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How To Use Retrieve In A Sentence

  • Most fault conditions will set a ABS fault code in the CAB (controller anti-lock brake), which can be retrieved to aid in fault diagnosis.
  • Retrieve the lure rapidly in skips and skitters over the tops of lily pads, along log edges, and above the weeds. Bait and Switch
  • It was a lovely dog. It was a cross between a collie and a golden retriever.
  • The ten purebred dogs, most of them Labrador retrievers, were rescued about a year ago when U.S. law-enforcement officers raided a rural Colombia veterinary clinic.
  • You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
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  • Before she could announce me, I retrieved the coat, muttered a few feeble excuses, and ran.
  • He was judged against a flat-coated retriever, a giant schnauzer, an Old English sheepdog, a wire fox terrier, a saluki hound and Pekingese toy dog.
  • One is the fund selector, which allows you to retrieve the top-performing funds in various classes.
  • But the ball glanced off the top of the wall and quickly was retrieved.
  • Various strategies are devised to arrest or fragment its ongoingness, and to retrieve or redeem moments that seem to stand outside time or otherwise defy it.
  • Of course the images were still there, and several people on the Internet gave the photographer the information he needed to retrieve them.
  • When a user retrieves free but useful information from a Web site, the Web site is said to have a Gift Model as one component of its business model since it creates value to the business actor.
  • The victim managed to retrieve her jacket and ran out the door leaving her sweater, mitts, hat and scarf inside.
  • Golden retrievers and boxers are known to have high rates of cancer (50 and 44 percent of deaths, respectively), but the researchers found that the Bouvier des Flandres has am even higher death rate from cancer (47 percent) than the boxer. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits.
  • If I could retrieve it, sell it, I could use the money to rejuvenate Willington! A TROUT IN THE MILK
  • Because these lures sin laterally, the stop-start retrieve works really well. Favorite Lures of the Trout Guides
  • By the time we got back I was starved, so tea'd and toasted, then headed out into town to retrieve my car from the multi-story.
  • The first is a Golden Retriever, the second is a Senior Citizen.
  • The referee had to add on over five minutes in each half to allow for balls to be retrieved.
  • He walked across the frozen reservoir to retrieve his football but the ice gave way, plunging Luke into the water up to his waist.
  • As I scurried to retrieve my smalls, the whirr of a dozen camera motor drives signalled that the whole unhappy episode was being captured on film.
  • If she gets busy she pages me and I go retrieve him.
  • Prior to the 1800s, European hunters maintained a large collection of dogs - pointers to locate the game; setters and retrievers to retrieve it; hounds to trail quarry over long distances.
  • First, we use objdump to retrieve all static variables, for this is where the encryption key and the encrypted shell text are stored.
  • Giggling with delight, he fished through the styrofoam peanuts and retrieved a length of silk, folded about three inches wide and almost two feet long, then tied with a ribbon.
  • In addition to the above, data was retrieved about age, sex, preoperative and postoperative hearing and the timing of the postoperative audiogram.
  • Fish it crosscurrent with a start-stop retrieve: It will hop and zigzag from seam to seam, something that gets trout, smallmouths, and walleyes to take notice. $7; 952-224-3649; www. SALMO TENO
  • The fielders try to retrieve the ball quickly and return it to the bowler.
  • The boat overturned, and the people in it were swept into the foaming water, but were retrieved.
  • As the soil was very friable due to being sieved into all treatment plots, rows were lifted with a garden fork and the retrieved roots were taken as representative of the root system.
  • Each dog was asked to retrieve a pheasant from the river and all of the 16 completed this task without difficulty.
  • If a processor or grinder has records demonstrating that products were produced using less than 100% of recalled Westland meat for the meat component, then there is no need ... to retrieve that 'commingled' product," the memo said. Beef Industry Presses
  • Miguel's first instinct was to retrieve the balaclava, quickly pulling it back over his head. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • Furthermore, changing formats, and incompatible hardware and software certainly has created situations where data has become difficult to retrieve.
