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How To Use Resolvable In A Sentence

  • It has outlived the Cold War, Vietnam, 2 Iraq wars and seems to unresolvable. Matthew Yglesias » David Petraeus, Jew-Hater
  • As most folks know by now, this same issue underlies the great, unresolvable, and basically silly debate about whether the new millennium starts at the beginning of 2000 or of 2001.
  • US Republican Senator Judd Gregg withdrew Thursday as the nominee for Secretary of Commerce, citing "irresolvable conflicts" with the Obama administration over its economic stimulus plan.
  • The surge in refusals of 'resolvable' requests came despite a fall in the volume of requests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Politicians who objected to Mrs Thatcher and her radical conviction politics suffered the anguish of apparently unresolvable frustration.
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  • Politicians who objected to Mrs Thatcher and her radical conviction politics suffered the anguish of apparently unresolvable frustration.
  • The disputes should have been quickly resolvable through diplomatic channels.
  • Neither question is analytically resolvable: the answers turn on value judgments, not analytical findings.
  • This argument has being going on for decades and, at the macro level, it is unresolvable. Times, Sunday Times
  • But those questions are not only often unresolvable, they are often rather meaningless.
  • But in Timor's case, the facts of the situation made it an eminently resolvable problem, and one of my complaints about the media would be its failure to articulate the underlying facts and their resolvability.
  • Groups opposing sanctions say these problems are irresolvable until sanctions are lifted.
  • This position allows consequentialists to recognize the possibility of irresolvable moral dilemmas.
  • Although the result is a non-standard account of geometry as an inexact science, Hume thinks that he thereby preserves reason from otherwise irresolvable antinomies.
  • While the main issue discussed above may be unresolvable, there is one subpoint that can be resolved.
  • For .ly domains to be unresolvable, the five .ly root servers that are authoritative *all* have to be offline, or responding with empty responses," he said. Faster Forward: Libya shutdown raises questions about, security of foreign domains
  • In terms of religion, the problem is straightforward, and unresolvable: holy matrimony does not work as a concept in a society that no longer believes in anything holy.
  • Here, I am not interested in the technical issues because they lead to interminable and irresolvable arguments.
  • She looked into his face, and guilt and self-reproach dissolved, along with the memory of another face, other eyes, ones that haunted and weighed her down with unresolvable pain.
  • To challenge either is to perpetuate an irresolvable debate, a heated exchange of ideas that no one ever wins, which leaves everyone with bad feelings.
  • Apparently, the coelacanth, lungfish, and tetrapod lineages diverged within such a short time interval that at this level of analysis, their relationships appear to be an irresolvable trichotomy.
  • An hour came and went, and suddenly the issue was "unresolvable," and I was "a journalist up to trouble. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • From these, in a narrow and a dirty street devoted to such callings, Mr Wegg selects one dark shop-window with a tallow candle dimly burning in it, surrounded by a muddle of objects vaguely resembling pieces of leather and dry stick, but among which nothing is resolvable into anything distinct, save the candle itself in its old tin candlestick, and two preserved frogs fighting a smallsword duel. Our Mutual Friend
  • It is highly unusual, for instance, to introduce a theme in A Major by setting up its harmony in C# Minor, but then again genius never likes to play by the rules, especially when it sets out to express the searching, irresolvable pangs of love. Rodney Punt: A Glowing Romeo et Juliette -- Charles Dutoit with the LA Philharmonic in Berlioz
  • a resolvable quarrel
  • Rather, the filename's location will be resolvable with reference to its identifier.
  • US Republican Senator Judd Gregg withdrew Thursday as the nominee for Secretary of Commerce, citing "irresolvable conflicts" with the Obama administration over its economic stimulus plan.
  • The fights between differing entities or real enemies can be resolved, but the fights between brothers are irresolvable because they are bogus fights.
  • Then the faults of electro hydraulic servo system and sensor were transformed to resolvable models.
  • We're left with an irresolvable speculative disagreement; end of story. Outsourcing, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Politicians who objected to Mrs Thatcher and her radical conviction politics suffered the anguish of apparently unresolvable frustration.
  • Again, you have a horrendous, fundamentally unresolvable problem, of picking the warhead from the decoy.
  • They transform solvable problems into irresolvable dilemmas.
  • And the remaining quarter came from interesting places like keck. and c-span. org and unresolvable IP addresses. Site Traffic? at
  • Equally, international diplomacy generally assumes that any dispute is ultimately resolvable through compromise and negotiation.
  • He would say: ‘Life is filled with golden opportunities, carefully disguised as irresolvable problems.’
  • The problem was that the debate was intrinsically unresolvable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dilemma is irresolvable as Ms. Schiavo's wishes cannot be known.
