
How To Use Retinal In A Sentence

  • They’re doing research, Dwayne, on what they call retinal discharge. Underworld
  • Identification by retinal scanning is complicated by eye movements.
  • Human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell cultures are usually obtained from donor eyes; isolation and culture of RPE cells obtained by evisceration has not been reported previously.
  • All SBS cases had a clinical history of whiplash shaking of the head and had autopsy findings of subdural, subarachnoid, and bilateral retinal hemorrhages.
  • The retinal pigment epithelium, which is the outer layer of the retina, fails to carry out its function as a result of which there is accumulation of the breakdown products.
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  • The most urgent diagnosis is retinoblastoma, a malignancy most likely arising from retinal germ cells.
  • However, the neovascular, exudative form results in serous or hemorrhagic detachment of retinal pigment epithelium and choroidal neovascularization.
  • Aiming at the bad performance of existing retinal blood vessel segmentation methods for small and low contrast vessels, a new segmentation method based on transition region extraction is proposed.
  • He subsequently developed a left retinal detachment and was referred to the vitreoretinal unit for surgery.
  • It could involve retinal photoreceptors, extraretinal photoreceptors in the pineal or elsewhere, photopigments such as cryptochromes within the retina or brain, or it might be mediated through a non-visual pathway.
  • In all animals, retinal light damage was the most severe when intense light exposure began during the dark period.
  • Recently, a computerised grading method has been developed to increase reproducibility of retinal microvascular changes, but this method is not widely available.
  • We present a comparative study of the ultrafast photophysics of all-trans retinal in the protonated Schiff base form in solvents with different polarities and viscosities.
  • Retinal degeneration is more common in myopic eyes but it's not exactly related to macular degeneration.
  • Bruising, petechiae, epistaxis, bleeding gums, excessive menses, retinal hemorrhages, intestinal bleeding, and rarely cerebral hemorrhage may occur as manifestations of the thrombocytopenia.
  • For many doctors, retinopathy—microaneurysms, haemorrhages, "hard" lipid exudates, microinfarcts of the retinal nerve fibre layer (cotton wool spots)—is synonymous with diabetes.
  • retinal cells
  • Major findings include subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages and diffuse axonal injury in the brain and retinal hemorrhages in the eyes.
  • Patients with symptomatic retinal tears are at high risk of progression to retinal detachment.
  • We use the latest cryptology combined with fingerprint, capillary, and retinal recognition devices to insure secure connections and transmissions.
  • Furthermore, the possibilities of damage by hemorrhage from the choroidal or retinal vessels, delayed formation of the anterior chamber and adhesion of the capsule of the lens to the wound, and the injurious effects of even slight trauma subsequent to the operation, including loss of vitreous, are increased by omitting the conjunctival flap. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • The heteroatoms, including the retinal, were removed.
  • The top ten diseases in purebreds include several that are major health concerns to humans, including cancer, epilepsy, retinal disease, cataracts, and heart disease.
  • Her optically dazzling, playfully psychedelic paintings are open to the charge of being about nothing more than retinal pleasure.
  • My ophthalmologist said that I had a common condition called lattice thinning, likely in part hereditary, which would make me more susceptible to a retinal tear. The $1,000 Genome
  • Retinal identification was one of the methods under consideration.
  • Isolated retinal bipolar cells from tiger salamanders act like adaptive filters: at resting potential, their response gain and time constant are maximal, and transfer functions are lowpass.
  • The grade 3 concussion and the retinal detachment were the most serious injuries observed.
  • Their physiological basis is reasonably well understood; they result from the saturation or bleaching of retinal photopigments under intense or prolonged illumination.
  • The downstream retinal neurons that receive and process information from photoreceptor cells are preserved for years after the onset of blindness," says Dr. Collins, "giving hope that visual sensitivity might be restored by allowing the artificial input of information to these surviving cells. And Tomorrow's Winners Will Be...
  • The resulting images show detailed retinal anatomy that is not widely known, such as the retina layers and the structure of the deep and shallow foveae, the tiny pit located in the light-sensitive retina that provides the clearest vision of all. Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
  • The retinal pigment membrane cells slowly degenerate and atrophy, and central vision is lost.
  • Some children also experience retinal pigmentary (color) changes. The Eyes and Alagille Syndrome
  • They also possess a crisp beauty that invites an immediate retinal response, even if their content steers the viewer away from any purely formalist reading.
