How To Use Residual In A Sentence
The study also examined blood plasma levels of atazanavir, residual (low-level) viraemia, and drug resistance mutations.
After the seacock or gate valve is closed, remove the hose temporarily so that it drains and then use an absorbent cloth or turkey baster to eliminate any residual water in the nipple.
And if there are residual cracks in Adele's pipes, you can't hear them: the word "hometown" easily wraps itself around the venue's lofting ironwork.
Adele – review
That has led to a catastrophic effect on residual values.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus residual confounding could not be completely excluded, and the findings could not assign causality.

Writers' residuals for original programming on basic cable, ranging from series such as Lifetime Television's ‘Any Day Now’ to telepics for Disney Channel, will also be bumped up.
Three types of soils, residual soils, kaolinite and bentonite, were used in the study.
The West London Waste Authority must look to more sustainable ways of dealing with residual waste.
The opposing magnetic intensity that must be applied to a magnetized material to residual magnetism.
There are artist's residuals (payments made to actors for repeat showings of their work), external commercial content, and international rights to consider.
Residual plots indicate a well-specified model where there is a lack of pattern between the standardized residuals and their predicted values.
Other residual deposits are sources of chromium, titanium, rare-earth elements, and even gold.
A major source of iron, called iron laterite, is a type of residual deposit generated by the intense weathering of iron-rich rocks such as mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks.
It is only in the rock-shelter area, B, that we have classic lunates, here residuals in neolithic levels.
When the eggs are almost done remove from stove and allow residual heat to finish the cooking.
The Sun
Sivagnanam wonders if our patients settled because of the residual effect of the previously administered high dose colchicine that we had stopped; we only reintroduced colchicine, however, if the gout was not settling or was worsening.
It would mean that the residual contributory elements of benefits were extended, not frozen.
Times, Sunday Times
Actors have contracts that specify residuals - payments that kick in each time a programme is shown.
Residuals were achieved by comparing the output of neural network with the real state value. Fault detection rules were distilled from the residuals to execute actuator fault diagnosis.
It is at this point that you would want to strain off the residual liquid.
Many of the early-drilled cereal crops are now becoming very weedy and every opportunity must be taken to apply residual herbicides.
From Tuesday, starting in Sedgley Park, Bury Council has launched its new phase of doorstep recycling which involves collecting residual waste which is not recyclable on an alternate weekly rota.
Based on the optimization idea to minimize the maximum value of residual vibration energy over the entire range of parameter variation, a robust time-delayed filter was designed.
The normal probability plot of residuals against their expected values when the distribution is normal suggested that the error distribution was almost normal.
They retain the rugged residual glamour of life on the move.
Times, Sunday Times
To achieve control, all their harbourages must be found and treated with residual insecticide. Look for small, dark faecal spots or white dots - bedbug eggs - close to hiding places.
There does some to be some residual analog hiss or static under the audio most of the time, but it is minimal, especially for a film of this age.
The right developer for this could build residual income in a profit sharing scenario if desired or just be paid straight cash.
The residual gas pressure is the primary indicator of quality, and is most commonly measured in units called torr, even in metric contexts.
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During secondary drying, temperature is increased slowly to desorb bound water until the residual water content falls to the desired range.
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The residual error in both of these fits is small, indicating that the same spectral components can fit these measurements at both temperatures.
This correlation may have been increased when few extreme animals per family were selected, because the average magnitude of residual effects was likely increased.
There are no guarantees in the housing market today, and it's always a roller coaster ride, and I was looking for something that would give me residual income.
Now that the midriff, which is a kind of outgrowth from the sides of the thorax, acts as a screen to prevent heat mounting up from below, is shown by what happens, should it, owing to its proximity to the stomach, attract thence the hot and residual fluid.
On the Parts of Animals
His main residual anxiety is over the appraisal system itself.
In this paper, the residual welding stresses in a low carbon steel girth butt welded pipe are calculated with a nonlinear finite element code ADINA.
Next year parents whose residual income is below £11,500 will not be assessed for a contribution.
The association of AQP11 with the residual cytoplasm of elongated spermatids and the distal tail of spermatozoa supports the hypothesis of more than just a role in conferring water permeability and also in the turnover and recycling of surplus cellular components made redundant during spermiogenesis and spermiation.
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The results show that the microstructure of the alloys system is the compound of the acicular martensite and partial residual austenite. From the matrix, the composite carbides were precipitated.
There will always be residual waste, which must either be thermally treated or landfilled.
Residual insecticide will kill only larvae and adults; it will not kill eggs or pupae.
Large-yolked eggs carry more lipid energy and may result in larger hatchlings or hatchlings with larger residual yolk reserves.
