
How To Use Respected In A Sentence

  • One man's ‘most respected occult books around’ are another man's old hat ripe for a kicking.
  • He is an honourable person respected and held in esteem by his colleagues.
  • During this period, the Ontario Board of Censors was known to be the most liberal of all the provincial boards, and O.J. Silverthorne was the most respected film censor in Canada.
  • Long gone are the days when Chairman Mao was idolised by radicals (and even respected by some mainstream academics) on American university campuses.
  • He was a good neighbor and well respected for honoring his word.
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  • The anarchs have status because they are noticed and respected for what little power they have achieved.
  • It is entirely possible to drink any wine with any dish, and anyone who says otherwise is talking bunkum; a respected gastro-bore friend of mine likes to drink white burgundy with stewed lamb, as he finds it brings out the texture of the meat.
  • Descended from a long line of respected yogis in Yoga Vedanta philosophy, Swamiji was born in Rajasthan in Northwestern India where he has established a school and other social welfare facilities.
  • Priests have appealed to all parishioners to attend the celebration to honour a lady who is a highly respected and popular member of the community.
  • John was a much loved and respected member of the community, known for his upright and honest nature.
  • Mike Battaglia, oddsmaker at Churchill Downs since 1975 and one of horse racing's most respected handicappers, will be an analyst for NBC at the Belmont Stakes.
  • Wanting to see the law respected is not the same as wanting to "coddle" our enemies. Borger: CIA flap a huge headache for Obama
  • Ethical biographers and autobiographers work with veracity as their aim (this is the motivation for all that research, after all) and this striving for veracity is respected, and expected, by readers.
  • Murataliev, from the laboratory of Vladimir Skulachev, a respected leader in bioenergetics. Paul D. Boyer - Autobiography
  • I sensed that strong-willed individuals were voicing their opinion but then deferring to their superintendent's leadership because they respected both him and his position. Christianity Today
  • She respected her friend to the utmost for what he was making of himself in this world.
  • A friendly and charitable man Bill was very popular throughout the area and highly respected.
  • Such men must be honoured and respected, lest chaos engulf the navel of the world yet again.
  • He also won the approval of the most respected man in the village. Times, Sunday Times
  • At that time, father and grandfather were respected and honored artisans and artists.
  • We desperately need a budget process in which respected, nonpartisan experts have real standing to publicly evaluate budget numbers, with less focus on meeting immediate spending or deficits and greater focus on long-term accrued obligations. - News
  • He is highly respected throughout the cricket association for his skill and competitiveness.
  • At every stage of his political life, he has had exceptionally close advisers whose judgment he respected and who revered him.
  • Only well educated, well compensated, and well respected teachers can possibly do it.
  • He was much respected for his willingness to listen, and for the sincerity of his advice.
  • the President's assurances were not respected
  • The Cure are the personification of the not-quite and the not-yet: not quite execrated but never really respected; not punk veterans but not yet generic Goff.
  • She is very smart and well-known and respected in our community - except for her tactless, uncaring personality.
  • An unusual pairing during Art Basel Miami Beach was the jointly held event between Pringle of Scotland, the design house for Scottish woolies, and Serpentine Gallery, one of the most respected galleries in London. Kiša Lala: ART AND FASHION: Pringle Of Scotland And London's Serpentine Gallery Collaborate To Promote Scottish Artists
  • All and sundry want to be part of it though on mutually beneficial terms and all wish to be respected for whatever unique particularity they may bring to the common agenda.
  • Being one of theatreland's most respected commentators has its advantages.
  • David Kilcullen, a well-respected Australian anthropologist and 'counterterrorist' specialist, The World Can't Wait!
  • Priests have appealed to all parishioners to attend the celebration to honour a lady who is a highly respected and popular member of the community.
  • This website cleverly lifted one intemperate remark by a well-respected scientist and all of you are commenting on it as if this remark is the sum total of his arguments. Think Progress » Leading Climate Skeptic Compares Gore to Hitler
  • The deceased was highly respected and will be greatly missed by his many friends in the locality.
  • In such cases, the bride's parents' wishes are often highly respected by the other family.
  • No one disrespected an elder, and no one so much thought of attacking one without more than ample reason.
  • The agnostics and people who refuted the existence of God were considered equally respected as others.
  • Human rights and peremptory norms of international law must be observed, and legal obligations toward third states must be respected.
  • The interests and diversity of all nations and all peoples must be respected.
  • He remained respected in the party, in whose activities he took a close interest.
