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How To Use Retreated In A Sentence

  • Thereafter, he retreated to the Celtic backline.
  • As his reputation declined, the sculptor retreated to his studio and stopped exhibiting.
  • 'The first principles of commercial activity have retreated to earth's maziest penetralia, where no tides are! is it not so, Skepsey?' said Mr. Fenellan, whose initiative and exuberance in loquency had been restrained by a slight oppression, known to guests; especially to the guest in the earlier process of his magnification and illumination by virtue of a grand old wine; and also when the news he has to communicate may be a stir to unpleasant heaps. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • He regained his balance and then retreated to his post beside the door, curling into himself like a wounded possum. NO BODY
  • A significant 2. 5-fold reduction in the added cellulase required for conversion of pretreated hardwood to ethanol; and Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Process Promises Better and Cheaper Ethanol
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Master English with Ease
  • Once the more resistant gently dipping rocks of the Cotswolds have been removed, the underlying softer beds are easily eroded, so the Jurassic escarpments to the east of the Vales of Evesham and Gloucester retreated through time.
  • It is true that some former Levellers retreated into religious passivity, internalising their revolutionary ideology and seeking a godly republic within.
  • The sample was pretreated with HCI and NaOH before organic carbon was extracted using an oxygen plasma.
  • Ossein pretreated for a 2weeks period exhibited the maximum % yield incase of bone gelatin, while the yield from intact skin was higher than that realized incase of de-scaled skin.
  • He pinched harder still, and by and by the crisis retreated. EVERVILLE
  • He withdrew from Hollywood and retreated to a desert hideaway near Las Vegas.
  • The bigger buffed man retreated cowardly to the other side of the gym while people stared at the commotion.
  • He retreated to his hideouts in the mountains of Tajikistan, taking his men and their weapons with him.
  • Bernice could hardly resist the urge to turn and run, but she supported Defries and retreated step by step.
  • The band retreated safely, blocking pursuit with rocks and fallen trees.
  • A control group of 40 patients were not pretreated. Feeling Groggy? Your Brain May Be Half Asleep
  • London shares retreated this week as the Chancellor unveiled his latest Budget.
  • I feel cautiously optimistic that the lurgy has retreated enough that I won't pay a terrible price for going, but still ... Adelaide Natcon
  • The only men who behaved unhandsomely on the occasion were some of the Irish members, advocates of Repeal, who, with more than national brass, grounded their declinature on the galling yoke of the Saxon, and retreated to Connemara, doubtless exulting that in this instance at least they had freed themselves from "hereditary bonds. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • Indeed, in vivo vaccination of syngeneic mice with pharmacologically pretreated melanoma cells induces tumor growth slowing down and reduction of pulmonary metastases implantation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • And we now have compelling evidence that German forces deliberately carried out a scorched-earth policy; they flooded mines, blew up bridges and stripped bare factories as they retreated.
  • They retreated back to a duck blind, and watched to see what would happen.
  • The moment Hillsden finished the meal the man removed his plate and coffee cup and retreated. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • They whine and wail about how we have all retreated into our suburbs and Internet connections and no longer rally around grand national projects that inspire us with a vision of all that government can do.
  • The snail retreated into its shell.
  • 'The first principles of commercial activity have retreated to earth's maziest penetralia, where no tides are! is it not so, Skepsey?' said One of Our Conquerors — Complete
  • When the two-ship Argentine fleet approached Monterey, the local government cautiously retreated inland, leaving the defense to the soldiers in the presidio, or fort, and to pro-Spain militiamen. Nicolás Meyer: California In Argentine Hands: A Brief History Lesson
  • Perry lit the fuse and retreated to a safe distance.
  • These glaciers advanced during the four ice ages (glacial periods) and retreated during the three interglacials.
  • It retreated in subsequent periods of prolonged dryness, leaving deposits of sediments.
  • We retreated back down the mountain.
  • With Nortel and Alcatel-Lucent (a ALU) having retreated from the WiMAX market, one wonders: Who is going to win [...] Our Readers Take on the LTE v. WiMAX Debate
  • We watched a few more songs down at the front then retreated to the ballroom bar to watch the rest of the set with the other old gits.
