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How To Use Residuum In A Sentence

  • It may be that in harping in highest exultation how they had won to, and touched, the Path Ambrosial – the Amataŋ Padaŋ40 – Nibbana, they implied some state inconceivable to thought, inexpressible by language, while the one and the other are limited to concepts and terms of life; and yet a state which, while not in time or space, positively constitutes the sequel of the glorious and blissful days of this life's residuum. Psalms of the Sisters
  • There has always been a problem of classification in treatments of this social residuum; that of distinguishing between the worthy and unworthy poor.
  • Whereas the incorporation of the working class modified their systematic resentment at policing, police conflict with the residuum at the base of the social hierarchy remained.
  • In the process, social housing became a residuum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Residuum lac quod remanet post butirum permittunt acescere quantum acrius fieri potest et bulliunt illud, et coagulatur bulliendo, et coagulum illud desiccant ad solem, et efficitur durum sicut scoria ferri. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
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  • Though the residuum is in one sense a social category, the concept implies that the group stands outside society and resists easy categorization.
  • Residuum lac quod remanet post butirum permittunt acescere quantum acrius fieri potest et bulliunt illud, et coagulatur bulliendo, et coagulum illud desiccant ad solem, et efficitur durum sicut scoria ferri. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Residuum” is the magic dust that you can disenchant 4e magic items into. Mike Mearls Strangles Realism In D&D Like It’s An Unruly Hooker « Geek Related
  • _there is a residuum of knowledge displayed_ that can only be called supernormal: the medium taps some source of information not open to ordinary people. Memories and Studies
  • After evaluation of the residuum and comparison with a threshold value, a fault signal is generated when the residuum reaches the threshold value.
  • Even in the shorter gāthās we may eliminate the common stock of refrains, and yet discern, in each residuum, a distinctly and pathetically individual note, telling its own story of a supreme 'conjuncture' seized, of Nibbana (in its later Sanskrit form, Nirvāṇā) or Arahantship won. Psalms of the Sisters
  • The reasons about residuum pump of decompression tower which areanalysed.
  • It remains to be seen how exactly the residuum will impact this election.
  • The Bed G bauxite of Shanxi massif, a paleoresiduum bauxite underlying Bangou Formation of Upper Carboniferous, occurs on the fossil erosion surface of Middle Ordovician of Upper Cambrian.
  • Examples of this correspondence include mollusks on carbonate residuum, purple spurge on gneiss regolith, and cardamine, yellowood, and bunchflower on boulder fields of metasandstone.
  • What comes next to the oesophagus is the gut; in fact, the gut is continuous with the oesophagus, and runs its whole length uncomplicated to the outlet of the residuum. The History of Animals
  • But figuring out exactly how to regenerate ammonia borane from the residuum left after hydrogen has been extracted remains a stumbling block.
  • It is claimed for the albo-carbon material that it is perfectly inexplosive, safe and portable, that it causes no obstruction and leaves no residuum, and that the receivers can be replenished almost indefinitely without any accumulation taking place, so perfect is the evaporation of the albo-carbon. Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures
  • In 1904, Palmerton would begin producing spiegeleisen, taking advantage of the residuum from the zinc oxide furnaces.
  • None of the experiments cited seemed to me capable of shewing this more clearly than that according to the 10th paragraph, because this residuum, as already mentioned, consists of vitriolated tartar and alkali. Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2
  • Taking their composition and the circumstances of administration to be as you state them, it is my opinion that a small residuum will be left undigested, and will be voided by the intestine, while by far the greater part will be absorbed and eventually "voided" by the lungs, skin, and kidneys. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3
  • Now when we analyse the conception of a cause to the bottom, we find as the last residuum in our crucible nothing but what Hume found there long ago, and that is simply the idea of invariable sequence. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • The process consists in the employment of a substance called albo-carbon, which is the solid residuum of creosote. Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures
  • Magma modelling showed that olivine nephelinite and basanite could form by different degrees of partial melting of the mantle source, with amphibole, garnet, olivine and clinopyroxene in the residuum.
  • The barite ore is massive and occurs within residuum derived from carbonate units.
  • These soils are moderately deep to deep, well-drained loam or silt loam surface soils with loam or silty clay loam subsoils, formed primarily in sandstone residuum.
  • The most extravagant resort on the continent, it enticed the rich, divided the residuum, and attracted the world's greatest golfers.
  • The most common are vacuum and continuum; the less common ones are menstruum, residuum, triduum, and the distinctly rare duumvir and duumvirate.
  • These soils are moderately deep to deep, well-drained loam or silt loam surface soils with loam or silty clay loam subsoils, formed primarily in sandstone residuum.
  • A preparing process of petrolic residuum binder local raw material is introduced briefly in this paper.

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