
How To Use Retracted In A Sentence

  • As they ran the risk of losing the advantages they had been given if they went back on their previous statements or retracted their confessions, their statements were open to question.
  • Behind West, the retractable path that led to the elevator retracted, leaving them stranded on the circular platform.
  • FLATOW: A lot of times, you don't see the word retraction, Ivan, do you on some of these retracted papers? NPR Topics: News
  • Yet, dismayingly, the Government retracted many of these commitments this week - and the numbers problem festers on.
  • About the twenty-first, weight generally in the left side, with pain; slight urine thick, muddy, and reddish; when allowed to stand, had no sediment; in other respects felt lighter; fever not gone; fauces painful from the commencement, and red; uvula retracted; defluxion remained acrid, pungent, and saltish throughout. Of The Epidemics
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  • The formwork on this system is hung on the scaffolding so that it can be easily retracted and opened.
  • As the landing gear was being retracted, he felt a slight hesitation and mild backfire with the left engine.
  • Gartner has retracted its most recent quarterly server numbers and published revised statistics.
  • he retracted nothing that he had said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal God or a God who is a person
  • When questioned on TV, the minister retracted his allegations.
  • The cooling tube retracted the rod, thus opening the draft and increasing the fire.
  • I held my breath as the dust cleared, and was relieved to see the tortoise lying fully retracted but unharmed.
  • The pilot found that the undercarriage could not be retracted.
  • The landing gear and wing flaps were retracted.
  • Once software has been licensed under the GPL, the license cannot be retracted.
  • Her body twisted, bringing about one with strength her opponent would not expect, and retracted quickly to deliver another blow upon the same place.
  • There was desperate silence, as if David was hoping that if he waited long enough, the question would be retracted.
  • Serco continued its slump following the outsourcing group's ham-fisted attempt to demand cash rebates from its suppliers to make up for the squeeze on its margins, a move it later retracted. Tullow Oil leads the way as FTSE moves higher ahead of Federal Reserve's QE decision
  • A 'boatload' of the others have been retracted or proven false almost as soon as they have arisen. THE IRATE NATION
  • The cooling tube retracted the rod, thus opening the draft and increasing the fire.
  • When the desired amount of metal is melted, the remaining electrode is quickly retracted and the crucible tilted to pour the metal into the mold.
  • The seller, John Leitch, did send in a link to the auction page earlier this morning showing £110,000 had been bid and the reserve met - but this bid was later retracted.
  • He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.
  • He made a false confession which he later retracted.
  • Under the judicious application of cooling astringent collyria, and other remediate means, the irritation and pain of the parts were relieved, and the lids somewhat retracted. The Dog
  • The WaPo, that hot bed of the VRWC hasn't retracted those stories and nither Obama or Raines had an issue with them till now. So is Franklin Raines an Obama economic advisor or not?
  • When the boos and catcalls ruffled her feathers, Mean Jean retreated to her perch and later retracted her comments. John Murtha: An Eagle Amid the Turkeys
  • When feeding the honey bee dips its tongue into the nectar which adheres and the the tongue is retracted so that adhering liquid is carried into the space between the galeae and labial palps.
  • While the ragtop is a bit slower to 60 mph (4.9 seconds, compared with 4.6 for the coupe) and a half-second more leisurely through the quarter-mile (13.4 seconds), the retracted top cures the low-roof coupe's biggest functional liability: massive rear-quarter blind spots and desperately limited outward visibility. A Genuine Ragtop Road Monster, Leaks and All
  • The snake retracted in terror.
  • As I scooped up the tortoise, it gave an indignant wheeze and swiftly retracted its limbs and head, bringing up the hinged piece of plastron that closes the brown-and-butterscotch patterned “box” of protective shell. Beginner’s Grace
  • Grumman created Design 7, which was a single-engine biplane amphibian with landing gear that retracted into its large central float.
  • He also said he was considering reintroducing tuition fees, then retracted his statement.
  • The temporal lobe, now slack from the mannitol, is retracted from the bone of the middle fossa floor, with care taken not to cause traction on the greater superficial petrosal nerve.
  • He hit the button to open the hatch, which hissed and retracted back into the bulkhead, allowing him to step into the airlock.
  • Heavy mechanical noises sounded through the pressurized sections of the hull as huge clamps and umbilicals retracted.
  • While holding, the loadmaster and flight engineer visually inspected the landing gear and confirmed that the forward right main gear was in the down and locked position while the aft right main gear had partially retracted.
  • Once signed, the written confession can condemn the confessor even after the confession has been retracted.
  • The snake retracted in terror.
  • In the course of the trial one Glazkov made a false confession which he later retracted.
  • The parachute had retracted in a mere fraction of a second, so quickly that Alan barely saw it withdraw.
