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How To Use Retire In A Sentence

  • Can you tell me what the major league record is for most consecutive batters retired by a pitcher and who holds it?
  • Retirement would mean that he could not face disciplinary proceedings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ronald Martin retired from the United States Air Force Reserve as a Lt. Colonel. Mastin, Ronald L.
  • He claimed that the Chief of the USAR at the time, told him that he didn't need to re-enlist (he had only accrued two good years for retirement in the 4 years he was back on the books) and to keep singing for the troops. Heroes or Villains?
  • Amid fireworks, a color guard and torrents of cheers, 62 former Redskins were introduced on Sunday night at FedEx Field, from Carl Kammerer, who played in 1963, to Darnerien McCants, who retired in 2004. Shanahan, McNabb are helping the Redskins recapture their past
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  • And even those who'd retired in the fullness of time were no longer secure from retrospective investigation and changed pensionable status. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Retirement is likely to move from an abrupt halt at a fixed age to a more gradual withdrawal, with the abolition of compulsory retirement ages. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his retirement, he lived a life of ease.
  • Here retired US diplomat Ellsworth Bunker drew up a plan to transfer the administrative authority for West Papua from the Netherlands to a neutral administrator, and thence to Indonesia.
  • Historically, the postal service, which employs 532,800 workers, paid for retiree health benefits when they came due. Postal Service Eyes Closing Thousands of Post Offices
  • In contrast to fifteen years ago, mortgages are commonly available to people over retirement age.
  • The ballooning cost to taxpayers of retirement benefits for public sector employees has forced the Conservatives to promise action. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the zebra long since retired to that savannah in the sky, and his owner herself is more than 30 years gone, the eccentric Winmill might be gratified to know that her phaetons and surreys, curricles and landaulets still command attention.
  • His wife, Belinda, recently retired as a magistrate on the Kennet bench after 22 years and now the couple can enjoy their retirement.
  • You can put the 'blackie' up in some quarter of the house where he can move about at will without disturbing any of your own servants, and can get in and out at all hours; he will be useful, you know, in prowling about the grounds at night and ascertaining if the lady really does go to bed when she retires to her room. Cleek: the Man of the Forty Faces
  • Next year his father will retire and take things easy.
  • The blinding midday heat had forced the people to retire to their huts. Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
  • The prospect of having to pay a graduate tax until retirement would kill the students' enthusiasm stone dead.
  • Bynes, who recently announced her retirement from acting on Twitter only to 'unretire' a week later, simply axed her @chicky account last week without going public about her decision. Starpulse Entertainment News
  • He also introduced the concept of a stipendiary chairmanship, at one stroke freeing the council from its reliance on semi-retired highflyers from the business community.
  • The Colts coach will again contemplate whether to retire after his team was eliminated from the playoffs by the Chargers for a second consecutive season. NFL Replay: Staying or going, Dungy's historic place is secure
  • The proposals also raise questions about when employers would be able to force workers to retire. Times, Sunday Times
  • If they feel it is advantageous for them to retire their current bonds and secure a lower rate by issuing new bonds, they may call their bonds.
  • After he retired in the 1980s, he became increasingly reclusive. Times, Sunday Times
  • It won't be until that age that they've earned enough money to enable them to live a simple life in retirement.
  • The data will strengthen arguments that raising the retirement age will penalise the poorest. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has now retired and repaid the money. The Sun
  • Paraneck Stable's former classic starter Griffinite has been retired due to a slight ligament strain in his left front leg.
  • When people retire, they often take up new hobbies and start to make new friends.
  • After his retirement he immersed himself in various charitable activities.
  • You are cordially invited to a celebration for Mr Michael Brown on his retirement.
  • A poet in retirement, 1800-7 During these years we are still on the high plateau of Wordsworth's poetic achievement.
  • The play starred a well-known retired actress who was intent on a come-back.
