How To Use Repugnant In A Sentence
But in the eyes of most it was morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
Some find it repugnant, others see them as casualties in an undeclared war that is greatly preferable to the alternative of full-scale conflict.
Times, Sunday Times
At the same time, if moral guidance is itself morally repugnant, then self-contempt is equally as abhorrent.
Not just the actual sodomites like myself, but the Sapphic Sisterhood, the Hamite Alliance, the League of Heathens and Infidels, Atheists Anonymous, a whole panoply of progressive thinkers, aligned and unaligned, to whom your rant reads as the ethically repugnant ravings of a sociopath, given that it has so little concern for aforesaid "empathy".
An Open Letter to John C. Wright
I find his racist views totally repugnant.

In such circumstances, it seemed deeply repugnant that a hapless minority of Americans should again be exposed to mortal peril.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
According to Sontag, cancer is often ‘felt to be obscene - in the original meaning of that word: ill-omened, abominable, and repugnant to the senses.’
Justice Sotomayor's famous declaration — that a "wise Latina" will often come to a better judicial ruling than a white male — implies an ethnic-and-gender "essentialist" philosophy that is repugnant to Justice Kennedy's core individualism.
The Decider
“How are you guys planning on winning when only 20-25% of the population identify themselves as republicans?” they plan on having slimy sarah creampie palin hitting the campaign trail for the repugnantscum candidates.
Think Progress » Cornyn Flip Flops On Whether He’s ‘Interested In Repealing’ Popular Parts Of Health Reform
In such circumstances, it seemed deeply repugnant that a hapless minority of Americans should again be exposed to mortal peril.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
What she is spouting is rabid nonsense, and morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
People will find it repugnant.
The Sun
If those who think that the job offers are bad are going to try to prevent them, then those of us who think they are unrepugnant should uphold our views.
Boing Boing: January 5, 2003 - January 11, 2003 Archives
We find this morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
Over a million men and women, from the hilariously vain to the eye-wateringly repugnant, have submitted themselves to this image-obsessed court of public opinion, where they can be casually rated, from 1-10, on their looks alone.
Animal experiments are morally repugnant to many people.
He has previously called aggressive tax avoidance schemes 'morally repugnant'.
Times, Sunday Times
What's repugnant to justice is the attitude that some people should be denied it, no matter what is done to them.
I find his political ideas totally repugnant.
His face was not repugnant, but rather pleasant.
All food was repugnant to me during my illness.
They are diarists, confessors, intimate chroniclers of their slightly repugnant lives.
“Also morally repugnant is your view that the right of racists to discriminate in employment or public accommodations has a positive value.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
a forfeiture of the charter grant because they exercise that oppression and persecution contrary to its first intent, and are the direct cause of contention and disunion, which is repugnant to the principal design of constituting the colony; viz. that it "May be so religiously, peaceably and civilly governed as may win and invite the natives to the Christian faith." [l47]
The Development of Religious Liberty in Connecticut
‘It manus in gyrum: paulatim singula vires deperdunt proprias; color est e pluribus unus, nec totus viridis, quia lactea frusta repugnant, nec de lacte nitens, quia tot variatur ab herbis.’
The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Strange Consequences of Public Accommodations Laws
Desiderius: OV, âit speaks volumes about Eugene Volokhâs judgment that he overlooks John Eastmanâs repugnant views on this matter and endorses him anywayâIt speaks volumes about OVâs judgment that he underlooks EVâs unrepugnant views on a wide variety of other matters and blasts him anyway.
The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
“Also morally repugnant is your view that not having your car be keyed should be considered a right, but not being discriminated against in employment or public accommodations should be considered, as you called it, a “mere preference.””
The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
Such degrading practices of prostituting a martial art were repugnant to me so I avoided the term jujitsu and adopted judo in its stead.
