
How To Use Responsibility In A Sentence

  • I found to my cost that being a director of the company meant a great deal of worry and responsibility.
  • He admitted killing her but denied murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility and loss of control. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has identified ways to cut its 600m supply chain spending by 12% and devolved more responsibility to regional management teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • A second preoccupation evident in these papers is responsibility, and what could roughly be described as the ethical dimension of conceptualisation.
  • And it was Charlie’s indirect responsibility that he committed suicide, thus ending that marriage in acrimony and despair. Patrick McGrath’s ‘Trauma’ « Tales from the Reading Room
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  • However, the trustees do have a responsibility to ensure that the centre's income is deployed in the most effective manner.
  • The plan laid out in 1996 to change welfare to workfare recognized and provided for the critical role child care would play in transitioning from government dependency to personal responsibility.
  • If implemented, Straw's curfew will allow adults to evade taking responsibility for the welfare of future generations.
  • Give responsibility for minor decision making to the elder councils.
  • It is women who mainly shoulder responsibility for the care of elderly and disabled relatives.
  • It was an opportunity for a politician to grab some cheap brownie points without risk, because it would involve apologising for something he had no responsibility for --- a great distractor. Making Tea For Alan Turing
  • Cervical vertebra coping, of the belt headache. Left prothorax aches, it is how to return a responsibility, what disease be? How to administer?
  • Herein resided the stem-winding, therapeutic logic of the year-long national "conversation on race"; the periodic presidential apologies for world-historic wrongs which were usually strategic evasions of actual legislative responsibility; and the fussy feel-good conferences on teen violence and the media. The Feel Good Presidency
  • One section will be on what I call stewardship, which is on the role and responsibility of the presidency, what they believe about the constitution, about the role of America. CNN Transcript Aug 16, 2008
  • He has no responsibility for that accident.
  • But they are my responsibility, and it's always heartbreaking if a hive dies out.
  • The report of the discussions points up the responsibility of teachers.
  • It is rare for the responsibility for causing conflict to rest solely on one side.
  • His denial of responsibility for the accident was unconvincing.
  • While several councils have been fined for signing-off deficient work, in other cases councils have escaped responsibility because builders used independent certifiers.
  • It is true, however, my dear Edward, that you have lost your father; but as to this flourish of his unpleasant situation having grated upon his spirits and hurt his health — the truth is — for though it is harsh to say so now, yet it will relieve your mind from the idea of weighty responsibility — the truth then is, that Mr. Richard Waverley
  • This part of the judgment is concerned with an assessment of the degree of responsibility which the company must carry for that loss.
  • Responsibility for the perioperative care of patients with chronic kidney disease is shared by the family physician, nephrologist, anesthesiologist, and surgeon.
  • His brother now had to assume responsibility for them as well as for his own growing family, particularly when it soon became evident that his sister-in-law, Ethel, could not cope.
  • Was there not some case law regarding message boards and comments that we utilized at nancies. org in order to avoid the assumption of responsibility for third party content (board posts, comments, etc)? Waldo Jaquith - “Motion to Compel” in Garrett subpoena
  • This system of dyarchy was abolished by the Government of India Act, which gave the provincial assemblies full responsibility for government.
  • Sri Aurobindo's "prescription for a spiritualized aesthesis" rids us from the burden of "responsibility" dogging or any nagging sense of lack or guilt. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The law is this: The creedalism and immoderateness of Socialism, other things being equal, vary inversely with its age and responsibility. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • His lifestyle was too threatening, his irresponsibility too damning to make him sympathetic.
  • Women are very happy to work extremely hard on a project when an outsider such as an expatriate advisor or consultant, takes responsibility but will not take the initiative to begin a process.
  • I've said that we want to put responsibility at the heart of our society and thrift at the heart of our government. The Sun
  • In this role he had responsibility for compiling intelligence dossiers on its enemies; for planning counter-espionage and for establishing and supervising fascist cells operating in the trade union movement.
  • Inefficient use of resources was a form of moral irresponsibility.
  • The poor and the hungry need to be the focus of our economic and social responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deccan Organization of the Islamic Jihad Army claimed responsibility for the attacks.
  • The power to apportion responsibility under the Law Reform Act 1945 afforded a far more appropriate tool for doing justice than the blunt instrument of turpitude.
