How To Use Retarded In A Sentence
In ways often too subtle to be conscious but sometimes overt, I believe, blacks remain devalued in American schools, where, for example, a recent national survey shows that through high school they are still more than twice as likely as white children to receive corporal punishment, be suspended from school, or be labeled mentally retarded.
Race and the Schooling of Black Americans
They managed to shift about half of the mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed patients to homes and less restrictive programs.
Basically, most things that we can tax in this way have clearly defined negative externalities (you know, 1: 1,000,000 kids go retarded for each barrel of toxic sludge, so you slap a cost on that and pass it on to the guy who makes the sludge), and a clearly definite positive internality.
Matthew Yglesias » The Case for Booze Taxes
The only place at school where Hope felt secure was the special-ed classroom, where she helped the retarded kids learn their reading and math.
And “retard” is a pejorative term used to dehumanize the mentally retarded.
Matthew Yglesias » Does Anybody Know How to Do Development?
![Enhance Your English Writing Skills](/english/assets/img/content/banners/Frame40233.png)
The imperialists are a bit mentally retarded but they will have to learn what the use has been of their 20 years of hostility and struggle against us.
He was also an adolescent with retarded social development, a Peter Pan who never grew up.
Jason, of course, prefers the "all-dressed" variety, which does not even exist in this retarded city.
Archive 2007-01-01
But the strategy we have to use in stopping them is shaming and brow-beating the fat, retarded knuckle-draggers who buy every single issue of the "Summer Event".
Is Marvel preparing for a ‘Siege of Asgard’? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
Probably because you haven’t entered the discussion – you just re-posted a smashed-together list of right-wing Israel justifications sans the really overt religious and racist ones, and posted it in haphazard fashion more akin to a retarded spambot than an actual person.
Matthew Yglesias » Ehud Barak: Peace or Apartheid
This paper introduced the preparation methods , application and flame - retarded mechanism of Resorcinol bis ( diphenyl phosphate ) ( RDP ).
This has resulted in the nation losing a lot money as funds continue being spent on the same projects and in this way progress is retarded.
The real test should always be “is the life meaningful” - its the same calculous we apply when we say giving mice cancer to test cosmetics is ok, but euthanizing retarded children is not.
Think Progress » Why Krauthammer Doesn’t Get It
He also showed that the toxin-antitoxin reaction is, as chemical reactions are, accelerated by heat and retarded by cold and that the content of antitoxin in antitoxic sera varied so much for various reasons that it was necessary to establish a standard by which their antitoxin content could be exactly measured.
Paul Ehrlich - Biography
Avelanch on May 16, 2008 bulma would look retarded with blue hair, stephen chow has nothing to do with this movie, it was a rumor, krillin is not in this movie either. dre on May 16, 2008
First Look: Justin Chatwin as Goku in Dragonball «
It says that the company razed forests, polluted rivers, retarded crop growth and caused birth defects.
It is possible that they have been far-seeing rather than retarded.
Thornton also stars as a mildly retarded man who returns to his hometown after 25 years in a mental institution.
Could you do me a favor and add to that list: McLame, RePUGlican, McBush, Libtard, and all the other retarded, unfunny, and not even close to clever two-word amalgamations that seem to infest digg comments? Stories / Popular
He spoke loudly and slowly, as if talking to someone mentally retarded.
Spike lee is a racist idiot who makes boring terrible movies with the exception of he got game. judd apatow should be upset that spike lees name was even mentioned in the same breath as his. spike lee is about as good of a director as micheal bay and he looks like a slightly less retarded version of beetlejuice on the howard stern show
Quote: Don’t Put Spike Lee Next to Judd Apatow | /Film
Event 2: We say homosexuality is a variant sexuality which does no intrinsic harm to the consenting adults that practice it or anyone else outwith their relationship, rejecting in no uncertain terms your arrant presumption that you have the privilege to impose your morés on us -- or anyone else, for that matter -- and criticising your judgementalism as ethically retarded.
An Open Letter to John C. Wright
Separating motor from pedestrian traffic was more than somewhat retarded.
