How To Use Restrictive In A Sentence

  • The relative clause: it is defined as a clausal modifier, restrictive or non-restrictive, used to modify a preceding construction, most often a preceding noun or noun phrase.
  • As a result, the area of the plateau outside the existing reserves was given the less restrictive tenure of conservation area.
  • Another restrictive manoeuvre gets under way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mumbai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world but it is sprawling outwards because of restrictive planning laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Law Society vigorously opposed the restrictive amendment.
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  • They managed to shift about half of the mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed patients to homes and less restrictive programs.
  • Amyloidosis and other infiltrative diseases, including sarcoidosis and haemochromatosis, can cause a restrictive syndrome.
  • I do agree out laws are overly restrictive now but anything to combat the increasing number of guns in circulation is worth trying Guns Kill People ( Shock News)
  • The country operates under a restrictive monetary arrangement that pegs the lev to the euro.
  • These periods can be determined by using shift experiments, in which cultures are shifted between the permissive and restrictive temperature.
  • In consequence we have developed restrictive practices and engineering, at best, are only partially aware of the business objectives.
  • All photographs are monochrome, which, although fine for electron micrographs, is perhaps a little restrictive for modern light microscopy.
  • Mumbai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world but it is sprawling outwards because of restrictive planning laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • The figures were expected by most experts, since May was the first month that the new prudential and restrictive monetary measures were implemented.
  • Pro-abortion groups also oppose the protocol on the grounds that it is too restrictive.
  • Her case ended up in the Supreme Court which overturned restrictive abortion laws in 46 states.
  • The employer may choose to use less restrictive eligibility requirements in order to allow more employees to participate in the plan.
  • Mumbai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world but it is sprawling outwards because of restrictive planning laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • The contract contained a restrictive covenant against building on the land.
  • The reaction many critics have to this sea of choices is to try and create a restrictive little bubble in their own image and then only allow access to people who can conform to that shape.
  • Luckily for all of us, a steady diet of pop culture, horror movies, vampire books, and science fiction television saved Lauren from the restrictive confines of her normal suburban routine; she has only just now realized that there are other geeks out there in the world. Lauren Kalal | Fandomania
  • The college is not able to expand because of restrictive planning laws.
  • I have not yet been given a sensible answer to that question, possibly because my reasoning is too logical and lacking enough restrictive nannying for the anti-everything brigade.
  • BIG BLUE WAVE: Bizarre twist in the Bill 34 controversy in Quebec: late-term abortionist AUTHOR of restrictive guidelines skip to main Bizarre twist in the Bill 34 controversy in Quebec: late-term abortionist AUTHOR of restrictive guidelines
  • A non-restrictive clause is one that does not serve to identify or define the antecedent noun.
  • You deny access to common medications, because your formulary is the most restrictive. Being Poor is Hoping the Toothache Goes Away. « Whatever
  • In the absence of a restrictive covenant, there is no legal right to a view. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's comfortable and not too restrictive and the box foot gives ample room for your feet to move around freely.
  • Employers are not free to construct restrictive covenants as they wish. Times, Sunday Times
  • I replaced the factory air intake box with an unrestrictive air intake filter and the factory muffler with a free flow muffler. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Cooking the Books on Cash for Clunkers
  • This was reinforced by supportive messages from pals and, while I swithered, they gave me business introductions and I waited for my restrictive covenant to end,’ he said.
  • His garish attire and self-composure only irked Seven further because she was currently sweltering in one of her light gray bodysuits, which rarely felt so restrictive. Star Trek: Voyager®: Full Circle
  • However, public or community-wide celebrations are not the only occasions on which people enjoy less restrictive forms of alcohol consumption.
  • Their first concern will be to minimize their risk against loan default by requiring collateral or restrictive covenants.
  • The Act was introduced to end restrictive practices in the docks.
  • Further, it is not that economists are not cognizant of the restrictive nature of rational self-interest.
  • Intellectual property: Restrictive intellectual property clauses in employment contracts or restrictive covenants could force the brightest free workers to walk.
