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How To Use Resourceful In A Sentence

  • They require committed resourceful parents who will be able to rise to the challenges they will face over the years.
  • The title of the first poem refers to the resourcefulness required to ride out tropical storms.
  • There is what Maximus and others called a 'theandric', a divine-human reality going on there, and the icon, the image of Jesus Christ represents that theandric reality - the interweaving (not fusion or confusion) of the endless, divine resourcefulness of agency and love with the particularities of a human life. Royal Academy of Arts Byzantium Lecture 'Icons and the Practice of Prayer'
  • She is very resourceful and thrifty, but her face is always expressionless, except for an occasional look of fear.
  • Would they be as quick to label our resourceful young law student a jerk (or much worse) if he were black? The Volokh Conspiracy » When a Police Officer Pulls Over a Law Student
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  • It was like a shipwreck, where the resourceful child passenger becomes the first mate.
  • They are resourceful people and impromptu is the mode of operation they most relish. 5 To the River « Unknowing
  • It is on account of this tricky instinct of the rhea that the gauchos say, "El avestruz es el mas _gaucho_ de los animales," which means that the ostrich, in its resourcefulness and the tricks it practises to save itself when hard pressed, is as clever as the gaucho knows himself to be. Far Away and Long Ago
  • They were a resourceful and talented people.
  • A media plan is a lot of things: part innovation, part resourcefulness, part luck.
  • After all they have to be pretty resourceful to be able to make it this far.
  • Sport climbing traded away risk and resourcefulness for greater gymnastic difficulty and a good pump.
  • Those scissors remind me of the creative inventive and resourceful things my mother did.
  • If the moral resourcefulness of Scripture was obvious to medieval exegetes, it was even more so to Protestants.
  • The kind of resourceful, probing journalism that first exposed most of the serious scandals, corruption and injustice in our nation’s history would simply disappear…. Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (1908-79)
  • What you should have realized is that you are far more resourceful than you think. HABIT BUSTING: A 10-step plan that will change your life
  • Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. George W. Bush 
  • As for enlisting the resourceful Wilma production for being "more evocative of the real-life Housman's seething emotions than the text itself," Mr. Mendelsohn unluckily picks an evocation which is prescribed in the stage directions. 'The Invention of Love': An Exchange
  • Painkillers didn't seem to help, so her resourceful housekeeper, who comes from Hong Kong, enlisted a neighborhood acupuncturist to visit her apartment and stick needles in her. Needled to Health
  • The film valorizes the pioneering spirit, individual resilience and resourcefulness.
  • His smarts, strength, resourcefulness, and ability to perform while hurting are exemplary.
  • Motioning me to sit down, the resourceful man punched the door, entitled the unfailing static bolt, and swore a candle to augment the one he had brought with him. Think Progress » Headline Headaches
  • Calibre and resourcefulness seemed to me to be an improvement on fieldcraft and tenacity. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • While Mr. Noble and Mr. Funicello have not stinted on spectacle including an amazingly vivid snowstorm they have once again kept the spotlight on the actors, who respond with bold and resourceful performances. Two Kings Make a Winning Hand
  • Music is magically powerful, soulfully rich, spiritually resourceful, emotionally versatile, psychologically and physically therapeutic. Music makes people feel, think, act and change. Music makes people feel good, relaxes and improves the soul, heart and mind, boosts the immune system, and reduces emotional and physical pains. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I should note here that the special effects are spellbinding, recalling the resourcefulness seen in Neill Blomkamp’s District 9. Sundance Movie Review/Video Blog: Splice - It’s Messed Up | /Film
  • Her resourcefulness was the main reason he had hired her, and she would put it into play the moment she realized she couldn't find him. Nutrition
  • Our country lacquer tree is resourceful, lacquer crop and lacquer seed crop occupy world first place.
  • The masculine heroes are phlegmatic, resourceful and stoical.
  • Clearly, she is a resourceful woman - good luck. Times, Sunday Times
  • How might an energetic and resourceful air force leadership deal with this situation?
  • Parents have an obligation to train their children to be resourceful and useful members of society.
  • With a separatist impulse, fundamentalism turned inward; but the sectarian subculture that coalesced was resourceful and vibrant.
  • I want each of you to understand that mission accomplishment means both war-fighting effectiveness and resourcefulness.