  • The footsteps retreated quickly from inside her cell, the door clanging shut and the bolt scraped across the metal, signaling the door was locked.
  • Lips shaping words that Althia didn't recognize, Morgana closed her eyes and retreated several steps so that her arms were stretched as far as possible while she continued to grasp Althia's arms.
  • Recently the jet stream has retreated northward, meteorologists say, leaving the field undefended against those intrusive southern storms.
  • The four-strong family wasn't, as it seemed, a four-legged table, well-built, light oak, on which endless meals advanced and retreated. LOST CHILDREN
  • He retreated to bed, lying in the foetal position for hours before heading off to the woods at the back of his house with his 20-bore shotgun.
  • Finding their words falling on the deaf ears of their fellow fangirls and fanboys, they retreated to the safety of their shrines, confident in their belief that they had chosen the true apogee of cute.
  • As John Paul retreated, he could feel his heel strike the coaming, or edge, of a hatchway. John Paul Jones
  • He looked absolutely grim, advancing, tapping the whip lightly on the ground as the horse retreated rhythmically.
  • They retreated not at all in the face of a Federalist resolution to include an expression approving the President’s denunciation of the Democratic Societies. Washington
  • they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire
  • An army truck came rattling up the viny tunnel, probably bound for the bakery, so she retreated into a gift shop to let it pass. SURE OF YOU
  • Many from the crowd immediately fled; others retreated to what was felt a safe distance.
  • That Sarah Palin is so tough I heard one time she dawned a gilly suit and snuck through the brush with in inches of a bull moose, reached up and twisted his nuts off with out him even knowing it, retreated to her snow machine and drove 50 miles backwards home just in time to fix dinner. Think Progress » Palin: Obama could win reelection if he ‘played the war card’ and declared ‘war on Iran.’
  • When their typically apocalyptic vision of a new world faded, they retreated for the most part into traditional humility.
  • The victorious but spent fanners and craftsfolk retreated through the shattered gate to the fringe of the forest, leaving the terminal cleansing of the monastery to the rampaging pit bull-bull. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Knights of both kingdoms clashed for what seemed like half a day, and in the end, the remaining Sunfall knights fell back and retreated.
  • While Contador seems to have retreated from the public eye after traces of clenbuterol were found in his system during a control at the 2010 Tour, he sticks to his daily routine in Pinto. Pinto rallies around its favorite son, Alberto Contador
  • During our dinner she admitted that she had procrastinated until the whole idea of building a business had retreated into nothingness.
  • Ehrlich, who eight years ago turned to Prince George's for an African American running mate - Michael S. Steele, now chairman of the Republican National Committee - has largely retreated from the vote-rich county, focusing his campaign elsewhere. Md. governor's race could hinge on black voter turnout
  • Not so long ago, Yorkshire's star Tory retreated onto the backbenches after leading his side to a slaughter in 2001, but it represented the dawn of a new career making mega-bucks.
  • He had the walls of his room lined with cork to shut out light and sound and there he retreated to think and to write, sleeping during the day and venturing forth at night.
  • Dr. Caldicott retreated to the outback, but she left a legacy of tremendous mass awareness about the threat of nuke megadeath and planetcide.
  • Edgardo, red-faced, furious, retreated, met the manager coming across the dining room. Shortcut Man
  • In the public furore that followed that comment, Abbott retreated from this position.
  • After several hours of fierce fighting, the rebel troops retreated in disorder.
  • The sound of gunshots filled the air once more as the figure shot at some of the chairs, randomly, then retreated.
  • When the boos and catcalls ruffled her feathers, Mean Jean retreated to her perch and later retracted her comments. John Murtha: An Eagle Amid the Turkeys
  • He retreated in the face of strong opposition.
  • His anger had retreated but he could still feel it smouldering within.
  • Milton became such a compleat individualist in his notions of freedom and conscience that he retreated into a purely interior and experiential Christianity, a ‘church’ whose solitary member was himself.
  • In terms of the biology of the tissue, more vascularized organs, xenografts (non-species specific), and non-pretreated fresh grafts all lead to a severe host response.
