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How To Use Retiring In A Sentence

  • Her majesty awarded a distinction upon 〔 to 〕 the retiring Prime Minister.
  • I have no intention of retiring just yet.
  • Each evening, before retiring, the careful wife sees that a hocho, or kitchen knife, is laid upon the kitchen floor, and covered with a kanadarai, or brazen wash - basin, on the upturned bottom of which is placed a single straw sandal, of the noiseless sort called zori, also turned upside down. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
  • Upon these interjections, placable flicks of the lionly tail addressed to Britannia the Ruler, who expected him in some mildish way to lash terga cauda in retiring, Sir Willoughby Patterne passed from a land of alien manners; and ever after he spoke of America respectfully and pensively, with a tail tucked in, as it were. The Egoist
  • Usually shy and retiring, the crested argus is not easy to observe.
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  • Over the course of three and a half days they listened to evidence presented by both sides, and then questioned the witnesses for both defence and prosecution before retiring to consider their verdict.
  • Two retiring Republican senators warned their fellow lawmakers Tuesday that they need to fix the Social Security system before it goes broke.
  • The lonely old lady filled up the time between supper and retiring with solitaire.
  • By retiring officers unfit for active service, this group attempted to revolutionize the navy's traditional system of promotion.
  • The last serving member from the Battle of Long Tan is retiring from service this month after nearly four decades of military service.
  • Her majesty awarded a distinction to the retiring Prime Minister.
  • He remained a retiring, modest and conscientious man who shunned publicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Harvard faculty fell all over themselves offering praise, one after the other, for the retiring president.
  • The company's official retiring age is 65.
  • After retiring as Natural Resources Director in 1982, Mr. Ranta remained active in conservation, serving on the Sandy Neck Governing Board and donating his time and knowledge to benefit the town's shellfishery. The Barnstable Patriot
  • I believe that the two most important instillations during the twenty-four hours of the number necessary to maintain this myosis are on retiring and if possible in the very early morning, some time between two and four o'clock. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Scobie took the mound for the seventh, retiring the first batter.
  • We were both on the point of retiring; when the Duchess, after a brief consultation with some of the surrounding matronage, made a sign to Mariamne to approach. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 333, July 1843
  • Later he earned a drive-through penalty before retiring after a problem with his engine's pneumatic pressure.
  • How many times have you been back since retiring? Times, Sunday Times
  • The occasional guard braved the discomfort for a few minutes before retiring to the cool of the corridors.
  • She splashed the heavily mineralized water on her face, the paint readily retiring.
  • When Pinkerton finally reappears, bringing his American wife with him, Butterfly bids a desperate farewell to her boy before retiring behind a screen to commit hara-kiri.
  • Jenna Jameson is getting old and retiring very soon. Poll: Palin decision doesn't change minds
  • At length, we return inside and he bars the creaking door before retiring to his sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like young Washington, Mr. Bhaer ` couldn't tell a lie ', so he gave the somewhat vague reply that he believed they did some - times, in a tone that made Mr. March put down his clothesbrush, glance at Jo's retiring face, and then sink into his chair, look - ing as if the ` precocious chick' had put an idea into his head that was both sweet and sour. Little Women
  • Retiring public servants now routinely move into jobs where their previous contacts and responsibilities can enrich themselves and their employers.
  • The two young gentlemen, having seen their blooming charges safely within the door of the Alms-House, and vainly endeavored to look through the keyhole at them going up-stairs, scuffle away together with that sensation of blended imbecility and irascibility which is equally characteristic of callow youth and inexperienced Thomas Cats when retiring together from the society of female friends who seem to be still on the fence as regards their ultimate preferences. Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 14, July 2, 1870
  • You should bar the door before retiring for the night.
  • It used to be that retiring Japanese sumo wrestling champions stayed in the sport after peaking in the ring.
  • How are we going to make that commitment to seniors who are retiring?
  • In other respects also, purple partakes of the properties of blue, which is its archeus, or ruling colour; hence it is to the eye a retiring colour, that reflects light little, and loses rapidly in power in a declining light, and according to the distance at which it is viewed. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • It tells the true story of a retiring couple who rent out their farmhouse, only to discover their tenant has turned it into a marijuana grow-op.
  • It requires retiring all twenty-seven batters in order, without allowing a single runner.
