How To Use Resentful In A Sentence
You feel angry and resentful towards yourself and other people.
Times, Sunday Times
Even if he says yes, your fiancé will always feel slightly resentful.
It made her bitter and resentful towards him, and all the more rebellious.
Edith's sense of humour, her warmth and her refusal to be resentful make her a survivor in the true sense of the word.
He felt deeply resentful towards his ex - wife .

I predict that within a short period of time Bercow's or his wife's ego, avarice and self-aggrandising habits - with a little help from a few resentful MPs no doubt - will combine and he will let himself down and resign.
The Speaker: Bercow's boundaries | Editorial
If you buy the biblical spin of the Religious Right folks -- that make up the bulk of the Tea Party movement -- the implication is clear: Jesus will soon return, send all Democrats, gays, blacks, progressives, liberals, college-educated unbelievers, etc., to Hell, while saving what Sarah Palin calls "us" "Real Americans" -- in other words unreconstructed frightened and resentful white lower middle class Americans.
This is a recipe for a resentful, suspicious, self-interested, and racially hostile polity.
It will make them bitter, resentful and more likely to offend.
The Sun
Others resort to exploitation, as in the case of an injured officer who, with the help of a resentful assistant, attempts to trade tobacco leaves with the retreating soldiers in exchange for food and other necessaries.
How much time will you be able to give to your plants without feeling overwhelmed or resentful?
Times, Sunday Times
And if there is a referendum in Britain it will be so close as to leave the issue undecided and half the country feeling resentful and disenfranchised.
Times, Sunday Times
Kathy is too angry and resentful to care and Josh has gradually come to grow indifferent toward his drunken distant father.
When his mother abandoned the family when he was four, two aunts were reluctantly and resentfully compelled to raise Billy and his older sister, Florence.
It's a job I'll do for as long as it takes to actually find the right job and at that point I'll quit and leave them scrambling, resentfully, to find my replacement.
There is an angry resentful mood against politics and politicians in many countries.
The Times Literary Supplement
This attitude, over the long haul , will develop very resentful and uncooperative family members.
It would be easy to have negative feelings at this moment in time but I think you only hurt yourself and become bitter and resentful.
I began to feel lost, lonely, then resentful.
Times, Sunday Times
Big capitalists everywhere are always a bit resentful of bigger capitalists.
You feel angry and resentful towards yourself and other people.
Times, Sunday Times
My ugly twin is laughing that people who have not filed tax for years (avoiding repayment of HECS) will be spewy and resentful
Single gal seeks stimulation
Addicts tend to become resentful and blameful towards others, and that would be no different for somebody who is using this medication.
It's not like he gets extra attention for doing it - after all, I'm not then able to play with him while I go into repair mode yet again, and I end up feeling very cross and resentful.
He used to return from them with a resentful, sombre look, as if his reflections had not been pleasant company for him.
Emily Fox-Seton
He turned away in sullen, resentful silence.
He had queried it with the Colonel, who had listened patiently, quietly, unresentful of a subordinate's representation.
Even multinational corporations, resentful of China's undervalued currency and protectionist streaks are voicing their displeasures.
China: The Big Free Rider
His growls in protest when given a directive are more noticeable and he does his tasks with more resistance, apparently resentful of the ‘unfairness’ he suffered just a few hours prior.
Certainly each ‘batch’ of immigrants have faced a certain resentful group who arrived earlier, even if as early as those that crossed the land bridge 25,000 years ago.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Immigration: Costs and Benefits, in Liberty and Otherwise
My ugly twin is laughing that people who have not filed tax for years (avoiding repayment of HECS) will be spewy and resentful
Single gal seeks stimulation
But for every new-found friend ready to stand a drink at the bar, there is a wisecracking motormouth, resentful of a footballer's many blessings, fervently determined to downsize the over-inflated ego attributed to all players.
People who weren't interested said as much, and people who stopped to talk didn't seem at all resentful.
Do not be misled - Populism is not some kind of outworn relic of an agrarian past, an aberrant philosophy of the unwashed, bitter and resentful.
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Within they are seething, bitter and resentful.
Times, Sunday Times
She senses this and feels resentful in return.