  • Filling in for the injured Rick Reed, Santana (4-1) retired 14 straight batters from the first to the fifth innings.
  • The Obama administration should disaffirm the recent DOL guidance and clarify that fiduciaries have the right - indeed, the obligation - to take ESG factors into account when they determine such factors to be material to investment performance and beneficial to retirement plan beneficiaries. Joe Keefe: Sustainable Investing and the Financial Crisis: How Long-Term Investing Can Replace Short-Term Bubbles
  • The fifth is the detective working one last case before his imminent retirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • And you are right, since salaries and general common people welfare dropped under retirement pension level (while profits and PIB soared during the 30 past year and more) it is the pensions that should be lovered, that makes sense ... Betanews
  • May she enjoy a long and happy well-earned retirement.
  • At retirement, savers can opt for a fixed or variable-rate annuity.
  • He announced his retirement as chief executive of the company.
  • He mixed, however, some prudence with his courage, and passed the greatest part of his time in a country retirement; alleging his advanced age, and the weakness of his eyes.
  • It's a great compliment to the band that he came out of retirement to interview them.
  • She suggests a four-stage process: walk into your house; turn the oven up high; prepare two or three ingredients in imaginative combinations (such as poussin, sweet potato and red onions; or cod, courgettes and capers); slap them in the oven, soused with oil and herbs; and retire to a sofa to souse yourself with something even stronger. Sorted For Brill And Whizz
  • In December, experts warned that many retirees who do look to take their business elsewhere are being ripped off by unscrupulous brokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although some of the private airlines have a lower age for retirement, they also hire men and women as ‘cabin crew’ and not as pursers and air hostesses.
  • Older manufacturing companies are burdened with tremendous health care costs for retired employees.
  • The retirees require an automatic teller machine card, which they must obtain in person at a bank.
  • For Daniel and his wife, Nancy, 63, retirement has meant frequent travel, with their collecting adding purpose to their trips.
  • He returned to Brown-Forman in 1997 and became master distiller "upon the previous master distiller's retirement," in 2004. Distilling a Lifetime of Whiskey Knowledge
  • One is Peter Butler Sr., a retired insurance executive now living in Pebble Beach, Calif., who is an advocate for Eddie Lowery, the 10-year-old boy who famously caddied for the victorious Francis Ouimet at the 1913 U.S. Bush-League Move by Hall of Fame?
  • After he retired from football he became a sports journalist for the Gazette.
  • In retirement, Roosevelt continued to write and travel.
  • I was delighted to play alongside him for one last time; I wanted to play with my old mucker before he retired and went home to Iceland.
  • I have had three literary agents over the decades, but that was because one retired ill and one died suddenly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump, Vice-President Dick Cheney, and dozens of others on the long-running sketch series, tells GossipCop. com that “retired from the show last year.” “SNL” Conan/Leno Parody, Featuring Larry King & David Letterman [VIDEO]
  • 'Aren't you supposed to be retired?' 'Yes, in theory.'
  • Pope loomed in the north even before McClellan began to retire in the east.
  • Shortly before he retired from the waterfront, Hoffer became an adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • If I didn't trust the stock market to create a lump sum to pay off my home loan when it matured, then why on earth did I trust it to produce enough for my retirement pot at the end of my working life?
  • The retirement home arranges social and cultural activities for its seniors.
  • This chamber is a natural place for Bardul to retire to talk with the adventurers and offer some of his Lustrian coffee.
  • Early retirement rules apply in other particularly burdensome professions.
  • The priest and his concubine retire; the guest soon seduces the girl with the promise of the sheepskin in payment.
  • Finlay Martin is a retired farmer in Ardlethan, a very small town north-west of Wagga in New South Wales.
  • We retired to promises of clear skies the next day, in spite of the weighty cloud cover. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not for nothing that Cimarusti married Christina Echiverri, a retired pastry chef now raising their new baby girl.
  • Now you can even get an eco-friendly retirement account through a mainstream financial planner.