Ye haue another vicious speech which the Greekes call Acyron, we call it the vncouthe, and is when we vse an obscure and darke word, and vtterly repugnant to that we would expresse, if it be not by vertue of the figures metaphore, allegorie, abusion, or such other laudable figure before remembred, as he that said by way of Epithete.
The Arte of English Poesie
The notion that these people should be subordinated to the welfare of a majority of mediocrities who cannot make it in world markets is repugnant.
Claims which would be slightly less repugnant if he could sing and didn't refer to himself in the third person.
The Sun
But we somehow feel obligated to spend time explaining away Scripture texts that propound notions that have long-since become moot (e.g., dietary laws that protected desert tribes lacking refrigeration) or are truly repugnant (e.g., Paul's views of women and slaves) at the expense of preaching vivid depictions of God's will in action today.
Eliot Daley: Killing the Church by Denigrating the Immediacy of God
To me there is something repugnant in merely striking a man with one's naked fist — faugh! it is sickening!
The very idea of cinéma-vérité is repugnant to me.
But you find it repugnant - and many would agree with you.
The Sun
The idea that we should be expected to follow all laws blindly is repugnant.
Is history repeating itself?
Some find it repugnant, others see them as casualties in an undeclared war that is greatly preferable to the alternative of full-scale conflict.
Times, Sunday Times
But, hold on, I hear you say, they really are repugnant, nasty, racist scum.
However, Rosenberg wasn't as personally repugnant as the other top Brownshirts such as Heydrich, Funk, or Röhm himself, so Shirer girded his mental loins, smoked a pipeful of some awful tobacco, and left his apartment.
Archive 2009-12-01
About that kind of purism, there is also something slightly repugnant.
The restriction is as repugnant to the nature of the tenancy in the one case as in the other.
Chris Travers: ‘It manus in gyrum: paulatim singula vires deperdunt proprias; color est e pluribus unus, nec totus viridis, quia lactea frusta repugnant, nec de lacte nitens, quia tot variatur ab herbis.’
The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Strange Consequences of Public Accommodations Laws
Claims which would be slightly less repugnant if he could sing and didn't refer to himself in the third person.
The Sun
To my mind, this is corporate cyberterrorism, corporate cybertheft if you like, and it's as repugnant as an any malicious attack on a Web site.
The leaders of two Baltic countries aren't coming, in part because the Soviet Union's World War II victory marked the beginning of what they call "an occupation," a term repugnant to Moscow.
How to Handle Russia?
In entertainment, across the board, the issue is the ultimate in quantification — what sort of movies, games, programs, and music will appeal to the most people and bring in the most dollars, regardless of how crude, rude, and culturally repugnant they may be to tens of millions of Americans.
Quantifying the Unquantifiable « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
It argues over the ethics of non-involvement, and scoffs at those who would rationalize the repugnant for the sake of a settled conscience.
But you find it repugnant - and many would agree with you.
The Sun
‘It manus in gyrum: paulatim singula vires deperdunt proprias; color est e pluribus unus, nec totus viridis, quia lactea frusta repugnant, nec de lacte nitens, quia tot variatur ab herbis.’
The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Strange Consequences of Public Accommodations Laws
Or can we ever hope to erect a system of cosmogony, that will be liable to no exceptions, and will contain no circumstance repugnant to our limited and imperfect experience of the analogy of nature?
People will find it repugnant.
The Sun
They represent all that we find repugnant in sport, the seamy side of their profession and are, for the most part, to be found swimming against the tide.
Also repugnant to Moses was the Egyptian ideology that chose to enslave live men in order to build temples and pyramids to honor dead men.
At the official opening of last year's fair Mugabe said: "I find it extremely outrageous and repugnant to my human conscience that such immoral and revulsive organisations like those of homosexuals, who offend both against the law of nature and the morals of religious beliefs espoused by our society, should have any advocates in our midst and even elsewhere in the world.
ANC Daily News Briefing
His wife Judith is dating another man who is physically no less than repugnant.
Matthew Yglesias » Is The Universe a Hologram? Should We Care?
