How To Use Residue In A Sentence
Consequently, FDPB calculations predict that the positive equipotential contour of membrane-adsorbed Lys - 13 is significantly larger than that of membrane-adsorbed FA-MARCKS, which consists of 25 amino acid residues.
In the US a baroque webwork of agencies shares responsibilities for determining safe levels of chemical residue in and on food.
Among the amino acids of the peptide, the most dramatic change was the Phe residue.
When spring tillage buries the weeds, it also buries any crop residue.
Our first protein target was cytochrome c because it contains a positively charged surface made up of several lysine and arginine residues.

The chemical heating process in producing the so-called pomace oil from olive residues may result in the carcinogen, but pure oil, turned out by mechanically squeezing olive fruits, presented no health threat, the minister said.
It is remarkable that the principle fluorophore is derived from a triplet of adjacent amino acids: the serine, tyrosine, and glycine residues at locations 65, 66, and 67 (referred to as Ser65, Tyr66, and Gly67; see Figure 2).
Archive 2005-10-01
Crop residue has a nutrient value and will catch snow, reduce evaporation, increase infiltration, and improve soil tilth.
Remove before the drying cycle and chip off the residue with the back of a knife.
Times, Sunday Times
The sudden compression of air as the rammer thrust with the fleece could explode the residues of unburnt powder that was caked to the breech walls, so a gunner, wearing a leather thumbstall, pressed his thumb over the vent to stop the airflow.
Sharpe's Waterloo
It combusts perfectly, leaving no residue, no ash.
This perfected, water soluble cream completely removes makeup and grime, without leaving greasy residue.
Residue analysis on pottery sherds also suggests a high reliance on corn.
Residues in close physical proximity to those of a subunit encoded by another genome are clearly functionally important.
Our findings indicate that the putative active site nucleophile is not required for FDTS catalysis, and no alternative nucleophilic residues capable of serving this function can be identified.
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Olive pomace oil is made from the residue of pressed olives; it's a low-grade oil that may not even be labeled olive oil.
The sensitivity meets the quantification requirements for the residue analysis.
Saturate the residue, when cold, with carbon dioxide and redistil.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
The shallow planting resulted from the planter not adequately cutting through heavy corn and soybean residue and properly placing the seed in the furrow.
The authors then subjected the iron-rich microspherical residue of the red-gray chips to X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS) to compare it with the profile of microspherical residue from known thermite combustions and found them to be virtually identical.
Pardon Our Dust, or, Why the World Trade Center Dust Matters
These filters are normally used to clarify the products of settled grape juice or wine, such as lees after crushing, pressing, and settling, and the residue of finings such as bentonite.
The Ministry of Environment is concerned with wood residue such as bark, sawdust, shavings, woodchips and offcuts generated by sawmills.
He lived with the same aesthetic as that of his work – fine linen, worn leather, superb works of art and a few cartoons, buddleia and bamboo in the overgrown garden and the residue of paint carried down from the studio.
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In this case the channels are largely composed of naturally occurring Lys and Ser residues that form alpha helices and are engineered to oligomerize through specific residue interactions.
Excessive consumption of sulphur dioxide, chemical additives and pesticide residues is not likely to improve the body either.
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The residue of 22 cases include, we are confident, no instance of exudative disease of the syphilitic group, though general syphilization cannot safely be ruled out in all cases.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
She cut off the best meat and threw away the residue.
The technology has been used on sewage sludge for more than a century and also produces a residue that is a valuable fertiliser.
Times, Sunday Times
When heated this produces methane gas and a solid residue of sodium carbonate.
The residue or "foots" produced during the refining of crude cotton-seed oil, known in the trade as "mucilage," may be converted into
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
In many organisms, nuclear DNA is methylated at cytosine residues, resulting in 5-methylcytosine.
On boiling with hydrochloric acid they are both liberated, and remain for the greater part (all the niobic) in the insoluble residue with the tungstic acid.
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
The polar head is a macrocyclic lactone ring containing nine amino acid residues, three of which have positive charges, whereas one has negative charge.
Pesticide of Melia plant is widely welcome in the word due to its high efficacy, lower poison, lower residue and its harmony with the environment.
