How To Use Respectful In A Sentence

  • Teachers or students so exempted may remain in the classroom and sit or stand respectfully while others participate in the ceremony.
  • I'm very proud of the film and I think I've been truthful and respectful of his work.
  • Again, a fear of ghosts walking may be the best explanation for burials that appear ‘respectful’ in all other ways.
  • One thing no one can deny is how direspectful the media has been against clinton. Core constituency laments Clinton's exit
  • The tone of Nicholls' biography is dispassionately respectful, admiring even.
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  • Angry Reader has a point about "spill," and while I can see Joel's point about it being what people call it, I respectfully suggest that it's that logic which got us to the point where we called chaining people to walls, beating them, freezing them, blasting music and noise at them at decibel levels high enough to inflict pain, electrifying their genitals, humiliating them and then drowning them repeatedly "enhanced interrogation techniques. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Upon these interjections, placable flicks of the lionly tail addressed to Britannia the Ruler, who expected him in some mildish way to lash terga cauda in retiring, Sir Willoughby Patterne passed from a land of alien manners; and ever after he spoke of America respectfully and pensively, with a tail tucked in, as it were. The Egoist
  • He said no disrespect intended, but how can you not be disrespectful saying that? Times, Sunday Times
  • They have always been very respectful of me as a rabbi. Times, Sunday Times
  • They wanted an equal, respectful relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of attending, I thought heavily about throwing things at the hearse as this would at least have been straight-forwardly and honestly disrespectful. And for my next trick……. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Mr. Dominico respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of Washington, Georgetown, and their vicinages, that every exertion shall be used to render his performance entertaining.
  • Our relationship started well, descended into hate-hate, recovered somewhat to love-hate and, latterly, has drifted into respectful acceptance.
  • I do not remember being trained in manners and respectful behaviour.
  • The emerging generation are more and more impervious to standard school indoctrination, less ready to give up their seats on buses, less respectful and filial.
  • If two leggers are respectful and properly admiring of us for the exotic, superior beings that we are, then we will always be well behaved in return.
  • There's a distinct whiff of anthropological research in the respectful view of men in pubs and stoking furnaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jim Hart, a man of singular height and thinness, whom Sol disrespectfully called the "Saplin '" -- that is, the sapling, a slim young tree -- was doing the cooking. The Forest Runners A Story of the Great War Trail in Early Kentucky
  • And if you are treated disrespectfully during the initial contact, it is unlikely to get any better.
  • The rest of the conversation was fairly short, now that James had respectfully disinvited himself.
  • The answer lies in age-appropriate, respectful gestures. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they always like a respectful hush when they are considering weighty matters. The Sun
  • She is respectful of individual†™ s personal timetables and idiosyncrasies and always seeks to bring the best out in everyone. acknowledges other†™ s gifts and talents. master brainstormer, always suggesting possible fundraisers and prospective corporate or community partners. adept at seeking out possible grants and competently applying for them with great success. First Book Blog
  • I held most of the world's females in disregard, for even a hint of mascara or lip colour was enough to have me disrespectful of them.
  • I sat in the corner in my borrowed lavalava, folding my legs under me so that the soles of my bare feet were respectfully pointed away from our hosts.
  • That disagreement, however, must be presented in an intellectually responsible and respectful manner.
  • Berdichev smiled tightly and gave the barest of nods in response to Clarac's respectful bow.
  • I don't resent people asking questions if they do it respectfully, which most people do.
  • I'm always respectful of my health and my body. The Sun
  • She was respectfully requested to keep the fact he is on special assignment to herself and her immediate family.
  • If mudge were here, he'd castigate me severely for being so disrespectful to sex workers. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • They were respectful and courteous and asked my father's permission to speak to him alone.
  • Anyone within earshot of a eulogy is supposed to listen respectfully.
  • That, we respectfully submit, relates directly to a depredation upon the exchequer of the Commonwealth.
  • As long as religion does not threaten science and freedom, we should be respectful and tolerant because our freedom to disbelieve is inextricably bound to the freedom of others to believe. » Blog Archive » Michael Shermer, Of All People, On Tolerable Atheism
  • She taught her how to act polite, demure, obedient and respectful.
  • Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said she was absolutely dissatisfied with the arrangement - giving more time for the prosecution to prepare the argument," said Nyan Win, using the respectful term "daw" for the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Archive 2009-07-01
  • I ain't limpin ', sir," the man answered respectfully, and, at a nod of dismissal from the mate, marched off jauntily along the deck with CHAPTER V
  • They ensure street fundraising takes place in a respectful way. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time we respectfully suggest that this enterprising young company is missing a trick. Times, Sunday Times
  • I give my personal apology to the victims and their families for this disrespectful and shameful behaviour. The Sun
  • He was a confident person, very respectful towards staff and other pupils. The Sun
  • A teen who acts out in school or is disrespectful can bring disgrace upon the family.
  • As the fisherman approaches, the falconer's spaniels look enquiringly at each other, and his whippet, all four paws at attention, stares respectfully at such an admirable salmon.
  • He stopped for a moment, coughed, got up, bade Anna give his respectful compliments to M. Braun, made a joke in Latin, bowed, and took his leave. Jean-Christophe Journey's End
  • Perhaps someone could offer a reasonable explanation - not just a lame excuse - for this apparent cold, ungracious, disrespectful conduct and lapse in basic good manners?
  • He said no disrespect intended, but how can you not be disrespectful saying that? Times, Sunday Times
  • Not so much -- they respectfully disagree with Steven Tyler's opinion that she didn't have enough "pizzazz," but work through their problems rationally and send her to Hollywood. 'American Idol' premieres: New judges, same old show
  • If I was "jimmying open" my front door and a cop showed up to see what was going on, I'd be grateful, respectful and provide identification. Obama to meet this week with professor, officer
  • She had listened from a respectful distance, and with the humble deference born of years of bondage, to the honeyed words with which the great lady deigned to cajole a girl-slave: but when Dea Flavia had finished speaking and the chorus of admiration had died down around her, the freedwoman, with steps which she vainly tried to render firm, approached to the foot of the catasta and stood between the great lady and her own child. "Unto Caesar"
  • You should always be respectful. The Sun
  • I trust it will not be thought in any degree disrespectful to a profession which we all honor, that I have mentioned the great zeal of many clergymen in the cause of Perkinism. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • I would respectfully suggest a different explanation for the company's decline.
  • If you treat the officer respectfully and roll over, there is no need for him to ticket you to win an argument.
  • (Although I note that whitefellas learned pretty quickly to be respectful of blackfella knowledge if they got stuck in the bush or needed a tracker to follow someone). On Line Opinion - Latest Articles
  • It is important that self-inflicted injuries are responded to in a calm and respectful manner.
  • And they always like a respectful hush when they are considering weighty matters. The Sun
  • Baseball people refer to catchers' equipment as 'the tools of ignorance,' a phrase that sounds pejorative but is meant respectfully. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • But is her secret, as some rivals are sniffily suggesting, simply to have let tabloid newspaper hacks loose in the more respectful world of magazines?
  • Even her husband, it is said, upon whose fortunes her talents and address had produced such emphatic influence, regarded her with respectful awe rather than confiding attachment; and report said, there were times when he considered his grandeur as dearly purchased at the expense of domestic thraldom. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • If all you are thinking about is sex (as the term cock block would imply) then that is disrespectful. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • 'You are an artist,' she said respectfully.
  • They wanted an equal, respectful relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Curious but respectful, Cathena acquiesces to the request.
  • In his past work, David Lynch has often presented seniors as if they were circus freaks, but here his approach is reverent and respectful.
  • Business calls from overseas commercial circles are especially welcomed! We provide 24-hour service and await your calls respectfully!
  • In no way is this film disrespectful. Times, Sunday Times
  • I use the term barbarism in contradistinction to civilization, and very respectfully refer to authorities of repute in justification of this use of the word, both to designate the quality of the _thing_, and the precise locality of its fittest application; for although The Right of American Slavery
  • This attitude is never cruel or disrespectful or malicious.
  • Aside from observing the etiquette of treating our fellow man respectfully, this strikes me as basic common sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • Earlier the pair had offered a glimpse of a future working relationship in notably respectful exchanges. Times, Sunday Times
  • For this reason the town will fall silent and its residents will pay their own respectful tribute today.
  • He didn't achieve much at school in academic terms but he was respectful of his elders and listened to them.