  • And "The neoconservative hubris, which sort of assigns to America some kind of geo-strategic responsibility for maximizing democracy, overstretches the resources of a free country. Firedoglake » Can Republicans Put Country Before Party?
  • he saddled me with that heavy responsibility
  • Whose responsibility is it if something goes wrong? Times, Sunday Times
  • I think they are evading their responsibility in a grossly irresponsible way.
  • The Chairman of the airline accepted full responsibility for the accident.
  • The manager carries the greatest burden of responsibility.
  • They already have responsibility for key decisions about transport, waste, energy, housing and other development.
  • Every department blames the other and no one accepts responsibility.
  • The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility.
  • They value being part of a business which has social responsibility and ethics at its heart. The Sun
  • The issue seems to have become stuck between two government departments with neither taking overall responsibility for a plan of action. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having consciousness of public servant, stressing social responsibility and enhancing moral duty are especially important.
  • And this refusal of the author to charge the people with their own stupidity and cupidity, this refusal of the people to own up and take responsibility, is symptomatic.
  • Responsibility rests with us all to make the system work.
  • Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible adults,and learn to give up what we want,so we can choose to do what is right.Of course,a life time of responsibility isn'e always easy,and as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear.But still we try to do what is best,what is good.Not only for ourselves,but for those we love.Yes,sooner or later we must all become responsible adults.No one knows this better than the young.
  • The promise of apokatastasis, the restoration of all things, does not license moral irresponsibility. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Our nation's security is not just the responsibility of the armed forces.
  • This is what comedy is, hon, making fun of other people; it's the responsibility of people in a comedy to fire back.
  • To effectively implement the financial control, every accountability unit should clearly know its responsibility bound, also known as the "responsibility center".
  • Yet unlike the systemic risk problem, which is endlessly jawboned in Washington today, no one is really talking about the dispersion of responsibility problem. Legislating a Conscience on Wall Street
  • The primary responsibility lies with those who break the law.
  • With the recruitment process still running, the job specification for the role was suddenly downgraded two weeks ago to remove any responsibility for the senior England team. Times, Sunday Times
  • We cannot simply shift the responsibility onto someone else.
  • TransitionSecurity: First, we are transitioning security to full Iraqi responsibility. Wewill end the combat mission in Iraqby the end of August 2010.
  • Can our students model ethical behavior and civic responsibility with regard to their subject matter?
  • It is the responsibility of the state to maintain the supremacy of citizenship.
  • Few women are in positions of real responsibility in Japanese commerce and only around five per cent of women are elected representatives in Japan's Parliament.
  • They hope that their work will instil a sense of responsibility in children.
  • One of the main elements is the way people take responsibility. Carolyn Hax: Explaining one's divorce to a date (continued)
  • I'm not saying that sexual responsibility devolves to women.
  • Already he had responsibility within the school and he would have been a school prefect without doubt.
  • Chapter 3 described the web of relationships of pre-colonial societies in which kinship was the prime determinant of obligation and responsibility.
  • Mr Treuting will have overall responsibility for the growth and profitability of Verio's operations in the Southeast business market.
  • Ms. Crupi, 49, who joined the company in 1983 as a keypunch operator, had primary responsibility for a bank account that allegedly served as the main Ponzi scheme fund Mr. Madoff ' s firms used to receive investors ' money and pay redemptions. Two Ex-Madoff Employees Face Criminal Charges
  • The abundant supply of credit is not matched by an abundance of personal responsibility in current bankruptcy law.
  • Even comparatively powerless and uninfluential lay people must accept some responsibility for the situation.
  • It is unrealistic to expect the young and naive to feel more responsibility for public expenditure than government does. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible adults,and learn to give up what we want,so we can choose to do what is right.Of course,a life time of responsibility isn'e always easy,and as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear.But still we try to do what is best,what is good.Not only for ourselves,but for those we love.Yes,sooner or later we must all become responsible adults.No one knows this better than the young.
  • It is your special responsibility, dear monks, to be living examples of this interior and profound relationship with him, implementing without compromise the program that your founder summarized in the "nihil amori Christi praeponere" [put nothing before the love of Christ.] (Rule 4.21). More from Montecassino
  • The court assumed responsibility for the girl's welfare.
  • That sounds like condonation of sloth, indiscipline, unethical behaviour, and disregard of responsibility.
