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[ US /ɹiˈsəsɪˌteɪt, ɹɪˈsəsɪˌteɪt/ ]
[ UK /ɹɪsˈʌsɪtˌe‍ɪt/ ]
  1. return to consciousness
    The patient came to quickly
    She revived after the doctor gave her an injection
  2. cause to regain consciousness
    The doctors revived the comatose man

How To Use resuscitate In A Sentence

  • After our engineless sail into the anchorage at Santa Domingo we spent a couple of days trying to resuscitate the iron genny. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • There is much to ponder in Evans's paper that resuscitates many ideas from Arthur Holmes of a generation ago.
  • A personal physician first tried to resuscitate Michael Jackson at his home before paramedics arrived.
  • Like a number of recent American poets who have done a lot to resuscitate genre, narrative, wit, and craft, the student said there needs to be a development of traditional techniques and genres to create more public forms.
  • It has copied, by the aid of the telescope, the trilingual arrow-headed inscriptions written 300 feet high upon the face of the rocks of Behistun; and though the alphabets and the languages in which these long inscriptions were "graven with a pen of iron and lead upon the rocks for ever," had been long dead and unknown, yet, by a kind of philological divination, Archæology has exorcised and resuscitated both; and from these dumb stones, and from the analogous inscriptions of Van, Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
  • The ambulance crew swung into action to resuscitate the patient.
  • Nevertheless, they spent an hour trying to resuscitate William.
  • They take his body aboard their spacecraft and proceed to try to resuscitate him, completely unaware of who he is.
  • Recent discoveries have resuscitated this never quite abandoned theory; protyle seems to have been discovered, and the atom has ceased to hold its place as the ultimate division of matter. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • So Newt Gingrich can campaign on family values while abandoning a succession of wives for more nubile alternatives; Bill Clinton's extra-mural activities have to be shoved under the carpet in a celebrated TV interview (with his wife loyally at his side) before he can resuscitate his endangered candidacy in 1992. Shashi Tharoor: Importance of appearing to be earnest
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