  • Year after year he had watched MI6 officers professionally eager to inflate their resourcefulness ladling out off-the-books money to informants with every incentive to inflate their discoveries.
  • Timis, the alpha bitch in her pack, was a savvy survivor, and she opened his eyes to the range of lupine resourcefulness in Romania.
  • I grew up surrounded by strong, self-reliant, resourceful people who worked hard, ate real food and lived vital lives. Christina Pirello: America Achieves Top Ten Status...But It Ain't Good
  • After finding a script featuring the story of a tour guide, resourceful student Lucy Pearman hit on the idea of staging her play in an open top bus.
  • Being resourceful is definitely a virtue these days, and sharing your craftiness with others is perhaps the best way to sprinkle the seeds of good design. Abigail Doan | Inhabitat
  • You can do incredible things with almost no money if you have an inventive and resourceful team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even before he was uplinking satellites in Kosovo, Meyer was a resourceful guy.
  • Having less mobility means that I have to be more resourceful to maintain my independence.
  • As an author, you will have to be creative and resourceful in marketing yourself and your book.
  • The profiteers are very resourceful in buncoing Mr. Block.
  • He is inventive and resourceful with vegetables, sourcing many from a walled garden 30 minutes from the restaurant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rough winters of Norway nurtured the forest cat's vitality, resourcefulness and sensible, semi-long, water-repellent coat.
  • What you should have realized is that you are far more resourceful than you think. HABIT BUSTING: A 10-step plan that will change your life
  • Resilience . Resourcefulness and creativity . An aptitude for life - long learning.
  • We were running so far behind that the only thing which saved us from a dispossess was the fact that they couldn't get a constable who would carry the snakes out to the sidewalk; but Merritt was a resourceful cuss and I felt confident that he would figure out some scheme to win out. Side Show Studies
  • And he goes on to comment on the "resourcefulness" of the Syrian youth who can't afford to pay for premium channels so they decode them and watch the games for free instead: Global Voices in English
  • The children are resourceful and self-reliant which is good. Kids Books
  • That kind of resourcefulness, experts say, will never go out of style. Raising Kids Who Can Thrive Amid Chaos in Their Careers
  • Your imagination, resourcefulness and initiative reflect credit on the entire army air forces. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • It was like a shipwreck, where the resourceful child passenger becomes the first mate.
  • It was a bold move, and one that showed her resourcefulness, since he most decidedly had not asked her to dance, knowing that it would only heighten his urge to carry her off and swive her senseless. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • Would they be as quick to label our resourceful young law student a jerk or much worse if he were black? The Volokh Conspiracy » When a Police Officer Pulls Over a Law Student
  • The masculine heroes are phlegmatic, resourceful and stoical.
  • The emphasis is less on getting the correct answer and more on being resourceful in finding ways of solving problems.
  • He saw the saga of another thrifty and resourceful people who had thrown off the imperial yoke - of Spain, in this case - in the name of liberty.
  • The resourceful youngster has overhauled the yacht and drummed up sponsors largely by himself.
  • Fortunately the studly and resourceful Dan lined up a model for us.
  • Those scissors remind me of the creative inventive and resourceful things my mother did.
  • This foundation in turn leads to children developing into resourceful and resilient teenagers and adults.
  • You can do incredible things with almost no money if you have an inventive and resourceful team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ever resourceful, she has even discovered a supplier of prepared canvasses and water based oil paint in Naklua.
  • I find his poems endlessly approachable, wonderfully communicative and perfectly inexhaustible: stately, supple, personal and resourceful.
  • He was the most ingenious fisherman, the most resourceful craftsman, and the most competent sailor whom I had ever met.
  • Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. George W. Bush 
  • While the Galleria has lost nearly all the retail shops, two fruitful things remain: the barrel-shaped glass ceiling and resourceful, dedicated employees. Halle Tecco: From Lemons to Lemonade: Clevelanders Find New Uses for Abandoned Spaces
  • He was looking for under-utilised joinery skills, a resourceful design team as well as local supplies of timber.
  • PITTSBURGH AP -- Coach Jamie Dixon's Pitt teams are commonly called hardworking, aggressive, defense-minded and resourceful.