  • Nevertheless, the Overton Park test has been criticized for being potentially too restrictive.
  • You use which in nonrestrictive clauses, and if you eliminate a nonrestrictive clause, the meaning of the remaining part of the sentence will be the same as it was before. Grammar Girl: Which Versus That « Write Anything
  • The men were far too busy zipping their libidos into quiet formality, while high fashion for women was becoming ever more elaborate and restrictive, epitomised by that most extreme of garments, the crinoline.
  • The proceeds will help the company to secure cheaper and less restrictive bank facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can think of a nonrestrictive clause as simply additional information. Grammar Girl: Which Versus That « Write Anything
  • His chest X-ray findings and pulmonary function tests demonstrated patchy areas of fibrosis and evidence for restrictive lung disease.
  • On the ground, with nothing but the restrictive horizontal perspective - the curse of all flightless, earthbound creatures - it's a labyrinth.
  • He said the daytime curfew was very restrictive and said they took a more lenient view.
  • the restrictive clause in `Each made a list of the books that had influenced him' limits the books on the list to only those particular ones defined by the clause
  • Obviously, some consultant/customer relations guru got his hooks into Verizon online, because they started offering free stuff to people who signed up for their unresponsively restrictive DSL service. 5/30/02 We're back up in
  • Paradoxically, the tax subsidy cushions the borrower from the full effects of a restrictive monetary policy.
  • Preserving the iambic senarii proved too restrictive, so I switched to a vaguely anapaestic waltz rhythm and made up a tune that allowed our singer to put a comic pause, if she wished, before the final syllables at the end of each line.
  • Another problem with restrictive covenants is that they must be monitored and enforced. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Another restrictive manoeuvre gets under way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since other versions e.g., French: "Un tacle qui met en danger l'intégrité physique d'un adversaire doit être sanctionné comme faute grossière" make it clear that the clause was meant to be restrictive, proper which-hunting would have turned the sentence into "A tackle that endangers... WHICH-HUNTING AT FIFA.
  • Against the explicitly but restrictively political mandates of critical and monumental histories, antiquarian history holds out the ideal of disinterest, even as disinterest is deemed no longer possible. Is Literary History the History of Everything? The Case for 'Antiquarian' History
  • Standards of quality and hygiene can be maintained in a much less restrictive way.
  • Occurrences of restrictive relative which are all over the place.
  • Visitors from more restrictive states began to make it their weekend blowout destination and a huge tourism business was built around it.
  • That means there are many possible ways such a license could be unacceptably restrictive and non - free.
  • However, the return hose needs to run directly to the reservoir on the tractor without going through a coupler or be connected by a non-restrictive coupler.
  • A restrictive clause is one which limits, or restricts, the scope of the noun it is referring to.
  • Because they can dialyze more frequently, like normal kidneys work, patients on home dialysis also are able to follow less restrictive diets and use fewer medications, such as erythropoietin, or EPO, an expensive anemia drug often needed in conjunction with dialysis. A Dialysis Treatment For The Busy Patient
  • The agreements governing our debt contain financial and other restrictive covenants that limit our ability to take certain actions, such as incurring additional debt or making acquisitions. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Restrictive practices such as price-fixing agreements between competitors were often permitted providing they were not shown to be against the public interest.
  • Out go faddy diets and restrictive regimes, in comes the kind of delicious and nutritious food that makes you feel great just reading about it.
  • BP also said it would separately pay Bridas Corp. $700 million to settle claims between the two companies and to terminate what it called legacy restrictive covenants among BP, Pan American Energy and Bridas Corp. These allowed Pan American Energy to participate in any of BP's activities in the southernmost areas of South America. BP Says It Didn't Need to Sell Asset in Argentine Deal
  • The sentence ‘My uncle, who lives in Brazil, is coming to see us’ contains the non-restrictive relative clause ‘who lives in Brazil’.
  • This means that we have restrictive choice at the point of sale.