  • Obama's stop in Bridgeport seems a bit odd since state Attorney General Dick Blumenthal (D) appears to be in solid position to defeat former World Wrestling CEO Linda McMahon (R) in the race to replace retiring Sen. Chris Dodd (D). Where President Obama is headed (and what it means)
  • He remained a retiring, modest and conscientious man who shunned publicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do not like to knock the NHS because my mother worked long and hard as a nursing sister before retiring.
  • It was a remarkably idle and unobtrusive shop and yet money flowed into it without stint, mysteriously and unostentatiously, the conduits of its flow being certain modest and retiring Arab visitors in long brown or white _haiks_, with check cotton head-dresses girt with ropes of camel-hair, who collogued with the honest tradesman and departed as silently and unobtrusively as they came .... Driftwood Spars The Stories of a Man, a Boy, a Woman, and Certain Other People Who Strangely Met Upon the Sea of Life
  • As a child, Elizabeth was very shy and retiring.
  • Brought up in Bangor, Maine, Rudom became a professional basketball player before retiring at 30.
  • This quiet, retiring man refused a knighthood more than once. Times, Sunday Times
  • a shy retiring girl
  • Each night, we untack, groom, feed and turn out our horses in a borrowed field before retiring to our own warm B&B billet.
  • They say that in this case, some of the people who are retiring are in key positions.
  • The password is 'Louvain'," said Helen, retiring, not at all sorry to seek the comfort of her bed. For the Sake of the School
  • It's a wise idea to think about how disaster-prone an area may be before retiring there, but no matter what we do, there's the "joss" factor. On The Subject of Retirement Places
  • After retiring as a dancer she turned to singing and began a new career as a coloratura soprano in Italy in 1938.
  • At the awards ceremony, Chris Cairns dropped a broad hint that he might not be retiring from Test cricket just yet, as had been suggested in the media.
  • And so, as it appeared, Mr. Dallas was of that opinion, for the very next day he applied to Chancery for a brieve to get Charles Napier served nearest and lawful heir to his uncle; and as in legal warfare, where the judges are cognisant only of patent claims, there is small room for retiring tactics, Mr. White felt himself obliged, however anxious he was to gain time, to follow his opponent's example by taking out a competing brieve in favour of Henrietta. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
  • Anything in one of the 31 retiring colors is on that list so that means ink pads, refills, cardstock, brads, ribbon, markers, buttons ... etc. etc. Archive 2010-06-01
  • After retiring from burlesque (1937), she appeared in nightclubs and on television. Five People Born on February 9 | myFiveBest
  • She'll be retiring in a couple more years.
  • Death at any time is too soon and early death due to a deconditioned lifestyle immediately disqualifies you from any benefits you look forward to at the end of it all, whether it's finally getting your IRA benefits, retiring to the Bahamas or seeing peace in the Middle East although we may have to live a few lifetime lengths to get to see that one. Penny Hoff: Managing Your Weight Is Worth 10 More Years
  • With average lifespans lengthening, more plan beneficiaries are retiring than dying.
  • It's full of rich of ladies and business tycoons retiring after making a cool million and leaving the company to their kids.
  • No major league pitcher, to our knowledge. has ever matched his feat of retiring three runners on pickoff throws in one inning
  • The architect of welfare reforms announced yesterday that he was retiring from the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • The retiring editor received a special salute from the local newspaper.
  • Mrs. Feeney must have been in a lot of pain for she was normally a retiring woman noted for her kindnesses.
  • After retiring he worked as a supervisor of the national team and ran a car dealership in São Paulo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, assuming two-thirds of those retiring were replaced in work by unemployment beneficiaries, the financial costs could have been halved.
  • The US welfare state is overburdened, now the baby boom generation is retiring.
  • The key would be retiring Robinson, the leadoff batter in the inning.
  • The rest of the British movement was successfully carried out, the enemy retiring before them; but although all the troops were out, except those absolutely needed for garrisoning the works, the enemy's field bases -- "laagers" -- could not be reached. Story of the War in South Africa 1899-1900
  • But that generation is really dying off or retiring.
  • Most songs are retiring ballads, the kind pulled out at the end of the night to send fans out the door in each other's arms.
  • The young workers, they are still in what I call the acquiring phase of life, and the older ones were thinking they could really sock it away for their last five years before retiring," she said. News | TL |
  • I have a fantasy about retiring to a small liberal arts college and teaching. Times, Sunday Times
  • Subsequently, we are entering Empty Nestdom at the age our forebears may have been retiring from jobs -- if they had any -- and were well into doting grandparenthood. Michele Willens: Face It: Monikerless Murmurs
  • Despite his lineage and academic qualifications, Denholm was modest and retiring to a fault.