  • The other big question mark was Olga Borodina, whose vocal and physical glamour is real but not the sort one associates with the technical bravura and pinpoint articulation needed for one of Rossini's resourceful mezzo minxes.
  • Within a week of his yarding he had taught us so much, inspired us with such confidence in his resourcefulness and ability, that we resolved to give him a treat in the plantation dragging round a miniature disc-harrow, a particular brand of agricultural implement known as the “pony dot.” My Tropic Isle
  • In consequence the movie is visually remarkable as it tries to keep up with the frenetic activities of secret agent Ethan Hunt Tom Cruise accepting an impossible mission for the fourth time and his new trio of likable operatives: beautiful, resourceful Paula Patton, pawky computer wizard Simon Pegg and constantly fretting analyst Jeremy Renner. Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol – review
  • Plus I had resourcefully thought to ask her to write the Japanese characters out for us.
  • There were accounts too of resourcefulness, of prisoners using banana leaves as bandages for their wounds and giving intravenous injections with bamboo syringes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though this device was small in size, it was programmed to be a very resourceful and efficient form of artificial-intelligence, carrying within its databanks a limitless amount of knowledge.
  • Battling the elements, espousing values of thrift, industry and resourcefulness, the film has the feel of a ‘Boys' Own Adventure’.
  • She was a lady of great spirit, independence, determination and resourcefulness, much admired and much liked, and she will be greatly missed.
  • He was a gang leader, the most resourceful designer and executor of all manner of dangerous fun.
  • Music is magically powerful, soulfully rich, spiritually resourceful, emotionally versatile, psychologically and physically therapeutic. Music makes people feel, think, act and change. Music makes people feel good, relaxes and improves the soul, heart and mind, boosts the immune system, and reduces emotional and physical pains. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • My neighbors include a family of armadillos, a crafty old opossum and a resourceful raccoon.
  • Here, perhaps, the entire lack of common-sense on the part of the hero would serve rather as a warning than a stimulating example, but the conduct of the wife in excusing the errors of her foolish husband is a model of resourcefulness. The Art of the Story-Teller
  • Ever resourceful, the Duchess commanded her dealer to take photographs of the paintings of the same size and place them in their original mounts and frames.
  • I suppose United States Senators have been made out of timber a deal smaller than Mart, who was a shrewd, resourceful and shifty old boy with that rugged sort of homeliness which is a good deal better than handsome looks in catching the fancy of the plain people. Tattlings of a Retired Politician
  • Imitating it too faithfully would have killed the film's fragile momentum, but Minghella, working with the matchlessly resourceful editor Walter Murch, has tightened Frazier's ungainly tale while preserving its epic capaciousness.
  • What is immediately striking is how resourceful the children are.
  • The reindeer herdsman is a resourceful chap: he needs to be milker, butcher, skinner and musher. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any resourceful artist could find himself a little shack to live and work in, and they did. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is an independent, resourceful, and self-sufficient woman.
  • The fans have once more shown how extremely resourceful they are.
  • We do have many problems, that's true, but we're not unimaginative or lacking in resourcefulness. Sydney Steel—Before and Now
  • It is a land that is difficult to grow anything in, except that flora which is tough, resourceful and thorny.
  • The cops called her resourceful, but she must have had nerves of steel as well. CNN Transcript Sep 19, 2006
  • He is inventive and resourceful with vegetables, sourcing many from a walled garden 30 minutes from the restaurant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many "frolics" were given and everyone danced where banjoes were available; also, these resourceful people secured much of their music from an improvised fiddle fashioned from a hand saw. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 4
  • That this unobservant, naïve and unresourceful ditz is supposed to be a covert C.I.A. operative, assigned to trace the flow of money from Islamic charities in Marrakech to terrorist groups, is patently absurd, as is the trajectory of the plot, which abruptly moves from the subjects of house parties and romantic triangles to those of rendition and torture. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • If we believe in our ability to be inventive and resourceful then we have every reason to believe we can make changes.
  • Re the maggot story: many *many* adjectives spring to mind, but I'm going to go with "resourceful"... Boy, do I feel stupid.
  • Then he saw the light - in the form of Caravaggio's dramatic chiaroscuro - and became one of that master's most resourceful followers.
  • Fortunately, too, he had at least one dauntless and resourceful boy of school age to assist.
