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How To Use Resonant In A Sentence

  • For this reason, sounds within this resonant cavity are heard quite differently, appearing fuller and louder. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • Output 46 provides a signal with an adjusted resonant frequency, minus the inharmonic tones.
  • M is a resonant sound of bridging or carrying. Music and the Elemental Psyche: A Practical Guide to Music and Changing Consciousness
  • They made a very sonorous and resonant bong.
  • Claim 1 - "A microelectromechanical resonator comprising: a microelectromechanical resonant structure characterized by a mass and one or more selectively doped regions; a vaporizable material for altering the mass of the resonant structure. Archive 2006-10-01
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  • Richly scanted dark berry and plum aroma with complex fruitcake , richness and resonantly depth.
  • Her voice, which had been weak, became stronger, deeper, more resonant.
  • A story of people displaced by conflict is doubly resonant now, of course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sonics could not be better, as every note is clearly delineated in a perfectly resonant environment.
  • But there's also a lot of interesting stuff at the low end - notably The Ghost in the Machine which is a proposed explanation for some ghost sightings, whereby there's some infrasonics (caused by wind through a room or whatever) that hits the resonant frequency of the human eye, around 18Hz according to NASA (pdf) causes weird visual artifacts. Danny Ayers : Raw Blog
  • Michael Burkard's latest book - full of revenants, revisitations, and regrets - is similarly lingering and resonant.
  • Nylon and fiberglass are incorporated as well forming an extremely effective, mechanically and electrically nonresonant connector body that may just be the most sophisticated in the world. OhGizmo!
  • More resonantly, Joan, due to her chastity, courage, chivalry, piety and intelligence, personified an exceptional female figurehead.
  • The capacitance and inductance defines the resonant frequency.
  • I actually have a deep resonant, rich voice, but it comes out only rarely.
  • At the west end of the courtyard, a semicircular base may mark the location of a semantron, a resonant plank struck to call the monks to prayer. A Sacred Congregation
  • The cow carries on the back boy's piccolo, this time also day long in resonantly sound.
  • The hill of Sanchi, surrounded by verdant forests with the river gurgling at its feet, resonant with the hymns and chants, must have been one of the most idyllic, spiritual spots.
  • Analyzing the resonant peak to acquire the charge - mass ratio and cyclotron frequency of the ions.
  • How different from the scene in the last century when Subrahmanya Bharati sang of the enchantment of Puduvai, lit by dawn gold streaming across the blue sea, resonant with Vedic chants, steeped in elegant Tamil culture!
  • We demonstrated the power of what we call resonant cavity trapping, where a particle is guided along a small waveguide and then pulled onto a micro-ring resonator," explains Kenneth Next Big Future
  • The pressure pulse will then propagate mainly at that specific frequency along the meridian since it is minimally attenuated at the resonant frequency.
  • Carotenoids in individual living human lymphocytes gave rise to sufficiently strong resonant Raman scattering that enabled direct Raman imaging of the carotenoid distribution in the cell.
  • At the same time, a canopy of strings induce sympathetic vibrations in resonant aluminum panels suspended between the monitors.
  • Says al-Qaeda will deny them “justice” — again, a term resonant among Muslims. Roll Out! | ATTACKERMAN
  • Words cannot describe their soft and resonant sounds.
  • In Gvozdanović's Indo-European Numerals, Robert Coleman suggests an assimilation of *k with preceding voiced resonants in some decad words like 'seventy' or 'ninety'. Something that bugs me about Indo-European's higher decads
  • When the phased array coil designed, such problems have to be taken into account as resonant frequency, impedance match, mutual impedance and et al.
  • Gruppman's bracing attack and Kosower's warmly resonant tone enlivened the Allegro finale.
  • For example, implementing passive filters in a dynamic, changing facility might cause the appearance of resonant flows that arc dangerous and hard to find.
  • In Akhmatova's fierce lyric complaint, a resonant vision has been distilled from the speaker's experience.
  • The paralysing effect of a tiger's roar is said by some to come from its infrasonic content (around 18Hz, the resonant frequency of the human eyeball, alarmingly).
  • In this way Avalon luthiers can harness the power and vibrancy of soundbox acoustic dynamics into an ensemble of resonant voices to give the player a rich, expressive and varied tone palette.
  • He then explores creating the experience of visiting an emotionally resonant, historic space.
