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How To Use Reset In A Sentence

  • The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled.
  • They died before they had an opportunity to be interviewed and considered for resettlement.
  • When I try to add a Folder widget, the browse button is greyed out and I can't edit the preset chrome URL, which doesn't lead me anywhere. Four Experimental Firefox Extensions Worth An Extra Click | Lifehacker Australia
  • But on the advice of Lightroom programmer Andy Rahm McCormack dug into the text of the software's existing template files, called presets, and adapted them to produce a custom file with a 24-frame per second rate used in some video. Crave: The gadget blog
  • He underwent surgeries to reset his right knee and remove a protruding bone. Christianity Today
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  • The temperature limiting device is of the manual reset, trip-free type and has been factory installed to interrupt all ungrounded power supply conductors in the event of thermostat failure.
  • That the islands are still an agreeable place to live is not in doubt, despite US claims that resettlement is unfeasible.
  • A large number of those who migrated across the new border to India were resettled in Delhi.
  • So we are to reshape the system and introduce a network of resettlement prisons all around the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can select from two other preset expressions, or input your own variation such as \$artist - $album\, or any combination of the variables $artist, $album, and $ignore. Create CoverSearch Fills In The Gaps In Your Cover Art Collection | Lifehacker Australia
  • Some 35 families are local resettlers (Irian Jaya families), while the rest are transmigrants from Java.
  • The area was resettled in the latter half of the century.
  • Medical screening is but a small part of the effort that must be made to resettle the refugees.
  • And because the watch knows which radio station it is receiving the information from, it can use that knowledge to reset itself.
  • In addition, the company has a colorful series of combination padlocks with resettable codes.
  • In practice, the forced resettlement of rural populations into ujamaa villages was met with great local opposition, and Tanzanian socialism has largely proven to be an economic failure.
  • We'll look at efforts to help thousands of refugees resettle as they make the long journey back home.
  • B. All keyboard sounds must be edited in some way: no factory presets or pre-programmed patches are allowed.
  • Even while the military endgame played out in Abidjan, post-conflict development specialists were presumably drawing up plans for interventions such as disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration, security sector reform, and resettlement of refugees and internally displaced persons. Ivory Coast's development failures | Mike McGovern
  • If you want to change the factory setting, turn the DIP switch is good then the password reset, or display 21 (password twice to zero, the method see below).
  • A wicket fell to a great catch off the sixth ball and in his excitement he reset his clicker. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Shoctector has an easily accessible Test/Reset button to give you additional peace of mind each time you use it.
  • Modern dimmers even come with remote or voice control and have presets and built in timers.
  • A $20 programmable device lets you preset your heating and cooling systems when you're not home for as much as a 10 percent energy savings.
  • The Shoctector has an easily accessible Test/Reset button to give you additional peace of mind each time you use it.
  • With McIntyre, they have found some criticisms where they would think that there is a presetting.of a hockey stick and also a very warm 15th.century. UCAR Webcast of Bradley, Crowley, Ammann – Apr 6, 2005 « Climate Audit
  • I just have to sort of pause and let the brain reset from the complete focus on the chocolate. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • I think I hear a weedwhacker called CRE implosion, ARM resets, Credit Card defaults and Rising Unemployment spooling up. CARPE DIEM
  • The release also includes 200 preset one-click effects, including new favorites such as polarize, infrared, cross process, gradient, and other film and darkroom techniques. virtualPhotographer has been downloaded by millions of users worldwide. optikVerve Labs also released a new stand-alone full-featured photo editor - virtualStudio - that can run virtualPhotographer and other plug-in filters. virtualStudio was developed as a quick and easy alternative to using a complex imaging application each time a photographer wants to add artistic effects to a photo. The Photoshop Blog
  • The code is handily printed on a label underneath too, along with the default web admin username and password, plus instructions on how to use the WPS button, and how to reset and restore the router to factory defaults. PC PRO - Today
  • Otherwise known as our circadian rhythm, our 24-hour body clock resets itself at sunrise and sunset each day.
  • He preset the video recorder at the desired time.
  • For example, some companies may reset chillers 4 degrees for a two-hour window and then bump it up a little.
  • So it's like the clock is very accurate but it can be reset by sensory input.
  • Heck, I seem to always tweak individual high-quality programming material even when custom presets are close to the mark anyway!
  • In most applications, the (manual-reset) pin usually connects to a switch to create a manual-reset signal to the supervisory chip.
  • For sustainable development, the resettlement population cannot make thethe host area exceed its population capacity threshold.
