
respiratory distress syndrome

  1. an acute lung disease of the newborn (especially the premature newborn); lungs cannot expand because of a wetting agent is lacking; characterized by rapid shallow breathing and cyanosis and the formation of a glassy hyaline membrane over the alveoli

How To Use respiratory distress syndrome In A Sentence

  • The short-term use of corticosteroids antepartum for the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome does not seem to pose a risk to the foetus or the newborn infant.
  • Although the incidence of the respiratory distress syndrome was similar in our groups there were significant differences in variables reflecting disease severity.
  • The short-term use of corticosteroids antepartum for the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome does not seem to pose a risk to the foetus or the newborn infant.
  • Oxygen therapy is an important but problematic issue in the treatment of prematurely born neonates and in the respiratory insufficiency associated with the acute respiratory distress syndrome.
  • She had well established adult respiratory distress syndrome, requiring artificial ventilation with 90% fractional inspired oxygen.
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome is the clinical manifestation of severe, acute lung injury.
  • Commonly, these infants need supplemental oxygen treatment for mild respiratory distress syndrome or parenteral nutrition until enteral feeds are established.
  • An X-ray showed that's lungs hadn't fully matured and that he was suffering respiratory distress syndrome.
  • Slide 26: Clinical course in acute ethylene glycol intoxication 12 to 24 hours Cardiovascular Mild hypertension, tachycardia, and shock Pulmonary Tachypnea adult respiratory distress syndrome pulmonary edema pneumonitis Metabolic Metabolic acidosis with elevated anion gap decreased osmolal gap possible tetany from hypocalcemia, and hyperventilation Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Also called RDS or hyaline membrane disease, respiratory distress syndrome is a condition of premature infant lungs due to insufficient sufactant (see surfactant). Glossary
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