  • Retinal blood vessels can break down, leak, or become blocked, affecting and impairing vision over time.
  • Vision scientists knew that retinal, the derivative of vitamin A, was part of every photopigment molecule and that various forms of vitamin A existed. Mind Hacks: changing diet might allow you to see infrared
  • By imagistic, I mean film that supplants narrative with retinal values, or when narrational, doesn't allow the narrative to dominate the formal vision of the artist. G. Roger Denson: MoMA and AA Bronson Present "Queer Cinema: Today and Yesterday"
  • Klein SA (1989) Peripheral positional acuity: Retinal and cortical constraints on 2-dot separation discrimination under photopic and scotopic conditions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Fredrick mentioned three possible causes for the development of myopia: retinal blur, accommodation, and familial factors.
  • Retinal detachment (separation of the retina from the pigment epithelium behind it) is a rarer cause of blindness.
  • A retinal memory of the flash of light from the airliner's impact gleamed on the map that he tugged from inside his thick shirt. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The problem shows up in the eye as retinal hemorrhages, abnormally large blood vessels in the eye and accumulation of interocular fluid. Human Eye: Part 4
  • Optos's Optomap retinal exam gives an optometrist a wide angled view of a patient's retina.
  • Retinal xanthophyll is a carotenoid, chemically related to vitamin A, whose absorption spectrum peaks at about 460 nm and ranges from 480 nm down to 390 nm.
  • Her results showed that, unlike peripheral nerve cells, retinal ganglion neurons with less neurofibromin had shorter branches and died more often when stressed. WUSTL Record: University News
  • The report offered a vision of street advertising that used retinal scanning to produce customised messages for passing consumers.
  • The retinal fluid was drained and replaced with a saline solution.
  • He stared into my eyes like an oculist searching for signs of retinal decomposition and then barked out a short laugh. THE DICE MAN
  • The hyaloid vasculature is a transient embryonic vascular bed which is complete at birth in mammals and regresses contemporaneously with the formation of the retinal vasculature.
  • The results reveal that metal cation binding affects the protein conformation, the retinal isomeric composition as well as lipid head groups.
  • More than a decade ago, Drs. Shay and Wright's team showed they could immortalize human retinal and foreskin cells by adding the gene for telomerase into a virus and then "infecting" the cells. Making Cells Live Forever in Quest for Cures
  • Retinal reposition depend on position, length and operation time of scleral rupture.
  • Over time, the area of detachment increases as more fluid passes through the retinal break.
  • This proves again that the anæsthesia is not retinal, but it proves very much more; namely, that _the retinal stimulation is transmitted to those lower centers which mediate reflex movements, at the very instant during which it is cut off from the higher, conscious centers_. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • There were 6 caseswith intravitreal or intraretinal foreign bodies, 3 caseswith lens dislocation in the vitreous by blunt trauma and3 cases with vitreous hemorrhage and cataract.
  • Recently, large numbers of new retinal proteins were discovered in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
  • At goldfish retinal bipolar cells, the calcium requirement for physiological release rates is reported to be >100 M.
  • identification by retinal scanning is complicated by eye movements
  • These lesions, being visible during eye examinations, are often considered for prophylactic therapy in an attempt to prevent retinal detachment.
  • Medaka P is strongly expressed in the eyeball of embryos and adults, where melanin is produced in the choroid membrane and retinal pigment epithelium.
  • LLNL has assisted in the development of the first long-term retinal prosthesis - called an artificial retina - that can function for years inside the harsh biological environment of the eye. - Business News
  • Accommodative effort and retinal blur can be minimised by bifocal glasses, which change the focal point for near work.
  • Goldfish retinal axons are able to regenerate and grow over isolated fish oligodendrocytes in vitro.
  • One unexpected event was that 2 study participants experienced opthalmologic emergencies - one, a 42 year old psychologist with no history of eye problems experienced a retinal detachment and required emergency surgery and a 40 year old nurse for the first time in her life had a conjunctival hemorrhage. Psychiatry Professor informs Hawaii House Health Committee of Dangers of Aspartame, as Medical Professional
  • The rounded cuboidal shape of these cells is typically seen in undifferentiated lattice cells early in normal pupal retinal development.
  • The missing retinal photoreceptors can be seen in the region below the fenestrated basement membrane as seen in transverse sections of the compound eyes.
  • The top ten diseases among purebred dogs include several that afflict humans, including cancer, epilepsy, heart disease, allergy, retinal disease and cataracts.
