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How To Use Retribution In A Sentence

  • They dismiss concerns that some of the Africans who flocked to Libya under Mr. Gadhafi's policy of pan-Africanism might be subject to retribution.
  • He cannot be identified for fear of retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, the juvenile justice system has emphasized rehabilitation, not retribution, requital, or punishment.
  • He is visited by Pat, the black-market scally with retribution on his mind for the loss of the trawling father he never met.
  • Some heads have admitted that they are afraid to use their powers for fear of retribution. Times, Sunday Times
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  • They just go through life doing exactly as they please, expecting no retribution for their behaviour.
  • One purpose of a term of imprisonment is to secure just retribution for society, the other is to secure the rehabilitation of the prisoner.
  • Hubris, sometimes spelled hybris ancient Greek ὕβρις, is a term used in modern English to indicate overweening pride, self-confidence, superciliousness, or arrogance, often resulting in fatal retribution. Touchy, Touchy: Catching Up With "The Climb"
  • In specifying severe judgment, as is widely recommended, are the bishops engaged in a form of retribution for having erred in the past by latitudinarian excess?
  • Rankin, who can outwrite most anybody in the business, drops one clue too many early on, but he's so deft at maintaining a breakneck .... that readers will zip right along as he swings from whodunit to international conspiracy plot to war-story retribution. Blood Hunt by Ian Rankin: Book summary
  • At worst, some want retribution more than resolution. Christianity Today
  • The very nature of anonymous reports naturally prevented any possibility of retribution against wrong-doers reporting the incident.
  • According to media reports, the company, in retribution, then halted the payment of the workers' May salaries.
  • Apollo also killed at least one of the Cyclopes to retribution for Zeus killing his son Aesculapius. hueylou Ares Troubles Mount - NASA Watch
  • Rhinos … WHOLE FKN KINGDOM IS IN FEAR … and well it fkn should be, for death and chaos, shall decent upon his skanky arse, wreak HAVOCK and fkn RETRIBUTION in biblical fkn scales. Cheeseburger Gothic » Brief note from Der Bünker.
  • There is a final item in the cascade of causes and consequences, a retribution for pollution that seems almost biblically apt.
  • Doctors and activists fear that they will be deserted as the regime troops make further inroads, and say they are awaiting retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nicephorus' fleet harried the accessible southern coasts in retribution, but made no firm gains.
  • Some heads have admitted that they are afraid to use their powers for fear of retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • One ministry official wondered whether the U.S. was under 'external pressure' to be more 'hawkish' on human rights in Egypt or whether the U.S. intervention was 'retribution' for U.S. Obama Proposed Cutting Funding To Promote Democracy In Egypt
  • This is not retribution but pre-emption, finding appropriate force to prevent a further attack.
  • I'm awfy sorry aboot that, hen," she offered, then deciding another show of penitence and retribution was appropriate, slapped Demi yet again. Country of the Blind
  • Perhaps there is something more karmic at work. Some kind of retribution.
  •             “Except for this thing they call karmic retribution. Greetings From Karma City!
  • I'm talking spite and curiosity and divine retribution here, not mineralogy. FALLEN WOMEN
  • This is not retribution but pre-emption, finding appropriate force to prevent a further attack.
  • I’ve seen many a good title bogged down with comments like: ‘it’s not real if it’s not from Japan’ Perhaps if some authors were quick on the trigger to shoot down that nonsense, immature reviewers might dwindle away…but alas, this is asking for trouble, because even those truly critical of your work will avoiding saying so for fear Rice-Style retribution. Deliver Me From Temptation, Temptation Being Amazon « Whatever
  • At worst, some want retribution more than resolution. Christianity Today
  • Only in rare cases did the committee seek retribution. Truman
  • What about journalists and whistleblowers supposedly quaking in fear over possible retribution? Times, Sunday Times
  • They are still in fear of retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lordhillwood 5 February 2011 5:34PM how is your report misses the evident fact that Barton committed an attrocious foul on arshavin just before half time, did the same again on Diaby fouled throughout the game, diaby deserved his red for taking retribution, why wasnt nolan sent off for throwing the keeper in the net ? The Guardian World News
  • He also had to think about his credibility, which was too valuable to be squandered on gratuitous retribution.
