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How To Use Retrieval In A Sentence

  • Retrieval before additions All records will be in their correct places and the file will be physically as well as logically in sequence.
  • From almost two hundred field offices, more than two thousand special agents teletyped all new data daily to Headquarters in Washington, where an army of clerks indexed it for easy retrieval.
  • It is hard to justify requiring companies to keep records of historical importance in a retrievable format when technological advances make retrieval increasingly difficult.
  • Type 5 - Automatic small-parts storage and retrieval systems - back-to-back racking and binning.
  • Thus terms such as "information processing" and "information retrieval" are really "data processing" and " data retrieval". Computers Basic Facts
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  • Noel Celis/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Pictures of missing children lay at a soldiers foot during a retrieval operation in Iligan, southern Philippines Friday. Asia in Pictures
  • By then the situation was beyond retrieval .
  • It is also timely given the growing interest in multilingual information retrieval involving East Asian languages.
  • Both browsers file addresses into folders for later retrieval, but approach the task from very different angles.
  • In the current age of data warehousing, the timely processing and retrieval of vast amounts of data is vital to the decision-making process.
  • While this lengthy retrieval process was being effected, the batsmen were trotting up and down at their leisure to compile the 47 runs necessary for victory. Great Sporting Failures
  • It covers specifically a logical organization of information, such as document representatives, for the purpose of information retrieval.
  • Sediment had covered them to such a depth that retrieval was impossible.
  • A search engine optimizes the retrieval process by indexing.
  • Documents are bulk-processed and, then, loaded into a large online database for storage and retrieval.
  • This includes the recording, retrieval and preservation of video art and art on video, the dissemination of information to the interested public and a symposium on video preservation for conservators.
  • While most systems are automatic, DeWeerdt notes that many retrieval or picking processes still include manual elements.
  • During the word retrieval / scene encoding phase, participants perform an old / new word recognition task including words presented at the word encoding phase intermixed with new words. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • In this study, the use of language specific retrieval cues did not yield language-specific recall.
  • Retrieval cues do not bring about a complete memory of some events because most of the event was not encoded.
  • The only way to ensure that a tape can be read for retrieval is to perform a second pass on the tape after backup, using a verification routine, or to actually perform a sampling restore.
  • There is a very cool "corkboard" for posting story notes on the fly for easy retrieval during the writing. GigaOM Network
  • The messaging feature allows group mailing lists to be established for e-mail retrieval and for selective information to be captured simply.
  • CBIR is a core technique of image database system. The main obstacle facing content-based image database is that the retrieval effectiveness is not satisfiable.
  • In this paper, the retrieval approaches using the shape and texture features of lacework are studied and some encouraging experimental results are got.
  • Not only is access to hardcopy data often slow - sometimes it never occurs at all because of ineffective retrieval or misfiling.
  • True the COD defines it as the science of processing data for storage and retrieval but I have always thought of it as falling into the category of what I call dictionary words: Some words are found in dictionaries but are hardly ever used outside them. Informatics
  • Sensitive information often is stored on database servers and other storage facilities for later retrieval.
  • This comic moment emphasizes Bergot's poverty and makes Lily's retrieval of the money more daunting.
  • As already noted, egg retrieval is expensive and invasive. Delayed Childbearing
  • This catalyzed the retrieval of these women as theologians-not simply as saints honored for their piety or mystics gazed upon with curiosity.
  • One goal for writing this software was to categorize knowledge for easy future retrieval by multiple users.
  • Frequently, this becomes the unhappy process of body retrieval. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sara gazed up at the house in dazed wonder, not noticing Mr. Lake's retrieval of her valise from the carriage or his offer of hand to steady her step down to the sidewalk.
  • Corpse retrieval is yet another sign of the complete moribundity of the MMO genre. Enlightened Penalties
  • The goal is to rapidly retrieve relevant information by applying Boolean logic to keywords and searching databases optimized for textual storage and retrieval.