  • It is also the first step in what they call pressing the reset button. CNN Transcript Jul 6, 2009
  • The transformer in this converter needs no magnetic flux reset coil and has high utilization factor of the magnetic core.
  • Diff-locks click out when speeds or steering angles exceed preset limits.
  • He notices the password is invalid and went back and informed the customer that he just needed to reset the login password.
  • It's like he has reset his body clock. The Sun
  • He'd just found the large tabs for presetting stations on the truck's non-digital radio. Picking Up on a Shift in Car-Culture Priorities
  • While resetting circuit breakers in the midsection of the aircraft, they noticed smoke and fumes.
  • They just kept racing forward, automatically climbing higher with each giant rock face, following Shakira's preset course. BARRACUDA 945
  • For each instance of an HTML tag on a form , a Reset object is created.
  • You simply set a starting bid and leave an instruction to raise the bid in preset increments up to a ceiling.
  • $series = $ this - > _series; reset ($series); while (list ($key, $serie) = each ($series)) if EDN Feed
  • After such destruction many problems in resettlement often arise.
  • Auto-save happens after each recording pass and edit, and when storing a locate memory or mix scene, a patch preset or an FX preset.
  • They distributed 350 sheep to farmers living in high-altitude resettlements who lost their livestock during the conflict.
  • Geological data can be preseted as a regularly sampled series.
  • I have been the counsellor there for 18 years so have seen first hand the exceptional success of the resettlement process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Martin had a way of making a very plausible argument for resettling the Karma circle back on it's axis.
  • [With their final defeat in 672,] many Tuyuhun refugees resettled in the Liangzhou region [of present-day southern Gansu Province], under the protectorship of Tang China. A Survey of Tibetan History ��� 1 The Empire of the Early Kings of Tibet
  • This reset will keep all apps inactive until you manually start them after the reset is complete.
  • Those dispossessed in these savage deportations have long since resettled, and no serious movement demands their return home.
  • Protest was dealt with through military force, followed by resettlement of disaffected peoples to reduce their potential for trouble. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • She slid the glass door of the cubicle open, switched on the preset spray of water, and stepped aside. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • See, my radio is preset to hear the words of wisdom from the self proclaimed ‘King of All Media,’ Mr. Howard Stern.
  • If the switch opens , the over - temperature relay latches on until the remote reset button is pressed.
  • He would often spend a whole day settling and resettling in their cases the various stones that be had collected, such as the olive-green chrysoberyl that turns red by lamplight, the cymophane with its wirelike line of silver, the pistachio-coloured peridot, rose-pink and wine-yellow topazes, carbuncles of fiery scarlet with tremulous, four-rayed stars, flame-red cinnamon-stones, orange and violet spinels, and amethysts with their alternate layers of ruby and sapphire. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • It was crucial for these people to return to their lands before the beginning of the rains but the resettlement came too late for the returnees.
  • It's the Intellifex 24 bit digital processor, with 80 user memory locations and a total of 99 factory presets.
  • I was prescribed Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) to ward off the twitch, and, in an effort to reset my internal clock, a limited number of Ambien (zolpidem). » Tabatha Twitchit takes a nap
  • There are 16 memory locations to store user presets.
  • We need to reset the variables excluding anything unpredictable and run the script once again.
  • But it failed to enter a preset orbit following its launch.
  • In 1990, 200,000 Soviet Jews resettled on Israeli territory.
  • In 1990, 200,000 Soviet Jews resettled on Israeli territory.
  • Some servers are shipped from the factory with software preset to relay e-mail messages automatically.
  • · Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • They should reset the list at zero and give the next generation a chance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Below the hard-drive activity light is a smallish reset button.
  • Those writings are largely based upon Freud's assertion that firesetting in youth is a regressive retreat to ‘primitive man's’ desire to gain power and control over nature.
  • It turns out men and women can set the alarm clock or preset some radio stations with equal ease.
  • Scaling, sense of rotation and preset values can be set via the bus, together with code and cycle times.
  • Use the reset feature on the odometer found in most vehicles or simply use a post-it note in your car.
  • As is proposed to be the case for the plant photoreceptors, this oscillation may modulate light resetting of the clock and affect the shape of the phase response curve.
  • The fact that it takes three reboots before the system resets from a failed overclock is very annoying especially if you are reaching the limit of your overclock.
  • When the float rises to a preset limit it shuts off the incoming water, and the flushing cycle is complete and ready for another sequence.
