How To Use Required In A Sentence
Their children were mostly of high school age or attending university which required a great deal of money.
At any rate, she rolled up the cuffs of her camouflage cargo pants a few times so she didn't trip if today's class required running.
The party has allegedly been offering incentives to members, who are required to pay 1000 kyat (US$1) to join.
The firm employs ten people and hires drivers when required.
Take the maximum draw weight of the bow required and multiply this by a factor of 5.

The interesting element of the game was that it required one to evaluate not films but people; that is, to sift through the prejudices of one’s movie-freak friends and the peccadilloes and quirks of the major reviewers, and by graphing, as it were, what each could be expected to overpraise, underpraise, revile, not notice, or deliberately ignore, one could acquire a very nice sense of the film.
Film flam
Early computers required input in the form of punched cards.
Proof of permanent residence of winner will be required.
The Sun
The UK already grants work visas for industries with labour shortages but these are required only for non-EU citizens.
Times, Sunday Times
Such classifications are required and are secular more than religious.
The husband is required to return these assets to the wife at the end of the marriage; should the woman be divorced or should the husband predecease the wife, these assets return to her and she is to be compensated for any damage caused to them.
As executrix you are required to value the home on the inventory you file with the court, so you could simply divide that number by four and base your offer on that value.
Agreed - a certain amount of natural skill is required - but that skill needs to be properly nurtured.
He required surgery on his cheek bone, eye socket and nose.
The Sun
Anticoagulation is required afterwards because the atria continue to fibrillate and the risk of systemic embolism persists.
And then a high order of seamanship is required on our rounds.
Sancho resigns himself and agrees to the task on the condition that he is not required to draw blood with these whippings and that gentle lashes count too.
It is also useful for some contemporary music where a light, jazz-style accompaniment is required.
A large amount of capital was required to transform forges into modern iron and steel industries, equip the shipyards to build steamships, and move from small workshops to modern factories.
Further work is needed at the conceptual level in this area to determine the exact nature of the constraints required.
During the mobilization of any Army organization, all personnel are required to muster at a designated site.
In this representation, which may be called playing a picture, action, even pantomimical action, was not expected; and all that was required of the performers, was to throw themselves into such a group as might express a marked and striking point of an easily remembered scene, but where the actors are at a pause, and without either speech or motion.
Saint Ronan's Well
To further clarify the benefit of the combination of topical techniques for tumour destruction and external beam radiotherapy randomised studies are required.
Fujiwara's fictional art-market foundation is pointedly pre-Christian; he wants, he suggests, to reference a period before art was required to be "transcendental" or "moral" and link it to its strictly "commercialised" roots.
Frieze art fair 2010 – review
A significant 2. 5-fold reduction in the added cellulase required for conversion of pretreated hardwood to ethanol; and
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Process Promises Better and Cheaper Ethanol
A gift is often an act of supererogation, something that is morally good to do, but not required.
MJR Montoya: On the Politics of Giving and Receiving -- Obama and the Peace Prize
The ruling dynasties and aristocracies required an essential stability in international as well as domestic affairs.
Pension Under statute you are required to make provision for your pension.
It also required the merged company to maintain its existing negotiating practices and appoint a trustee to oversee its performance and report back to MOFCOM.
If a product cannot be cleaned by any method, the manufacturer is required to attach a label saying so—for example, “Do not wash, do not dry-clean” or “Cannot be successfully cleaned.”
It decreed last year that downhill courses were to be made slower and skiers required to wear less aerodynamic outfits.
Times, Sunday Times
* In primitive conditions, given the unsually demanding task (compared to other mammals) of raising human babies, paternal investment in offspring is required.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Interracial Marriage Rates Going Up
One designated player is required to play cards from his hand matching the colours shown on the thrown dice.
The women are very expert at platting, which is usually done with three threads of sinew; if greater strength is required, several of these are twisted slackly together, as in the bowstrings.
Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 2
The surveyor conducts one inspection and provides a fuller report than is required to ensure compliance with section 13.
This increased activity continues for some seconds, longer than the time required for any language processing of that information.
Among other things, he told them the plant didn't have basic pollution control devices called baffles, which are required by the state.
The Center for Public Integrity: Where regulators failed, citizens took action -- testing their own air
Only 1 per cent of the flies are required to go back into the farm to repopulate the system.
Times, Sunday Times
After much blundering and backing, it stopped at the door: rolling heavily from side to side when its other motion had ceased, as if it had taken cold in its damp stable, and between that, and the having been required in its dropsical old age to move at any faster pace than a walk, were distressed by shortness of wind.
