidious.
  • Vix hit the retros, frantically pulled up so that the Eternal's nose was almost hitting the ceiling, and activated the belly thrusters at full power just before they hit the wall.
  • The tumor is predominantly located subcutaneously or in the deep soft tissue of the extremities and trunk, peritoneum, or retroperitoneum.
  • ‘At the same time, the Physical Plant has undertaken a number of efficiency improvements and retrofits in the past three years, to its credit,’ Moring said.
  • In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
  • It is likely that future recommendations on mode of delivery will vary depending on the patient's viral load and prior antiretroviral therapy.
  • And, the big whopper is that the new provisions are RETROACTIVE to the DATE OF ENACTMENT of FISA, which is 1978, or well before Bush assumed office. Think Progress » ThinkFast PM: June 14, 2006
  • Retro chairs and sofas fill the main lounge, and modern art adorns the walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • The last edition of the bug has a retro look, with chrome trim from bumper to bumper, whitewall tires and CD player, but it also stays true to the car's roots.
  • What Rusty is referring to here is not prediction but retrodiction - it's looking back from the perspective of modern theories and reading those facts back into the Genesis account.
  • Method: Retrospection analyzes of 50 clinic files down fresh shank bones and fibulas.
  • They are history interpreted retrospectively, reversed and inverted - my point being that history neither begins in nor relinquishes myth.
  • Air brakes sprang from the hull and the plasma retros fired a controlled burst.
  • Definite '60s mod influence but nothing to intense and no retro feel.
  • As to Sproul, there is not much to say about a retromingent.11/16/2006 12:19:00 PM|W|P||W|P|Senator Bee had told me once during the election cycle that it infurated him This might just be my word, I can't actually see Senator Bee mad when he would overhear staffers in the hallway talking about the need to push for their legislation. Archive 2006-11-01
  • Hm, in retrospect PITA is probably a label that is a little bit too strong verbality wise, because the mass storage support nowadays seem to work more or less as expected, so thanks for reminding me of that. OSNews
  • Most of the action takes place beneath the surface of Mars, where hatchling kiddies are raised by nannybots in an elaborately technological setting that owes much of its retro esthetic to Terry Gilliam. See Jane Blossom: An Enthralling 'Eyre'
  • In DNA footprinting analyses using the C-module of retrotransposon TRE5-A as probe, two CbfA binding sites have been determined that contain 14-22 homopolymeric thymidines PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The abate, motion that we can move according to room wall disappears wait to will be short of blood clearly or straighten with retrorse motion dead place.
  • The gene in question belongs to a retrovirus and the embryos in question belong to sheep.
  • Systems such as the french drain, or retrofit damp-proof courses, often compound the situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The retroflex [r] and the clear [l] sound the same to the Japonese; i.e. rice and lice -- Yew! Top 5 Most Outrageous Japanese Female Celebrity Nicknames
  • The other kind of nephritis, or inflammation of the interior part of the kidney, generally arises from the pain occasioned by the stimulus of a stone entering the ureter from the pelvis of the kidney; and, which ceases when the stone is protruded forwards into the bladder; or when it is returned into the pelvis of the kidney by the retrograde action of the ureter. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The benefits of using topical anesthesia outweigh the risks associated with general, retrobulbar, and peribulbar anesthesia.
  • Conventional wisdom did not favor retrofitting to coal use boilers originally designed for oil or natural gas.
  • VSV-G -- If VSV were a retrovirus, we would call VSV-G its 'env'. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The pod's retrorockets fired up, easing its fall but they were a little too slow in activating.
  • They can now start retro fitting homes and weatherizing roofs and putting up solar panels.
  • leaves with retrorse barbs
  • That all said, I believe a broad reading of the Constitution says retrocession is the preferred path to follow. Matthew Yglesias » DC Statehood
  • Starting from the top and moving down - the hottest sunglasses a girl can wear this year are over-sized, round frames also known as aviators: not only do they protect your eyes from the sun, they also make you look super retro!
  • To treat with national heritage Puritanism, his attitude is criticism, and retrospect.
  • Three major areas in which the Intelligence field must retrofit are in force structure, training and critical thinking skills.
  • Another reader (I lost his name, sorry!) has reduced retrophrenology to understandable terms.
  • In retrospect, that seemed too simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • In respect of our existing building stock, which produces a frightening proportion of carbon emissions, we can only hope that retrofit makes economic as well as environmental sense.
  • They also invested in specific items, including six retro chairs and a quantity of teak reclaimed from school science benches from the Fifties. Times, Sunday Times
  • You might return to the Moon (Doubt it) But even if you do, you will not be staying there with this retro re hash from the past. Trying To Spin The Facts - NASA Watch
  • An inefficiency tax on the generation of dirty energy would be a brilliant thing, along with tax credits for installation of solar panels and energy-efficient retrofits.
  • I tossed and turned, not due to any specific problem, but in retrospect, I realize I was worried about him going to school.
  • Hostile commentators seized on this to paint a picture of continuing retrogression to which the regime's final collapse in the late 1940s in an orgy of corruption induced by hyperinflation, lends colour.
