How To Use Rethink In A Sentence

  • As may be imagined, this capture, not so much a fluke as a surprise gave me cause to rethink my fishing plans on the lake.
  • In September, return visitors to an Edinburgh guesthouse said it was time to ‘rethink the three-star rating’, complaining that the linens were ‘soiled’ and the carpet was littered with ‘crumbs and dustballs’.
  • It also has led us to rethink the notion of naturalness and the rock solid expectation this used to lead to, of finding new physics just beyond the electroweak scale. Two cheers for string theory
  • Hossein Aimani, an owner of Paramount, said he uses the term osetra for baerii because "in the last few years that's what the market has done," adding that he might rethink his labeling. NYT > Home Page
  • In the wake of this summit he must rethink these deeply damaging proposals. Times, Sunday Times
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  • It will encourage political parties to rethink their approach to appealing to young people.
  • The Ministry of Home Affairs, also look and rethink over the existing involvement, efficiency, effectivity and also carrying and delivery capacity of chief district officer, who are the chief of district security system, to encounter the state of occlusion. Nepal: Disappearing Security in Occlusion
  • Sometimes a new discovery forces them to rethink their old ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The affair has provoked calls from teachers' unions for a rethink of the tests and the importance they are given in selecting teachers.
  • When Rob and Louise are suddenly both laid off, their wedding plans are put on hold as they find themselves rethinking their entire lives.
  • It's too late to rethink sharing your encounters, cupcake, because you've already done it.
  • Let us try to forethink, to antedate our forgiveness. Unspoken Sermons Third Series
  • We were able to rethink, redesign, repackage, and reposition our products from a viewpoint of how people use particular padlocks and in what contexts they use them.
  • So, as you read this book, challenge yourself to rethink what you have been offered concerning evolution and creationism.
  • New products may require a fundamental rethink of development resources and field staff skills.
  • Rethinking reactive halogen budgets in the midlatitude lower stratosphere. Future changes in ozone in the Arctic
  • This means a radical rethink about ways to deliver care. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hope these suggestions will serve to jump-start the maintenance transformation process and provide a fundamental strategy for rethinking and reengineering Army maintenance.
  • Taken verbally as well as ontologically, then, and directed back into romanticism, Agamben would thus help rethink Wordsworthian imminence as a kind of immanence in its own enunciative right. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • In doing so they will not only be dealing with grief and loss, but also rethinking their own daily living arrangements.
  • We should rethink the present situation before deciding.
  • If you maintain a bootable rescue disk, it may make sense to rethink the system components that should be on it.
  • Chinese legislator criticised the US on Friday for its "ungrounded" demand for faster yuan revaluation and urged the US to rethink its - Business News
  • Don't you understand that when I had my accident it made me rethink what was important to me?
  • The problem is to be a thinking thing; the solution is to revert to a prethinking state, and even - in the most extreme voices in his fiction - to disinvent humanity itself.
  • I think a rethink of the whole franchise is in order.
  • The only closed economy is the world economy, and if a U.S. default drives a rethink of all investment in government debt around the world, the “closed economy” will thrive as limited capital flows to the enterprising instead of the profligate. Learn To Love A U.S. Default
  • The 2022 deadline for nuclear power's phaseout provides ample time for yet another rethink. German U-turn Won't Change Gazprom's Direction
  • Rethinking the school run and other short trips has big implications for the rest of us as well.
  • All of these writers would benefit from rethinking their definitions of a musician; in these books the term is generally limited to signifying singers, songwriters, and bandleaders.
  • Problems that will undoubtedly make him have a rethink about next month's transfer window. The Sun
  • While the Art Gallery of Ontario building was under construction, they were interested in rethinking the way the organisation worked, and how to keep people connected to the institution. Archive 2008-04-01
  • So he has had to rethink his plan to pump out more borrowed cash. The Sun
  • If it prompts rethinking in Beijing it will have served a valuable purpose. Times, Sunday Times
  • How about a radical rethink of the high street branch? Times, Sunday Times
  • A broadway parish councillor is urging his fellow members to rethink a controversial new rule, which he feels limits a villager's opportunity to be heard.
  • Akin to the extension is a complete rethink of the layout of the rooms within the house.
  • These changing conditions led to a major rethinking of the causes of global inequality. Sociology
  • The education minister personally persuaded the prime minister to rethink.
