How To Use Resist In A Sentence

  • The study also examined blood plasma levels of atazanavir, residual (low-level) viraemia, and drug resistance mutations. Undefined
  • The difference in the power of the system to absorb different substances, appropriate whatever can be utilized, and throw off whatever can not be used, is sometimes called idiosyncrasy, but more properly it may be called vital resistance, and upon the integrity of this power rests the ability to combat disease in all its forms, whether it be the absorption of any animal virus or the poison resulting from undigested food. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • That should give you the flavor of this very enjoyable book; but I can't resist adding a couple of the apothegms that stood out to me.
  • Chartists at once organized resistance to what they called the usurpation and, after a long civil war, were successful. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • So the lands of the dismembered Yugoslav state became not only the scene of Europe's greatest resistance struggle, but also one of its bloodiest civil wars.
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  • The Communists vastly exaggerated their own Resistance role in order to attract postwar political support.
  • Every protestation that she should go on this outing was clearly a plea for her to stay and resist the invitation.
  • It also provides a condensed primer to some of the issues at stake in American avant-garde cinema, which, partly because of its historical opposition to the dictates of commercial mainstream moviemaking and partly because it resists commodification unlike, say, abstract painting, oppositional cinema doesn't rack up big sales at Sotheby's, has been relegated to the status of museum pieces and festival marginalia. NYT > Home Page
  • Tanks often attacked the outskirts of the city in skirmishes with resistance fighters, adding to the chaos and unrest.
  • You are entering a period when you will emit such strong personal magnetism that no one will be able to resist you. The Sun
  • Care and skill in the use of dyes can produce products that resist bleeding, crocking, frosting, and discoloration. HOME COMFORTS
  • Fetuin was resistant to a single O-glycosidase digestion due to the fact that its N-linked and O-linked oligosaccharides are sialylated. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The man was never as much of a sucker for a hook as Elton John was, but throughout 'The Soul Cages', Sting defiantly resists hummability as if a mere catchy pop chorus were too frivolous for such weighty content. The Soul Cages
  • Less genetic diversity means less resistance to pests, diseases and climate changes.
  • Scrapie is a chronic disease of sheep which is transmitted by a filterable particle that is resistant to heat and formalin fixation.
  • They realized it would be suicidal to resist in the face of overwhelming military superiority.
  • No hay mal que dure 100 años ni cuerpo que lo resista.. aunque me enamore un marte no hay mal que por bien no venga. I hate hate hate hate hate what they've done to Blogrolling.
  • Rear panel and wall trims must be heat-resistant and consist of a non-flammable material.
  • He combined athleticism, judgement and skill in an irresistible mix - and he was a great sportsman, totally devoid of egomania.
  • There is no reference to the recent critical analyses of management use of, and employee resistance to, the mobilization of feelings.
  • Generally the better dealers avoid such goods, but in the case of the saltcellar, the dealer hadn't been able to resist. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • And they've also found two new mutations that make the roaches more resistant to pyrethroid and related insecticides.
  • Irresistible, her lone Motown LP, the label cannibalized some of the solo songs and remixed them into duets. NPR Topics: News
  • The Virgin and Santa Clara rivers snake easily between flat-topped mesas, following paths of least resistance.
  • The only factor preventing major incursions into treasured civil liberties is the resistance of the population at large - and, for the moment at least, the public appear to be acquiescing in the government's plans.
  • But the polyanthus are the ones that I'm finding irresistible.
  • Pine needles and resin, wood and sap - irresistible. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's difficult to test the cookies for doneness while they're still hot, but they're fairly resistant to overbaking.
  • The multilayered structure of power may thwart and complicate resistance. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Traditionally, the resistive force established for such a test is determined from total body mass for a friction loaded Monark cycle ergometer ie 75
  • Similarly, the exaction of stiff reprisals for unexpected attacks on troops remote from the fighting front might cow the local population, or might stimulate them to more aggressive resistance.
  • I resisted the strong temptation to tell him to go jump off a cliff, and kept quiet.
  • Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses. Brian Tracy 
  • I just said that one could resist the argument by objecting that there is no reason to think that seeing a non-physical flower sense-datum is the same type of mental state as seeing a real flower.
  • Most notably, it acknowledged the lack of consensus on the "immutability" of sexual orientation - that is, on the question whether it has a biological basis or not - but noted that it was, at the very least, "highly resistant to change. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • Despite some ongoing resistance (a subject to which I will return), the situation for people involved in interracial intimacy has never been better. Interracial Intimacy
  • We must resist the urge to mould people into the way things have always been done. Times, Sunday Times
  • When talking about the performance[sentence dictionary], she couldn't resist a side-swipe at the orchestra.
  • One can strip the fifties of its illusive aura of dull conformity without inflating cultural dissidence or generational muscle-flexing into political resistance.
  • The tape has the advantages of heat resistance, insulation and heat shrink, becoming ideal insulating binding materials for manufacturing and repairing of electrical machinery, transformer and so on.
  • Chronic wounds, such as pressure ulcers, can sustain bacterial balance and resist infection if well cared for and kept free of necrotic avascular tissue.
  • Some makers still bolster these paints with components like formaldehyde, crystalline silica, acetone and ammonia to help preserve the paint or give it other properties, such as spatter-resistance. Painting Without That Smell
  • Resistance welding is used to join titanium and titanium alloy sheet by either spot welds or continuous seam welds.
  • Severe acne is usually treated with common antibiotics, but many strains are becoming resistant to these. Boing Boing: July 25, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Archives
  • She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed.
  • He's tactless and lacks judgment but he's irresistible just the same.
  • He tried to give her a kiss on the cheek but she resisted his advance and pushed him away from her face briskly.
  • Tibbs is as resistant to liking anyone in Sparta as they are to liking him. Lance Mannion:
  • She cannot resist the / her itch to travel.
  • A bonded joint has very good shear strength, but not so good resistance to being pulled or torn apart; riveting is the familiar answer.
  • Kenya's colonial government had responded to the Mau Mau resistance movement by imposing a State of Emergency, detaining leading nationalist leader Jomo Kenyatta, and restricting political organizing.
  • They belong to a secret resistance army that is the nation's last defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only the most resistant blocks remain behind. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Once the more resistant gently dipping rocks of the Cotswolds have been removed, the underlying softer beds are easily eroded, so the Jurassic escarpments to the east of the Vales of Evesham and Gloucester retreated through time.
  • Torque transfer is a function of the internal gearing, which generates frictional resistance to differentiation through the axial and radial thrust forces of the gears in the differential.
  • Already now in Australia we're isolating strains which have low level resistance to vancomycin.
  • Experiments have shown that making people laugh can temporarily boost certain aspects of their immune system, potentially making them more resistant to infection and disease. MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE
  • Selecting cadres fairly and honestly is our Party's political strategy and important means of resisting "periodic law".
  • The borate ingredient in the fire-protection solution makes the wood a less than ideal food source, so it is resistant to termite and fungal damage as well.
  • We resist getting typecast either as conservationists or modernists.
  • A simple single-storey pavilion is enclosed by folded concertina walls and roof, prompting irresistible comparisons with origami.
  • Under an order from state energy firm Gazprom, Sevmash completed Russia's first ice-resistant offshore production platform, which was tugged out to the Pechora Sea in August to drill at the oil-steeped Prirazlomnoye field. Reuters: Press Release
  • As a scientist in the R&D arm of the US Justice Department, Shubin championed a carbon-based liquid polymer called Kevlar that could be woven into nylon to create a fabric vest resistant to bullets at close range. Top stories from Times Online
  • G, Bartek J, Lukas J (2001) The ATM-Chk2-Cdc25A checkpoint pathway guards against radioresistant DNA synthesis. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • And this means that the theories of universally acting psychical repression, of the unconscious, of the endopsychic censor, of the significance of resistance and amnesia, of the employment of highly complicated and phantastic symbolism, of the manifestations of sexuality and so forth have been made use of in a high-handed, uncalled for, unnecessary and unscientific manner to prove the truth of the thesis with which the author set out upon his journey. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Apache helicopters pounded them with missiles, while US tanks poured cannon fire on the defeated and unresisting column.