American Notes for General Circulation
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
But how can they reach the required velocity without the high temperature?
Fire and Ice - the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Nuclear Winter
When you have been academically admitted to the institution or accepted as a participant in an exchange program, the academic institution will provide you with the appropriate form required by SEVIS.
The broadcasting media are statutorily required to be impartial.
He said it was unlikely the proposals would be put to a vote because ideally unanimous acceptance would be required.
Times, Sunday Times
Another serious fungal disease in Africa is Fusarium wilt or Panama disease, which attacks the roots of the banana plant, affecting the vascular system required for mineral and water transport.
Many lenders have gone further than required and been enforcing more strict and intrusive criteria.
Times, Sunday Times
He didn't have the mental agility or vision required for a senior politician.
The demand generated by one factory required the construction of another.
Employees shall be required to submit the original bills of lading, or a certified copy thereof or if no bill of lading is available, other evidence showing point of origin, destination, and weight.
They also have acquired a ‘natural moral sense’ that inclines them to perform the social duties required for the species to flourish.
A detailed list of specific sounds is often compiled in pre-production but once filming starts it is important for the sound recordist (also known as the location mixer) to stay on their toes and capture any audio that may be required later.
Companies quoted on the London Stock Exchange are required under stock market listing rules to provide timely information on news that might affect their share price.
Once a system is in place, it should be maintained through audits and further spending if required.
But this year, when precisely the same measure came up for a required second vote, it was defeated by a thumping margin of 157 to 39.
Hydrotherapy - relaxed swimming and flotation decrease the energy required in everyday life just to support the body weight, allowing the diversion of this energy to recovery.
University Chemistry was an important required course for architectural environment students.
This program status report is required in order to receive accreditation.
Apparently, one anxious publisher phoned on behalf of a distinguished philosopher who'd misread the invitation letter and thought he was required to pay to take part.
The green screen was the size of my hand and it required an entire room of computing equipment to power it.
Times, Sunday Times
This and the two following numbers, 26 and 27, are only required for the humming birds; 28 is, however, a good size for the least. 24 will be found a good size for the smaller kinds of warblers and finches up to canaries. 21 is a useful general size for a great number of small birds, and will do for such a bird as the hawfinch.
Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
Further scans are required to confirm the diagnosis of an abnormality.
Admission to the museum and parking are free, but advance parking reservations are required.
Rima's dusky ayah, Asha, at eighteen almost a child herself, makes up the required third player in their games.
We are required to have a police escort for the three mile trip from our terminal to the consignee.
Another source of energy that is needed in medium - and large-scale plants is diesel fuel required for operating forklifts which is estimated at one litre per ton of final product.
Chapter 10
The variation is required to meet the difficulty occasioned by the tension of the nitric acid and products of deoxidation.
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
Circumcision is never required “urgently or emergently” to resolve phimosis.
Neonatal Circumcision (Controversy? Who, Moi?)
The title of the first poem refers to the resourcefulness required to ride out tropical storms.
Installation is difficult as you must remove door and trim a required amount off bottom.
It had only one full-time employee and required no financial commitment from its members.
The law required autopsies on donors before removal of organs, delaying the process so that it was usually too late.
All students are required to have a medical examination.
Those borrowing are required to show they have made sufficient arrangements for security and insurance and have suitable climatic conditions.
AT HOME WITH THE QUEEN: The Inside Story of the Royal Household
With this movement type you provide the subcontractor with the components required for subcontract orders. The quantity is posted into unrestricted-use stock of material provided to vendor.
Directors who are aware of a conflict of interest in any proposed contract are required to draw it to the attention of the board, but may thereafter take part in any vote on the matter.
Intradermal calcium injections are required for burns that do not respond to topical therapy, for extensive burns or when treatment delay has occurred. 23,16 A 27 to 30 gauge needle is used to inject a 10 percent calcium gluconate solution into the burn. 22 No greater than 0.5 ml. of solution should be injected per cm2, in order to avoid pressure necrosis. 24 Injections should be extended 0.5 cm. beyond the affected area.
Hydrofluoric Acid
As the furniture got bigger, you would be required to hook two bungee cords together.
The Times Literary Supplement
Both François Massialot, in Le Cuisinier roïal et bourgeois, and Menon, in Le Cuisinière bourgeoise, speak of the bourgeois kitchen as simple in style and limited in possibilities, but where special occasions required special efforts, indicating that for them the term designated a style of life and social position beneath that of the nobility.