  • The problem is that situations involve restrictive arrangements or obligations you loathe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The live-in collegiate system of Durham was very restrictive after the freedom of Israel, and I only really enjoyed my last year when I moved into Minette Walters biography
  • Furthermore, Irigaray uses this representation of the body to specify a feminine language which is plural, polyvalent, and irreducible to a masculine language based on restrictive notions of unity and identity.
  • If this method does work, perhaps it could serve as a viable option to prevent the slowing of the metabolism in obese people when on a calorically restrictive program. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Why Losing Weight is Unnatural or the “Holy Grail” of Weight-Loss Maintenance
  • Speaking of defiles: ever wonder how to get your force through a restrictive mountain pass?
  • The proceeds will help the company to secure cheaper and less restrictive bank facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in theory, diversity meant something less restrictive. Postethnic America: Beyond Multiculturalism
  • Changes in thermal demand in restrictively fed, unadapted, young calves were studied during the first days after transportation.
  • The most notable is the relative pronoun that, which can only be used with a restrictive relative clause.
  • Several opponents on the path have barred railroads from their land by adding restrictive covenants to their property deeds.
  • Sometimes women can feel boxy in restrictive jackets. The Sun
  • This often involves several members of staff holding the pupil down in a restrictive position.
  • the nonrestrictive clause in `I always buy his books, which have influenced me greatly,' refers to his books generally and adds an additional fact about them
  • The reporter omits names, changes the order and grammar of the sentence, and adds restrictive and gender-specific words.
  • To denote that the clause is restrictive, there are no commas. Times, Sunday Times
  • An interface cannot inherit from another interface with a more restrictive access level.
  • Rickettsia -like organism infections can lead to severe diseases and sometimes large death, which has become a restrictive factor in the development of marine mollusk industry in the world.
  • Section II firstly define the restrictive clauses and then list common restrictive clauses in the patent license agreement. Chapter IIis made up of three sections.
  • The benefit of the restrictive covenant attaches to the business itself and not to the owner and is therefore assignable.
  • The proceeds will help the company to secure cheaper and less restrictive bank facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the Empire its state parliament, whose members were elected on a highly restrictive franchise, developed into a bulwark of conservatism, which frustrated any liberal or social democrat attempts at constitutional reform.
  • The Restrictive Practices Commission later recommended that the act should be amended to remove the prohibition on denturists supplying dentures to over-18s, providing they did not work on living tissue.
  • The corresponding temperature-sensitive mutant exhibits defective hyphal growth polarity at the restrictive temperature, leading to cell lysis and the inability to form a colony.
  • Restrictive eating and overexercise contribute to the maintenance of anorexic thinking," says study author James Loch, MD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University. Is family-based therapy best for teens with anorexia?
  • At the same time, the instruction to put a comma before a nonrestrictive clause is not unique to Strunk & White but can be found in many writing texts. The Volokh Conspiracy » From Language Log to the New York Times Magazine
  • A nonrestrictive clause is something that can be left off without changing the meaning of the sentence. Grammar Girl: Which Versus That « Write Anything
  • interracially restrictive
  • With generally low tuition and unrestrictive admissions policies that emphasize open enrollment," the report said, community colleges "serve individuals ranging from those earning their first educational credential to midcareer professionals seeking to upgrade their skills or reenter the workforce. Opportunity at a Bargain Price
  • Like others, we have huge concerns about scopes of practice becoming narrow and restrictive.
  • On the other side of the coin, restrictive policies bring about an inhibiting econo-socio-political environment, which restrains the blossoming of a society's natural propensities.
  • Nor does the decision somehow vindicate this process: Since 2006, it has prohibited coverage for or imposed restrictive conditions on drug-coated cardiac stents, knee replacements for osteoarthritis, ultrasounds for pregnant women, infusion pumps for chronic pain medication, lumbar fusion back surgery, hip resurfacing arthroplasty and others. The Anti-Diabetes Board
  • Mr McDowell's comments come as the Competition Authority continues to investigate restrictive practices in the profession with a particular focus on perceived uncompetitive practices among barristers.