  • The answer is that many doomed pilots feared retribution if they lost multimillion-dollar jets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The earthquake was seen by some people as divine retribution.
  • Such a story of people curing an animal of its disease and being rewarded with much retribution from the animal may derive from the Buddhistic story of an elephant repaying an obligation in India.
  • The film ends with the death of the kestrel at the hands of the boy's older brother in brutal retribution for a bet he didn't place.
  • He asked that we disguise his voice and face, afraid of retribution by those who run the criminal enterprise.
  • It is recorded in Jeremiah that everyone will be meted out retribution for his own sins.
  • In a legendarily violent town of 3000 people, you quickly understand the rules of retribution and revenge.
  • Messias by a mechanical theory of retribution and doubting his sinlessness and acceptableness to God because of his outward sorrows. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The fine hairs stood up on the back of her neck as she endured the sensation of threat and retribution. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • Ricoeur argues that this primitive desire for order, at least in its more developed forms, takes precedence over the desire for retribution.
  • They fled because they feared retribution for the genocide.
  • With amnesty there is no recrimination, punishment or retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The purpose of tit for tat is retribution, not revenge. The Volokh Conspiracy » Miguel Estrada Writes in Support of Elena Kagan’s Confirmation
  • With amnesty there is no recrimination, punishment or retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • That particular offence went unpunished but Malton soon exacted retribution after a series of forward drives.
  • Euripides's darkly psychological study of a woman's obsession with her murdered father and her quest for retribution presents its characters not as mythical heroes, but as flawed human beings.
  • There is no divine retribution, no karmic justice - this is just life screwing you up for no discernable reason.
  • the swiftness of divine retribution
  • Economic performance should be assessed objectively, without all the talk of sin and retribution so popular at present. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spurned wifie, following the iron laws of retribution, sells story to Mail, the paper of contempt for the Today-editing classes. Archive 2004-07-11
  • While we think of this protracted cruelty of the author of his imprisonment, it is some consolation to know that he met with what we may well call a merited retribution. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • A society that supports violent retribution and misnames it "justice" launches an assault against civility and nonviolent restoration. Brad R. Braxton: Getting in Front of Jesus: The Politics of Progressive Christianity (Part II)
  • People are far less afraid of the fines to be paid for extra births and of official retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of our masters had recently returned from wartime service and had entrenched ideas of obedience and personal discipline and their retribution was swift and painful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Sydney Roosters forward spent most of the first half in the dressing room nursing a head injury and afterwards made a veiled reference to retribution at the KC Stadium.
  • Nicephorus' fleet harried the accessible southern coasts in retribution, but made no firm gains.
  • It is, I suppose, divine retribution for the treatment your whiteness receives in certain doctors' surgeries.
  • Now Fairon depicted a different sort of pirate: a man, a hurt man, who had a grudge and needed retribution.
  • A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser.
  • To impose retribution on all those guilty of barbarous acts would have required tens of thousands of executions, for which the Allies lacked stomach. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • In addition, some custodial parents do not pursue collection of child support because they fear retribution from the nonpaying parent.
  • People are far less afraid of the fines to be paid for extra births and of official retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fundamentalist clergy wandered the back roads and river paths between Staines and Richmond, calling for divine retribution.
  • They murdered all the members of Caligula's family, so there should be no one in whose name retribution might be exacted.
  • If California fell into the ocean, would it be divine retribution for making movies like this?
  • There is a final item in the cascade of causes and consequences, a retribution for pollution that seems almost biblically apt.
  • Alternatively the violation can be inverted; like a black comedy, or the assertion of a stark revenge or retribution.
  • * Cum et tempora totius spei fida sunt sacrosancto stilo, ne liceat eam ante constitui quam in adventum, opinor, Christi, vota nostra suspirant in saeculi huius occasum, in transitum mundi quoque ad diem domini magnum, diem irae et retributionis. The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • The fear of retribution from their leaders if they do not obey must be terrifying. The Sun
  • What heinous sin had these women committed to be singled out for divine retribution?
  • This was retribution for all the years of death and misery and privation. LOHENGRIN
  • John singled out the sword as the suitable agent of retribution against a ruler who unlawfully used it against his people: ‘For whosoever takes up the sword deserves to perish by the sword.’