  • Dionysus retreated before him and even took refuge from him in the depths of the sea.
  • Both the market reception and internet interest in this book have proved that even though Zhu has retreated from the limelight for so many years, his popularity is far from waning. Global Voices in English » China: Why Zhu Rongji remains popular
  • While he increasingly retreated after 1867 from politics, his intellectual fecundity remained undiminished.
  • The pretreated fiber contains sugars, mainly arabinose and xylose and some glucose.
  • After her cartoon began to spark international controversy in April, Norris retreated from the Facebook-spread movement -- and sought meetings with Islamic leaders in Seattle. MOLLY NORRIS UPDATE: U.S. Muslim leader defends rights of both 'Draw Muhammad' cartoonist, targeted cleric al-Aulaqi
  • That illusion was quickly dispelled, and Bella had retreated into her own bower, leaving Elanor to grow up along separate lines.
  • After 1848 plebeian intellectuals and activists in Ashton and other localities retreated into the quietist world of democratic dinners, lectures, and education.
  • These hESCs will have been pretreated in a dish with growth factors that have "goosed" them to become nerve cells. Paul Abrams: Embryonic Stem Cells: "Needle-Ready" for Clinical Trials, and the Best "Cure" for the Projected Medicare Funding Shortfall
  • The glacier that once covered the entire island right down to the tideline seems to have retreated. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • As he got older, he retreated from the public eye, spent his days in quiet solitary devotion and scholarly study.
  • And futile bullying, too, because once somebody stood up to the Government they retreated. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • He retreated to the ground and did not continue to persist in creating hostile assaults.
  • Our regiment then retreated, about fifty paces, I think, and there we halted just behind the brow of a hill.
  • However, a few months on Rousay cured him of the notion and he retreated back to London - ‘to accidie, ennui and bilious conversations in the Groucho Club’.
  • She saw them at the extremities of the arcades, and immediately retreated; but the agitation of her spirits, and the extent and duskiness of the hall, had prevented her from distinguishing the persons of the strangers. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • Now, however, they have retreated six to eight percentage points from their peak levels.
  • They retreated to a safe distance from the fighting.
  • Adam gave his best angry glare at the jouster and they retreated.
  • The Poles retreated to the Vistula, but Pilsudski succeeded in flanking the Soviets in August 1920 and forcing the Red Army to retreat in disarray. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • They retreated before the advance of the enemy.
  • In so many places, real life has retreated, squeezed out by the inauthentic and the superficial.
  • The ensuing battle was short and decisive; although both Wolfe and Montcalm were fatally wounded, the French retreated and Quebec fell.
  • A small pocket puts up a brave front on the forecastle, while the remainder of the surviving crew has retreated below decks.
  • Then the tale of murder shaH be smot helled/'exclaimed tftesl winger," nei - ther shall the injured be apprised/'Hb retreated a fev* pacei; he seemed to commune within himself — then sadden! The confessional of Valombre
  • He always retreated emotionally at the first whiff of conflict.
  • 'I've already got a job,' I said quickly, and retreated from the room.
  • Whole sputum samples were pretreated with 0.1% dithiothreitol in PBS.
  • In the public furore that followed that comment, Abbott retreated from this position.
  • A slightly later phase of deglaciation occurred when the ice margin retreated north into St. George's Channel, forming the raised ice contact delta at the Screen Hills, which prograded southwards into high relative sea level.
  • The ship slowly began its rotation to meet the triangle as the man turned and retreated back down the ramp.
  • In reaction to other philosophies of life the Taoists retreated and lived as recluses outside the milieu of society.
  • We retreated back down the mountain.
  • Isabel seemed to have retreated so far into herself as to be almost unreachable. THE WHITE DOVE
  • He plucked at my elbow and we three retreated slowly, until the guard gave up and wandered away.
  • Grandad retreated to his lair in the basement.
  • His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs.
  • Only one of the two groups was pretreated with different concentrations of apple phenolic extracts.
  • Cells were pretreated with various compounds dissolved in DMSO over a wide range of concentrations, and DMSO itself was also examined.