  • Taken together, they represent the most forceful link yet made by respected institutions between man-made atmospheric pollution and global warming.
  • Even the old parliamentarians hailed the return of Charles, notwithstanding it was admitted that the protectorate was a vigorous administration; that law and order were enforced; that religious liberty was proclaimed; that the rights of conscience were respected; that literature and science were encouraged; that the morals of the people were purified; that the ordinances of religion were observed; that vice and folly were discouraged; that justice was ably administered; that peace and plenty were enjoyed; that prosperity attended the English arms abroad; and that the nation was as much respected abroad as it was prosperous at home. A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon For the Use of Schools and Colleges
  • In the era of consume culture and cultural globalization, the multi - culture views are respected unprecedentedly.
  • Important nations are feared, respected, and rarely trifled with.
  • A shamisen, according to my programme notes, is respected as a traditional art form throughout the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • A similar time interval was respected between the intake of the last dose of drug and the endoscopy.
  • Highly respected, he was tipped at one point to become lord chief justice. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had respect for them, even as he respected the grizzly and the rattlers that his trail crossed.
  • Sally wasn’t the person Mariah would have picked for her daughter’s friend, but watching Lindsay apply the Thomas theorem, matching an opponent’s wit and endurance often resulted in a desired friendship, was ethnomethodology, a theory Mariah respected, because instead of accepting a perceived reality as already being out there, it showed that you could create and live your own reality. The Owl and Moon Cafe
  • Huge experience of death bowling and respected enough to be named vice-captain today. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those times were somewhat wild and barbarous, signore, and a gentleman who protected his estates and asked tribute of strangers was termed a brigand, and became highly respected. Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad
  • Moreover, although highly respected in his own field, Stewart's all-round experience can be viewed as narrower than that of his predecessor.
  • This occupation does exist within Salomon Brothers, but it is not respected.
  • Such a curious thing for an established and respected elderly gentleman to do, now that she came to consider it seriously.
  • Such ambivalent cultures invariably breed an extraordinary sense of personal dignidad (deeg-nee-DAHD) or "dignity," and an unbounded need for this dignity to be respected, regardless of the cost to the individual, family members, friends or strangers. I would like to know about "The Culture"
  • We were actively patrolling throughout our area and seemed to be well respected by all sides. Broken Lives
  • He is a rather respected spiritual healer.
  • Nation states could only coexist peaceably if a strong collective security arrangement were respected by all.
  • Like one giant assembly line of "selfhood," our media and culture churn out icons at a steady pace, each one mirroring a common need to be recognized, respected, understood, successful and loved. Alison Rose Levy: The Dalai Lama Does Not Exist and Neither Do I
  • Respected magazines all over Europe have used on their cover pages menacing images of fiery dragons spewing banknotes or contemporary Maos with imperialistic designs on the continent.
  • He was a respected contributor to debates from the furthermost back bench. Archive 2008-06-01
  • One small, elegant granite-faced structure, formerly the headquarters of a respected brokerage, had been turned into a soda dispensary.
  • Much later in the film we learn there has been a quite serious rift between Jacqueline and Tayeb, but until we reach that point Jacqueline's right to her secrets is respected.
  • He had to admit, albeit grudgingly, that he'd always respected Marlette as a merc. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • He had become a well-loved and respected member of staff.
  • Nobody much liked the first leader but they respected him and the job got done. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've got to work out how you exist in a multicultural world, where diversity is respected, but where people are able to live in harmony and coexist.
  • PTSD is easily medically diagnosed but not at all medically respected, despite its disabling effects. The Sun
  • I have tried my best during my years of public service to keep that name untarnished and respected, unmarked by sorry compromises for expediency. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Where we're talking about cultic artefacts, where the right to exclusivity is founded, I would argue, on a legitimate religious concern, I think this has to be respected. Archive 2006-09-01
  • But this didn't stop her from being snobbish to me, and continuing to use the word "goy" - a pejorative term meaning "gentiles" - around me, which she knew offended me, since it disrespected a lot of people I loved. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • He was highly respected as an artist and his art remains the yardstick by which English painters can measure themselves and their work. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time of his death in 2001, of course, he had become a respected conventional artist, but in those days he had attracted much opprobrium by his contempt for the art world and his refusal to conform in any way to its conventions.
  • Footpaths provide a safe environment for pedestrians and should be respected by all.
  • Their family was a respected one, the most notable member being their maternal grandfather, Morten Klemetsen, who was a third generation teacher and served also as the sexton in the local church until 1905.