  • He spent the final six years of his political career as a disengaged and at times embittered figure on the parliamentary backbench, finally retiring in 1996.
  • The team behind her deserve huge credit for not retiring her after injury. The Sun
  • But the money saved by not replacing the retiring head at Carlton will allow each school to afford separate teachers for infants and juniors.
  • The roar of the conflict along the river had become terrific; to the east a New Jersey battery, obscured in flame-shot clouds, was retiring by its twenty-eight-foot prolonges, using cannister; the remains of a New Hampshire infantry regiment supported the retreat; between the two batteries Claymore in his shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, heavy revolver swinging in his blackened fist, was giving a tongue lashing to the stream of fugitives from the river woods. Ailsa Paige
  • The old school secretary (who I also met) is retiring ( unsurprising, as she looks about 94). AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • The second prong would be to identify and hire individuals retiring or separating from the military with critical skills.
  • Sam Houston A., author of this article, worked as lead TV weathercaster in Albuquerque, Denver, Washington D.C., and San Francisco prior to retiring in Mexico in 1986. Alfredo Zalce--Michoacán's living legend
  • It was difficult to give a definite point for all these troops to move on, for we had been warned against retiring through villages, as they were naturally made a cockshy of by the enemy's guns. The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade August 1914 to March 1915
  • He lived in the imperial capital Beijing from 1523 to 1526 before retiring back to his native city to live the life of a scholar and a gentleman.
  • Retiring on a diet of golf and pinochle may be relaxing, but the body, mind and soul crave more.
  • Shortly after retiring from the Foreign Ministry in January 1966, she became secretary general of the Mapai Party and supported Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in intraparty conflicts. Five People Born on May 3rd | myFiveBest
  • I'm not sure about toys but a good game of poker or euchre can really get the competitive juices flowing before retiring for the night.
  • The form of the retiring chief crossed it for an instant, the hurdle was then closed, and the shieling left in darkness. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • If you are a spendthrift before retiring you will be a spendthrift during retirement.
  • He considered retiring from the movie scene when the Jack the Joker label stuck too firmly after the release of Batman.
  • It was in a cottage at Osborne that the same gentle and august almsgiver was found reading comfortable Scripture words to a sick and aged peasant, quietly retiring upon the entrance of the clerical visitant, that _his_ message of peace might be freely given, and thus allowing the sufferer to disclose to the pastor that the lady in the widow's weeds was Victoria of England. Great Britain and Her Queen
  • Washington (CNN) - President Obama took a key step in cementing his judicial legacy Monday, nominating Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court. BREAKING: Obama taps Elena Kagan for Supreme Court
  • After 45 years with the Society, the thought of retiring as president fills me with a swell of emotions.
  • You should bar the door before retiring for the night.
  • After retiring, she became involved in voluntary service in the local community.
  • Some scholars are predicting that as many as 70% of all community college presidents will be retiring in the next 10 years.
  • He was merely retiring hurt with cramp in his left forearm and will be fit to resume his innings today. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over one quarter of the public school teachers in the United States will be retiring in the next decade.
  • In 1976, after retiring from teaching, he founded the Cryonics Institute, adopting the word "cryonics" from cryogenics, a field of physics that studies how materials behave at very low temperatures. NYT > Home Page
  • After retiring from the saddle and taking up residence in Paterson, N.J., then a famous rendezvous for turfmen, Littlefield became one of the leading trainers in America.
  • In March the university announced that the president is retiring from office.
  • Cathy seemed very anxious to get Nelly to bed, and kept looking at her watch, finally retiring early to bed.
  • Most pressing is the large demographic bulge of the baby boom, people who are going to be retiring over the next 30 years.
  • Because people are getting wealthier, they are retiring earlier and this is draining an already shallow pool of available human resources.
  • Well I'm sorry to hear that you are retiring from playing.
  • I have politely declined invitations to parties, and with pouty lips and a grumpy expression, I shall be retiring to my bedchamber at a sensible hour.