  • After success in the early 1960s with her brother Tom in the British country-music trio the Springfields, she went solo and made her way into the heart of “Swinging London. ” Part cartoon, part irresolvable desire, part bruised despair, she peered through heavy mascara and a stack of peroxided hair while singing with breathy sensuality. Five People Born on April 16 | myFiveBest
  • But the way some Orthodox seem to see it, the dissensus is irresolvable in principle. Orthodoxy on churches outside "the Church"
  • They're more interesting, though seldom compelling, in the historical sections, which are themselves more interesting for the density of detail gleaned from the novel—the shared excruciation of foot binding, the secret language with which the friends communicate, the irresolvable conflict between their love for one another and the pull of dutiful wifedom. Harry Potter and the Fantastic Finale
  • Or are these phenomena the expression of an irresolvable crisis of the capitalist economic and political order?
  • unresolvable confusion
  • Neither major power wanted a conflict in north Italy, but the strength of appeals for support in the face of an apparently unresolvable dynastic dispute proved irresistible.
  • Such movements are thus unable to contemplate that there might be irresolvable tensions between being Christian and being ‘a good American.’
  • For Lincoln saw an unresolvable tension between the Constitution of a democratic republic and the policies of aggrandizement and intemperate self-interest that lead from the manners of freedom to the slavish love of power. David Bromwich: To Maintain a Republic
  • Some disputes might, by law, not be arbitrable - for instance, child custody disputes might not be fully resolvable by arbitration, because they involve the interest of the children, who have not agreed to the arbitration.
  • Andy, my crankiness comes from the fact that so many "picture books for older readers" are forced by the nature of the form to take an either cursory or superficial approach to problems "possibly not resolvable in a thirty-two page format," as former HB editor Anita Silvey put it. "Mad Bitches Against Gay People"
  • The museum always foregrounds the unresolvable dichotomy between fact and fiction.
  • Is this evidence, at bottom, of an irresolvable clash between capitalistic materialism and religious, other-worldly values?
  • The painting gracefully combines the classical ideal of stability with Romanticism's restless play of unresolvable tensions.
  • This rule has one unfortunate effect: it leads to a genuinely unresolvable conflict, where two rules meet head on and it is impossible to say which should prevail.
  • He seemed the most troubled by the unresolvable contradictions of his recent life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The surge in refusals of 'resolvable' requests came despite a fall in the volume of requests. Times, Sunday Times
  • His task will be to resolve potential conflicts between Westminster and Holyrood before they become unresolvable issues.
  • Each contains an antinomy, a seeming contradiction, resolvable only by moving above the either/or into a third position that creates a broader frame.
  • In this sequence one keenly felt humanity's complex, wavering and unresolvable attitudes to life and death. Times, Sunday Times
  • From an empirical perspective, I see no irresolvable philosophical conflict between these subjects.
  • Speech, gesture, and every other form of human action are, in the long run, resolvable into muscular contraction, and muscular contraction is but a transitory change in the relative positions of the parts of a muscle.
  • All disputed points are potentially resolvable.
  • Better yet, in the process, you'll discover solutions for other seemingly unresolvable dilemmas. Times, Sunday Times
  • If people are prepared to stand up, then these problems are resolvable, can be tackled and we can all work to reduce crime.
  • In response, he made himself a diffuse, uncertain thing, a mass of contradictory, irresolvable voices that speak truth plurally. Speaking in Tongues
  • The same prospect of litigation over unresolved — and perhaps unresolvable — scientific arguments was among the reasons that the accusations of lying in [an earlier case] were deemed to be nonactionable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Interesting Libel Decision Arising from the Vaccine / Autism Debate
  • The history of this problem indicates that these controversies are reflections of irresolvable tensions in our thought about agency.
  • There are only two words that resolve an otherwise unresolvable conundrum: 'biding' and 'time'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some situations aren't easily resolvable, but stating how you feel is valuable. The Sun
  • The museum always foregrounds the unresolvable dichotomy between fact and fiction.
  • Those are the kind of things that are unresolvable.
  • There are messy, difficult, perhaps unresolvable problems with that. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for all its uses, the fraternal allegory poses a final and irresolvable problem for the national narrative.
  • Is this evidence, at bottom, of an irresolvable clash between capitalistic materialism and religious, other-worldly values?
  • He was actually very close to working for the president, but decided in the end, he did not want to be President Obama's commerce secretary, citing what he called irresolvable conflicts. CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2009
  • On that score, the spinners and soundbite merchants have continuing - and perhaps unresolvable - doubts about the best way of selling Lieberman.
  • While resolvable toxic aromatic amine dyes can make the clothes more brightly-colored, and maintains the color for a longer time.