  • How about a radical rethink of the high street branch? Times, Sunday Times
  • The effort, part of a grander scheme known as "Rethink Church," uses "nonchurch language" and "positive land mines" to attract young people by inviting them to look at the faith with fresh eyes, Einstein writes in a forthcoming essay, "The Evolution of Religious Branding. Faiths Ad Campaigns Chase After The Great 'I Am'
  • A serious rethink is required, with ministers appointing and being responsible for the actions of these agencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • When comprehensive schools became the norm there was still no serious attempt to rethink the curriculum or the values incorporated within it.
  • This year's vertiginous drop in the Nasdaq market has caused Shin to rethink its timing, but its preparations are well advanced.
  • But improvements to the GPS mapping and measurement have brought about a rethink. The Sun
  • RethinkingMedia » Blog Archive » “Het ‘artikel’ is niet langer de bouwsteen van de journalistiek” says: The building block of journalism is no longer the article « BuzzMachine
  • We don’t get harmony, but we do get a kind of arching forward — always reaching, pursuing, longing, opening, rethinking. September « 2008 « Bill Ayers
  • Yet there is another story to dirt, one that might encourage us to rethink our suspicion of all things classed as unclean or foreign. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The whole screening programme needs a complete rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • We should rethink the present situation before deciding.
  • In the wake of this summit he must rethink these deeply damaging proposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • In places like Cleveland and Detroit, Donovan is planning what he called a fundamental rethinking of land use. HUD Announces Additional Funds To Fight Foreclosures
  • Levine sold it as a chance to rethink the symphonies from the ground up, rather than simply tack them on to programs as a rehearsal-management technique, which I thought was pretty good spin, at the very least. Archive 2009-02-01
  • In fact, snazzier technology -- say, posting grades or homework assignments on-line -- mostly serves to distract us from rethinking the pedagogy. Alfie Kohn: How to Sell Conservatism: Lesson 1 -- Pretend You're a Reformer
  • The Royal Family must now rethink its attitude to marriage.
  • Norma has been bushwalking for almost 15 years but she says the experience has made her rethink her safety - she'll now carry food and equipment even on the simplest of day walks.
  • Here, Jim explains why the online music business needs a radical rethink.
  • Conservatives, like Labour, have backed away from a fundamental rethink of our centrally maladministered, Stalinist National Health Service.
  • Ultimately any potential investors considering PETE SUMARUCK as a possible recipient of their hard-earned funds will be forced to rethink any notions of trusting such a scurrilous back-alley scallywag, slanderous liar, and unprincipled con-artist with any investments of any sort! Peter Sumaruck II
  • Rarely does a tour reach its climax without some mishap causing a rethink of personnel. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must rethink the way that we do things and focus on the solutions not spin. The Sun
  • Although the Vice President for the Commonwealth is the Principal Vice President, the Vice President for Education, Intelligence, and Research is arguably the most important Vice President, the key figure in rethinking and reinventing and reinvigorating the American body politic. Robert David Steele: Michael Bloomberg, Vice President for Education, Intelligence, & Research -- Creating a Smart Nation
  • On the 60th anniversary of the enactment of the Common Program, it would give edification on improving our constitutional government when we review and rethink this.
  • Should we rethink the enforceability of "clickwrap" agreements? Tortdeform
  • Peddler" could be just what it takes to get the wheels turning on a rethink of gender expectations in commitment, and also a label toward which some men may not want to steer, so instead, put on the breaks. Adam Foldes: 'Spinster'? What About 'Peddler'? A Gender Inequality in Terms of Commitment
  • Either you are going to have to do a major structural rethink or just accept the status quo and muddle on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lesson has certainly helped me rethink my politics and become more pragmatic and realistic in terms of our own struggle.
  • According to the article, the Republican glitterati is rethinking being pro-life and against gay rights because it alienated moderates who are apparently focused on esoteric issues like jobs, health care and education. No convictions a good spanking can't cure...
  • No wonder they are signing the online petition calling on the government to rethink the plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trainer had planned to keep them apart but disruptive weather has prompted a rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trainer had planned to keep them apart but disruptive weather has prompted a rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are a tight group and share everything with each other, but I am beginning to wonder if I should rethink sharing my encounters with them.
  • From a financial standpoint, cooperatives may need to rethink how benefits are paid.
  • But the results have led Mr Simonsohn to rethink the earlier tests of seemingly wrongheaded consumers.