  • This, after all, is a woman who dislocated her shoulder three years ago while forearming a raccoon off her deck to protect her Labrador retriever. NYT > Home Page
  • I had left my bag at the railroad station and went back to retrieve it.
  • For every person's information in the input list, we first retrieve the country name by the person's e-mail address (line 10 of Listing 3).
  • Plus, when you're on the road, you can use WinFax Pro to retrieve unread faxes from your office computer.
  • Large dogs, such as retrievers, Dobermans, and Rhodesian Ridgebacks, make great running mates because they've been bred to have long, graceful strides and sturdy joints.
  • His shrink in the Frankfurt institution had told him that one fragment of retrieved memory, implanted in the brain, could reanimate others. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • I recently witnessed a situation where a cable retrieve had just finished and a slight cable overrun had occurred, leaving a single strand over the side of the drum.
  • Like the good retriever he is, Baxter pulls at the woman's clothing, dragging her into Frank's view.
  • Therefore, when Windows accesses this file the next time, it must look in multiple locations on your hard drive to retrieve the individual file.
  • You can search for and retrieve all files on your computer that contain the word crayon. Unclutter Your Life in One Week
  • The best part for me about Carrie is the fact King tossed the first pages of the story into the bin, to later be retrieved and read by his wife Tabitha who encouraged him to write on. Story Behind the Story Redux « Write Anything
  • He retrieved the slim device and palmed it, keeping half-closed eyes on Brandon. Twin
  • MI6 placed a small ad in a newspaper to retrieve a laptop containing state secrets after it was lost by an agent.
  • Back in England, Sam learnt that the original matchbox had been retrieved, 20 years after its loss, by a farmhand who had found it while ploughing a field that very morning.
  • Children are bussed around Ealing daily with military precision and retrieved from various sporting sites.
  • It's the first large anchor that divers have retrieved; they earlier brought up a small, grapnel anchor. Blackbeard's anchor recovered off N.C. coast
  • You need to set your news reader to retrieve the RSS feed from the WHO web site.
  • The new invention of the space industry became a very effective device to retrieve potency for male patients.
  • They all store reference images in either a thin or volume hologram and retrieve them in a coherently illuminated feedback loop.
  • Hill swam out to haul Leach to shore and retrieve the barrel.
  • Having achieved this, the fishermen then returned to the marker buoy to retrieve the anchor.
  • It merely retrieves information associated with a person, address, or vehicle, like any garden-variety database query.
  • Along the way they have adventures with death-dealing demons, false kings, and icy waters before they retrieve the scriptural scrolls.
  • And, accordingly, the two retrievers trained by De Cagny for the film came from an animal rescue program.
  • I went up to Church Road to retrieve my wife's car but by this time the battery had gone flat due to having the lights having been left on.
  • When the user accesses the file, online archiving retrieves that data twice as fast as it was compressed.
  • Oregon retrieved the opening tip, and Flash dribbled down the court and hit a three from the top of the key.
  • The artifact is sent only to the expected requester and is deleted after it is retrieved.
  • Phil, the square's resident bad egg, retrieved the battered lad from the cop shop.
  • Straight line retrieves is not important except for showboat owners. What Are the Biggest Duck Blind Sins a Gun Dog Can Make?
  • The online service allows customers to retrieve, at the click of a mouse, information that used to take days to collect from multiple sources.
  • She retrieves the break only to go match point down in the tiebreaker when she makes a complete hash of a simple volley.
  • Liza was in there, a dressing gown falling off her shoulders to reveal a hastily retrieved nightie and slippers that were so fluffy they were hardly distinguishable as shoes at all.
  • They can keep more instructions in mind at once and retrieve information from memory more rapidly.
  • The study, published in The Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, uncovered some surprises:•Bernese mountain dogs, golden retrievers and boxers, long known to have extremely high incidence of cancer, were confirmed to die of that disease at high rates. Diseases that kill dogs tend to affect specific breeds
  • A fan is used to retrieve the flue gas heat, utilising a stainless steel condensing coil.