  • Porter served in Korea and later in Vietnam with a riverine warfare group before retiring in Albert "Bud" Porter
  • Obviously his concern about retiring after the summer Euros debacle would have been that he was bowing out on such a low note. The Sun
  • Behind the scenes were the postscenium, or retiring-room, and porticoes, to which, in case of sudden showers, the people retreated from the theatre. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • A sceptical sports editor eventually agreed, although he was predictably disagreeable when what eventually materialised was a ‘Why Monty Should Consider Retiring’ column.
  • During this period the sages and seers took to the practice of retiring into the forests to contemplate ‘the cream of all and what takes place’.
  • He remained a retiring, modest and conscientious man who shunned publicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suzanne's gynecologist is retiring.
  • Morris described it as ‘unobtrusive, quiet and retiring, without being shy, humble and homely in its deportment and habits, sober and unpretending in its dress.’
  • Before retiring in 1999, the clergywoman served for five years as the top staff executive for the Methodists' communications agency.
  • Cronje said he had dreams of becoming a sports commentator or columnist after retiring as a national player.
  • Despite the late hour in retiring to bed, Kathryn had intended to rise early. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • He served as a senator for 30 years before retiring in 2003 because of his faltering health.
  • Severn, is cloath'd from top to bottom with woods, and projecting and retiring from a regular line presents the most inconceivably beautiful variety of light and shade. Letter 212
  • Leading out of the inner room of the cottage was a small door from which, as they egressed, they found a back-court with lofty pear trees in blossom and banana trees, as well as two very small retiring back-courts. Hung Lou Meng
  • A quiet, retiring man, Dominick was a progressive and forward-thinking farmer, and was highly thought-of by all who knew him.
  • Her majesty awarded a distinction to the retiring Prime Minister.
  • After retiring from the Chiefs in 1995, he filed a workers' compensation claim for injuries dating back to 1979.
  • The retiring hoop gave his charge the command at the 400 metre mark and she responded with a sound win by a length.
  • My Dear Charles, -- St. John, in 1914 a light-hearted lieut., advancing and retiring with his platoon as an all-seeing Providence or a short-spoken Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, March 7, 1917
  • He did not even make it to a pensionable age to say nothing of retiring home and living in peace and luxury. GWENDOLEN
  • Gilmour recalls wistfully glancing at the hotel spa pool upon retiring.
  • In reply, Grange lost three middle order men for ducks, but young opener C R Bilton struck a fluent half-century before retiring hurt.
  • I'm still that shy, retiring little girl who was afraid to ask for sweets in the shop.
  • Retiring AC Milan legend Paolo Maldini has told the club that they must do everything in their power to sign Sergio Ramos.
  • I'm still that shy, retiring little girl who was afraid to ask for sweets in the shop.
  • He gave a broad hint that he was thinking of retiring.
  • He remained a retiring, modest and conscientious man who shunned publicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • After retiring from the sport in 1994, Chris decided to continue his involvement in a volunteer capacity.
  • The match ended in disappointment for the retiring captain, Viv Richards.
  • From the nature of the rock which breaks into angular, and apparently rhomboidal fragments of a huge size, this fall is subdivided into small cascades, which adhere to each other, so as to form a sheet of water, unrent, but composed of an alternation of retiring and salient angles, and presenting a great variety of shapes and shades. Traditions of the North American Indians, Vol. 2 (of 3)
  • So sure, cutting $100/mth for retiring at 62 is a great idea. Real Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She was a shy and retiring person off-stage.
  • ClearCourse is designed to protect 401k plan participants from retirement risks such as outliving assets, retiring during a down market, and the effects of inflation. BB&T adds a guaranteed lifetime income investment option to its suite of 401(k) offerings - Yahoo! Finance
  • Later he relinquished his practice work and concentrated on anaesthetics, finally retiring in 1974.
  • Again retiring to the bathroom to shower, I was faced by the mirror as soon as I closed the door behind me.
  • Although he reaches retiring age, he doesn't want to retire from work for retired pay .
  • At Prestonfield you watch peacocks strut around manicured lawns before retiring to amazing stuccoed rooms.
  • Mikey is retiring soon … I heard that from a reliable source recently. Call The Fashion Police « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • You should bar the door before retiring for the night.
  • ON this general topic, I have to assume that retiring from the field of play for the call of nature or a breather is acceptable, but doing so for a snack is not. Lance Mannion:
  • Of course we have cold supper, and before retiring you can have your glass of whiskey; so that the whole life on board an airship is a perfectly straight, normal life. The Shuttle of Empire—The Airship
  • The clincher came December 20 when Michelena, the sport's living legend, announced he was retiring.