  • One after the other, the supergrasses had copped out, backed down, retracted. FIELD OF BLOOD
  • The needle was slowly retracted, the burr hole left open and the skin sutured closed.
  • Time tested and reliable Dynafit TLT ski binding in touring mode with heel lift, brake installed and retracted for touring.
  • They boarded quickly and both ships lifted off as the boarding ramps retracted.
  • The air-to-air refuelling probe is retracted into the aircraft to retain the aerodynamic profile.
  • The front undercarriage was retracted and the front of the fuselage, from which the cannon projected, slightly buried.
  • Although Barton later retracted his suggestion that BP was the victim of a White House" shakedown "-- after leaders threatened to take away his position as ranking Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee -- the episode showed the uncomfortable spot in which some Republicans find themselves. Have media 'misconstructed' BP story?
  • In the inoperative position, the refuelling probe is retracted into the nose of the fuselage in front of the pilot's cabin.
  • The evidence indicated that wing flaps were in the retracted position at the time of impact.
  • He made a false confession which he later retracted.
  • She favoured me with another small grin and withdrew her hand, pretending an exaggerated interest in watching as her claws retracted.
  • The animal retracted into its shell.
  • Still, the vine pulled away ahead of them, arching like an inchworm as it retracted. End of Time
  • He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.
  • She did not notice that her seat retracted when she got up to collect Joshua immediately before the accident.
  • He subsequently retracted the claim but in a manner that failed to reassure many experts.
  • In the 1980s he confessed to hundreds of killings but later retracted these confessions and his death sentence was recently commuted to life imprisonment.
  • Heavy mechanical noises sounded through the pressurized sections of the hull as huge clamps and umbilicals retracted.
  • She later retracted her statement and said she was mortified to have used the term "directive". Magistrates were told to send rioters to crown court, emails show
  • Low-speed handling provides the student pilot with minimal trim changes when the flaps and gear are retracted or extended.
  • When questioned on TV, the minister retracted his allegations.
  • There was a pop and a hiss as the boarding tube and umbilicals were retracted, leaving only the docking clamps holding us in place.
  • A played card cannot be retracted and as soon as it is played the opponent is entitled to play on it.
  • Even stranger, a strong S-shaped flexure in the cervical series (not obvious in live animals because of pectoral air sacs) means that the anterior part of the neck can be rapidly retracted into the thorax. Archive 2006-04-01
  • I gently fed power to the hover coils and, as the SAP eased off the ground, retracted the landing skids.
  • The cooling tube retracted the rod, thus opening the draft and increasing the fire.
  • When retracted, the gears were fully enclosed by mechanically operated flush doors.
  • Once fully retracted, the limbs can then be feathered and brought forwards during a recovery stroke.
  • The air-to-air refuelling probe is retracted into the aircraft to retain the aerodynamic profile.
  • She made a false confession during the trial which she later retracted.
  • Unfortunately, that study is going to be retracted due to some small problems.
  • She made a false confession during the trial which she later retracted.
  • He subsequently retracted the remark, admitting that he had ‘overreacted.’
  • Immediately the iron bars retracted into the ceiling.
  • He retracted his earlier statements about his religion
  • Later, the ladder sat there unretracted, its fourfold shadow cast on that arena wall on which some actor occasionally perched like a spectator at a corrida.
  • Pilot controls consisted of dual wheel yokes and the landing gear was extended and retracted by a hydraulic pump actuated by a hand lever.
  • While the ragtop is a bit slower to 60 mph (4.9 seconds, compared with 4.6 for the coupe) and a half-second more leisurely through the quarter-mile (13.4 seconds), the retracted top cures the low-roof coupe's biggest functional liability: massive rear-quarter blind spots and desperately limited outward visibility. A Genuine Ragtop Road Monster, Leaks and All
  • I'm not interested in whether Anil said XYZ and whether he's now retracted it, nor am I interested in what EOD thinks GBJ said about LBF or any other TLA. What's true - Anil Dash
  • He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.
  • I support you for the comments you made, and am glad you haven't retracted your views on the sickly sentimentality which is demeaning and undermining the true Britishness of our country.
  • And I would ask please that this insinuation is immediately retracted. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The tail bumper, in retracted position, fitted flush with the fuselage surface.
  • He retracted his arms from around her shoulders in hearing her cracked voice.
  • These lines seem to consist of a fluid matter, which seems to have exsuded in circular zones, as their edges appear blunted or retracted; and the septarium seems to have split easier in such sections parallel to its equator. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • The fracture fragment is often retracted inferomedially because of the action of the subscapularis muscle.
  • They then retracted their statement and said that some of the injuries were old.
  • Adult circumcision required urgently or emergently for things like phimosis (a "stuck" foreskin that can't be retracted) or a paraphimosis (a foreskin stuck in the retracted position) is a huge undertaking compared to the two minute procedure for a neonate. Neonatal Circumcision (Controversy? Who, Moi?)