The Sun
The cottagers counter that they pay property taxes, too, and they're resentful that their political impact is mitigated by the fact that they're not allowed to vote in elections held in the communities where their cottages are.
In some places, thugs resentful of Western influence have attacked shops that sell Valentine cards.
Parents may feel suspicious of these, or resentful, and will need help in using them to best advantage.
For every dominant alpha individual, well endowed with strength, cleverness, and hence females, there are more who lose out, and therefore end up as resentful and unsuccessful betas, deltas, and zetas.
Along with the bones, Mackey disinters half a lifetime's personal baggage particularly when he finds himself once again dealing with the bickering, resentful, sometimes violent family he left behind.
Cityside Thrillers
She was singled out in a secret campaign by colleagues who were apparently resentful at shouldering the extra workload.
Times, Sunday Times
He never wants to come off sounding bitter or resentful over opportunities lost.
You see a lot of mums there looking a bit resentful.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm sure my post reads like I'm one of those black bloggers who is "resentful" of Packwood's success.
Speaking of "Affirmative Action for White Guys"...
Rural teachers, in particular, were susceptible to pressure from resentful parents in their communities.
You'll only end up bitter and resentful.
The Sun
For a moment she continued to look at him resentfully.
Patients accustomed to inadequate care may become resentful or respond with passive acceptance of the situation often seeing it simply as a further burden of poverty and social alienation.
The pleasures in this section of the book are few, and the author herself comes close to sounding self-absorbed, inward-looking and resentful rather than being the outward-looking observer that so charms in the rest of the memoir.
A Longing to Feed Her Neighbors
She soon became resentful of her entrapment within a working-class community where she never felt at home.
Where the free market philosophy of bionomics fails to value the unprofitable aspects of art and culture, she finds nerds resentful of artists and irrational behaviors they cannot understand.
We have become resentful towards those with historic money and power.
Times, Sunday Times
She said he had committed the offences after becoming resentful at the way he felt he was being treated.
Licence payers feel betrayed and resentful.
The Sun
Some of the old guard were resentful that a newcomer had been appointed to the post.
Only a few short weeks ago I would have said that I leave here bitter and resentful.
But it, the face in the picture, is overcivilised, whereas Brigit looked untamed and resentful.
The Halo
It would have horrified him to be called a piker, for his instincts were really lavish, and the economical habit an achievement in which he took a resentful pride.
The Sisters-In-Law
However, the "resentful" Afghans picked off the column of men, women and children returning to the safety of India one by one in a series of attacks and ambushes.
We have become resentful towards those with historic money and power.
Times, Sunday Times
The angry mood suggests too many people will be going to the polls resentfully.
Many Cubans remain fiercely nationalistic and resentful of what they see as US meddling in their country.
Times, Sunday Times
If a sibling put me in this situation, I would be incredibly resentful and probably wouldn't care if my choices caused a breakdown in our relationship.
She would get angry and resentful and aggressive if you tried to confront her about her problems.
Times, Sunday Times
Except for the infant in the perambulator and the outwardly calm but inwardly resentful aunt, who wheeled the child up and down in a position of maximum danger just behind the unnetted goal, every one was involved.
Mr. Britling Sees It Through
'Tis a gurt shame, that's what 'tis," said Primrose, resentful both for her friend's riband and her own edging; "and I'd get my Willie to make her buy new, only 'tis no good asking paupers for money, because, even if they was to be sold up, all their sticks and cloam wouldn't fetch enough for a yard o 'this riband.
The White Riband A Young Female's Folly
They can become resentful if they think their friends were handled harshly or unfairly.
Times, Sunday Times
But most residents are still too emotionally bruised to do anything except stare resentfully from a distance.
What Frei omits from his report is the fact that an agreement for free passage of the defeated British army force had been agreed with the "resentful" Afghans before the trek began.
They grew bitter and resentful.
I imagined what we must look like to the Hezbollah men crouched resentfully in their tents: two unveiled women, one of them eating pink cotton candy and wearing a cherry-red jacket; one cranky old hajji, barely able to walk, supported by her son, who seemed to have brought her to the tent city expressly so she could parade through and tell them they were bums.
Day of Honey
She declares that women, with a bracing sense of self, may develop a sexuality that is open and nonseductive and a form of mothering that is adult and unresentful.
