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How To Use Requisite In A Sentence

  • The Guidance concentrates on the organizational status of internal audit and the objectivity of internal auditors in achieving the requisite independence.
  • The idea has to be written down, and a document has to be created defining all the requisites for the new quest.
  • We stuck to tea and scones with requisite clotted cream. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only requisite is manageableness of the ship herself and of the numbers she carries on board.
  • It was only requisite for my understanding clearly to discern, to be convinced of the insuperability of this obstacle. Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
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  • A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.
  • Others dropped the rails and made certain they were the requisite spread apart four feet eight and a half inches, spiked them in with their heavy sledgehammers—three blows to a spike—and connected the ends with a fishplate. Nothing Like It in the World The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863-1869
  • Prerequisite: Ranger, Hunter's Quarry class feature, Mark of Finding feat.
  • Locale: Staging and dressing together constitute locale and their absence will render it "vague" or "vapid" -- though a writer might, of course, pare away the requisite details deliberately, in the same way they might pare away features distinguishing voice. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Beginners are welcome - the only pre-requisite is a willingness to learn. Watercolor / Drawing Classes and Workshops
  • Recognition is a prerequisite to understanding.
  • Svedberg's investigations with the ultracentrifuge and Tiselius's electrophoresis studies (see Section 3.10) were instrumental in establishing that protein molecules have a unique size and structure, and this was a prerequisite for Sanger's determination of their amino-acid sequence and the crystallographic work of The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • Cope commented on this fragility, writing ‘in the extreme tenuity of all its parts, this vertebra exceeds this type of those already described, so that much care was requisite to secure its preservation’ (p. 563), and his drawing also suggests that the vertebra had been subjected to extensive weathering and hence was already fragile. Biggest sauropod ever (part…. II)
  • In linguistic terms, these two poles are aligned with the constative and the performative, the latter being not quite identical with the expressive, since that category assumes a certain interiority which is not requisite for the performative. Subjecticity (On Kant and the Texture of Romanticism)
  • At puberty, males become warriors and killing an enemy is often a prerequisite of attaining full adult status.
  • Although some experience in watercolour or oil would be of help, it is not a prerequisite.
  • A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.
  • Thank God, a "Southern literature," in the sense intended by the champions of slavery, is a simple impossibility, rendered such by that exility of mind which they demand in its producers as a prerequisite to admission into the guild of Southern authorship. The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
  • The requisite clowning, braggadocio and hip-hop historicism are in place and well articulated, and an unprecedented, post-9/11 political pique has surfaced.
  • But we are all intensely aware of the fact that work and its corollary, employment, are essential requisites for most people to be able to live in dignity with at least a minimum of comfort and security.
  • The decision-making process must comply with these prerequisites to result in a decisive policy.
  • When people decide to undertake an initiative, they naively think that all they have to do is go out and collect the requisite number of signatures and then presto you're on the ballot-wrong.
  • I had planned to become a schoolmaster because Latin was a prerequisite for the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • The journal must come out four times a year with the requisite number of articles in it, on occasion forcing hasty and sometimes ill-considered decisions.
  • Good muscles are one of the prerequisites of physical fitness.
  • It is a prerequisite of entry to the profession that you pass the exams.
  • It has the requisite dose of evidence of a persecution complex but it widens the net. Times, Sunday Times
  • One group unpacked a sumptuous meal of steaming lasagna and other gourmet delights, along with the requisite bottle of vintage wine.
  • A spot check on the rice produced exemplary grains, glossy and lustrous with the requisite stickiness, deliciously impregnated with the velvety richness of coconut milk.
  • Knowledge Prerequisite: C++, Qt, KDE-Libs, SVN / git. or contact the amarok mailing list or ask in our IRC channel #amarok edit] Project: Playlist and Collection synchronization KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en]
  • In order to increase reliability using phenolphthalein solution to detect alkaline cell sealing characteristics, the water in the alcohol was decreased, environment humidity were requisite.
