How To Use Retainer In A Sentence
Objective : To improve retainers aesthetics and alleviate buccal retainers peculiar sense for patients removable partial denture.
Otherwise, beginning on the 15th day, Natural Source Store will automatically charge your credit card or debit card a total sum of $79.99 for the South Beach Smile Deluxe Kit, which is a 1 month supply and includes: 4 syringe applicators, retainer case for storage, tongue scraper, color shade guide and an interproximal pick, which you previously received as a trial.
Conservatives longed for the return of a healthy system of independent party politics, freed from the buccaneering methods of an autocratic prime minister and his retainers.
Usually, this payment was in addition to an annual retainer.
They had settled upon the Prince of India in a kind of retainership.
The Prince of India — Volume 02

The actual privilege and social status of members of the retainer class varied considerably.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
Your closest retainers and flatterers have never led you astray before and they will not fail you now.
The realization that others did not love Father as his family and retainers clearly did was a slow one coming to Johnny.
The cartridge may be held in place with a threaded ring or a retainer clip.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Bourchier, apparently had charge of the boys for a time, but Richard was later entrusted to the Earl of Warwick, whose lavish household was said to support 20,000 retainers.
Make sure that the wire retainer clips are pressed down firmly to hold the towel in place.
Originally livery referred to the special clothing of retainers and servants, but later the term became associated with distinctive costumes for grand occasions worn by high-ranking members of the companies.
There was confusion, and gloom and sorrow, and curiosity among the domestics, while the retainers of the law went from place to place, making an inventory of the goods and chattels falling under their warrant of distress, or poinding, as it is called in the law of Scotland.
The Antiquary
They have their MTM, their minor tooth movement system that is a series of players and set down materials for the ortho's lab, back office lab to make very small adjustments to retainer type single aligner products.
Healthcare Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
You will use it to hire several retainers, three bodyguards, and a housekeeping staff.
Leigh's retainer as a consultant has supported the space, which held five exhibitions until it closed this fall.
All I need from you now is details of the bank account you want the retainers paid into.
An all-inclusive search later determined that the washer and retainer had probably fallen out during flight, possibly through the same drain hole that he discovered the bolt in.
Cotner, of Corporate Intelligence Consultants, said he has repaid the Cleveland schools for what he described as a retainer meant as advance payment for consulting services. - Local News
The effect on the city of Edo was a permanent presence of noblemen and samurai with a huge staff of retainers, attendants and servants.
The privileged royal family includes thousands of members, surrounded by tens of thousands of retainers and hangers-on.
Tommy, Angelica, and the rest of the Rugrats gang are now pre-teens, and like everyone else they're just trying to fit in and make it through middle school retainers, pimples and all.
History is silent as to the exact date when the term "bushi" came into use, but from a very early era its Japanese equivalent, "monono-fu," was applied to the guards of the sovereign's palace, and when great provincial magnates began, about the tenth century, to support a number of armed retainers, these gradually came to be distinguished as bushi.
A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
If she was given the advice which she says she was within the ambit of the retainer, then another issue would arise.
Progressive throttling of flow shall be accomplished by a characterized profile quad seal retainer washer.
Those of the first class, well known as the insignia of certain eminent personages and powerful houses, were borne by all the followers, retainers, dependants, and partisans of those personages and houses: and they were so borne by them, and they were used by their owners for every variety of decorative purpose, because they were _known and understood_; and, consequently, because the presence of these Badges would cause all persons and objects bearing them to be readily and certainly distinguished.
The Handbook to English Heraldry
Companies that work on retainers usually get the bulk of their fee before the search is complete.
His duties are defined by the terms of the agreed retainer.… the solicitor has only to expend time and effort in what he has been engaged to do and for which the client has agreed to pay.
A silver pipe shows a wedding procession of mice, which is a parody on the procession of armed human retainers escorting a bride-to-be to her future home.
Control may also be achieved through resource management, such as social insurance schemes or payment of retainers or fees for service.
There was a single moat surrounding the castle at the base of the mountain, and a drawbridge was continually being let down to let the samurai and retainers ride across to Shintaku.
House service was the older feudal idea of personal retainership, developed in Virginia and
The Negro
One offered to move in with me at the Ski Chalet for a discounted monthly retainer.
THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
All the few in whom yet lingered any shadow of retainership towards the fast-fading chieftainship of Glenwarlock, seemed to cherish the notion that the heir of the house had to be tended and cared for like a child -- that was what they were in the world for.
