How To Use Retinue In A Sentence

  • In the eleventh century the Norse kings probably had an immediate retinue of about ninety men, excluding menial servants and hangers on.
  • Five acres may be sufficient for the bonus recipient who does not have a house in town or the funds for a retinue of staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • The girlish heroine, whose name itself has a poetic touch, came with a retinue of five, her parents, a hair dresser, an ayah and driver.
  • Land was held in customary tenure, the largest holdings by 250 daimyos (feudal lords), each with his retinue of dependent samurai.
  • THE letter which the Reverend Mr. Marsham had received, contained a few lines informing him the Right Honorable incumbent was coming to pass six weeks at his living; and as his retinue, composing his family and tonish friends, were weary of the watering-place they had just been honouring with their company, were to come with him, he had favored his curate with the commission of ordering the house-keeper at the spacious parsonage-house to have the beds well-aired, and every thing in order to receive her master, his lady, and her sister; with three gentlemen of rank and fortune, together with an humble female friend. Romance Readers and Romance Writers: a Satirical Novel
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  • Ultimately, however, power clung to the warrior classes and to the lords with their own private retinues.
  • Sathe Clan Lords and their retinues had been arriving in Mainport for the past week and the town was buzzing as merchants made the most of the sudden boom in trade.
  • Landowners retained their own armed retinues, which might be used for law enforcement or in civil or foreign wars.
  • When he is here, he prefers to dismiss his retinue and dress himself—he is much quicker than one would expect for a prince, but then he was for a long time a stone-broke prince in exile. Exit the Actress
  • (His beard will manage the act and the three beard children will be part of the sequin dressed retinue.) Election Central | Talking Points Memo | GOP Senator Larry Craig Arrested For "Lewd Conduct" In Men's Room
  • In 1953 he was invited with a retinue of six people to Paris, and his son and successor, Moro Naaba Kougri, was later accorded the same privilege.
  • In those times, a poet could descend on you with all his retinue and eat you out of house and home.
  • Having a full retinue of staff already, he turned her away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The great collector and party giver Arturo Lopez-Willshaw, costumed as the emperor of China, and his wife, Patricia, disembarked with their retinue from a Chinese junk. All That Glittered
  • 'Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend!', he lashes out at Goneril when she demands that he 'disquantity' his retinue of a hundred followers. Shakespeare
  • I am travelling to the capital to meet with the King tomorrow, you will accompany my retinue and I will give you the details of the mission once we reach the capital city.
  • When there was more than one person in the photograph, it was usually an unidentified attendant shielding the oba with an umbrella, or an anonymous retinue of other attendants and uncrowned chiefs of the village.
  • Laid out in the shape of a cross as part of the original federal plan, the greensward is a splendid place to relax or jog (perhaps past politicos and their retinues). Lead Stories from AOL
  • If you are someone who is an mettle junky, bets burly amounts, and a authentic sports investor email us owing the details on our VIP a label accede to lay in to retinue e array these without thought so selections, to envisage more curb up on to some info on nfl and college handicapping. The Title is
  • My retinue consisted not of fellow cyclists and fitness heads, but bandmates and the subterfuge associated with playing regularly in a rock band, reefer, and lots of scotch.
  • The Queen was flanked by a retinue of bodyguards and policemen.
  • Land was held in customary tenure, the largest holdings by 250 daimyos (feudal lords), each with his retinue of dependent samurai.
  • On more than one occasion Weeks was a guest at government functions or local celebrations, which allowed him an intimate view of the local nobility and their retinues and provided him with valuable material for his canvases.
  • Still more horsemen had appeared in the gateway, several of Domville's outridden retinue, and among them Simon and Guy, by the look of their faces by no means eager to be noticed or take any part in this encounter. The Leper of Saint Giles
  • David, reacting to James' untimely outburst, commanded his retinue of elite combatants to fight their way to the exit.
  • And yet the main characters have not been mentioned here, nor those whom one hesitates to call dramatis personae-the Devil and his retinue, witches, corpses, water nymphs, demons of all aspects and of every stripe, and finally an enormous talking car with a cavalry mustache.
  • He travelled with a huge retinue of servants.
  • The first rex cat born in captivity, a cream male subsequently named Kallibunker, arrived with a retinue of four straight-hair littermates on July 21, 1950, in Bodmin Moor.
  • He dressed in silk kimonos, had a large retinue of servants and carried the signature daisho, or twin swords, of the Japanese ruling samurai class.
  • Some, like Emperor Rudolf II of Austria, had a genuine passion for the study of nature and drew to their courts a retinue of like-minded enthusiasts.