  • The first, vastly enjoyable sign that Alicia is something other than mindlessly supportive comes after the requisite press conference, when she gives him the kind of roundhouse slap such husbands so richly deserve. Julianna Margulies marries strength, smarts in 'Good Wife'
  • The appraisal shows sufficient equity to bring payments current, escrow several months into the future and handle taxes and insurance as well as all the substantial requisite fees for the lender.
  • The confidential flow of information between governments is an essential prerequisite for the effective management of international relations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officially, the contest was open to anyone with the requisite nomination from a trade union or local party branch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others concur that a doctorate is a prerequisite to advancement to many of the positions with the most power in academe.
  • And his response, of course, contained the requisite doses of hard-man menace necessary to maintain his image as an intimidator.
  • He had none of the prerequisites, no updated resume, no prior seal of approval.
  • In other words, only for the requisite 10% holdback.
  • If a painfully hip novel set in the European fashion industry didn't contain the requisite amount of preening egomania, airy-fairy posturing and general preposterousness, you would probably ask for your money back.
  • Under the prerequisite for that regular circulation of water in heat collector is ensured, a steam box is used to cook food, boil drinking water and warm up.
  • Given those three prerequisites, I am convinced that most weight loss programs remain wildly unsuccessful because they don't pay attention to people's thinking. Judith S. Beck, Ph.D.: Dieting: The Missing Ingredient for Success
  • The elimination of hunger is thus the first requisite for eradicating poverty.
  • This will happen on occasion but only after you have reached a prerequisite level.
  • By virtue of the same right, if the demesne of a lord was so placed that it had no natural height from which to survey its extent, his vassals were made to bring sufficient cart-loads of earth to raise a mound or "motte" of the requisite elevation. Brittany & Its Byways
  • Clambering aboard, top-heavy with a pack full of gear for all weathers, the pre-requisite for any decent holiday in Scotland, I am genuinely surprised at how comfortable and spacious the accommodation is.
  • Only two, both over the phone, met the requisite standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness. 
  • The tests will be a prerequisite for candidates seeking to be judges, prosecutors or lawyers.
  • He couldn't quite get it together on special teams and we found that for a man who is a little bit short, he did not have what we call the requisite bore - the ability to turn the corner - that both Dwight and Robert have. Football News
  • These suppressed words are but a requisite of the style that has been adopted in the apodosis.
  • A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course.
  • Mild laxatives are most frequently requisite to preserve a right balance between the ingesta and the egesta.
  • Methods Based on the autoptical result and statistical data, apply the theory of mineral resources requisite life-cycle of regional development and demonstrative method.
  • The town's cemetery is packed to overflowing, and unless families can pay the requisite sum for eternal entombment, bodies are evicted after five years.
  • At the end of some of the early numbers, there was a sticky few seconds of silence before the requisite applause began.
  • Not having knowledge is a prerequisite for the job, to wit, Sarah Palin, February 28th, 2010 at 12: 50 pm muzz (brought to you by Screaming Yellow Zonkers) says: Think Progress » Kristol: ‘I Didn’t Watch’ The Health Care Summit, But I’ll Comment On It As If I Did
  • The Guidance concentrates on the organizational status of internal audit and the objectivity of internal auditors in achieving the requisite independence.
  • XIV > i think being a pothead is a prerequisite at genius bars - fresh links
  • Before this can happen, he should be required to obtain a Congressional supermajority, and the requisite percentage should increase with every requested extension - from two-thirds to three-quarters to four-fifths.
  • He does not buy tough individuals, those with the requisite physical and mental robustness to compete. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sensitive paper may be readily prepared, the only requisite quality in the _paper_ itself being its ability to stand washing. Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
  • It is absolutely requisite that the complete person he contemplator of things which have a being, and the practiser of those thing which are decent; and this easily appears by the following instances. Essays and Miscellanies
  • With all these requisite skills, most successful camp directors have been carefully mentored through the ranks.
  • Evolution of large size was a prerequisite for the exploitation of leaves because of the need for a longer residence time in the gut for bacterial fermentation to obtain sufficient nutrients from foliage and herbage.
  • All three prerequisites must coincide for an injunction to be appropriate.