  • The deep resonant sound of the Alp horn and the happy pumping of an accordion followed us out onto the terrace where we stood almost within handshaking distance of that awesome peak.
  • It resembles that for the vibrations of one-degree-of-freedom with damping, with the system resonant frequency appears around 600 Hz.
  • Come back to Erin, mavourneen, mavourneen, and the grand resonant mournful horn of the mailboat in reply. At Swim, Two Boys
  • A chuckle, if you could call it that, deep and resonant, filled the car.
  • We theoretically investigate the non-resonant interaction between ultrashort pulse laser and para-nitroaniline molecule medium by solving the full Maxwell-Bloch equations without approximation.
  • Oscillating electric fields applied by grids above and below the plasma can resonantly excite its electrons.
  • Yes, it is a noun denoting a room and its purpose, but more than that, it is a word resonant with symbolism. Nigella Lawson's Cozy Kitchen
  • Her Scandinavian English is sharp, heavily accented, the grammar and syntax strange in some places, but the emotions are palpable, resonant, honest.
  • If you did have him in mind for something artful and emotionally resonant, you should know that he is a hard worker. Times, Sunday Times
  • The darkly resonant tones of the lower strings in the opening Largo were a prelude to the precise, crisp attack of the violins in the succeeding Allegro molto.
  • We can readily observe resonant behavior of MCs using excitation in alternated electric, electromagnetic, or acoustic fields.
  • This is where complexity is valued in the experience of immersion and identification, where a work "speaks to" a reader because in articulating (combinatorially structuring) the symbols it articulates (expresses) relationships recognised by the reader as internal relationships between different resonant metaphors of identity, perhaps to the point of rearticulating (combinatorially restructuring) those internal relationships -- manifesting and resolving conflicts. More Aesthetics
  • It's a resonant place with a most stupendous view. Times, Sunday Times
  • All atomic clocks measure time in terms of the natural resonant frequencies of various atoms and molecules.
  • We can detect a loosening of the brush in some of Garofalo's other paintings, notably in the drapery and visually resonant landscape of the Suxena Altarpiece.
  • Aura's growing pains are witty on the strength of the film Dunham is currently working on an HBO pilot with producer Judd Apatow, and so demographically acute that some have mistaken the film as merely "relatable," when a better word would be "resonant. Lena Dunham, Director Of 'Tiny Furniture' On Directing Herself
  • But a strong shove has little effect unless it is timed so it matches the natural oscillation of the swing—just as a hopeful glass breaker must sing a note that matches the glass's resonant frequency.
  • The use of the wood block and resonant and jingly metals enhances the Oriental flavor of the music.
  • The sound is more resonant than I would like it to be, but this is not really a big problem.
  • Jan combines glaze painted tiles with glass and mixed media mosaic, exploring their resonant colours and tactile qualities.
  • Considering the common switch's chop in the common switch converter, the control sequence and resonant modes were analyzed.
  • Imperatoris Barones adornati nobilissimè pro cuiusque decentia balteis, et indumentis, quorum primus cum resonante symphonia præmittit ad oblationem quotquot valet de dextrarijs albis, et inclinans ante thronum pertransit, atque per eundem modum singuli The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • ‘Please be seated,’ she said, in the same deep resonant voice as I had heard in the hallway.
  • And his sparing use of close-ups for maximum emotional impact is both resonant and economical.
  • When attempting to transmit on a nonresonant antenna there are two ways one can accomplish it. News
  • He has a deep and resonant or perhaps a high and nasal voice.
  • Like the novel it studies, it is framed by a prologue and epilogue that place the core of the book in an extremely revealing and resonant context.
  • Largely as a result, they had lost the ability to construct complex and resonant narratives.
  • Annoyance flashed through Rosemarie like lightning as a deep, resonant laugh came from above.
  • His songwriting is tuneful and perceptive, his sound raw and raggedy glorious, his voice thick and resonant.
  • (Feb 23 2008) Right after posting this, I realized that if PIE *sal- "salt" is to also be explained by the same phonotactic rule I propose then I had better change the statement "that changes initial sequences of expected **RHe- (R = resonant, H = laryngeal) to *Rä- instead" to the revised "that changes initial sequences of expected **CHe- (C = continuant, H = laryngeal) to *Cä- instead". Archive 2008-02-01
  • As Loveday and her companion mounted the last of the flight of stairs, the voice of the preacher – full, arrestive, resonant – fell upon their ear; and, standing on the small outside landing, it was possible to catch a glimpse of that preacher through the crack of the half-opened door. The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective
  • I must also say that like Matt of No-sword, from whom I got the link, I prefer the resonant older names like sexagesimo-quarto to the oafish new-style sixty-fourmo and its fellows. BOOK SIZES.