  • The group respected him because he was the leader, and none would ever dare to challenge him.
  • My father was very polite, humble and courteous and people respected him for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will go forward as a unified, independent, and sovereign nation that has regained a respected place in the world.
  • He is respected, and also liked for his effervescent personality. The Sun
  • She came from the Trojan area known as Cilicia in Thebes, and her father was the local king, Eetion, admired by most, respected by all. Ilium
  • He is also respected for his brilliance as an artist.
  • Highly respected, he was tipped at one point to become lord chief justice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even some respected well-known all-round big-fish anglers have yet to crack it.
  • Reg was already a well respected backroom boy and came to the club from highflying Walborough Solid Fuel Albion.
  • From what I learned from my elders he was very much admired and respected by all who knew him.
  • David was a fierce competitor, an absolutely fierce competitor, and I respected the fact that he did not subscribe to the caecilian (ph) edict of in victory, magna menati (ph) and you beat defiance. CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2003
  • He was greatly respected by his brother doctors.
  • We are educated, articulate, affluential, respected, and deal with humans and their problems daily - I am sure the average doctor would become a better leader than the likes of our present leaders.
  • He respected Ray and his willingness to fight for his ideals, but this was a low blow.
  • He was widely respected for his pious and austere way of life, dressing in skins and eating only herbs. COLLINS DICTIONARY OF SAINTS
  • Reg was already a well respected backroom boy and came to the club from highflying Walborough Solid Fuel Albion.
  • You are well respected by staff and colleagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • I respected Trudeau as a politician but preferred boys my own age, with long hair, torn jeans and a penchant for using the word groovy between bong hits. The Hearts Of (Some) Canadian Women Broken
  • And it's not every day that you get an email from one using the word "appalled" when referring to an article in a respected journal like Pediatrics. News
  • Betty, as she was popularly known, was widely respected.
  • Hoffman’s deputy, based in Paris, was W. Averell Harriman, an equally respected Democratic Party leader, former ambassador, businessman and banker.
  • Yet, more disturbing than the slur is the fact that the leaders of the California chapter of the National Organization of Women still insist on endorsing a man who refers to an intellectual giant, one of the leading entrepreneurs of the 21st century, a renowned and respected women, as a "whore. Caren Z. Turner: Ten Steps the Democrats Need to Take to Win the Votes of Women
  • They are respected in the entire United States as being faithful expositors of the Old Testament.
  • As a gifted mimic and notorious perfectionist, she would later become the most respected female actor of her generation.
  • Hamilton, whose baseball column appeared each Saturday during the season, was respected for his encyclopedic knowledge of the game's history.
  • She turned full time professional in 1979 and came to the attention of the great Mark Murphy, one of the most accomplished and respected jazz vocalists ever to grace a stage.
  • The marcher emphasizes that the campesinos are demanding their rights as campesinos, but even more so as humans, contrasting them with the townspeople who, he says, are granted rights and whose rights are respected.
  • As long as you're not disrespecting someone who's a fellow respected pro skater then you can't really worry about it.
  • They respected his shrewd brain, and also knew him as a genial host when he entertained journalists and government press officers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Personal privacy is respected and staring is discouraged, although eye contact is not avoided.
  • In her view ‘doctors, schoolmasters, bank managers and parsons were all respected members of the community’ and she was determined that her son should join them.
  • Or if you like the cool, dispassionate analysis, I'd recommend the Union of Concerned Scientists or the well-respected journalist Eric Pooley's take on how the authors -- who he says are friends of his -- "flunk" the science. Andrew Winston: Missing the SuperFreaking Point (and Ignoring the Business Case for Green)
  • It was his good fortune that two of the more respected women in the parish were active in the antiabortion movement.
  • Therefore, the religious liberty of the individual must be inviolably respected, by the state and by others, whether or not it meets the standards to which others pledge their fealty.
  • For those studios short on capital or needing additional product, they can focus on a short slate of high-quality movies by opening up their distribution systems to respected creative filmmakers—and their outside financing groups—who are prepared either to cofinance the production/distribution risks with the studio or to put up all the risk dollars involved, including prints and advertising, in a separate slate of studio-type films. The Movie Business Book, Third Edition
  • Mr. Powell, I respected you because you were the only level headed republican, but now this back peddling is really bothersome. Powell calls Palin a 'fascinating figure'
  • He bows out as one of the most popular figures in the paddock, universally liked and respected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chris, then, has fallen from grace and is living in a kind of purgatory, respected but terribly alone, knowing he can never be forgiven because the person he wronged is dead.