Savoring The Past
As a result, patience, perseverance and interest are required.
The ensemble exhibits the required lightness of touch to keep the action sparking along.
Times, Sunday Times
It has long been known that most of the factors that are required during early embryogenesis are deposited into the egg cytoplasm during oogenesis and are maternally provided.
Background/rationale: One of the most important changes to managed care payments in the BBA was the required implementation of risk adjustment.
Presidential Plan To Modernize And Strengthen Medicare A
Campbell was required to abstain from drinking alcohol and have no contact with three individuals.
Voluntary redundancies and natural wastage will cut staff numbers to the required level.
In Switzerland and the Netherlands, insurers are required by law to provide a 4% minimum annual return.
Replication of the mitochondrial genome is required to synthesize new protein to support biogenesis.
The organisation required to travel to the clinic and to sustain the project through to conclusion proved too much.
In order to make sure the white guy driving the minivan with Jesus and NRA bumperstickers on the back is not an illegal alien Caucasian Australian with a perfect American accent, it only makes sense that caucasians carry the same ID materials any other race is required to.
Think Progress » Arizona legislature demands immigrants and President of the United States verify their status.
Embalmers are advised of the protective clothing required both for handling the chemicals and the deceased persons themselves.
Comparative genetic analysis of the viral DNA from each isolate would be required to definitively ascertain the conspecificity of these viruses.
Some have long disputed the very idea of a frontier of ‘free land’ because of the presence of the numerous Indian peoples whose subjugation was required by the nation's westward march.
Certain functions are best undertaken or coordinated at a regional level, so regions will always be required.
It would also have turned an already peaky engine into a serious screamer and would have undoubtedly have required shorter gearing to make it work.
To produce useful amounts of energy from fusion on earth, scientists must produce a plasma with the required temperature, density, and heat retention.
There's an awful lot of research that's required still in order to optimise the process.
Is the Secretary of State required by law to adopt the judicial view of the tariff?
The presentation of the passbook is therefore required before any moneys can be withdrawn from an account.
All suppliers will be required to put radio tags containing electronic product codes on pallets and cases by the end of 2006.
We have introduced some basic components which would be required in a characterisation of the topic framework for any discourse fragment.
It required him to have his blond hair dyed dark brown.
The Sun
You don't need to be a master carpenter, but some basic carpentry skills are required.
Where a surface was unlikely to be seen but nonetheless required a finish, it was tinned.
By the heyday of the binder's craft, the early to mid eighteenth century, two types of leather were recognized as the best: skiver, or lambskin, which was strong but so thin that it scarcely required any paring, and Moroccan goatskin, which was highly valued for its skiver-like characteristics combined with its delightful reddish color.
Books: Modernity's Abuse of an Art
The ink of the fixing agent is subsequently overprinted on the above block of colour in the required image.
Planning for the drill required coordination among many individuals.
The Senate would even have required citizen participation in the execution of the program.
Students are required to undertake simple experiments.
A major refit costing $2 million will be required after both the fifth and tenth years.
Principles of Corporate Finance
When all the yarn has been entered into the dye-bath, the first stickful is lifted out, the yarn turned over and re-entered in the dye-liquor, this operation is carried out with all the sticks of yarn until the cotton has become dyed of the required depth.
The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
So if the visible universe were the extent of physical reality, physical reality would not even remotely contain the resources required to factorize such a large number.
The Simulation Argument and Christianity « Anglican Samizdat
Lots of people are using instruments that are unlikely to satisfy the exogeneity assumption required for identification.
Trade Diversion
Note that if legislators were somehow! required to read all bills passed into law, they would just withdraw into precatory vagaries, and leave all the detail to bureaucrats.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Read the Bill:
It required two participants able to mean and to intend, locked into a social context of communicative exchange.
When a valve is incompetent, the heart has to work harder to pump the required amount of blood around the body.
Figure 7.8 illustrates the principles of statistical quality control leading to the most economic inspection technique for the degree of control required.
Latex balloons, and toys or games that contain a latex balloon, must carry a warning that children younger than 8 can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons and that adult supervision is required
Not just the newest toys hold risks for kids
However, open and closed wagons are available for the carriage of bicycles and can be marshalled into a train as required.
Existing Trees To comply with strict building regulations, a discreet garden shed was required.
In some circumstances, security is not required for a loan - written requirements regarding security are available from your local branch.
Finally, a Cretan youth was allowed only one garment, the Attic ephebe wore a black garment, and in certain mystery cults initiates were required to wear white clothing.