  • A resonant frequency Fv2 of the rear space is set at a value in the range: F0 of the diaphragm, and Fv1 is a resonant frequency of the front space.
  • ‘Here,’ he said, and his voice was deep and rich, resonant and infinitely caring.
  • Maybe then the metaphor "I am a thousand candles lighting the way" helps keep the juiciness of the purpose alive and resonant as it fuels their work.
  • The actor Max von Sydow's inimitably resonant voice and angular visage have made him memorable to moviegoers for more than half a century, first in Sweden and then internationally. His Silence Could Be Golden
  • It is a work that requires an interpreter of the depth and understanding of Bernard, whose precise and lucid touch projected the harmony and thematic process with resonant colours and bite.
  • Imperatoris Barones adornati nobilissim� pro cuiusque decentia balteis, et indumentis, quorum primus cum resonante symphonia pr鎚ittit ad oblationem quotquot valet de dextrarijs albis, et inclinans ante thronum pertransit, atque per eundem modum singuli The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Stipe's lyrics, meanwhile, are less abstract and more resonant than ever.
  • Selective resonance at these eigentone frequencies will inevitably colour the sound, especially in small rectangular rooms where the resonant frequencies are high enough to fall within the musical range.
  • Ellis' script is taut, sharp and resonant, like piano wire.
  • It can sound slightly muffled at higher volumes but otherwise is deep and resonant, with an impressive low end for such a small unit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Armirkhanian asked Sculthorpe how he could just add another instrument to a finished quartet, and the reply was that the piece had always moved with a low, resonant hum that tied it to the flat, Outback landscape and that the didjeridu fit his intention perfectly. Archive 2006-12-01
  • He talks to the musician about growing up in a house resonant with music, about his early struggles and about how music can make people weep.
  • If you did have him in mind for something artful and emotionally resonant, you should know that he is a hard worker. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a resonant place with a most stupendous view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Based on experimental data it is shown, that the hypothesis of resonant amplification of microseisms in the resonator between daylight surface and oil reservoir is more adequate.
  • It is a country resonant with cinematic potential, from its architecture to its landscape.
  • In the 1950s, scientists succeeded in making a model of the acoustics of human vocal tracts and resonant frequencies.
  • It used to be translated as “vanity of vanities,” a beautifully resonant phrase, but one that misrepresents somewhat the Hebrew word hebel, which does not mean “vanity” in our sense, but rather anything fleeting and insubstantial, hence also, sometimes, ungraspable. In the Valley of the Shadow
  • Oh, now it all makes sense … It's the cryogenic dielectric piezo nano ceramic acetal nonresonant copolymer! OhGizmo!
  • A characterization of the ion channels which make a hair cell electrically resonant was obtained via studies of the bullfrog sacculus, a receptor for ground-borne vibration and low-frequency sound.
  • a resonant voice
  • After a few months, he'll likely have a resonant, deep, and full voice just like an adult!
  • It was then tried with speaking: the result was the same: a powerful and perpetual hum, not resonant peculiarly to the diatessaron, the diapente, or the diapason, but making a new variety of continuous fundamental bass. Gryll Grange
  • When these cattle move side by side in the herd, their hollow horns knock together, producing a characteristic resonant sound.
  • Instead, it's photography that has produced ‘some of the most affecting and resonant of artworks… images that possess a stark and unsparing eloquence’.
  • The Mariner's conceptuality is resonant in the sliminess of "a million million slimy things" (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798), 4.230); a register picked up again in Sartre's disturbingly phobic Being and Nothingness (601-15) .13 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
  • So the resonant sound is dubbed an auspicious sound.
  • And most of us do that, providing our readers with vivid images and resonant sounds.
  • Only a bitter-ender could deny that some comic book writers have had a big enough cultural impact - and have come up with resonant enough stuff - to merit a real scholarly look-see. NPR Topics: News
  • According to the spectra of sound pressure the predictions of the resonant bubble fraction are deduced.