Anyone recall the dustup that occured when Ted Rall did the comic comparing the boy king to a mentally retarded person?
Think Progress » Bush: Americans Sacrifice ‘Peace Of Mind When They See The Terrible Image’ Of War On TV
Defenseless, management and palsy crotalidae from new persuader, new retarded and thracian were ortygan and hydrarthrosis waterdog, the new horde committeewoman graphical.
Rational Review
Rose is delphically self-absorbed and to Harold's horror seems to be banal, almost retardedRose is on the way to being one of Beryl Bainbridge's greatest creations.
The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress by Beryl Bainbridge – review
I don't mean that he's crazy, but just kind of what they call challenged, which I guess must mean just this side of retarded.
Think being nobody's easy? Try it with the lights out.
The upper container should be wide enough, for a given quantity of coffee, as to allow an unretarded flow, and the more openings the strainer contains the better.
All About Coffee
There were no smock-frocks, even among the country folk; they retarded motion, and were apt to catch on machinery, and so the habit of wearing them had died out.
As it deals with the retarded it's got a plus going for it already, but the whole tone here seems not quite as desperate and forced as the actual show.
Yet the good ship ploughed straight on, unretarded by wind or wave, towards the straits of
Around the World in 80 Days
i read the cnn website everyday and theres is articles about the president killing a fly or wear a red shirt this has to stop. i live in canada and do u think i really care when stephen harper uses the washroom at a mcdonalds please stop wasting your time on these retarded obama updates on his attempts of having a lilttle bit of normalicy in his life ....
Obama and daughters visit frozen custard shop
Billy, when the dismal thing had dragged its way through the final note, sat "down front," crying softly in the semi-darkness while she was waiting for Alice Greggory to "run it through just once more" with a pair of tired-faced, fluffy-skirted fairies who could _not_ learn that a duet meant a _duet_ -- not two solos, independently hurried or retarded as one's fancy for the moment dictated.
Miss Billy's Decision
And you'll probably hear her diagnosis, that she's profoundly mentally retarded, and has cerebral palsy and kyphoscoliosis and epilepsy.
News & Features from Minnesota Public Radio
RPI is a retarded step-child with severe head trauma.
The Volokh Conspiracy » We Got Screwed!
The latest developments of - halogen and - phosphorous flame - retarded epoxy resin for printed circuit boards were introduced.
Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development.
The same can be true of anyone who slips and uses the term retard or retarded.
Gribbit's Word
You know, ... switching from the members being 'retarded'to 'acronymically challenged' is how Itook it.
Rudy's New SC Co-Chair Has History Of "Racially Charged" Remarks
Maybe they find it easier to act retarded than actually help the retarded.
The implication is that Britain's economic performance is retarded by an anti-industrial culture.
The study included heparinised peripheral blood from an individual with der (7) t (Y,7) and both parents; a mentally retarded patient with der (5) (pter - > q21:: q23 - > q21:: q21 - > qter) and 10 healthy individuals, as well as unstimulated bone-marrow samples from an AML patient, and Epstein-Barr-virus-immortalized lymphoblastoid cell lines established from EDTA-treated blood and biopsy samples derived from swages of upper arm skin from the 10 healthy individuals.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Reflective thinking is not beyond the capacity of any but the most severely mentally retarded.
the basic structure of pricing in verizon gets me. their v-cast network is simply retarded.
Round 36: DeBeers vs Verizon - The Consumerist
It is probable that the wind which retarded the progress of Cook was a north-eastern wind of a changeable nature.
The western literature reveals much research work in the field of semantic processing on mentally retarded children.
It is probable that the wind which retarded the progress of Cook was a north-eastern wind of a changeable nature.
providing a secure and sometimes happy life for the retarded
August 2, 2008 at 2:11 pm yew can haz unretarded place tew go?
Elderly kitteh… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
She suffers from cerebral palsy and because she could not communicate, doctors at first believed she might be mentally retarded.
He revealed to the press that his son was mentally retarded and asserted that he was incapable of committing such a crime.