But in the eyes of most it was morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead of the elegant simplicity which once characterized this sweet secluded retreat, an air of voluptuousness reigned in every quarter: the paintings, the artfully concealed recesses in which the sofas were placed, the mirrors — all, in short, evinced a taste repugnant to the nicer feelings of true female delicacy — all breathed a fascinating influence, rather calculated to derange the virtuous sensations of the heart, rather than to render them more permanent.
Stella of the North, or the Foundling of the Ship
I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant.
The radio host has been suspended for two weeks following what he himself calls ‘repugnant, repulsive and horrible’ remarks.
Quentin, although rather surprised, was at the same time pleased with the ready, or at least the unrepugnant acquiescence of Hayraddin in their change of route, for he needed his assistance as a guide, and yet had feared that the disconcerting of his intended act of treachery would have driven him to extremity.
Quentin Durward
Where so many people find government policies and their execution morally repugnant, we need a moral framework that can expect and honour conscientious dissent.
Perhaps what would be worse than a barrister liking his or her client would be disliking the client, especially when the accused is charged with morally repugnant crimes.
What she is spouting is rabid nonsense, and morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
AM I the only person who finds tattoos repugnant?
The Sun
The Oleria quadrata belongs to the clearwing family and is a breed that feeds on aster then passes its alkaloids during mating to the poor and, I assume, unaware female butterfly to render her repugnant to other males.
The Wonder of Exotic Creatures
Our tax system encourages morally repugnant behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
Nothing vile or repugnant happens here, but we do get the feeling that we are witnessing someone's last moments on film as this mangled mess of a movie unravels.
What she is spouting is rabid nonsense, and morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
Although Joan does things that some might consider repugnant, Linney fashions her alter-ego into a sympathetic human being.
March 24th, 2010 at 4: 22 pm linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says: they plan on having slimy sarah creampie palin hitting the campaign trail for the repugnantscum candidates.
Think Progress » Cornyn Flip Flops On Whether He’s ‘Interested In Repealing’ Popular Parts Of Health Reform
Porphyry or some other caviller, [275] may object, that this is fabulous, because the reason of it does not appear; or because it is unusual; or because it is repugnant to the common order of nature.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
All the countries of the world will hopefully come together to find a way to fight this sort of terrorism, which is repugnant to all reasonable people.
But as crazy and repugnant as Bukowski's antics could be, Dullaghan devotes more energy to celebrating his work, successfully making the case for him as a major American writer.
I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant.
Chris Travers: ‘It manus in gyrum: paulatim singula vires deperdunt proprias; color est e pluribus unus, nec totus viridis, quia lactea frusta repugnant, nec de lacte nitens, quia tot variatur ab herbis.’
The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Strange Consequences of Public Accommodations Laws
Also morally repugnant is your view that not having your car be keyed should be considered a right, but not being discriminated against in employment or public accommodations should be considered, as you called it, a “mere preference.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
Besides, dealing with slaves for profit is repugnant to our religion - a religion that came to us for the purpose of wiping out all traces of tyranny.
Some argue that the physical interpretation of the solution by the karateka or judoka is repugnant and that that of the aikidoka is beautiful.
Domestic violence, once a dark, heinous secret concealed behind closed doors, is now a repugnant truth brought to light.
In his view, that meant accepting the inevitability of some 6 million men and women (today it would be more) failing to find work, a situation that he found morally repugnant.
a Power it could not see or comprehend was gradually debased into what is now known as Brahminism, and the most repugnant, revolting, cruel, obscene and vicious rites ever practiced by savages or barbarians.
Modern India
Are we being 'morally repugnant'?
Times, Sunday Times
In his 2012 budget speech he denounced the practice as morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
But his manipulation seemed but to intensify original nauseousness, and the brave Frenchman and his companions found semi-starvation more endurable than the repugnant mess.
Tropic Days
I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant.