  • Some wanted retribution and called for the death penalty for convicted police murderers, while others lamented the decline of their communities.
  • In later times the most enlightened heathen nations indulged in the sin of Sodom without compunction or shame. are set forth -- before our eyes. suffering -- undergoing to this present time; alluding to the marks of volcanic fire about the Dead Sea. the vengeance -- Greek, "righteous retribution." eternal fire -- The lasting marks of the fire that consumed the cities irreparably, is a type of the eternal fire to which the inhabitants have been consigned. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Not to quibble, but perhaps it would be better to say that retribution as the traditional justification for capital punishment has been "sidestepped" or rendered in effect irrelevant, rather than that it has been rejected. Capital Punishment Vs. Abortion
  • But this would give them the right to say what the book was about: presumably sin and retribution, which sounded a bit obvious. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But when they demean a work of beauty and dignity that has shaped English history and literature as no other book, they invite retribution.
  • If California fell into the ocean, would it be divine retribution for making movies like this?
  • Such a story of people curing an animal of its disease and being rewarded with much retribution from the animal may derive from the Buddhistic story of an elephant repaying an obligation in India.
  • It conjures so eloquently the pain, vengeance and retribution that war brings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now he went forth this day to his garden, to refresh himself amongst its trees and pluck the ripe fruits, when this young man slew him wrongously and swerved from the road of righteousness; wherefore we demand of thee the retribution of his crime and call upon thee to pass judgement upon him, according to the commandment of Allah. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This is time to rally around the flag of reason, not of blind retribution.
  • He will not be seeking to exact retribution on errant players with a mistimed tackle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Workers are unwilling to point out problems, fearing retribution from seniors who do not wish to rock the boat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given the shortness of political horizons, it would be advantageous to have the quickest possible retribution for bad behaviour.
  • As additional retribution, until 1870, their property was confiscated, condemning their bereaved family into pauperdom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The common idea of a bodily restoration implies and, that any just retribution be compatible with it, it necessarily implies the vivification of the dead frame, not by the introduction of new life, but by the reinstalment of the very same life or spirit, the identical consciousness that before animated it. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • Obstructionism from the military, the right, and the courts prevented a full accounting or retribution against the perpetrators.
  • His hunger overcame his fear of retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trekboere changed the physical and legal landscape of the Olifants River Valley indelibly by asserting permanent, alienable, and bounded claims to land, and by appropriating commonly used territory from Khoikhoi and San, eliciting violent retribution. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • All of these punishments were performed in the presence of the offenders' military unit and were seen simply in terms of minatory retribution and deterrence.
  • To what degree this new puritanism is due to indoctrination or to the fear of retribution is a matter of speculation. Communist China—Time for Reappraisal
  • Half said the industry feared retribution, such as delisting by the supermarket and loss of business.
  • And, if it thinks it faces a terrorist threat now, you can only imagine what kind of retribution would be exacted.
  • What about journalists and whistleblowers supposedly quaking in fear over possible retribution? Times, Sunday Times
  • It isn't some kind of religion in which you have divine retribution, with bankers now on the receiving end. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet most of the time they resist the temptation to exact retribution, despite the abundant opportunities the game affords.
  • Condemnatory judgments, for example, may be accompanied by impulses of retribution and punishment.
  • She uses the reunion with her father as an opportunity to exact retribution upon everyone who has mistreated her.
  • Or imagine a world in which personal revenge, retribution , getting even is only a keystroke away.
  • Laertes, Polonius' son, returns with a mob from Paris and demands retribution against Hamlet.
  • Members of Parliament clearly feared retribution from their constituents.
  • Violent retribution soon followed.
  • Leigh decided to exact retribution on his teammate's behalf by grappling Gibson to the ground.
  • He didn't want any further involvement for fear of retribution.
  • He rejects penal substitution because he thinks that God is love, and a loving God would never seek retribution.
  • She was asked whether a civilian government should seek retribution against military officers involved in human rights abuses.
  • The fear of retribution from their leaders if they do not obey must be terrifying. The Sun
  • Could this be divine retribution? The Sun
  • It was designed to effect retribution through the deprivation of liberty and the physical endurance of hard labour. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • Minos threatened war against Athens in retribution for his son's death.