It means that if you can press keys on a keyboard, you have what is required to create your very own webpage!
Not only does this increase the cooling energy requirement for the building, but also it increases the size of the chiller required to cool the building.
To squeeze all these layers in, and keep them happy and healthy, a little autumn prep work is required.
Times, Sunday Times
We did not take any pleasure in having to drag the process out until we got the answers we all required.
Protective headgear and full motorcycle leathers are required to be worn to comply with race safety.
With all the folding gear, and the extra strengthening required for a cabrio, the 307 CC and its likes are heavy enough cars, and aren't really for throwing about.
But more significant, he adds, is that the royal family is being required to cement the political and symbolic unity of a United Kingdom when that unity is under unprecedented strain.
The postal inspector general has concluded that the agency has been required to overfund retiree pension benefits by $75 billion. - News
The federal Family Support Act of 1988 required many welfare recipients to participate in education, training, or work.
Besides, to acquire a holding, ‘the standard of farm competence required was very modest’ (so modest in fact as to necessitate in his opinion that each allottee be placed under an instructor).
The actors were merely furnished with a "plat," or plot of the performance, and were required to fill in and complete the outline, as their own ingenuity might suggest.
A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
No, what is required is something contemporary, a song that at least emerged from the confusion of modern, urban Scotland, that sings of the streets rather than the rivers and sheepfolds.
For the separation of the alcoholic constituent, which is present in the form of an apparently not very considerable quantity of benzoic ether, far more ilang-ilang oil would be required than was at command.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
No. 17, 559 yards, par 5 (Lang Whang): A "good whack" is required for players to have a reasonable chance of reaching the green.
Breaking down all 18 holes of British Open host Turnberry
An optical switch is one of several essential elements of fundamental technology required for optical signal processing in photonic networks of the future.
Moveable hypothecs with delivery are not required to be in writing.
To minimize risks, they would not be required to disarm the several militia groups responsible for recent massacres.
Those who eventually become baptized are required to give a public testimony.
The proportion at the required level has stuck at 75 per cent in English for the third year running.
Excellent marksmanship is one of the key skills required of the marshals, who work in very compact spaces often tens of thousands of feet in the air.
Humberside Police had also deleted some of the unproven allegations from their files in the mistaken belief that this was required by the Data Protection Act.
Companionship of the same kind was therefore required for him, for he was not intended to be an isolated being.
No explanation or suspicion that the person could be a public nuisance is required.
Times, Sunday Times
At one point, the cellist is required to play a passage involving all four color effects simultaneously.
People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
For negative assurance, enquiry and analytical procedures will be required.
However, the vast majority of terpenoids are classified as secondary metabolites, compounds not required for plant growth and development but presumed to have an ecological function in communication or defense.
Growth of this basic pattern is required to generate the mature limb.
He said that if the plans for the multi-storey were approved temporary car parking space would be required while construction is under way.
Agricultural improvement required the elimination of the fallow and the raising of yields, but such innovation required more animals: manure-machines for the arable.
He added that irrespective of technical prowess, security consulting required more than just technical skills.
Staff are also required to empty their own bins.
Times, Sunday Times
Council has the power to co-opt, to a maximum of five additional members as required.
It was the last national convention that required more than a single ballot to nominate a presidential candidate.
If I have been uncertain about something on the car, they have checked it and made no charge if there was no work required.
Times, Sunday Times
These encouraging results in pilot studies required confirmation in prospective and randomised trials.
Our findings indicate that the putative active site nucleophile is not required for FDTS catalysis, and no alternative nucleophilic residues capable of serving this function can be identified.
Naturejobs - All Jobs
Avenging something or someone implies that you have been a victim of outrages and vengeance is required.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
The agonizing dispute between revelation and explanation required mutual concessions by both reason and faith.
Jerm is the veteran MC who knows how to ride a beat in succinct or elongated fashion depending on what’s required.
Helladope’s Grand Hello « PubliCola
I hope that this kind of bibliographical, aesthetic, and technical information, as well the ability to manipulate images on one's home computer to detect what has heretofore required examination of the originals, stimulates new ways to teach, research, and think about art in general and Blake in particular.
The police required the traveler to unlock his suitcase.
The amounts of seed required per acre for the different kinds are about as follows: mammoth fifteen to twenty pounds; red (medium) twelve to fifteen pounds; crimson twelve to fifteen pounds; and alsike ten to twelve pounds.
Apple Growing
Process supplier credit claims as required.
In today's ever-changing multichannel retailing world the skills required in retailing are enormous.