In his 2012 budget speech he denounced the practice as morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
The only 'racist' thing you Repugnant Cons can pull out of your arses is a few seconds of audio from hundreds upon hundreds of hours of sermons.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
Our tax system encourages morally repugnant behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
I find his racist views totally repugnant.
The whole idea of anyone acting as judge, jury and executioner is totally repugnant to a civilized society.
To make such an arrangement with a servant who knew not her connection with his young master, was extremely repugnant to her; but the exigence was too urgent for scruples, and there was nothing to which she would not have consented, to prevent the fatal catastrophe she apprehended.
The film treats him as a complicated character, both repugnant (in a grueling scene he confesses his problem to his own young son) and pathetic, but not particularly gay, even in code.
For one thing, having one's phone tapped or movements filmed is inherently much less distressing, harmful and morally repugnant than the physical suffering and loss of autonomy involved in being strapped to a chair and, say, having someone drill into an unanesthetised tooth.
The Spirit Upwelling
Renounce what you want; do what you do not want to do; pursue what is repugnant; in short, invert the relations of pleasure and pain, and act by your will against their sanctions, so as to seek pain and flee pleasure.
Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
Bozo The Neoclown says: bobby swindle is soooooooo last year’s news …. after the shining start of the repugnantscum party crashed, burned and fell to the earth after that atrocious rebuttal to obama’s speech.
Think Progress » Did Jindal Bribe Louisiana’s Attorney General To Force Him To Join Frivolous Health Care Lawsuit? (UPDATED)
Falwell, on the other hand, fought for repugnant causes in odious ways.
Matthew Yglesias » Things I Did Not Know
The eugenic and Social Darwinism programs are morally repugnant, but seem to be based on Darwinian evolutionary facts.
But here, where an admiration almost adoring was fixt of the character to which she submitted, she was sure to applaud the motives which swayed him, however little their consequences met her sentiments: and even where the contrariety was wholly repugnant to her judgment, the genuine warmth of her just affection made every compliance, and every forbearance, not merely exempt from pain, but if to him any satisfaction, a sacrifice soothing to her heart.
For years now I have been against capital punishment, arguing that killing someone either illegally or legally was the most abominable and most repugnant of crimes.
AM I the only person who finds tattoos repugnant?
The Sun
What leader can bind a people to a settlement wholly repugnant to them?
I find his political ideas totally repugnant.
So outstandingly repugnant were some of the alewives' home brews that they inspired a whole sub-genre of poetry, the "good gossips' tradition.
SPICE: The History of a Temptation
The thought of having to take the life of another person was repugnant to her, but she acknowledged that if they hadn't acted, they would have been the ones dragged off the side of the road and left for scavengers.
I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant.
It was unjust and ugly because it was selective; the basic idea that some distributee must be allowed to spend some of the values that taxpayers have produced is less repugnant than the idea that some government functionary should select the distributee.
Mises Dailies
I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant.
Malloy called his comments "repugnant" and said they represent "either a horrible lack of judgment or worse" - Mr. Maturo apologized, at first grudgingly and then with a long statement offering his "sincerest apologies" for what he called an "insensitive and off-collar comment.
NYT > Home Page
It may also require his personality, for the equilibrium of neoplasticism was his answer to the anarchy and sensuality of organic nature that he found so repugnant.
The idea of cheating in an exam is morally repugnant to me.
Unlike the antisemite, the “a-semite” does not deny humanity to the Jew or call for hatred of him, but presents him as an Other, sometimes exotically enticing, sometimes uncannily repugnant, who is not entirely assimilable to France.
Charlotte Wardi.
And you have the right to explain why you find it repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a thing plainly repugnant to the word of God and the custom of the primitive Church, to have public prayer in the Church, or to minister the sacraments in a tongue not understanded of the people.
As the child accepts that bodily products such as excrement and vomit are tabooed as repugnant and dirty, simultaneously it begins to form concepts of cleanliness and propriety that work toward defining the emergent sense of selfhood.