  • It is a shabby and disrespectful epitaph for the tweedy old Bernard Quatermass and his adventures, which date back almost to the advent of television.
  • Owning a large audience, Robert Lee Frost is considered as the most influential, the most popular and the most respectful poet in the 20th century in America.
  • Were the inhabitants of Olduvai Gorge, or for that matter, the Neanderthals, all sweetness and light -- charitable to their neighbors and respectful of their environment? The Real End of the World
  • My initial scepticism was replaced with respectful admiration.
  • Are we respectful of anyone and when did it become acceptable to behave unacceptably? The Sun
  • When by any accident they had met at church, market, or other place of public resort, she remembered the distant and respectful air with which the wife of the warlike baron was addressed by the spouse of the humble feuar. The Monastery
  • The disgrace of his first marriage might, perhaps, as there was no reason to suppose it perpetuated by offspring, have been got over, had he not done worse; but he had, as by the accustomary intervention of kind friends, they had been informed, spoken most disrespectfully of them all, most slightingly and contemptuously of the very blood he belonged to, and the honours which were hereafter to be his own. Persuasion
  • Now, those words are not, in our respectful submission, mere boilerplate.
  • The Itahari-based Swagat Tol Bikas Sanstha (STBS) today honoured the elderly to what it calls develop positive and respectful attitude towards them, to mark its fourth anniversary. The Himalayan Times RSS
  • I was so humbled by the beauty of the moment that I respectfully rode in Robin's tracks as we left the beach and began climbing the grassy hill.
  • In fronter the crew an 'all," he disparaged them with a disrespectful grin. Ship Of Destiny
  • The guys have always been very respectful to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was almost contemptuous, certainly disrespectful to him who'd grown accustomed to respect. A Plague of Angels
  • The fact a huge Oscar winner and his production company are backing the project means he is assured the subject matter will be respectfully handled. The Sun
  • This is not meant to sound disrespectful. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to establishing caring, respectful relationships with students, culturally responsive classroom managers work to create a sense of community.
  • Visitors to the city are respectfully reminded of the council's powers to remove illegally parked vehicles.
  • I am not a supporter of the censorship of any voice, but I do believe the dialogue must be framed respectfully.
  • Those who gravitate to leadership or executive roles probably carry a dependency model of authority relationships, know how to manage upwards and expect those over whom they hold authority to be respectful and deferent.
  • There was a respectful two-minute silence as we remembered the soldiers who had died in the war.
  • The members of the society called the faubourg Saint-Germain protected the princess by a respectful silence due to her name, which is one of those that all men honor, to her misfortunes, which they ceased to discuss, and to her beauty, the only thing she saved of her departed opulence. Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan
  • After a thoughtful pause, my gentle, soft-spoken, grade-school teacher mother finally said, "Well honey, I understand that you want to be respectful and don't want to upset anyone.
  • They waited as the boat drew alongside, still keeping a respectful distance.
  • First - rate equipment facilities, service mild and fragrant await your presence respectfully.
  • African's opinion the highest that could be paid to a man or a boy, and hurried off to wake "the bugologist" as be disrespectfully termed the professor. The Boy Aviators in Africa
  • A solid majority shows strong correlation with disrespectful behavior, verbal abuse and physical aggression.
  • The notion of improving the condition of the poor had not yet dawned on the mind of the governing class; to make the artizan and the operative self-supporting and self-respectful was a movement not merely unformulated, but a conception beyond the parturient faculty of a member of the Jacquerie. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • If people don't expect us to be there or thereabouts it's a bit disrespectful. The Sun
  • Thouron stood and murmured a respectful greeting, then removed the other papers from the single vacant chair in the cramped and fuggy room, feeling Laboughe's simmering eyes on him. Sepulchre
  • Grey Beaver clouted White Fang alongside the head, so that he cowered down close to the earth in respectful obedience. The Mad God
  • That is nearly half a mile of respectful humanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, be tolerant and respectful, but also keep a sense of humour and remember how to laugh.
  • If any members of the family have weak nerves let them keep at a respectful distance. A Miscellany of Mother's Wisdom
  • Of course you want to be fair and respectful to the author, but your main obligation is to the readers of the review and by extension, to What makes a good review?