  • He went on to become an electronics technician, but after retiring, he began volunteering as a docent at Angel Island in hopes of drawing more attention to that moment in history.
  • The migration to the coast is being led by the baby boomers and other seachangers who are either retiring or deciding to adopt a more relaxed beach lifestyle.
  • Still to come: Pimco's chief still thinks the economy needs Congress's help; retiring senator Evan Bayh counsels spending restraint; California's newly passed Proposition 26 could make climate change regulation impossible; anti-union education reform groups are showing political strength; and a kitten is confused by his reflection in a mirror. Wonkbook: Welcome to gridlocked America
  • He gave a broad hint that he was thinking of retiring.
  • Like young Washington, Mr. Bhaer 'couldn't tell a lie', so he gave the somewhat vague reply that he believed they did sometimes, in a tone that made Mr. March put down his clothesbrush, glance at Jo's retiring face, and then sink into his chair, looking as if the 'precocious chick' had put an idea into his head that was both sweet and sour. Little Women
  • It is also a big draw for retiring couples downsizing from the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • I do not take too seriously Bill's asseverations (as he might say) about retiring from this, that, and the other thing.
  • Omdurman; but by crossing the river he practically cut himself off from the Dervish base, and now had only a desert behind him; for we had taken over Kassala from the Italians, and the Egyptian battalion there, and a large force of friendly Arabs, would prevent him from retiring up the banks of the Atbara. With Kitchener in the Soudan A Story of Atbara and Omdurman
  • ‘As younger physicians don't stay or start new practices, and older doctors are retiring or dying off, those of us in the middle are asked to do more and more,’ declares Ruben.
  • ‘You have to be fairly resilient and not too much of a shy retiring type,’ explains Tamsin O'Brien, BBC Yorkshire's newly appointed Head of Programmes.
  • Twelve students from years nine and ten cooked up a feast of Asian treats for members of staff, with retiring head teacher John Roberts among those tucking in.
  • I resigned my commission and joined the Army National Guard after retiring from a career in finance.
  • Titania first appears in a blue silk ball gown, but when retiring she discards the gown to reveal a shortie slip nightdress.
  • When weary of the noily town, my friend From mortal cares retiring, fhouid afcend And lead me thither. The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical
  • There were several serious and retiring couples, of whom one or other was an invalid, and several who were poor, and preferred the plated gentility of Mrs. Harmon's hotel -- it was called the St. Albans; Mrs. Harmon liked the name -- to the genuine poverty of such housekeeping as they could have set up. The Minister's Charge
  • He'd deemed it prudent not to mention he intended retiring for most of the year to Hathersage. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • I became a French teacher, which was (is?) a fun career for me and after retiring am still co-coordinating an exchange with 2 American schools and a lycee in France. Petite amie - French Word-A-Day
  • Hughes dropped out of filmmaking in 1991, retiring from the public eye, and rarely granting or giving interviews to the media. John Hughes To Get Special Oscar Tribute | /Film
  • Retiring early from his job freed him to join several local clubs.
  • This retiring neighbourhood feels like a throwback to an older Korea, full of exquisite cafes, wooden framed teahouses, and little restaurants - serving suckling pig with kimchi pickle, or the wildly more-ish native staple called bibimbap.
  • At length, we return inside and he bars the creaking door before retiring to his sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canon Welton, who was appointed first archdeacon of a new archdeaconry comprising East London, Mdantsane and Komga in 1970, will be retiring to Gonubie.
  • ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG Mr. Stortroen, who made the glyptodont find, went on his first expedition with Earthwatch Institute, a Maynard, Mass., nonprofit, six weeks after retiring in 1996. Back to School
  • Eleven o'clock had struck some half-hour ago, and the elder Steffinks began to throw out suggestions leading up to that process which they called retiring for the night. The Toys of Peace, and other papers
  • He wants a quick sale because he is retiring to the South of France on medical advice. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • They are protesting against government plans to streamline the bureaucracy by not replacing one in three retiring civil servants. Times, Sunday Times
  • After retiring from the screen, Mary Pickford continued to be involved in filmmaking. Five People Born on April 8 | myFiveBest
  • She dined on spectacular food in the restaurant, before retiring to the ritzy barn bar for Mojito Royales.