  • Such a rethinking would not necessarily reject outright the possibility that such images represent their subjects through physiognomic likeness.
  • This means a radical rethink about ways to deliver care. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether it's called user innovation, crowdsourcing, or open source, it means drastically rethinking your relationship with your customers.
  • If you come out thinking that Jesus really has wool and hooves because he is called the Lamb of God, you might want to rethink your interpretation of those scriptures. Contend Earnestly
  • We really need to rethink our attitudes and values. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • This rollicking rethink of The Scottish Play gives a laugh-a-minute take on the downfall of a flawed hero and his psychotically ambitious wife.
  • We can rethink shelving and how we present books (we've already interfiled biographies and reference, and pulled out poetry and plays and science experiment books - what more can we do to get books easily into patron hands?), and we can ramp up marketing what's here and what's Coming Soon .... News
  • The shock waves from the EU referendum forced the government to rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • A steeply rising landfill tax is prompting businesses to rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need a complete rethink of personal taxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Problems that will undoubtedly make him have a rethink about next month's transfer window. The Sun
  • In the fall of 1995, another researcher published a study, that challenged obesity researchers to rethink many of their conclusions.
  • He has already supported calls for a rethink of the ownership of Scottish Water and said it should be mutualised.
  • In its simplest form, adaptability is the ability to rethink your plan when pressure renders it ineffective. Why Leaders Fail Under Pressure
  • We might also note and heed the willingness of those whose positions have cost them a great deal to rethink and revise their assumptions in the light of a changing world.
  • Either you are going to have to do a major structural rethink or just accept the status quo and muddle on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boxers attack each other and then one boxer suddenly freezes as he makes contact while the other one steps away, agonizes over their mistake or rethinks a move and then steps back into place just as they both begin to fight again. Michael Giltz: Theater: Not So "Good People," Fine "Timon," Lovely "Nightingale" and No KO for "Beautiful Burnout"
  • John Zhang suggests that showrooming may also prompt some retailers to completely rethink their business model.
  • We really need to rethink our attitudes and values. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • There was no concerted attempt to review its record in government, discuss its mistakes, adjust its philosophical framework and party structure, and rethink its policy agenda.
  • Time for a major rethink? Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps a rethink of the planning process is needed, before towns and villages across Britain are reduced to bland uniformity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the top lawyer in Illinois, State Attorney General Lisa Madigan, says the governor may be rethinking his position.
  • The Catherine Films underscores the need to reconceptualize Canadian national cinema and rethink Canadian film history.
  • The laws of the game really do need a complete rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my opinion we need a radical rethink. The Sun
  • Therefore, the United States and the international community may have to rethink their policies, reorienting them toward Africa in a way that reflects the current security dynamics in the region.
  • Benaroya Cos. expects to spend more than $100 million to build there, but executive Marc Nemirow said the company will have to rethink its plans if state government hands out what he calls a multimillion-dollar subsidy to data centers in another part of the state. The News Tribune Blogs
  • The insurer has also agreed to rethink its pay policy for hiring new executives and consult investors again about executive performance targets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canada said that it might rethink its troop contribution unless the law is repealed. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, if it is to attract local custom, it will have to rethink its strategy.
  • It has prompted a rethink: 'I realised the futility of just striving to earn money. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government needs to rethink its plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps you may want to rethink your casual comment on ‘slinging pejoratives around’ and just how it is relevant to my post.
  • We may need to rethink the way we produce and sell vaccines. An Introduction to Community Health
  • A certain hirsute mutant may want to rethink that next trip to England. Wolverine: Not just a weapon, but an offensive one | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Griffin opposes efforts to rethink his rocket designs or keep the shuttle flying beyond its planned 2010 retirement date. NASA Watch: January 2009 Archives
  • Kniffin adds that he hopes these findings may encourage the consumers of this information to rethink the value of cosmetic surgery, especially if it involves risk.
  • Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft, 1886) is arguably a rethinking of Human, Friedrich Nietzsche
  • A steeply rising landfill tax is prompting businesses to rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is about a big-time rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authorities must also rethink the controversial tactic of "kettling" participants of mass demonstrations, a report by the Home Affairs Committee said.
  • I think we may have to rethink our policies fairly radically.
  • I'm rethinking my lifestyle because of the sad economical situation we are facing.