  • Electronically tuned matching networks using adjustable inductance elements and resonant tank circuits
  • The principal is familiar: Your child's voice sounds like no one else's because that resonant cavities within her throat create a unique voiceprint.
  • He immediately interrupted, voice slightly deeper, much more resonant.
  • A scheme is presented to generate the entangled squeezed coherent states via the nonresonant interaction of a two-level atom with a two-mode cavity field.
  • It's stunning and virtuosic, but it's not especially emotionally resonant.
  • When your stomach is empty, it acts as a big, resonant cavity to amplify the sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • That fiction would be laughable were it not so dangerously resonant of totalitarian regimes against which this country once stood firm.
  • C. illius ut primum senserunt numina terrae, coepit et uberior sulcis fallentibus olim luxuriare seges tandemque legumina plenis uix resonant siliquis; nec praefocata malignum115 messis habet lolium nec inertibus albet auenis. A Singing Match
  • Many have strangely unresonant, throat-blocked, or glottal voices and use ‘up-talk,’ the tendency to end all sentences in a rising, questioning inflection.’
  • While they do consider some factors known in climate they do not seem attentive enough in the paper to the short term resonant coupling factors with fairly well understood process of PDO, RealClimate
  • The film's most emotionally resonant moment occurs early on, when Drew confronts her parents with her pregnancy.
  • Danlo chose a door at random, glanced at Tamara, and then rapped his knuckles across the gleaming, resonant wood. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The tastefulness of his treble viol playing and the more resonant, lower lyra viol is fetching, and his rhythmic liveliness is always in evidence, but 28 dances are slightly too much of a very good thing. Jordi Savall: The Celtic Viol II – review
  • The resonant epigraph evokes curiosity as well as wonder.
  • There's a story he tells which may be particularly resonant here.
  • But their presence is signalled by an unmistakable call similar to bellowing of a bull with a deep, resonant boom that carries up to a mile.
  • The concert concluded with a cool, jazzy Latin American number, resonant and vibrant for the whole ensemble.
  • He caps this ‘movement’ with a resonant tam-tam that may not be in the score but it definitely adds to the effect!
  • He was bearded and probably toothless - for although his voice was resonant it was also oddly slurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence, there are enough cultural references to make the title resonant and viable. Jackson Katz: Conversation with Philosopher on School Shootings
  • His voice sounded oddly resonant in the empty room.
  • His resonant voice and polished demeanour fitted him for roles as a barrister, judge, headmaster and doctor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Especially telling were the colorful blends in "Soubrette Song," with brightly resonant trumpets.
  • His voice is light but resonant, and he speaks smoothly and clearly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is suggested that the wave-wave sum resonant interaction and the wave dissipation due to instability are two dominant dynamical processes that occur in the mesopause region.
  • A digital controller, consisting of hardware and software, will be established to regulate output frequency, output current and quality factor of the resonant circuit.
  • At last he had found himself treading on boards, resonant, slippery. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The performer held one in each hand and the tone was elicited by striking the base of the cylinder sharply against the floor or some firm, nonresonant body. Unwritten Literature of Hawaii The Sacred Songs of the Hula
  • It is a smooth and mellow voice, deep and resonant.
  • In fact, people make decisions based on emotive associations that are formed by the creation of simple, easily grasped, emotionally resonant frames that are then repeated ad nauseam.
  • Selective resonance at these eigentone frequencies will inevitably colour the sound, especially in small rectangular rooms where the resonant frequencies are high enough to fall within the musical range.
  • She stared and directed her resonant voice into the distance as if to an unseen audience, and modulated her tones like an orator.
  • As the cantilever executes small torsion resonant oscillations by twisting about its long axis, the cantilever's free end and the AFM tip rotate a very small angle about that axis.
  • The programme, though, has some trouble finding many resonant tribute songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Andrée sharply struck a solemn note she could not prevent the Perigordian string of her vocal instrument from giving back a resonant sound quite in harmony, moreover, with the Meridional purity of her features; while to the incessant pranks of Rosemonde the substance of her North-Country face and voice responded, whatever her mood at the time, in the accent of their province. Within a Budding Grove
  • This concussive approach is more pronounced on ‘Sticks and Nails’, where resonant metallic pings and tongs sound off like broken grandfather clock chimes.
  • Set against the mass of textured stone, the thin man-made planes of a rusted steel door and rusty faceted piling are peculiarly resonant.