In a bid to show that the dispensary was violating Chalfant's Oct. 30 order, the city attorney said four additional samples have tested positive for pesticide residues, including variations of chlordane, which is banned in the U.S.
In the PCW, uronic acid residues are found as constituents of xylans, pectins, glucuronomannans and arabinogalactan-proteins.
_Potassium_ may be determined by precipitation as potassium platino-chloride thus: -- Dissolve 0.5 gramme in a small quantity (say 10 c.c.) of water, and carefully acidulate with hydrochloric acid, evaporate the resultant liquor to dryness in a tared platinum basin, and heat the residue gradually to dull redness.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
The formyl termini have been patched onto the last valine residue in the sequence of each monomer.
Then the twist of the scissile bond, together with the bending of − 1 NAG, makes the glycosidic oxygen accessible to the catalytic residue Glu315 for cleavage
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It comprises especially agroindustrial by-products (oil cake, beer mash), but also relatively nutritious harvest residues, such as groundnut and nieb straw.
1. Selection of animals
The paintings have the appearance of palimpsests, with rubbed-out passages, and residues of paint and turpentine streaming down the canvas.
Place the rice in a colander and rinse well under the cold tap until the residue salt has been washed away.
When the fire's good and hot, run the allium up and down the grates with a fork to remove the residue.
The Big Grill
Sometimes you may be able to grind off the hardened plastic residue with a power sander.
However, they'll be more residue where water is available, helping protect the soil from wind erosion.
I wonder what those passages can have been like; the residue is replete with an obsessive interest in excrement, disease, sexual mania, and insectlike reproduction, insofar as these apply to Muslims in general and to Muslim immigrants in Europe in particular.
Holy Writ
In the past, samples of chicken imported from these countries have been found to contain residues of banned drugs.
Times, Sunday Times
Polymorphic residues are shaded, and their side chains in the canonical sequence are also shown.
This is because these low-frequency motions are typically delocalized throughout the system and involve mainly collective movements of residues.
While the insects thrive, residues from years of spraying are showing up in the water and food that humans consume.
Contractors will use a biodegradable contact herbicide, which is environmentally friendly and leaves no harmful residues.
There is no perfume residue, so a musty smell can soon set in.
Times, Sunday Times
Residues of zinc and lead may suggest experiments in pottery glaze manufacture.
A forensics team has discovered fresh soda residue, as well as aluminum scrapings, indicating that cans are still being crushed in the airlocks.
Signal transduction by these systems usually involves autophosphorylation of a histidine kinase on a conserved histidine residue and subsequent transfer of the phosphoryl group to a conserved aspartate on a receiver domain.
Special care was taken to include all the hydrogen bonds between the zinc ligands and the surrounding residues.
The product obtained in this method consists of yeast cells or fungal mycelia plus unhydrolysed banana residues.
Chapter 7
Their inability to speak up for themselves, their numbing inhibitions, their fear of exposure is the psychological residue of this catharsis.
Interaction of Cl 2 with oxides of nitrogen may also occur, causing the chlorination and nitration of various amino acid residues, particularly tyrosine.
Yet a primary distinction between previous works and the new paintings is Dole-Recio's heightened reductiveness, which further pronounces their surface qualities of work and residue.
Bill Bush: Made in L.A.: This Artweek.LA (October 10-16, 2011)
The suspension is then passed to a series of centrifuges where the cells are separated from the liquid residue, and these centrifuged cells are collectively known as mycoprotein.
Due to residues in the witloof chicory heads the use of insecticides is forbidden during forcing.
The new receptors are compared with previously reported urea-based receptors targeting the glutamic acid residue and receptors targeting the pteridine substructure of folic acid.
The residue was found in a pot with a vertical spout thought to have perhaps been used to blow air to froth the liquid.
Times, Sunday Times
These residues expand a region extending from the C-terminus of S5 to the N-terminus of S6.
The residue was sent off to a solid hazardous waste landfill, until they refused to accept it.
He says the residue is rocket fuel, but investigators say it actually is a glue used to bind airplane seats.
Put the roasting tin over a low heat on the hob, add the wine and stir the bottom to remove any cooking residue.