  • But executives and officials in international energy circles have begun to rethink that calculation following major finds in the Arctic and deep offshore, along with rising speculation about the prospects of "shale oil," an unconventional oil source found in rock-like formations. Oil Found Near French Guiana
  • This indeed I know, that we generally think before on our future actions, and that that forethinking is present, but the action whereof we forethink is not yet, because it is to come. The Confessions
  • Constraints on spending have forced the company to rethink its plans.
  • This view must surely add to growing pressure for a rethink of this process of giving disinterested information to people.
  • A further motive for rethinking organisational structures has been the growing awareness of potential conflict of interest.
  • It is easy to depict them as a complacent gerontocracy immured in its certainties and unwilling to rethink the future.
  • They used to get away with this a lot more. bunning should tell them to rethink thier methods. Think Progress » In Just Over 12 Hours, Romney Goes From Praising To Attacking Obama On Afghanistan
  • They should seize the chance to rethink the challenge and to reformulate the laws so that genuine threats can be fought effectively, and the public reassured, while at the same time basic freedoms are honoured.
  • These changing conditions led to a major rethinking of the causes of global inequality. Sociology
  • Canada said that it might rethink its troop contribution unless the law is repealed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing internal to the republican movement has shifted; there has been no reassessment of its ideology, let alone any critical rethinking of its history.
  • I spent the five-minute break between games gathering my wits and rethinking my strategy for the second half of the match.
  • People power has forced councillors to rethink plans to change school catchment areas and bar scores of pupils from their local comprehensives.
  • Christmas too has been a damp squib for the merchants and businesses as people rethink and re-evaluate their priorities.
  • It urges doctors to rethink a range of subjects, from heterosexist bias in medical education to fertility treatments for subfertile lesbian women.
  • My first reaction was to ask if I could change a few things, like maybe dump or rethink Rogue's biochip buddies, but that wasn't possible - the series was very much supposed as a return rather than another reboot. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Work to reduce the number of properties subject to sewer flooding and protecting customers from the potentially harmful parasite cryptosporidium, have forced the company to rethink its pricing.
  • But the presence of a planet in this triple system has foxed astronomers, causing some to suggest that we need to rethink theories of planetary formation.
  • I'm willing to bet none said - "our customers deserve to get made-to-order vs. our generic models, let's rethink this. 10 posts from September 2009
  • I wonder if the half-empty auditorium on opening night has made him rethink that commitment. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this did not make the company rethink, it would at least give customers enough time to delete all the spam and pop-up adverts hurled at them by other online marketers.
  • We needed a rethink and decided to do a little survey with the public to find out what they actually wanted. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, his work made people rethink old ideas and led to new approaches to the fundamental concepts of space and time.
  • This requires a rethinking of power and reliability options - ones that can sustain operations for extended periods.
  • The tripartite system needs rethinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • A steeply rising landfill tax is prompting businesses to rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • And his new book, "A Death in Belmont," in stores April 18, ought to make skep-tics give the guy a rethink. A Killer in the House
  • In this way we can remember, rethink, reassess, and importantly, celebrate its long history.
  • This rethinking is inevitable, even if political reflexes die slowly. Stephen Kent: Undead on Arrival: Why Payroll Tax Cuts Keep Coming Back -- Part 1
  • We urge the Government to rethink its proposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • We urge the Government to rethink its proposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Agmatine-conjugated cytidine in a tRNA anticodon is essential for AUA decoding in archaea Rethinking screening Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Thirdly, politicians and managers must rethink organisational roles, nurturing the principle of subsidiarity.
  • It is important that we rethink the roles and missions of the Guard and reorient them towards being more helpful and fuller partners in this effort of providing homeland security.
  • Chinese legislator criticised the US on Friday for its "ungrounded" demand for faster yuan revaluation and urged the US to rethink its currency policies, alleging a campaign of defamation as relations between the two giant powers - Articles related to Bharti shares rise on Zain Africa deal hopes
  • Moreover, I hope to show that this rethinking is an enterprise to which Wordsworth himself, as well as other romantic-era writers, contributes. Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
  • The education minister personally persuaded the prime minister to rethink.
  • Usually when a minister's backbench committee opposes or has serious concerns about a plan, it triggers a rethink.
  • He is rethinking the monarchist idea of security.
  • But it still took two shocks for DC Comics to rethink the Robin costume from the bottom up. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Heads of Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) and the Cairns Mayor announced yesterday that Cairns is actively rethinking, repositing and redeveloping efforts to strengthen its already recovering tourism.