  • One of the biggest bottlenecks is the memory subsystem responsible for data storage and retrieval.
  • Tissue retrieval bags commonly used in laparoscopic procedures such as cholecystectomy and appendectomy should be counted as a miscellaneous item.
  • Instruction is concerned with enabling the user to learn in detail how to carry out computerized information retrieval.
  • He was diagnosed as having a word retrieval difficulty as well as difficulty with auditory verbal processing.
  • Patrons of archives are a perseverant lot, don't expect to be handed answers on a silver platter, and will be satisfied with a query and retrieval system that gets them close to the evidence they need.
  • To allow full-text retrieval ability, the system should be able to extract text from the transformed file.
  • The Memex had many features that are now familiar components of e-books: pages, page turners, annotation capability, internal and external linking, and the potential for storage, retrieval, and transmittal. 'The Oxford Companion to the Book'
  • They must think that we've already made contact and are waiting for retrieval.
  • After a long time of retrieval practice, CALIS union catalog database generally has 21 kinds of duplicate data types.
  • This has guide significance for sci-technique personnel to use norm retrieval language and technique, to develop and utilize sci - technique literature, to technique cite l...
  • Can activity ameliorate its slow advance - and maintain vocabulary retrieval skills, so that the word "ameliorate" leaps to mind when needed? NYT > Home Page
  • While the web is not an archetypal corpus, "web as a corpus" method is irrefutably functional, and has found its widespread applications in linguistic data retrieval and linguistic hypothesis testing.
  • Variety maximises the number of retrieval cues for recall of information.
  • I have a home network running over DSL, and I want to host an FTP server so I can allow archiving and retrieval of files for my work group.
  • The Cape Girardeau Crash Retrieval called for a local minister to come to the scene and administer last rites to several dead aliens.
  • Woody was involved in retrieval of a bag from a parked vehicle, for which he was paid £60.
  • These robots, written in Ruby perform the sub-processes that make up SDR 2.0 modules such as ingest and retrieval. D-Lib Magazine
  • While information retrieval is still exceedingly important, the infrastructure has blown the doors off of write-access, turning the Web into the Peer to Peer network that it was invented to be. Inkblurt · A Layer Model for the IA Profession
  • For decision support, other kinds of likelihood of malignancy or benignancy and retrieval based on similar other breast images were constructed.
  • The objectives for instruction in online information retrieval have been outlined above.
  • Does not require caching the search results other than the title retrieval information. The Code Project Latest Articles
  • This approach to information retrieval still involves human mediation.
  • Conceptual change has huge consequences for those attempting to organize knowledge for retrieval and use.
  • Preceding the word retrieval / scene encoding phase, participants were presented in the scanner with a "localizer" task involving passive viewing of either 80 spatial scenes, 80 four-letter words, or a fixation cross. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Web server functions can be categorized into information retrieval, data and transaction management, and security.
  • I'll describe the search results parsing first and describe the title details parsing when I cover the title information retrieval processing. The Code Project Latest Articles
  • D Illuminative evaluation An attempt to carry out an illuminative evaluation of the undergraduate information retrieval course was also made.
  • The online catalogue has exposed obstacles to effective retrieval which library and catalogue users have faced all along in previous manual systems.
  • He buys a five-month-old water spaniel and trains her to fetch sticks thrown in the water, teaches her to chase him after the retrieval, names her Bellona (wife of Mars), and presents her to his hated obsession. “. . .all his race rose up before him in a mighty phantasmagoria. . .”
  • Her book, a masterful retrieval of the natural law perspective of medieval theologians and canonists, contributes significantly to current debates in fundamental moral theology.
  • Note that the keywords need to be selected by the (human) taggers from a controlled vocabulary list to ensure consistency in application and retrieval.
  • The orientational filter is an integral part of content-based image retrieval, which is now mainly applicable to general image field instead of particular image field.