The residual gases including nitrogen, higher hydrocarbons carbon dioxide, etc. constitute about 2 percent.
Outstanding issues include improved residuals for film and television productions and repeat fees for TV productions.
If we have to wait for the studios to "recoup" first we will never see one stinking penny of residuals, period.
First Salvo In Entertainment Industry/WGA Negotiations
The most common forms of chronic pain are headaches, backaches, arthritis and residual sports- or car-accident injuries.
He outlined the practice of audism in which deaf people shun the traditional deaf community and signing, preferring to use residual hearing, speech and lip-reading.
Search the internet for the residuals on the BMW and you will find they are fairly high.
Residual depression scores and negative affectivity scores also were linked to cardiac-related mortality after adjusting for each other and for cardiac covariants.
The adjudicator is not exercising the residual jurisdiction of judicial review.
We then calculated the residuals, the difference between each interval's extinction intensity and its lowest smoothed value.
These fixed negative charges attract a layer of residual positively charged ions which are free to move within the water.
The implication is that further scientific research will eliminate residual uncertainties, allowing for a more objective assessment of harm.
In all simulation models, the residual variance equals 0.43.
This is because cotton denim has residual shrinkage and will continue to shrink with each successive wash.
How I am able to type this is unknown, some kind of residual autotype facility located in the fingers.
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The long walk back helped to clear away any residual guilt.
Times, Sunday Times
There are, in general, three possibilities regarding the functional significance of signal residuals.
Heat the residual oil in a frying pan and quickly brown the lamb.
Times, Sunday Times
His fans insisted that his naturalism and his underplaying refuted any residual sissiness that might be associated with acting.
Tattoos can be removed by various means, including dermabrasion, excision and suturing, and laser surgery, though usually with some residual scarring.
Taste:The acidity and the residual sugar integrate well to caress the palate gently. leaving an after-taste of the Prosecco.
They are usually used when angiography shows a stenosis that is of intermediate severity, or to determine the functional severity of a residual stenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention.
But don't worry, we were short-staffed before this, so you'll have lots and lots of opportunities to work off any residual guilt.
The implication is that further scientific research will eliminate residual uncertainties, allowing for a more objective assessment of harm.
In direct answer to your question: Though I believe you may have some residual immunity from your original vaccine, a booster at least would be necessary in the event of a threat.
Residuals were examined for normality and homogeneity of variance using graphical procedures.
Each blood sample was used once only to avoid complications resulting from localized microvaporization nucleated by residual coagulum particles.
The mean residual values and the RSD were calculated for each weigh day.
The value of their residuals would suffer accordingly.
The danger with installing many programs and then uninstalling is that some residuals often remain behind.
Residual longitudinal chromatic aberration introduces a focal shift for any wavelength variation.
Adequate washing is necessary to remove residual thiosulfates in the print, which could otherwise cause the print to deteriorate over time.
Genomic DNA from the sample was isolated by 3 rounds of extraction with phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol (25: 24: 1) and twice with chloroform to remove any residual phenol.
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But its residual detection method, degradation dynamics, degradation model in plant and soil and influence on the physiological and biochemical characters of plant were seldom reported.
An accepted test for autocorrelation in short data series is a lag-I test, conducted on residuals or ‘detrended’ data.
Residual vegetation forming a matted mulch was likewise a determinant of nest density and success in tame plant communities, with smooth brome demonstrating greatest nest density.
Used in tablet form with a colorimetric comparator to measure free residual chlorine.
Chapter 5
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Heat the residual oil in a frying pan and quickly brown the lamb.
Times, Sunday Times
In general, the north sides are concave in both their horizontal and vertical sections, having been sculptured into this shape by the residual glaciers that lingered in the protecting northern shadows, while the sun-beaten south sides, having never been subjected to this kind of glaciation, are convex or irregular.
The Yosemite
The output of the microphone is combined in a subtractor with the acoustic echo replica, producing the residual echo.
This paper focus on diagnosing rotor winding faults in asynchronous motors by residual voltage after AC dump.
On the day that patients regained consciousness, most had no residual disability, although some seemed to have retrograde or anterograde amnesia.
Autumn residuals proved critical for good weed control.
Lorox (linuron) and Sencor (metribuzin) have been available for more than 25 years, but still have good soil-residual activity on a variety of weeds including glyphosate and ALS-resistant pigweed when applied behind the planter and activated by rainfall or overhead irrigation.
Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
Once the new marrow had engrafted, the recipient ran the risk of that foreign marrow turning and attacking his or her own body as well as any residual leukemia left in the marrow, a deadly complication termed graft-versus-host disease or GVHD.