  • Well-liked and unstuffy, she is viewed as a resourceful figure. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was stubborn, but he was also charming, resourceful, generous, kind, funny, uncomplaining, and good at making friends and allies of those around him. Letting Go of My Father
  • His battle with nature will end up taxing all his resourcefulness and overturning his usual elegance.
  • Santa Claus is also resourceful .. he can crawl through ducts to escape being ejected out of airlocks. Boing Boing: January 16, 2005 - January 22, 2005 Archives
  • But the one thing that can be counted on more than rain on a church picnic is the resourcefulness of a church secretary. AND THE WELL RUNS DEEP • by Jason Stout
  • Ages 6+ How resourceful Polly outwits the wolf who eagerly stalks her in the hope of eating her is a masterly blend of risk-taking and triumph. Recommended reads: ages 5–7
  • resourcefully he mingled music and dance
  • Over the course of three decades. the association sent half a dozen resourceful men into this unmapped land.
  • Of all the big cats, the leopard is the most resourceful.
  • What stood out when I was there wasn't their poverty but their perseverance and resourcefulness.
  • He is a busy, resourceful cricketer who is not short of self-belief and must be maddening to bowl to. The Sun
  • Interestingly, in this movement, rather than using orchestral bells, he attempts to suggest their sound by resourceful combinations of harps and tam-tam.
  • Through insightful anecdotes and often poignant memories, Jean-Michel sheds new light on the inventive, resourceful, passionate man who helped develop the "aqualung," scuba diving apparatuses and submersibles, and whose name became synonymous with underwater exploration and photography and ocean conservation. Media Newswire
  • He was amazingly inventive and resourceful, and played a major role in my career.
  • He had a kind of resourceful impudence, coupled with executive vigour and a good deal of wit, which had made him useful in the less martial duties of his command. Abraham Lincoln
  • Somebody must believe they have the smarts and resourcefulness to play in a pinch without the benefit of endless preparation.
  • It's a wonderful example of human resourcefulness and adaptivity. Cashing In On Eclipsemania
  • Clearly, she is a resourceful woman - good luck. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, Ree - the name might as well be short for 'resourceful' - stands up to drug kingpins and crank addicts, cops and bail bondsmen, and her own neighbors and family members. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • Some of the animals outsee man, outsmell him, outhear him, outrun him, outswim him, because their lives depend more upon these special powers than his does; but he can outwit them all because he has the resourcefulness of reason, and is at home in many different fields. The Wit of a Duck and Other Papers
  • Resourcefulness is their trait and she says the example her father has set is a constant influence.
  • They rationalise the action claiming that their children are not mature and resourceful enough for this task.
  • The story concerns a criminal gang called The Vampires, mysterious and resourceful, that terrorizes France with a succession of swindles, robberies, and murders.
  • Fortunately, the two counselors at the orphanage proved to be very quick and resourceful.
  • Her resourcefulness brings some welcome comic relief though not without an element of suspense to another grueling hour that ends on a pivotally confrontational note. Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Torchwood and HBO Finales, Plus 9/11 Programming
  • With no job, no home and very few friends, the ever-resourceful and conniving Mia is secretly on the warpath.
  • Pico Iyer tells of a "bright, resourceful, well-educated" trishaw driver in Myanmar, stifled in a country where intelligence is "something to be feared and can best be used by giving oneself to something other than words and ideas. Archive 2009-03-29
  • You can do incredible things with almost no money if you have an inventive and resourceful team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inclusive design makes room for contributions from people who live a different and more challenging experience and must hone incredible resourcefulness as a daily necessity.
  • So resourceful is his prismatic pianism that no line is denied its fully fluid dynamic status, assuaging each as he does with a thousand shades of affect.
  • He was amazingly inventive and resourceful, and played a major role in my career.
  • Music is magically powerful, soulfully rich, spiritually resourceful, emotionally versatile, psychologically and physically therapeutic. Music makes people feel, think, act and change. Music makes people feel good, relaxes and improves the soul, heart and mind, boosts the immune system, and reduces emotional and physical pains. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • She is incredibly resourceful, managing at one point to kill two men while her legs are in a state of paralysis, and in possession of a gutsy determination which enables her to travel the world in search of the people on her death list.