If an eremurus appears too soon above ground, it is well just to cover it over with loose litter of some sort, so that it may not be nipped by spring frosts; and one experienced grower has said that it answers to lift them after blossoming, and to keep them out of the ground for a few weeks, so that they may be sufficiently retarded.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
He doesn't do anything interesting or unique with Sam - it's a by-the-book portrayal of a retarded individual.
I may be somewhat easy, but I am not without a modicum of self respect. watch me as I choose to sleep with an uneducated redneck over you, simply on the grounds that he's too much of a gentleman to say such things in my general vicinity. that in itself makes the 30-minute drive a non-issue. your pool table and your parents 'money do nothing for me the way his shitty crack shack does. silly little fuckwit. speaking of fuckwits, isn't it funny how WRITING the word fuckwit is so much more funny than SAYING it? go on! say it! isn't it weird and retarded? ps: the funk is gone.
Dragonwench Diary Entry
Event 2: We say homosexuality is a variant sexuality which does no intrinsic harm to the consenting adults that practice it or anyone else outwith their relationship, rejecting in no uncertain terms your arrant presumption that you have the privilege to impose your morés on us -- or anyone else, for that matter -- and criticising your judgementalism as ethically retarded.
An Open Letter to John C. Wright
Zinc deficiency in pregnant women causes abnormal labour, retarded fetal growth, and fetal abnormalities.
It takes them a little while to find an unretarded headline.
Obama: "I Strongly Stand By My Plan To End This War"
Lennie is a loveable, but mentally retarded giant, who does not know his own strength and unwittingly kills the animals he loves to pet.
They included the emotionally disturbed, the retarded and the neurologically damaged.
Economic development was retarded by over-dependence on the British Treasury and by over-reliance on declining traditional industries.
I listen to some songs which r retarded if i might say cos of the beats, but the words dnt dictate my actions and what i do. and its because i know the meaning of morality.
What are the Children Listening to?
But seriously, I think the word retarded could verge into pigstick territory, so let's avoid it like a deadly disease.
"I didn't hesitate, no," Sarah Palin told Charlie Gibson.
Despite all this it must be remembered that the Indian farmer-and 90% of India's population are farmers-is the most conservative in the world, and his betterment is retarded by the hostile propaganda of Indian agitators.
The Political Situation in India
The dashpot is used to denote the retarded nature of the response of a material to any applied stress.
The swabby who had spilled the bucket of dregs on him was clearly retarded.
Wizard and Glass
Let me show you that all men aren't as cruel and immature as your retarded merchant banker.
In the first nine issues we've already had Batman ask Robin if he was retarded, The Joker strangling a woman he's just had sex with, Wonder Woman calling a passerby a "sperm bank," Batman and Black Canary having illicit sex on a filthy dock after just meeting.
Every Day Is Like Wednesday
People like "rain man" and Daniel, mentally retarded while owning amazing genius at something else, are called "Idiot Savant" or "Idiot Genius", namely "Autistic Savant".
The heavy rain retarded our progress.
He was so slow that many thought him mentally retarded.
The plot turns on the importance of this retarded kid.
The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded
The development of Persian walnut (Juglans regia) is seriously retarded by the dry-rot disease in Hunan and other areas.
They managed to shift about half of the mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed patients to homes and less restrictive programs.
Longuet regards the condition of the blood in leukemia as the cause of such priapism, and considers that the circulation of the blood is retarded in the smaller vessels, while, owing to the great increase in the number of white corpuscles, thrombi are formed.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
In the end, it's hard to tell if Moving Malcolm is a botched look at the pain of love, the gravity of death, or the bonds created by a retarded family member.
She suffers from cerebral palsy and because she could not communicate, doctors at first believed she might be mentally retarded.
The popularity of a connectionist only approach has retarded research into intelligence.
Need to integrate different approaches to AI (Minsky)
Anyone who listens to this nutjob is seriously retarded.
Palin warns of 'Second Holocaust' if Iran gains nuclear weapons
'60s converged to support the picture of a leading, more highly evolved and intellectual left hemisphere and a relatively retarded right hemisphere that by contrast, in the typical righthander brain, is not only mute and agraphic but also dyslexic, word-deaf and apraxic, and lacking generally in higher cognitive function.
Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
If your "boomin' system" is so loud that I can feel the bass shaking the foundation of my building and discern every other nuance of the song you're playing with the windows of my apartment closed, how retarded and unable to properly drive is that volume making you, inside your car?
The lack of a rail link retarded the town's development.
This is guided to the submarine position where it drops a parachute-retarded torpedo, or depth charge, from a height of 400 feet.
The lack of a rail link retarded the town's development.
A kind of chromium gel system of retarded crosslinking made of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide(HPAM), sodium bichromate and organic reductant sulfocarbamide was investigated.
The low viscosity and enhanced molecular mobility in the rubbery or liquid state would permit certain deteriorative reactions to proceed rapidly, which are otherwise retarded in the glassy state.
The crisis of the 18th Fructidor, which retarded for three years the extinction of the pentarchy, presents one of the most remarkable events of its short existence.
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
Male orgasmic disorder during intercourse may be called “retarded ejaculation” or “male coital anorgasmia.”
Great Sex for Moms
It was a fall of about a kilometer, and in this low gravity it was quite safe to make the drop unretarded.
Reach For Tomorrow
As shown in Fig. 3, both oligonucleotides were able to bind F9 proteins and to produce retarded complexes.
By taking more than half of the area out of the Northern Territory, the main job-generating industries of the Territory, mining and pastoralism, have been seriously retarded.
Moreover, the issue of mentally retarded suspects waiving their rights raised important constitutional questions.
The response at longer wavelengths was also different in that it displayed a threshold, temperature coefficient of 2 and caused retarded growth and other sublethal effects.
I heard a rumor about a Fight Club musical awhile back, but, like Colin Hanks, it sounded retarded so I ignored it.
Legal injustice is not uncommon in the court of justice, and miscarriage of justice has retarded the dispensation of true justice. Dr T.P.Chia
They could talk together plainly, baldly, a talk ungarnished and unretarded by deferences on the one side and on the other a kindness apt to become excessive in its anxiety not to appear to condescend.
The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight
In other words, her skills have retarded into that of one unfit to practice such arts, though she herself is unaware of this retrogression.
Many of the children are severely retarded.
Asking Mr. Griggs for directions in the hall, and not understanding his mushmouthed answer, and having him say "git outta here bwoy, 'ryou retarded?
General erections
(Which can lead to convulsions, and can leave the child deaf or mentally retarded.) "Complications from mumps infection can include meningitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord), orchitis (swelling of the testicles), oophoritis
"BANPC" via James Bow in Google Reader
Calling an act "retarded" is itself an act redware
Gov. Palin Hits Back On Special Olympics Wisecrack - Dan_McLaughlin’s blog - RedState
The heavy rain retarded our progress.
Mortality rates dropped with the control of such contagions as smallpox, but tuberculosis continued to be a major problem that retarded population growth.
On Tuesday night, O'Connor noted that recent decisions striking down Texas 'antisodomy law and holding that executions of the mentally retarded violated the constitution cited as support foreign laws against both practices.
The Rule of Reason
Feedback is currently being used in a trial of early versus delayed delivery for preterm, growth retarded fetuses.
The time, however, varies greatly, as in some cases the motion ceases almost as soon as the spore is liberated, while in open water, unretarded by the cover glass or other obstacles, its movements have been seen to continue for over two hours.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
On the other hand, a mildly retarded man who understands one simple thing can become a millionaire, with all attendent benefits.
Hayek and Anti-capitalist Intellectuals, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
His findings are clear: frogs, who exhibit the same reproductive hormone vulnerability as humans, experience retarded gonadal development and hermaphroditism when exposed to low levels of atrazine.
Timothy LaSalle: Thirsting for Truth: No "Safe" Level of Atrazine
Reflective thinking is not beyond the capacity of any but the most severely mentally retarded.
he started a school for the retarded
If I weren't shy, I'd fight to get my emotionally retarded boy back.
After all, it was only last October when her almost son-in-law Levi Johnston appeared on network television and revealed that Sarah Palin joked about her son Trig’s Down Syndrome, calling him her “retarded baby.”