Times, Sunday Times
No rebating is required as the hinge sits on the surface of door and frame.
If he decides to go into livestock, then large capital outlay is required and, depending on his operation, a one-to-three-to-five year cycle.
There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
It has three-quarters of an acre of land, but a refurb is required.
Times, Sunday Times
Airlines/airports are required to have a customer resolution officer (known as CRO) on duty at all times.
The Seattle Times
The money collected fell short of the amount required.
Large incomes were required before titles were awarded, but fiefs and landgrants were carved out of conquered territories in order to endow the new titles.
We are no longer required as we are too expensive - even though we have had no pay regrading for over a decade.
A two-thirds vote would only be required if changes result in a net increase in taxes.
When extrusions of the highest quality are required, as in strong alloy aircraft parts, extrusion billets may be scalped before shipment to remove surface liquation.
(U) Tacitus tells us, that the power of Urgulania was io great, that fhe difdained to ap - pear as a witnefs in a certain caufe before the fenate » fo that a praetor was fent to examine her at her own houfe, though it had been always ufual, even io» ithe Veftal virgins, to attend the forum, and courts of juftice, whenever their evidence was required* to to Taniib of \tk\i.
An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time
If they choose to pursue a specialty such as dermatology however, more training is required.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
On his arrival, M. Myriel was installed in the episcopal palace with the honors required by the Imperial decrees, which class a bishop immediately after a major-general.
The resources required to deliver a combination of projects of road building, laying out of street grids, the provision of forums, basilicas, public baths, etc. were not such as to lead to a rapid execution.
Therefore, the more expensive modern latex ulama balls are made by the traditional technique of using boiled rubber sap mixed with other ingredients required for vulcanization.
History of Sport Resulting in Sudden Death Near Puerto Vallarta
Its required return on equity capital is 15 percent.
Candidates are required to present a dissertation of between 8,000 and 12,000 words.
Respondents are asked to indicate the method of accounting for convertible debt which they consider should be required.
The traffic light system refers to the urgency of any action required after recommendations from the process.
Times, Sunday Times
The rules of the competition expressly required that every entry "recombine [] and modif [y] existing digital works to create a new transformative work.
Lawrence Lessig: The "Imbecile" and "Moron" Responds: On the Freedoms of Remix Creators
More changes are required to reverse the trend towards centralised power.
When he found that it was for people of consequence in a private room that the articles were required, he set to work with a will and produced a polish "that would have struck envy to the soul of _the amiable Mr. Warren_, _for they used Day and Martin's at the_ '_White
Pickwickian Studies
I can best describe this book as a series of masterclasses at which we are, mercifully, not required to put our executant talents under scrutiny.
You are required to learn this poem off by the end of the week.
Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstances by federal and state law.
In retrospect, it appears we required a developed and reflexive feminist, gay and transgendered global vision to see through the prejudice governing sexuality, gender, ethnicity and the legislative restraints that paternally impose on enculturation and self-identification.
G. Roger Denson: Gender as Performance & Script: Reading the Art of Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, Sarah Charlesworth & Lorna Simpson After Eve Sedgwick & Judith Butler
It is, after all, the season to be merry and this will certainly put the required grin on your face.
plumpness" promotes natural healing and wellness with safe, proven ingredients. estimated delivery time is based on the seller's handling time, the shipping service selected, and when the seller Immediate payment required for this item Immediate payment of US $19.99 is required.
Wil's Ebay E-Store
Zinc is required for the incorporation of cystine into keratin.
The use of large-scale wind tunnels to improve aerodynamics is restricted, and teams will be required to close their factories for six weeks.
Times, Sunday Times
The injury required urgent medical attention.
Even the arrivistes in California understood the sophistication required for a vigneron, commissioning fine architects to enhance their vineyards with beautiful buildings.
Private data held by the government is often the result of legally required disclosures or of participation in formally optional licensing or benefit schemes where the government is as a practical matter the only game in town. Government Data Breaches
The fi nal galenic formulation and dosage Each change in the study course should be noti fi ed forms of the study drug is required for the conduct to the authorities by fi lling speci fi c administration of phase IIb. forms (protocol modi fi cation, study suspension, Phase III should con fi rm the ef fi cacy and safety study completion). of the optimal dose and dose regimen in a large Noti fi cation 698 of May 1980 does not provide group of patients under the usual therapeutic con - much more information regarding clinical trials, ditions.
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The police required the traveler to unlock his suitcase.
For the sake of clarity we should have no tolerance of officers of any rank who fail to maintain the required standard.
Times, Sunday Times