  • Any time people know what's going on in their companies, they do feel what you call a patriotic responsibility to invest there," said Paul Palazzo, a managing director for Altfest Personal Wealth Management in New York. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • It's a way of (consciously or unconsciously) weaseling out of actually taking responsibility for your actions.
  • His nonprofit corporation, Working Arts, took over responsibility for the center when the symphony board filed for bankruptcy last year.
  • But thou must take responsibility for thy own decisions, speak up for thyself. THE ANCIENT FUTURE: THE DARK AGE
  • Recruit , manage, motivate, assess, promote and develop employees in their area of responsibility.
  • Where the private sector fails to provide jobs, the public sector has a moral responsibility to do so.
  • Now, if this be true, as it most indubitably is true, surely if we are interested in controlling the future in some measure, surely it is our first and paramount duty to recognize our responsibility to the future to stop war as an instrument of national policy, if this be possible. Roads to the Future
  • The first stage is to get in touch with your perceptions and accept responsibility for your relationships.
  • Paradoxically, the political situation is so desperate, so apparently hopeless, that everyone understands the responsibility of casting their vote.
  • The school governors carry a special burden of responsibility.
  • Regardless, I thought that was big of him to take the responsibility.
  • We enjoy the abnegation of responsibility that comes with a terse command. Times, Sunday Times
  • So its presence in areas of responsibility of missile armed submarines is subject to strict regulation.
  • The fact that a person acted pursuant to an order of his government does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.
  • He said leadership had become a huge preoccupation because organisations had changed over the past few decades, with power and responsibility being devolved down the organisational chain. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's your responsibility to arrange adequate cover for holiday periods.
  • There was serious talk of ecological suicide, criminal irresponsibility and the evils of toxic fumes merging with alcoholic ones.
  • The school governors carry a special burden of responsibility.
  • The government has handed the responsibility of lawmaking to unelected judges.
  • Too distrustful to delegate his responsibility to his ministers, he was too infirm of will to strike out and follow a consistent course for himself.
  • Several university presidents chaired committees and, following customary practices, earned an additional fee for this responsibility.
  • We can begin to restore the public purpose of corporations by asserting their responsibility and accountability to all stakeholders.
  • Adams took over responsibility for "a shining constellation of museums ... with the responsibility to use these resources for the cultural enrichment and education of the nation".
  • It also has the weighty responsibility of inhibiting the conversion of body fat back into glucose for the body to burn (a hangover from our feast-or-famine cave days).
  • On the other hand since the system of the patronage of the arts had collapsed and foreign rulers were not interested in taking over the responsibility, the role of the princely states became crucial.
  • It is unfair, however, to expect nurses to take on this new role and responsibility without adequate training and supervision.
  • With an open and clear character, i am a straightforward and steady-going girl of responsibility, hopefully we can cooperate and develop together.
  • No one has yet stepped forward to claim responsibility for the attack.
  • As a doctor you have a professional responsibility to deal with complaints constructively and honestly.
  • We're putting too much responsibility on young shoulders these days.
  • I've always been interested in curses, hexes, and the like, and would be excited to discover that I have this capability, though of course it would also amount to a considerable responsibility.
  • The safekeeping of property given to the pawnbroker is the pawnbroker's responsibility; Persfin
  • From that time death had held for him a more personal promise; and the obligation to live, to fulfil one's present opportunities, had become charged with another meaning than he had been used to read into what he called his mere animal responsibility. The Wheel of Life
  • I didn't think she was old enough for the responsibility.
  • In the novel, a decent man, having made a "devil's bargain," finds himself on that precarious border between personal love and social responsibility.
  • The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility.
  • Sadly no department or minister was given the responsibility of carrying it out. The Sun
  • If he voted the impossible the disastrous possible happened instead — and responsibility was forced on him willy-nilly and destroyed both him and his foundationless temple. Police Need Intelligence Shock « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • With so many reports to mislead one, it is hard to say at whose door the responsibility should be laid.
  • Support groups promote this sense of responsibility and self-reliance. Coping with Angina
  • It would willingly unburden the clubs of a major share of financial responsibility to England's elite and pay the players itself through central contracting, just as England does with its top cricketers.
  • They have a moral responsibility to be impartial and to show that they are impartial.
  • If people are to accept responsibility for outcomes, they will insist upon being substantively included in the decision process.
  • I try to inculcate a sense of responsibility in my children.