Think Progress » Will Sarah Palin call on Rush Limbaugh to apologize for saying liberal activists are ‘retards’?
Now, it wasn't that Tim had any problems with his physical appearance, nor was he mentally retarded in any way.
Seventeen in years, in the down upon his face and in growth unretarded by any great nervosity of system, his vacuity of face was not that of childhood, but rather as if his light eyes were peering out from some hinterland and wanting so terribly and so dumbly to communicate what they beheld to brain-cells closed against himself.
Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
We must not be misled by the term retardation to suppose it means behind time, for a retarded body is before time.
Recreations in Astronomy With Directions for Practical Experiments and Telescopic Work
Trying to protect retarded girls against sexual abuse, and undesirable pregnancy, and at the same time respect the girls rights, can be difficult.
Chapter 6
The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery.
I like worthless, as the pinche, what the English called the scullery maid, was quite often a retarded girl (or sometimes boy) that did the lowest, dirtiest sorts of jobs in the kitchen and was often referred to (in English) as that worthless girl or boy.
Flowers in the Desert
This paper describes the behavior of nutritionally deprived children, and findings indicate retarded physical and mental growth.
Let me show you that all men aren't as cruel and immature as your retarded merchant banker.
Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development.
Apparently this Sebastian's was in a good location, but doing horribly because the owner a really retarded-looking, stubborn guy that mistreated, for certain, his staff was fixated on this crazy menu concept of his of 20 combinable flavors.
Food and Drink
developmentally retarded
It is this half advanced field of the charged particles of the absorber which is added to the half retarded field of the source.
Backward Causation
That retarded kid is the reason the rotter was a problem in the first place!
The next it is two sisters in Rhode Island who run a summer camp for mentally retarded children.
He told the court that if a mentally retarded suspect was not competent to waive his rights, then the jury should not be allowed to hear the testimony of Russell.
She was blond, very thin, about 4 feet high, and obviously retarded.
Also having a dystonic reaction and actually having dystonia are significantly different .... its like comparing not being very smart and being retarded .....
Of course, like any broad, she takes off until the flab is run off the love-handles, but remember that it was the ship Jenny that got the real one to come around, and considering what it went through at the hands of a mildly-retarded man-child (the fucking thing went through a dock for Chrissakes), that it floated around long enough to produce anything is amazing.
Top 10 Coolest Boats in Movie History » Scene-Stealers
In its early stages the literary and humanistic preoccupations and the conviction of the vast superi - ority of antiquity to anything offered by the medievals no doubt led to the neglect of some interesting medie - val inquiries e.g., those into “uniform difform” (uni - formly accelerated) motions just as the logical, cosmo - logical, and theological preoccupations of the thirteenth century had probably retarded a literary renascence.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
I never heard nothing from them, no tea/cocain parties and Glen beck was either a mute or just plain retarded then.
Pawlenty slams Dems on 'reckless' spending
It is true, the populace retained themselves; but there arose a perpetual hum and bustle from the throng round the palace, which added to the noise of fireworks, the frequent explosion of arms, the tramp to and fro of horsemen and carriages, to which effervescence he was the focus, retarded his recovery.
There certainly are all three here, but nowhere on earth has such a high concentration of said people as in "the good ol' U S of A" uttered with a generous dallop of midly-retarded sounding Texas twang with slide-guitar accompaniment.
Musings of a Drunken Monk: Joy and Heartbreak ... a List
Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development.
delinquents retarded by their negative outlook on life
I like to refer to the tuque as the “giant retarded woolen foreskin” of the hat world
After the pre-treatment of the gel, it is autoradiographed and the retarded band is cut from the gel and placed in an eppendorf tube.
BTW, what did Burgess do, read that issue of Preacher where they had they retarded hillybilly inbred hicks that were supposed to be the untainted line of Jesus, and have a brainfart idea for a movie?
Such a pity that BARBARA's friends have become retarded - I can't see any other reason why someone wouldn't understand LOST, the greatest tv show ever kimmer Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 07: 06 AM EST
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
The programme offers intermediate care for the mentally retarded.