  • A large subset of political disagreements are simply irresolvable by reference to facts, but are simply moral to the core. Election Prediction: Voting will be Irrational, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A chief point of discussion to which the investigations have led is: Whether the phenomena of what we call gravity may not be resolvable into those of magnetism -- a force acting at a distance, or by lines of power. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 448 Volume 18, New Series, July 31, 1852
  • These literal readings all pose the same, irresolvable problem.
  • The first is the idea that there is an irresolvable conflict between the public life of a city or nation, and the pursuits of philosophers and scientists.
  • The great unresolvable question, however, was always: to what extent do we factor in home advantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • This double-entry bookkeeping is something that he usually has the courage to confess ( "between two stools" becomes his preferred cliché) even when he knows that the contradiction is not resolvable. Survivor
  • The difficulty of disentangling individual from collective responsibility for the evils perpetrated by the Nazi regime is unresolved even now, and perhaps is inherently unresolvable.
  • Explain that life does get better and conflicts are usually resolvable, no matter how bad the situation may seem. Times, Sunday Times
  • This irresolvable dilemma was conjured nicely by the question: Who serves when not all serve?
  • I think at this point, that we have no true irresolvable conflict of interest with North Korea, and we should end the hostility that we've had since 1950.
  • Its central theme seemed to be an examination of how we should conduct ourselves given the inevitable and unresolvable conflict between good and evil.
  • This mixture is resolvable into two simple substances.
  • Again, the emphasis on youth seems to be a proxy for unresolvable personality issues with the established names. Is It Time to Clear Out Australia's Cricket Selectors?
  • In one sense, this ethical move by Levinas solves the previously irresolvable problem of self/other relations.
  • But perhaps its phenomenal success really only proves that, whether in Bangkok or Baldock, people everywhere love to escape from the real world, with all its unresolvable dilemmas and random irritants, into a realm where reason rules supreme, and where every problem has a perfect solution — even if the process of finding it leaves us frothing with frustration. Games
  • Marx was emphatic about the need for abundance, for he thought that scarcity made conflicts unresolvable.
  • The Kashmir issue appears to be unresolvable at the moment.
  • The disagreements between our camps, however, are deep-rooted and likely to remain - at least on this side of eternity - irresolvable.
  • Derivations and copies are carefully identified, although who produced them, and precisely how, seems to remain unresolvable.
  • all disputed points are potentially resolvable
  • Instead of coming up with practical, realistic solutions, city council will get bogged down in an unresolvable argument over the evils of alcohol.
  • They're more interesting, though seldom compelling, in the historical sections, which are themselves more interesting for the density of detail gleaned from the novel—the shared excruciation of foot binding, the secret language with which the friends communicate, the irresolvable conflict between their love for one another and the pull of dutiful wifedom. Harry Potter and the Fantastic Finale
  • Not a portion of the value, but the _whole value_, is resolvable into net income and revenue maintaining British families, and creating and sustaining The History of the Great Irish Famine of 1847 (3rd ed.) (1902) With Notices of Earlier Irish Famines
  • This strikes me as yet another irresolvable dilemma as there are cases to be made for both points of view.
  • According to several attendees, negotiations stalled from the onset over the same issues that have proved irresolvable. Obama Warns Cantor As Debt Talks Stall: 'Don't Call My Bluff'
  • Is the disparity between personal experience and the historical facticity of war irresolvable?
  • But it is a mark of the mature level of trust between the two presidents that when problems remain unresolvable at the moment, they are able, without dramatization, to postpone the solution of that problem for future meetings.
  • Could the unresolved and unresolvable qualities of the 'mystic' chord likewise speak paradoxically of peace? The Times Literary Supplement
  • Explain that life does get better and conflicts are usually resolvable, no matter how bad the situation may seem. Times, Sunday Times
  • After success in the early 1960s with her brother Tom in the British country-music trio the Springfields, she went solo and made her way into the heart of “Swinging London. ” Part cartoon, part irresolvable desire, part bruised despair, she peered through heavy mascara and a stack of peroxided hair while singing with breathy sensuality. Five People Born on April 16 | myFiveBest
  • The core unresolvable deadend difficulty in Capitalism is that competition breeds an enormous waste of human, natural, and industrial resources.
  • Finished with 15 caps and an unresolvable knee injury. Times, Sunday Times
  • Politicians who objected to Mrs Thatcher and her radical conviction politics suffered the anguish of apparently unresolvable frustration.
  • Some situations aren't easily resolvable, but stating how you feel is valuable. The Sun
  • IMO, that's a bad thing, but it's not any kind of unresolvable crisis. Patterico's Pontifications

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