  • She was operated on for a retinal haematoma last month and the prognosis is good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sensory retinal degeneration, predominantly in the central tapetal fundus, was found in all dogs, and severity of changes varied with age of the dog.
  • Compared with acute retinal necrosis, progressive outer retinal necrosis is a more severe viral retinitis observed in immunocompromised persons, often in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
  • The modules will be linked to retinal nerves that will then send electrical impulses to the brain for processing.
  • A dilated fundus examination of the retina is advised when these floaters increase in number suddenly along with flashes to rule out any retinal tears in the eye.
  • Define the following term: astigmatism, binocular vision, focal length, lens accommodation, optic disk, papillary constriction, retinal field, visual field.
  • But the technology to record unique information about my retinal patterns, fingerprints and facial measurements is very much a reality.
  • Tate has acquired this smaller installation, two curved rooms where changing coloured lights exploit the effect of retinal after-images.
  • Retinal sections stained with cresyl violet indicate substantial preservation of photoreceptors across the retina in MSC treated eyes at P90, while in control eyes (sham injected (B) and untreated (C)): only a single layer of photoreceptors remained. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • People with shortsightedness have poorer ability to focus accurately by accommodation, which leads to even more retinal blur and defocus.
  • The retinal signature cannot be used to track a person.
  • The condition destroys the pigmented layer of retina retinal pigment epithelium which is the pigmented cell layer just outside the neurosensory retina that nourishes retinal visual cells. Advanced Cell Technology's CEO Says Markets Are Just Starting to Appreciate the Significance of Their Stem Cell Derived Treatments - Yahoo! Finance
  • There is a retinal torquing of the field color that is pushed further by the interlocking order of the columns, which establishes a sequential rhythm or pulse.
  • A shower of debris including tiny amounts of blood from torn retinal vessels causes floaters.
  • It has protean ocular manifestations and may present with a spectrum of ocular signs, including anterior and posterior uveitis, retinal vascular sheathing, and optic disc abnormalities.
  • The nerve fibres in the optic tract (the axons of retinal ganglion cells) terminate in two main areas of the brain.
  • They possess a common chromophore, retinal, that upon absorption of light isomerizes and thereby triggers biological functions ranging from light energy conversion to phototaxis and vision.
  • Previous anatomical studies of PACAP/melanopsin-containing retinal innervation suggested roles of PACAP/melanopsin in a broad variety of nonvisual photoreception PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I believe that if it were possible to take a retinal print -- which it someday will be -- you would have a perfect picture of what it was I saw, Beyond doubt it was a lamellicorn, one of the copridae. The Beetle
  • It first was used to coagulate retinal hemorrhages.
  • For the eye has every possible defect that can be found in an optical instrument, and even some which are peculiar to itself; but they are all so counteracted, that the inexactness of the image which results from their presence very little exceeds, under ordinary conditions of illumination, the limits which are set to the delicacy of sensation by the dimensions of the retinal cones. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • These single - and double-cone sensitivities were estimated based on two assumptions: (1) the visual pigment λ max for each gene is the same for all species; and (2) the chromophore is A1 (11 - cis retinal) for all species. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Furthermore, extraretinal photoreceptors appear to be involved in the photic entrainment of the circadian clock.
  • This compound has similar bond conjugation, solvent behavior, and steric hindrance to all-trans retinal.
  • It stores passwords with some form of retinal security.
  • Mild atherosclerotic changes of the retinal arterioles were seen in the right fundus, which was otherwise unremarkable.
  • Current changes due to electrogenic Na + Ca2 + exchange activity were first demonstrated in amphibian retinal rod outer segments, and later in cardiac myocytes.
  • In addition, damage to retinal layer blood vessels of the eye can result in blindness.
  • The hyaloid artery lies in the hyaloid canal, or canal of Cloquet, and is a branch of the central artery of the retina, or one of its retinal distribution.
  • The disease can result in retinal damage and loss of vision.
  • A seething proliferation of superimposed images and patterns swirl around like Catherine wheels, and the result is delirious retinal overload.
  • Presence of retinal detachment makes the operative procedure more complex; these patients require some kind of tamponade at the end of surgery - either gas or silicone oil; and overall visual improvement is very guarded.
  • All three of the patients in the experiment had lost their sight through retinal disease.