Warlock o' Glenwarlock
In addition, annual retainers would be paid half in cash and half in stock.
A sinister looking retainer, dressed in a dark uniform with a blue sash and blue and white turban opened the rusty gate.
Ostensibly, this hallway's purpose was to allow the guests' personal retainers discreet but easy access to the rooms for which they were responsible.
On the other hand it was the milder and far different Virginia house service and the personal retainership of town life in which most white children grew up; it was this that impressed their imaginations and which they have so vividly portrayed.
The Negro
Goaded by Kira, Asana draws his sword inside the Shogun's castle, an act prohibited by law, and is forced to commit hara-kiri, leaving his family and samurai retainers dishonored.
An effective type of retainer, possessing retention, support and a splinting action between multiple abutment teeth, is a double crown known as the telescope retainer.
He looks even better now with that single bang of silver from his retainer, gliding beautifully over pristine white teeth.
Insert front cable through the brake lever basInsure the cable retainer is seated into the base.
The annual fee of $2,500 is a bargain when compared to the monthly retainer plus commission required for full representation.
The Castle "bawn" was usually enclosed by one or more strong walls, the inner sides of which were lined with barns, stables, and the houses of the retainers.
A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics — Volume 1
This was complexioned by a certain sense of 'honor rooted in dishonor,' and by a faint reflection from elder retainership.
Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
Some of the other issues complained of were the dilapidated state of their palaces, late remittance of chiefs' allowances and failure by Government to procure uniforms for chiefs retainers.
It will be noticed, that the retainers guarding the exterior and entrance are barefooted, which is a mark of respect in honour of the rank of the culprit, and of the solemnity of the occasion.
Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs
The retainer is to use all reasonable endeavours to obtain security for the overage.
He was a prominent figure in Stratford-upon-Avon, with a household of about 40 servants and retainers.
One poor guy gagged on his retainer and his pal thumped him on the back.
If your child wears braces, a retainer, or other orthodontics, ask the orthodontist about dental care.
As we drove into the qila's courtyard we saw a crowd of between twenty and 30 retainers massing to greet the rajah, all frantically bowing and salaaming; as Suleiman got out of the car the foremost ones dived to touch his feet.
Classical texts suggest that feasts involving a chieftain and his retinue were held in a circle around a central hearth or fireplace, with the alcoholic beverage circulating either in a common cup or being served by retainers.
Fuelling him, beneath the image of the loyal retainer, was a fiery ambition.
Similarly in Morton, the controversy involved a dispute over the terms of the solicitor's retainer.
Northumberland, distinguished his own retainers, however, by the special request of the ancient Montagus. -- a Gryphon issuant from a ducal crown.
The Last of the Barons — Complete
Bolger suggests that most people don't have enough legal concerns to keep an attorney on retainer.
NPI is paid a retainer, with some incentive - based fees as a bonus.
This is consistent with the idea that Oswy and his son Alchfrid between them commanded a single warband, presumably the royal retainers, while Penda had assembled a group of thirty warbands each of similar size.
Early medieval armies: numbers
Highly specialized strategy/solution development (A) and long term retainer based outsourcing (B)
Ordinary is abundant.
An effective type of retainer, possessing retention, support and a splinting action between multiple abutment teeth, is a double crown known as the telescope retainer.
The retainers soon retired, and Lovat (on whom drink made no impression) found means to unlock every other mind, and keep his own designs impenetrably secret; while the ludicrous and careless air of his discourse helped to put people off their guard; and searchless cunning and boundless ambition were hid under the mask of careless hilarity.
Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume II.
Liz was being paid a regular monthly retainer.
Every Offshore company must have appoint our firm as Retainer.
Check whether full rent or a retainer is required during vacations.
The agency will pay you a monthly retainer.
Members of parliament are required to disclose: shares and financial interest held in any public or private company; any employer providing remuneration; directorships in any corporate body; memberships in any partnership recognised by law; any consultancy or retainership; any financial sponsorships or assistance provided from non-party sources; any gifts or hospitality with a value in excess of R350.
‘Then,’ he says, ‘they put us on a retainer, which was about five grand a month, which doesn't really go that far.’
No such retainer is alleged by the claimants and PW are not in a position to prove any such retainer, except by inference.
Very early in the on-my-own portion of my professional service career, I had a retainer arrangement with a large textbook publisher.
Rachael shuddered and flipped on the light, took her retainers out of her mouth, placed them in their case, and grabbed her underclothes and clothes and trundled into the bathroom to prepare her self for the day.