  • And they always like a respectful hush when they are considering weighty matters. The Sun
  • Then there are the white flesh and the glutin, the best of all fattening foods; and having eaten to repletion for a couple of days, the diet palls, and they begin to speak in shockingly disrespectful terms of turtle. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • They were very courteous and helpful and I tried to be respectful by covering my hair with a black scarf.
  • Respectfully retreating to the side of the room with five of the princesses, Lord Cecil bit back a sigh as he observed a significant glance between Briar and Althia.
  • We had just come from one of our lunches, meetings filled with the argumentative yet respectful conversation of committed cinephiles.
  • Children capered around in awe of all the soldiers with weapons, and guests and dignitaries kept a respectful silence during the formalities.
  • They are beyond polite and respectful. The Sun
  • This Week in DVD, Black Dynamite, Cabin Fever 2, coco before chanel, Good Hair, halo legends, Hunger, Law-Abiding-Citizen, revanche, spring fever kingdarius black dynamite is no less than a buy because it was hilarious! and basically tha funniest movie i've seen since 40yr old virgin and saying its a rent is just plain disrespectful This Week in DVD & Blu-ray: Law Abiding Citizen, Black Dynamite, Cabin Fever 2, and More | /Film
  • They ensure street fundraising takes place in a respectful way. Times, Sunday Times
  • This lady has affairs of great pith and moment to convey to the maids, who make timidly respectful suggestions, which evidently carry small comfort, for the lady retires depressedly. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • Abigail had a reputation for being a wild, irreverent and disrespectful young girl.
  • The question of the continuance of the subtreasury system is respectfully submitted to the wisdom of Congress. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • He is widely disliked among his peers because he is disrespectful, argumentative and abusive towards people.
  • The following morning, he recalls the deathly silence that consumed New York City, "as if saying something would have been disrespectful to the 2,500 people or so who died. Michael Smerconish: The Face of Sept 11, 2001
  • Pitt suggested that it would be respectful to the Prince of Wales, and expedient in the order of their proceedings, to know parliamentarily, whether he was willing to accept the regency upon the terms imposed by that house. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • These industries proved to be sticky, long-lasting, respectful to people and the environment and a key to innovation.
  • The brash and disrespectful attitude of the music was a tonic, while the band's lack of anonymity broke the mould.
  • 'Confederate War Department,' indorsed 'Respectfully referred to the The Great Conspiracy, Complete
  • They may be uninhibited but they are respectful and neither one is exploiting the other. The Sun
  • As well as taking a crack at the "pale, flabby" people he assumes are food bloggers with their "wankerish little digicameras", he continues, in trademark fashion, "I think photographing one's food in a restaurant is easily as rude, disrespectful and brutish as … dropping one's trousers in the middle of the room and taking a massive dump". getting his bowels in such a twist. Life and style |
  • This disrespectful allusion to his calling ruffled the temper of the hospital attendant, and, growing profane, he insisted that he was as good as _Smith_, and better, and at once challenged "the bloviating mule scrubber to get down off his perch and stand up before him like a man. Slavery and Four Years of War, Vol. 1-2 A Political History of Slavery in the United States Together With a Narrative of the Campaigns and Battles of the Civil War In Which the Author Took Part: 1861-1865
  • His dark eyes lock on to yours as he talks, to the extent that you feel it would be disrespectful to look away, and he considers every answer carefully before responding to the question.
  • I cannot leave this case without respectfully commending the handling of this case by Her Honour Judge Mowat and the judgment she gave.
  • He left the garden in the same manner, but backwards, being obliged, in order to keep the dog respectful, to have recourse to that manoeuvre with his stick which masters in that sort of fencing designate as la rose couverte. Les Miserables
  • And as for going as cook, — though I confess there is considerable glory in that, a cook being a sort of officer on ship-board — yet, somehow, I never fancied broiling fowls; — though once broiled, judiciously buttered, and judgmatically salted and peppered, there is no one who will speak more respectfully, not to say reverentially, of a broiled fowl than I will. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • He said: 'It is disrespectful to call them boring. The Sun
  • If that sounds disrespectful, it isn't meant to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though Britishers believed in allopathic treatment, tabibs and hakims earned a respectful place by treating major illness which surprised allopathic doctors.
  • For us to go and make fun of that is very disrespectful. The Sun
  • I cannot leave this case without respectfully commending the handling of this case by Her Honour Judge Mowat and the judgment she gave.
