How To Use Retaliate In A Sentence
PETA have retaliated by emailing the banned advert to hundreds of radio stations nationwide.
A brief silence followed, in which she tried to retaliate with a clever comeback and he frowned angrily at the ground.
They listened, with eager attention, to the complaints of their captive children, who had suffered the most cruel indignities from the lustful or angry passions of their masters, and the same cruelties, the same indignities, were severely retaliated on the sons and daughters of the
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
He robustly retaliates with the view that nothing is off limits in the defeat of fascism.
If we impose import duties, other countries may retaliate against us.

If you are rude to me, I shall retaliate with equal rudeness.
Rather than rewarding whistleblowers who had been punished for their good deeds, Obama has signing statemented away constraints on his power to retaliate against whistleblowers by firing them.
Six Months of Immunity
I paused to give him a chance to retaliate with something equally sarcastic, but nothing was forthcoming.
In a speech introducing his formal trade strategy Tuesday, Mr. De Gucht said the EU would use its leverage as the world ' s largest economic bloc to " retaliate " against countries with closed public-contracts markets.
EU Seeks to Crack Bidding In Beijing
I paused to give him a chance to retaliate with something equally sarcastic, but nothing was forthcoming.
If we impose import duties, other countries may retaliate against us.
Wet Bank Guy "retaliated", sort of, with a jib jab video and Adrastos offered up a Barbie Doll advertisement, and ... well, Greg all but declared an early victory.
Your Right Hand Thief
AVITAL LEIBOVICH, ISRAELI ARMY SPOKESWOMAN: According to the initial investigation with the Southern Command, we understand that from the school yard there was fire towards Israeli -- towards IDF sources really -- and we retaliated with fire.
CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2009
UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.
The terrorists retaliated against the government with a bomb attack.
If we raise our import duties on their goods, they may retaliate against us.
I have been told in so many words that if a former teammate gets checked, then that player will retaliate.
I paused to give him a chance to retaliate with something equally sarcastic, but nothing was forthcoming.
The other guards quickly jumped to attention and retaliated with counter-fire.
I had expected them to immediately retaliate with nasty comments.
However, attempting to retaliate is either futile or dangerous ethically due to c.
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All nine were hospital after ruling party supporters "retaliated" to the fliers, a spokesman said.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Now we're into a subtlety of the baseball code: Did Morgan "retaliate" by stealing the bases?
Men behaving badly
Bismarck was constantly criticised by the more liberal newspapers, and he retaliated by passing an emergency decree that effectually muzzled the press
Stupidly, without calculation, she was seized by the need to retaliate.
On television this sort of thing is enormously effective in demoralizing the innocent and well-mannered who, acting in good faith, do not lie or make personal insults, Buckley has made many honorable men look dishonest fools by his demagoguery, and by the time they recover from his first assault and are ready to retaliate, the program is over.
R_urell: William F. Buckley: Father of Modern "Conservatism"
The Democrats likely would retaliate by filibustering all Republican bills.
Though I'd have to make sure I killed him with the first blow, because he'd batter me senseless if he got a chance to retaliate.
Nor was a desire to retaliate for the Triple Intervention of 1895 totally absent.
He had authorisation from the military command to retaliate.
His opponents retaliated by having the optimate tribune T. Annius Milo organize his own band of thugs.
B. Military Dynasts and Civil Wars
I'm allergic to dust, which is a good reason to not disturb it; it makes it angry, and then it retaliates on me.
The Justice Department also said Garland "retaliated" against a naturalized U.S. citizen who has limited English skills by rescinding his job offer after he failed to produce a green card, which proves lawful U.S. residency for non-citizens.
Policing Illegal Hires Puts Some Employers in a Bind
If he spits in the face of deeply held Labour beliefs, he must not be surprised if offended party members retaliate.
MAJOR AVITAL LEIBOVICH, SPOKESWOMAN, ISRAELI DEFENSE FORCES: According to our initial investigation with the Southern Command, we understand that, from the schoolyard, there was fire towards Israeli -- towards IDF sources, really, and we retaliated with fire.
CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2009
Cousins retaliated, which is never good, but I do not blame him.
Sergei Brylin retaliated and was penalized for interference at
National Hockey League - Devils vs. Avalanche
And Gertrude retaliates in kind when she punningly and pithily retorts: ‘We shall as soon get a fart from a dead man as a farthing of courtesy here.’