  • She was demonstrating precisely what you mention, the retrieval of a mistake in garter stitch. Jean's Knitting
  • They can “… design emergent literacy programs in phonological awareness, memory, retrieval, and vocabulary which significantly improves an individual’s ability to learn to read.” Literacy News – 906th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • I took my systems surrender, hypnotic it inhumanely etiology indistinguishable the ramous intransitively orumiyeh, and acquaintanceship out isopteran ajax of retrieval. Rational Review
  • A solid editorial team needs information architecture to know how to arrange information for later retrieval by the site visitor.
  • The egg retrieval was quite scary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bollards are prone to sudden collapse, and the ropes often jam in the groove behind the capstan during retrieval.
  • He forced himself to concentrate solely on the proper execution of data retrieval, then the safe return of the first ever round trip probe.
  • It is an integrated technical processing system which is supported by the technique of word segment, lexical analysis, retrieval, entity recognition and answer extraction.
  • What was amazing was that the two addresses were only one block apart, but the eventual solution was to have UPS knowingly deliver it to the wrong address, then have UPS do a retrieval I forget the term they had for this and bring it back to their distribution center, then reship it to the correct address 200 yards away from the original address. The Volokh Conspiracy » How Not to Do E-Commerce
  • Both the morphological analysis and the suffix deletion tasks assessed morphemic manipulation in the absence of contextual cues that may facilitate lexical retrieval.
  • I offered to help with the retrieval, guiltily remembering the days I used to borrow combs, hair curlers, and all the brushes I could stick together with which to build.
  • I filed the information away for later retrieval; in a time where my survival is everything, any little thing I had over another man was precious.
  • In 1986 Wood's team was responsible for the world's first IVF baby using sperm retrieval surgery, and in 1992 the world's first microinjection intrafallopian transfer IVF baby. The Guardian World News
  • The ship was buried, beyond retrieval, at the bottom of the sea.
  • Sara gazed up at the house in dazed wonder, not noticing Mr. Lake's retrieval of her valise from the carriage or his offer of hand to steady her step down to the sidewalk.
  • Some young women have begun to bank eggs cryogenically for future retrieval, when and if career and love-life timing come together.
  • The impact of her words, now beyond retrieval, spread out in slow motion to fill the moment.
  • Nowadays Education resource databases mainly focus on courseware, retrieval through Catalog directory or keyword by means of common retrieval interfaces.
  • The institute’s Foundational Course teaches inducing and monitoring trance states, hypnotherapeutic communications, transpersonal journey work, shamanic soul retrieval, abreaction reframing, past life regression, phobia cures, shadow work, circle integration, and creating and maintaining your practice. You’re Certifiable
  • It has to be confiscation, not purchase, as the ‘retrieval’ was not costed, or any price quoted.
  • Because of the state's retrieval of marginal and abandoned farm lands, particularly around urban areas, there was a well established network of nature areas after the war.
  • In many cells, endocytotic membrane retrieval is accelerated by this chemical.
  • Her primary research interests revolve around the problems of digital image storage and retrieval.
  • This time, the collector uses batch attribute retrieval and acquires all the attributes in one call.
  • Finally, a response latency task for vocabulary production and recognition in Spanish suggested that attrition of Spanish is best characterized as difficulty in retrieval rather than total loss.
  • By then the situation was beyond retrieval .
  • The ultimate goal of fragmentation is to reduce the retrieval time by directly accessing the fragment that contains the data that satisfies the SQL query.
  • my retrieval of people's names is very poor
  • This catalyzed the retrieval of these women as theologians-not simply as saints honored for their piety or mystics gazed upon with curiosity.
  • When performing under divided attention at retrieval, an elaborate mnemonic may be produced at encoding and only partially accessed during retrieval.
  • In common with in vitro fertilisation, a gamete intrafallopian transfer cycle begins with superovulation to recruit multiple follicles and is followed by egg retrieval.
  • His job was to debug and secure the house before carrying out surveillance and information retrievals of the highest order.
  • Experimental results indicate that the expanded model has better retrieval performance than the basic belief network model's.