  • Either the prosecution proves that the accused had the requisite intent, or it does not.
  • He is trying to stabilize the situation and to create prerequisites for the continuation of the democratic process.
  • The most important prerequisites. for airtight storage are gastight facilities. 10. Integrated pest management
  • Being of upright character is not at all a prerequisite for being a pop star.
  • In contrast, numerous historians wrote that they considered ‘presidential personality and character’ to be critical requisites.
  • So in 1998 he filled out the requisite triplicates, signed on the mandatory dotted lines and did whatever else he thought necessary to bring in a foreign domestic to tend to her.
  • We designers should learn to understand that end-users each have their own set of preferences, prejudices, and requisites.
  • Prerequisites are a willingness to experiment, a desire to play, and a hankering to shake up preconceived notions about your art and photography.
  • According to the regulations, you can prove the requisite number of hours by any reasonable means, including appointment books, calendars and narrative summaries.
  • Solo time is a prerequisite of self-development and growth, not a sign of weakness or personal defect.
  • a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained
  • There are the requisite dark interiors, piercing blades of light, gunplay a-plenty, saucy dames, and stumbling stoolies.
  • They were not able to start the meeting until the requisite number of members were present.
  • The quaternary structure provides the protein with a requisite topology that helps in multivalent binding to cells.
  • Mobile Robot effective recognition of their work environment, perception and reconstruction, is the autonomous navigation and environment-based exploration Foundation and prerequisite conditions.
  • some reform-minded Islamic scholars believe that reopening ijtihad is a prerequisite for the survival of Islam
  • It is glib and empty rationalising, which taken literally would imply that nastiness is a prerequisite for success.
  • So thus through the monuments of writing which is the testimony unto virtue many men have been moved, some to build cities, some to devise and establish laws right, profitable, necessary and behoveful for the human life, some other to find new arts, crafts and sciences, very requisite to the use of mankind. John Lyly
  • Quiet precision of thought and speech is individuality's prerequisite, its lifeblood, its hallmark.
  • Then he calls in the shop foreman who examines it in more detail, calling in the mechanic or the electrician and carburation expert, each to carry out the requisite work in his particular specialty.
  • After drawing the requisite deep breath, he began to speak.
  • This is an important prerequisite for proper fasting and the best guarantee of success. Successful Fasting -the easy way to cleanse your body of its poisons
  • Scheduling is a different form of optimization problem ... it's not just about packing, but also has 'dependancies', things that must occur as prerequisites. New Scientist - Space
  • Curtains draped along the glass frontage keep out the vestiges of daylight, a pre-requisite of all good clubs.
  • To aid in a confrontation on land, the realm had been divided into several ‘lieutenancies,’ so that the requisite steps could be taken to defend the country from within.
  • Thus a functional prerequisite of society involves at least a minimal degree of integration between the parts.
  • Granted, a talent for arithmetic is not a CV prerequisite for your average continuity announcer, but the figure seemed a bit excessive, to say the least.
  • If the court is satisfied that the alleged declarant had the requisite intention it will strive to validate it.
  • Suffice it, then, that he ruled in Noumaria five years; that he did what was requisite by begetting children in lawful matrimony, and what was expected of him by begetting some others otherwise; and that he stoutened daily, and by and by decided that the young Baroness von Altenburg -- not excepting even her lovely and multifarious precursors, -- was beyond doubt possessed of the brightest eyes in all history. Gallantry Dizain des Fetes Galantes
  • In a way, Benjamin mapped out the extraordinarily rich prerequisite for a very basic goal: knowing what you're talking about. posted by Matthew @ 2: 25 PM "History is an angel being blown backwards into the future"
  • Unfortunately dissention is REQUISITE to have a functional democracy. Think Progress » Rush on Katrina: “We Can Make This a Category 5 Hurricane Destruction of the Left”
  • In the meanwhile, during your absence, I shall not be neglective of providing a wife for you, nor of those preparations which are requisite to be made for the more sumptuous solemnizing of your nuptials with a most splendid feast, if ever there was any in the world, since the days of Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The drive to Atlanta was long and tedious, with nothing but the occasional patch of trees with the requisite kudzu to break the monotony. BLINDSIGHTED
  • Elsewhere, Jon mixes up elements of dub, jazz and ambient music into the requisite funk beats.