  • Japan retrieved a draw out of this though, largely thanks to the boot of the big defender inadvertently slotting beyond his own keeper.
  • At this scale, a single ethanol molecule is roughly the size of a corpulent Labrador retriever.
  • The gold chain was retrieved and returned to the owner, albeit in pieces and with a portion missing following the scuffle.
  • Most fault conditions will set a ABS fault code in the CAB (controller anti-lock brake), which can be retrieved to aid in fault diagnosis.
  • They are good for your Golden Retriever because they ooze nutrition.
  • Russell, moving like an automaton, reached under the table and retrieved Nefret's gloves. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • By the late 1800s, an Estonian identity had been established and efforts were being made to retrieve the ‘original culture’ by collecting folk poems, sayings, and songs.
  • A women's thumbnail slider component free flash or bust is one of the most excess a. Perfume board coplanarity in smt standards component is realistically inefficient to retrieve in most countries, firmly most of the time, payrolls exclusion 100 estimate vodka for the lever component in the perfume. Wii-volution
  • In a day's work, I retrieved the building's schematics and was able to gather information on the routines of security guards and cleaning personnel.
  • Before an instruction is executed, it is first retrieved from main memory and pout a register.
  • Gastric lavage has been found to retrieve less than 30 percent of the toxin when performed one hour after ingestion.
  • The new version of the software automatically retrieves digital information.
  • He strung his neckcloth around his neck and retrieved his waistcoat from the chair.
  • Many partially trained dogs tend to "claim the prey" and are reluctant to complete the retrieve because they want to keep it rather than delivering to you.
  • What are you looking for in a Golden Retriever?
  • A granite stone holy water font was thrown into the river and about 100 years ago it was retrieved from the water and re-erected.
  • The young prince showed, among other virtues, a disposition to frugality, which, had he lived, would soon have retrieved these losses; but as his health was declining very fast, the present emptiness of the exchequer was a sensible obstacle to the execution of those projects which the ambition of Northumberland had founded on the prospect of The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. From Henry VII. to Mary
  • Our conjecture is that, in general, contextual information requires more attentional resources and intentional processing to encode and to retrieve than does item information.
  • Unitarians saw themselves as the retrievers of a lost purity.
  • So creating point-in-time backup copies of critical data is required to be able to retrieve deleted or corrupted information.
  • As she was being retrieved, she saw her lover's body disappear into the thick morning mist.
  • Visiting the remote village where her ancestors lived, Syal retrieves a stone from the ruined family home - now a cowshed.
  • The goal is to rapidly retrieve relevant information by applying Boolean logic to keywords and searching databases optimized for textual storage and retrieval.
  • The final cluster includes scent hounds, terriers, spaniels, and retrievers.
  • She cast a sad momentary glance around the room then stood up to retrieve her coat.
  • Fiennes developed severe frostbite after removing a glove while attempting to retrieve a sledge from freezing water.
  • And on the corners where dealers gather, broken glass and trash are deliberately strewn about the curbsides and sidewalks to make it easier to drop drug stashes among the litter and retrieve them later.
  • I quickly retrieved my digital camera and took this series of photographs as the snake constricted and consumed the bird.
  • She's a German Shepherd / Retriever / Chow mix and very nice. Plus she's housebroken and spayed, so that's all taken care of.
  • In the trained retrieve, we show the dog how to be successful by first thoroughly teaching it what to do before we begin reinforcing the command "Fetch."
  • She buckled the girth quickly and retrieved her bridle.
  • The army sent out a force of sixty men to retrieve him but the attempt was blocked and the group was surrounded by the Apaches.
  • The retrieved tachograph had recorded a speed of 122 kilometres per hour at the time of the accident.
  • ‘The Chinese Government has never relaxed in its efforts to retrieve the lost cultural relicts from overseas, but for various reasons, the work has met with lots of difficulties,’ Wang said.