  • A memorable part of his retinue is a fast-talking black cat called Behemoth, named after one of the Old Testament monsters. The 10 best devils
  • In the film's lustiest scene, Colbert, just millimeters shy of baring her bosom, lolled in a black marble tub of what's meant to be asses' milk, when one of the ladies of her imperial retinue dropped by with some gossip. 'Encyclopedia of the Exquisite: An Anecdotal History of Elegant Delights'
  • After they are settling in, and Carey is recovering well, a "beachcomber", who reckons he is king of these islands, makes his appearance with a retinue of aborigines. King o' the Beach A Tropic Tale
  • NOW leave we of Lucius the Emperor and speak we of King Arthur, that commanded all them of his retinue to be ready at the utas of Hilary for to hold a parliament at Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Volume 1
  • Classical texts suggest that feasts involving a chieftain and his retinue were held in a circle around a central hearth or fireplace, with the alcoholic beverage circulating either in a common cup or being served by retainers.
  • During his years with the court Ockeghem travelled outside France in the retinue of diplomatic missions, including one to Spain.
  • They received yearly subsidies that allowed them to entertain a large retinue of personal followers, called buccellarii after the superior type of bread they received compared to ordinary soldiers.
  • In the eleventh century the Norse kings probably had an immediate retinue of about ninety men, excluding menial servants and hangers on.
  • Instead of painted blondes on the arms of fat cats, there sat Bret Easton Ellis at a nearby table, laughing big horse laughs with his funky, downtown retinue.
  • They don't hide behind a retinue of handlers and lawyers and public-relations fools.
  • When Providence frowns upon them their retinue is soon dispersed and scattered from them. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • He was attended by a numerous retinue.
  • To balance this out, the pregnant Venus a squawky Stephanie Friede—whose retinue included several spermlike tadpoles—gave birth, completing the circle of life. At Richard Wagner's Old Stamping Grounds
  • No man of rank felt safe without a retinue to protect him. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • Bernstein was trying to explain his headline problems to Ruby when Gerstein strode past with a retinue of aides.
  • The number of people who had specialized roles such as in craft, trade, household retinues, holy orders, administrative offices, and military service remained small, but increased over the period.
  • Ambassadors and retinue from the Constantinopolitan King had kissed the ground before Omar and had delivered their embassage, they brought out the presents, which were fifty damsels of the choicest from Graecia-land, and fifty Mamelukes in tunics of brocade, belted with girdles of gold and silver, each wearing in his ears hoops of gold with pendants of fine pearls costing a thousand ducats every one. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Eventually, he and his retinue were a show unto themselves, held over in New York and London. Jim Steinmeyer's "The Last Greatest Magician in the World"
  • He had come to accept the fact that he and his retinue were the only people left on earth. When the Lion Feeds
  • Classical texts suggest that feasts involving a chieftain and his retinue were held in a circle around a central hearth or fireplace, with the alcoholic beverage circulating either in a common cup or being served by retainers.
  • He began to walk slowly with his retinue of equerries and dignitaries behind him. THE WHITE DOVE
  • It is a sweeping assessment of the backroom boys - and they are usually male - the valets, the footmen, the butlers who make up the backbone of the royal retinue, but it is one that many with experience of the system recognise.
  • It is lawful for publicans to swear that is an oblation which is not; that you are of the king's retinue when you are not," &c. that is, publicans may deceive, and that by oath. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • The scale and precise role of the retinue of officers and servants who travelled with a prince has not been established.
  • She bade farewell to her mother at Nyköping, then hastened to Halmstad, where she dismissed her retinue, and went to Brussels by way of Hamburg and Antwerp. Kristina Wasa, Queen of Sweden
  • Replied the Prince, ‘Go ye to my father and acquaint him with my case, and fetch us tents, for we will tarry here seven days to rest ourselves till he make ready his retinue to meet us, that we may enter in stateliest state.’ — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A space of ground large enough to accommodate perhaps thirty tents according to the Crusaders 'rules of castrametation, was partly vacant --- because, in ostentation, the knight had demanded ground to the extent of his original retinue --- partly occupied by The Talisman
  • There were no ballrooms here, no antechambers upon antechambers, no retinues of servants and footmen.
  • His was the largest retinue in England and he promoted the use of badges and insignia, the most familiar being the Lancastrian collar of esses.
  • Florinus may have belonged to his suite, and Irenæus in after years might well call the proconsul's retinue, in Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • However he requires his retinue and guests always to dress formally for dinner.
  • And they are very far from any thought that their licentious groupings would provide an avenue for the emergence of a patriarch with a retinue of teen-wives.
  • On his land, the Lord owned a hearth-hall, within which he housed his retinue of warriors.
  • In the 10th to 12th centuries the boyars formed the senior levels of the princes' retinues.
  • One entire flank of the Witch King's army was held by Chaos Knights and their bestial retinues.