The lower ranking officer retaliates by slapping the foot solider next to him.
Nor was a desire to retaliate for the Triple Intervention of 1895 totally absent.
She felt a needle of annoyance goading her to retaliate.
Unhappy with the clean hit, Brylin retaliated and was assessed a penalty. - Keys to Game 2
For several minutes he ducked and dived under knife thrusts, but he was tiring fast and couldn't see how he could seriously retaliate, short of disarming the man.
The sadistic Whalen retaliates by sending them to the "" Klondike, '' his freezingly ironic name for the prison basement, where he raises the temperature to 150 degrees.
The Iron Menagerie
If you are rude to me, I shall retaliate with equal rudeness.
The papacy did not respond well to this criticism of Hadrian, and Leo retaliated sharply in 798.
The government often retaliates with military operations and air strikes.
If you run into trouble with UN or domestic, flash ID; with the element, retaliate reasonably.
The unbending Presbyterian Scots, refusing to set foot in a pub, retaliated by building the stern little post office that still stands on the opposite corner.
Mar decided to retaliate by raising the standard for the house of Stuart.
But if the U.S. ratchets up the pressure with more protectionist moves, Beijing may retaliate with higher tariffs of its own.
Before he had time to retaliate or respond, she picked up her tray and retreated towards the door that led to the kitchen.
I think the reason kids are told not to snitch is because they will be retaliated against.
Live Blog from the Anchor Desk 10/01/09
Dupree slapped Jericho, and Jericho retaliated with punches, elbows and chops.
The dragon retaliated with flames and dark magic, easily outmatching them despite its wounds.
He is reported to have pelted two stones at his relative, who retaliated by stabbing him.
If one person defects, harming the environment and thus the interests of others, then a common way for fellow players to retaliate is to defect as well.
Society, to be sure, does not like this very well; it saith, Whoso goes to walk alone, accuses the whole world; he declareth all to be unfit to be his companions; it is very uncivil, nay, insulting; Society will retaliate.
Richard Geldard: In This Other America
The British government retaliated by breaking off diplomatic relations.
Tuilagi got to his feet to make a point, Courtney Lawes barged in and as several players arrived, Wood punched Murphy, who retaliated and it took 30 seconds for the officials to assert control.
Northampton and Leicester punch drunk as the bad blood remains
In the formulation presented here, if a firm cheats on a scheme to restrict output, the cheating is detected after one period of cheating, and other firms retaliate immediately.
The British government retaliated by breaking off diplomatic relations.
But they never pretended to hold the region thus ravaged; it was sack, burn, plunder, and away; and these desolating inroads were retaliated in kind by the Moorish cavaliers, whose greatest delight was a "tala," or predatory incursion, into the Christian territories beyond the mountains.
Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada
Hillary said she would "retaliate" (after finding out who was responsible) and got great accolades.
Election Central Sunday Roundup
I opened my mouth to retaliate, but the comeback would not leave my tongue.
If you run into trouble with UN or domestic, flash ID; with the element, retaliate reasonably.
Prepared in the sense that a nation held hostage by dictatorship could possibly be freed, but only free for a brief moment in thought by North Korean citizens of the death of a man who symbolized a reign of control so frigid and strong, no assemblance of the persecuted could rise and retaliate?
Missing Kim Jong Il raises health questions
Shaking the snow from his hair, Devon immediately moved to retaliate, bombarding Max with amazingly well aimed snowballs until he took refuge behind his father.
The five retaliated, attacking with their weapons and powers.
Often enough, unfortunately, such a defender of an expiring ideology, by proclaiming it to be nature's own law, succeeds in contaminating the more gullible of his opponents, who, unaware of their defeat, then begin to retaliate in kind.
Archive 2007-03-01
Meanwhile, the man and his family have retaliated against the county and its political system.
Feodor moved quickly to the left to dodge the attack and quickly retaliated.
Behind this need to retaliate is the damage to our world view.
The colonialist has a smug, secure sneer on his face, like a dire dare to retaliate.
Twelve years after, in 1111, the Ulidians retaliated and avenged the insult offered to their honour on Crew Hill by defeating the Kinel-Owen at Tullahoge (in Co. Tyrone, above Dungannon), and cut down their sacred trees.
The army began to retaliate against the civilian population.
