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How To Use Resuscitated In A Sentence

  • Can one not wager that it is Agnes ‘herself’ come to voice, and the cry the resuscitated irruptive voice of the dead, a true, unexpected prosopopoeia?
  • British patient has undergone a pioneering lung transplant involving damaged donor lungs that were "resuscitated" in a laboratory to make them suitable for use. - Articles related to Marijuana, Alcohol Addiction May Share Genes
  • Her heart had stopped, but the doctors successfully resuscitated her.
  • I felt less anxious then than I did during high school because of having resuscitated my passion for writing.
  • Pretense, whispers, deceit, all to hide the same opinion that the "resuscitated" commander now flippantly tosses out to foreign journalist. Yoani Sanchez: Fidel Castro Joins the Opposition
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  • The resuscitated patients often speak of a great sense of disappointment and loss on waking.
  • I collapsed, was resuscitated, struggled for a bit, and was moved to the intensive care unit and then to another hospital.
  • For, following Bruce, led in fact by a string, came an awful apparition -- Juno herself, a pitiable mass of caninity -- looking like the resuscitated corpse of a dog that had been nine days buried, crowded with lumps, and speckled with cuts, going on three legs, and having her head and throat swollen to a size past recognition. Alec Forbes of Howglen
  • For his part, Petrarch had resuscitated such classical authors as Pliny the Younger, who in his private letters described his study — "cubiculi mei" — as located near the bedroom and furnished with an armarium containing books to be read "over and over again. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Can the debate over euthanasia be "resuscitated" such that all sides are put out of their misery when the arguing back and forth drives them up a wall? The New Republic - All Feed
  • Although she was resuscitated, she lost the ability to use her left hand.
  • He was in full cardiac arrest and could not be resuscitated.
  • 'Reconditioned' Lungs Transplanted In Breakthrough Procedure A BRITISH patient has undergone a pioneering lung transplant involving damaged donor lungs that were "resuscitated" in a laboratory to make them suitable for use. | Top Stories
  • What he would have felt about having his juvenilia resuscitated isn't difficult to work out.
  • And although street clocks went out of vogue in the 1920s, Verdin resuscitated the analog timepieces in the 1980s for small towns undergoing Main Street revivals.
  • The doctor resuscitated the man who was overcome by gas.
  • While young Frank Pierson revered Tom Ripley and wanted, in some sense, to become him or at least win his approval, David Pritchard arbitrarily, impulsively decides to make Tom's life a living hell, to harass him with phone calls ostensibly from Dickie Greenleaf (who has been "found and resuscitated"), and, finally, to stalk his every move. This Woman Is Dangerous
  • It resuscitated the home-building industry, ended the shortage of dwelling units, alleviated civic panic, and boosted municipal revenues.
  • Roger's ego is soon resuscitated when he receives a surprise visit from his sixteen-year-old nephew, Nick, who needs some help in dealing with the ladies.
  • When we got there I was in a VFib and had seizures -- I was resuscitated, shocked multiple times, stabilized, and transferred to a larger center in a decorticate position. Barbara Ficarra: Ladies, Love Your Body, Protect Your Heart
  • None of the Parsee texts, which truly imply the idea of resuscitated prophets and of precursors, are ancient; but the ideas contained in them appear to be much anterior to the time of the compilation itself.] [Footnote 7: Rev.xi. 3, and following.] The Life of Jesus
  • Recent discoveries have resuscitated this never quite abandoned theory; protyle seems to have been discovered, and the atom has ceased to hold its place as the ultimate division of matter. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • (Since the expression Hon was itself a private joke, this book was long published in the United States as Daughters and Rebels until, in 2004, The New York Review of Books resuscitated the original title with — interest declared — an introduction by your humble servant.) Mitfordiana
  • He thinks that said soul will have to be resuscitated from its asphyxia; that if it prove irresuscitable, the man is not long for this world. Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
  • To back their legal challenge, the plaintiffs have resuscitated some troubling arguments: they hint that Kennewick Man may have been here before the ancestors of contemporary Native Americans.
  • Longhorns; in 1899 a Longhorn Cattle Society was established, and the herd-book resuscitated. A Short History of English Agriculture
  • However, I did think the scene where Drin resuscitated Mary while she was sealed in his enormous beak was pushing it a little too much. REVIEW: The Good New Stuff edited by Gardner Dozois
  • Coast Guards airlifted him after he was resuscitated at the scene.
  • A British patient has undergone a pioneering lung transplant using damaged donor lungs that were "resuscitated" in a laboratory to make them suitable for use. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • She had been literally rejuvenated , resuscitated, brought back from the lip of the grave.
  • It has copied, by the aid of the telescope, the trilingual arrow-headed inscriptions written 300 feet high upon the face of the rocks of Behistun; and though the alphabets and the languages in which these long inscriptions were "graven with a pen of iron and lead upon the rocks for ever," had been long dead and unknown, yet, by a kind of philological divination, Archæology has exorcised and resuscitated both; and from these dumb stones, and from the analogous inscriptions of Van, Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
  • Borrow has resuscitated a literary form which had been many years abandoned, and he has resuscitated it in no artificial manner -- as a rhythmical form is rehabilitated, or as a dilettante re-establishes for a moment the vogue of the roundel or the virelay -- but quite naturally as the inevitable setting for a picture which has to include the actors and the observations of the author's vagabond life. Isopel Berners The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825
  • The medical team had a defibrillator with them and I was resuscitated within a few minutes.
  • She had been literally rejuvenated , resuscitated, brought back from the lip of the grave.
  • Old alliances with organized labor and with other minority groups must be resuscitated.
  • They resuscitated an old man who fell in a faint.
  • As Sanchez Flores put it, Atléti had been in "intensive care" but now they were "resuscitated". Atlético's great expectations grounded by brilliance of Barcelona
  • Siemens 45 series phones are less affected and can be resuscitated after about two minutes of work.
  • The pond is not resuscitated nor is the scum removed for further study.

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