The fiduciary relationship which subsists between solicitor and client comes to an end with the termination of the retainer.
This type of business requires having a lawyer on retainer.
Applied range: hardware, retainer, compressor components, automobile and motorcycle accessories.
Second, even those branches of the military households registered in garrisons engaged in a wide variety of economic activities, ranging from small businesses, to acting as personal retainers, to brigandage.
Koizumi was born in Shizuoka as the son of a former retainer of the Tokugawa family which had ruled Japan with an iron fist until the last Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu resigned in 1867.
In the present case the retainer is said to be for the purpose of investigating and advising on the casualty.
Placed on the bench above each retainer, his crested helmet, his linked corselet and sturdy spear shaft were plainly to be seen…
They all sink into the lowest class of religions mendicants, or retainers; or live among their friends as drones upon the land; while the manufacturing, trading, and commercial industry that provided them with the comforts, conveniences, and elegancies of life while they were in a higher grade of service is in its turn thrown out of employment; and the whole frame of society becomes, for a time, deranged by the local diminution in the demand _for the services of men and the produce of their industry_.
Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official
It patches waders, boats, holds together broken rods, makes pretty nifty sunglass retainers (like above), and just a week or so ago I actually used duct tape to hold my oar lock in place after a friend had straightened the cotter pin holding it in place. 12 inches if Duct tape literally saved an entire day of fishing.
If you can't Duct it...
Check whether full rent or a retainer is required during vacations.
The missing money is said to have included the composer's 15,000 annual retainer for his royal duties.
Times, Sunday Times
Like many other small businesses, she also pays a monthly retainer to secure IT support services.
Times, Sunday Times
On the other side of the road, there was a log retainer wall.
The bushing retainer allows cartridge removal without disassembly.
It might embrace paying the artist a regular stipend or retainer in return for exclusive rights to sell their paintings.
If your child wears braces, a retainer, or other orthodontics, ask the orthodontist about dental care.
It's unclear what Palin meant by the word retainer to describe her upfront book payment. - News
After the braces are off, your child may have to wear a retainer.
The son of a Yorkist retainer, he came into prominence at the beginning of the reign as chamberlain of the household.
The upper stem is threaded into the diaphragm retainer nut.
He consulted a small leatherbound book with the names and addresses of officials in receipt of regular retainers.
He fired the loyal retainer and replaced him with another young reformer, this time a protégé of Nemtsov from Nizhny Novgorod called Sergey Kirienko.
The Return
Brian Bennett, financial recruitment consultant with HRM Recruitment Group, said some banks paid retainers or completion bonuses to get employees to finish a project.
In order to force these territorial lords to do military service fiefs were granted from the already existing public domain, and in their turn the great lords granted part of these fiefs to their retainers.
Professional catastrophe, which occurs both to Hugh and to Helen's sleazy father, is little more than an inconvenience to be sidestepped or diverted by trusted retainers.
Then came the fourgon with the rest of the retainers, the heavy baggage, and as much as it could carry of the mud and dust which the other vehicles left behind.
Little Dorrit
They'll pay a 75,000 retainer.
Times, Sunday Times
Liz was being paid a regular monthly retainer.
A solicitor who accepts a retainer owes a duty of care to his client.
At length the _toran_ was broken amid the shouts of the retainers, and the fair defenders retired.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
The actual privilege and social status of members of the retainer class varied considerably.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
Control may also be achieved through resource management, such as social insurance schemes or payment of retainers or fees for service.
But if that looks like the record of loyal family retainers, slaving away un-noticed in the ‘big house’ like some Victorian lackeys, think again.
The effect on the city of Edo was a permanent presence of noblemen and samurai with a huge staff of retainers, attendants and servants.
As a general rule, a solicitor is not required to provide services outside the scope of the retainer.
She is cared for by a loyal family retainer and rarely leaves the house.
The retainers, led by Chamberlain Oishi, resolve to avenge their lord's death and restore honor to his house, biding their time until the opportunity presents itself.
He seemed at first to be an inconsequential man, just a loyal retainer, but hurt by Amelia's betrayal he was goaded to anger - real anger, that was chilling and frightening.
First, he had there a dean, a great divine, and a man of excellent learning; and a sub-dean, a repeater of the choir, a gospeller, an epistler of the singing-priests, and a master of the children: in the vestry a yeoman and two grooms, besides other retainers that came thither at principal feasts ....