  • While more jokes and wisecracks were coming from the campfire, Alan retreated to his cabin.
  • Behind the scenes were the postscenium, or retiring-room, and porticoes, to which, in case of sudden showers, the people retreated from the theatre. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • The poor bitch squealed in pain and retreated, her tail between her legs, and a regretful look of apology to Miri in her eyes.
  • He and the verger retreated into the church and locked the door. The Gates
  • The pretreated fiber contains sugars, mainly arabinose and xylose and some glucose.
  • It was to this precinct that the survivors of the attack retreated, barricading themselves into the inner sanctuary of the temple, which was burned to the ground with them in it.
  • It thrived when tundra-like flora and fauna colonised the land as the glaciers retreated but later declined as the climate warmed.
  • Wonderingly, they retreated to the jungle for the night, there to take counsel of the long-shoremen. Tropic Days
  • I left the table, and retreated to a quiet spot on the stairs beside Smokey, hoping not to be found for the rest of the day.
  • Soil samples were pretreated with excess 0.1 M orthophosphoric acid to remove inorganic C salts.
  • Therefore antabus antabuse cvs walgreens partially lowers patients of immunization and extremities concentrations of beta which may start absence and new adverse hours on the axonal system. ( 'multum') is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no antabus antabuse cvs walgreens is pretreated to that effect. Wii-volution
  • I grew up and started hooping when the ferment from the high Sixties had not yet retreated so much. | Blog | DeAnn DeLuna: Inside The Hoop
  • He retreated into a world of fantasy.
  • Then, about 13,000 years ago, the southern edge of the ice sheet retreated past the divide that separates the Mississippi watershed from areas that drain northward.
  • Since the markets are relatively quiet, yields have retreated from any immediate sign that I need to reconsider my near-term bearishness on fixed-income, and therefore my working hypotheses need little adjustment at the moment, I want to touch on two other topics that are broadly relevant to the market these days but not necessarily breaking news. Recent Commentaries |
  • When they could find no way of avoiding the con - clusion that knowledge was either unverifiable or sub - jective, the logical positivists retreated from seeking certainty into arguing that there was no way of estab - lishing a correspondence between knowledge and fact. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Before he had time to retaliate or respond, she picked up her tray and retreated towards the door that led to the kitchen.
  • Zoology is retreated is farmland area reductive land advocate element.
  • Men and beasts have retreated up the hillside, haloed in dusty sunshine.
  • Ichinose and Nandi first showed that whole mammary glands from hormone-pretreated pubescent mice can undergo normal lobuloalveolar development in vitro in the presence of specific lactogenic hormones.
  • A cloud was slowly spiraling towards the sun and they retreated, moving to the edge of the forest, watching the skeletons appear one by one.
  • In the winter of 1778, Washington's ragged army had retreated here to regroup.
  • The man said he went into a village Chinese troops had retreated from and plundered goods and money.
  • My father had retreated to his study for most of this period, though, which I found to be quite against his character.
  • He advanced and retreated, "bluffed" and held aloof, with acuteness and daring. The Plum Tree
  • As I approached, Gregory and Mikhail retreated, moving farther into the sheltered area.
  • Fed up with being a critical punchbag, he retreated, first to Ireland and then to a bungalow in Cornwall, together with his wife, dogs and library of over 30,000 books.
  • Nine patients with severe restless legs syndrome were pretreated with domperidone for three days to mitigate side effects of apomorphine, which was given as an intravenous infusion.
  • Labour Students and the organised independents who dominate the executive retreated from their original plan.
  • After Freud and Einstein unleashed their discoveries, the novel retreated from narrative, poetry retreated from rhyme, and art retreated from the representational into the abstract.
  • I retreated into the kitchen and boiled some water for tea.
  • Those four glaciated fjords generally are deep and have both tidewater and hanging glaciers (i.e. glaciers that have retreated from tidewater, sometimes dramatically).
  • Athenians advanced they retreated, but charged them when they retired, falling especially upon the hindermost of them, in the hope that, if they could put to flight a few at a time, they might strike a panic into the whole army. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • The crowd of people gasped and retreated a few steps from me, like I was a wild animal whom they thought to be dead, only to come back to life.