  • a crowd of pipy fragrance involves the room: these ærial forms cease to be visible; and broken sounds, like the retiring tide beneath Dover cliff, die away into utter silence. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • She knew she would be retiring shortly from the Royal Ballet and welcomed the opportunity to diversify her career.
  • I regret that your post regarding retiring in Yucatan got diverted into some banal semi-intellectual discourse among cloistered word-monks of how sophisticated people refer to the anarchistic megalopolis commonly referred to about the world as Mexico City which, of course, has nothing to do with anything and much less your inquiry regarding the Yucatan Peninsula which is as removed from the Mexico City conurbation as Oughagadougou is from Beijing. Retiring in Yucatan
  • He ought to be retiring to the nick after all the dodgy warrants he signed for Inspector Fiend.
  • They are protesting against government plans to streamline the bureaucracy by not replacing one in three retiring civil servants. Times, Sunday Times
  • This time, though, we decided that instead of hiking down from the parking lot we would hike up and try our luck at finding everyone's third motmot species of the trip, the more retiring Before reaching the park proper, however, we stopped along the entrance road to see what birds we might find in the area around the small lake created by a huge earthen dam. 10,000 Birds
  • Several Tehran papers have reported that some Iranian soccer players are retiring from the national team, fueling speculation the departure was related to green bands the players wore in support of the country's opposition movement. Iran Uprising Live-Blogging (Wednesday June 24)
  • Oliver's father tried mightily to bring his son out of his shy and retiring shell, but the violence they saw every day in the world around them resulted in the young boy retreating even further within himself.
  • Other men, perhaps less certain of their status, or with more avowedly polemic things to express, were less retiring.
  • Obviously his concern about retiring after the summer Euros debacle would have been that he was bowing out on such a low note. The Sun
  • He is a naturally shy, retiring man.
  • He was a very modest and retiring man and he was the sort of man who, as I say in the book, was easy to forget.
  • And if you want to make it personal, you puffed-up, snot-nosed walking pastiche, I can tell you about a close friend of my father, who was diagnosed with a brain tumour a few months after retiring; the NHS did everything within its capabilities for two years. Matthew Yglesias » 2017
  • He is approaching his 40th birthday, and thinking of retiring from sport.
  • Only after retiring did he learn to play the piano and saxophone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canon Welton, who was appointed first archdeacon of a new archdeaconry comprising East London, Mdantsane and Komga in 1970, will be retiring to Gonubie.
  • He led a retiring life, first in his native Bordeaux, then from 1870 in Paris, and until he was in his fifties he worked almost exclusively in black-and-white - in lithographs and charcoal drawings.
  • The band will tour before retiring at the end of this year after 10 years performing incendiary live shows across Europe to hundreds of thousands of fans - old & young.
  • SUNDERLAND, England (AFP) - Sunderland striker Darren Bent has admitted he considered retiring from England duty after being left out of the World Cup.
  • Although these pressures, together with the death of his daughter, lead to Moore retiring from active practice, he follows the growth of Justin, the baby cloned from the rapists 'semen, with interest, and attempts to track the rapist down. An optimal medium for book reviews
  • The "walkout" -- where a retiring VIP walks between two rows of white-gloved officers who applaud and/or salute -- is a ritual for top department officials. Len Levitt: The NYPD: Image Versus Substance
  • In recent broadcasts we were introduced to Monika, an operatic donkey from the Mariinsky Theater who is retiring at nineteen years; a Siberian tiger, who had his cavities filled by a team of dentists; now a moose farm in Kostroma where moose (not meese?) are being raised for their milk, which is rich in fat and mineral. Russia Today 2
  • From early dawn to the last'Holy Father'before retiring, she nibbled at various delicacies.
  • After a three-year absence after Vietnam, WO2 Halvorsen re-enlisted and joined Intelligence Corps, retiring from full-time service in 1991.
  • The tone was mournful and the personality of each of the retiring players was written on their faces as they watched from the dressing-room balcony. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are spending my birthday bowling at King George Bowl in downtown Saskatoon and after that we will be retiring to Ozzie's Restaurant on Idywyld.
  • After retiring in 1954, he took over as manager at Ipswich Town turning the small town club from Division Three also-rans to Division One champions in 1962.
  • A surprise was sprung on a retiring vicar at a school assembly last week.
  • The Coalition just needs to frustrate the ALP; the more likely gains for Labor are marginals with retiring members.

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