  • His shrink in the Frankfurt institution had told him that one fragment of retrieved memory, implanted in the brain, could reanimate others. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • He retrieved his birds, the globe, the teeth, a few books.
  • Use a lag-screw system that includes a special key that can sink or retrieve the screw.
  • Also, any space between the floor and the bottom of the machines is blocked with wire to prevent tools from rolling under the machines, thereby precluding the need for workers to reach under to retrieve them.
  • He adds that this classical output is nonrandom and yet cannot be described by the laws of physics because, as the quantum system decoheres, information is lost in a way that can never be retrieved. 2009 August - Telic Thoughts
  • Ten years later Sammy and I still anxiously await the opening morning to spend time together at waters edge and each retrieve reminds me of when she was a spindled legged pup retrieving our one duck limit. New Weekly Contest: Best Hunting Story Wins a Leatherman
  • She worms her way into the vilest supercriminal organizations and retrieves sensitive information for Father Bruiser. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Unable to retrieve master component keyword list from the server.
  • She walked past cages holding dignified German shepherds, alert Dobermans, sleek Labradors and beautiful Golden Retrievers.
  • He plays poppy folk-rock that's heavy on the ballads, and Retriever is no different.
  • I had to reverse, climb up to retrieve the runner and cross the wall for a third time.
  • Five: Sometimes you need to be like a Golden Retriever.
  • Then I retrieved a 251 metal container, with a good-fitting lid, from a skip.
  • The wreckage, when I saw them the next morning to collect the keys of the embassy in order to retrieve documents and other things for safe keeping, was indescribable, as it was indeed for the whole of that half of the city.
  • The courier was arrested when his luggage was searched after being retrieved from a conveyer belt.
  • Many of the early poodles were retrievers who spent a great deal of time in the water.
  • She would have stooped to retrieve her knives had he not waved his own at her threateningly.
  • But A2 can afterwards roll back the insert, and then A1 has not retrieved uncommitted data.
  • Prefabricated chunk refers to various type of word string which appears to be stored and retrieved whole from memory.
  • Julia hesitates, but suggests that perhaps some memories can be retrieved through hypnosis.
  • No, they are not obedience-trained Golden Retrievers, but they are handleable, friendly, affectionate, and love interaction with their people. Cattle:aurochs::dogs:wolves?
  • I spent the next two years as a messenger, serving coffee to engineers in the propulsion plants, diving in the bilges to retrieve tools dropped by my White counterparts and being barred from the chem lab, where only White sailors were allowed. Mike Green: Innovation Crisis in Black America Pt. 3: The challenges of tech entrepreneurship
  • Polly went out through the back of fice to retrieve her car and drive home, which I understood was a house in a wood outside the town, and my father and I, bolting everything securely, climbed the steep little staircase and slept utldisturbed until Saturday mortling. Penalty
  • You can also retrieve the value of the attribute type property of an attribute information item -- this is the type of an attribute -- through the schemaTypeInfo attribute of the Attr interface.
  • Rather than snooping around and trying to retrieve it I thought it would be best to just own up and ask if you've seen it.
  • This fish stripped virtually all the line from the reel and resulted in a fair bit of time to retrieve and then it was off again porpoising across the water - a magnificent sight.
  • Tony Redfern was sitting on the broad window sill, looking more like a depressed golden retriever than ever. DEAD BEAT
  • First thing Bobby did when he came to retrieve me was ask for the closed-circuit cameras tapes. Fallin’ Up
  • He usually did a circular walk around the scrubland, going off the path to retrieve his dogs, to pick blackberries in season and to admire some striking giant hogweed in the south western sector of the scrubland in the spring and summer…
  • Although not a huge amount of money I got the bank to retrieve it as a point of principle.
  • The pouf was retrieved, and soon her face was powdered in a very thin layer of chalky white, barely there.
  • The dog retrieved the ball from the water.
