How To Use Requite In A Sentence
Shakespearean tales of love as sacrifice, conquest or unrequited passion are beyond reason.
Convince Banudi of his love, and plot with him a way to requite it.
Call me a fool to be holding onto this unrequited love for so long.
Also, I'm pretty sure that his intuition is correct about the unrequited bromance.
These are put on show alongside her own recent and new pieces that deal with such shared themes as loneliness, longing and unrequited love.
Times, Sunday Times

But it certainly didn't feel like it at the time", referring to the unrequited loves, an ill-advised brief engagement and other romantic incidents that fill her diary when she was in her twenties. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Her mother was a distant figure, and throughout her childhood Jane nourished a desperate love for her that she felt was unrequited.
There are illegitimate children over the years, accusations of collusion with Nazis, shadowy tales of unrequited longing and profound unfairness.
In this mood she sought out Arbaces, presenting herself as one loving unrequitedly, and seeking in sorrow the aid of wisdom.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
In most cases this love goes unrequited, as we are constantly let down by the object of our desire.
Times, Sunday Times
The film revolves around crimes of passion based on unrequited love, lust, treachery and revenge.
As soon as a desire is requited,it is always replaced by another.
Only so many poems can be written about unrequited love.
I had rejections, a string of unrequited loves that I laid awake at night uselessly pining over, and once I even got caught in a bear trap.
I was also much more awkward back then than even now (and I'm still very awkward today) ... anyway, I made a move on her, which promptly was rejected (remember, awkward), and sent me into three years of depression (aka unrequited love) ...
Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
Like so many, these romantic yearnings and unrequited needs/dreams are again logged into my aspiration file under, one day soon ...
How often....
Anastasio, and so unsufferable, that after a long time of fruitlesse service, requited still with nothing but coy disdaine; desperate resolutions entred into his brain, and often he was minded to kill himselfe.
The Decameron
Wickedness does no go altogether unrequited.
The next line in Moses's Song takes up the image: ‘Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise?’
Under the apple boughs, there did I take you when our troth was plighted, there gave my hand and vows, and there you were requited, where once your mother was abased and slighted.
Questions about the implications of large unrequited payments from one country have been labeled transfer problems, for example, reparation payments from Germany to France after WWI.
--- Be kind to him, my good breechless friend, and I will requite you well. ''
A Legend of Montrose
This was hard on Thompson, who, a few years earlier, had dug up an entire bed of irises in his mother's garden as an attempted exorcism of his insufficiently requited love for her.
He wanted to get close to her, but didn't want to admit his unrequited feelings.
After observing the autumn cubbing and seeing the unrequited cruelty of the killing of innocents and following the trail of devastation, the sooner they are dealt with the better.
The way he obsesses about her, the way he berates her, the way he trembles when he calls her evil: this must be unrequited love.
Unrequited love is a painful thing to see.
Friendship, by contrast, is essentially a kind of relationship grounded in a particular kind of special concern each has for the other as the person she is; and whereas we must make conceptual room for the idea of unrequited love, unrequited friendship is senseless.
She made it quite clear that she had no interest in me, and I would spend long periods of time pining over her - and rather enjoying the unrequited sense of melancholy this provided.
After returning from Ireland and trying to forget about my dreadful mistake I found another person to throw my unrequited passion at.
But even in these cases, there is sometimes a lingering sense of kinship with another America, the America of unrequited yearnings.
Perhaps unrequited love can be enjoyable -- better to have loved and lost and all that.
EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
The opera's plot is the typically confusing farrago of unrequited love, disguises, nobility pitted against treachery, and everything set right at the very last minute.
But he was well requited by Faustus, even with the like payment: for he said to him, "Thou dotish clown, void of all humanity, seeing thou art of so churlish a disposition, I will pay thee as thou hast deserved, for the four wheels of thy waggon thou shalt have taken from thee; let me see then how thou canst shift.
Mediaeval Tales
But Musa gently declines this interpretation; to her, Viola is less a complex androgyne, more an innocent, maligned woman who grapples with her unrequited love for Duke Orsino, and mourns her presumed-dead twin brother, Sebastian.
The Bible says to requite evil with good.
She is someone who has fallen in love and who cannot believe that such love can be requited.
But when he ended his words, Sultan Kanmakan took his sword forthright and cut off his head, saying, "Praised be Allah who hath given me life, that I might requite this traitor what he did with my father, for I have heard this very story from King Zau al-Makan himself.
Arabian nights. English
You think it's unrequited love, eh, just gets mouthier.
And On The Seventh Day, She Blogged
This is love not only unrequited but undeclared.
Times, Sunday Times
Oddly melancholy for a fantasy epic, the film overflows with sorrow for love lost, love unrequited, and the agony of lovers separated by the void of death.
Requited love is not enough to sustain a long-term relationship.