  • The energies of the faculty are focused on information related problems including the retrieval of digital images and the management and organization of digital information.
  • Testing retrieval effectiveness in an operational environment such as a library catalogue proves to be problematic.
  • In the absence of explicit retrieval cues, pair recall will be facilitated by factors that promote unitization of each pair.
  • These scenes of retrieval of the past are presented as Jones's dreams or hallucinations, half-light phantasmagoric visions.
  • This system cannot distinguish veridical from false memories, organize the retrieval output, or guide a retrieval search.
  • Paraffin sections were dewaxed in xylene, rehydrated through a series of graded alcohols, placed in 10mM citrate buffer, and submitted to heat retrieval using a vapor lock for 40 minutes.
  • It is an integrated technical processing system which is supported by the technique of word segment, lexical analysis, retrieval, entity recognition and answer extraction.
  • This has guide significance for sci-technique personnel to use norm retrieval language and technique, to develop and utilize sci - technique literature, to technique cite l...
  • This retrieval of information not instantly validated by presentist urgencies may seem to belong to what Nietzsche called "antiquarian" history: the indiscriminate preservation of everything just because it is old (73-74). Is Literary History the History of Everything? The Case for 'Antiquarian' History
  • A process known as antigen retrieval can restore the antigenicity of proteins altered by fixation and improve immunohistochemical detection. The Scientist
  • She must have been taken from the retrieval ship directly to the brig.
  • The experimental results show that the proposed approach improves the recall and precision ratio of the information retrieval.
  • When the accumulated metal is recovered for industrial use, the process is called ‘phytomining,’ and it's already being done for nickel retrieval.
  • Retrieval success produced a significant cluster of activation in the prefrontal cortex, the medial frontal gyrus, and several clusters in subcortical regions, most notably in the left medial temporal lobe.
  • For safety reasons, most of the landings for these sample retrieval missions were planned for flat, smooth terrain.
  • That enormous logistical inconvenience guaranteed that few people beyond private eyes and document retrieval companies -- working for paying clients -- would crosscheck and ferret out the revealing information public records yield. Kathy McManus: Little-Understood Responsibilities in Navigating Online Criminal Records
  • On the other hand, databases provide advantages when it comes to data storage and retrieval.
  • Tissue sections were cut at 5 m, dewaxed, and hydrated in xylene and ethanol before antigen retrieval.
  • Preceding the word retrieval / scene encoding phase, participants were presented in the scanner with a "localizer" task involving passive viewing of either 80 spatial scenes, 80 four-letter words, or a fixation cross. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • This is making the retrieval of the 400 or so emails that have built up while I was away rather problematic!
  • According to models of episodic memory, contextual similarity is a driving force in influencing the probability of the retrieval of an episodic trace.
  • The thesaurus functions not only as a retrieval aid, but also as a reference facility.
  • The retrieval code of a chinese character, which consists of three digits, is input into the computer when it is retrieved, it will be accurately retrieved and printed.
  • These scenes of retrieval of the past are presented as Jones's dreams or hallucinations, half-light phantasmagoric visions.
  • In addition, the pilot may assist in the deployment and retrieval of satellites using the remote manipulator system, in extravehicular activities, and in other payload operations.
  • During the last ten years there has been a rapid growth in availability of computer-based online information retrieval systems.
  • Libraries facilitate this application by automating the retrieval of image files.
  • Throughout the 20th century, as books were gradually supplemented by other forms of information retrieval and storage, bibliopoles were quite happily able to move back and forth between their role as suppliers of information and suppliers of artifacts.
  • In fact, in some cases corroborative evidence serves as the retrieval cue for the repressed memory.
  • Using TOMS Version 7 ozone and reflectivity data from 1979 to 1992 and the corresponding TOMS surface UV retrieval algorithm, Herman et al. [42] estimated that zonally averaged mean annual surface UV irradiances at 300, 310, and 320 nanometers (nm) increased by 15%, 6%, and 2% per decade, respectively, for the latitude band 60º to 70º N. Long-term change and variability in surface UV irradiance in the Arctic
  • The online catalogue has exposed obstacles to effective retrieval which library and catalogue users have faced all along in previous manual systems.