  • She had spent more than she intended on the wetsuit, but couldn't resist its bright fuchsia colours.
  • I resist the view that the pleasures of fiction derive from its purely thought-experimental aspects.
  • The bands - flat and wide or thin and round, with varying degrees of resistance - can be knotted and looped around furniture.
  • Along with the artist's renderings of badgers, each item is illustrated with easy to understand icons referencing water resistance, biodegradability (meaning you can go into a lake or ocean without harming the aquatic life), animal testing (none), and UVA rating. Marcia G. Yerman: Sunscreen Protection and Nail Polish: A Green Approach
  • When herbicide-resistant crops are commercially grown, it is possible that herbicide-resistant weeds will develop if genes are transferred from the transgenic crop to related weedy species.
  • It has now given its response, in which it also said the partition identified in the fire report was ‘not designated as a compartmental wall requiring double sheets of plasterboard to provide 60-minute fire resistance’.
  • But a more elastic material, such as nitinol, can be used to produce an endoscope that offers a high degree of flexibility and kink resistance.
  • And unlike unipolar depression, the depression of bipolar illness tends to be treatment-resistant.
  • Not just resistant to the pitter patter of bored kiddie feet but immune to assaults from the outside as well.
  • Resist acting surprised when a relative makes a marriage announcement. The Sun
  • They couldn't resist any more and decided to render up the city.
  • Currently, many pneumococci are resistant to penicillins and other agents.
  • These tendons can be accentuated by dorsiflexing the ankle and the great toe against resistance.
  • If ID is so down with genetic decay, they wouldn’t resist the idea of vestigial organs. Genomics and the vacuity of Intelligent Design - The Panda's Thumb
  • her resistance melted under his charm
  • Indeed, though most Americans will embrace some type of solemn memorial today, there is resistance to dwelling on the horrifying tragedies of a year ago.
  • It contains, among other things of merit, a lullaby, called "Sleep, Little Tulip," with a remarkably artistic and effective pedal-point on two notes (the submediant and the dominant) sustained through the entire song with a fine fidelity to the words and the lullaby spirit; a "Nocturne" in which Nevin has revealed an unsuspected voluptuousness in Mr. Aldrich 'little lyric, and has written a song of irresistible climaxes. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • A protein resistant to heat and proteolysis that inhibits serine proteases was isolated from wheat leaf apoplasts.
  • It was a case of an irresistible force hitting an immovable object. Times, Sunday Times
  • She could find no further arguments or resistance.
  • The lamp, standing alone in the midst of confusion, suffered a partial eclipse; and my favourite Dublin meerschaum successfully resisted the dilapidating effect of a fall of several feet. Canada for Gentlemen
  • To quell resistance, air strikes and artillery barrages were called in, largely demolishing the town.
  • Nevertheless, a few instances where fire breaks assisted in preventing the burnout of some fire - resistive buildings.
  • The solution lies in a transition to EUV lithography and photoresist based on low molecular materials. November 2009 -
  • Eighteen years and 110 Tests later he bowed out, with Nemesis unable to resist shaking her fist at him.
  • This ‘meandering’ of the electrons makes them more likely to hit an atom of the metal, and the resistance is therefore increased: And the Physics Nobel Prize goes to… « Skulls in the Stars
  • Let us consider animals first. It is conceivable that collective resistance would be individually advantageous.
  • HERE'S a tasty offer too good to resist. The Sun
  • Seed sown in early June has produced a swathe of greenery topped by the most attractive blue flowers that seem irresistible to bees, hoverflies and other insects.
  • A resistance unit has a temperature fuse between a resistance and a terminal for deactivating a resistance circuit when the motor reaches the permissible maximum temperature.
  • Although rock had become mainstream by the early 1970s, it continued to arouse resistance and to elicit reproach - and continues, indeed, to this day.