Times, Sunday Times
Anfinsen has shown that this information is inherent in the linear sequence of amino acid residues in the peptide chain, so that no further genetic information than that found in DNA is needed.
Press Release: The 1972 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The final residue, now called fecal matter, is squeezed along the length of the large intestines and passes out the rectum.
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A chemical analysis of impact crater residue allowed him to distinguish between impacts due to naturally occurring micrometeoroids and those due to artificial space debris.
Until now, the earliest leftovers of cocoa consumption were in residues from a Maya tomb in Guatemala from A.D. 460 to 480.
It provides the scientific theory basis for the popularizing applications of Chinese herb feed additives in porker production of non-environmental pollution and control of residues of medicine.
The thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine are iodinated amino acid derivatives formed by oxidative coupling of two iodinated tyrosine residues in the thyroid protein thyroglobulin.
This residue remains there for a few days unless special efforts have been made to wash it off.
The residue of soot and ashes left from the fireplace is apparent on the surface.
There had also been cellulose residue which the lab tech explained away as the cardboard containers in which the explosives had been packed.
The float valve in the brine tank (inside plastic pipe) also can get clogged up with salt residue.
For, let it be conceded that the solution of any Ghatti leaving an insoluble residue is a mixture of arabin and metarabin in the same ratio as our "maximum" solution, only more diluted with water, then from the found viscosity we obtain a point on the curve for dilution, which gives the percentage of dissolved matter.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
Among the gravels there were shiny crystals of the mineral gypsum, the residue left behind when seawater evaporates.
Even though we are regenerated by the Holy Spirit of God, redeemed by the atoning work of Christ, and adopted as children of our heavenly Father, we still, so long as we draw breath in this world, have the residue of sin within us.
All the waste is used completely as the small amount of ash residue; which is inert, can be used in by-products.
The binding geometry determined by interaction of the residues and bases in recognition area is indicated in the stereochemical chart.
Locally available grain, millet, and weed residues are added here to re-emphasize the need to make the best use of existing wastes by supplying starter cultures for better ensilage, or by supplying better designs of biogas digesters or fermenters.
Chapter 24
Such substates result from a local isomerism of strategic residues of the heme pocket.
; Article is þ {a} t nombre that may be dyvyded {e} in .10. p {ar} ties egally, And that there leve no residue; Componed {e} or medled {e} is that nombre that is come of a digite and of an article.
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That way, the shampoo gets the soap residue off of the skin under your beard.
Chemical analysis of residues in amphorae (the great storage jars of the Roman period) has proved that many did contain wine and olive oil, as had been assumed, but some contained wheat flour.
Each container had residues of wine - and not just any old plonk.
Times, Sunday Times
His heart pounded, and his body was convulsed with pain: a residue of the terror of his nightmare.
A similar mechanism was shown above when mutating the residue Gln 218.
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In the presence of excess ground waters, brucite in the friable matrix dissolves, leaving behind a residue of amorphous iron oxides.
So if the lessor be evicted [foreclosed??] of a part of the land demised, by a stranger on title paramount, it operates as a suspension of the rent pro Canto, and the rent is apportioned and payable only in respect of the residue. lb. News
The product , glutinous, taste sweet and has thin peel, but without residue.
It was associated with large waterlogged pits which contained leather offcuts, dung and other organic residues.
Amino-acid residues that are completely conserved are shown in bold type.
The main residue of these energetic performances was documentary photographs.
The Times Literary Supplement
The glue and paint residue will have to be scraped and sanded after you have put the solvent on the concrete slab.
Surveys indicate that consumers are primarily motivated by health concerns; organics are perceived to be free of chemical residues and food additives.
When the trichomes were fully developed, the compounds were volatilized and only residues were responsible for an orange fluorescence in the cell wall area.
Diclofenac residues have virtually annihilated the Oriental white-backed vulture in Pakistan.
At first, researchers modified a transplanter by adding a front coulter to slice through cover crop residues, which worked well in moist, mellow soils.
_Subduct from any phenomenon such part as previous inductions have shown to be the effect of certain antecedents, and the residue of the phenomenon is the effect of the remaining antecedents_.