  • So saying, he dismissed Roland Graeme, through a different door from that by which he had entered, signed a cross, and pronounced a benedicite as they parted, and then, still muttering to himself, retired into the garden, and locked the door on the inside. The Abbot
  • It did not surprise her when Fanny said, "Now, Sophie dear, it seems only right and just that you should inherit the hat shop when I retire, being the eldest as you are.
  • Dealing with my Father MSgt Leslie Cooper USAF Retired who died a paralyzing horrible death from cancer exposure to working on Titan II ICBMS and having daily contact with Veterans and Veterans with Service Connected disabilities, they are considered noncombat and face more dangers of dying an early age than those in combat and they are the Cold War Veterans. 911 VETERANS AND SURVIVING SPOUSES NEED HELP!
  • We are here to make sure their address is correct so that they can get counted in the census when it comes out next year, "said Tom Boone, a retired firefighter who is working as a" lister "in the central part of Billings.
  • Both Conductors were interesting people, retired and loved railroading.
  • Current employees would be asked to contribute more toward retirement, starting in January 1999.
  • At the age of 50, when it had got to the point where pain and mobility problems affected my ability to do my job, I was pensioned off and sent away into early retirement.
  • Mr Lang, a retired veterinary surgeon, says he can still remember the thrill of seeing the lady's slipper in Yorkshire, long before it had to be heavily guarded.
  • Alan Kolaczkowski, a retired nuclear engineer, consulted with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on specific probabilities of accidents at nuclear plants.
  • Cosby portrays a blue-collar worker who was forced to retire early from an airline.
  • A retired FBI agent was one of the authors' best sources of information.
  • The postal inspector general has concluded that the agency has been required to overfund retiree pension benefits by $75 billion. - News
  • But it seems that a growing number of landlords are relying on rental income long before retirement to supplement their squeezed earnings. Times, Sunday Times
  • When your clients are running late on their payments, it is unlikely that they will be able to retire the entire balance in one payment.
  • She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.
  • He ought to heed the advice of friends and family by enjoying a long and happy retirement. The Sun
  • These shears were given to me by head cutter, Mr. Hallberry on his retirement, after forty years with Anderson & Sheppard.
  • Although the idea of expiation was not excluded (Lev., i, 4), it retired somewhat into the background, since in the complete destruction of the victim by fire the absolute submission of man to God was to find expression. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Unfortunately, as a child, I was not given the opportunity to learn and as I have recently retired and have a little spare time on my hands, I thought it time to stop wittering on about it and bite the bullet.
  • The wisdom of the retired generals and backbench MPs conjoins.
  • Postal Service as it seeks congressional help in dodging much of a $5.5 billion payment due next Thursday into its retiree health benefit fund. Eye Opener: Obama's green czar leaving? Defense contractors regroup, Filipino flag flap
  • busywork" program for unemployed, retired politicians to pick up an extra check at the expense of us, the U.S. taxpayers. Latest news
  • He retired as supreme commander of the German armed forces in 1911, but re-entered the army in 1914.
  • When he retired from the sea in 1870 he returned to Bequia and set up whaling ‘companies ‘consisting of four whaleboats and about 26 men per company.’
  • It therefore came to light that Mr. Jobbles had found that his clerical position was hardly compatible with a seat at a lay board, and he retired to the more congenial duties of a comfortable prebendal stall at Westminster. The Three Clerks
  • The survey team carried out over 200 interviews with retired people.
  • If Black retires the Bishop from his unsafe position, White permanently prevents Black from castling, which is bound to be fatal in view of the open K file -- e.g. 11. ... Chess Strategy
  • If pollies and retired pollies want to access unlimited airport lounge grog, they can pay for it like anyone else.