  • Its visible fluorescence on leaking from damaged vessels makes it particularly useful in the diagnosis of retinal vascular disorders and monitoring of treatment of conditions amenable to laser photocoagulation.
  • Human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell cultures are usually obtained from donor eyes; isolation and culture of RPE cells obtained by evisceration has not been reported previously.
  • Vitrectomy epiretinal membrane Candida chorioretinitis MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • A retinal prosthesis may provide artificial vision to people who have lost their sight due to diseases affecting the retina.
  • Any treatment to be used routinely to prevent proliferative diabetic retinopathy likely needs to be relatively safe because the condition already can be treated successfully and safely with panretinal photocoagulation. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Retinal imaging, voiceprints, hand geometry readers and other biometric technologies permit authentication of individuals with a precision we once thought impossible.
  • Objective To probe the possibility visual function of electroretinogram ( ERG ) maximum combined response for retinal vein occlusion ( RVO ).
  • Define the following term: astigmatism, binocular vision, focal length, lens accommodation, optic disk, papillary constriction, retinal field, visual field.
  • While considered invasive and expensive, retinal recognition is still the most reliable and stable means of biometric identification.
  • The modules will be linked to existing retinal nerves that will send electrical impulses to the brain for processing.
  • Conclusion High field MRI can observe and diagnose retinal detachment and supply more plentiful information.
  • The most urgent diagnosis is retinoblastoma, a malignancy most likely arising from retinal germ cells.
  • Except in agglomerated pigmented cells, no differentiation of the retinal cell layers was observed.
  • As blood passes by the macula through retinal blood vessels, the pigments pass through the macula's outer layer to rest in high concentrations inside its center.
  • In logical nets, generalization depends on chance exact match between some portion of the retinal image and a training instance.
  • Many mutants died or showed pleiotropic defects casting doubt on the specificity of their retinal phenotype and were not included in this report.
  • It is the reddish purple color of retinal that gives rhodopsin its former name visual purple.
  • Never mind retinal scans, fingerprinting or facial recognition—we'll soon have our ears on a national database.
  • Retinal sections were stained with cresyl violet for examining general retinal lamination and with photoreceptor cell-specific antibodies (rhodopsin, cone arrestin), which showed the preservation of cone and rod photoreceptors within the MSC treated animals. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Ophthalmologic examination with the slit lamp demonstrates the iris pigment defect, as well as retinal hypopigmentation and foveal hypoplasia.
  • If a beagle is crossed with an elkhound and then their offspring are crossed, some of those dogs will suffer from retinal degeneration and some won't. The Truth About Dogs
  • The most serious complication with intracapsular is forward movement of the vitreous into the anterior chamber, which interferes with healing and can lead to retinal disorders. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Next, he performed a fluorescein angiogram test, which examines the microcirculation and integrity of the retinal blood vessels at the back of the eye. The Doctor is In
  • Apart from the retinal area in the eye, the other areas that can be damaged by selective absorption of laser energy are the cornea and lens.
  • The breed is subject to several eye problems, however: progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts and trichiasis.
  • In addition to differentiated retinal cells, the amphibian eye contains a population of self-renewing retinal stem cells located in the retinal periphery in a region called the ciliary marginal zone or CMZ. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Measurement of the retinal arterioles offers a non-invasive means to evaluate systemic associations of the human microcirculation in vivo.
  • Wrobel, CEO of Retina Implant is presenting additional data from the first clinical trial which calculated the cost-benefit ratio associated with the subretinal implantation.
  • Yellow and orange foods helps the eye (vision) the retinal macula is yellowish/orange in color so this helps Macular Degeneration, blues and red food helps the heart and circulatory conditions. The wonderful world of Soy!
  • The vitreous cavity was 50% full of gas, and the retinal vasculature was attenuated.
  • In logical nets, generalization depends on chance exact match between some portion of the retinal image and a training instance.
  • Smith provides a unique retinal workout by juxtaposing the hyperrealist photos with the eye-popping painted compositions.
  • It is quite easy to observe the retinal image in the eye of a white rabbit, the choroid of which is devoid of pigment.
  • In this way they divided the retinal cells into three topographical regions or zones: the vitreous zone (vitreous body of other authors), the pigmented zone, and the nuclear zone.
  • The room's tight security includes a biometric "mantrap" or highly sophisticated double door, secured with retinal and fingerprint scanners. June 2006
  • Different fingerprints, retinal patterns, of course; embryos have some autonomy when they develop. VITALS
  • Retinal biometrics, although not application-specific, is being aimed generally at access control markets.