  • A self-proclaimed master in the art of harnessing the energy of crystals, Kanti says he is also a respected numismatist (a student of money), chromotherapist (a color healer) and conchologist (a shell collector). The Fruit Hunters
  • Their chief concern is that their status as skilled specialists should be recognised and respected.
  • Nevertheless, it was independently undertaken, in a very matter-of-fact way, to assist a respected superior in coping.
  • By doing this they will ensure that the sacredness and sanctity of these holy places is preserved and respected.
  • A respected art dealer is busted for selling a Cheyenne war bonnet.
  • Nobody much liked the first leader but they respected him and the job got done. Times, Sunday Times
  • Irish officials, while making no public comment on the trial, are said to be privately incensed about the slur on the reputation of one of their most respected and popular colleagues.
  • Personal feelings and opinions are considered and respected.
  • He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor.
  • So, what, if I truly respected you I'd think you're just as brain-dead as I am?
  • Will we ever be your respected equals instead of your porny eye candy?
  • While he won't win many popularity contests, Deadmarsh is respected around the league for his chippy play and will to win.
  • A very hard working and industrious farmer, he was an excellent family man and a member of an old and respected family.
  • We respected the wishes of Patricia's friends, who wrote the obituary as they saw fit.
  • As far as I can see, many Black wimmin, the descendants of these violated and disrespected slave wimmin are writhing in the grip of some serious erotophobia (scared of tha nasty). 1TBM
  • Some held that the new court was a _de facto court_, and to be respected accordingly. The American Judiciary
  • It is respected and well known. Times, Sunday Times
  • Widely respected as one of the founding fathers of photojournalism and a pioneer in the art of photography, his pictures are admired for their spontaneity and mastery of form.
  • Universities are respected in the community and they continue to be the preferred destination for an overwhelming majority of students going on to tertiary education.
  • DOBBS: Having until this point though showed no signs, even after two Democratic senators, two highly respected Democratic senators, Senator Coleman and Senator Levin, both wrote protesting what they called the stonewalling of the United Nations. CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2004
  • But that gave them a reason to be respected and admired. Times, Sunday Times
  • More time with her well respected teacher will ultimately see her performing dances of a different kind such as the kazachoc.
  • Warren Rudman, a much-respected political veteran, said just before the primary that Buchanan is unelectable.
  • Children are left uninterrupted, undistracted, unbothered; their distinctness and separateness are respected.
  • If my Latin teacher had misted up with the regularity Kline does in this film, we wouldn't have respected him, either.
  • The peace process is not about moving towards a definable endpoint, but about making sure that each side's voice is heard and respected at all times.
  • Feminists have pushed the halakhic envelope in terms of ritual, establishing women’s tefillah (prayer) groups [See Women’s Tefillah Network] that respected all the halakic constraints on women’s public prayers beginning in the late 1970s. Jewish Feminism in the United States.
  • The answer is surely to provide a more rigorous and respected system of technical qualifications. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will may have been the youngest on board the Louisa May, but every crewmember admired and respected him.
  • Sue will be sadly missed by those who respected honesty. The Sun
  • They were the ultimate female role models: highly unusual, gifted, respected women.
  • Every pupil has the right to have his dignity respected, the regulations state.
  • But remember the opinion of John Stuart Mill, a political philosopher much respected by the early Economist.
  • He hustled R.V. Smethurst off stage rather like a chucker-out in a pub regretfully ejecting an old and respected customer, and starting paging G.G. Simmons.
  • Those villagers who have made the hajj to Mecca, or even descendants of those who have made the journey, are highly respected.
  • Computer experts at respected universities have sounded the alarm over the potential for high-tech chicanery.
  • Everybody knows there needs to be a brack (ph), which means a commission that meets, that respected, they're bipartisan and they come out with a plan to fix them both, these entitlement systems. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2009
  • Glasgow as a whole gained a reputation as the model of a Christian city in action - as a city which instituted social reform within a respected Protestant evangelical framework.
  • This blog must be David Gershwin's, as no self-respected 4th floorer would even know about this National League of Cities event unless they were inside the 7th CD offices. Alger for CD12?
  • Today the once new but now traditional occupation of mountain guide is one of the most respected in the Alps.
  • In just a few years, he evolved into a respected veteran player whose peers marvelled at his skill.