  • At a time when most vintage warplanes have retired to a quiet life on display in drafty museums, 65-year-old Fifi is embarking on a new mission: giving rides to paying enthusiasts and once again making the air-show rounds, which occasionally feature a simulated atomic-bomb attack. Owners of the Last B-29 Hope It Doesn
  • It is unlikely that private capital will finance such a tremendous undertaking until the risks are retired and the scalability challenge can be addressed.
  • In an honest attempt to fund their retirement accounts, many individuals contribute amounts in excess of the allowable limits.
  • He had to retire with a neck injury in the second half.
  • The announcement of her retirement caused consternation among tennis fans.
  • Today retirees are increasingly leaving the shires and suburbs for the inner city, to be closer to theatres and restaurants. Times, Sunday Times
  • It locks in virtually all the improvements in longevity over the past half-century as additional time in retirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The moving specialists' first task is to help the seniors downsize their belongings so they can fit into, say, a retirement-center efficiency or a one-bedroom apartment.
  • Moreover, pneumoconiosis may progress after miners retire.
  • He retired to England, a fabulously wealthy man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chereet has been involved with EF for fifteen years, working in a voluntary capacity since her retirement.
  • This retirement left the way clear for David and Daniel to take a convincing win on their first visit to China.
  • They say youth is wasted on the young and experience on the retired.
  • She retired early on account of ill health.
  • My uncle Paul was a master brassfounder; but when he retired he set up a most successful ballroom dancing academy. Its A Grand Old Name
  • He'd come all the way on a poor nag who should have been retired to the pastures a long time ago.
  • A total of 1272 men from the general population and 2099 retired coal miners aged 50-75 years took part in the study.
  • Mr. Astor had held the wheel for five hours and, at my suggestion, he retired to the comfortable little cabin and lay down for fifteen minutes, leaving the aeroboat to soar in great slow circles under its admirable automatic controls over the main battle area. The Conquest of America A Romance of Disaster and Victory
  • A dark creature approaches it still snaps and snipes but offers a parasol which is taken before it retires Quick crossword No 12,722
  • Hanophy retired a few months ago; telephone calls for this article made to home numbers listed in his name weren't answered. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • He competed in four Olympic Games and did not retire from professional athletics until 1995.
  • He had to retire due to ill health.
  • But come next week, he will sign off from ‘Now,’ the weekly PBS newsmagazine he began in 2002, as, at age 70, he retires from television.
  • Becker is playing only selected events as he winds up his career and has retired from Grand Slam tournament play.
  • The dairy company said it would put an extra 30 million into the scheme and defer changes to early retirement rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • It means that he can retire from spelling to focus on pursuing a career path in quantum physics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The community's, i.e. Cherokee's, financial soundness is a result of low expenditures and a very high soldier's retirement, he says. Harold allinson
  • You have a small general accounting practice and you plan to retire in the next ten years.
  • Pensions are a great way to save for the future because you can't touch the money until you retire.
  • What is the normal retirement age in this country?
  • Flash forward forty years, and the buddies are in dissatisfied retirement when fate comes knocking. Surprise Party
  • When Frost retires, would an Anglo replace him?
  • I have decided to retire from Formula One racing at the end of the season.
  • When he retired from his work as an Ophthalmic Nurse Practitioner, he decided to emulate English Botanist and Diatomist Dr. C. L. Odam and collect diatoms from tributaries.
  • Cricketers used to retire and then go and earn serious money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of an honourable retirement, Louis was swallowed up by the sharks circling the boxing business, and gradually pulled into the netherworld of drugs, drink, violence and the mob.
  • and now I'm happy to retire.
  • Retirees have already made sacrifices, Maroni said. Italy Faces More Pressure To Find Growth
  • He hasn't made any provision for his retirement yet.
  • Directors who take dividends instead of salary may think they are onto a good thing but could have problems on retirement.
  • After a brief period in the country, Stone returned to Sydney, where he continued as a teacher at inner-city schools until his retirement in 1931.