  • A study of color" indeed -- a study in wonderful harmonies of vivid blues and opalesque pinks, amethysts and greens, indigoes and lakes, all the gem-like tints breaking up into sparkling fragments every moment, to reset themselves the next instant in Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
  • The resettlement process was still agonizingly slow in Magude in the mid-1990s, but naming memoriesnot "garbled" at allwere serving the generation of interviewees rather well. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Turn airplane mode off if it already isn't, then check your blue tooth - if it still won't come on, soft reset your phone kk?
  • Errors of such a system grow with time and the system must be reset periodically using an accurate position fix.
  • His family originally came from Ireland, but resettled in the US in the 19th century.
  • The common sense, humane solution to the conflict would be to offer resettlement to Palestinians in neighboring Arab countries with generous compensation. Matthew Yglesias » Gaza and Just War
  • Don't worry if you have had a bad day. We each have a reset button. It's called tomorrow.
  • Lightroom comes already with some basic presets, which instead of remembering all the steps you took to edit one photo, you can save these steps into "presets". Gold Box Deals
  • Perhaps he is sending out a text message, checking his e-mail, playing a game or resetting the ring tone.
  • You need to reset the counter.
  • You will be more alert and your body clock will be reset by light. Times, Sunday Times
  • Firesetters experience significantly more emotional neglect and physical abuse than do other children of similar socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds.
  • At preset, the main reason for the rapid development of Xinjiang's foreign trade is the regional advantage. The most important trading form is frontier trade.
  • Team members secure the stabilizing device headset onto the patient's head with a preset torque driver.
  • Critics say his resettlement plan is a white elephant. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember visits to the resettlement sites, where land was uncultivable, water salty, fodder for domestic animals unavailable and communities fragmented.
  • The resettlement of Newfoundland's rural outports is a familiar, if troubling, scene for many Newfoundlanders.
  • On the other side of the teleport was a cyber/steampunk fantasy on a cinematic scale which I now present to you dark roasted, having made use of AM Radio's delightful Nostalgia Windlight preset to record my impressions. The Innsmouth Island Airship Tower on the Vernian Sea
  • To find out if this territory is safe enough for us Tawnies to resettle. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • Only refugees are eligible for resettlement abroad.
  • I've tried resetting the cable modem and still get nothing
  • Enjoy a 15-minute nap or quiet time at lunch to reset. The Sun
  • The afternoon wore on... and on... and on... I must not fall asleep, she told herself, resetting her watch once again. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • In tender offers, corporations issue public promises to purchase the stock of targets directly from their stockholders at preset prices.
  • We need sunshine in the mornings to reset our body clocks and rev us up for the day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, such a claim would be considered frivolous under the Firm Resettlement Law, which renders claims of asylum irrelevant for aliens who resettle in a third country.
  • He can reset his mind and his body and set some new challenges. Times, Sunday Times
  • This time, because the clock had not been reset to three seconds, a horn blew from the timekeeper's table before the Soviets made the long pass.
  • Offers of resettlement were extended but only when it was politically and economically beneficial for the host countries to do so. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • I was on a short, night sortie to reset my landing currency before we pulled into Singapore.
  • Britain also has a'vulnerable persons relocation scheme' offering resettlement to the most vulnerable refugees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here a flywheel is revolved by a motor until a preset speed is reached.
  • You want the sunlight to reset your biological clock. Beat Jet Lag - arrive alert and stay alert
  • A range of equaliser presets plus the ability to cross-fade tracks provide further audio pleasure.
  • Failed to reset the enumerator during evict clean - up. This issue can be resolved using Cluster Administrator.
  • I have reinstalled the system, reseted PRAM, NVRAM, SMC, have used safe boot (holding shift while booting), none of these helped. Discussions: Message List - root
  • We have had unexplained lockups, however, on all the servers, in which the console becomes locked and the machine has to be hard reset.
  • ‘It is now,’ replied David, resetting the chessmen.
  • For example, a low priority function, like seeing how many Hours, Minutes, and Seconds youÂ’ve got left to play on the CD, or adjusting your favourite presets, is a 2 second press. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1217
  • This also concluded that resettlement was viable. Times, Sunday Times
  • preset a microwave oven.
  • It must sit on something, it must be able to convey its information to somewhere; it must be able to be reset.
  • Although a 20th Century Fox spokesperson declined to comment, 24’s expert scowler, Mary Lynn Rajskub, confirms that the clock for Day 7 has been reset. Wanted: A Plot for 24 Season Seven | the TV addict
  • It might be nice in the future to see the ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to these presets somehow.
  • The dimmer is a 600watt rated with a preset button and ONLY in White, It's a $15.00 value Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in san diego
  • They kept to the preset route.