Logic Deductive and Inductive
My view is that there was indeed an earlier system like this and that *a is rare because most instances of former *a had shifted to *o at a very late date in PIE's history, leaving behind a residue of instances of *a in words like *daḱru "teardrop" and *ǵʰans- "goose".
The Great Pre-IE Centralization
The label did not modify the spectral properties of the bound pigments and was probably reacting with residues exposed at the hydrophilic surfaces.
Against this, her vocals stood even more intensely as the pure residue, the hauntology in the machine, the tragedy of the soul imperfectible by science.
Drowned In Sound // Feed
Pour off fat and make gravy with meat residue, adding half a pint of cider and two tablespoons of honey.
· Value of the grain and crop residues for ensilage and for direct feeding to livestock.
6 Research Needs
The six N-terminal amino acid residues (GVSFHP) were identical to another elasmobranch shark GRLN-LP that was recently identified although it had low identity with other GRLN peptides.
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The residues crucial for transport and pathogenicity are nucleated in two groups: one around the central channel, and the other on the long intracellular loop.
The cellulose residue which undergoes condensation is not of the normal constitution, since the normal cellulose is acetylated without condensation (see p. 41).
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
To the best of my knowledge the residues are not fed to monogastric animals such as pigs or chickens, because much of the material would be indigestible.
9: Domestic animals
This transparent SPF won't leave a white residue.
Times, Sunday Times
The cause was found to be the high amount of pesticide residue on vegetables.
Once you've removed the graphic, you'll probably find areas of adhesive residue remain on the bodywork.
Finally, many forms of silt derive from the wreck itself, including rust particles, carpet fibres, coal dust, hardboard, wood and expanded foam panels, and oil/fuel residues.
But a senior law enforcement source said Monday the residue is an adhesive used to bind plastic parts in airplanes.
The average experimental residue pKs are slightly stabilized relative to what is found in small peptides with a modest standard deviation.
Who wants to drink a shake that is tasteless, or one that leaves a chalky residue with a bitter aftertaste in your mouth?
This flavoprotein is a serine-threonine protein kinase able to phosphorylate its serine and threonine residues.
Square paintings divided into apparently geometric blocks, the stripped areas retaining the ghostly residue of the oils where they have bitten into the canvas.
Be sure the bottom of the tub is clean and free of any soap residue.
Try to seal all the edges with petroleum jelly, but leave as little residue as possible so the mould is not deformed.
Times, Sunday Times
The interpretation of these numbers appears to be this: in the original reaction with the lignocellulose it is the cellulose residue which is acetylated, and at the same time condensed.
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
Keeldra in Leitrim failed to meet the national standard for both tarry residues and transparency.
Wool can have toxic residues left behind after the sheep have been dipped which can remain in the fibre.
The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
Caspases exist as inactive proenzymes that undergo proteolytic processing at conserved aspartic residues to produce two subunits, large and small, that dimerize to form the active enzyme. - Articles related to DTI favors zero tariffs on cement, wheat
Introduction is given to modification of conventional contaminated acid neutralizing system so as to produce zinc vitriol, copper sulphate and crude cadmium and recover cobalt residue.
The project consist in the installation of oil - heating boiler and chip drier both fueled with residues.
The only extra hydrogen bond that is formed involving titratable residues is between OG1 and OE2.
Pathogens of carrot spotted blight were able to overwinter in seeds, plant residues and soils, but cann't be isolated from fermented manures.
When the sample was heated to 850°C, the remaining inorganic residue represented more than 15% by weight of the original sample.
Straw also requires far fewer chemicals and less energy to produce paper pulp, due to the low amount of lignin in its residue.
Peel bananas, removing any residue left by skin.
She carried this one even further and tried, where possible, to use agro-based materials made from crop residues such as wheat straws and sunflower seed hulls.
As we pointed out, farming techniques are rapidly evolving away from plowing residues back into the ground, in light of studies that show this actually reduces the organic content of the soil due to the disruption of microfauna.
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Alteration of residues by site directed mutagenesis which are close to, or in contact, with the sugar result in variety of effects ranging from insoluble protein through inactive enzyme to little observable change.