  • And this was thought to be a violation of this very restrictive kind of fascistic law that had been on the books forever, the Alien and Sedition law. Faubus: The Life and Times of An American Prodigal
  • Any diet that is restrictive in terms of carbs, fat or protein is not going to work in the long term. Times, Sunday Times
  • A restrictive clause is one which limits, or restricts, the scope of the noun it is referring to.
  • Privileges are to be construed according to the letter, the interpretation being neither extensive nor restrictive but purely declaratory, that is the words are to be taken only in their full and usual signification. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The policy of freeing the country from the restrictive tariff will so variegate and multiply the undertakings in the country that there will be a wider market and a greater competition for labor; it will let the sun shine through the clouds again as once it shone on the free, independent, unpatronized intelligence and energy of a great people. The New Freedom A Call For the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People
  • Too fiddly, too likely to be run around, and in some cases possibly too restrictive in ways that might not be foreseen. The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment
  • However, European Commission regulators attached conditions that were considered too restrictive to make the deal worthwhile.
  • The Rational / Bureaucratic model can produce overly restrictive formal systems that stifle initiative and reduce responsiveness to change.
  • Many of the funds limit investments to only a few choices, which can be restrictive as a hands-on approach to investment management.
  • Meanwhile, the affordability criteria used by lenders remains increasingly restrictive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quality index in equation (4) equation embodies a restrictive assumption that fuels are perfect substitutes and the index is sensitive to the choice of numeraire. Net energy analysis
  • The quality index in Equation (5) embodies a restrictive assumption – that fuels are perfect substitutes – and the index is sensitive to the choice of numeraire. Energy quality
  • Already there are signs that business is unhappy with such a restrictive policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Let's not tie science's hands through excessively restrictive regulations,’ he said.
  • Thus, the more restrictive provisions as to solicitor litigants in person were applicable.
  • The first three lines encourage us to read without pausing but the forced pause created by the quotation marks around "genial" allow us to catch our breath before moving on through the next two lines and arriving at the inserted nonrestrictive "in my youth. Kerouac the Writer
  • Silicosis • This chest radiograph demonstrates so many silicotic nodules that they have become confluent areas of silicotic nodules that have resulted in severe restrictive lung disease Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Her case ended up in the Supreme Court which overturned restrictive abortion laws in 46 states.
  • Animals possess legal rights; although, as we have seen, the notion is more restrictive than that of human entitlement.
  • More generally, they regarded him as unsympathetic to popular aspirations and intent on imposing a restrictive arrangement with precipitate haste.
  • Cells were grown at a permissive temperature to midlog phase and then shifted to restrictive temperature.
  • For architects and builders, the freedom from restrictive regulations has encouraged an experimental approach to design.
  • Making casual work illegal, by such devices as minimum wage laws and ludicrously restrictive safety regulations, is a complete disaster for the poor, because it destroys the first few rungs of the economic ladder.
  • The Credit Union Act 1997 regulates the operation of credit unions and is highly restrictive in terms of how credit unions can operate.
  • Bankruptcy judges, who now have considerable discretion in fashioning or waiving repayment plans, will be required to follow much more restrictive guidelines.
  • The farming class that predominated in post-famine Ireland turned increasingly to the restrictive practices of impartible inheritance, primogeniture, and the arranged match, with family hopes and resources pinned on the inheriting son and the first-married daughter. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Is there some rebellious part of us that finds reality distasteful and restrictive? The Secrets of Musical Confidence
  • The original plan to distinguish restrictive and descriptive adnominal modifications has been abandoned.
  • If it were much more restrictive, and perfect agricultural land such Helvetia was labeled as permanently off limits, then we would have something to boast about. They get you coming and going (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • If we look at home only, where, we ask, would the woollen manufacture be now, but for the early laws restrictive of the importation of foreign woollens, nay more, restrictive of the export of British fleeces with which the manufactories of Belgium were alimented? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • There are two common ways of dealing with a restrictive covenant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The college is not able to expand because of restrictive planning laws.
  • Without a fireboat we may have lost the railroad bridge, as the access to this area is quite restrictive to large fire apparatus.