Feeling resentful is a waste of energy and leaves you feeling low.
The Sun
If I do that, it will make him sullen and resentful and unmotivated to control his desire to hit when he is angry.
It was apparent he feels very resentful about that.
Times, Sunday Times
Then he had been brought home, paralysed from the waist down, embittered and resentful.
They rode in silence, Cora's a happy and blissful silence, Arlan's a sulky, resentful silence.
Life is short, so feeling furious and resentful doesn't get you anywhere.
Times, Sunday Times
Who but the most resentful can seriously doubt that he, too, belongs on that list?
Perhaps they too had felt proprietorial on their return and now were equally resentful that the territory was to be shared.
It's counter-productive to be too tough: it just makes the staff resentful.
At first I felt very resentful and angry about losing my job.
Kathy is too angry and resentful to care and Josh has gradually come to grow indifferent toward his drunken distant father.
Or do we want them to emerge as resentful rivals in a world permanently divided into hostile trading blocs?
Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, musical theatre and opera were bitter, resentful enemies.
He wants to be a woman so much he's jealous and resentful of them.
The Sun
He had often looked with wonder at the rock, and miauled bitterly and resentfully as man does in the face of a forbidding Providence.
Also, he was teasingly interested in the certain small garments on which Dede worked, while she was radiantly happy over them, though at times, when his tender fun was too insistent, she was rosily confused or affectionately resentful.
Chapter XXVII
They are likely to be sullen, resentful, and bitter the rest of their working lives.
This economy is scary for everyone, and frightened people often become angry and resentful, which is a sure way to damage a career. Latest news
King Thomas looked out at the resentful nobles, nodded once curtly, and strode out without another word.
They are likely to be sullen, resentful, and bitter the rest of their working lives.
If I do that, it will make him sullen and resentful and unmotivated to control his desire to hit when he is angry.
They feel resentful that the public sector has not grasped the nettle.
Times, Sunday Times
But the wider mood, while bitter and resentful, is stoic.
Times, Sunday Times
They feel resentful that the public sector has not grasped the nettle.
Times, Sunday Times
The three khans were subject to the Khakhan (the Great Khan), but were generally resentful in their relations with him.
And what I meant, '' he continued in a resentful tone, ` ` is that their republican god, which is neither stick nor stone, but seems to be some kind of lubber, has never given us seamen a chief like that one the soldiers have got ashore. ''
The Rover
Many Cubans remain fiercely nationalistic and resentful of what they see as US meddling in their country.
Times, Sunday Times
Too weak to work, Tim reads while a resentful Chris shovels manure and pigswill for both of them.
Licence payers feel betrayed and resentful.
The Sun
The crisis provoked by her burning the meat heightens her resentful awareness of loss of individuality to which the domestication of marriage has subjected her.
It is the same with his cynical suspiciousness and resentful sullenness.
Her voice lowered to a substantial degree, as if she spoke of something resentful.
Outside the Soviet Union, perestroika and glasnost spread among people who were resentful of Soviet domination and worried about economic collapse.
So even shows that I'd made a point to catch have gone by the wayside, and thus I find myself not remembering to catch them even on the rare quiet nights because I've fallen out of the habit, so I wind up utterly befuddled at Peter David's Buffy and Angel recaps... and I'm left feeling kind of resentful that I'm missing it all.
Pen-Elayne on the Web
Of course, that's not the same as invading a country, but you get the idea: a viceroy / administrator tries to handle a fiercely resentful community.
She would get angry and resentful and aggressive if you tried to confront her about her problems.
Times, Sunday Times
the best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service, refusing to become the minions of a Minister
Patients accustomed to inadequate care may become resentful or respond with passive acceptance of the situation often seeing it simply as a further burden of poverty and social alienation.
I get such resentful feelings towards his dad for not being here to lighten my load, or at least to lend a hand in those desperate moments.
Bitter, resentful and increasingly unstable, Jackie watches her life crumble.
Many Cubans remain fiercely nationalistic and resentful of what they see as US meddling in their country.
Times, Sunday Times
The Archers was on, and I listened with one ear as I tried to dismiss the picture of Ben's resentful gaze from my mind.
She was resentful in her work, and if anyone wanted a bedpan or bottle she took ages about it.