  • There is a brutal irony about his retirement accommodation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Granma (which, now that I've said it a few times, is a really bad name for any magazine except the house organ of the American Association of Retired People) had "compelling" "evidence" of the U.S. attack, claiming that if the parasite, which is known as varroa, had infiltrated the island naturally, it would've spread from east to west. American Beat: Bad Bee-Havior?
  • Under the new regime, companies will be obliged to assign a dollar value to retirement benefits and share options. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whilst his hours were passed in studious retirement, the empress, resolute to achieve the generous design which she had undertaken, was not unmindful of the care of his fortune. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • They gave him a CBE for appearance's sake and early retirement. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • The Association, whose anniversary we celebrate to-night, was founded seven years ago, for the purpose of granting permanent pensions to such of the corps dramatique as had retired from the stage, either from a decline in their years or a decay of their powers. Speeches: Literary and Social
  • That creepy old retired nun with the rheumy face of a Martian had locked him in a closet in the basement.
  • The age of retirement for all employees is 60.
  • In the olden days you retired because you were simply too old and feeble to carry the coal to the surface any more. Times, Sunday Times
  • A flexible retirement age is being considered by Ministers to unify men's and women's pension rights.
  • After retirement he was chairman of the trustees supervising the definitive edition of the music of Berlioz. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Nigel just said, Jerry retired from the telethon this year, but of course, he's here with us in spirit and in heart, and we will continue to be energized and inspired by what I like to call his towering example," Carl said. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • These include retirement areas, over spill towns, industrial centres, commuting dormitories and traditional market centres.
  • We want to retire with the largest possible pot of assets and the least amount of liabilities.
  • This has been augmented by retirement migration, a topic that will be elaborated in the following section.
  • As a general rule, however, military intellectuals tend to face mandatory retirement as lieutenant colonels or colonels, just as they are achieving full intellectual maturity.
  • People usually start working at the age of fifteen and retire at age sixty.
  • It is not just that he has turned 50; it has more to do with the fact that he has been retired from test cricket for eight years, nearly a decade.
  • Should popes, who rule for life, retire if they become ill instead of dying in office?
  • Many retirees have lived here for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Honourability and integrity might well have been his middle names, and when he retired and put the uniform away he did so with a record of service behind him that anyone would be proud and indeed privileged to have.
  • But everything of that kind was brought abruptly to an end by a loud discordant blowing of horns and the hollow _tub, tub, tub_ of a number of rude drums; at which sounds the crowd around us broke up at once and retired, our little Hebe casting back at us more than one glance strongly indicative, as it seemed to me, of compassion. The Congo Rovers A Story of the Slave Squadron
  • Professor Johnson has indicated his intention to retire at the end of next year.
  • I intend to spend my retirement travelling.
  • Just as a crusty maiden aunt confined to a retirement home might continue to lecture her long-suffering relatives by letter, she will still be playing the duenna to an errant world, in writing.
  • Whom those resemble that are morose, unsociable, and unconversable, and affect a melancholy retirement; they are like these solitary creatures that take delight in desolations. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • (My father, a retired general practitioner, can still tell as much from palpating a patient's abdomen or listening carefully for crepitus while articulating a patient's sore knee than most modern internists can from reading an MRI or CT scan.) The Cost of Health Care -- in Live Chickens
  • It was that office's zeal, Ouimet said, that led to her being offered - and then accepting - what she described as a "non-negotiable" agreement to retire about halfway through her seven-year appointment. - Home Page
  • She's put aside a tidy sum for her retirement.
  • No. 12 Marat Safin outlasted Andrew Ilie, who trailed 5-0 in the fifth set when he retired because of cramping. Agassi, Kournikova out in second round
  • These figures are the most valid argument yet that they should cease and desist and retire from the field immediately.
  • Pat's job brings her into contact with the problems people face when they retire.
  • It is also a matter of serious concern that over half of all science teachers are due for retirement within the next five years.
  • But knighthood is an honour, not a peerage; he remained a member of the House of Commons until his retirement in 2001.