  • A library user is presented with an array of other online and CD-ROM products, some offering abstracts or full-text retrieval.
  • The ship was buried, beyond retrieval, at the bottom of the sea.
  • To provide fast retrieval of saved images via an index display, the format also adopts thumbnail cache file system.
  • Orientation is also concerned with the creation of a positive attitude to this kind of information retrieval.
  • The structure of the database permits easy retrieval of specific mutation data for further analysis.
  • Orientation is also concerned with the creation of a positive attitude to this kind of information retrieval.
  • The Centre long ago realized the importance of information retrieval systems on the Internet, including the distribution of in-house preprints, yearly activities and public access catalogs.
  • A processor with more cache can store larger amounts of frequently accessed data close to the processor for fast retrieval.
  • Testing retrieval effectiveness in an operational environment such as a library catalogue proves to be problematic.
  • Retrieval time from the memorized table increases as the operands get larger.
  • Figure 5 presents, in schematic form, the processes involved in encoding and retrieval of a list containing words drawn from several semantic categories.
  • Working memory, which allows for short-term retrieval and storage of information, is closely related to the kind of mental control used in mindfulness.
  • I even likened the Cosmos to a kind of hyperlinked retrieval system in an attempt to explain synchronicity in general. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Third, since the program does not support the indexing function for Korean, it is difficult to extract Korean text for full-text document retrieval.
  • Web server functions can be categorized into information retrieval, data and transaction management, and security.
  • Pending this innovation, there is need for validated search strategies for systematic reviews that optimise retrieval for clinical users and researchers.
  • Vago DR, Bevan A, Kesner RP (2007) The role of the direct perforant path input to the CA1 subregion of the dorsal hippocampus in memory retention and retrieval. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Microwave antigen retrieval was used with cytokeratin and Bcl - 2 oncoprotein.
  • The results indicate that this distance function can depict the shape effectively. A flame image retrieval prototype system was proposed using this Fourier descriptors.
  • The traditional notion is that nostalgia is the mental and emotional retrieval of an object lost in the past.
  • He was diagnosed as having a word retrieval difficulty as well as difficulty with auditory verbal processing.
  • Retrieval: What does this artifact retrieve from the past that was previously obsolesced? Man and Media: The Chronology
  • Experiments demonstrated that the color block co-occurrence matrix descriptor considerably improves the retrieval performance and can combine the feature of color and texture effectively.
  • Importantly, the metadata is also the basis for search and retrieval. at Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: Profiles In Science
  • After antigen retrieval, endogenous biotin was blocked using the Biotin Blocking System (Dako Corporation, Carpinteria, Calif).
  • Next, the sections were dewaxed and rehydrated, and then antigen retrieval was performed by microwaving slides in citrate buffer at pH 6.0.
  • Then in 1960, a young graduate called Ted Nelson got sidetracked from his masters degree in sociology at Harvard into writing text - retrieval software.
  • But then, what if the spyware captures your keystrokes and stores them for later retrieval?
  • Finally, we discuss the AIRS measurement artifact due to detector array misregistration, which affects the subsequent cloud-clearing and cloud properties retrieval.
  • It covers specifically a logical organization of information, such as document representatives, for the purpose of information retrieval.
  • A search-based interface for message retrieval is more powerful and easier to use than one that makes you organize your messages first to find them later.
  • Save project and job set information for quick retrieval when converting updated files.
  • Supervised Multiclass Labeling SML is a new content-based image retrieval program being developed that will have a trainable "classifier". Internet News: Multimedia Archives
  • The most likely cause of retrieval failure was that the calculus was fixed to the duct wall.
  • A special case of data retrieval from multiple tables is the use of stacked cursors to fetch data from logical copies of the same table, in a manner that provides a solution to the so called "Parts explosion" problem.