But that quartet of loving and resentful, wounding and forgiveness-begging infighters - sometimes funny, sometimes pathetic, and ultimately tragic - is now a car with unaligned wheels lurching ahead on a bumpy road.
He felt deeply resentful towards his ex - wife .
A resentful answer was rising to the tongue of Camilla, when she perceived her two little sprigs, which in her recent disorder she had dropt, were demolishing under the feet of Indiana, who, with apparent unmeaningness, but internal suspicion of their giver, had trampled upon them both.
He did not address himself to an uncandid judge or a resentful heart.
To a large number of people, the whole point of opposing the ruling class is to oppose ‘elitists’ who think that racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. are bad things- and a libertarian context, which after all historically has usually defended economic inequality and increasingly makes a nasty point of defending status inequality, can very easily encourage this kind of resentful poison.
How not to choose the Treasury Secretary
Banneker, at home again, planted a garden of dreams, and lived in it, mechanically acceptant of the outer world, resentful of any intrusion upon that flowerful retreat.
Success A Novel
She looks resentful... he looks shifty.
Times, Sunday Times
It would be easy to have negative feelings at this moment in time but I think you only hurt yourself and become bitter and resentful.
How much time will you be able to give to your plants without feeling overwhelmed or resentful?
Times, Sunday Times
Her beautiful face had a resentful frown on it.
She would get angry and resentful and aggressive if you tried to confront her about her problems.
Times, Sunday Times
She claimed she paid her house cleaner 200 pesos per day, with a kind of resentful disdain as to why one would even consider such a measly wage.
A decent wage.
The men talk about him resentfully, sick of his haughty attitude and pretension.
And as if their alienism disturbed him, he moved restlessly, almost resentfully, bit his lips nervously, moistened them, and began putting away his things.
Lifted Masks; stories
‘Most investors are very resentful of the continued retention of their property at a cost,’ said Shorten.
Some parents might be annoyed and resentful of having to coordinate peer assignments and communicate these feelings to their child.
They can become resentful if they think their friends were handled harshly or unfairly.
Times, Sunday Times
They seemed to be resentful of our presence there.
She would get angry and resentful and aggressive if you tried to confront her about her problems.
Times, Sunday Times
She looks resentful... he looks shifty.
Times, Sunday Times
Here was a man who had every reason to feel angry, resentful and bitter.
He wants to be a woman so much he's jealous and resentful of them.
The Sun
Merrington had received the information with the imperviable dogmatism of the official mind, strong in the belief in its own infallibility, resentful of advice or suggestion as an attempt to weaken its dignity.
The Hand in the Dark
Stay with her exclusively and wrestle with resentfulness coupled with marital bliss.
He wants to be a woman so much he's jealous and resentful of them.
The Sun
Staff in the hospitals and diagnostic practices also became resentful, and many resigned.
Surprise night-time house raids leave the little ones terrified and the older ones resentful.
Times, Sunday Times
The whole affair left me angry and resentful.
Times, Sunday Times
He used to return from them with a resentful, sombre look, as if his reflections had not been pleasant company for him.
Emily Fox-Seton
The expression in his hooded blue eyes is somehow both resentful and embarrassed.
New research shows millions are deeply resentful because they think new arrivals jump the queue for housing.
The Sun
Her mother's resentful feelings go back to childhood.
Times, Sunday Times
I am a raree show for this company, she thought resentfully, and they might as well have their coin's worth.
Dearly Beloved
Meanwhile, the depleted provinces continue to depend on equalisation handouts from increasingly more resentful taxpayers in flourishing parts of the country.
Big Fish from Little Ponds: Can Canada's Regional Companies Succeed in the Global Economy?
What seems ajar is the loving family's refusal to acknowledge her boyfriend and her acceptance of this, albeit resentful.
New research shows millions are deeply resentful because they think new arrivals jump the queue for housing.
The Sun
She looks resentful... he looks shifty.
Times, Sunday Times
Feeling resentful is a waste of energy and leaves you feeling low.
The Sun
Andrei is pleased to see his father again, but Ivan is bitter and resentful.
Despite her cheerful insistence that she's in a "really good place in my life," after several drinks it becomes clear that she's miserable, resentful and chronically, confoundingly, unfairly alone.
