How To Use Respiratory system In A Sentence

  • Bronchial asthma is a respiratory system condition in which the air tubes to the lungs become especially vulnerable to constriction.
  • The highest tree pollen count in three years triggered a dangerous air quality warning Friday in Chicago, where allergist Dr. Joseph Leija warned in a statement: "Itchy eyes, stuffy noses and fatigue will be common among Chicagoans with sensitive respiratory systems. The nose knows: Allergy season here with vengeance
  • The bones were hollow and thin-walled, but also pneumatic: that is, they had openings in their walls that allowed air sacs from the respiratory system to enter the bones.
  • It strengthens energy, digestion and the respiratory system, easing fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, diarrhea and prolapsed organs.
  • Inhaling nitric acid fumes can cause irritation or burns to the respiratory system and may lead to pneumonia and a collection of fluid in the lungs, which can be fatal.
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  • On the contrary, the morphology and evolution of vertebral pneumaticity in sauropods suggests that their respiratory systems were more similar to those of birds than to those of crocodiles.
  • Good respiratory system and hand hygiene is pretty much all you can do. Two companies, two different ways of dealing with Swine Flu
  • We focus on varying diseases relating to respiratory system, digestive system, cardio-cerebral vascular system, antineoplastic, bone diseases-modifying antirheumatic, gynecological, and refill nutrition, among others. Business Wire Travel News
  • The strain on the respiratory system is immense during a race. Times, Sunday Times
  • These gases would seriously damage the patient's respiratory system.
  • We do know that there are some very nasty chemicals in fracking fluid, like formamide, a "reproductive toxicant" that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention says targets organs like the "eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, [and] reproductive system," and isopropanol which is a main ingredient in household glass cleaners. Kevin Grandia: Waxman and Markey's Hydraulic Fracking Smackdown
  • Back in their high school biology class, the students had been studying the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • The respiratory system is particularly susceptible to the vicissitudes of our emotional life from a very early age. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • She was more than five times over the legal drink-drive limit, and had enough alcohol in her blood to make her comatose and depress her respiratory system. Times, Sunday Times
  • While all varieties of influenza are RNA-type viruses that attack the respiratory system, the molecular biology of each virus mutates frequently, effectively trying to "outsmart" those of us physicians and scientists who strive to keep the virus at bay. Norman H. Edelman, M.D.: Why The Flu Is The Smartest Virus Around
  • The respiratory system is particularly susceptible to the vicissitudes of our emotional life from a very early age. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • The pneumatic vertebrae of sauropods and other saurischians are very similar to those of birds and have been considered evidence for the early evolution of the avian respiratory system.
  • The lung model is driven by hourly energy needs that specify required respiratory gas exchanges and consequent evaporative water loss from the respiratory system.
  • Once it attacks your respiratory system prognosis is dire. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conducting portion of the respiratory system includes the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi.
  • TAKING sleeping pills can lead to complications in the respiratory system. The Sun
  • While caffeine primarily is active in the brain and muscles, theophylline is active in stimulating the respiratory system, heart and kidneys.
  • Is the respiratory system with phthisical common disease common what is the symptom?
  • The respiratory system is particularly susceptible to the vicissitudes of our emotional life from a very early age. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • Interestingly, blood is classified as a connective tissue because it connects the digestive and respiratory systems with the other parts of the body. The Volokh Conspiracy » IJ’s Bone Marrow Case: History of NOTA
  • The risks of continuing to use the iron-based pigment hemoglobin as the respiratory system's vital transport protein are manifest.
  • After the virus infects the cells of the respiratory system and begins replicating, neuraminidase cuts the newly formed copies free to invade other cells.
  • Ethoxylated chemicals: Chemicals such as sodium laureth sulfate, PEGs, ceteareth-20 and other chemicals with "eth" in the name are often contaminated with 1,4 dioxane, a probable human carcinogen that may also be toxic to the kidneys, brain and respiratory system, according to the California EPA. Marcia G. Yerman: What Price Beauty? New Legislation Seeks Safety Regulations
  • The conducting portion of the respiratory system includes the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi.
  • Our respiratory systems are lined with millions of tiny cilia that clean all kinds of irritants - germs, dust, mucus - out of our bodies.
  • the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems
  • The damage is apparently to their respiratory systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do know that there are some very nasty chemicals in fracking fluid, like formamide, a "reproductive toxicant" that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention says targets organs like the "eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, [and] reproductive system," and isopropanol which is a main ingredient in household glass cleaners. Kevin Grandia: Waxman and Markey's Hydraulic Fracking Smackdown
  • Breathing in a lungful of Tehran air is a full-frontal assault on the respiratory system.
  • Also reported are the harms caused to the immune, reproductive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has additionally been traditionally used for breathlessness, clearing mucous from the respiratory system, soothing coughs, assisting divert as great as semen prolongation as great as as an insecticide opposite lice. Archive 2009-11-01
  • According to the CDC, the "age-adjusted death rate decreased significantly for 10 of the 15 leading causes of death," including heart disease, malignant neoplasm cancer, various chronic diseases of the liver or respiratory system, influenza and pneumonia. The March of Health Progress
  • Exercise not only strengthened muscles and improved general stamina, but also gave a thorough workout to the circulatory and respiratory systems.
  • Breathing problems are considered to be those that affect the respiratory system below the vocal cords.
  • The respiratory system is particularly susceptible to the vicissitudes of our emotional life from a very early age. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • Enteropneusta exhibit chordate (vertebrate) affinities in respect of the coelomic, skeletal and nervous systems as well as in regard to the respiratory system, and, further, that the gill-slits are formed upon a plan similar to that of the gill-slits of _Amphioxus_, being subdivided by tongue-bars which depend from the dorsal borders of the slits. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The main ones are the inability to breed naturally (the majority of bulldogs are artificially inseminated and require C sections), constant skin and eye infections, weak respiratory systems and heart trouble. PETA Wants to Banish the University of Georgia Bulldog
  • We found that Crs was highly correlated with birth weight and length, with larger babies having more compliant respiratory systems.
  • In all but the most extraordinary conditions, pneumatized bones are the only traces of the respiratory system that fossilize.
  • The 1 percent that isn't water and sand is chemicals like formamide, a "reproductive toxicant" that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention says targets organs like the "eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, [and] reproductive system. Kevin Grandia: Watch out for hydraulic fracturing it might make your hair orange
  • Research has found that the cardiorespiratory system can improve with less than 20 to 30 minutes in the target heart rate zone, particularly with deconditioned individuals.
  • Because the brain or respiratory system may be immature or underdeveloped, the baby may not be able to regulate his or her own breathing normally.
  • Last year they airlifted some kid out of Enchanted 2003, his respiratory system had shut down after OD'ing on Eccys.

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