  • Instead, there are four front panel push buttons for recalling four presets.
  • Scientists have now produced a pill that allows you to reset your body clock to suit your partner or lifestyle.
  • The Resettlement Administration (RA), which eventually became the Farm Security Administration (FSA), stressed "rural rehabilitation" efforts to improve the lifestyle of sharecroppers, tenants, and very poor landowning farmers, and a program to purchase submarginal land owned by poor farmers and resettle them in group farms on land more suitable for efficient farming. Dust Bowl
  • After the AD module has been imported, the Set-ADAccountPassword cmdlet can be used to reset the password. Site Home
  • Because camp professionals acclimate to a higher level of stress during the camp season, these steps are akin to resetting a thermostat or readjusting your stress-tolerance level.
  • You then have about 16 seconds to recompose and take the shot thereby guaranteeing the exposure you set and not have the camera reset a new exposure ruining your shot.
  • It is important to remember that every Defense dollar spent to overinsure against a remote or diminishing risk or, in effect, to run up the score in capability where the United States is already dominant is a dollar not available to take care of our people, reset the force, win the wars we are in, and improve capabilities in areas where we are underinvested and potentially vulnerable. Paranoid | ATTACKERMAN
  • Like all Denon Presets  – your settings are remembered from gig to gig  – even after the units unplugged from the power  – more on Presets later. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1217
  • An achromatic stimulus was still less likely to be classified as greenish following sleep, with no sta¬tistical difference in the magnitude of the resetting in each eye. - latest science and technology news stories
  • He asked what happened, made some perfunctory enquiries, reset the cord and carried on.
  • Unlike mechanical clocks, which are completely blind to their surroundings, a biological clock gets reset every day by the sun.
  • WHY do MPs get a resettlement grant when they step down? The Sun
  • In 1990, 200,000 Soviet Jews resettled on Israeli territory.
  • Many are repeat offenders whose second offence would not have been committed if their resettlement after the first had been effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • By that time, the bones had set, so doctors had to break the bones again in order to permit a proper resetting.
  • As the national policy forum assembles this weekend in Wrexham, there is a need both to overhaul juddering institutions and to reset the intellectual route. Ed Miliband: The long and winding road | Editorial
  • Many would accept resettlement in welcome centres around France, they said. Times, Sunday Times
  • In front and beneath the foreset beds are the bottomset beds. Fluvial landforms
  • It is preset so it goes to your local Member, and can also be sent to your Senators as well (although you have to tick a box to add this option).
  • Taking a second picture with the clock reset to the correct time makes it appear as if 15 minutes have elapsed. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the temperature opens, the over - temperature relay latches on until the remote reset button is pressed.
  • I wasn't planning to write about the minor contretemps caused by Secretary of State Clinton's gag gift to Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, of a red plastic button with the English word reset and an alleged Russian translation that turned out to be wrong; I figure everyone's heard about it by now, and really, what is there to say other than "oops"?
  • It explains the impact of reset time issues on the maximum operating frequency of the PFD. Excellent agreement among theory and simulations to minimize the reset time in the PFD is observed.
  • The XV - 5050 has a great set of over 1,000 preset patches, and you can program your own to create more.
  • If there is a software issue regarding GPS, performing hard reset or updating the ROM will solve that.
  • Methods and apparatuses for display systems which modulate a control electrode to cause an electro-optic layer to be reset to a state in which display data is not viewable.
  • The malicious software can detect NVRAM resets and behave accordingly. Wilders Security Forums
  • He underwent surgeries to reset his right knee and remove a protruding bone. Christianity Today
  • The photopigment melanopsin has been suggested to act as a dominant photoreceptor in nonvisual photoreception including resetting of the circadian clock (entrainment), direct tuning or masking of vital status (activity, sleep/wake cycles, etc.), and the pupillary light reflex (PLR). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Japan The photopigment melanopsin has been suggested to act as a dominant photoreceptor in nonvisual photoreception including resetting of the circadian clock (entrainment), direct tuning or masking of vital status (activity, sleep/wake cycles, etc.), and the pupillary light reflex PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The tester compares the measurement to preset lower and upper (1.25 or 10 megohms) resistance levels.
  • If you don't want "burned in" subtitles uncheck Presets / Subtitles. Forum
  • Unlike mechanical clocks, which are completely blind to their surroundings, a biological clock gets reset every day by the sun.
  • Type netsh winsock reset in the Command Prompt shell, and then press the Enter key.