  • Not finding that possible in the established routine of a firm practice, he retreated to academe.
  • He tried to pack the Supreme Court with partisan allies and, overconfidently judging the economy recovered, retreated from the New Deal by instituting spending cuts that prompted a fresh economic tailspin. Sunday Reading
  • In view of this situation, a novel system structure is proposed in which the reference input of ANC system is pretreated using the technology of independent component analysis (ICA).
  • It retreated and maintained a hold over rearguard elements.
  • Risaku retreated to the ground where his friends safely resided.
  • The quieter ivory-bills retreated to darkened corners of the remaining bottomland, keeping their songs to themselves.
  • When Anna, as usual, shooed me out of the kitchen, I defeated, retreated back to the lounge.
  • What bothers me the most is to see how Democrats have retreated from a single-payer government-run option to Medicare buy-in and now all's on the table is an insurance mandate, a terrific gift for the private insurers. The year in politics
  • She let her tense shoulders fall and retreated back to the opposite wall, keeping her eyes on Zarius the whole time.
  • Grumbling, the old woman retreated back upstairs, mumbling continually about the problems with today's youth.
  • The auction houses quite wisely retreated, leaving specialist dealers bemoaning what they alleged were short-sighted policies.
  • Croatian army troops retreated from northern Bosnia and the area fell to the Serbs.
  • He and Black retreated to the street and climbed into their hooptie and drove away. Dirtier Than Ever
  • Also, his pieces are retreated, rather than immediately removed from the board.
  • Hanuman retreated into the private universe that only he could know, and Danlo hated him for isolating himself this way. THE BROKEN GOD
  • I am a sucker for film scores - the entire genre is like a lush island where the late German Romantic symphonic tradition retreated to thrive, away from the coruscating glare of modernism.
  • On the beach, a tern skittered toward a receding wave, dipped its beak in the sand, retreated to high ground as the next wave approached. Miracles, Inc.
  • All of the contractile and relaxant responses evoked by these stimuli were absent in vagotomized animals or in animals pretreated with the ganglionic blocker, trimethaphan, confirming their reflex and parasympathetic nature.
  • As Quanah retreated with the others, he was pursued by a bluecoat, who fired at him. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • Keith Pitts's semicircular set subtly evokes the Oval Office from which Nixon retreated in disgrace, and Mike Tutaj's rear-wall projections transport the viewer from place to place with discreet finesse. This Stoppard Is a Second 'Scoop'
  • That Napoleon agreed with Mouton, and that the army retreated, does not prove that Napoleon caused it to retreat, but that the forces which influenced the whole army and directed it along the Mozhaysk (that is, the Smolensk) road acted simultaneously on him also. War and Peace
  • Rohan went with others to enter a church where the peasants were retreated, thinking to get victuals by love or by forces; but he got the worst of it, as they all did, and came back with seven sword wounds on the head, the least of which penetrated to the inner table of the skull; and he had four other wounds upon the arms, and one on the right shoulder, which cut more than half of the bladebone. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • But I certainly wasn't going to complain, especially when he retreated to the "prop range," the Botanic Garden greenhouse where hundreds of species were growing—the BBG boasts 1,600 species—to retrieve some Chilean sphagnum moss. Where Expertise Blooms
  • They decided to make made the MEN free in central Manchester in early 2006 - but late last year retreated on that strategy, making the title fully paid for on Monday to Wednesday and on Saturdays. New Statesman
  • Rebels retreated from their positions in the strategic oil-refinery city of Ras Lanuf as pro-Gadhafi forces dropped bombs from fighter jets and fired salvoes of rockets on the town. World Watch
  • Thus compressed the mass resumes its equability, and is again at unity with itself, because the fire which was the author of the inequality has retreated; and this departure of the fire is called cooling, and the coming together which follows upon it is termed congealment. Timaeus
  • We retreated into the darkness of the passage, moving quickly back to the storage closet before crossing the hall to my room.
  • Because Dogwood seeds have a very hard outer coating on the seed, they need to be pretreated or stratified before they will germinate.