  • What becomes of retirement plans when Century birthdays are as common as turning 50 is today?
  • Anderson was forced to retire because of injury at the age of 26.
  • It was the 20th career complete game for Ponson, who retired 20 of 21 batters from the first inning to the eighth.
  • The mistake is to believe that recently retired sportsmen or women, fast-tracked into the studio, are alone best placed to commentate on and analyse their sport of expertise.
  • • Accounting "supremo" John Hagen, recently retired as chairman at Big Four firm Deloitte, has been made a life member of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants. National Business Review (NBR) New Zealand
  • He became a manual laborer and later a postal worker, a position that he retained until his retirement.
  • I intend to spend my retirement travelling.
  • Still, being retired means he's got time to lay about being stiff, whereas I am a thrusting executive professional who can't afford to be in less than 100% shape.
  • For a more peaceful stroll, retire to the shady streets across the plaza at the foot of the Bridge of Lions.
  • Football may not yet (fingers crossed) be about to lose one of its favourite sons to retirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • U.S. Justice David Souter, shown above when he was nominated by President George H. Bush in 1990, is planning to retire from the United States Supreme Court at the age of 69, creating the first appointment opportunity for President Barack Obama. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Years later, he retired respectably as a cashier.
  • I had expected a degree of disturbance and interruption as I switched over to Retirement Pension from Incapacity Benefit, and still do.
  • The announcement follows recent refusals by two judges to take early retirement despite pressure from the government.
  • But there were other factors that weighed heavily in the decision to retire the Rotterdam.
  • He could retire now and live in comfort for the rest of his life.
  • There he could be as quiet and retired as in the attic of his Uncle Robert Manning's house in Salem.
  • After a further reconnaissance the ice ahead proved quite unnegotiable, so at 8.30 p.m. last night, to the intense disappointment of all, instead of forging ahead, we had to retire half a mile so as to get on a stronger floe, and by 10 p.m. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • But I now see I've felt unhappy whenever I've been surrounded by silence – as I was as an undergraduate in London – and been content when sound is at hand: such as in my uncle's two-storey house in Kolkata, and in the second-storey flat in Bandra in suburban Mumbai to which my parents moved after my father retired. Amit Chaudhuri's musical circumnavigation
  • Even though you must take your RMD and pay the taxes, you needn't spend the money; you may redeposit any or all of it into another nonretirement savings or investment account. Jason Alderman: Deadline Approaches for Mandatory IRA Withdrawals
  • Then, and only then, we will be in a position to carry forward the work of those now near retirement.
  • Bryan, a retired mechanic and former car service manager, has not looked back since this introduction.
  • Su Ai-chih, a 67-year-old retiree and spiritual medium, says a woman who was drowned by Chinese soldiers and turned into a goddess has even asked believers for help in reconnecting with her family on the mainland. Archive 2008-04-01
  • But with ISI's hand or at least that of its "alumnus" in the form of retired officers being seen, the analysis is that the army may be deeply involved in the plot. Opinion Source: Delivering summaries of editorial and op-ed pieces from major papers by email.
  • He called for a ball from the umpire and stepped on second base, claiming to have retired Merkle on a force-out. No Uncertain Terms
  • When a cow assumes the appearance of what we term a regular buller -- when she is running every day, or every second or third day, or when one or more retire from the herd and assume the habits of the male -- then, and not till then, does the case become utterly hopeless. Cattle and Cattle-breeders
  • The amount they have in savings: ‘All the money I saved for when I get ready to retire is up yonder now at the hospital, and the doctors,’ Patsy says.
  • The world is his oyster to discover, as he stumbles on through life towards his future retirement as the ex-leader of the National Party.
  • He shudders at the thought of retirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain's biggest retirement housebuilder has appointed a chairman whose career has covered defence, infrastructure, components manufacturing and brickmaking. Times, Sunday Times

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