  • This follows from the response of any resonant system (a room, a struck object, a vocal cavity) to an impulse-like excitation.
  • The resonant phrases, no doubt coined by Downing Street's resonant phrase craftsman, continued to roll out. Cameron even makes war seem reasonable | Simon Hoggart's sketch
  • I have weighed the yeas and nays with the kind of practiced, not to say jaundiced, assay that those of us in the opining rackets routinely bring to such emotionally resonant issues as, say, tax policy or the federal highway fund.
  • As Nicolson argues, "face" is a simple, plain English monosyllable, but it also has a resonant double meaning. The King James Bible reconsidered | David Edgar
  • Then you hear them reading their poems and instead of rich and resonant voice full of authority and confidence there's a thin, reedy croak.
  • Throughout the plays the resonant names of the great are subjected to comic metamorphoses in the mouths of his clowns and fools.
  • One moment it's got insight or wit, the next it's full of more emotionality than the set-up can make resonant. Times, Sunday Times
  • One example, of relevance for solid state physics, is the observation by Rudolf L. Mössbauer in the late 50s, that nuclei in "absorber" atoms can be resonantly excited by rays from suitably chosen "emitter" atoms, if the atoms in both cases are bound in such a way that recoils are eliminated. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • A gracefully arched rococo hall, resonant with the sound of violins, its gilded mirrors lit by a bevy of crystal chandeliers. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Depending on the resonant or natural frequency of the atom and the frequency of the incoming wave, the emitted photon will have changed phase when compared to it's unaffected brethren.
  • I was hiking in a fairly remote region when a few other hikers told me of a mountain pass leading into a spectacular valley resonant with cascading waters, lush with rolling meadows, dotted with innumerable wild flowers, and protected on all sides by snow-capped peaks.
  • If we think of Calcutta on that night as a precursor to the image city, then the emphasis on the illusion of perspective in the description of both transparencies is resonant for it quite literally takes the present historical buildings and ruptures their very contemporaneity by giving them both spatial and historical "depth. Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta
  • I was beginning to warm to this man, I even liked his deep, resonant voice.
  • His voice sounded oddly resonant in the empty room.
  • A second capacitor coil is inductively coupled to the control inductor, and is to be connected to the capacitor to provide a second resonant sub-circuit to control resonant gain.
  • Then, if you take the lid off the piano to boost it, sometimes the room becomes too resonant and the sound goes all over the place.
  • The high values observed in suspension probably are due to a resonant two-photon absorption process.
  • Using perfectly composed shots to amplify an emotionally resonant story, the film successfully argues that ‘artistic’ films do not have to be boring.
  • The British baritone seems born for this role, and his resonant singing is matched with a comic portrayal rich in sardonic humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a resonant voice and warmly earnest delivery, Mr. Davis was an on-air presence at WGMS for more than 50 years until the station went defunct in 2007. Bob Davis, former WGMS host, has died
  • The resonant acoustics of the church (a Miami Beach landmark) provided the perfect ambience for Handel's music.
  • They look for a particularly good branch, preferably a dead one with specially resonant qualities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon Esther neared the tented forest resonant with the shouts of campers - old familiar sounds of her childhood.
  • Largely as a result, they had lost the ability to construct complex and resonant narratives.
  • The experiments confirmed that the upper harmonic components appear and exhibit distinct resonant peaks.
  • This model delivers a resonant tone that provides players the ability to create unique, textured, open sounds with good projection.
  • There's too much sweetness overall, and a couple of unnecessary instrumentals rife with resonant pianos and tinkling glockenspiels.
  • At times he attracted attention by making statements that were deliberately resonant.
  • The interior temperature is quite warm for an icy moon, perhaps due to tidal forcing from Dione, which is much denser, and has a resonant orbital period twice that of Enceladus. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Using perfectly composed shots to amplify an emotionally resonant story, the film successfully argues that ‘artistic’ films do not have to be boring.
  • We felt privileged to be the first group of Western visitors to enter the historic palace, resonant with past conflicts.sentence dictionary
  • It can sound slightly muffled at higher volumes but otherwise is deep and resonant, with an impressive low end for such a small unit. Times, Sunday Times
  • A second of time is defined as x oscillations of a cesium atom's resonant frequency, and is commonly measured in atomic clocks.
  • I often have found the sweeper poems to be most resonant with adolescents, both here and abroad.