Posing as an unrequited admirer of the daughter, Pattie, Martin insinuates his way into the Bates' home.
The film revolves around crimes of passion based on unrequited love, lust, treachery and revenge.
The funniest is "Impossible" by Herval and Aris, featuring a toy airplane with an unrequited crush, though is has some close competition in "Mousetrap" by Johane Matte, Ghislain Barbe, and Eric Baptizat and "The Flying Bride," which seems to be missing attribution, and "Icarus" by Johane and Matte, which indicates that Dedalus's invention of those wings was a long and painful time coming.
Book Review: Flight Volume 2
They paused facing each other, and examined eagerly into their respective means of defence before hazarding a blow, which, if it missed, its attaint would certainly be fatally requited.
Count Robert of Paris
Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited.
Marchants of London, had bene at Turkie, and were now returning home: and to be requited in this case, they also demaunded of the frigat whence she and the rest of the gallies were: the messenger answered, we are of Malta, and for mine owne part my name is
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
No heart will be left unsatisfied; no spirit will mourn in unrequited love, for that happy region is the abode of love – of love without the defilements or the disquietudes of mortality, for there it is an everlasting, pure enjoyment.
The Scottish Chiefs
As expressions of unrequited love go, Ellie Goulding's new song "The Writer" is afine – raw, eloquent, generally gorgeous – effort.
Ellie Goulding's summer of love
Like most teenage songsmiths the songs were about imagined or unrequited love.
With rare and mostly short lived exceptions, most of the characters on Battlestar Galactica experience more of the unrequited part of the phrase unrequited love.
Battlestar Galactica » 2007 » September
Where has my sense of romance, of unrequited love gone?
At 15, I was chunky, not very attractive and none of my crushes was ever requited.
For she saw in his eyes love, which no woman can mistake, and a thousand tons of regret and remorse, which aroused pity, which is perilously near to love requited.
He focuses more on artists' insecurities and generational rivalry than on unrequited love.
Times, Sunday Times
But life has never been kind to these devoted companions, whose romantic yearnings flounder and remain unrequited.
The film also continues the on-screen relationship of Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine, though here his love is requited, unlike in The Apartment.
Not to mention the fact that even though he was entirely in the know about mine and Zan's issue of not seeing eye to eye, he'd still gone ahead, pretty much secretly, with going some way to requite her obvious interest in him.
You name it, they've got it - spots, crushes, unrequited love.
They see our larger capacities, and compare our, to them, successful strivings with their unrequited ones.
The bible says to requite evil with good.
Hear then how I will requite this vile monster and rescue you from thraldom.
The Cyclops
In a strange twist in the tale the wheeler-dealer will pay a terrible price for this unrequited love.
Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited.
And Linda Marlowe brings an incredible range of emotion, pathos and wit to a character bursting with energy and passion that is unrequited by her husband.
Wickedness does no go altogether unrequited.
There was no reproach in his shuddering sobs; only sorrow, only the desolation and eternal heart-ache of that which loves mightily, unrequitedly, and realizes that all it desires can never, never be.
The Eternal Maiden
Will she ever requite my love?
But who should do thus, I confess, should requite the objections made against poets, with like cavillation against philosophers; as likewise one should do, that should bid one read
English literary criticism
FROM MTV. COM: In "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," Daniel Radcliffe and his co-stars went rom-com, embracing lovey-dovey storylines about broken hearts, unrequited affection and what it feels like finally to connect with your true love.
Daniel Radcliffe On ‘Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince’ Being A ‘Very Lonely Film’ » MTV Movies Blog
Unrequited love will always be compelling (much more so than a love triangle, which is a humblebrag of a problem).
I can just see Amy pining for Barack, while Jon Stewart suffers in unrequited love.
5 Movies That Should Never, Ever Be Remade | Fandomania
Rock, like the newly-despised Trent Harbor, had the power to make Ally love him; he had the opportunity to have his love requited.
I see a panoply of rare delights; a pyramid of pretty serving girls, resplendent in starched white and sombre black; a thousand dinner invitations to the best of homes; salons of the demi monde; balls of the influential; country house parties; menus from the best restaurants; witty conversation; unrequited love.
Genre tattoo « Write Anything
The happy marriage, the requited love, the desire that never dims — these are lucky eventualities but they aren't love stories.
While I understand that Lance was deeply and unrequitedly in love with Raychel, I do not understand how Lance profits from Raychel's death?
But James would also narrow the focus to concentrate solely on the moral gains of unrequited love.
And this is almost all wherein an humble Creature may endeavour to requite and some way to retribute [22] unto his Creator: for if not he that saith,
Religio Medici
This sentence is especially for those teenagers who waste their life on unrequited love totally unbothered about the faith and trust their parents have on their future!
Everyone remembers their first proper unrequited crush.