  • People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages.
  • What about journalists and whistleblowers supposedly quaking in fear over possible retribution? Times, Sunday Times
  • Workers are unwilling to point out problems, fearing retribution from seniors who do not wish to rock the boat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd been told by various criminologists and judges that there are three principles behind sentencing which are: retribution, rehabilitation and deterrents.
  • But this would give them the right to say what the book was about: presumably sin and retribution, which sounded a bit obvious. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This gave them the freedom to make trouble all over the shop without fear of retribution.
  • The Feds say Napolitano was killed in retribution for his ties to Pistone - and they have a ‘high-ranking’ witness who has linked Massino and acting capo Frank Lino to the crime.
  • Intellect will be removed from retribution itemisation. A new trainable ability Purified Armor will grant intellect based on armor value.
  • That law is intended to keep processors from seeking retribution against growers who organize to bargain.
  • You will achieve more in this world through acts of mercy than you will through acts of retribution. Nelson Mandela 
  • People were free to criticize the government, without fear of retribution!
  • See ye not, she is the scarlet letter, only capable of being loved, and so endowed with a millionfold the power of retribution for my sin?
  • Most victims do not seek retribution but accountability and punishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anonymity was the order of the day, and fear of retribution was high.
  • Convicting doctors of manslaughter may satisfy a desire for retribution, but deters careful consideration of the ways of preventing tragedies from recurring.
  • I'm talking spite and curiosity and divine retribution here, not mineralogy. FALLEN WOMEN
  • Most of our masters had recently returned from wartime service and had entrenched ideas of obedience and personal discipline and their retribution was swift and painful. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who laughed at retribution paladins, boomkin, or shadow priests before
  • After all, it was obviously some TSA "special agent" who put your name on that list, in retribution, and the TSA will have to revalidate those names. Making Light: The new new TSA regulations
  • The Pantaloon in Black, " in which a big negro named Rider struggles with grief over his wife Mannie's early death and ends up killing a white man and getting lynched in retribution.
  • It conjures so eloquently the pain, vengeance and retribution that war brings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The retribution exacted from the Anti-Semite that day came in the form of a motherly chiding. How We Avenged the Blums
  • A veiled woman whose brother had been badly injured wailed for divine retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • For we see divine retribution revealed from heaven and falling upon all the godless wickedness of men.
  • The fine hairs stood up on the back of her neck as she endured the sensation of threat and retribution. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • The lex talionus, or law of retribution, teaches that the punishment should fit the crime.
  • This gave them the freedom to make trouble all over the shop without fear of retribution.
  • Dan and Beth-el in Ephraim were the two places where Jeroboam set up the idolatrous calves (1Ki 12: 29); just retribution. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Most of our masters had recently returned from wartime service and had entrenched ideas of obedience and personal discipline and their retribution was swift and painful. Times, Sunday Times
  • As well as being a deterrent it is retribution for crimes that we as a society find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • In between the aimless, idle play and fear of legal and societal retribution, Green's characters deliver poignant soliloquies on abstract concepts like love, self-worth and the state of the world.
  • He will not be seeking to exact retribution on errant players with a mistimed tackle. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will need swift action and monstrous retribution for it to rediscover credibility before the showpiece event of the season, in Monaco, on May 26-and the suggestion is that neither will come.
  • There's a Minister for Global Health out there somewhere and it seems that if you write beyond your allocation of tripe and twaddle, he or she will take retribution.
  • A veiled woman whose brother had been badly injured wailed for divine retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now we learn of retribution efforts aimed at those who tried to correct the zealous propaganda which drove this nation into war.
  • Wilson's clients were generally small businesses, shopkeepers, farms and smallholdings - not the sort of enterprises where the stakes were high enough to warrant such retribution.
  • Often he ends up in flats previously used by pentiti: mafia members hidden from retribution as they give evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • As well as being a deterrent it is retribution for crimes that we as a society find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a classic 'what would you do?' suspense tale, as the genuinely guilty young men try to survive retribution from an unseen driver (voiced with genuine sadness by Ted Levine) of an eighteen-wheeler. Scott Mendelson: Just in Time for Halloween: 10 of the Scariest Horror Films of the Last 20 Years.
