How To Use Retraction In A Sentence

  • Activated ROCK induces neurite retraction [5] while selective ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, as well as ROCK dominant negative mutants promote neurite formation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The newspaper was forced to publish a retraction of its allegations.
  • The cool thing about naziism is — yes, nazis have at least one positive — is that anyone who falls for that ideology, however briefly and despite any following retractions, can be written of as a buffoon en toto and forever. The Volokh Conspiracy » Putting Heidegger in the library’s grave of discarded lies
  • FLATOW: A lot of times, you don't see the word retraction, Ivan, do you on some of these retracted papers? NPR Topics: News
  • A retraction is in order from the Plainfield City Clerk's office concerning Candidate Rucker's address. Plainfield Council candidates, 2007 primary
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  • Some more affected children will have hoarseness, aphonia, and inspiratory retractions that are severe enough to cause chest wall deformity.
  • The Register has shamed itself by printing this and should publish an immediate retraction.
  • Following a vascular injury, vasoconstriction and retraction usually occur immediately and decrease blood flow to the affected area.
  • Flaps were to be left in the down position to facilitate the removal of mud and other debris prior to their retraction.
  • The autocorrelations did not decay to zero because there was very little retraction.
  • Actin and other contractile proteins within the pseudopods of platelets produce platelet retraction that prevents further blood loss and facilitates healing.
  • In my view, the possibility of eyelid problems such as retraction and ectropion and the possibility of revisionary surgery are material risks about which a patient should be informed when determining whether to have a blepharoplasty.
  • A retraction would be broadcast when a new series of the programme begins in January.
  • Other cells from the same population spread in a slower, anisotropic mode, exhibiting filopodial protrusions, greater membrane ruffling, edge retraction, and centripetal flow of actin filaments.
  • Breast: Skin retractions, masses ( mobile, fixed ), erythema, axillary or supraclavicular node enlargement.
  • "If there is some skin flaccidity, I will use superficial liposculpture to cause some skin retraction," he said.
  • Flaps were to be left in the down position to facilitate the removal of mud and other debris prior to their retraction.
  • Pad: the pulvillus, or that part of it which is capable of extension and retraction in some Coleoptera. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • On examination, she was noted to be sitting upright and breathing without tachypnea, retractions or stridor.
  • There is a dual lock with simultaneous retraction of latch and deadbolt by an inside lever.
  • In a hurried retraction from the source of the story we hear that the Weinsteins are merely dreaming of the project, don't own the rights and casting hasn't even been thought about. Filmstalker: Gypsy still a dream
  • Zillner attributed this circumstance to the small size of the wound, atheroma and degeneration of the aorta and slight retraction of the inner coat, together with a possible plugging of the pericardial opening. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • A large degree of hysteresis upon indenter retraction was observed.
  • The goal is to prevent small movements of thrust-reverser parts during takeoffs from triggering flap retractions. FAA Orders Boeing 747 Fix
  • Romero, who agrees with the scientific conclusion that fire triggered the collapses, demanded a retraction from the Journal. Think Progress » VIDEO: Rumsfeld Confronted By Soldier Over Equipment Shortages In Iraq
  • He privately acknowledged that he was wrong but declined to make a public retraction.
  • Union members are demanding shorter working hours and the government's retraction of its plan to privatize the public firms, which they fear will lead to massive layoffs.
  • Another role of the scapula involves retraction and protraction along the thoracic wall.
  • Bushee from the University of Colorado, sent a letter to the committee demanding a retraction of his name and professing his strong support of the war from the beginning. Savage Peace
  • Of course, it still could be that when I get to the Arena no-one will know a chuffing thing, in which case there may be a retraction on Saturday…
  • I realise that this is a retraction of my word given to the Reverend.
  • The results from this study indicate that the retraction response is rarely observed in the current population of passive adherent cells selected for investigation.
  • Until Taylor's lame-ass retraction, at which point a number of commenters call him on his irresponsible rumour-mongering, whereupon Taylor comes back with a beaut: And this is where we juxtapose ...
  • In isotropic spreading, retraction of [alpha] actinin is limited until cells are over half spread.
  • In anisotropic spreading, large regions of the edge were inactive, showing neither actin filament retraction nor edge extension.
  • The surgeon performs lateral retraction of the junction of the infundibulum (ie, funnel-shaped passage or structure) of the gallbladder and cystic duct.
  • Surgeons should be strongly encouraged to refrain from incising the tumor capsule prior to examination by a pathologist; incisions result in tissue retraction and can compromise margin assessment.