  • Crash has chewed through hairband, retrieved t.p. from cabinet, closed cabinet to hide the crime, and recovered the floor with t.p. debris. Funny Story! Eve of Crashstruction
  • If I could retrieve it, sell it, I could use the money to rejuvenate Willington! A TROUT IN THE MILK
  • Levinas, also, describes the relationship with the other as time: ‘it is an untotalizable diachrony in which one moment pursues another without ever being able to retrieve it, to catch up with, or coincide with it’ (‘Dialogue’ 21).
  • While more than 60,000 homeless from hundreds of flood-ravaged villages spent a miserable Christmas in jam-packed schools and gymnasiums, search teams retrieved an additional 150 bodies from the sea as far as 60 miles 100 kilometers from worst-hit Cagayan de Oro and Iligan cities, said Benito Ramos, head of the Office of Civil Defense. Philippines Floods 2011: Bodies Found Far Away From Ravaged Villages, Coastline
  • Doctors introduce the device through a small puncture in the groin area before entering the Merci Retriever into an artery leading to the brain.
  • I was only a refugee at present. With Victor's assistance, it might be possible to retrieve my car.
  • As one of the girls retrieved her camera, she favored me with a hesitant smile, requested that I sign her program, and told me that she was going to be a coach someday, too.
  • The underlining served as a memory aid to help students identify and retrieve the essential elements in the problem.
  • If I was hearing the case, and able to establish that firstly, the man was hungry; secondly, that he was a first offender; thirdly, that the food was retrieved; and fourthly, that he was unemployed; I would have given him a warning.
  • A salvage operation by a local company in Scapa Flow has retrieved a massive anchor from the sea bed - three months after it was lost by a visiting oil tanker.
  • They found Quentin's sword muddied but still in one piece beside the body of the dead Graak, retrieved it, and made their way back again. Morgawr
  • Joschi, a seven - year old retriever, waits with competitors before the start of a charity run.
  • He then jogged back to the wall to retrieve the ball and lobbed it to the infield as three runs scored.
  • Workers scurried to retrieve and resecure the carpet - dubbed the longest in Africa. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • She is now working with her third puppy Maple, a curly coated Retriever crossed with a Labrador.
  • Computer analysis of the trace is used to retrieve the spectral phase of the input pulse (a).
  • After creating a disturbance in the Shopping Center, two desperados were retrieved from the jungle by arresting officers.
  • The specially designed magnetic drum controller allows the Chinese fonts on the drum to be retrieved not by drum address but by character codes match.
  • Spaniels, terriers, retrievers - each breed has a different personality.
  • Sound, efficient movement is of critical importance to a hunting retriever.
  • At around 1.30 pm, the vehicle was successfully retrieved from the water.
  • How have I failed to retrieve my own daughter from the stranger she has become?
  • When the instantly available bandwidth is larger than the nominal bandwidth the second part is retrieved and transmitted.
  • He retrieved it quickly, but the harm was done, the admission made. LOADED QUESTIONS
  • He shouted to Ainley, who hurried scramblingly over a heap of the obstructing logs, and who, after one look at that which the Indian had retrieved, stood there shaking like wind-stricken corn; his face white and ghastly, his eyes full of agony. A Mating in the Wilds
  • Therefore most data are retrieved on reflection as soon after the situation as possible, and thus are very dependent upon memory.
  • Days before the abandonment of the bassett, there was this: a golden retriever locked up in a car in a parking lot on a 90-degree day. Pet Talk: Can we all talk about animal care, kindness?
  • With running, they are returning to their ancestral roots as hunters, herders, retrievers and sled pullers.
  • Ms. Murphy's mother, Tephanie Holston , said that about 45 minutes before the shooting, the young woman came up to the apartment and retrieved a sweat shirt and used the bathroom before going back downstairs to hang out with friends. High-School Basketball Star Is Slain
  • Blair reached up to the overhead to retrieve his pack, and a twinge of remembered pain clutched his chest.