  • Only in rare cases did the committee seek retribution. Truman
  • Retribution should not be a part of what we're talking about. "avengement, avenging, comeuppance, compensation, counterblow, eye for an eye*, just desserts, Attytood
  • Victims are demanding retribution for the terrorist attacks.
  • If I put kiwi fruit in my skyr, is there some kind of ancestral retribution that will fall upon my head? Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • They are still in fear of retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someone should slap me but I think it's minor retribution for her unnecessarily autocratic, bossy tendencies that once again reared up yesterday.
  • Figure 25-2: This is how most users perceive error message dialog boxes. They see them as Kafkaesque interrogations with each successive choice leading to a yet blacker pit of retribution and regret.
  • Quite often it is the gut reaction of angry, scared or revolted people seeking revenge or retribution.
  • We're not doing this to be retaliating or for retribution or revenge.
  • Nobody will speak out because of the implicit threat of retribution. The Sun
  • The writer thinks that restorative justice forms the value basis & Victim - Offender Mediation oppositetotraditional retribution justice.
  • She adds, "Many students do not speak out for fear of ostracism or retribution."
  • What "ensnared" Israel was not a no-fault "cycle of attacks and retribution" but the Arabs 'escalation of terrorism. CAMERA Snapshots
  • But let us not do so in the midst of a moral panic, high on counterrevolutionary retribution. The Sun
  • To impose retribution on all those guilty of barbarous acts would have required tens of thousands of executions, for which the Allies lacked stomach. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • Economic performance should be assessed objectively, without all the talk of sin and retribution so popular at present. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sermon preaches Christian hope and faith rather than retribution.
  • The consequences of ignoring these self-regulatory practices is to suffer the officials' ire and retribution.
  • They rail at it and seek angry retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Greek mythology had angry deities of vengeance and retribution, known as the Erinyes. SuperCooperators
  • If we expect retribution in accounting for offense than it stands to reason the world would expect us to apply this principle in our own justice system. Schumer asks for U.N. condemnation of Libya
  • He saw his suffering as retribution for the sins of his past life.
  • Louis entered Dijon not to scenes of rebellion and retribution, but to one of proper submission and loyalty.
  • By poking fun at the bodies or habits of the powerful, comic cards could attack social proprieties and conventions without accountability or retribution.
  • Every fiber of her cried out for revenge, for retribution, for something to let her strike back.
  • There has to be some penance and retribution for these people.
  • Nicephorus' fleet harried the accessible southern coasts in retribution, but made no firm gains.
  • Imperial conquest, here, was represented as just retribution for egregious sin. The Times Literary Supplement
  • For a fortnight after the attacks, it left her too scared to leave her home for fear of unwarranted retribution.
  • To impose retribution on all those guilty of barbarous acts would have required tens of thousands of executions, for which the Allies lacked stomach. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • In context the fire may be understood as punishment, retribution on those who take credit that is not their due. Times, Sunday Times
  • I will not comment on this subject for fear of retribution from the gods of sle..... Peering At The Backside Of The Moon
  • retribution is at hand
  • They rail at it and seek angry retribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • She went way, way out on a limb to endorse obama, again in the face of clintonian retribution. Source: Senator Patrick Leahy To Endorse Obama Today
  • Despite the calls from many for retribution, it was generally accepted that a severe system of reparations, as in 1919, would not be acceptable.
  • Imperial conquest, here, was represented as just retribution for egregious sin. The Times Literary Supplement
  • To some extent, therefore, retribution reflects society's desire for vengeance.
  • It is sometimes considered a divine retribution for past sins. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Opposition would say that that is retribution for all the wrong he has done.
  • Could this be divine retribution? The Sun
  • In that regard, not only did they open themselves up to ethical retribution, but to potential criminal prosecution under both federal and local law.
  • According to John, the most expedient way to destroy tyrants was to beseech God's retribution, but he explicitly sanctioned human dissimulation and treachery when they served the cause.
  • She saw the sentence as just retribution on the man who had assaulted her.
  • Without giving too much away, I think it's permissible to say that by the end, the little girls who vanish throughout this tale turn out to be beribboned and pink-sneakered red herrings in a much more sinister game of retribution. Book review: Hackneyed rules of suspense disappear in Hayder's 'Gone'
  • it was a policy of retribution

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