  • For the Western Mail and the CBI bilingualism is not of sufficient worth to be requisite for anyone in the private or voluntary sector. Archive 2008-05-01
  • At puberty, males become warriors and killing an enemy is often a prerequisite of attaining full adult status.
  • As a result many of these students alter their speech in order to be accepted into an anglicised Scottish middle class intelligentsia, further validating anglicised language and manners as a prerequisite for participation.
  • Whatever their limitations - and there are many - the passions are a prerequisite of everyday human existence.
  • On occasion a convert chose to fulfill the requisite testimony after conversion by composing a song.
  • Claiming that serving in combat is a prerequisite for wise decision-making on the application of military force to international relations is like claiming that a gerbil is an expert on the economics pet stores. Matthew Yglesias » A Random Sidebar
  • It seems that a large fanbase is a prerequisite for long-term success in England. Times, Sunday Times
  • In every facet of life, promotion to a position of responsibility assumes certain pre-requisites.
  • It seems that a large fanbase is a prerequisite for long-term success in England. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Committee was not without its own misgivings about non-cohabitation as a prerequisite for prosecution for marital rape.
  • Passing a written exam is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course.
  • The compact libretto used less of the flowery, arcane language that once had seemed a requisite of high style.
  • You have said that a unified movement of the peoples of the South is a prerequisite for change in the present situation.
  • The requisite number of countries have now ratified the convention.
  • Moreover, an educated workforce is argued to be one of the important prerequisites for economic expansion and advance.
  • While membership of OPOL remains voluntary-despite it being a pre-requisite for a licence-its voluntary nature weakens its legality and the control and deployment of its funds. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • This step in evolution - the acquisition of stable diploidy - was the second prerequisite for evolution of organismic complexity.
  • I therefore wrote to a large range of other users of the questionnaire and asked for copies of their raw data so that I could carry out the requisite analyses myself.
  • Of course there's the requisite romantic interplay between Dirk and the doc.
  • Passing a written exam is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course.
  • Can any one possessed of the requisite information give him hope of the acceptableness of such a publication? Notes and Queries, Number 50, October 12, 1850
  • And Charlotte's successful modeling agent, Oscar, deals with the requisite disloyalties of the fashion business by affecting a leisurely shorthand in which he customarily speaks of himself in the third person. Model, Teen and Terrorist Face a Culture of Appearances
  • As he sees it, the aggression of tabloid journalism discourages potential candidates, who are fearful of the requisite intrusion into their private lives.
  • A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level.
  • We don't have the requisite number of points on the board. Times, Sunday Times
  • Economic background of marketplace pattern and effective establishment of the stock market are two prerequisites inarticle.
  • Prerequisite: STAT 250. Emphasis on applications. Topics include analysis of variance, multiple regression, and nonparametric inference. A statistical computer package is used for data analysis.
  • He had none of the prerequisites, no updated resume, no prior seal of approval.
  • These tests are the necessary economic prerequisites for membership of a successful currency union.
  • Assuming the requisite piece of paper, which I suspect is about to be handed to the Registrar, arrives in time, then we need not trouble ourselves with that.
  • The previous Government did not match its often bellicose rhetoric with the requisite funding. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, both men said they were the person to represent the majority-minority district and that ethnicity is not the only prerequisite for elective office.
  • At no time during the impartation or tutoring to the requisite response on the test is it the job of any teacher to tell little Johnny that his beliefs that God created it all are "wrong. A View: The Science=Atheism Meme
  • However, those nations must be prepared and there are prerequisites necessary to realizing this potential.
  • The integrity of the author is, of course, a prerequisite for publication in any honourable journal.
  • That is, the customer was in compliance with all requisite rules.
  • An understanding of accounting techniques is a major requisite for the work of the analysts.