  • When loking at their areas of responsibility on which they have carte blanche to spend our taxes, blanch is the word. Drunk Ken`s Awful Friends ( And See Dispatches Tonight)
  • We shall not forget them, nor this magnificent production of a play that reminds us in our selfish age how collective responsibility and camaraderie have eroded away.
  • It is the responsibility of the government that it bilged the boat of democracy.
  • The total effect of Aristofie's thought is to ennoble humanity and to increase personal responsibility.
  • Governors need to inform themselves thoroughly about the current state of the school building before they accept responsibility for it.
  • My dad's sense of pacifism is only outweighed by his sense of responsibility, which is why he didn't high-tail it to Canada four years earlier than he did. Archive 2007-03-01
  • The fact that a person acted pursuant to an order of his government does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.
  • No organization has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb attack.
  • This trio claims responsibility for re-inventing skateboarding, taking it from a relatively tame "tabletop" sport to one that goes vertical.
  • Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.
  • “Korean society has a responsibility to help them,” said Samuel Kang Seong-joon, an activist of the archdiocese’s Catholic Human Rights Committee.
  • He was borne up by a strong sense of responsibility.
  • Social responsibility accounting requires enterprises paying attention to social benefits while pursuing economic benefits.
  • A pretty good defence mechanism is to be open - but also, I think, without being too priggish and sanctimonious, it's a kind of responsibility if you're in public life.
  • The astronomer royal declared himself more than willing to undertake responsibility for the work.
  • We have to get the professional game right and we have to give it responsibility and accountability.
  • Responsibility involves accepting blame for collective failure as well as credit for success. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we stood there on the fringe of a park studded with tall, old pine trees, the Taliban spokesman called Sami's cell phone claiming responsibility for the attack. Shellshocked
  • Incidents such as stabbings and violent crime, often induced by influences like drugs or alcohol, are unacceptable and the police have a responsibility to deal with this.
  • On the other side of the coin, there are two types of strippers. the type who do it caz their smart and the type who do it caz they don't have the skills to get a job that requires more responsibility. call me some time, I'll take you out. Bitterblog
  • And at that size, there are good reasons to think that the Public Option would become a dumping ground for what health care policy types call "creaming" -- health insurers wanting to maintain pools of the young and the healthy and dump responsibility for the aged and chronically ill on to public programs or on to nothing at all. Talking Points Memo
  • One of the advantages we have found in the now divided portfolios of Labour, under Mr. Nicholson, and Manpower, under Mr. Marchand, is they are able to refer you from one to the other, each saying that it is the other's responsibility. The Canada-U.S. Automotive Products Agreement
  • The aim is to transfer power/control/responsibility to self-governing regional councils.
  • The opposite of victims, second wave feminists audaciously did something and, in the frontier spirit of American self-reliance, claimed responsibility for their own lives and happiness. Pamela Haag, Ph.D.: Remember When Liberals Were Feminists?
  • Companies have a social responsibility to return something to society.
  • Justice theorists have constructed impressive edifices by refining traditional notions of fairness and responsibility.
  • The act shifted responsibility for overseeing airmail from the U.S. Army to the Post Office Department after several pilots were killed in accidents due to inexperience and faulty equipment.
  • Increasingly, ritual performers took greater self-guided responsibility over the enactment of the Dreamings that they owned.
  • Typically, managers focus on operating their area of assigned responsibility for efficiency, cost containment, and compliance with delivery schedules.
  • Fragonard and Watteau created frothy paeans to the pleasures of surface, frivolity, and irresponsibility.
  • A Wilson spokesman said the governor is reluctant to approve a state takeover of a federal responsibility.
  • What kind of businessperson would want to travel to Italy when they prosecute individuals for supervisory responsibility of departments that have made a diligent, good faith effort to comply with the local laws from 10,000 miles away? Medlogs - Recent stories
  • They oversaw a process in which others were given the important responsibility of serving tables. Christianity Today
  • You can work out a way of sharing a family responsibility. The Sun
  • Tired of people not taking responsibility for their inhumaneness to their fellow man. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • The whole concept of responsibility was alien to him.
  • Once again the government is abdicating its responsibility and laying the blame elsewhere.
  • It's ultimately the responsibility of the submarine to remain clear of surface vessels.
  • The fact that no one has claimed responsibility only underscores the profoundly reactionary character of these attacks.