Scrub away any residue with water and a stiff brush.
The smoke's usual acridness was smothered by the residue of the liquor in her throat.
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Once the residue moved close enough to the lipid headgroups to interact, due to the limited diffusivity of the lipid molecules in the timescale of the simulation, the lysine residue stayed bound to the lipid headgroup region.
There could be a saving in the cost of pesticides and a consequent reduction in the risk of environmental contamination by residues.
Once the residue left after absorption of foodstuff reaches the last part of the gut, the desire to defecate results.
Unweighted silk does not burn readily and leaves a residue of white ashes, while heavy weighted silk burns lively, leaving black, charry ashes.
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To minimize redundancy, short sequences of fewer than 20 amino acid residues were excluded, and only one such sequence from each set of homologous alternatively spliced genes was retained.
I love a trip to the cinema except for the rather sticky residue on the floor.
Worship and adore the Guru, the Perfect True Guru, and all your sinful residues shall be dispelled.
Interaction of Cl 2 with oxides of nitrogen may also occur, causing the chlorination and nitration of various amino acid residues, particularly tyrosine.
Pesticide residues, exposure to chemicals at toxic-waste sites, food additives, bird and insect droppings.
While specific ingredients change daily, and actual dishes change every few weeks, a signature element has emerged this past year—a two-part scallop dish, in which a diver-caught scallop is cooked in its shell and presented with some kind of grated truffle; later, a Japanese-style dashi broth is brought out and poured into the same shell, with the residue of the first part of the dish seasoning the second.
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The slope of the plot from the absolute temperature against the mean square angular displacements of Trp residues determines an averaged value of the elastic torsion that the protein exerts on its Trp residues.
Reeves stresses the need for crop residues in conservation tillage, especially in warmer regions.
Proteins can evolve new functions because they have inherent flexibility in plasticity residues for future benefit, but I don't think you can get an IC system from accumulation of small random variations.
Death of a popular anti-ID argument
The new annual report from the government's Pesticide Residues Committee also reveals that some samples of milk were contaminated with lindane, a deadly insecticide banned in Europe.
The least defined regions are residues 1-4 at the N terminus of CyP and the loop composed of CyP residues 41-45.
One assumes it was intended to fall into the residue of the Estate, but this is simply another drafting problem with these two clauses in the Will.
As it protects hair from heat during styling, it creates style memory that lasts until you shampoo it out, with no leftover residue.
By using bioinformatic and biochemical analyses, we showed that residues 1-18 of FliI very likely form an amphipathic alpha-helix upon interaction with FliH, and that residues 21-91 of FliI resemble the N-terminal oligomerization domain of the F1-ATPase catalytic subunits.
Congratulations are in Order
Now, there's some duh residue in (a) having eight "best" friends; (b) deciding arbitrarily that having three bridesmaids is okay but eight isn't; (c) drawing straws instead of including all of them or none of them; (d) your oldest friend taking things personally instead of just recognizing the desperate act of a desperate bride.
Carolyn Hax: Wedding party choice has left-out friend smarting
This will dramatically reduce your exposure to potentially harmful pesticide residues.
Times, Sunday Times
Charged and polar residues played an important role due to favorable electrostatic interactions.
Blast furnaces are used to recycle slag, dross, and residues from other processes.
A residue can build up on the hair shaft, leaving the hair limp and dull looking.
The four most commonly found pesticide residues were lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos, all of which could cause serious damage to the liver, kidney and the nervous system.
‘It's lightweight, so it absorbed quickly into my skin without leaving a greasy residue,’ one tester said.
Theoretically there should be no antibiotic residues as they would interfere with the making of cheese and yogurt where bacteria are an essential ingredient.
The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
Some of them would be cleared away by the laggers and their assistants, and compressed air hoses would blow the residue from the floor.
Studies of multidrug-resistant proteins have demonstrated two types of residues involved in binding to quaternary ammonium compounds.
His face liquefies, drips chin residue into a polychromatic pool.
Monkeytown excerpt 5
Fetuin contains six oligosaccharides chains, namely three carbohydrate units O-linked to Thr or Ser residues and three complex glycans, N-linked to Asn residues.