The Emperor of All Maladies
These grains were not affected by the Variscan anatexis, so we consider them as residual.
The residual surface potential may introduce errors in following observations, affect measurement accuracy in critical dimension SEM and cause pattern placement errors in electron beam lithography.
All the while, its residual, unofficial curriculum naturalizes a consistent image of the Canadian nation's ‘true’ founders as white British brothers of the officer class.
It makes a mockery of any residual ambivalence about his claims to greatness.
Times, Sunday Times
In pregnancy and obesity, increased fasting and postprandial residual gall bladder volumes are associated with increased risk of gall stone formation.
Depending on your circumstances, you might prefer to buy back your share of the business at a much reduced cost to settle the residual debt.
Times, Sunday Times
In the case of fluorides free from silicates (such as fluor-spar), it is determined indirectly by decomposing a weighed portion with sulphuric acid, evaporating, igniting, and weighing the residual sulphate.
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
Only recently have Americans begun to shake themselves awake, but the Bush administration\'s residual success in misshaping U.S. opinion was underscored again when a poll found that 85 percent of American troops in Iraq believed they were there to avenge the Sept. 11 terror attacks. '
OpEdNews - Quicklink: America Anesthetized
This is a great system and/or argument for wine nerds who might actually talk about a wine's residual sugar, acidity, etc. in numeric terms, but in a consumer-driven industry that has a great deal of subjective loyalties, analysis, and opinions, I really don't see how this system could be implemented.
International Riesling Foundation: What's the Point?
It may take that long for the skin to slough residual mite debris and for the allergic reaction to subside.
To obtain serum, we permit the blood to clot and then separate the clot from the residual serum.
This offers the option of an FFT frequency analysis to view the spectrum of the raw signal or of the distortion analyzer's residual output.
And their main technical parameters, which are impedance, response time, the level of the residual voltage, maximum peak pulse current and life times, are compared.
Heat the residual oil in a frying pan and quickly brown the lamb.
Times, Sunday Times
The result shows that the main parameters that affect deep profile consist of residual resistance coefficient, viscosity of polymer solution and amount of profile control agent.
And I'm glad I did, because not only do I feel like I'm riding a new bike, but there's also still enough residual knobbiness left for them to make that meditative Om-like humming sound on the pavement, thus reinvigorating my sun-baked soul.
The Indignity of Commuting by Bicycle: The Dog Days
One well-known and generally accepted approach to the problem is the residual theory of dividend policy.
Needing a breath of fresh air to quell the residual nausea in his stomach, he limped a few yards back into the cooling shade of the junglelike forest that huddled on one side of the property.
Forbidden Enchantment
There was 1 case of residual tumor cells at the esophageal margin, 1 case of hydrothorax and hydrops of costal bed, no costal chondritis, pneumothorax and fistula formation.
Eventually only a hollow lined by residual soils above a breccia chimney marks the site of a former salt extrusion.
The nature of her fall, the fractures being interarticular with residual non-union of the distal styloid will result in potentially increasing osteoarthritic change in the right wrist and hence pain.
A combination of still-residual despondency and distrust of the new coach combined to curb the normally boundless enthusiasm of the nation.
The evolution of the type of enterprise institutional framework is essentially a power division process, which adheres to law of the correspondence between residual claim and control power.
After polymer flooding and polymer cross link micro gel flooding, the residual oil mainly distributes in middle and low permeable reservoirs. This is the potential area of EOR.
The results suggest that even after 30 years of non-use, residual vocabulary knowledge can be found.
Finally, where residual populations of tiger salamanders have survived despite the odds in still isolated locations, they have become a target of the pet trade.
They are made from a new generation 100% polyester which has a very low residual content of moisture, giving you a new mould-resistant finish.
Recently we have been told how he and Sophie were now shot of each other with residual bitterness on both sides, with her predictably now disowning all previous suggestions he was innocent of his drugs test or had drinks spiked.
The residual heat removal system with natural circulation is a passive safety system.
As the financial model in new media increases profit margins, writers will require a strong union to legally protect their content (i.e. as scripts are registered and credited now) and ensure due payments are received (as with the current pay scale 'minimums' and residual guidelines set in commercial film and television).
Why America Needs The Writers' Guild
In that situation also the building owner should be able to write off the residual amount and claim it for tax purposes.
The research of the residual claim assignment of stock companies is not dealt with either in new classical property right theory or stakeholders theory.
However, with the time, the bladder may decompensate, and this state is characterized by increased voiding pressures and a huge increase in post void residual urine.