  • Another Newton alderman, Charlie Shapiro, said the ordinance was a way for the city, which has an $8 million deficit, to "offload" some responsibility for keeping sidewalks clear. New Shovel-Ready Project
  • We can talk about responsibility of educating our children and preparing them for a better future.
  • Questions may be edited for reasons of space and advice is given without responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Role-responsibility refers to the performance or fulfillment of the duties attached to a person's social role.
  • The primary responsibility lies with those who break the law.
  • It is a great responsibility looking after other people's children.
  • It leaves a lame duck with the responsibility of pushing the Maastricht Bill through the Commons.
  • But the bottom line as far as she is concerned is that builders and developers have been abdicating any responsibility in this area.
  • It is usually the responsibility of the engineer to approve the alternative offered by the contractor or to suggest a possible solution.
  • We cannot simply shift the responsibility onto someone else.
  • Ultimate responsibility rests with the prime minister.
  • It is usually the responsibility of the engineer to approve the alternative offered by the contractor or to suggest a possible solution.
  • A parlourmaid's job is relatively easy, even more so than a housemaid's job and I was given more freedom and more responsibility.
  • Responsibility for the dispute rests squarely on the shoulders of the president.
  • The students generously gave them instruction in social responsibility.
  • The new portfolio, dubbed ayush, includes responsibility for ayurvedic medicine, yoga, unani, siddha and homeopathy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Federal Trade Commission charges Thursday, Twitter is is just now accepting responsibility for past privacy and security lapses that resulted in involved a hacker's automated password guesser, which uncovered a Twitter administrative password that was a lower case, dictionary word (in other words: not very secure), resulting in a number of prominent users 'accounts -- including Barack Obama's -- being used to transmit spammy offers for free gasoline. hacker gaining access to a Twitter employee's personal email account, and eventually to personal information about founder Evan Williams. DailyFinance
  • Ms Palin has disqualified herself from that responsibility by showing a woeful grasp of policy.
  • To conduct a successful crime audit you will need to: Assign clear responsibility and provide appropriate resources.
  • That is why vessels are required under international law to have flags, and a State by flagging a vessel assumes responsibility with things which occur on that vessel, even when it is in the territorial waters of another State.
  • Take responsibility yourself, communicate your needs, wants and desires to your partner.
  • It calls for ‘responsibility,’ then shirks it with surreal cravenness.
  • The idea of ‘property’ in land oscillates between the behavioural, the conceptual and the obligational between competing models of property as a fact, property as a right and property as a responsibility.
  • Some individuals probably feel that pressure and responsibility too much. The Sun
  • School leaders also have a responsibility to tackle unconscious bias where it creeps in. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have gone from individual initiative to collective responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fifteen separate routes have been made the responsibility of managers whose chief aim is to satisfy their customers.
  • The technical, institutional organizations had responsibility for system management; this was called the subsystem, manager scheme. Augustine's Laws - and Ares 1 - NASA Watch
  • There is a separation between science and ethics, between technology and social responsibility.
  • I am simply saying that it would be fitting and right for those responsible for the damages caused — I do not care whether those damages be in terms of silted streams, scarred landscapes, or in lost livestock — to take full responsibility for them. Bush Administration v. Environmental Groups
  • It was the willingness to shoulder responsibility and the single-minded pursuit of victory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proving which chemical agent was used on the victims does not determine responsibility for the attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you have a negative character, you are likely to fall victim to laziness, irresponsibility, low self- esteem, irresolution. Quitting- mindedness, recklessness, compulsion and emotional impulsiveness. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He had overall responsibility for the policing of the May Day riots.
  • This facility will be used to record the progress of each problem and to assign responsibility for solving the problem.
  • Among other things, he switched responsibility for approving genetically modified crops from the Directorate General for the Environment, which funds antitechnology nongovernmental organizations and has long opposed such crops, to the Directorate General for Health, which has a more neutral record. Unprincipled 'Precaution'
  • Offenders should be taught self-discipline, personal responsibility and how to act like ‘a decent human being’.
  • Sorry for all the good ol 'boys in butternut and gray, but they had some responsibility for what happened -- and for losing. Latest News Media Claim: U.S.
  • A private individual is not normally liable in negligence for a mere omission in the absence of some special feature, such as a particular relationship with the claimant or an undertaking of responsibility (see paras 2.2.1 to
  • The limits are designed to encourage fiscal responsibility.

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