  • He said no disrespect intended, but how can you not be disrespectful saying that? Times, Sunday Times
  • Another said that it would'one day be in a museum respectfully regarded as the first formation of a new art '. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a distinct whiff of anthropological research in the respectful view of men in pubs and stoking furnaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of her normal responsibilities had been taken away from her as a result of her pregnancy, and her colleagues' once respectful treatment had shifted to subtle and not-so-subtle belittlement. The 'Deep, Deep Hurt' Of Working Mothers
  • Judy and Bubbles battle and evolve, through their rivalry, into a respectful and comradely self-awareness that bypasses and undercuts their earlier competition over men.
  • We were brought up to be respectful of authority.
  • The foregoing analysis in my view marches with that advanced by my Lord in paragraph 24 and 25 of his judgment, with which I respectfully agree.
  • Its bearer stood waiting in respectful awe as Lady Maria uncovered its face. Emily Fox-Seton
  • Carandiru is more measured, and even stately, in the way its old lags - fundamentally respectful - troop through the doctor's infirmary and recount their autobiographies.
  • I never fancied broiling fowls; -- though once broiled, judiciously buttered, and judgmatically salted and peppered, there is no one who will speak more respectfully, not to say reverentially, of a broiled fowl than I will. Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • They are always respectful and polite, and that indicates good parenting.
  • The reader's apprehension of the point of another anecdote, in which Dr. Neumann appears in an attitude not very respectful to his own sovereign, Louis II of Bavaria, will depend upon his knowing something of the situation and history of the university buildings in Munich. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 3, March, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • The children themselves kept a respectful distance, which is perfectly understandable.
  • He was very respectful and would always say hello to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her regular newsletters to her team of escorts -- which are distressingly disrespectful, calling them "bimbos" and "damned fools" -- repeatedly exhorted the women to destroy any notes about the appointments, and to prevent clients from taking cell-phone pictures and videos during the session. A Meticulous Data Trail May Have Saved 'D.C. Madam'
  • We have, in this country, a generation of obnoxious, unruly, disrespectful louts.
  • Nor do I have a problem wit hnoise with my bow, in fact, my bow is actually quite respectfully quiet! out of all this though, we do bth in deed agree on one thing ... What setup do you have for bowhunting?
  • I am very concerned about what the president has put forth, although again, we're respectful of his need to snuff out terrorism, prevent any acts from happening again.
  • I would respectfully suggest a different explanation for the company's decline.
  • A solid majority shows strong correlation with disrespectful behavior, verbal abuse and physical aggression.
  • She was almost contemptuous, certainly disrespectful to him who'd grown accustomed to respect. A Plague of Angels
  • (Although it is probably idle to attempt to satisfy or placate the contemporary _helluo_ of bibliography, it may be respectful to other readers to observe that this is not intended to deal with the whole subject, but only as a companion, or chrestomathic guide, to this book itself.) A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • We now keep each other at a respectful distance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Greeff accused the police of been "unapproachable", improper and disrespectful to SANDU officials. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Perkins asked, crossing his legs at the knee, his expression anticipatory, respectful, his pen poised over his clipboard. The Glass Rainbow
  • Although suspicious of unknown admirers, Tennyson was a sociable man, with a fondness for declaiming his work to a respectful audience.
  • Teachers or students so exempted may remain in the classroom and sit or stand respectfully while others participate in the ceremony.
  • And, that we have to remain respectful of people who are not as strongly opinionated, which is why I loved this Huffington Post piece on the “Environmentalist Etiquette.” Tea Leaf-Smoked Chicken
  • Who's the old gee-gee with the whiskers?" asked the disrespectful Ruth Fielding on Cliff Island Or, The Old Hunter's Treasure Box
  • Respectfully and cheerfully, the seeming kid launched into an expert health care policy analysis, eventually wearing down his crochety interrogator's defenses and preconceptions, until at the end, the two men were slapping each other five. Lucia Brawley: Oprah and the Voice of a New Generation
  • Are we respectful of anyone and when did it become acceptable to behave unacceptably? The Sun
  • Besides, with all his respectful assiduities, it was easy to observe, (if it had not been his general character) that his temper is naturally haughty and violent; and I had seen too much of that untractable spirit in my brother to like it in one who hoped to be still more nearly related to me. Clarissa Harlowe
  • That is why, in our respectful submission, the approach taken in point of principle is off centre.