From now on, instead of saying "retard" or "that's so retarded," I'm going to say "leotard" and "that's so leotarded." emphasis mine I won't be mocking the mentally challenged, just the physically gifted.
Archive 2009-04-01
The occupations of Bonaparte and the necessity of obtaining a more solid footing in Egypt retarded for the moment the invasion of that pashalic, which provoked vengeance by its barbarities, besides being a dangerous neighbour.
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
Charging that the General Assembly of Illinois, as well as those of the other states, contain antagonistic elements which have retarded progress at the state level, the report recited how the labour movement, more and more, carries its appeals to the federal government.
The Contemporary American StateFederal System
Disintegration of solid forms may be retarded by excessive pressure applied during the tableting procedure or by special coatings applied to protect the tablet from the digestive processes of the gut.
Am I so socially retarded that I can't have some decent friends?
Why anyone would think two average, humbly dressed guys traveling ON FOOT, with instruments, would be nobility is absolutely retarded.
I Can Haz Better Stories Pls?
Twats like him would only be happy if it was abolished - Patton may be a Tory but he is infinitely preferable to swivel-eyed nutjobs such as Redwood and his coterie of retarded swamp-dwellers.
Hunt sends BBC Trust choice to No 10 as Tory right lobby against Patten
Let me show you that all men aren't as cruel and immature as your retarded merchant banker.
Abel was driven to terminate his misery in a way which the unfixedness of his religious opinions rather accelerated than retarded.
The Borough
The heavy rain retarded our arrival by seventy minutes.
At the school for retarded children, we see one: she has bedecked herself with assorted dolls as elegantly as a young society matron in sable furs.
Jan Herman: Because You Never Heard of Him...
Nearly half of this country's children are suffering from such severe hunger that their physical and mental development is being seriously retarded.
The title chapter "The Brothel Boy" is obviously meant to attract attention and titillate the reader, but it is a very closely reasoned account of a retarded boy in Burma in the 1920's who had been produced and sheltered in a brothel.
Regaining new stable equilibrium he rose uninjured though concussed by the impact, raised the latch of the area door by the exertion of force at its freely moving flange and by leverage of the first kind applied at its fulcrum, gained retarded access to the kitchen through the subadjacent scullery, ignited a lucifer match by friction, set free inflammable coal gas by turningon the ventcock, lit a high flame which, by regulating, he reduced to quiescent candescence and lit finally a portable candle.
If the ignition timing is retarded, the engine will not burn the fuel efficiently.
BOB DOUGHTY: Ms. Shriver also opened a summer camp that was free of cost for mentally retarded children.
As "impolitical" pointed out back here, some of the more retarded conservative pundits have decided to make this a "free speech" issue:
Archive 2008-04-01
Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development.
Infantilise it as the "Inner Child" of the self-help charlatans though, idealise it in a sexually-retarded prepubescence, project that unreturnable infancy onto an unattainable other, and you're asking for the trouble that comes to Barrie's Pan or Sinisalo's Angel.
Poland Won, Bad Points Nil
The child, become an object of anxious solicitude, is usually restrained from the more hardy play of his young neighbors, and a retarded physical development is the result.
The Social Disability of the Jew
I'm waiting for the first retarded wanker to drop by, screeching, Hey, you didn't spell 'prorogue' correctly, that's why you couldn't find it!
I'm just sayin'.
Clinic, a primary epithelioma of the trachea was retarded for 2 years by the use of radium applied by Dr. William S. Newcomet, radium-therapist, and Miss Katherine E. S.haeffer, technician.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
What I may have underestimated is the media's retarded thirst for just such a thing to happen.
GreenCine Daily: Obama goes to the movies.
The heavy rain retarded our progress.
Flexible insulating sleeving. Part 3 : specifications for individual types of sleeving. Sheet 233 : heat-shrinkable fluoroelastomer sleeving, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1.
For then and only then human welfare, unretarded by monstrous misconceptions of human nature, by vicious ethics, vicious economics and vicious politics, will advance peacefully, continuously, and rapidly, under the leadership of human engineering, happily and without fear, in accord with the exponential law — the _natural_ law — of the time-binding energies of Man.
Manhood of Humanity.