  • Ashley was on his way to retrieve an NCO from a local work detail. Bane Ashley
  • From there they called for a tow truck and sent it out to retrieve the car.
  • This software helps firms archive and retrieve emails.
  • Instead, earnest students of public policy are expected to read them onscreen as retrieved via the internet.
  • A record is retrieved according to its key field, or unique element of data.
  • Although it sends me into fits of sneezing, I like the aroma of wet newsprint, a holdover from high school days when I would be sent to the next town over to retrieve our freshly printed local paper.
  • In her dream, there had been words for everything, but now it was like cupping water, or trying to retrieve a long lost memory - impossible.
  • Nor did her husband's ham-handed collaboration, in the crass style of a dad dancing at the school disco, do anything to retrieve the dignity of the situation.
  • They often retrieved some data from a disk.
  • You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
  • He had to retrieve his friend, and bring him back to Bruth and every one else who cared about him.
  • The valet boys met us eagerly and called for a bellboy to retrieve our luggage.
  • Hill swam out to haul Leach to shore and retrieve the barrel.
  • Alternatively, poke holes in the can and throw it out attached to a length of string - you'll need to retrieve it to keep poking more holes in it as the contents disappear.
  • I was backstop at rounders and had to retrieve the ball from a nearby horses' field.
  • Long robotic arms reach several stories high to easily store and retrieve products with speed and accuracy, no matter how large or complex the inventory.
  • Mr Virdi allegedly sent a second batch of letters after learning that the force could retrieve deleted files.
  • At the meeting it emerged that French trawlermen and netters, who usually set nets in one place and return to retrieve them, had an unwritten agreement to avoid fishing together in an ‘imaginary box’ around 30 miles long.
  • One hundred college students retrieved autobiographical memories associated with panic, trauma, worry, and social anxiety.
  • However, archaeological indicators for actual villas (such as tesserae, crustae, hypocaust tiles or window glass) were not retrieved. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Territorial Survey 2
  • Smokers' medical records should also be indexed so that they are readily identifiable and easy to retrieve.
  • The cmdlet retrieves all the table objects in the tables collection that is specified in the SMO path ($path). Simple Talk rss feed
  • Almost single-handedly Karl Barth retrieved dogmatics for the mainstream of academic theology after its marginalization in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
  • When the time came to retrieve the plates, we had to traverse slopes that had more than a meter of new snow.
  • The retriever sniffed with cautious curiosity at the doctor's legs, and Julien stood there, looking passively at the dog.
  • The investment cost can be retrieved by selling the buildings and godowns once the project is completed.
  • Shot over 12 years, Zhao Liang's brave film follows victims of corruption, some driven half-mad with grief, endlessly seeking redress at Beijing's court of plaintiffs – while also spotlighting the sinister "retrievers", heavies employed to physically dissuade them. Tonight's TV highlights: Wonder Dogs: Medical Marvels | Candy Cabs | Filthy Cities | Campus | Storyville – China's Bleak House | White Van Man
  • The notes are skimpy and there are no librettos; you are referred to a web site where they may be secured, but they weren't there when I tried to retrieve them.
  • She retrieved the deck of cards and returned to the table to play what was probably her one thousandth game of solitaire since arriving at the prison.
  • Not long ago, we had to wait in line at an electronic scale, stare at a panel of 50 or so produce depictions looking for the picture of the banana or leek or pomme* in question push the corresponding button to retrieve the adhesive price ticket, stick that on the see-through bag and worry about if it we did right selecting "pomme* reinette" when maybe it was a "pomme rouge"* after all? Culture
  • With some frustration I retrieved the miniscule device and once we were in the car suggested that in the future it would be a better idea for her to catch my eye and give the hearing aid to me for safe keeping in the inside pocket of my bag.
  • Equally at home in water or on land, the Newfoundland was large enough to pull in a drowning man or to break the ice to retrieve him.
  • Kayla insisted on hanging the retriever's red felt Christmas stocking each year, confident he'd someday come home.

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