

  1. shoot again
    We had to reshoot that scene 24 times

How To Use reshoot In A Sentence

  • It also meant Bettany completing four days of reshoots.
  • But workaholic Woody ploughs on regardless - he has been known to recast and reshoot entire films before.
  • Fun With Dick and Jane had massive rewrites and reshoots - by some estimations more than a third of the film was reshot.
  • The indulgent but allegedly very necessary "reshoots" for TTT and ROTK alone cost more than most tentpole movies cost off the bat. Filmstalker: New Line will not work with Peter Jackson
  • They have to refilm all of the Morocco stuffy because of the recasting of Daenerys; they have to reshoot almost all of the Winterfell scenes due to the recasting of Catelyn; and we know they're refilming the pilot with new actors for Royce and Will. Along Came a Spider
  • She would demand expensive last-minute reshoots, story revisions and changes to layouts.
  • Injury, constant reshoots and moving sets all took a toll on the cast.
  • Conversion to sound required extensive reshoots and added a further $1.7 million to an already excessive budget.
  • Sounds to me with the whole casting call that they are not really doing "reshoots" so much as shooting new scenes to fill in some gap that showed up while they edited/test screened. JONAH HEX Reshoots –
  • That's why I hate reshoots; it's very hard to go back.
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