The Customs of Old England
Hotta was a retainer of Asano Takumi no Kami, who drew his sword in anger and attacked Kira Kozukenosuke while in the shogunal castle, resulting in his own death by seppuku and the attainder of the House of Ako.
I'd had visions of using the retainers - four more by now - to maybe redecorate the house.
He should have risen and stridden on with his retainers the miles that remained.
Cinderella in the South Twenty-Five South African Tales
I find that the retainer was always simply to obtain a speedy divorce.
Your kid's retainer is cracked in two because he won't use it and left it strewn someplace where he stepped on it.
Like Hell Needs A Heat Wave...
The precision engineered bat retainer ring is used to fix and centre a bat to a potter.
And on the corporate side, it acts as broker or adviser to more than 100 smaller companies, each of which pays the broker an annual retainer plus fee income on corporate finance deals.
It put the Republican Senator from Ohio on a legal retainership—his fee in 1900 alone was $44,500.
The Prize
When the king of Chu heard this news, he spoke to his retainers saying:" Yan Ying is a man of Qi gifted with a silver tongue.
We are looking for a free-lancer system administrator to take on several monthly retainers for customer in central London.
When you reflect that this advertisement appears, for instance, in every theatre programme, so that every theatre-goer is at any rate assumed to have a secret fantasy life in which he thinks of himself as a young man of fashion with faithful old retainers, the prospect of any drastic social change recedes perceptibly.
As I Please
The rear door scuff plate is attached with molded - in snap retainers.
I glance at the family retainer who has served the Dimplers faithfully since well before the old King's father passed.
As between solicitor and client in both contentious and non-contentious costs the taxing officer starts with the retainer.
They are reclusive and idiosyncratic, dwelling in exquisite mansions far from each other with their families and a select band of retainers.
He broke out into a storm of rage with the gray-haired butler, who had carried him pickapack in his infancy, because the faithful retainer tried to hold back certain newspapers which contained dark allusions to the Mellish mystery.
Aurora Floyd. A Novel
All the terms which a foreigner might use in speaking of the duties of sovereign and minister, of lord and retainer and of master and servant, are comprehended in the Japanese word, Kun-shin, in which is crystallized but one thought, though it may relate to three grades of society.
The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
She rushes out to the van, wearing her retainer for spacy teeth, a thing she never wears in public, and they drive down past the Wall and into dark and empty streets and the van stalls out, doing a murmurous swoon, and they walk the last eleven blocks with Gracie carrying Mace and a cellular phone.
Oral health instruction, fissure sealing, fluoridation, caries filling, space retainer, deciduous root canal treatment, functional appliance.
And don't steal their idea - a big warning on the front page reminds you there's a lawyer on retainer to thwart copycats.
The King brothers also structured their initial contracts so clients would pay a retainer.
After I hung up with Dan, I changed into sleep clothes as I called them, brushed my teeth, put my retainer on, and snuggled under the three down comforters.
I'm not sure how likely this really is, but regardless, the Handle Retainer gives a pleasant, secure-feeling detent when the press handle is returned to the upright position.
Indian boy was his retainer because the porcupine quill decorations on his buckskin shirt had the same peculiar pattern as that on the wamus of the Wild Hunter himself as well as on the collar of the pet sheep I had killed, and also on the buckskin bag of gold.
The Black Wolf Pack
His remuneration included a €7,500 once-off retainer and an attendance fee of €250 per half day commitment, according to the Department of Finance.
The Geneat was a retainer, usually mounted, whose services were those befitting a free man - escorting, guarding, running errands, and at harvest time, working in the fields.
If I'm going to spend three hours meeting with a client on site or in my office, the retainer must be provided first.
Campy integrated headsets have loose balls in retainers and separate bearing races.
Over the centuries, monks and feudal retainers applied their skills to enlarging the earthen dam and installing wood or stone conduits to carry water to neighbouring fields.
It is the chief who is the lynchpin of the whole system, employing craft specialists, and redistributing to his retainers and subjects the offerings of crafts and foodstuffs that are periodically paid to him (it is usually a he).
Fortas had accepted a $20,000 retainer from the family foundation of Wall Street financier Louis Wolfson, a friend and former client, in January 1966. [
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Lithwick’s Lament
Not every breach of the contract of retainer is a breach of a fiduciary duty.
Conflict of Interests Taskforce Reports : Law is Cool
All that tenderest care and kindest heart could suggest was done to make me comfortable by my kind hosts; and the cavalcade of retainers, with which I had come out so gayly, followed in demure silence.
Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
Edgeworth's first novel, "Castle Rackrent" 1800, the story of a declining Anglo-Irish family as told by a colorful family retainer, seemed to him "one of the most inspired chronicles written in English.
Putting Sweet Sounds Together
Many finders also charge retainers, and flat fees aren't unheard of.
His clients pay him an annual retainer, then he charges by the hour for specific jobs.
Times, Sunday Times
Cash-poor, he is without the means to repair it, and maintains his household with just one domestic servant, Lao Huang, an old retainer from his late father's time.
From magnate to baron, from workman to villein, from publicist to court agent and retainer, will be changes of state and function so slight as to elude all but the keenest eyes.
# posted by Scott: 10: 22 AM bart you're as predictable as the sun rising in the east-are you on retainer from the administration?
Classical texts suggest that feasts involving a chieftain and his retinue were held in a circle around a central hearth or fireplace, with the alcoholic beverage circulating either in a common cup or being served by retainers.
The consultancy already has some 14 clients, on retainer or project fees.
The fiduciary relationship which subsists between solicitor and client comes to an end with the termination of the retainer.
The problem with annual grants or paying annual retainers in stock is that it takes several years for the holdings to become substantial.
An electrical connector union coupler assembly including a coupling subassembly and a collet retainer.
On approaching the palace from the Pont Royal, you take in at a glance all the various strata of inhabitants; the garreteer in the roof; the retainer in the entre-sol; the courtiers at the casements of the royal apartments; while on the ground-floor a steam of savory odors and a score or two of cooks, in white caps, bobbing their heads about the windows, betray that scientific and all-important laboratory, the Royal Kitchen.
The Crayon Papers
They've gone about this in two primary ways: paying all or part of directors' annual retainers in company stock and making one-time or annual stock or option grants to directors.
The lens is held in place with a retainer ring instead of a bezel.
This is neatly accomplished by having a curved, spring steel retainer that only releases the rounds once the mag is locked into the receiver housing's feed tray.
I'd had visions of using the retainers - four more by now - to maybe redecorate the house.
Way back when she was stuffing her hair in scrunchies and smearing Clearasil across her T-zone, she had her first boyfriend, a bookish eighth-grader named Eddie who had a pink retainer and a silver bike.
Georgia’s Kitchen
A complete bearing assembly consisting of four basic component parts, the outer race (cup), the inner race (cone), the tapered rollers and the spacer-retainer for the rollers (cage).
Insert front cable through the brake lever basInsure the cable retainer is seated into the base.
The adjuster is most likely a local guy on retainer from the rental company (and many other insurance companies).
Car insurance for rental car while in Mexico
In fact, they stood on the borderland of that feudal retainership which was being rapidly extinguished.
Unknown to History: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland
Fees may be charged as a percent of assets under management, hourly rates, flat fees, retainers, bundled fees, negotiated fees, single engagements or in a number of other ways.
Lords and lordlings reined toward Mat, each followed by a bannerman and perhaps a dozen retainers, until he had four hundred odd of the Cairhienin.
The Fires of Heaven
The agency will pay you a monthly retainer.
The company already employees over a dozen expatriate staff, mainly from the US and Europe, and they are recruited both as direct employees on the pay roll or under retainership.
The Financial Express
I'd had visions of using the retainers - four more by now - to maybe redecorate the house.
Four or five of them were mounted by servants or inferior retainers, all of whom were well armed with sword, pistol, and carabine.
A council was held, and the prisoner was given over to the safeguard of a daimio, called Tamura Ukiyo no Daibu, who kept him in close custody in his own house, to the great grief of his wife and of his retainers; and when the deliberations of the council were completed, it was decided that, as he had committed an outrage and attacked another man within the precincts of the palace, he must perform hara-kiri,--that is, commit suicide by disembowelling; his goods must be confiscated, and his family ruined.
Tales of Old Japan
Yet there is clear, though indirect, evidence that both contract armies and retainers receiving fee and wages were in existence at least as early as 1100.
The lift-house was manned: a family retainer had taken the place of the liftman.
He said that the use of local sales agents on a commission basis with or without a retainer or contribution to overheads is a very normal way to do business in most European countries.
After we had been on the bridge a bit, we got shooed off by a benevolent old retainer who said "Now you've had a nice look now!" and explained the boss would be down in a bit, so we'd better hook it. So we did.
I just wore a retainer for six months or so and everything was fine.
I rolled out of bed at six and shuffled to the bathroom to brush my teeth, clean and put away my retainers, and wash my face in a pitiful attempt to wake up.