  • Retractions related to fraud showed a more than sevenfold increase between 2004 and 2009, exceeding the twofold rise in retractions related to mere error, according to an analysis published in the Journal of Medical Ethics. Mistakes in Scientific Studies Surge
  • There was a retraction of the frontal capillary implantation line and superciliary and ciliary alopecia on the third lateral, bilaterally.
  • In addition, an intra-operative lumbar spinal drain was used to facilitate atraumatic dural elevation and temporal lobe retraction.
  • It was a condition chiefly confined to the caudal end, the sarcode having became diffluent, hyaline, and intensely rapid in the protrusion and retraction of its substance, while the nuclear body becomes enormously enlarged. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • For cells to continue moving forward after one cycle of extension and partial retraction of pseudopodia, the cells must either change direction, release the collagen fibrils, or degrade the collagen fibers in their path.
  • I warn you again, I will sue you and ruin you unless you print a retraction and prominent apology next week. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • Stromal retraction between tumor islands and dermal connective tissue was observed in 12 cases.
  • FLATOW: They will print a word retraction on it, right? NPR Topics: News
  • Incidentally, after 18 ... f4 the retraction 19 a3 could be more promising than Timman's retreat.
  • I requested the retraction of the plagiarism paper from the journal website, but this seemed impossible.
  • I apologize for any contrary implication, and I hereby make a complete retraction.
  • He will no doubt ask the SMH to publish a retraction of this malicious and entirely concocted falsehood.
  • Objective To prevent or decrease eyelid retraction and ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty.
  • There is no legitimate medical justification for retraction.
  • the retraction of the landing gear
  • The northern species Alaria esculenta (dabberlocks) and Tectura testudinalis (common tortoiseshell limpet) have shown small retractions in their southern distributional limits and declines in abundance at populations close to these range edges, but the rate of recession is not as fast as the rate of advancement in southern species.
  • I hope everyone saw the retraction I posted at the beginning of the last chapter.
  • Any adhesive bonds that form during indentation will tend to break during tip retraction-as manifested in the form of single or multipeak sawtooth patterns.
  • You will hear no such retraction from the right wing pundits, who will probably keep spinning the original version for anopther week. Think Progress » Paper Retracts Report that Murtha Called U.S. the Greatest Threat to World Peace
  • There can be no doubt that he intentionally left his former student's vindication of Sparta unanswered, thereby giving rise to what some have called a palinode: an apparent retraction of the argument of the discourse proper.
  • Simultaneously, the actin bundles within filopodia disappear, followed by retraction of these surface extensions.
  • Enerpac has released a vacuum valving system that drastically improves the retraction times of single-acting heavy lift hydraulic cylinders commonly used throughout Australian industry.
  • I have no comment on whether that retraction is adequate or sincere. Stromata Blog:
  • They will presumably lead to some retraction of the lunatic version of markets that have been imposed by extreme reactionaries in recent years.
  • The retraction marks the first split in their alliance.
  • Greg, I love how your big excuse for why your reporting was inaccurate was that you failed to follow ABC's link to the video, and yet you now apparently presume that all of TPM-EC's readers will follow * your* link to read your apology and pseudo-retraction (even when your link itself makes * no* reference to the fact that you will be apologizing). ABC Mischaracterizes Obama's Alleged "Testy Exchange" With Reporter
  • A polygamist from a breakaway sect demanded a retraction.
  • He demanded a retraction saying that he had never heard of the calculus of fluxions until he had read the works of Wallis.
  • Finally, and I do apologize for the length of this letter, I would request that Mr. Combow's claims be given a relook and if he cannot verify them by anything concrete (DD-214, citation certificates and orders for the medals claimed, listing of units and type of aircraft he flew, verification of completion of flight school and commissioning as an officer), I think a retraction in your newspaper would be in order as WILLIAM W COMBOW
  • I brought my own imagination under control long enough to hear her say, `Did they agree to print a retraction, Spitt? NO BODY
  • If they dont splutter over their retraction at this point, then they would more likely be at home being a patient of a mental ward rather than managing one. on July 7, 2009 at 11: 08 am grim rupert Criminals Insist On Being Naughty SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Repeated and prolonged asymmetric filopodial retraction does not alter growth cone direction.
  • Under any circumstance, an official retraction is a terrible hair shirt.
  • The director gets to interview the priest who claims to have been the direct witness to the retraction.
  • This is a typical example for which the well-known consequence is cell retraction and rounding off of the surface.
  • A small fraction, consistent with one or two molecules of tip retractions, show clear sawtooth patterns in force.
  • The newspaper printed a retraction for their previous error.
  • Ocular disease occurs in 70% of patients, leading to lid retraction, ptosis, keratitis, sclcritis, uveitis, glaucoma, palsy, neuritis, and blindness.