  • On the baize, the balls roll on, but the former stars who now commentate cannot resist blathering about the Jester from Leicester or the Wizard of Wishaw. In praise of ... 'Whispering' Ted Lowe | Editorial
  • A dense wood will have proportionally more elasticity and resistance, but also a greater margin of shrinkage and swelling.
  • Acertified crop adviser and agronomist looks for weeds resistant to glyphosate. Round-Up Resistant Weeds Pose a Threat to Farmers | Impact Lab
  • For no man who is worthy to be called a man would ever submit to such an agreement if he were able to resist; he would be mad if he did.
  • The legal profession has always resisted change.
  • In a fundamental conflict between constative force and performative possibility, the assuring parataxis itself begins to serve as a resistant marker of performatives that potentially contradict its simple narrative.
  • Also, having high-quality headphones is good too because there's less electrical resistance in the cord, meaning higher volume on a lower setting (and less power exerted by your iPod). Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks | Lifehacker Australia
  • But when the adrenaline is pumping to your brain, the hot, sticky blood coursing through your veins, who could resist?
  • Fishing floats have always been irresistible bounty for beachcombers.
  • Ads constantly bombard us with the notion that we will be irresistible if we purchase the product being promoted. Christianity Today
  • Both worked in a classified military training program known as sere — for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape — which trains soldiers to endure captivity in enemy hands. Rorschach and Awe
  • However, the use of drug combinations is designed to limit the emergence of multiply drug resistant variants and may suppress plasma viraemia more effectively.
  • ‘CAN you?’ he said again; and every lineament of his expressive countenance added the words ‘resist me?’ Master Humphrey's Clock
  • These MAb are expected to synergistically enhance the efficacy of current treatment options and have a superior safety profile in the management of highly resistant bacteria. GEN News Highlights
  • He was resistant at first, but soon became a careful dresser and appreciative of his wife's flair for interior design.
  • He is alleged to have resisted arrest after failing a breath test and was taken away in handcuffs. The Sun
  • The promise of the reward was too much of an enticement for the migrant workers to resist.
  • As the technology behind photovoltaic energy advances, consumers will be unable to resist the urge to convert.
  • And this finished, self-cleaning, anti-static and weather-resistant structure is itself maintenance free for 25 years.
  • An investigational antiandrogen showed substantial antitumor activity in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer, data from a preliminary clinical trial showed. Social Security Reports, News and Informaion
  • Labour is going to learn whether or not it is possible to resist the public clamour for tax cuts and still win a general election.
  • Unfortunately, at this point you might also be feeling the beginnings of your resistance to sticking to your resolutions and asking yourself why discipline and willpower seem to elude you. Jason Mannino: How to Plan For R.E.A.L. Change
  • Aims: To appraise the ascitic bacterial categories and its drug resistance in cirrhotic patients complicated with SBP, so as to provide the guideline for use of antibiotics.
  • Some animals are fairly resistant to this disease, others such as zebu cattle, asses and horses are not. Chapter 6
  • But in the process, Renz said, he got an up-close demonstration of how resistant lawmakers are to alter even slightly a policy that the voting public loves.
  • Third, including exercise as determinants of insulin resistence in postpubertal adoles - cent females. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I think there will be stubborn resistance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wry twist of amusement around his lips finally proved impossible to resist.
  • Amy then extended her arms and spread her legs to increase wind resistance, and Kevin was able to catch up with her.
  • Aids lowers the body's resistance to infection.
  • i told my wife the other night, i'm hoping that obama can slip in a few "dishonors" and "dishonorables" under the radar on tuesday night. mccain will catch it and it will set him off. i honestly think that's the one button that you can push with mccain that he can't resist blowing up over -- hitting his honor (or lack thereof). Obama Campaign Launches Pre-emptive Ad Strike Against McCain's Planned Character Assault
  • More recently, scab has developed resistance to the strobilurin as well as the benzimidazole classes, and now Alternaria leaf spot resistance to the strobilurin and carboxyanilide (boscalid) chemistries has appeared. Western Farm Press RSS Feed
  • Neem oil is nondrying, and it resists degradation better than most vegetable oils. 8 Industrial Products
  • During the wars of the reign of Louis XIV. the margraviate was ravaged by the French troops, and the margrave of Baden-Baden, Louis William (d. 1707), was prominent among the soldiers who resisted the aggressions of France. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Aerosol resist coating too thick: - increase exposure time or use spray more sparingly.