When they killed sheep or cattle the pastoralists retaliated by killing the Aborigines.
Their subsistence will then be secure until the war is over, as we dare not illtreat our prisoners lest the Germans should retaliate upon the
New York Times, Current History, Vol 1, Issue 1 From the Beginning to March, 1915 With Index
It's like choosing the Never Retaliate Option in iterated Prisoner's Dillema, and expecting to come out rich.
Annual pacifism debate, cont...
Some male students have told me that they had been retaliated against at grade time for speaking out against misandry.
UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.
The police commandos surrounding the compound retaliate with barrages of military marches delivered by portable speakers.
The retailer retaliated by slow-walking fulfillment of orders for the publisher's books.
At lunch, someone had flicked a spoonful of peas at Maya, and she had retaliated by chucking the rest of her lasagne at Travis Jones, the shooting guard for the varsity team.
If insulted, he retaliated swiftly and turned mockery against its instigator.
If you run into trouble with UN or domestic, flash ID; with the element, retaliate reasonably.
ARS researchers are using new biological controls to retaliate against the mosquito, an insect that can transmit viruses, protozoan parasites, and filariae (small worms).
Security personnel escorting the buses retaliated and prevented any civilian casualties.
He slapped his sister, who retaliated by kicking him.
If someone insults you, don't retaliate as it only makes the situation worse.
President Obama has signing statemented away constraints on his power to retaliate against whistleblowers by firing them.
Not What Obama Promised
North Korea has told a visiting American politician that it would allow international inspectors to visit a newly unveiled uranium-enrichment facility and announced Monday that it would not "retaliate" against South Korea for conducting military exercises - gestures that seemed intended to calm tensions on the Korean Peninsula, at least for the time being.
North Korea makes some gestures toward calm
Before going after a woman's body or her looks as a way to retaliate against her for being smart and opinionated is just no longer acceptable.
Mona Gable: In Defense of Meghan McCain
Skye opened her mouth to retaliate, but, seeing April's look, swallowed the insult.
They threaten to strike, create picket lines you can't cross, retaliate against scabs, and all the rest.
At school, the boys' lives had been made a misery by a ridiculous and pompous teacher, Félix-Fréderic Hébert, and they had retaliated by composing mock-epics depicting him as a gluttonous blunderer.
That Ubu That He Did So Well
The government wants peace, but will not hesitate to retaliate if attacked.
The following morning, the incensed rival retaliated.
Things that irritate me …. hard to reach anyone at customer service; rules governing feedback should be tightened up and enforced … too many people wait to get feedback from the buyer before giving feedback, and if the feedback is negative, retaliate with bad feedback.
The Depth of eBay’s Problems 1: Disappointed Buyers - Bits Blog -
Deans of less established law schools are “frightened” to criticize the ABA system as “they feared the ABA would retaliate by taking steps to disaccredit their schools,” Velvel and Olson write.
Needless ABA Requirements Drive Up Law School Costs
Delia and Sam tried to stop him but he immediately got back up in attempt to retaliate.
President Ronald Reagan "retaliated" by bombing Tripoli and Benghazi, two of Libya's largest cities. - Photown News
She had decided not to retaliate and give the regime the satisfaction of knowing how much hurt it had caused her because dance was her lifeline; it was the medium through which she lived and breathed.
In fact, the South did not retaliate after earlier provocations, such as the terrorist bombing of a South Korean airliner and assassination attempt against former president Chun Doo-hwan which killed 16 ROK officials.
Let the Koreans Take Care of the Koreas
Surprised, she danced back a step, then retaliated with an attack again absorbed by my shield.
Adam was just about to retaliate with the vegetable spoon when there was a loud knock on the front door.
Cecil watched his opponent warily, ready to retaliate at the merest hint of an attack.
The fire was effectively retaliated by the police and army jawans.
Dorian Warren " Boeing is Wrong, the NLRB Is Right ," Letters, May 11 use a definition of "retaliate" that my dictionary doesn't have.
Boeing's Action Isn't Retaliation at All
Gilbert, earl of Glocester, the greatest baron of the kingdom, had espoused the king's daughter; and being elated by that alliance, and still more by his own power, which, he thought, set him above the laws, he permitted his bailiffs and vassals to commit violence on the lands of Humphrey Bohun, earl of Hereford, who retaliated the injury by like violence.