  • An exquisite lyricism informs her maturing vision and technique as she distills emotion into ever more restrictive forms: sonnets and ballads, tankas and haikus.
  • Conditions for the selective maintenance of stable polymorphisms by antagonistic pleiotropy are quite restrictive.
  • The relatively moderate brachiopod generic diversity is consistent with a moderately restrictive environment, including one below the photic zone.
  • Government also jumped on the bandwagon, first with wage restraint policies and later with restrictive monetary policies to reduce inflationary pressures.
  • Optimistically we can hope that these sorts of regulations will be less restrictive in the future.
  • They managed to shift about half of the mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed patients to homes and less restrictive programs.
  • Our law and order policies are tough, but they are fair and they are non-restrictive for law-abiding citizens.
  • The changes to fibrosis would attribute to the spirometry results a rather restrictive pattern of changes.
  • teenagers eager to escape restrictive home environments
  • They can be restrictive on the amount you can deposit and some come with a monthly fee. Times, Sunday Times
  • If her marriage becomes too restrictive, she will break out and seek new horizons.
  • As science becomes better at measuring small amounts of trace chemicals that are potential carcinogens, the zero risk approach is increasingly restrictive.
  • Already the move, which frees the club from restrictive rules, has paid dividends, explained Mr Collins.
  • It is a seed from the goosefoot plant and is an ideal food for all of us because it is a complete protein, and is especially useful for those on some restrictive diets as Quinoa flour can be used in gluten-free baking. Quinoa
  • They don't even want to know what the distinction between a restrictive and a non-restrictive clause might be.
  • Leaders of churches, for example, may be reluctant to advocate restrictive legislation because they are seen to represent authoritarian institutions.
  • this relative clause is used restrictively
  • Third, Carnap realizes that the principle of operationalism is too restrictive.
  • Little remains of restrictive Sunday laws; in state schools the norm is even-handedness between religions, and between religion and no religion.
  • The proceeds will help the company to secure cheaper and less restrictive bank facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • As traditional restraints on females eased, women's clothing became less restrictive and first the bicycle and then the automobile freed young couples to escape from the rigid chaperonage of previous generations.
  • Perhaps even more telling, it is interesting that a gender neutral term like "androgynism" couldn't have been used instead of either masculism or feminism to represent the elimination of a common enemy …. restrictive gender roles that can harm us all. MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
  • Therefore leasing was seen as a way to circumvent restrictive covenants. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Virginia campaign law is very unrestrictive, as long as there is timely disclosure. Waldo Jaquith - Blog Summit, day 2.
  • Where contraception is inaccessible or of poor quality, many women will seek to terminate unintended pregnancies, despite restrictive laws and lack of adequate abortion services.
  • The exodus followed a new, more restrictive immigration act adopted by Malaysia.
  • When the episodes are prepared to fit into a more restrictive time frame for airing in syndication, scenes are frequently removed.
  • There was no restrictive covenant in the deeds.
  • Only having a Saturday to look for the bed, sofa, television, sideboard, desk, curtains, lamps, rugs and tables that we needed proved frustratingly restrictive.
  • These consist of the treatment of dominant firm monopolies, restrictive practices and mergers.
  • These are thought likely to be less restrictive than the proposals being considered by the Government. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is an important public interest in discouraging restraint on trade, and maintaining free and open competition unencumbered by the fetters of restrictive covenants.
  • Some European institutions, like the British Museum, were originally very restrictive, requiring references and allowing only gentlemen to visit.
  • Their idea of love had little in common, of course, with the sugary and restrictive sentiments of bourgeois society.