  • United do not have the requisite depth at centre back and they would be playing one fewer central midfielder, despite being overloaded in that position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because the action of depraved (disordered) faculties and powers, would not, even in heaven itself, be conformed to the divine law, and _could not be acceptable to God_ In our natural state, moreover, we have not the _qualifications requisite for the enjoyment of heaven_, having no spiritual appetites. American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • This course is a prerequisite to more advanced studies.
  • Decision is a quality requisite to a commander.
  • The percentage of minorities and women with requisite skills in the relevant recruitment area. Human Resource Management in Government
  • A piercing fax-like screech literally hurt my ears, then the requisite disconnect.
  • First comes the hippy California dad – long hair, screechy kids, lots of sunny white light; then the awkward writer, all tweedy fustiness with a sepia tint; and finally the designer, dressed in requisite black geek glasses and cool blue tones. The Hard Sell: American Airlines
  • By day, Prato acts as a café with the requisite papers and mags laid out on the back of a high, leather banquette.
  • The previous Government did not match its often bellicose rhetoric with the requisite funding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first miles took us along the side of a dried out creek bed and then along the appropriately named Crags Road, so called due its "cragginess", basically a it's a dry river bed complete with the prerequisite jagged rocks at every turn, beaten down over the years into a trail but pretty gnarly at best. Starling Fitness
  • First comes the hippy California dad – long hair, screechy kids, lots of sunny white light; then the awkward writer, all tweedy fustiness with a sepia tint; and finally the designer, dressed in requisite black geek glasses and cool blue tones. The Hard Sell: American Airlines
  • A minimal degree of integration is therefore a functional prerequisite of society.
  • Such studies permitted taxonomic identification of morphologically depauperate fossils as a prerequisite to assembling databases for biodiversity studies.
  • Her double-stopping was pure and sweet, her phrasing lyrical but with the requisite bite and snap. Times, Sunday Times
  • Major issues appear to be the number of credits required, courses offered, and prerequisites.
  • She has a natural ability and an unforced charm (not to mention the requisite athleticism) that make it easy to accept Sara as much more than a writer's construct.
  • I would unhesitatingly recommend him for any position for which degeneracy, extreme turpitude, blatant immorality and total disregard of ordinary decent standards are the prime requisites.
  • Charlie's Angels is a film that never takes the requisite conventions and demands of traditional narrative film-making too much to heart.
  • ‘Feathered Friends’ is the album's requisite slow track, a rousing, uplifting singsong that eclipses Rocket's previous attempts at balladry.
  • Training is a prerequisite for competence.
  • The child must learn how to learn, for learning is the defining pre-requisite of modern citizenship.
  • The rub is that I don't feel the requisite sensations, and never have, in the presence of the paintings themselves.
  • Drusus, despite certain defects, such as irascibility and a marked fondness for pleasure, gave evidence that he possessed the requisite qualities of a statesman ” firmness, sound judgment, and energy. The Women of the Caesars
  • The lessons to be learnt are an essential prerequisite to the establishment of effective safety protocols. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also make paints for wood or concrete floors and masonry as well as the requisite undercoat and primer paints.
  • A derivative of Japan's long samurai-manga tradition (especially Lone Wolf and Cub), it has the requisite tangled storyline and some thrilling, plasmic exchanges rendered with a prodigious brush.
  • He adds a new domain, the Behavioral Domain, which ‘capsulizes and summarizes the co-requisite objectives of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains’.
  • Corporate Responsibility Magazine puts out an annual list of the best corporate citizens; conversely it has just published a black list of companies that lack the requisite transparency for laudation. Rosalia Gitau: Nuhu Ribadu Returns to Nigeria: So what?
  • Polygamy provides perhaps the best opportunity among the three for obtaining the requisite data: there have been and continue to be polygamous societies.
  • Manifester Level: 10 th ; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, matter rearrangement; Market Price: + 1 bonus.