  • Livia retreated from the outside world more and more, even shutting out the company of Sarah Buckner.
  • He was walking by the sea-shore at Harwich, with this sling in his pocket; before his paces had covered a mile he was attacked by a fierce animal called a seahorse, open-mouthed, who ran at him with great fury; he hesitated a moment, then took out his sling, retreated back about The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  • Spores were pretreated with BFA for 60 min and settled onto polystyrene for 5 min.
  • Because the ice cap retreated from south to north, the brook charr reinvaded eastern Canada northward from the single ‘Atlantic’ glacial refugium located off the Atlantic coast of New England.
  • Those caught in the acrid clouds of gas retreated to meet comrades in arms who treated their eyes with juice squeezed from lemons and bottled water.
  • As he got older, he retreated from the public eye, spent his days in quiet solitary devotion and scholarly study.
  • Obviously the council have now retreated in the face of their united voice.
  • According to Starks, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has apparently retreated from a proposal by her fellow California Democrat, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo, to give the Government Accountability Office authority to audit the performance of the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Senate approves intelligence authorization bill
  • Some have retreated to the supposed safety of the Green Zone.
  • 'I've already got a job,' I said quickly, and retreated from the room.
  • Upon their approach, the Egyptians struck camp and retreated.
  • Soon they got tired of standing outside in the pouring rain and retreated indoors.
  • She just lifted her head high, like a great begum who had been deeply offended in her own home, and solemnly retreated to the kitchen. The Hundred-Foot Journey
  • On seeing us, the deer stood stock-still for a moment, then turned and retreated into the forest.
  • An undignified skid and a few slides later found him at the entrance to the parlor, where the voices had retreated to.
  • Later the traction engines retreated to their corner of the showground and a falconer displayed his birds in the show ring. Country diary: Wensleydale
  • With a mutter or two the chap retreated into a sulk and decided to get on with his reading material.
  • Clearly not expecting that one lone outworld archer could outfire them, the villagers had retreated. CATALYST OF SORROWS
  • Muir Glacier has retreated out of the field of view, Riggs Glacier has thinned and retreated significantly, and dense new vegetation has appeared. Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth
  • The animals had already retreated into their jungle homes, and the water had subsided.
  • As the crocodile circled, he retreated to find his dog, which suffered several long cuts to its leg.
  • It is true that some former Levellers retreated into religious passivity, internalising their revolutionary ideology and seeking a godly republic within.
  • Satan retreated, hid himself, surreptitiously arose again, awaited his chance, taking advantage of unguarded and weak moments, and in one word demeaned himself as a very live and sagacious Satan. The Bride of Dreams
  • When daylight arrived, scouting parties would work their way up over the hill in order to determine exactly how far the Army had retreated.
  • So they retreated to a quiet agrarian existence as a form of protest, painting mountains and rivers because these are what endure.
  • Marines were fanning out in all directions, firing their weapons at unseen enemy troops that retreated from building to building as the troops advanced.
  • She retreated by a gate which, leading to the road, was overhung by some wild rocky scenery, in which appeared a sort of artificial aperture, but it was rendered almost inaccessible from the unrestrained woodbine which covered it, and appeared formerly to have been a sort of arbour. The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
  • The arms, suddenly nerveless, dropped me, and the Shetland sweater retreated smartly.
  • After several hours of fierce fighting, the rebel troops retreated in disorder.
  • They retreated to a safe distance from the fighting.
  • Fighting has continued to this day, but General Burnside and his defeated Army of the Potomac have retreated across the Potomac.
  • Maybe the medieval paleosol was bulldozed by the big LIA glacial advance so that the vein was exposed when the LIA glacier retreated and is visible to a modern prospector, but would not have been visible to a medieval prospector. Green Alps #1 « Climate Audit
  • The attacker turned to Deirdre who instinctively picked up her own épée as she retreated. DEATH OF A NYMPH
  • The land nearby can be pretreated with chemicals to prevent the oil from sticking when it washes ashore.
  • The French army retreated towards the River Marne and it was here that both German and French armies fought out the first major battle on the Western Front.
  • The flight commander, without having the chance to say one word, retreated in haste.

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