And you have the right to explain why you find it repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
We find the term repugnant and impossible to define.
On this very day, 65 years ago...
For a moment I considered taking his batardeau to replace the knife I had lost so many chiliads ago, but the thought of wielding a poisoned blade was repugnant.
The Urth of the New Sun
Under the influence Clift was transformed from an articulate and relaxed friend into a repugnant oaf.
About that kind of purism, there is also something slightly repugnant.
Initially, Anna is shocked again by Gregor's repugnant appearance.
Mr Kanyama, who said some of the methodologies that some companies had employed were repugnant, said tax evasion was a retrogressive habit which reduced the amount of tax being paid to Government.
A lot of bad politically commentary is normatively bad — it espouses things that decent people find repugnant.
Matthew Yglesias » Adventures in Bad Positive Political Commentary
We find this morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
A judgment of "repugnancy" versus"divergence" depended on the skill of legal argument: "If the English empire and Englishness required transatlantic uniformity, then some nonuniform colonial laws would be judged repugnant.
Spagnola reviews Bilder, The Transatlantic Constitution
Some find it repugnant, others see them as casualties in an undeclared war that is greatly preferable to the alternative of full-scale conflict.
Times, Sunday Times
Senate unheroically, blindly and repugnantly voted yes for the Detainee Bill.
We might find him repugnant if it were not for his warm affection for Pierre.
Times, Sunday Times
What she is spouting is rabid nonsense, and morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
Although Joan does things that some might consider repugnant, Linney fashions her alter-ego into a sympathetic human being.
My arguably unsoldierly position on this issue sprang from no more than the normal personal reserves of courage and compassion, and not from any religious persuasion, which in fact I totally lacked, but simply because it was clearly the Right Thing, whereas abiding or participating in torture was clearly inhumane and personally repugnant to me, i.e. the Wrong Thing.
Confessions of an Old Soldier
What's repugnant is the attempt to use people's desire to help the sick as a Trojan horse for a eugenic agenda.
A Scientific Worldview?
Are we being 'morally repugnant'?
Times, Sunday Times
The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects.
I come from Haiti, where the term MRE, which stands for Morally Repugnant Elite, was coined by foreign diplomats; it refers to the tiny 1% of the population that controls half the wealth of nearly nine million people.
Carine Fabius: Redefining "Elite"
This isn't just about the above low-life, ungrateful repugnant creatures who participated in this display of idiocy.
This makes the idea repugnant.
Christianity Today
He has previously called aggressive tax avoidance schemes 'morally repugnant'.
Times, Sunday Times
Desiderius: OV,âit speaks volumes about Eugene Volokhâs judgment that he overlooks John Eastmanâs repugnant views on this matter and endorses him anywayâIt speaks volumes about OVâs judgment that he underlooks EVâs unrepugnant views on a wide variety of other matters and blasts him anyway.
The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
In its 1999 decision, the trial court denounced him as ‘repugnant, bestial and sadistic.’
At the same time, if moral guidance is itself morally repugnant, then self-contempt is equally as abhorrent.
What she is spouting is rabid nonsense, and morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
The idea of eating meat was repugnant to her.
It's seen as a funny quirk of celebrity narcissism instead of something morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
We might find him repugnant if it were not for his warm affection for Pierre.
Times, Sunday Times
In the Baron's own words, 'The matter did not coincide with the feelings of the commons of Bradwardine, Mr. Waverley; and the tenants were slack and repugnant in payment of their mails and duties; and when my kinsman came to the village wi' the new factor, Mr. James Howie, to lift the rents, some wanchancy person
Waverley — Volume 2
It speaks volumes about OVâs judgment that he underlooks EVâs unrepugnant views on a wide variety of other matters and blasts him anyway.
The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
This makes the idea repugnant.
Christianity Today
The room was covered, the reviewer wrote, ‘with a pale green paper, cold and repugnant to the last degree.’