  • The most forward sections fall into line with the rest of the soldiers, who then join in the retrograde maneuver.
  • It's no use to the team on the receiving end if a player is banned retrospectively. The Sun
  • Taylor's funk-influenced style hearkens back to the days when Motown was pounding out hit after soulful hit, without relying on sentimentalism or retro-chic.
  • Additionally, the furnace will be equipped from day one to incorporate a retrofit of proven NO x reduction technology if required in the future.
  • The great cattle freeze of the white winter had been, in retrospect, a blessing in disguise.
  • Nitrone cycloaddition and retro-aldol reactions have also been applied to the total synthesis of morphine.
  • Her words sound a little retroflex , they are quite pleasant to hear.
  • Nobody ever heard of analog clocks until digital clocks became common, so `analog clock' is a retronym
  • In retrofitting, design options are limited by the space availability, foundation capabilities, detailed boiler design, etc.
  • The retroflexed view confirmed a loose wrap with prolapsing gastric folds.
  • Writing retrospectively in The Rights of Man, Paine also celebrated the self-constituted popular committees which (Paine believed) from 1775 to 1777 successfully governed the new nation. History from Below
  • Palm retroactively refunding $50 webOS app submiss Joystiq
  • After collimation, the central part of the measurement beam travels to the target retroreflector through an annular mirror that returns the outer annulus of the beam, which acts as the reference.
  • Retrocausality" contradicts the well-established principle of causality, which still applies in relativistic physics, quantum mechanics, and the product of their marriage, relativistic QFT. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • Amid these life-retrospective ponderings blooms a story of young love and lust.
  • Mr Ancram called the company's decision to close the post office a retrograde step.
  • Retro chairs and sofas fill the main lounge, and modern art adorns the walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Die Hard 2" makes "The Wild Bunch," a stomach-churner back in 1969, look, in retrospect, like "National Velvet. Violence In Our Culture
  • This weekend's Sun and Mercury march into fiery Aries, named for an ancient war god - while Pluto, said to activate the collective unconscious, retrogrades in Sagittarius, another fire sign, till the end of August.
  • By retrodiction of the effect we seek to trace back the hypothetical cause.
  • And that ref chiefs tell officials to say they have not seen incidents so that retrospective action can then be applied. The Sun
  • In retrospect their structure seems irrational with no clear division between territorial and functional responsibilities.
  • I think I will find sympathy here if I say that my solution was to retrofit simple 3x3 cables along the front by picking which 8 stitches I wanted to use outlining in purls, of course, throwing a rescue line, and bravely dropping those 8 stitches down all 20+ rows of finished knitting, and reknitting them cabled, in place. Making Light: Open thread 135
  • While these churches initially viewed gospel music as retrogressive, they were gradually won over.
  • Heywood said that while Fluconazole, known as Diflucan under its brand name, was not an anti-retroviral drug like AZT, it could dramatically improve life for at least 20 percent of South Africans who are HIV positive. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Goodman plans to argue that despite Congress 'clear intent written in the statute, that the MSA is not retroactive in effect and will not effect the petition CCR filed just before the law went into effect. Balkinization
  • Younger audiences are becoming increasingly interested in bands of this musical grab-bag genre, and not only as a retro fad.
  • A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.
  • Many HIV positive gay men don't want to go to clubs because visible side effects of antiretroviral drugs like lipodystrophy (muscle wasting), lipoatrophy (facial wasting) and the "buffalo hump" (irregular fat deposits in the body) cause them to be singled out and ridiculed. - Financial News
  • He is, however, quite impatient with the clods and dullards who do not find the tradition hopelessly retrograde.
  • Fred had already dug seven metres of a mineshaft at his Grade II listed home when councillors refused him retrospective planning permission after complaints from neighbours.
  • A retrospective exhibition of the work of Hamish Fulton is at Tate Britain until 4 June.
  • The transaction known as "retrocession" means that Swiss Re transfers the business to another reinsurer - Berkshire Hathaway. Fore, right!
  • There are three main classes of antiretroviral drug.
  • So Colvert's results look a little iffy in retrospect.
  • Something strong, something retro yet modern, something inherently chic. Times, Sunday Times
  • In retrospect we can see Leśniewski's obsession with the fine detail of axiomatics and his rejection of semantics as conditioned by his own idiosyncratic development and the predominant research interests of the 1910s and 1920s. Stanisław Leśniewski
  • So perhaps it comes as bit of a surprise that some of the best riffing to be heard on any album this year doesn't come from some retro-garage band, but from electronica outfit Ratatat.
  • But that is a retrofitted version of history. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some in Hollywood, though, say that the women who've scaled the studio hierarchy have done so by adopting retrograde ideas.
  • Boxes of medicines, varying from children's syrup to Viagra and antiretrovirals, were found in the warehouse.
  • A. retroflexus ( "pigweed") is one of the world's worst weeds. 2 The Plants
  • Having all this near the end of the show has the effect of adding retrospective weight and meaning to the beginning. Times, Sunday Times
  • I presume there is no question of retrospective operation of any award that would be made in this case.

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