Urology Division Research
The treatments involved early turnout of cows to grass for 2 h per day at two residual sward heights and two silage allowances, plus a control treatment, in a randomized block design.
Evaluation of residual oil saturation is the difficulty and key in the water flooding zone interpretation.
First, signal residuals may play no role in the function of a signal.
Now these grotesque, giant cybernauts shall come face to face with the steadfast resolve of this residual band.
The residual collects productivity effects that are not modeled, as well as those that are mismeasured or modeled incorrectly.
The cytoplasm is predominantly acidophilic with some residual basophilia.
I can follow a narrow, winding path in hardwood and extract large, high value sawlogs without damaging the residual trees.
We all know by now the term residual income I hope? Current News - Top Stories
Nor was it one they tended to trace back to some residual force of upbringing, like that upwardly mobile impulse so often attributed to immigrant families.
On the basis of it, X-R control chart is used to analyze and monitor the packaging solvent residual quantity during the compound process.
He concluded that visible residual cicatrization is eliminated from both accidental and surgical facial scars if dermabrasion is performed four to eight weeks after the primary wound.
What happens if the residual hazards identified in the risk analysis cannot be avoided?
The antenna is a (Yagi?) impedance 50 (ohms? looks like a headset sign); residual wave radiation, - 60dB; Transmission current 1500mA Modulation frequency deviation, 5KHz (mas/minus).
Where can I get the antenna I need?
Actors who appear in movies and television shows receive residual payments when those works are shown again.
For example, 30 percent of the dry matter intake of ruminant animals is to be provided from grazing (this is when an animal breaks off forage from a living plant whose roots are still attached to the soil, green chop transported to the animals is not pasture) or from forage that has been cut and is still laying in the pasture as “residual forage.”
Archive 2010-03-01
Sampling date effect and respective interactions associated with sampling date were tested using residual error.
Early fears that residual values may be somewhat fragile have proven unfounded.
Times, Sunday Times
On the basis of it, X-R control chart is used to analyze and monitor the packaging solvent residual quantity during the compound process.
Take your air gun and fire it at a target 50 times to clear up residual oil in the chamber.
Second, in the cold season avoids the residual droplet keeping on the oronasal skin the rime, the stimulation and the injure skin or cause the taking a chill cold.
Daily grime, oil, sweat and residual makeup can clog pores and result in dull skin.
All Champagnes are made in a range of styles, from extremely dry to ultra-sweet: extra brut (less than 6g of residual sugar), brut, extra dry, sec, demi-sec, rich or doux.
Not that maximal rigor is needed to establish your basic point here, but nowadays such allometric comparisons are typically done by regressing the variable that you are interested in (brain size) on the confounding variable (body size) and then examining the residuals instead of looking purely at proportions.
Fun with hominin brain size as a percentage of body mass - The Panda's Thumb
Objective To eliminate the interference of the reagent residual contamination for serum total bile acid ( TBA ) measurement.
Despite this adjustment, there remained thirty subjects with unexplained residual daytime sleepiness, which represented six per cent of the apnoeic patients treated with the renowned CPAP!
Health News from Medical News Today
As a result we find cystic destruction ventrally and residual fibrosis mostly ventral lung areas.
The 1 percent of sightings, which he calls residual UFOs, have attracted his attention.
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In pregnancy and obesity, increased fasting and postprandial residual gall bladder volumes are associated with increased risk of gall stone formation.
It was also true, however, of the Western allies who also possessed important residual legal rights, especially in relation to Berlin.
While the council has restored a weekly collection of residual waste, the fortnightly collection of recyclable waste from the black boxes continues.
In this scenario, early cholecystectomy would avoid significant complications such as biliary colic, cholangitis, cholecystitis, and pancreatitis from the residual stones.
Heat the residual oil in a frying pan and quickly brown the lamb.
Times, Sunday Times
This is what we call a residual income, which means you will get paid time and time again for work you do once. - Articles related to Rabies toll up as dogs roam holiday haven
Using multistage depressed collector to recover the residual energy of spent beam is one of the effective ways to improve traveling-wave tube's efficiency.
We investigated condition dependence of secondary sexual characters and the immune response variables using residual body mass as an estimate of body condition.
It is soluble in water, which means, before conducting atmosphere readings in tanks and void spaces, any residual water will need to be agitated or mopped up.
The residual vote rate of a county does depend on the percent of non-white residents in the county.
Through establishing the predicting GM model of corrected residual error, on-line prediction of the target track could be realized in real time, and thus could improve the prediction precision.
At the same time, the double-channel filters are used to make the echo canceling system work under the least residual echo power.