I mean it put forth and quietly supported an ideology that I personally find repugnant, but how does that make it ‘morally irresponsible’.
We found his suggestion absolutely repugnant.
Being condemned on account of their riches to a life of idleness which is repugnant to human nature, the majority of them enjoy neither physical nor moral health.
morally repugnant customs
Her enfevered senses had come to perceive in the conventionally clothed and spoken figure of the young attorney, a concentration of the repugnant things before which she cowered.
Erik Dorn
Racial discrimination in employment or public accommodations is never positive and is always evil and repugnant.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
For another thing, his antiauthoritarianism, antimilitarism, and borderless humanitarianism cause him to find the acts of political domination, war, and empire which make up the vast bulk of these “great” deeds and events not morally edifying but morally repugnant.
Johann Gottfried von Herder
But what's meaningful to one may be repugnant to another.
And indeed, the continued use of torture by the Star Chamber in the sixteenth century became one of the central issues between the Crown and Parliament, with torture being cited as being "totally repugnant to the fundamental principles of English law... and repugnant to reason, justice, and humanity.
Craig Martin: The Fallacies of the Torture Debate
His personal history is inspiring, as is his intellectual brilliance, knowledge of and detestation of fascism, communism and morally repugnant capitalism.
Which is why we have a Constitutional Pardon Power for various exigencies, butwe don't codify that which we find almost universally repugnant.
Hillary "Troubled" By Mukasey On Torture, But Won't Rule Out Supporting Him
The word slaves was avoided, on account of the existing toleration of slavery, and its discordancy with the principles of the Revolution; and from a consciousness of its being repugnant to those propositions to the Declaration of
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Bozo The Neoclown says: would it be “censorship” to cut off the presidential address to the repugnantscum “retreat” 20 minutes early since he had erica cantor southern belle bent over a mint julep and spanking the talking point out of him?
Think Progress » Forgetting His Attacks On The Netroots, O’Reilly Says Media Are Using ‘Nuts’ To ‘Brand’ Tea Party As ‘Racists
And he would say this without any talent for self-despisal, with a sorry show of good humour, repugnant in its torment ....
Mainly because some of what those who don't like the paintings find repugnant is repugnant to me too.
Debating a philodendron is kind of foolish if your as viciously ideological and incapable of thinking as the typical Repugnantcon.
Think Progress » Republicans dismayed by Obama’s strong performance, say it was a ‘mistake’ to let cameras roll.
What she is spouting is rabid nonsense, and morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
Still other philosophers have suggested that both the nonidentity problem and the repugnant conclusion can be avoided by principles that require agents to create additional wellbeing “for persons” (even if not for particular persons) but restrict that obligation to the case where they can substitute in a single, better off, nonidentical child in place of the less well off child.
The Nonidentity Problem
The creepy spectacle of watching one warrior after the next insist that we must risk other people's lives and bomb more people so that we don't feel girlish and scared and submissive is repugnant enough, in itself, to have to witness on a daily basis.
September 2006
Also morally repugnant is your view that the right of racists to discriminate in employment or public accommodations has a positive value.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
Anglicanism is whether it accords with, or 'is repugnant to', Holy Scripture '.
George Archibald: The Veil and Western Cultural Intolerance
The idea of accepting a bribe is repugnant to me.
The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects.
It's seen as a funny quirk of celebrity narcissism instead of something morally repugnant.
Times, Sunday Times
I seriously doubt it … it’s not to your benefit to do so in this case. bobby swindle is soooooooo last year’s news …. after the shining start of the repugnantscum party crashed, burned and fell to the earth after that atrocious rebuttal to obama’s speech.
Think Progress » Florida Doctor Warning Away Obama Voters Admits He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About On Health Care
The occupation of sewermen was formerly almost as perilous, and almost as repugnant to the people, as the occupation of knacker, which was so long held in horror and handed over to the executioner.