  • Replacement or resetting of select pavers on the deck will be done over the next two week period.
  • However, we are still using the render globals default Draft quality preset...
  • The new agency was given a limited three-year mandate to help resettle 1.2 million European refugees left homeless by the global conflict.
  • I woke up when the power was restored sometime after eleven and stumbled around resetting the clocks and making sure my computer, which I had unplugged from the power source, was hooked up again. June 2005
  • Macdonough then used his preset kedge anchors to spin his ship around in place and bring his other broadside to bear. Between War and Peace
  • Later, a version of Walking on the Wall resurfaced in Set and Reset, when five dancers hoisted one woman so that, perfectly horizontal, she walked on the proscenium and walls of the stage.
  • And the fist button i pish resets the phone.
  • Although cruelty to animals seems to hold potential as a predictor of recidivistic firesetting, it is most likely an externalizing behavior that correlates highly with delinquency.
  • A watchdog timer can automatically reset the system or generate an interrupt should the system stop due to a program bug or EMI.
  • For instance, if you travel to Dallas, the watch will pick up signals from the Dallas radio station and reset itself for the appropriate time zone.
  • AssumeFPS ( "ntsc_film") set input = D: \test. avs set output = D: \imgseqtest_v. mkv set ref = 5 set bframes = 5 set x264Path = D: \x264. exe % x264Path% % input% -- preset fast -- ref % ref% -- bframes % bframes% -- output % output% avs [warning]: converting input clip to YV12 avs [info] Doom9's Forum
  • Everything is falling into the hands of the already-haves, even when it comes to resettling the landless, the qualifying criteria is to fool the illiterates who keep on applying to no avail for the sake of formality.
  • The app works whether your phone is locked or not, and it can be told to repeat alarms so you don't have to reset it every day.
  • Jon can have jour SAFETY RAZOR BLADES reset, throug hare experient workman any System. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 26, 1919
  • Now you reset the glasses and invite others to accomplish your feat.
  • This is why presetting is important to the consumer, members of the service industries, the retail stores and the manufacturer.
  • The agenda for the meeting has been preset.
  • There are those," Graham said, "who have tried to reduce Christ to a genial and innocuous appeaser; but Jesus said 'You are wrong-I have come as a firesetter and sword-wielder. CounterPunch
  • A criterium is a bicycle race on a confined course, often closed off city streets, that takes place in a preset time frame, such as a 30 minutes, 45 minutes, hour, etc. - Top Stories
  • An employee who forgot their password to log in to the corporate network would probably get a withering look from the support staff as they grovelled to have it reset.
  • Carol's nose would never be quite the same, but the Berlin hospital had done a good job of resetting it. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • There are already diplomatic discussions underway about where to resettle the environmental refugees.
  • Who's gonna reset the bone? The Sun
  • But none of the ten brands provided for this non-self resetting thermal cut-out and, therefore, none conformed to the parameter for the abnormal operation test.
  • Have numerous presetting profiles to satisfy all your need. 2BakSa.Net
  • You need to reset the counter.
  • Many are repeat offenders whose second offence would not have been committed if their resettlement after the first had been effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Correct reset is premise of normal operation of single chip microprocessor system.
  • It picks up a time signal from a cesium atomic clock based in Rugby and automatically sets and resets itself.
  • The government is buying farms on which farmers are resettled in sub-divided camps.
  • To tighten policy, the Monetary Authority of Singapore said it will steer its tightly managed currency -- the Singapore dollar -- to a stronger level by resetting an important currency trading band.
  • The family environment of the childhood firesetter is likely to be chaotic.
  • Automatically lock accounts or access paths after a preset number of consecutive invalid password attempts.
  • Enjoy a 15-minute nap or quiet time at lunch to reset. The Sun
  • The pouch opener features intuitive adjustments for different-sized pouches, a foot pedal for operator triggering, an auto mode that will cycle the machine at a set speed, and built-in resettable counters.
  • He uncurled her fingers and reset the fist with the thumb on the outside.
  • Much worse, I found that whenever I tried to dial a phone number the device reset itself.
  • An intereseting story in todays MoS about the sinister development of ACPO into a representative body for chief police officers into a multi-national quai-police force private company. The Customer Is Always Right « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Anyway, the Valentinos are a young Aussie band whom you'll likely be hearing more from in the next six months or so ... they're a five piece from Sydney, who hale from the scene of next-wave bands (Van She, Presets, Bang Gang, Midnight Juggernauts, &c.) that are getting a lot of attention here in the US and in Europe. Music (For Robots): November 2006 Archives

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