  • Rather, the process of retrieval itself has the effect of physically destabilising the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • A new discussion over information retrieval language's development emerges in the occasion of the fifth national information retrieval language's seminar.
  • In the narrow sense, it is a dictionary (explanatory or thematic) that is the lexical tool of information and retrieval systems.
  • How does that retrieval cue come in contact with the target information and redintegrate the target episode, and what information may be lost in recovery?
  • In fact, it's much more likely to be a deficiency in the retrieval process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adoption of standard vocabulary in Web page titles could help library resources achieve higher rankings in search engine retrievals, such as those determined by the Google PageRank algorithm.
  • In essence, the cost of the disk-to-disk solution is attributable solely to the increased performance for data retrievals and does not replace any of the costs or the reliability associated with a traditional tape backup solution.
  • Sophisticated neuroimaging shows the brains of those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to be abnormal in areas regulating memory retrieval and inhibition (hippocampus), fearfulness and focus (pre-frontal cortex), and emotionality and lability (amygdala). And here’s another way to look at it: « Dating Jesus
  • Then she made two quick movements - first a quick, but effective chop to Bobby's neck, then a retrieval of the gun.
  • Slide 29: Quality, Relevance and Importance in Information Retrieval with Fuzzy Semantic Networks Conclusion • Advantages of Topic Maps and neural semantic network approach - Intuitive in the user interface - Semi learning / adaptability - Less work on part of the user • Further work - Prototyping, benchmarking - Constrained Spreading Activation resource calculations - Context optimalization - Tuning QRI measures by user 29 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Stuffing the other items back into the box for later retrieval, Ford opened the padded envelope.
  • Tables in each chapter are offset in light blue which facilitates retrieval of information.
  • Compared with other retrieval models, such as concept library based or concept network, LSA-based retrieval model is easy to compute and requires less human intervention.
  • Vocabularies expand as people age; older brains develop unconscious work-arounds to diminish the effects of slowed retrieval speed.
  • Type 5 - Automatic small-parts storage and retrieval systems - back-to-back racking and binning.
  • Offloading data storage and retrieval tasks to a relational database server means our programs can be smaller and easier to maintain.
  • Have all their systems integrated with their back-end databases for real-time information storage and retrieval.
  • In this paper, we discuss the effect of the Earth's oblateness and ionosphere on the retrieval, and analyze the result of the local curvature correction and the ionosphere calibration.
  • In addition, the use of full-text search technology has also increased the flexibility of query and retrieval efficiency.
  • A search engine optimizes the retrieval process by indexing.
  • The strategy of organization and management for the semantic information will directly affect the service integration and the retrieval efficiency.
  • The Argentine's waspish persistence and extraordinary retrieval made for some compelling rallies as he tried time and time again to bludgeon him into submission only to see the ball whistle back past his ears.
  • It is not easy to keep this conviction in focus, for the society in which I live sees education primarily as information retrieval. Christianity Today
  • The technologies we now use are an outgrowth of early, computerized information retrieval programs.
  • According to these models, aggression is associated with maladaptive patterns of encoding, interpretation, and retrieval of interpersonally relevant information.
  • A more fundamental criticism is the requirement that databases should facilitate unplanned access as well as planned retrieval to the database.
  • You can also create multiple pages, save them for later retrieval, and share them with friends via email.
  • One of the biggest bottlenecks is the memory subsystem responsible for data storage and retrieval.
  • Experimental results indicate that the expanded model has better retrieval performance than the basic belief network model's.
  • A more fundamental criticism is the requirement that databases should facilitate unplanned access as well as planned retrieval to the database.
  • By the same token, every value retrieval reads the information from disk.
  • The phase distribution of DOE is optimization result of iterative phase retrieval algorithm.
  • To be a positive historical asset, an object must be placed in the context of a museum collection, an archive, a library, or some other specially formed collection with cataloging, identification, and retrieval systems.

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