Times, Sunday Times
A tragic metaphor for unrequited homosexual desire, she pines for him, but, dismayed at his ‘arrogance,’ refuses to admit it.
She was happy about me unrequitedly loving Prince Damon?
Before then, the receiver had to pay for postage, so you had to be pretty certain that your love was not unrequited before sending a tender message.
The Queen requited his services with a knighthood.
By the time they reach senior year, Joy is starting to feel a nagging discomfort in their relationship: she still loves him as unrequitedly as always, but she cannot deny the way the relationship isolates her.
HH Com 180
A couple of scenes later, her unrequited love has been requited, and the two of them are in bed together.
Requited love is not enough to sustain a long-term relationship.
Those whose love was unrequited suffered from more colds and sore throats and their immune systems showed signs of increased activity, implying attempts to fight off disease.
EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
I have toiled for you most unrequitedly -- I have not had my reward.
Varney the vampire; or, The feast of blood. Volume 2
Sultan Kanmakan took his sword forthright and cut off his head, saying, “Praised be Allah who hath given me life, that I might requite this traitor what he did with my father, for I have heard this very story from King Zau al-Makan himself.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Avoid tenacious'extreme lovers' who thrive on difficult and unrequited affection.
Times, Sunday Times
I especially admired how Verghese vividly described the primary characters 'unvarnished gut feelings and urges: love and hate, unrequited love and betrayal, excessive self-centeredness, compassion toward others, necessary self-survival actions and the resulting guilt and fear and a willingness to give up one's life for the sake of another.
Reader reviews of Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese.
But I spot a small logical error … AQA appears to be answering why fools fall unrequitedly in love, not in love at all.
September « 2006 « Squares of Wheat
Besides, as Neil had said earlier, unrequited love was a great source of material for songs.
But beyond the public turmoil lies a private, backstage world of unrequited love, secret affairs and insecurity.
“And” (resumed Salih the Pious) “if we stood on our faces in thy service, O King of the Age, a thousand years, yet had we not the might to requite thee, and this were but a scantling of thy due.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
When Hero and Ursula leave, Beatrice decides that she will give up her proud ways, and requite Benedick's love.
I blamed him for all of the unwanted, unneeded and unrequited love that he forced me to feel.
We reopen old wounds of briefly requited, now lost love, hidden pain, suppressed grief.
Why do I feel like this when I know, when reason tells me that my love is unrequited?
Shekure in turn had not requited the melancholy Black's love.
The chance meeting of an aging, ever vain Errol Flynn and Ida, a young, mixed-race girl and their ensuing brief relationship is the beginning of a poignant story of unrequited love and its ripple effect over two generations of family and friends.
The Pirate's Daughter: Summary and book reviews of The Pirate's Daughter by Margaret Cezair-Thompson.
Merchandises then hee brought before: made the meanes to borrow a great summe of Money of her, leaving her so base a pawne, as well requited her for her former cozenage.
The Decameron
As with the unrequited love theme, also this was always a figment of the imagination, a displaced fantasy.
Her bodyguard Guin, who has protected and loved her unrequitedly for fifty years, detests his beloved having to marry a man not of her choosing.
Pleasure-Jacquelyn Frank « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
It seems that he always held most of the power in the relationship, partially because of his dominant personality and greater experience with relationships, and partially because her feelings toward him were not entirely requited.
Perhaps that is why I continue to watch: to drain my imagination, which is all too unrequited.
How tiresome it must be, to reduce the essential story of the world to nothing by a case of unrequited longing.
Whether this led them to choose unattainable people or whether their past experiences of unrequited love caused them to feel anxious, we cannot know.
EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
In another, equally droll work, the drama of unrequited love has taken its participants into their dotage as a wheezy, white-haired poet still woos his Muse six decades past her prime.
The battle of wills was played out against a background of heated passion, not all of it unrequited.
I cried for what I can only describe as an unrequited love for an America that is always just out of our reach.
The Real America
For the first offence, he was banished to his appanage of Dauphine, which he governed with much sagacity; for the second he was driven into absolute exile, and forced to throw himself on the mercy, and almost on the charity, of the Duke of Burgundy and his son; where he enjoyed hospitality, afterwards indifferently requited, until the death of his father in 1461.
Quentin Durward
Then he fell a-weeping and a-wailing but the doorkeeper said to him, “No harm shall befal thee, and Allah will requite him his deed.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Scion shared his wishes to learn more of the world first-hand to Kara unrequitedly.
Yet for an unlucky few, sport can be an unrequited love.
Times, Sunday Times
Because of this expectation that the accepter will somehow requite the gift, Scripture tells us to be very selective in accepting gifts.
She is love-struck and will requite the strong love that she thinks Benedick feels for her.
I just watched the fabulous Irish film Once, about a Dublin busker and his unrequited love for a Czech-Irish piano player.