  • Her counterparts on the newsdesk were older males who did not speak to her with 'particularly respectful tones'. Times, Sunday Times
  • He tried not slurring his words and speaking in his most respectful tone, as he always did.
  • Anything deemed to be too sexy, provocative, or disrespectful would be denied.
  • This brilliant young officer, by nature somewhat a _frondeur_, was finally guilty of expressions so disrespectful as to lead to his removal shortly before that of Paoli. William Pitt and the Great War
  • I must respectfully insist that you either substantiate these claims - which you cannot do because they are false - or publicly apologize for attempting to defame my character and damage my reputation.
  • Policemen, teachers, civil servants, owners of small family businesses—the baker, the butcher, the florist—who felt tyrannized by regulations and taxes and saw immigrants from Morocco and Turkey both as competitors (with small shops that could sell cheaper goods because they hired cheap, illegal workers) and as bad employees (unpunctual and disrespectful slackers who could not speak proper Dutch). Nomad
  • But he was painfully anxious to exculpate himself from the guilt of having acted undutifully and disrespectfully towards France.
  • Leprosy is used in the Scriptures to symbolize sin, and was sometimes inflicted by the Lord as a punishment for sin, as, for instance, in the case of Miriam, Moses' sister, who was smitten with leprosy because of her improper attitude and disrespectful language to and about her brother Moses.
  • I respectfully disagree with Perloff's theory of citational poetry, and I take issue with her claim that Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project is a foundational example. Isabel Kaplan: Not in Someone Else's Words
  • Quite frankly, I am appalled by the disrespectful, insinuative and highly partisan nature of many of these comments. Q. and A. With Taghreed El-Khodary in Gaza - The Lede Blog -
  • The surrender, capped by a reinterment and memorial ceremony, showcased efforts by faculty members to move beyond tugs-of war over ancient relics and to forge respectful ties with Native Americans.
  • I believe that you were impolite and disrespectful to your host.
  • It ought not to be too much to ask, even for a troubled soul such as Rooney, described by his official biographer as a polite, respectful, well-brought-up young man. Sir Alex Ferguson's better half knew better than Wayne Rooney | Paul Wilson
  • Skopje argues that using a provisional reference to denote a sovereign state or, even worse, the acronym FYROM or fYROM is disrespectful American Chronicle
  • He complained about the disrespectfulness and laziness of the young. The Volokh Conspiracy » “[I]n These Days, … The Intemperance and Malice of Men Increase”
  • As much as any other mother would, she was concerned greatly for her son, and her son in return, was filial and respectful to her.
  • I learned a lot in the recovery movement about respectful boundaries, effective communication, and accountability, but the recovery movement is dissociated from political context.
  • Lord Nelson, respectfully putting the box to his lips, returned his sincere thanks, for an honour which, he said, he should never forget -- that of having his name enrolled among the freemen of Hereford. The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 2
  • From chess to poker to racquetball, the science officer was a formidable competitor, employing a level of tenacity and even stubbornness that had become the stuff of much good-natured, respectful ribbing aboard ship. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • Talking out, skipping class, being tardy or disrespectful are no more acceptable for work-inhibited students than for any others.
  • A solid majority shows strong correlation with disrespectful behavior, verbal abuse and physical aggression.
  • Tourists from Germany were adjudged the best behaved, beating the respectful Japanese and Spanish, and were also voted best all-round holidaymakers.
  • Many high officials and important dignitaries were known to receive large revenues, to which the term "sinless" could not by any means be applied, and yet they retained their position, and were received in society with respectful deference. Russia
  • Be polite and respectful, but don't plead.
  • James Bond: Sir , I'd respectfully request that you change my assignment to Nassau.
  • He doesn't use foul language, is respectful to his elders and says please and thank you. Times, Sunday Times
  • So be a mature, respectful adult and do the decent thing: decant it into a dark bottle that looks like a soft drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said she would today lay both artificial and real flowers, but she was not being disrespectful in any way.
  • So be a mature, respectful adult and do the decent thing: decant it into a dark bottle that looks like a soft drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • The teachers have helped establish the school's orderly and serious atmosphere, and its culture deeply respectful of academic achievement.

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