  • Music is magically powerful, soulfully rich, spiritually resourceful, emotionally versatile, psychologically and physically therapeutic. Music makes people feel, think, act and change. Music makes people feel good, relaxes and improves the soul, heart and mind, boosts the immune system, and reduces emotional and physical pains. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • This film reveals their resourcefulness in overcoming appalling weather and treacherous terrain.
  • The kids are all resourceful and responsible and pitch in financially when needed, while dad is an incontinent, inveterate, indecorous inebriate. Tonight's TV Hot List: Sunday, Jan. 9, 2011
  • If we believe in our ability to be inventive and resourceful then we have every reason to believe we can make changes.
  • Our country lacquer tree is resourceful, lacquer crop and lacquer seed crop occupy world first place.
  • Resourceful gardeners can combine a few discarded window sashes and bales of straw to create a simple makeshift cold frame.
  • The electronic frontier requires its pioneers to be resourceful in defending themselves in the absence of binding rules and regulations.
  • His past is quite eclectic: from IT expert at Ericsson Sweden to modeling and acting, from chucker-out in England, to Internet Publisher; most of all, the resourceful Salvatore is an organizer and a marketing man.
  • Barney the New Caledonian crow appears to be a wilier bird than even the scientists used to his resourcefulness may have realised. Crows surprise researchers with advanced tool use
  • Eve is a feisty and resourceful heroine, and the earl and his wayward family are viewed as an intriguing mix of the blinkered and the humane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whenever you come across a foolproof premise, you must take into account the inexhaustible resourcefulness of the world's fools.
  • By creativity we mean language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness.
  • Locating food for the dogs was a daily exercise in resourcefulness that involved a network of friends, relatives and fellow dog lovers.
  • Negotiating the corporate maze can test the mettle of even the most resourceful individuals.
  • There were accounts too of resourcefulness, of prisoners using banana leaves as bandages for their wounds and giving intravenous injections with bamboo syringes. Times, Sunday Times
  • He talks as if he's on the radio - which is to say he's fluent, quick-witted and resourceful.
  • The key is to be inventive and resourceful. Times, Sunday Times
  • A society in flux put a premium on resourcefulness; an environment that offered so much freedom to the individual encouraged experimentation. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • Humor is the wisdom and resourcefulness those can alleviate an awkward situation.
  • One of Clayton's later experiments with the resourceful jays involved observing how they behaved when stashing food in caches that might be robbed by other birds.
  • Re the maggot story: many *many* adjectives spring to mind, but I'm going to go with "resourceful"... Boy, do I feel stupid.
  • The electronic frontier requires its pioneers to be resourceful in defending themselves in the absence of binding rules and regulations.
  • Obviously intelligent and resourceful, Jonathan (rank unknown) is taking full advantage of his deployment to add all kinds of exciting Arabian avifauna to his life list.
  • Resourcefulness now also effects Black Arrow.
  • To gain all this useful information the most obviously complete method was to get inside the fort itself, and this the resourceful subadar determined to do. The Story of the Guides
  • We all need to be more resourceful in helping people weigh the risks against the potential consequences of their actions.
  • Any resourceful artist could find himself a little shack to live and work in, and they did. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is inventive and resourceful with vegetables, sourcing many from a walled garden 30 minutes from the restaurant. Times, Sunday Times
  • For all of its brilliance — Ford’s sentence-by-sentence resourcefulness is astonishing — The Lay of the Land never pivots, as its predecessors did, on an engaging drama. Out of Character
  • But, surprisingly for a writer of his resourcefulness, most of the invective is monotonously uninventive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bravery and resourcefulness of British prisoners of war will be celebrated in an exhibition marking the 60th anniversary of the Great Escape.
  • Gallant and resourceful in wartime, she is defeated by "dailiness. Gods and Monsters
  • A kind of resourcefulness has saved Ben 10 and people around him from difficult situations, especially when his gadget does to get activated. Action Bandai | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Humor is the wisdom and resourcefulness that can alleviate an awkward situation.
  • When resourcefulness and busy-ness is taught early in life, people tend to be happier and more content in life. Straight From the Heart
  • Fortunately, too, he had at least one dauntless and resourceful boy of school age to assist.
  • someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations
  • It is a pragmatic, strong-shouldered individual who excels in the art of compromise and is resourceful and dedicated to the pursuit of resources.