  • It is well known, though, that neighboring retinal ganglion cells tend to fire together.
  • Pigmentary effectors enable crustaceans to display rapidly reversible integumental color changes and retinal screening pigment movements.
  • The study will involve injecting 50,000 to 200,000 cells known as retinal pigment epithelial cells in the hopes that they will replace those ravaged by the disease. Supplements or flu shots; and stem cell research for Stargardt's macular dystrophy
  • It was a retinal mandala, a rosemaling of torn limbs and glutinous napalm-melted flesh, all blurring together in the surfglow of his closed eyes. In Other Worlds
  • Myopia, or nearsightedness, is another leading risk factor for retinal detachment.
  • These vessels leak fluid and blood and scar the nerve tissue inside the eye, increasing the risk of retinal detachment and severe vision loss in infants.
  • One slide from each set was stained with cresyl violet for assessing integrity of retinal lamination. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A shower of debris including tiny amounts of blood from torn retinal vessels causes floaters.
  • In the exudative form, fluid can accumulate underneath the retina, as pigment epithelial detachments or subretinal neovascularization, and loss of vision is usually sudden.
  • Verizon could grab a hundred or so channels of video, multicast them on its network to owners of these retinal scan video phones that have what would appear to the users to be cinematic displays.
  • Objective To discover the predisposing factors and clinical characteristics of the senile retinal detachment.
  • Three essential elements of glaucomatous optic nerve damages are optic nerve rim loss, retinal nerve fiber layer defects (RNFLD) and optic disc linear hemorrhages.
  • Vitamin A is found as retinoic acid (Retin-A), retinol (retinaldehyde), or retinyl propionate. You Being Beautiful
  • During equilibration the structure was stable and retinal assumed a fairly planar conformation, which showed a mild twist distributed over the main chain of the polyene.
  • Laser photocoagulation uses laser light to heat the intraocular tissue around a retinal hole or tear.
  • The disease can result in retinal damage and loss of vision.
  • Workers must sign in and pass a retinal check to confirm their identity before their shift begins and when leaving.
  • Subretinal prosthesis can utilize more retinal live cells to process visual signal and has attracted most attention in the field of artificial visual function recovery.
  • They are amblyopic, and this is due partially to a high degree of ametropia (caused by crushing of the eyeball in the endeavor to shut out light) and from retinal exhaustion and nystagmus. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The transfer requires retinal print verification.
  • Finally, the retina and retinal pigment epithelium differentiate from the optic cup, and the optic nerve develops from the optic stalk.
  • In a cryopexy procedure, a probe with a frozen tip is placed externally on the sclera over the area of a retinal hole or tear.
  • Figure 8 Selectivity for orientation is also found in retinal ganglion cells.
  • By the time he gave up teaching in 1988, and began working full time as a painter – by now with a wife, his former student Frances Carey and their young family to support in south London – retinal detachments and corneal ulcerations had diminished his detailed sight to almost nothing. Sargy Mann: the blind painter of Peckham
  • The drawing of an eye is accompanied by the description of images sliding onto the retinal membrane.
  • Rhodopsin consists of a protein called opsin bonded to a pigment called retinal.
  • Liquefied vitreous, serous fluid, or blood may collect in the subretinal space between the sensory retina and the underlying layer of retinal pigment epithelium.
  • Subspecialty procedures include surgical correction of complex strabismus, ocular and orbital tumors, lacrimal abnormalities, congenital and acquired orbital and eyelid problems, pediatric cataract and intraocular lens implantation, pediatric glaucoma surgery, and pediatric retinal surgery. Ophthalmology Fellowship
  • This can lead to retinal detachment, in which the retina and optic nerve separate - a bit like pulling the plug on the whole system.
  • Visual results are best if the retinal detachment is repaired before the macula (the center region of the retina responsible for fine, detailed vision) detaches.
  • With not much to look at (and the threat of inadvertent retinal damage), I found my gaze wandering away from the stage.
  • The preretinal ribbon like echo was classified into 4 different types.
  • Several degenerative conditions, including the progressive retinal atrophy which caused his blindness, are passed along through breeding lines.
  • Fluorescein is injected intravenously, and serial retinal photographs using a special camera equipped with an exciter / barrier filter set are taken through the pupil.
  • Retinal prostheses are only viable if the visual pathway distal to the retina is intact and functional.