  • She resisted the urge to kiss him.
  • We couldn't resist the home-made bread and butter pudding and the rhubarb and ginger crumble.
  • But after that, the rise of Michael Gomez as a boxer seemed irresistible.
  • The psychological error then consists in externalizing an exceptional experience - which Bergson calls ‘resistance to the resistances’ - into a moral theory.
  • The removal of car tax also proved irresistible to drivers but is seen in retrospect as a retrograde step, and, according to Brennan, ‘over the top’.
  • The use of physical or chemical means to destroy all microbial life including highly resistant bacterial endospores.
  • This attractive, glossy red apple has some resistance to diseases such as apple scab, cedar apple rust, and fire blight.
  • As an object of fascination and repulsion to the two men who represent the center of authority in their respective narratives, Carmen spells a threatening other, a dark figure that resists assimilation and endangers masculine power.
  • Given the polygraph's dubious record, resistance to the lie detector has started to stir.
  • A higher mesophyll resistance in woody plants than in herbs, and in sclerophylls than in mesophytes, has been reported.
  • Our objective was to determine the mode of inheritance for this resistance trait.
  • Therefore, they resisted what they perceived as American extremes of rationalism and indifferentism, precisely as did their Protestant and Catholic colleagues.
  • Some materials still resist easy answers - gold is an example.
  • Don't let this week's majorly stubborn vibes make you resistant to information about new ways of doing things.
  • In addition the barrel bore is hardchrome plated for resistance to corrosion.
  • There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. Charles Dickens 
  • On 7 September, resisting confinement in the post guardhouse, he received a fatal wound from a soldier's bayonet.
  • An ‘attractive absence of progress’, added to its more-or-less unpolluted environment, seem to be bringing the island an irresistible allure.
  • When large-scale resistance movements remain grassroots they are thus indestructible.
  • Presumably, stucco decoration was more resistant to steam than fresco.
  • Thus, multiple rounds of mutagenesis are possible by switching the two resistance genes on and off. The Scientist
  • More corrosion resistant than anti-magnetic stainless steel, but less resistant than SPI Gold Plated tweezers especially for osmium tetroxide vapors.
  • With the other chamber resisting radical change, Miller finalized the new proposal at a meeting with Kingston Tuesday morning.
  • They spin out conservative versions of an already entrenched style, pointedly resisting the challenges presented by artists like Leonardo.
  • It is a stubborn thing resisting the call to self-annihilation, deadening pain, and compromising with what is simply wrong. Lonni Collins Pratt: The Sacred Power Of Hope
  • Congressional Democrats have resisted impeachment considerations, recalling the acrimonious division when a Republican Congress impeached Bill Clinton in 1998 for perjury and obstruction of justice to cover up his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Bush's Disapproval Hits Rare Heights; Only Nixon and Truman Scored Worse
  • When it comes to free trade, as Adam Smith once opined, ‘Not only the prejudices of the public, but what is much more unconquerable, the private interests of many individuals, irresistibly oppose it.’
  • To make it more of a challenge for her fitter students, she relies on an array of aqua accessories, such as webbed gloves that increase resistance and foam dumbbells that help mimic land-based strength exercises. New workout programs show that pools can attract exercisers of all ages
  • The company has resisted offering a "me-too" product like a digital audio player.
  • Every besieger promises the commoners that his only enemy is the aristocrat in the citadel: such a maneuver weakens enemy will to resist. New Dan Simmons Story
  • Made from thermoset acrylic acid resin and high - grade melamine resinwith weather resistant color, organic solvents and addictives.