  • In royal households where a whole retinue of courtiers was employed, more and more varied dishes in total, and dishes of higher status, were offered to those of higher rank and standing in the household.
  • Alfred answered the Danish threat by creating an impressive system of fortified burhs [boroughs] throughout his realm and by reforming the fyrd, changing it from a sporadic levy of king's men and their retinues into a standing force.
  • There were no ballrooms here, no antechambers upon antechambers, no retinues of servants and footmen.
  • I hurried down the aisle and reached the door in time to glimpse Nepos and his retinue of attendants heading across the Forum in the direction of the rostra. CONSPIRATA
  • Hastings' retinue was essentially the duchy of Lancaster connection in the north midlands.
  • Tommy Hilfiger, the man himself, appears in Veronique's office flanked by a retinue of fragrance exec dandies, greeted by general genuflection and bustle. Grace Dent's TV OD: Perfume
  • Obsessed with her health, she traveled with a retinue of surgeons, physicians, oculists, and apothecaries.
  • The sons stroll in with their retinue, and the youngest son approaches Ashurbanipal. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » December : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • He found, at this place of rendezvous, the men and horses appointed to compose the retinue, leading two sumpter mules already loaded with baggage, and holding three palfreys for the two Countesses and a faithful waiting woman, with a stately war horse for himself, whose steel plated saddle glanced in the pale moonlight. Quentin Durward
  • He and his retinue crossed the Yalu River separating North Korea and China and arrived at 5: 20 a.m. in the border city of Dandong. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Tuesday, May 4, 2010
  • Pilpatoe, who entered his camp with a numerous retinue, and informed him that they were persons entrusted with the government of that province by a great monarch, whom they called Montezuma, and that they were sent to inquire what his intentions were in visiting their coast, and to offer him what assistance he might need. Peter Parley's Tales About America and Australia
  • I think the closest approximation is probably consciousness, though certain aspects of consciousness are also considered by some to be part of the animal retinue of nature. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • In 1959 the Dalai Lama's escape from his homeland produced a myth: that he had conjured up a belt of cloud to hide his retinue from the Chinese air force. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • The Hounds of the Morrigan draws heavily on Irish mythology - not just the three-personned war goddess of the title, but Cuchulainn the Hound of Ulster, thinly disguised as a skinny Old Angler; the gods Angus Og and Bridget as the gloriously eccentric tinkers Boodie and Patsy; and the warrior queen Maeve, wandering under a black storm-cloud engendered by her own sorrow, and followed by a retinue of ducks and geese delightedly bathing themselves in her perpetual rain. Blogposts |
  • NOW leave we of Lucius the Emperor and speak we of King Arthur, that commanded all them of his retinue to be ready at the utas of Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • He has a vast retinue. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the fringes of this retinue, lions and crocodiles pounce on their victims while an elephant runs amok, and at the centre is the Navab, enlarged as befits his status, bending from his richly caparisoned mount to slash at a lion.
  • Though God had here a splendid retinue of holy angles about his throne, who were ready to go on his errands, yet he passes them all by, and pitches on Ezekiel, a son of man, to be his messenger to the house of Israel; for we have this treasure in earthen vessels, and God's messages sent us by men like ourselves, whose terror shall not make us afraid nor their hand be heavy upon us. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Country residences such as Bishop's Waltham were designed to accommodate the bishop and his household as well as powerful guests and their retinues.
  • There were no ballrooms here, no antechambers upon antechambers, no retinues of servants and footmen.
  • It was dark by the time they entered the avenue of Ravenswood Castle, a long straight line leading directly to the front of the house, flanked with huge elm-trees, which sighed to the night-wind, as if they compassionated the heir of their ancient proprietors, who now returned to their shades in the society, and almost in the retinue, of their new master. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • About 1261 Peter appears in the retinue of Cardinal Ottoboni Fieschi; towards this time also he was made deacon of the Church of Lisbon, an office which he later exchanged for the archidiaconate of Vermuy in the Diocese of Braga. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • On our way thither we met the master of a German barque, then in port, and were chatting with him in the middle of the road, when Mr. "Flash Harry" and his retinue of _manaia_ (young bucks) overtook us. The Flemmings And "Flash Harry" Of Savait From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other Stories" - 1902
  • 'I hear,' wrote Walpole of what he calls the coronation at Oxford, 'my Lord Westmoreland's own retinue was all be-James'd with true-blue ribands.' Life Of Johnson
  • Janshah said to the two Mamelukes, ‘Go ye to my sire and acquaint him with my case and fetch us tents, for we will abide here seven days to rest ourselves, till he make ready his retinue to meet us that we may enter in the stateliest state.’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The animals were terricolous and thus of a lower order than Lurline and her retinue. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • Do they have a retinue of staff? Times, Sunday Times

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