  • The newspaper printed a retraction for their previous error.
  • News of the firing only became public when the official retraction was published last month.
  • She was waiting: for retraction or amendment or amplification.
  • Incidentally, after 18 ... f4 the retraction 19 a3 could be more promising than Timman's retreat.
  • Astronomers quickly followed up the story with a retraction.
  • Of course in the case of both heliozoans, the axopodia were fixed in different states of retraction.
  • Unfortunately, no will will demand a retraction from the DNC lies. Democrats say Republicans staging town hall protests
  • Congenital orbital adherens syndrome was suspected, and MRI of orbits revealed retraction of the right eyeball with shortening of the right medial rectus and left deviation of the nasal septum.
  • The rhomboids are between the shoulder blades and they help in rotation, elevation and retraction of the shoulder blades.
  • Their government has angrily demanded a retraction of tactless comments made by our treasury secretary.
  • Leibniz demanded a retraction saying that he had never heard of the calculus of fluxions until he had read the works of Wallis.
  • Flaps were to be left in the down position to facilitate the removal of mud and other debris prior to their retraction.
  • During jaw retraction, the neck was straightened, thereby pushing the braincase anteriorly as the lower jaw was pulling the prey caudally.
  • As a result of his investigations the US government was forced into a series of embarrassing retractions and had to unfreeze $24 million of assets.
  • In some jurisdictions, statutes restrict recoveries to actual damages in the event of a prompt and full retraction.
  • Miss Pearce said she expected an unqualified retraction of his comments within twenty four hours.
  • _ The development of the pale circle which surrounds the disc, particularly in glaucomatous eyes, is due to a very slight recession of the pigment layer of the retina and of the margin of the chorioid at this point with some atrophy, apparently consequent on the beginning retraction of the lamina cribrosa and slightly increased pressure of the nerve fiber layer on the underlying tissues at the margin of the disc. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place
  • In a hurried retraction from the source of the story we hear that the Weinsteins are merely dreaming of the project, don't own the rights and casting hasn't even been thought ... Filmstalker: June 2006 Archives
  • The idea that all these web producers and bloggers have to register with the government, having to pre-censor their content and being punishable by the Press and Publications Law will cause a major retraction to Jordan's standing as an open society. Daoud Kuttab: Electronic Media in Jordan Under Scrutiny
  • The apology and retraction had gone so far in the opposite direction that Bramwell Barbour had then sued for damages. WEEKEND FOR MURDER
  • retraction of the foreskin
  • Stretching through retraction of the hip towards the heels. The hands are fixed on the floor.
  • The statement was issued after Miss Pollard refused to publish a retraction.
  • Repair within three weeks of injury is recommended to avoid tendon retraction, reinjury, tendon degeneration and muscle atrophy.
  • Excessive retraction can also damage the skin leading to scarring and real phimosis.
  • In addition there has been a retraction of the domestic market which has led the company to make a decision to exit the market entirely.
  • The male has been known to nip at the bottom edges of the tentacles in order to cause retraction.
  • His mistress insists that he married her in formal rites, thus indirectly confirming the retraction.
  • All patients complained of swelling or lumps in the affected area with no nipple retraction or discharge.
  • The newspaper printed a retraction for their previous error.
  • The freedom of the press means nothing if diligent journalists can't make occasional mistakes without prompting inquisitions, especially if they're willing to issue retractions as promptly as the networks did.
  • The machine has a unique frame design which allows for automatic expansion and retraction of the garment tensioning frame.
  • We consider these regions of the cell the active regions of protrusion and retraction.
  • Nor did he analyze whether a forelimb whose major function is protraction, retraction, and rotation (in flight) can also effectively supinate, adduct, and retract in that position to achieve climbing.
  • CORNISH: And later, he would issue a second retraction, saying his use of the word shakedown had been wrong, and apologizing for that, too. Hayward 'Deeply Sorry', Rep. Barton Also Apologizes
  • Miss Pearce said she expected an unqualified retraction of his comments within twenty four hours.
  • The difference between the two suborders of turtles is the method of head retraction.
  • The president has given instructions for the ambassador to be called in order to demand a retraction.
  • Please publish this letter as a retraction, and in the future be wary of those who might try to sully my good name.
  • So, hold on there with your retraction, Rod Blagojevich, thou mayst retract too quickly. Rod Blagojevich: Blacker Than Obama? | Manolith
  • But any poem of retraction can be called a palinode these days without following this form.
  • Miss Pearce said she expected an unqualified retraction of his comments within twenty four hours.
  • The risorius and the buccinator muscles assist in the retraction of the lips, as well as support entrapment of air within the oral cavity.

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