  • His protest, though exuberated, against leniency in dealing with atrocities, emphatically requisite in an age apt to ignore the rigour of justice, has been so far salutary, and may be more so.] Thomas Carlyle
  • To the preservation of life the natural heat is most requisite, though siccity and humidity, and those first qualities, be not excluded. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Svedberg's investigations with the ultracentrifuge and Tiselius's electrophoresis studies (see Section 3.10) were instrumental in establishing that protein molecules have a unique size and structure, and this was a prerequisite for Sanger's determination of their amino-acid sequence and the crystallographic work of The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • It is known as a velarized consonant, which means the back of the tongue must be pressed against the mouth’s roof to achieve the requisite effect. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Desperately seeking “Qatar”
  • It was a damn bloodmobile with all the requisite Red Cross stickers. Violets Are Blue
  • AMY: I have seen a common denominator mistake made by hundreds of students that I've interviewed via my career in admissions, and that is the recent push to use AP credits to both get out of prerequisites in college or maybe come in with advanced standing. Words Of Wisdom For The New College Set
  • It is usually about 20 millimetres in diameter, with the requisite internal nut and as hard as a stone.
  • After the requisite number of shipwrecks and duels in suitably exotic locations, he duly wins her. CHRISTINA QUEEN OF SWEDEN: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
  • They were not able to start the meeting until the requisite number of members were present.
  • They assume that society has certain basic needs or functional prerequisites which must be met if it is to survive.
  • Their primary concern was the prerequisite course in biostatistics, which is offered in the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • I thought how many would actually go through with it if this was the prerequisite event.
  • Although the police team are not exactly how I had imagined from the books, the actor playing Erlunder was convincing in the role, really inhabiting the morose detective's skin and with the requisite intense focus. Watching the film Jar City
  • After the requisite number of shipwrecks and duels in suitably exotic locations, he duly wins her. CHRISTINA QUEEN OF SWEDEN: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
  • The prerequisites are pharmaceutical biotechnology and biostatistics.
  • She had the requisite fireworks for Violetta the pleasure-seeker, but also beautifully pared down her tone for the Act II duet "Dite alla giovine" and the high-wire finish of "Addio del passato" in Act III. Archive 2008-03-01
  • It is a truism to say that fieldwork is a prerequisite to any sort of research on Neotropical birds.
  • His comeback black leather jumpsuit has had the requisite dubbin applied.
  • This alleged iron law of wages declares that wages can never rise above the minimum requisite to keep the laborer in bare existence as a laborer.
  • Plaintiffs sometimes prefer Title IX because it does not have any administrative prerequisites and damages are uncapped.
  • All things flow from thence: and whatsoever it is that is, is both necessary, and conducing to the whole (part of which thou art), and whatsoever it is that is requisite and necessary for the preservation of the general, must of necessity for every particular nature, be good and behoveful. Meditations
  • The only requisite is manageableness of the ship herself and of the numbers she carries on board. Notes on Life and Letters
  • Jefferies is a good defender and passes well, prerequisites for the Nets 'style. - With the No. 1 pick Houston selects ... ???
  • The little grey had evidently thought it was too hot for any thing in his line; but as soon as he noticed any thing like game in his companion, his head went down as usual; and after a little hard running, we brushed by the old fellow, made the requisite heading, wheeled, passing the forker on the larboard quarter, and made the circuit, to his great satisfaction. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, January 1844 Volume 23, Number 1
  • A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.
  • Alkalescent granites and gold - related silication argillation are geological prerequisites for the formation of noticeable gold deposits.
  • The first foretoken evidence of BPH is the frequency of requisite to urinate. CALL FOR TESTIMONIALS
  • As already noted, there are two prerequisites to the evidential shift in the burden of proof from the complainant to the other party.
  • The guns are entirely standard, and include the requisite fast-shooting automatics, a slow but powerful shotgun, and an ultraprecise sniper rifle. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • An essential prerequisite is a system for measuring productivity. Human Resource Management in Government
  • The hypothesis of economic man is a most basic assumption prerequisite of western economics theory.
  • We are forced to watch scenes contrived by someone's late night imaginings of the way things should have been in romances now past, with requisite confessions of untold secrets and tender kisses of palms and the freedom to dance unwatched.
  • A subelement and subelement can further specify what the prerequisite is and provide instructions.

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