But senior law enforcement sources said Monday that the residue is glue, not missile fuel.
The Premiership is fast becoming like a squash league containing two, maybe three, able-bodied players and a residue of unipeds.
Only the dingbats at Haaretz would have the chutzpah to suggest that the IAEA is even mildly confused about the type and grade of Uranium residues found at the Syrian site, if any.
‘jump the gun’
You might say that this is the metaphysical residue not soaked up by Kantian epistemology.
The plant will convert biomass - including bagasse (a fibrous residue resulting from the sugar extraction from cane) and the cane leaves and trash - into electricity.
Despite FDA inspections that found US hatcheries injecting antibiotics directly into eggs* and studies that detect antibiotic residue in egg yolks of treated chickens even after withdrawal periods and cooking, + antibiotics are not "a food safety issue for eggs" said Blair Van Zetten, on Behalf of United Egg Producers at the hearings.
Got Antibiotics in Your Food? Thank the FDA
Multi-residue screening of endocrine disrupters chemicals in water samples by stir bar sorptive extraction-liquid desorption-capillary gas chromatography-mass ...
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Experts: Endocrine Disruptor BPA Found in Bottles Worrisome
Scientists have known for decades that proteins can be acetylated on their lysine residues, but the modification was long seen as the poor cousin to phosphorylation, which can activate or deactivate countless processes in living cells.
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It has poisoned the people, their land and water with the toxic residue of the war.
The culmination of that was an uplifting climax heightened by the emotional residue of what had gone before.
The latter form by dehydration melting at less than 10-12 kbar leaving a residue of augite, orthopyroxene, plagioclase and varying amounts of amphibole.
The electrical conductivity of Middle East Atmospheric Residue (ME-AR) diluted by n-heptane was continuously measured, and the mass fraction normalized conductivity of ME-AR was calculated.
The catalytic cracker takes a number of feedstocks, including heavy gas and residue, from the lubricant treatment plant.
The paintings have the appearance of palimpsests, with rubbed-out passages, and residues of paint and turpentine streaming down the canvas.
But these produce may still contain other chemical residues that can cause problems.
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This is the fact that the new protein is enzymatically modified with sugar residues.
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201, 215-219 (1982) [4] Royce, P.M.; Barnes, M.J.: Failure of highly purified lysyl hydroxylase to hydroxylate lysyl residues in the non-helical regions of collagen.
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Coiled coils commonly contain a heptad of residues labeled A-G, repeated at least three or four times.
The tendency to ethnic absolutism and the one-party residue have reinforced one another in the Yugoslav successor states.
Other conserved active centre residues, D125 and D232 are in equivalent positions to the catalytic nucleophile and general acid/base, respectively, of dGMII.
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The so-called slops were in fact a toxic mix of petroleum residues, sulphur and caustic soda which had accumulated in the ship.
ANC Daily News Briefing
They are sometimes acidic to neutralise any alkaline residues carried over from the washing process and sometimes include disinfectants.
William did not assume his grandfather's title, which had lapsed on his death, but he did inherit the residue of the baronet's extensive property, and his mercantile and shipbuilding businesses at Kittery.
No-tillage is preferable because retention of previous crop residue is valuable for conserving soil moisture on minesoils, which tend to be droughty.
Regular thorough cleaning is necessary to shift all cooking residues.
My therory is that the planchet was on the floor and a worker picked it up and threw it in the proof bucket not thinking i quess, with floor residue and finger print i think this may be a logical explaination.
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Standing residue in the field helps capture valuable moisture from this year's above average snowfall.
Besides the long-range interactions it makes with neighboring protease residues, the binding affinity of a peptide also depends on its own conformation.
The mystery was not what had killed the cows - the insecticides had done that - but ‘who is safeguarding the consumer to see that no residues of dieldrin or heptachlor are appearing in the milk?’
By that time, the dissolving wad residue should make the bore look like the inside of a brick chimney.
Dennis Buckmaster, in foreground, and research assistant Bart Coffman found that shredding corn plant residue, know as stover, rather than chopping, may provide easier access to the cellulosic matter used to produce ethanol.