  • boomer" of Oklahoma exploits and spends lavishly because of a sublime confidence in the illimitability of the resources of nature and in the resourcefulness of the coming generations. The French in the Heart of America
  • Czech, and Russian manufacture, English Bedfords and American GMC's captured during the summer, agricultural tractors towing carts and limbers — pressed into service by the resourceful Colonel Finkh — waited with three thousand tons of supplies which were to be run through the corridor to revictual the 6th Army. Barbarossa
  • The fact of the matter is that Rome, in late summer, is inundated with tourists and the most resourceful traveler would be hard-pressed to escape the hoards of tour groups roaming the city. Michael Yarbrough: A Student's Guide to Backpacking: Rome
  • In order to raise judoists in this manner, nurturing the attitude of study and resourcefulness in dojo Judo training is of first importance.
  • She's excellent as the resourceful spacewoman, as are the special-effects and the cinematography.
  • A pizza stone is another way to create the radiant heat necessary for making a good crust, but you'll need to be a bit more resourceful to provide the necessary moisture.
  • But resourceful hackers have found ways to solve Captchas, and he has had to rethink the program.
  • I had to be resourceful, which is what I am, and I set out to do the book. Interview with Ron Nash - The Creative Penn | The Creative Penn
  • You will learn to rely on your own resourcefulness, creativity and flexibility.
  • What elevates the musician above other electronic artists is the fecundity of his imagination: his resourceful ability to infuse his tracks with a distinctive compositional intelligence and command.
  • Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. George W. Bush 
  • Some of the animals outsee man, outsmell him, outhear him, outrun him, outswim him, because their lives depend more upon these special powers than his does; but he can outwit them all because he has the resourcefulness of reason, and is at home in many different fields. The Wit of a Duck and Other Papers
  • You've been called a resourceful MacGyver-type with a knack for doing a lot with a little. Job Listings - All Listings
  • Music is magically powerful, soulfully rich, spiritually resourceful, emotionally versatile, psychologically and physically therapeutic. Music makes people feel, think, act and change. Music makes people feel good, relaxes and improves the soul, heart and mind, boosts the immune system, and reduces emotional and physical pains. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Music is magically powerful, soulfully rich, spiritually resourceful, emotionally versatile, psychologically and physically therapeutic. Music makes people feel, think, act and change. Music makes people feel good, relaxes and improves the soul, heart and mind, boosts the immune system, and reduces emotional and physical pains. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The resourceful colonists fought back with the last of their space-going technology while devising a series of long-term, biological defenses, chief among them, fire-breathing dragons that chewed phosphine-bearing rocks -- firestone -- to create their flames. Dragon's Fire
  • It shows you to be determined and resourceful far beyond your years. The Sun
  • It shows you to be determined and resourceful far beyond your years. The Sun
  • What they lack in trappings, they've made up for in resourcefulness, particularly in the area of sales.
  • And no one has special powers of any sort, although of course everyone is super talented and resourceful.
  • O-lan is plain looking, dull, and slow, but she is hard working, thrifty, and resourceful.
  • A returnee to the work force, I found this book to be incredibly resourceful, as I needed to create an updated and more modern cover letter and resume.
  • a man of great resourcefulness
  • Music is magically powerful, soulfully rich, spiritually resourceful, emotionally versatile, psychologically and physically therapeutic. Music makes people feel, think, act and change. Music makes people feel good, relaxes and improves the soul, heart and mind, boosts the immune system, and reduces emotional and physical pains. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Lady Duff Gordon settles in Luxor, in a small household consisting of Sally and the resourceful Egyptian dragoman they found they needed to deal with the intricacies of a different culture. Arabian Nights « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The key is to be inventive and resourceful. Times, Sunday Times
  • While McClure-the-writer claims that her first failure and ultimately successful trans-Atlantic row brought her peace, understanding and true love, it is McClure-the-adventurer driven to row 14 hour days on violent seas day after day after day in a vast solitude, fighting storm after storm -- strong, resourceful, alone, competent and utterly complete within herself -- who exhilarates and inspires. A Pearl in the Storm: Summary and book reviews of A Pearl in the Storm by Tori Murden McClure.
  • She has had to be imaginative and resourceful in finding compensating sources.

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