  • He made a false confession which he later retracted.
  • The cat retracted his claws
  • The minister has asked Brady about the feasibility of a procedure used in Canada, which allows a jury to consider statements that have been retracted by the witnesses.
  • OT: I just retracted mine it works whether your boosting high gain pedals, mid gain overdrives even some multi-Fx's patchers/settings TALK @ - The Online Home of the Pinoy Musician
  • The boot should close fully when the hood is retracted and there should be no scrapes or graunches as it operates.
  • The study showed that two kinds of commercial fish, blue whiting and redfishes, ‘will have retracted completely from the North Sea by 2050’.
  • The cooling tube retracted the rod, thus opening the draft and increasing the fire.
  • Once its trajectory was straightened out, the wings of the plane retracted to the sides, for they would only slow it down.
  • The group found that after releasing the chordee, the hypospadiac orifice was retracted to become penile in 5 patients (22. 7\%), penoscrotal in 6 (27. 3\%), scrotal in 9 (40. 9\%), and perineal in 2 (9. 1\%). Health News from Medical News Today
  • Throw in injuries and a nasty contract dispute which saw him label the club as "unambitious" a statement he has since retracted, after signing a contract extension and you can see why he's probably glad 2010 is over. Man United: Limping Toward Perfection
  • And then my fingers retracted their message, backspaced, deleted, and I resumed my pacing, my worrying. Sufficient Unto This Day | Her Bad Mother
  • The main wheels are retracted into the trunks of the engine air intakes.
  • A new addition to this model is the "magic sky control" panoramic sunroof that can be retracted into the trunk using an electrohydraulic mechanism that will convert the SL from a roadster into a coupé in a matter of seconds. News
  • Now the flaps were fully retracted.
  • The Lakers took that as a slap in the face and retracted their offer.
  • He managed to board the flight; the plane's door was shut and the "jetway" linking the terminal to the door had already been retracted when officers of the Homeland Security Department's Customs and Border Protection unit, who had sent the flight's final passenger manifest to an interagency Terrorist Screening Center in Washington for a last-minute review, received notice that Shahzad had boarded the plane. FBI Asked Homeland Security to Refrain From Notifying All Airlines About Shahzad 'No-Fly' Listing
  • Just as the tornado was about to engulf me, it lifted up into the air, and retracted into the clouds.
  • a cat with retracted claws
  • About the twenty-first, weight generally in the left side, with pain; slight urine thick, muddy, and reddish; when allowed to stand, had no sediment; in other respects felt lighter; fever not gone; fauces painful from the commencement, and red; uvula retracted; defluxion remained acrid, pungent, and saltish throughout. Of The Epidemics
  • Once the fighters had all landed the lengthy runways retracted into the ground and were replaced by another.
  • If the main lock is punched, drilled or destroyed, one or more hidden spring loaded pins are activated that lock up the cam or gear mechanism operating the locking bolts so that the bolts cannot be retracted.
  • However, the company quickly retracted its statement, claiming instead that the timepieces would go on sale that very month.
  • The chain retracted and the pair was slowly lifted out of the water.
  • These are consonants that are pronounced with the root of the tongue retracted, with varying degrees of pharyngealization and velarisation.
  • Some of the first pulsar planet discoveries were later retracted by their discoverers.
  • But his outspoken comments on race - now retracted under pain of expulsion from the party - have sent some shivers down Tory strategists.
  • Adult circumcision required urgently or emergently for things like phimosis (a "stuck" foreskin that can't be retracted) or a paraphimosis (a foreskin stuck in the retracted position) is a huge undertaking compared to the two minute procedure for a neonate. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Several weeks later, Pioneer retracted its decision, allegedly due to concern about unfavorable publicity and pressure from its labor union.
  • Although Barton later retracted his suggestion that BP was the victim of a White House "shakedown" -- after House GOP leaders threatened to take away his position as ranking Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee -- the episode showed the uncomfortable spot in which some Republicans find themselves. Gulf oil spill puts industry-friendly Republicans in tight spot
  • After public embarrassment, the agency retracted the memo.
  • retracted his original statement
  • About the twenty-first, weight generally in the left side, with pain; slight urine thick, muddy, and reddish; when allowed to stand, had no sediment; in other respects felt lighter; fever not gone; fauces painful from the commencement, and red; uvula retracted; defluxion remained acrid, pungent, and saltish throughout. Of The Epidemics
  • During the trial, several prosecution witnesses reportedly retracted incriminating statements they had earlier made against the defendants.
  • Franklin; his support for the early stages of the French one was never — as it was by many other erstwhile "jacobins" — explicitly retracted. 3 Though perhaps unwilling to notice the new kinds of misery caused by the industrial innovations of friends such as Boulton and Introduction

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