  • The programme, though, has some trouble finding many resonant tribute songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other resonant devices like chimes, tuning forks and gongs are utilized by professionals.
  • Comparing to step-down resonant switched capacitor(RSC) converter, the composing principle of step-up RSC converter is different, so their sneak circuit conditions are not same.
  • Come back to Erin, mavourneen, mavourneen, and the grand resonant mournful horn of the mailboat in reply. At Swim, Two Boys
  • But the second installation that spurts bright paint blobs from ceiling to floor is too resonant of Damien Hirst's too-cute "spin" paintings, and the scratched color photographs of gorgeous skies are too faintly remindful of Mr. Hodges's early, startling curtains. Feats of Rock, Paint & Clay
  • The stony or "astonied" appearance of these figures is a resonant emblematic image of the fact that they are not life but art. Dialogic Text
  • Only an Old Servant could maintain such correctness, only a trained baritone could produce such a resonant mezza voce. HUMAN VOICES
  • This is how Murdoch's influence has permeated British public life — and especially its top "cop shop, " to use a newly resonant Britishism.
  • Scallon spoke for the first time, his voice deep, resonant and rich with power.
  • Imperatoris Barones adornati nobilissimè pro cuiusque decentia balteis, et indumentis, quorum primus cum resonante symphonia præmittit ad oblationem quotquot valet de dextrarijs albis, et inclinans ante thronum pertransit, atque per eundem modum singuli The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The resonant vibration of cantilevers also produced noise.
  • Holding it all down below allowed the rest of him to sound clear, resonant, and apologetic. 21 DOG YEARS
  • Associated with Venus as well as Terpsichore, the cittern was strung with metal wire to ensure reliable tuning for impromptu use. 247 With their wood paneling, one can imagine that the studioli offer resonant settings for listening to music, which should be counted among the duke's activities in the Urbino studiolo. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • And C.K. Scott-Moncrieff did Proust the ambiguous favor of Englishing his masterpiece under a more resonant, less relevant title copped from Shakespeare. Poetry Slam
  • It is more than sonic sound-bathing; it is deeply resonant immersion of mind, body and soul.
  • It was raspy and rumbling, and even if it had come from the monitor's mouth, it would have been much too resonant for a lacertilian throat. The Veiled Dragon
  • Strong resonant colorfulness, airiness and lightness, together with extensive use of local materials and workmanship, were the clear expression of her interpretation of locality. Dora Gad.
  • The voice was deep and resonant and commanding.
  • I think what makes the movie so resonant is how the unconscionable behavior of some characters and sections of the society at large isn't quite as far-fetched as you might initially think. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Less iconographically complex, though more symbolically resonant are her more recent large paintings of a female fire-eater in harlequin costume. Artists: Contemporary Anglo.
  • The straight-to-video end of the market throws up a cracker every now and then and this resonant film full of sleazy, steamy atmosphere and fine performances is a rare example.
  • In a hokey “resonant Indian folktale” voice, she added, “For many moons, it has provided a way for unattached men and women of Grundy to find the person they plan on shacking up with for the season.” How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • There are better things - deeper and more resonant themes, and more complex and more enriching ideas - which can't or shouldn't be shoehorned into this inflexible storytelling model.
  • The predominant cockpit sound is of the slipstream, rather than the resonant drone of the radial engines.
  • What you will hear, then, are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech.
  • Each rod is coated with a different chemical - a phenylene dendrimer, a cyclodextrin and sodium cholate - and each changes its rod's resonant frequency in a different way. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • There is a resonant interaction of the incident light with the surface plasmons on both surfaces of the metal film.
  • Emotionally honest and socially resonant, it transcends the melodramatic cliches of prison drama to explore the relationship between a mother and daughter and the corrosive nature of the penal system.
  • It might be possible to amplify this moving-mirror radiation by using a resonant cavity with vibrating walls.
  • The tone is produced by striking the closed end of the cylinder, while held in a vertical position, with a sharp blow against some solid, nonresonant body, such as the matted earth floor of the old Hawaiian Unwritten Literature of Hawaii The Sacred Songs of the Hula
  • The resonant frequency splitting caused by photonic crystal (PC) defect coupling can be well described by the tight-binding (TB) approximation in which only two coupling parameters are used.
  • This is, of course, an extreme example, but it is also an extraordinarily resonant image.

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