Song snippett…. « Skid Roche
The cruel person has chosen to injure others, the kindhearted person has chosen to injure oneself, it is the best dumb show that in unrequited love with.
Each batted eyelash is like an atomic explosion of love, an unrequited neutron detonation of desire.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Calling All Dramatists and Poets…
Like most teenage songsmiths the songs were about imagined or unrequited love.
Alas! how mighty, are the misfortunes of women, and how ill requited is all the loyall love of many wives to their husbands?
The Decameron
unrequited (unanswered) love
I fell hopelessly - and completely unrequitedly - in love with Jeremy Birch.
To all the race of Cadmus shall this be proclaimed, that whosoe'er is caught decking his corpse with wreaths or giving it burial, shall be requited with death; unwept, unburied let him lie, a prey to birds.
The Phoenissae
He requited my kindness with cruel words.
Anyway, the story never aired on the news, leaving our observers with a painful case of unrequited news lust.
By then, he was a pillar of the scientific establishment, a tall, striking figure with, as he put it, “two unrequitedly bushy eyebrows” and nostrils with “horse-hair bursts of an old Edwardian sofa.”
It's just another poem on the pain of unrequited love.
And if ye fain forsake, I’ll requite till quits we cry!
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Wickedness does no go altogether unrequited.
The real irony is that Gone With the Wind tells not a great love story as much as a great unrequited love story.
I have seen the movie Sun and Man, which follows the script of Unrequited Love.
Turn on the radio and you hear the latest jangly ballad of love unrequited or a celebration of life and family.
The choir opened with a number of madrigals exulting the joys of love the wonders of travel and men bewailing the pain of unrequited love.
Anyway, the story never aired on the news, leaving our observers with a painful case of unrequited news lust.
And those back parts are upborne by thighs smooth and round and by a calf like a column of pearl, and all this reposeth upon two feet, narrow, slender and pointed like spear-blades,247 the handiwork of the Protector and Requiter, I wonder how, of their littleness, they can sustain what is above them.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Yet after the abbatis abbatoir of Verdun and the unrequitable shame of 1940 the French turned to Indochine and Algerie with equally unrequited cran -- for identity-ratification -- for purification in battle, win or lose.
Michael Vlahos: Mon General McChrystal
Looking down my list, it struck me that all of my chosen stories are about love in some of its myriad forms: romantic, fraternal, perverse, unrequited, frustrated, self-sacrificing and destructive.
But if ye fain forsake, I’ll requite till quits we cry!
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
They also give a good insight into his troubled personal life, his unrequited loves and rocky friendships with fellow artists.
And sisters Charlotte, Emily and Anne are portrayed as sad victims of thwarted passion and unrequited love.
For some reason, I've also been thinking a lot of Charlie Brown (you know, from Peanuts) and the little red-haired girl that represented the cartoonist's long-term unrequited crush from long ago.
Elfpvke Diary Entry
They were all beautiful young women but none looked as fragile as the young Princess Crystal nor as flirtatious as Violet and at least one would love him unrequitedly.
The blockheaded "cameraman," Hud (T.J. Miller), offers a humorously deadpan commentary throughout and deals with his own unrequited affection for a woman (Lizzy Caplan).
Archive 2008-01-01
Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited.
Nor is it obvious that unrequitedness resonates in Petrarchan lyric in quite the way it does in the literature of American conquest.
It is always painful to find that feelings of affection are unrequited.
Times, Sunday Times
In the love of material things, there is no inpouring of love from the object of worship but, rather, a one-sided covetous and unrequited love of the object that continually increases our craving for it.
You would be requite to prepare your valid pre passport and send a copy to our.
Whereas constant or unrequited love had long remained the favourite subject of courtly chanson, more anacreontic, carnal, or satirical themes are exploited in the narrative anecdotes of Marot and his contemporaries.
The professor's character is the main strength of the book which is as much a selfportrait as it is a story of unrequited love.
I didn't feel very good on Friday night, mainly because of unrequited love.
The fact is I am in love with her, and this unrequited emotion has paralyzed me.
Having invited him and his women to a banquet, which his brother requited by a similar entertainment, he substituted chosen soldiers well armed instead of women, sending them two and two in a _dowle_, [256] who, getting in by this device, gained possession of the gates, and held the place for the Great Mogul, to whom it now appertains, being one of the strongest situated forts in the world.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 08
Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not requite man according to his work?
What sets this team apart, meant their ardour has not gone unrequited, is their intelligence.
Times, Sunday Times
Did loneliness, exhaustion and an unrequited love all prove too much for the young doctor?
Times, Sunday Times
Each adventure in which they are involved requires, in the ongoing revision that Sidney undertakes in the New Arcadia, further stories of unrequited love and unavenged death.
So, no awkward adolescents like him, no teenage angst, unrequited crushes or similar problems that plague parents.