  • Ohio, too, has begun rethinking is voter-based system. Sandra Day O'Connor takes on new initiative
  • The whole screening programme needs a complete rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government should take its next step by rethinking and reviewing its policies.
  • We need to rethink our public policy. Christianity Today
  • Moorcroft's appeal to the minister follows a call he made last week for a halt to the prospecting, as well as a rethink on a proposed tollroad through the area, which green organisations say is being built to serve a future minesite. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • From this she can review how much she needs to be saving and whether this is affordable, or if she needs to rethink her plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is now serious talk of a rethink of all core products, even removing the salt from the company's trademark skinny fries.
  • He has assembled an enviable client list, working for a number of large American cities on rethinking how to approach downtowns.
  • Meanwhile, Agnes begins to rethink her decision while visiting the handsome doctor in his splendid Venetian mansion.
  • This uncertainty has led the International Air Transport Association to plead on behalf of its members for Europe's government to rethink policy on shutting airspace.
  • We are as much in need of critical purchase on the medical imaging that creates our illusion of the real body we inhabit as we are of ways to rethink documentary photography or graphic design.
  • The restoration came just in time, as the sea trout crisis forced a serious rethink for the business.
  • This is about a big-time rethink. Times, Sunday Times
  • And anon he would have entered, but a voice said, Flee, Sir Lancelot, and enter not, for and if thou enter thou shalt forethink it. Studies from Court and Cloister: being essays, historical and literary dealing mainly with subjects relating to the XVIth and XVIIth centuries
  • The government should rethink this new and unhelpful requirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the authority may now be forced to rethink its controversial policy aimed at stopping wealthy incomers buying holiday and retirement homes in the county.
  • This awful case must force a rethink of the science and procedure. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the traditional licensing arrangement is undergoing a major rethink.
  • You may live to forethink [regret] the setting of her up, if it were so," was all he said. Robin Tremayne A Story of the Marian Persecution
  • From a financial standpoint, cooperatives may need to rethink how benefits are paid.
  • From this she can review how much she needs to be saving and whether this is affordable, or if she needs to rethink her plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can't even exemplify how many times I had to go back and resketch and rethink ideas," he said. The Daily Evergreen News Feed
  • Korean developed a nominative case marker out of a demonstrative in parallel fashion (see López-Couso/Seoane, Rethinking grammaticalization: New perspectives (2008), p.242). Nipping the PIE ergative *-s theory right in the bud
  • Maybe you will rethink your ungratefulness in death.
  • Rethinking these three treatments related to the canon of memory creates a space in which to begin reimagining it.
  • Nay, said Gawaine, ye shall not but if I be beat; it shall not forethink me then if ye go after me. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • It is about now that you may need to rethink your hairstyle and make-up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps only by attacking the dominant ideology can it be transformed since action groups may stimulate a rethinking of the situation.
  • Time for a major rethink? Times, Sunday Times
  • Rail passengers travelling between Adlington and Blackrod may have to rethink their journeys after alterations to train timetables.
  • If accurate, this new view of galactic demography might force astronomers to rethink the fundamentals of galaxy formation.
  • 'Progressive austerity' won't allow us space to rethink our ideas; it will just make life miserable for lots of people in the UK, make life even more miserable for people in other parts of the world, and wage wars to restoke its engines. DJ Alchemi
  • Jamie Dimon : JP-Morgan-Chef ist begeistert vom Euro - Unternehmen - Banken + Versicherungen - Jamie Dimon, Bernie Madoff and the public safety - Steve Denning - RETHINK - Forbes SitandStay 0 minute ago 9:38 AM Jamie Dimon, CEO Chase is calling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the biggest disasters? The Full Feed from
  • MPs and town halls called for a rethink of the overhaul. Times, Sunday Times
  • We all needed to rethink or unthink the moments of silence we had been curating. When We Stopped Sound
  • MPs and town halls called for a rethink of the overhaul. Times, Sunday Times
  • We strongly urge the UK government to rethink its decision to severely cut the funding for the BBC World Service to enable the continued transmissions of BBC Hindi on short-wave radio. Letters: BBC Hindi still offers vital service
  • Instead we should rethink our academic planning and evaluation process.
  • Secondly, progressives should perhaps rethink their own disdain for service-based outreach programs.
  • The education minister personally persuaded the prime minister to rethink.
  • We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.

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