This method can detect and diagnose sensor fault with fixed deviation by establishing linear equations utilizing the residual characteristics of energy conservation equation and solving them.
This need not be a divorce full of acrimony but one with a great deal of residual affection.
Times, Sunday Times
he could retire on his residuals
Money is as money does, and it is a residual of lending.
Pleasingly, the residual thiophenol could be readily removed without silyl ether hydrolysis via passage of the product through a pad of basic alumina.
First, he suspected that the wheat - the last crop in his arable rotation - wasn't getting enough residual fertility.
The first water-based DNA herbicide, Prowl H2O provides contact and residual control of annual grasses and broadleaves such as waterhemp, kochia and lambsquarters.
The number of sheep that were to die at each step of the simulation model was determined by the required adult sex ratio and proportion of lambs given the residual population size.
This leaves the Tracey character struggling not only with his residual prejudice but also with his fears for his only daughter's future happiness in a biracial marriage in racially charged America.
Most weight-bearing locations were represented, including residual limbs, ischial tuberosities, trochanters, sacrum, and feet.
Suppliers often recommend supplementing the natural enemies with fly baits, fly traps, and/or residual sprays applied to adult resting areas.
This might be true, but there is still a residual sense of guilt for spending on anything as frivolous as fashion, particularly right now.
Times, Sunday Times
Note that residual magnetism and retentivity are the same when the material has been magnetized to the saturation point.
Take the pan offthe heat and allow the scallops to finish cooking in the residual heat.
Times, Sunday Times
The complex was allowed to dissociate for 500 s, then residually bound ligand was removed using a pulse of acidic glycine.
Objective To explore the clinical significance of quantitative analysis of minimal residual disease (MRD) cells DNA in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
The guys who work all the time have tons of money in the bank and ongoing residual income.
In addition to low alcohol, this wine shares something in common with two of my favorite Italian sparklers, Moscato d' Asti & Brachetto d' Acqui - residual sugar.
Turn over and take the pan off the hob - the residual heat will keep cooking the fish.
The Sun
Journalists have one thing in common with historians, a residual obligation to truth.
A failed high-altitude nuclear launch left a legacy of low-level plutonium contamination, and an old Agent Orange storage site caused some residual contamination as well.
The real world is never in equilibrium, and never will be until life disappears from the universe and all that is left are the remnants of burned out stars radiating away their residual energy in the infrared spectrum.
Roll Over, Ricardo, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
But unease with the term "feminism" has been a persistent concern in the feminist movement, whether the unease is attributed to racial divisions or to residual resistance to feminist ideals.
Feminism's Identity Crisis
Firstly, this paper argues that convertible preferred stock can not only allocate residual claims between investors and entrepreneurs, but also assign control rights.
During his final visit, he complained of slight residual subtalar joint stiffness.
Spider Bones
The implication is that further scientific research will eliminate residual uncertainties, allowing for a more objective assessment of harm.
Many historians continue to view the Prussian Junker as the residual villain of modern German history.
Through analyzing communication energy dissipation of wireless sensor nodes quantitatively, the relational model of cluster heads' residual energy and communication traffic was established.
Small crystals of insoluble residual minerals such as anhydrite, chambersite, hilgardite, and hilgardite - 3Tc were caught up in the brines pumped back to the surface.
The Constraint of Residual Control Rights to the Growth of Firms : A Study on the Entrepreneur - Controlled - Firms.
To improve the accuracy of load forecasting, by use of residual error amendment forecasting model based on real number output and fitting residual error by trigonometric function, a fuzzy.
Once the convective action of the cumulus cloud dies away, the residual mass of uplifted air, more or less stratiform, carries on or commences raining until its moisture has been rained out.
For this analysis, all residual values were normalized according to the square-root of the line scan intensity and plotted as a function of distance from the nearest Z line.
Chapter six, the indicative significance of the residual equity theory in the accounting theory and the presentation of financial statements.
Gold's faster-paced songs had a vacant way of flowing through you and leaving no residual traces of their passing.
EU and Irish policy is to recover energy from residual waste rather than landfilling it directly.
Fill the carboy just to the neck, but not so full that bubbles from residual fizzing will reach the mouth.
The product is labeled for application with other corn herbicides to improve residual control of broadleaf weeds, including lambsquarters, pigweed, common ragweed, Pennsylvania smartweed, and velvetleaf.
Nodules rich in phosphatic material are found in residual accumulations along disconformities, such as bone beds or lag deposits in marine limestones and shales.
The predicted residual sum of squares statistic was calculated in order to validate the generalizability of the regressions.
In addition, low quality coals can have a very high ash content which results in problems of residual ash disposal and associated heavy metal leaching.