  • If you the sleeplessly cartwheel as it is, you viscacha, in my retinal, an numbfish to miscreant the observingly sheldrake foraminifera steinbeck. tensity ellipsoidal, disobediently kubrick, from cold aegilops ballroom to hoist, to streptokinase, to dextrality with jabberwocky fibrin and guardant cliquishness. Rational Review
  • To investigate whether MSCs could provide a neuroprotective effect, we isolated and injected intravenously syngeneic MSCs into RCS rats at P30 (n = 12), at which time the retinal degeneration is at an early stage. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • These animals typically contain abundant populations of rods in their retinas, which are often found in conjunction with a retinal tapetum.
  • Specific G proteins are found in retinal rods and cones G Proteins and the Body
  • It is used to displace subretinal fluid and return the retina to its normal anatomical position.
  • Ultraviolet treatment of the lens is, however, not possible in a clinical setting because of retinal phototoxicity Instead, we chose to explore a multiphoton approach where ultraviolet-like effects are obtained in confined space using infra-red light that is less harmful to the retina PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • [20] Grade 1 consisted of 'mild' generalized retinal arteriolar narrowing; Grade 2 consisted of 'more severe' generalized narrowing, focal areas of arteriolar narrowing and arteriovenous nicking; Grade 3 consisted of grades 1 and 2 signs plus the presence of retinal haemorrhages, microaneurysms, hard exudates and cotton-wool spots; PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The scarring and bleeding caused by the excess growth of these blood vessels can lead to retinal detachment, resulting in vision loss.
  • At first these protoplasmic processes spring from the whole of the retinal layer of the cup, but later are limited to the ciliary region, where by a process of condensation they appear to form the zonula ciliaris. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. The Organ of Sight
  • This can be normal, but sometimes it is a sign of a more serious problem such as retinal detachment, especially if you see light flashes along with floaters.
  • A shower of debris including tiny amounts of blood from torn retinal vessels causes floaters.
  • Any treatment to be used routinely to prevent proliferative diabetic retinopathy likely needs to be relatively safe because the condition already can be treated successfully and safely with panretinal photocoagulation. “Nevertheless, further investigation with regard to the role of pharmacotherapy for reduction of the incidence of progression of retinopathy appears to be warranted," they added. The Times of India
  • Insects, like mammals, extract the orientation of edges within the retinal image.
  • I do have retinal "lattices" common in near-sighted people that could predispose me to detached retinas. Archive 2008-03-01
  • This music imprints itself on the mind like a retinal after-image, like a tattoo that will not fade.
  • Methods 24 hour urinary ablumin ( Alb ), transferrin ( TRF ), IgG, retinal - bingding protein ( RBP ), N - acetyl - glucosaminidase ( NAG ) , fasting blood glucose,
  • Pain relief during panretinal photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy: a national survey Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In addition, the recombination observed in astrocytes (also in cerebellar Bergmann glia and retinal Müller cells) hints towards a role of oligodendroglial genes (PLP) in early astroglia differentiation, supporting the idea of PLP+ glia progenitors, which give rise to astrocytes PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • For more spectacular photos, you can browse through this database in retinal ecstasy. Mars in Terabytes
  • Within two years of retinal surgery and vitrectomy, patients develop cataracts at a rate approaching 100%.
  • The eye conditions destroy the pigmented layer of retina retinal pigment epithelium which is the pigmented cell layer just outside the neurosensory retina that nourishes retinal visual cells. Advanced Cell Technology's CEO Says Markets Are Just Starting to Appreciate the Significance of Their Stem Cell Derived Treatments - Yahoo! Finance
  • The vertebrate photoreceptors are nourished and protected by an opaque layer called the retinal pigmented epithelium RPE. More creationist misconceptions about the eye - The Panda's Thumb
  • Such an interpretation is all the more to be expected, since, as the strobic phenomena show, even discontinuous retinal processes tend to be interpreted as continuously existing objects. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • Numerous tests have shown no relationship between computer use and cataracts, retinal damage, or permanent nearsightedness.
  • Loss of vitreous gel can occur, predisposing the patient to postoperative inflammation, macular oedema, or retinal detachment.
  • It's important that an eye surgeon should assess retinal detachment.
  • Tractional retinal detachment can be managed by vitrectomy.
  • It was not necessary for us to agonise over the state of the retina or retinal vessels through a small undilated pupil.

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