Somewhere between settled and unsettling
At best you will achieve a sullen and resentful compliance.
I recognized the blank , resentful stair of incomprehension in her eyes.
Her mother's resentful feelings go back to childhood.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a cosmic screw job, and the screwiest part of it was that she would be as resentful as he.
Chapter 1: So It Was Cancer
Whatever the topic under discussion, they automatically began with some resentful expression of moral outrage.
Smart seems to be alternately discomfited by this fact and resentful of Mrs. Barker's prior and legal claim on the man she loves.
How to Hypnotize Women
Such resentful people easily become restive; should a promising opportunity to throw off the oppressor's dominion present itself, they may seize it.
Life is short, so feeling furious and resentful doesn't get you anywhere.
Times, Sunday Times
You will become bitter and resentful if he doesn't make major changes.
The Sun
They are already resentful of paying so many other government imposed duties on everyday life.
A part of me also was hurt, resentful and angry about his comments and accusations.
And when they don't get the respect they seem to think they have a right to, they get angry and annoyed and upset and resentful.
Times, Sunday Times
Edith's sense of humour, her warmth and her refusal to be resentful make her a survivor in the true sense of the word.
Some people have become bitter and resentful because of things that have happened to them.
Beat Stress
Big capitalists everywhere are always a bit resentful of bigger capitalists.
Terrence glared resentfully at his youngest son, who only glared more furiously back.
The final essential in any 50-over England team, where the captain is still required to affect an air of teeth-gritting enthusiasm, conducting his resentful post-mortem TV interviews with all the unaffected ease of Prince Charles in jeans and a blazer being forced to clap along on a balcony to Duran Duran.
Five-pint all-day bloatathon will never be England's cup of tea | Barney Ronay
It was apparent he feels very resentful about that.
Times, Sunday Times
a sullen resentful attitude
She felt resentful
The unconvincing swagger of maturity has been the pretend independence of a adolescent: a strained relationship with the parent country: resentful but at the same time needful.
Perhaps you feel humiliated, cross, or resentful but you keep quiet, or you behave sensitively.
Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never unconstant.
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What he seems to be offering "working - and middle-class white Americans" is to label them "resentful" rather than "misguided or even racist," in exchange for which they are expected to support an expansion of left-liberal social programs.
Pulpit Bullies
They're angry and resentful about the situation and primed for an angry response.
But Mormon use of advanced methods to net large hauls of fish for pickling and shipment elsewhere had impoverished the Utes and made them resentful and ready for war.
If you're angry and resentful, requests for change will be met with resistance and counterchange efforts: "It's not my problem; it's your problem.
Loving Your Partner As A Package Deal
He felt deeply resentful towards his ex - wife .
In the Indian-occupied sector of this unhappy state, with a handful of local stooges backed by Hindu and Sikh troops keeping in subjection 3 million resentful Muslims, conditions remind one of life in one of the Soviet satellites.
Muslim and Hindu
completely unresentful and forgiving
But the wider mood, while bitter and resentful, is stoic.
Times, Sunday Times
What was morbidly fascinating was the resentful resistance of the other couple to this patently superior lifestyle.
Within they are seething, bitter and resentful.
Times, Sunday Times
It was not that Thurlow was truculent or even openly resentful of another visit.
How much time will you be able to give to your plants without feeling overwhelmed or resentful?
Times, Sunday Times
Instead, grounded women shade their eyes and look resentfully out to sea.
He laughed, half pleased and half resentful.
Focusing resentfully on the dark, angular face, her heart had flipped over suddenly in her chest.
She was resentful of anybody's attempts to interfere in her work.
The whole affair left me angry and resentful.
Times, Sunday Times
There is an angry resentful mood against politics and politicians in many countries.
The Times Literary Supplement
Thinking of it like that, a man might well end up resentful of womankind.
In the great race to prosperity—and thus global hegemony—presently taking place between India and China, anyone interested in the survival of a liberal-minded and tolerant civilization must be rooting for the victory of India, infused with the best traditions of Westminster-style representative institutions, over a sabre-rattling, resentful and totalitarian China.
India, Still the Brightest Jewel
Here we will simmer in jams today and jams tomorrow, watching broodingly and resentfully as the Fat Cats swing by at top speed for the next dollop of cream.
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