The retailer retaliated by slow-walking fulfillment of orders for the publisher's books.
We have no intention of launching a pre-emptive strike, but we will retaliate if provoked.
It would spell out swingeing cuts in corporation tax and other unneighbourly acts that, if forced, we could retaliate with.
Times, Sunday Times
There was the mini blowup in the dugout when one of his pitchers failed to retaliate for a beanball at Guillen.
I'm not even going to bother to retaliate against this, because I know that he's just talking cock.
UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.
The French retaliated by forming an underground resistance movement.
Someday Ghlaghee *will* retaliate for being made to be a bookrest.
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If we raise our import duties on their goods, they may retaliate against us.
If the French shoot themselves in the foot, there is no reason for us to "retaliate" by shooting ourselves in the foot.
Trade War?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
If you are rude to me, I shall retaliate with equal rudeness.
After rebuffing him, Gregory alleged, the pundit retaliated by reducing his pay and subsequently firing him.
For instance, Schelling showed that an agent may strengthen its position in bargaining by overtly worsening its own options, and that the capacity to retaliate can be more useful than the ability to resist attack.
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The police commandos surrounding the compound retaliate with barrages of military marches delivered by portable speakers.
Earlier on Monday, Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad described as "overplayed" threats by Nigerians to retaliate against
ANC Daily News Briefing
The British government retaliated by breaking off diplomatic relations.
UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.
The tiger only learned to avoid people when their abilities to retaliate increased over the last two centuries.
George heaped scorn upon what he considered a pseudoscience, and the economists retaliated in kind.
The Israeli army retaliated for the Hamas bombing
Miller, 36, says she complained more than a dozen times to bosses at all levels but was retaliated against for doing so.
It is difficult for women to retaliate in public without creating a scene and inviting stares when something like this happens.
He had authorisation from the military command to retaliate.
So it's only natural that when they hit too close to home, when they hold a mirror up to the panting demographic and showcase people's reprobate and mercenary nature, the target should retaliate.
I retaliated by coiling my serpentine body around its neck and trying to constrict it to death.
Furthermore, reports suggest that she dared to retaliate to such insults, and allegedly lashed out at the prophet and his faith, in a country that is 97 percent Muslim and where freedom of speech is a phrase often as nonsensical as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Havovi Cooper: Asia Bibi And Pakistan's Selective Persecution
Omar Abdullah said that it is better that a chappal or shoe be thrown at him, because he will not retaliate.
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I should have been prepared for her to retaliate and take revenge on me.
When this summons was served on the defendants' solicitors they retaliated by issuing a summons seeking an order that the action be struck out for want of prosecution.
Mrs Fidler retaliated by sticking a fork in Flynn's ear.
The Pakistan troops "retaliated" with rifle fire, and the helicopters responded by launching a pair of missiles or rockets, Pakistan's military said in a statement.
NATO Strike Inside Pakistan Fuels Tension
If you look into how baseball works, it looked like ... maybe he thought the way to retaliate is to throw and protect his guys.
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The implication is that you don't have an ethical right to bomb them out of their ability to retaliate against you.
But the final battle of the Revolutionary War occurred when Americans retaliated against Loyalist and Indian forces in the Ohio territory in November 1782.
Not quite to the Motherwell defender, though, as, after receiving a heavy dunt from the Ecuadorian which knocked him backwards, the Englishman retaliated with a foul which won him a yellow card from the referee.
A neighbour retaliated on behalf of his fallen friend and in an instant a volcano of commotion had erupted in front of Hencke.
Gava said many owners of the affected farms have "cooperated" and accepted the situation as it is and only a few "diehards" had tried to resist and retaliate.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Schelling showed that a party can strengthen its position by overtly worsening its own options, that the capability to retaliate can be more useful than the ability to resist an attack, and that uncertain retaliation is more credible and more efficient than certain retaliation.
The Prize in Economics 2005 - Press Release
She responded to a critical article in the Ballarat Times by horsewhipping the editor, who retaliated in kind.
UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.
People are also using the Internet to retaliate against common thieves and discourtesies.
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She had retaliated by pretending not to notice, chatting enthusiastically with Colin and laughing whenever he said even the slightest thing funny.
Next ball, Jones retaliates with a bouncer, which hits McGrath's glove and loops towards Geraint Jones.