  • The vendetta is still the custom in Sardinia, and a person is respected if he takes blood revenge on the killer of a kinsman. Nobel Prize in Literature 1926 - Presentation Speech
  • It was no doubt helpful that he grew in a household with other users, in circumstances in which quiet was respected and desirable.
  • This is a major relief organisation working across India and which is extremely well respected.
  • It’s a good name, Mother, a name respected by everyone except those villagers, who don’t count anyway. Seeds of Yesterday
  • It is about time tour operators respected the law and their own code of conduct.
  • It was no coincidence that the emergence of astrobiology as a respected and, soon after, a hot field of research occurred in the mid- and late 1990s—right as it became clear that the discovery of the first extrasolar planet, 51 Pegasi, would be followed by many more. First Contact
  • Despite their humble beginnings, they are an internationally recognised and respected organisation.
  • My father was very polite, humble and courteous and people respected him for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea that the state is the best expositor of the ideals of law led many brilliant and respected lawyers to tolerate the racist and militaristic legal norms generated by the party.
  • He was much respected for his mastery of complex technology, particularly in chemistry and biochemistry. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think you'd agree he's a very respected columnist.
  • They were Shias, and had been since the days of Kerbela, and in Hejaz were respected only second to the Emirs of Mecca. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
  • My father was very polite, humble and courteous and people respected him for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's an artist who has never been as well-known here, or for that matter as well-respected, as he has been in the USA.
  • She was very well respected and admired by most people in this Country, Canada.
  • He also won the approval of the most respected man in the village. Times, Sunday Times
  • They said settlements must be respected even if they were in flagrant breach of planning law.
  • However, at the date and in the part of the world now dealt with, this great free-trader enjoyed the warm though possibly brief embrace of fame, having no rival, and being highly respected by all who were unwarped by a sense of duty. Mary Anerley
  • Doyle, he suspected, would have respected him more if he had occasionally been less accommodating.
  • The country's highly respected Finance Ministry is facing a crisis of confidence that will be difficult to reverse.
  • A widely respected and effective successor must be found quickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are a golfer with a great record and respected for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it goes without saying a lot of the graff was gang related, but some of it was also there to inspire the community and provide hope - not to mention making political statements in a way people in those communities could understand, it was their language, their alphabet and well respected. Carmen Zella: InterZona Urban Art
  • In Washington, just about everyone wants to be a pundit, the wise and respected quotable somebody who keeps popping up in newspapers and on television.
  • He is also respected for his brilliance as an artist.
  • It is right that the culture and environment should be so respected.
  • She was aware that she was on the brink, dangerously close to being rude to this respected Elder.
  • And afflicted people will tacitly struggle against such connotations until the spectrum of acceptance broadens and mental impediments are no longer considered disabilities, but respected facts of life.
  • I like being the smart, intelligent career woman who is respected by her peers.
  • We've seen that dissolve as more and more ethnicities don't want to just blend into one amorphous mass but be recognized and respected on their own, and you see a lot of "breakaways" and "balkanization. News
  • Field, and respected and respectable, as respectable as respec-table can respectably be, though their orable amission were the herrors I could have expected, all, let them all come, they are my villeins, with chartularies I have talledged them. Finnegans Wake
  • She respected him and even apologized for the way she had behaved towards him when she was angry.
  • We had people also in Venda, that were very, very good, some of them are still respected greatly today, who were elderly to us, and who would keep on informing us. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • He respected my family name and permitted me to do things that he clearly did not allow others to do.
  • All she is doing is supporting her belief and she should be respected and admired for that.
  • Fourthly, the major power requirements of the public network was fully respected.
  • We are also continuing to bring in talented leaders from companies with well-respected cultures of their own, including General Electric, IBM, Home Depot, Motorola, and Gap, among many others. Sears Chairman Unleashes 15-Page Manifesto About Um, Everything - The Consumerist
  • A real expectation that an opinion will be respected, make a difference.
  • He was a quiet man with a gentle disposition who was a popular and well respected member of the local community.
  • He left office in 1957 because he found the financial sacrifice too great and rejoined the back benches, where he was already a respected figure. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is about time tour operators respected the law and their own code of conduct.
  • She is widely respected in the music world, and deservedly so.
  • All non-violent religious and political beliefs should be respected equally.
  • The RSPCA is a respected body working for animal welfare.
  • Dagobah is a rewording of the Buddhist term dagoba, a kind of tomb housing relics of respected Buddhist teachers. Blogs

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