  • The huge resistance to this idea in the educational establishment is a constant mystery to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • They included insulin resistance, glucose and fasting insulin. The Sun
  • Certain training techniques can take your resistance program to the next level, promoting greater muscle gain, jolting your metabolism, pushing you past a plateau, supercharging your motivation and so much more.
  • This circular-shaped piece comprises a wooden base and a chunky glass top with a rotating centrepiece that can be reversed to an aluminium heat-resistant serving centre or left as is in a fashionable wood veneer.
  • This dynamic regulation of cerebrovascular resistance maintains a constant CBF in the CPP range between 50 mm Hg to 150 mm Hg and is called autoregulation (Fig. 3) [59,60]. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Tobacco lowers the body's resistance to disease.
  • The harmful PrPSc form is very resistant to high temperatures, UV-irradiation and strong degradative enzymes. From Dr Jekyll to Mr Hyde
  • Most of the younger resistance fighters lived with other families who treated them like their sons.
  • Against this, however, stood the successful isolation of the political resistance organizations and the overwhelmingly closed nature of the different social milieux inherited from the Weimar period.
  • Another asbestos mineral, crocidolite, is used for more specialized applications, when, for example, better acid resistance is desirable.
  • The Organization of American States suspended Honduras and has continued to resist efforts of Secretary of State Clinton to pressure them into readmitting Honduras. Bill Quigley: One Year Later: Honduras Resistance Strong Despite US Supported Coup
  • But if the economy was still becalmed then the pressure for Plan B would be much harder to resist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Management is requesting some kind of giveback or pay modification, and unions are resisting, "he said. Undefined
  • So it sells resistors and other discrete components alongside hard drives and motherboards.
  • Proper torquing avoids elastic separation of the mating parts under load and resists gradual loosening over time.
  • The main hardware is composed of thermal resistor as temperature sensor, 87C51 single chip processor, as main control computer, together with amplifier and A/D transfer.
  • The more the reactionaries lash out, the more resistance they provoke.
  • He was charged with trying to resist arrest .
  • Not a hi-tech, super-resistant, fibre glass wonder, just an ordinary bicycle.
  • There was a ‘resistance to creating documents that would prove cost overruns or really inflated charges,’ she said.
  • We have an emergence of resistance in the bollworm in India, she said. Kenya Now Able to Produce, Import GM Foods
  • RBF neural network is used to predict nugget sizes of resistance spot welder, in which the input vectors are constructed by time sequences of cycle parameters.
  • Jaspan inherits a newspaper with the kind of resources a keen editor with a lively mind and a constitution tested by the fire of Fleet St would find irresistible.
  • The refuge helps prevent the development of resistance to European corn borer and corn rootworm.
  • Societies are formed to resist evils that are exclusively of a moral nature, as to diminish the vice of intemperance.
  • The metal reinforcement gives it the strength to resist the high winds.
  • Such injury can occur due to overtraining and excessive resistance or use of improper form in performing the exercise.
  • It is popular to assume that other people resist change but, of course, we are all potential resisters of change.
  • A special shape of collector is designed in order to reduce contact resistance and non-uniformity of the current; as a result the total current density in the device is increased.
  • This comes in seven colours and is crease-resistant.
  • The spread of resistance is being fuelled by both underuse and overuse of drugs.
  • You can always choose to resist evil.
  • It meant resisting the temptation to chase off after secondary objectives and, in the process, dissipate resources.
  • But Russian forces have been held up by heavily mined roads and tough rebel resistance.
  • If she do not gravitate too irresistibly towards that class of New-Era people (which includes whatsoever we have of prurient, esurient, morbid, flimsy, and in fact pitiable and unprofitable, and is at a sad discount among men of sense), she may get into good tracks of inquiry and connection here, and be very useful to herself and others. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II
  • For three whole days, during which time did not exist for him, he struggled in that black sack into which he was being thrust by an invisible, resistless force.
  • God without Being: "the Ungrund is contaminated from the start by the universe it subtends, making the impulse to misrecognize the groundless as the primal ground, and thereby firmly reappropriate it to ontotheology, quite irresistible"; Hegel on Buddhism

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