  • -- The Participle used as an adjective modifier, with the words belonging to it, is set off+ [Footnote: An expression in the body of a sentence is set off by two commas; at the beginning or at the end, by one comma.] +by the comma unless restrictive+. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • The Sport mode is essentially full power with a slightly less restrictive safety net. The Sun
  • In the northern states, blacks were generally permitted to vote and had access to most public accommodations, but were forced by racial covenants and restrictive laws to live in ghettoes. Facing the Demon Head On: Institutional Racism and the Prison Industrial Complex
  • That lag is perfectly congruent with his theory that the bigger part of the crash came when overly restrictive monetary policy turned a manageable bubble pop into the end of the world as we know it. Matthew Yglesias » A Broad-Based Real Estate Bubble
  • On the other hand, over-restrictive footwear can lead to the more serious problem of bunions: abnormal enlargements of the bottom joint of the big toe.
  • But the arsenal of restrictive tools available to states to retain capital inside their borders has also been weakened by globalization.
  • Far gone are the days of PVC where in order to keep dry you would need to be swathed in restrictive, heavy, and inflexible plastic rain slickers.
  • There are rules which dictate where tiles may be placed, but these are quite liberal and not very restrictive.
  • The usage is intimately linked with the distinction which grammarians made between restrictive and non-restrictive clauses.
  • The reasons for the subsequently restrictive practice is difficult to understand. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • The solution is to have a risk management system in place, where restrictive measures are put in place commensurate with risk level of a particular substance.
  • This mother of one and a black belt in tae kwon do advises pregnant exercisers to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise and wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.
  • Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr., in The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction (2008), argues that his idea of SF, which derives primarily from Darko Suvin (and is effectively SF as "hard SF"), is actually restrictive -- it reduces SF to the necessity of rigid scientific plausibility, when in fact SF is a much more varied genre and mode and tradition, and is just as much characterized by "ludic" elements (i.e., spontaneity, playfulness). Will You Go See Avatar?
  • He suggests asking for additional salary, increased severance, or payment during the period of the restrictive covenant.
  • He suggests the introduction of foreign currency denominated assets, and direct restrictive measures on foreign currency deposits.
  • High voltage silicon pile is the key component of the output circuits of color TV and color monitor, whose switch frequency is the direct restrictive factor of line scan.
  • No other intrusive or restrictive regulation is needed.
  • The race of plants, and the race of animals shrink under this great restrictive law.
  • However, following Government legislation relaxing the restrictive ties between pubs and the beer they sold, it has made less sense for breweries to hold onto these chains of pubs.
  • Those restrictive terms foreshadow potential future restrictions on and tiering of their book search services. Balkinization
  • The most restrictive measures include so-called "interline" agreements with other airlines interested in operating three key routes, quitting one of the two global alliances LAN and TAM are part of, and opening the domestic market to non-Chilean carriers, analysts say. Reuters: Press Release
  • I think there is more often than not a routine that takes place between improvisers that is more conformist and restrictive than they would ever imagine or admit to.
  • The event was staged to celebrate the Locomotives on Highways Act, freeing the motorist from the restrictive four miles an hour speed limit.
  • Is there some rebellious part of us that finds reality distasteful and restrictive? The Secrets of Musical Confidence
  • They benefited from the efforts of the earlier pioneers, but still found state control too restrictive.
  • Europe has a restrictive law, but neither an army of bureaucratic enforcers nor packs of voracious trial lawyers.
  • Another restrictive manoeuvre gets under way. Times, Sunday Times
  • On top of that the defendants advocated restrictive interpretation of the term technical provision would not be tolerated in Article 29a paragraph 3 Aw.
  • However, having restrictive conditions to the obligation, the policy holder does not need to undertake the disadvantageous legal consequence.
  • Among other findings, the team concluded that tracer transport in soils and shallow groundwater could be strongly affected by gaps in the vadose zone's restrictive fine-material layers. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • In 1997 the European Commission adopted a non-restrictive interpretation of this provision in relation to providing banking services cross-border.
  • However desirable it may seem to confine _who_ and _which_ to unrestrictive clauses, they are not confined to them in actual practice. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • They can be restrictive on the amount you can deposit and some come with a monthly fee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Formerly bastions of intellectual freedom in a world of Babbittry, formerly the locus of sexual freedom and experimentation, they now became the most restrictive environments in modern society. State of fear
  • Consequently, I wanted to avoid the frustration of the country's restrictive speed limits.

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